Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Jan 18, 2014



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Series 2

Chapter 10

It was finally time. After all the months of planning and waiting and stressing I was now but 24 hours away from getting married to the man I had been dreaming about since I first saw Tom Daley on the torso of the week page in heat. Now I was the envy of almost every single teenage girl and 90% of the gay community. In all honesty I didn't think it would ever reach this stage but now I was glad it had. Laying on the bed in the eyebrow waxing place I was the last to get mine done. Jake and Daniel had gone before me as had Dannielle. I had decided at the last minute that I couldn't get married without having her as part of my special day rather than just a guest. We had gone through a lot together. So as the last minute I asked her to be my maid of honour, mainly to look after me on the day and making sure I wasn't getting stressed or making sure that my hair looked okay and my makeup was done right and just doing what she normally does every other day we were together. She was of course happy to do it but now we were 1 day away and she still didn't have an outfit so after we were done with the eyebrows I was determined to get her a dress, some shoes and a clutch bag. After the lady had finished shaping my eyebrows and making them just the way I wanted, we paid and left the salon, all with the bright red eyebrows, there's no beauty without a little bit of pain my sister always said. "Right you need a dress." I said to Dannielle. "Okay okay, where are we going to look?" she asked. "We are getting you over to Birmingham, there are so many beautiful dresses that are of the colour scheme you need to match with." I said. "What colours do I get to choose from?" she asked. "Black, blue or red." I said. "Sound, so let's go." She said smiling. "Now she wants to shop, when she isn't paying." I said to the boys. "Yeah." Daniel replied.

We jumped into the car and away we went to Birmingham. The drive was short but nice as we pulled into the car park at the bullring. We climbed out the car and immediately headed into Selfridges where we looked around the different dresses. Dannielle picked up two different kind of dresses while I looked for shoes and a bag. I found a matching pair of shoes and bag that were silver when she came over with the two dresses. "What do you think?" she asked me holding them up. I looked at them and tried to decide which I liked. They were both stunning dresses, both blue however one was darker than the other. The darker one of the two was long touching the floor and was lovely and sleek with one shoulder strap that had draped across her shoulder. The other was a completely strapless dress and went as far as her knees. "Definitely the darker one." I replied. "Good because that's the one I like." She said. "Well go and try them on with these shoes and bag." I said handing her them. "Okayyy." She said heading over to the changing room. She went in as we waited and about 20 minutes later she emerged wearing the outfit and I have to admit I was slightly taken aback. "You look amazing." I said looking at her. "Thanks." She said looking at herself in the mirror. The one strap idea was a good one, simply because Dannielle had a rather large set of boobs. "It suits you." Jake said. "Thanks, I really do like it." She said. "Well that was easy." Dan said laughing. "Well get it off so that I can pay for it." I told her as she wouldn't move from in front of the mirror. "It's just so nice." She said. "OFF!" I said. "Okay, de-stress." She replied. She went back into the changing rooms and handed me the dress and shoes and bag over the door while she got dressed. I headed over the tills and handed the woman there the bits and she smiled. "This for the wedding?" she asked me. I smiled, "Yeah last minute shopping for my maid of honour." I said. It was becoming slightly annoying people asking me about the wedding as if they knew me, but I guess with the whole thing all over the press and news then it was to be expected. She scanned the items and then said, "That's ?365" smiling. "Christ, how much was the dress?" I asked. "?220." She replied. "Bitch has got expensive tastes." I said putting my card in the machine. "It helps for a woman when they aren't paying for it." The woman said. "I guessed." I replied as she was finishing off. "There you are sir, the receipt is in the bag. Have a great day tomorrow." She said. "Thanks." I said taking the bag as the others walked over. "Let's go." I told them as we walked out the shop. I immediately turned to Dannielle "?220 for a dress, you have got some expensive tastes." I told her. "Well, you know." She said taking the bag from me. "Okay you need make up and a bottle of perfume. I have done it for all of us." I said as we walked into Debenhams. She sat with the woman from the Clinique desk and the two of them picked out foundation, powder, fake eyelashes, mascara, lip gloss and all the other bits needed while I went and found her a bottle of Jimmy Choo perfume she wore. When we were ready the woman scanned it all through and then said, "That's ?179." I rolled my eyes and put my card in the machine. "You best appreciate this." I said to her. "Hey it's your wedding mate." She told me. After paying we all left. "Anything we need to do?" Jake asked me. "Yep, we have our last trip to the sunbeds to make." I said to them all. We had been going 3 or 4 times a week for the last 3 weeks and we were all looking nice and brown. "Wait, I'm still pale." Dannielle said. "It's fine I have booked you in for a spray tan when we get there." I said as we climbed back into the car.

Driving back to Coventry we pulled up outside our normal sun bed shop and as we walked in the girl behind the counter immediately moved her attention onto us. "Mr Leete, we have set up your 3 booths for you and Larisa is ready to do your friends spray tan." She told me. "Thanks, we have the booths for 15 minutes right?" she asked. "Yes sir you do, the spray tan should take 20 minutes to complete." She told me. "Thanks." She said handing us the creams and coins. Dannielle was led away to another room to get her spray tan. I entered one of the rooms and stripped completely naked. I applied the bronzing cream to myself completely making sure that it was spread out evenly as it did have a touch of self-tan in it. I put in the 4 coins she had given and climbing into the booth I put some music on and stood there as the rays began to hit me. I was surprised at how quickly it got hot. The one thing I never counted on was the need to pee badly every time I went into a sunbed. So there I stood for 15 minutes dying for a piss whilst I got the last part of my tan, listening to Pitbull. The sweat was dripping off me as I stood there getting a healthy tan. The machine soon switched off and I stepped out. Grabbing a towel from my bag I wiped away the sweat until I was half decent and then spraying myself lynx I got dressed and headed out of the room. I checked my phone to see that it was half 5 in the afternoon and it was starting to get dark. Dannielle emerged from the room with her new spray tan. "You look fab babe." I said to her. She smiled. "Thanks." She said. I paid the woman at the desk and left the sunbed shop and headed home. As soon as I arrived I saw Tom, Jack and Chris all sat in the sofa having some drinks. "Hey baby." I said kissing him. "Been to the sun bed I take it?" he asked. "Yep why?" I asked. "You taste slightly of sweat." He said. "I need a shower, wanna join me?" asked Jake to Jack. Jack jumped off the sofa and followed Jake upstairs. I smiled as I turned to tom, "I need a shower but you can't join me, until tomorrow." I replied as I turned to leave. I climbed the stairs and into the bedroom. I stripped off as the doors opened. "James I was?" was all I heard before I turned around. There I stood in all my glory as Chris stood in the door. "Do you mind?" I said trying to find something to cover myself with. "Nothing I haven't seen before and I am with Daniel." He said. "True, what's up?" I asked heading for the bathroom. "I've been thinking, maybe I should take the suits up to the apartment tonight so they are there." He said as he put the toilet lid down and sat on it. "No I would sooner you take them with you in the morning." I said. "That's fine, it was just an idea." He said. "Thanks anyway." I said applying shampoo to my hair. "So you nervous about tomorrow?" he asked me. "maybe slightly, but I think that's just me wanting to make sure that everything goes without a hitch." I said. "You know you still have a choice." Chris said to me. I stopped dead in my tracks, "What are you getting at?" I asked him now facing him. "My offer from when we were up north still stands you know." He said. "Chris, I'm going to continue to have this shower and pretend I didn't hear that. I have enough going on without you starting that shit again. Now tomorrow I am going to get married to Tom and you are going to stand there as his best man and smile and support him for the day." I said. By this point I had my back to him as I was putting conditioner in my hair. "Are you sure your not tempted not even a little?" he asked now stood right behind me in the shower cubicle, completely naked as I was, his hard cock now poking me in the back. "Oh Chris." I said as he wrapped his arms around me and began to kiss me. "What is someone walks in?" I asked. "The door is locked, so just give in, even if it is only this once." He said still kissing me. "What about Daniel?" I asked. "I still love Daniel, but we both need this, we always have." He said now turning me around so that we were face to face. He looked down and smiled. "See, I knew you wanted this." Chris said. "BABE!" I heard tom shout from the bedroom. I froze as did Chris. "I'm in the shower, what's up?" I shouted back. "I'm just heading out with Daniel to grab a Chinese we ordered, be back soon." He said. "Okay see you soon." I said. "Love you." He shouted. "Love you too." I replied.

As soon as I heard the door close we went back to it and Chris dropped to his knees and took my hard 8 inches into his mouth licking up and down the shaft. "Babe, where is Chris?" Tom shouted back through. "I have no idea, I have been in here not seen him." I said. "Okay Dan was asking, he's probably gone for a shit." Tom replied. "Probably, he usually uses the pool house one." I said. Tom Laughed. "Bye babe, if you see Chris tell him where we are." Tom said. "Okay." I shouted trying to stop myself from moaning while Chris sucked on the head of my cock flicking his tongue across the piss slit. "Oh my god, Chris keep going." I moaned. He sucked me and continued to suck me making me moans and groan at the feel of his hot mouth wrapped around my tool. "Fuck me." I said out loud. "Are you sure?" Chris asked. "Yeah." I said as the watered poured over us. Just as I turned around I felt a feeling hit me. "Wait, Chris no. I can't do this." I said turning the shower off and getting out grabbing a towel. "What do you mean, a second ago you were all for it." He said. "No this is wrong, I'm getting married tomorrow and here I am having shower sex with you. No I can't. You need to go. Just forget about me, and work on your relationship with Daniel." I said. He grabbed a towel and headed for his room. Before he left he turned to me and kissed me. I let myself melt to his touch before he let me go. "Remember this, I might be seeing Daniel and falling in love with him but it's you I am always going to lust after and want. Whether you're married or not." He said. "That may be, but I'm going to be with Tom and that's the only one I want. At one point I may have wanted you but not now. Tom is the only one for me. Yes I think you're cute, smart and insanely hot but at the same time it's Tom that does it for me." I said. "fine." He said leaving. I closed the door and threw myself on the bed, what did I almost do. Thank god I didn't otherwise I could never face tom at the end of the aisle tomorrow. I may have messed around before but now was the time to be serious. I was going to be with him for the rest of my life and I'm sure as hell not going to mess that up. I dried myself off and threw on my onesie. As I walked out the bedroom I could hear Jake and Jack still going at it in their bedroom.

I walked down the stairs and into the lounge to see Chris sat on the sofa clearly in deep thought. I went in and sat on the sofa, as we both sat there in silence. "Okay Chris please listen to me." I said he looked at me and shifted ready to listen. "Fine." He said. "I need you to understand me." I paused and thought for a second. "When I'm around Tom, my heart feels whole, every time I'm near him I find it hard to breath. He makes me feel so secure and happy. To this day I still find myself pinching myself to make sure this isn't a dream. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world to be with him. When he touches me I tingle. When we make love, I don't think of it as sex, I think of it us connecting. We are like one person, one soul, and one entity. He is my soul mate. The one who I feel closest too. The one who makes it all alright when I'm down. The one who gives me a reason to wake up and start each day. Tomorrow I am going to be his husband and I am going to be the happiest man alive. I need him in my life, because if I am totally honest with you if I were to lose him I'm not sure I could continue with my life. He is everything to me, I need him more than I need oxygen to breath. I love him. I can't breathe without him." I said now looking out the window. I turned around to look at Chris who had tears streaming out of his eyes. "There's your vows for tomorrow." He said through the sniffles. "What?" I asked moving to him. "Your vows for tomorrow repeat that to him and he will be lucky to have you. He is going to make you his world I know it. You deserve each other." He said. I started to cry myself and we just hugged it out. At that moment the doors to the house opened and in Dan and Tom walked seeing me and Chris crying our hearts out. "Baby what's wrong?" tom said putting down the bags and coming to me. "What happened?" Dan asked going to Chris. "Nothing, we are fine honestly." I said standing up. "You don't cry over nothing what was it." Daniel said. "He just told me the vows he is going to make to you tomorrow and wow, man you are going to be a lucky man believe me." Chris said to Tom. "I didn't think you had prepared vows yet." Dan said. "Chris helped me work through them." I replied wiping the tears away. "Awww baby, am I going to be crying by the end of this." Tom asked. "Yep you sure are." I said laughing. He smiled and pulled me into his strong arms for a hug. "I'm starved." I said seeing the food. "And he's back to normal." Tom said letting go as I dove for the bag of prawn crackers. "Just wait, let's serve it up." Tom said taking the bags to the kitchen. I followed him to the hall as I shouted up the stairs, "JACK, JAKE IF YOU WANT SOME OF THIS CHINESE I SUGGEST YOU GET YOUR FAGGOT ARSES DOWN HERE!!" I shouted. "COMING!" Jack said.

After enjoying the Chinese we all decided tonight we would have an early night. My mum called me from the hotel at around 9pm, to advise that everyone was there safe and sound as she was my liaison at the hotel. "Everyone is here, the rooms have been sorted and now we are having the meal you prepared for us all. There's a good 80 people here." She said. "I know mum, are the celebs there?" I asked. "Yeah I have just been having a conversation with Cheryl." My mum said clearly giddy. "Mum's giddy at talking to Cheryl Cole." I said to Tom. He simply laughed. "Royce is having a drink with Johnathan Ross and Michael the comedian." She said. "Well sounds like you have settled in, but I'm heading to bed, so I guess I will see you tomorrow. Make sure that everyone is ready for our arrival by 11:30." I said. "The ceremony starts at 12, I know. Tom will be here first at 11 and you will be here for quarter to 12." She told me. "Good just wanted to make sure." I said. "Don't stress everything is going well. The Marque is up and everything is ready to go in the morning. The staff are doing an amazing job. I went and took a look at your cake it looks very elegant" she said. "Good, well I need my sleep and I need to be up early for my hair appointment in the morning. So I'll say good night." I said to her. "Okay son, see you tomorrow." She said. "Love you mum." I said. "Love you too son." She replied. An hour later and I was curled up in bed, tom was sleeping downstairs on the sofa, so that we were apart on the night before the wedding which I thought was very traditional. All his idea of course. Staying in our king size bed was very disconcerting, especially to be on my own. It was around 1am when I finally drifted off to sleep. I just kept turning things over in my mind especially when it came to Chris. There was something that boy did to me that made me lose all sense of thought. It was so distracting. It didn't feel like I had been asleep for 5 hours when my alarm finally went off at 6am. As soon as it went off I sat up in bed rubbing my eyes and turned on my bedroom light. Sparking up a fag I thought of the day ahead of me. I couldn't function without a fag. The door to the bedroom opened as Daniel came sneaking in. "You're up then?" he asked. "Yeah, come join me for a fag before the crazy day starts. He climbed into bed with me and we sat having a fag. "Ready for today?" he asked me. "Yeah, I think I finally am." I said. "I always knew we would get here with you. I just never thought of it like this. Remember in the foyer when we watched the 2012 Olympic diving thinking we so wanted to have some Tom Daley, but both knowing that it was just going to be a dream, well your living that dream." He said smiling at me. "I know, who would have thought an innocent shopping day in a diesel shop would lead to marriage." I replied. "Hmmm." He said. I put my fag out and looked at him. "Time to get up, got a lot to do, we need to be at Toni and Guy for 7:30." I said "Okay I'll go shower now then." Dan said getting back out of bed. I got out of bed and walked out of my room to Jake and Jack's room, knocking lightly first I walked into find them in a very awkward way. Jack was standing at the end of the bed completely naked his cock hard as a rock with Jake in front of him sucking on it. "Oh my god!" I said closing the door. "Wait James, what do you want?" Jack asked not even bothering to cover up. "Just to get Jake up, we need to be leaving in an hour. Plus we need to have breakfast and so on, so get moving." I said. "Okay okay, sorry I didn't realise it was time to get ready. I'm heading for the shower now." He said running into his en-suite. Jack still naked as the day he was born stood there looking at me. "Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you two but today really isn't the time for this." I said not sure where to look. "It's cool and stop being such a prude, you don't know where to put yourself with me naked like this do you." He said. "Nope, I'm just not used to other men being so free minded about it all." I said now at ease. "Well look all you want, I know you won't be touching." He said. I smiled and said, "Well I need to get ready so I'll leave you to it." He smiled. "James, come here." He said. I went towards him and he hugged me still naked and still hard, "Well you can touch but no one needs to know." He whispered in my ear. His hand moved to my cock as mine did to his. "MMMMMM!" he moaned. "I need to go." I said letting go and heading back for my room. "Please god not another one." I said closing my door. I went into the bathroom turned the shower on and got ready to go. Since I wasn't going anywhere fancy I chose to put my onesie on and leave it at that. At half 6 I was down stairs with some toast and some orange juice. Tom and I were avoiding each other, as it was bad luck for him to see me before the alter. So the doors to the lounge were shut and he was under orders to be out of the house by the time I was coming back and Jake would text jack when were on our way back. At 5 past 7 me, Jake and Daniel were out the door and on our way to the salon. "Ring fanny to make sure she's up and on her way." I said to Jake. "She is, she just text me. She said she will be at the salon in 10 minutes." He told me. "Good she's early for once." I replied. Arriving in town it was dead. I picked a parking spot near the hair salon and we all made our way there. Walking into the salon, the 4 stylists were ready to go. I was with the senior stylist, and the other 3 had standard ones. They each came and took us and away we went. The feeling was immense, I loved people washing my hair. The stylist washed my hair out and then took me to a seat. "Right, let's make you look the best looking groombride there ever has been." She said. I smiled and replied, "Work your magic." And away she went.

An hour later and the stylists were done with us all. I had been given a trim, colour and style that was now held in place by layers of wax and hairspray but it looked natural and had no wet solid look to it which I was grateful. My stylist had also shown Dannielle how to put my hair back into place should it need it and even given us a small pot of wax for free and hairspray. Jake and had been given a trim and had the sides of his head shaved and then been given a comb over which had a wet gel look to it, but it suited his face. "You are definitely shaving before you leave mine." I said to him. "If I must." He said smiling. Daniel had been given a colour to give him back his light blonde hair and then been cut short with a nice style that suited his hair, short shaved around the sides and back and then spiky on top. As I paid the woman the door opened and in walked Jack, followed by Chris. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked them "And where is Tom?" I asked. "We do have hair appointments as well you know." Jack said making his way over to Jake. "Hey sexy." He said to him kissing him. "Well we need to go, I don't want Tom to see me." I said. "Dannielle isn't done yet." Jake said. I looked over and the stylist was still drying her hair. "Shit, he is going to see me. This can't happen." I said. "Wait, I have Tom with me, if I take him upstairs he won't see you. But you need to go somewhere to hide." The stylist said. "Right I'll go for a fag down the alley by red panda, how long will you be with her?" I asked Dannielle's stylist. "Another half hour at least, I still need to straighten it then put it up and pin it." He told me. I sighed. "Right new plan, Jake, Daniel I am taking you back to the house, when you get there get in the shower and at least then you're ready, just for god sake do not get you hair wet. Jake Shave." I said. "Yesss." He said. "Dannielle I will be back for you in half hour, if you finish sooner ring me. Can I pay for us all when I come back for her." I asked. "These are with compliments of the company owners, I had an email from head office yesterday. They are grateful you chose us for your wedding hair. So you don't have to pay." The head stylist said to me, who just happened to the be salon manager. "Oh my god, thank you." I said. Jack who was now stood outside waiting and watching for Tom ran in and said, "He's here, he's going to see you." "Stall him." I barked. "How?" Jack said. "I don't know just do it. Go to the shop and buy a drink I don't care." I said. Jack ran out and managed to divert Tom to the shop to allow me to make a discreet exit. We headed for the car and managed to drive out the car park without being seen. "That was close." I said. "I know, your hair looks amazing." He said. "I know, I just it hope it doesn't get wet." I said. "Hmmm." Jake said agreeing with me. The drive home only took me 10 minutes. I pulled up on the drive and let Jake and Dan out, "You know what you need to do. It is now quarter to 9, we need to be showered, shaved and ready to get into suits by 9:30, then a hour getting into suits and we need to be leaving this house by 10:30 at the latest and be on the road by quarter to 11, so that I am there for quarter to 12." I said. "Sure." They said now coming into my way of thinking as panic mode started. They went into the house as I drove back into town. I looked at the petrol tank and saw that I only had a quarter of a tank left, on the way into town I pulled into a petrol station and filled up full before racing into town. As I pulled into where I was parked before Dannielle rang me. "Where are you?" she said. "The same place I was before, hurry up." I said. "Coming." She said. I dropped the window and sparked a fag. God I needed these today. Minutes later she walked up and got in. Her hair had been put up in a bun and pinned down the back with pins that had Swarovski crystals in. "Turn around let me see." I said. She turned and showed me what had been done. "I love it." I said smiling. "Me too." She replied. I smiled and started the car now racing back to the house. As soon as we arrived I ran straight into the house and shut the doors. Looking at the clock on the wall it was now quarter past 9. "We have an hour to get ready. Let's go." I said. Running up the stairs and into the bedroom I smiled to myself not long to go.

After shaving and washing my face and changing into some fresh boxers and socks, the boys came in wanting their suits. I gave Dan his and Jake his as Dannielle stood in the doorway. "As maid of honour, I have the joy of delivering a message and a parcel from your future husband." She said now in her dress and heals with her make up done and eye lashes on. "Babe, you got ready really fast. You look amazing." I said. "Well I have to help you." She said. I smiled and said, "Right so what is this message and gift?" I asked peaking the boy's attention. "What is it?" Jake asked. She handed me a box. I set it on the bed and opened the box to find a pair of team GB speedos that were my size. "And just what am I meant to do with these?" I asked. "Wear them of course. All I know is that you need to be these on and wear them to the ceremony and give me a pair of boxers that you change back into later." She told me. "I'm so going to kill him." I said out loud. "Why?" Jake asked me laughing. "Because whatever surprise he has planned, involves me getting in water. Make sure you have those hair products ready." I said as I grabbed the speedos and headed into the bathroom. Taking off my boxers I put the speedos on checking myself out in the mirror after. My cock had to be put to the side so that it didn't show too much. I walked out in the speedos as Dannielle was laying out my suit I sprayed myself in Lynx and then put the trousers on, followed by my shirt. I then put my cufflinks in and lastly she handed me my tie. We had decided that we would all wear the same tie as a white tie just didn't look good with a white shirt. So a dark blue tie it was. I slipped on my shoes and boy were they comfy. The doorbell to the house went off as I was doing up my shoes. "That will be Hello magazine, let them in." I said to Dannielle. She took off down the stairs and minutes later she appeared in the doorway with the man from Hello. "James." He said to me. "That's me." I replied. "Good, well I have just come from Tom's place, he and the boys are ready and on their way to the hotel. Now it's time for you, and I'm glad you haven't got too far, you just carry on getting ready as normal and I will snap some pictures, maybe just trying to put you in a pose." He said. I smiled and replied, "Sure. Okay then." He nodded and I took my tie from Dannielle and walked to the mirror to put it on, all the while he was snapping pictures. Next was makeup. I sat on the bed as Dannielle came over and applied the foundation and blended it in to my skin, again he was taking lots of pictures. The boys came in soon after to grab their perfumes I had bought and he turned his attention to taking random pictures of them. As Dannielle rounded off my make-up I stood up and grabbed my jacket again he took pictures. "James, these pictures are amazing, you're looking great." He said. I then sprayed myself in D+G, my favourite spray. Dannielle came over and then put my flower in my button hole. Tom and I had gone for a red Tulip. One for the colour, because of team GB, and two because it was a Tulip - the name of the company I worked for before I met him. A slight little irony and joking between us. The boys returned minutes later all ready with their own button holes. "You two look so smart. Thank you for your help today." I said. They smiled. "Anything for your special day." They replied. "Can we head downstairs? I want some pictures of you all by the door getting ready to leave and one of the young lady coming down the stairs with James." He said.

Dan and Jake ran down the stairs as did the photographer. "James, you look so peng. I'm so proud of you" she said giving me a hug. "Ready for this?" I asked her. "Yeah let's do it." She replied. We went to the top of the stairs and the photographer called out, "Okay come down the first part from opposite ends, meet in the middle. Take hands and then come down the rest of the stairs. We did just as he asked and walked down the stairs as he snapped away with the pictures. "Now I need just the boys together. James in the middle and Dan and Jake on either side but in a curve if you could." We did just that and he snapped away again. "Okay when are you leaving?" he asked. I looked at the time and it was 25 past 10. "In 5 minutes. I need a fag though." I said. He laughed, you go do that I want to set up outside ready for when you go to your car and drive away." He said. We headed in to the kitchen and all sparked a fag. Draining them all quickly, I took my phone and wallet and put my fags in my suit jacket pocket. We walked to the door and opened it, "Okay, Dan, Jake and Dannielle can you come out the house first and stand by the car. One of you get ready to open James's door. The other take his suit jacket as he climbs in, then there will be some shots as you drive away and that's me done. My colleague will meet you on the other end and he will do the bulk of your pictures." He told us. The 3 of them went out first the guy snapping loads of pictures. They stood by the car in their places ready for me. "Okay James, you come out. Lock the house and then head for the car, as you are by the car. Take off your suit Jacket and hand it Jake. Then go round to the driver's side and as you do Daniel will open the car and pass you your car keys." He told me. "Got it." I said. Following everything he said I locked up, walked to the car and took off my jacket then going to Daniel who gave me my car keys and then we all got in. He took some more pictures of us as we got in and then drove off. I checked the time and it was 10:35. "Let's rock and roll." I said pulling out of the estate and heading for the motorway on the way to my wedding day.

The drive to the hotel took bang on an hour, although I will admit I did speed for most it. I was anxious to get there. Pulling into the hotel and driving down the long drive we could see the marque and the people heading towards it. I saw Tom walking out from the front of the hotel and I could make out his mum as they pointed to the car to see me coming up. As I pulled outside the hotel and into a parking spot, the photographer came up to the car and began immediately snapping pictures. Jake passed me my jacket and I put it on as Dannielle straightened me out. My mum and dad walked over to me. My mum was wearing a lovely spotted strapless dress with a short black shawl wrapped over her shoulders. My dad was wearing the suit we got him Gucci. "Oh my god look at you." My mum said hugging me. "Alright son." Royce said hugging me. "Hi." I said trying to smile as the photographer wouldn't stop. Jake, Dan and Dannielle got together for some pictures before he turned back to me. "How about one of the groom with his parents then eh? Maybe mum you can be sorting out his tie and dad you can be looking like you're giving him a little pep talk before the ceremony." He said. "Right oh." My dad said in the typical Yorkshire accent. Mum sorted out my tie will Royce made it look he was talking to me. "Lovely. So what now?" he said. "Now these 3 need to make their way over to the marque, so could you go with them so I can have a minute with my parents." I said smiling. "Sure son, sure. You take all the time you need." He replied sympathetically. He took off with my 3 and finally I could hug my mum properly. "How is he?" I asked. "Nervous, he is over at the marque with Debbie." Royce told me. "My baby boy is getting married." Mum said almost ready to cry. "Please mum no tears. You will ruin your makeup and I don't need red eyes in the photo's" I said almost close to breaking down myself. "I'm sorry but you are my baby." She said hugging me again. "Okay tess, give the kid some room to breath." Royce said. "Take all the time you need son, no one is going anywhere." He said to me. "I need a fag, mum please don't moan. In the back of the car is some deodorant and some extra strong mints, can you grab them please." I said sparking up. As I was smoking Mel came across. "Well look at you." She said smiling. She was wearing a lovely knee length dress and had a clipboard in her hands. "I know you need some time but the guests are now seated. The vicar is ready to just have a word with you three. He's speaking with Dan, Jake and Dannielle now." She told me. "Okay I'll be there in two minutes." I said smiling. I quickly finished my fag as mum sprayed me down and Royce fed me strong mints. "You look great son, we are so proud of you." He said hugging me again. "Rights let's do this." I said walking over with them. I held my mums hand as we walked over. Mel signalled to the vicar for the music to start. We each had the choice of our own short piece of music we were walking down the aisle too, but instead we both picked the glee version of Bruno mars, marry you. Tom and his mum started walking with Jack and Chris just behind them. I walked up to the marque as Tom got to the bottom. The vicar came across and explained the way it was to go really quick before the chorus started. He then took off to the bottom of the marque as Mel ushered me through. Dan, Jake and Dannielle walked ahead of me as everyone stood up again as I started to walk down the aisle with people smiling and snapping pictures. The photographer was somewhere snapping pictures as usual. The sooner they were gone the better. Tom turned to look at me flashing that winning smile. I couldn't help but smile knowing that this was the best day of my life to come. It felt like it took forever to get to the bottom. As I finally reached the bottom, I kissed my mum and shook my dad's hand. I saw Sarah with Scott and George and my brother with them. Niamh and Caroline were sat with Lee all in the front rows which were for family and friends. Tom grabbed my hand as he whispered. "You look amazing." He said. "You too." I quickly whispered back. "Please be seated." The vicar said. Everyone sat down as Tom and I stood at the front of everyone with vicar. "Well I'd like to start by saying welcome everyone. I know this is the day that we have all been waiting for. For James and Tom I can imagine that this has been a day they have both been very anxious about, so we will try to keep them at ease. James and Tom have both asked for the traditional wedding not to take place, so you will be all grateful to know that there will be no hym singing." The vicar making me and everyone laugh. "James and Tom have come together today in front of you their friends and family to declare their love for one another and take the next step in their journey to happiness and of course on the road to Rio 2016." He said again making people laugh. "So without further a due let's begin." He said smiling and taking a breath. "James, Tom. Marriage is a commitment. Not only a commitment to each other to a commitment to god, to show that the heart that he created during the first seven days of his creation, is able to love no matter who that person may fall in love with, and to beat for only one person. So I will ask you know, James - does your heart beat only for Tom?" he asked me. I glanced at Chris who dropped his head. "Yes it does." I replied smiling looking in Tom's beautiful eyes. "Thank you. And Tom - does your heart beat only for James?" he asked Tom. "Louder than ever." He replied as people chuckled. "Thank you, I know I am going to ask everyone. Should anyone here know of any reason why these two people should not join in marriage, here on this beautiful sunny Valentine's Day, then please speak now or forever hold your peace." He said. The room remained quiet. "Now there's a relief. I know Tom was slightly worried at the potential teenage girls that may come bursting in here to declare their undying love for him." The vicar said again making people laugh. "James and Tom have decided not to go with the traditional vows and have chosen to write their own. James if you can start" the vicar said. I breathed loudly again looking into Tom's eyes as he took my hands in his. "Tom?" I started looking down again. "When we first met in the diesel shop in your home town, I never dreamed my life would be so perfect. Over the last two years you have helped me grow into the person I am today. When I'm around you, my heart feels whole, every time I'm near you I find it hard to breath. You makes me feel so secure and happy. To this day I still find myself pinching myself to make sure this isn't a dream. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world to be with you. When he touches me I tingle. We are like one person, one soul, and one entity. You are my soul mate. The one who I feel closest too. The one who makes it all alright when I'm down. The one who gives me a reason to wake up and start each day. Today and forever I am going to be your husband and I am going to be the happiest man alive. I need you in my life, because if I am totally honest with you if I were to lose you I'm not sure I could continue with my life. You are everything to me, I need you more than I need oxygen to breath. I love you. I can't breathe without you." I said looking at him as tears began to stream down his face. I looked out to people briefly and saw so many people with tissues, our parents in particular. He cleared his throat and then looked into my eyes. "James, I love you for your beauty, your intelligence, your kindness...and for the way you always know how to make me feel so special. So on top of all the other vows that I will make to you on our wedding day, I also vow to always appreciate how lucky I am to have someone who makes me feel the way you do and to continue to try as hard as I can to make you feel as special as you make me feel, forever and ever. You have given me the courage to come out and stood by me through all that was thrown at us. You have been my best friend, mentor, playmate, confidant and my greatest challenge. But most importantly, you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible.... You have made me a better person, as our love for one another is reflected in the way I live my life. So I am truly blessed to be a part of your life, which as of today becomes our life together. I love you." He said. The tears again pouring down my face. I brushed them away and cleared my throat. "I think there are very few dry eyes in the house after that." The vicar said. "Now Tom and James are going to declare their love for one another by the giving and receiving of a ring. Do the best men have the rings?" he asked. Jack handed over one while Jake handed over the other. "I bless these rings today in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit. Amen." The vicar said. "Amen." We and the crowd repeated. "Tom, place this ring on James's finger as a symbol of the never ending love that you share for each other." The Vicar said and he slid it on my finger looking into my eyes. "James, place this ring on Tom's finger as a symbol of the never ending bond that you share with each other." He said again and this time I slid the ring on Tom's finger looking into his eyes. "James and Tom have declared their love for each other by the giving and receiving of a ring, a symbol to show the never ending circle that is their love and may both cherish that love and may it never be broken." The vicar said. "Now by the power vested in me by our lord Jesus Christ, it gives me great pleasure to declare you man and husband. You may now kiss your husband." He said to Tom as he moved into kiss me. The whole place erupted in applause and cheer. When he let me go, we looked at each other smiling and then out to the crowd who were still cheering and smiling. The vicar lead us to a small table where the wedding certificate was, and after signing it in front of our witnesses and having some pictures done whilst doing it, we eventually got up as people had sat back down and were talking between themselves. Once over the vicar went to the front of the church and announced, "Ladies and Gentleman, I give to you the happily married couple." He said as walked hand in hand back down the aisle smiling and enjoying the attention, whilst the photographer walked in front of us and took pictures. Our families fell in to place behind Jack, Jake, Chris, Tom and Dannielle as we headed outside. Tom and I took a moment to slip away round the side of the marque as he hugged me and kissed me. "We did it." He said smiling. "I know, and how handsome you look." I said kissing him some more. "I can actually say it now. Hey hubby." I laughed as did he. "One quick question you before we go back for pictures, why the hell am I wearing speedo's?" I asked. "That's part of your surprise, you will see." He said smiling as we walked out from behind the marque and in front of everyone as we got showered in confetti. The photographer soon motioned for quiet as Jake was in charge of putting people together for the picture taking, to start with it was just me and Tom, then me, tom and my best men/maid of honour. Then me and tom with Jack and Chris. Then all of us together and it worked out to be couple with couple (apart from Dannielle but I had a surprise for her yet with that). Then it was families, so first me and tom with my family, the whole lot of them, with me holding George. Then just me tom and George. Then me, tom and his mum and brothers. Then me, tom and his brothers alone. Then me, tom and his extended family. Then me, tom and the parents. Then we had me, tom with all our friends. Then me, tom and both sets of tom's grandparents. Then me, tom and all my side of the family friends, followed by picture with all his side of the family friends. Then the photographer but me and tom with the all the celebs which was a hoot. The just Tom with the boys, then just me with all the women. Then finally a giant group photo taken from a high up shot. After an hour of all that, the photographer took us off to a nice garden area, where he put us both in loads of romantic and loving poses. While this happened the guests were being given champagne and drinks. Another hour flew by and those pictures were over. We got taken to our wedding cake so that the photographer could get a picture of us with the cake, supposedly cutting it but we didn't. "I have one last one before I take my leave, at the end of the corridor is a door marked staff only can you both go to the door and hold hands and Tom make it look like you are taking James in there, to have your wicked way with him, and James try to make it look like you are keeping an eye out for anyone coming." He said smiling. We did this picture and I have to admit it was hilarious to do. "Okay, so that's them all. I will let the two of you enjoy the rest of your day." He said to us shaking both our hands. "Thank you so much, you and your colleague have been amazing." I said to him. "The pleasure was mine, you have really been the easiest celeb couple to take pictures of. Believe me, I did the beckham wedding." He said. I smiled as he took off. "So now are you ready for your surprise?" he asked me. "Yeah." I said worried. He led me round to the very back of the hotel where I saw in a long line, 11 helicopters with all the guests boarding them. "What the hell?" I said smiling. "Oh baby, this is only the beginning of it." He said as got into a helicopter with Chris, Jake, Dannielle, Daniel and Jack. We all took off in the air, like a swarm of helicopters, the only difference being ours took the slowest. "I love you." I said as he held me. We were so high up and on the beautiful day like it was we could see for miles and it was amazing. Half hour in the air and the pilot announced we were about to land, when I looked around I saw where we were. "Now I know why I am wearing speedos." I said to Tom playfully punching him in the arm. I could see all the guests being taken in to the Luton Sports Village.

Once we had landed and got out of the helicopter, we got split up. "What is going on?" I said to the man who led me away from Tom. "Please sir, I have been asked not to say anything apart from I need to get your guests to the poolside and you need to go to a changing room, get out of your suit and into the speedos you have been asked to wear." The young lad said. "Fine, but when I see my husband he is dead meat." I said to Jake, who laughed. Taken into the pool I looked around. I recognised it instantly. This was where they filmed splash. But I still had no clue why I was there. I got out of my suit as instructed and then lead to the poolside where all my friends, family and guests were sat in the stands watching. "Right then sir, you have been asked by your husband, to get in the pool and remain there." The guy said. "What?? Oh my good god you have got to be joking." I said. I saw the same photographer from hello who was at my house buzzing around taking pictures. I looked to Jake and Daniel. "Did you know about this?" I asked them. They both smiled cheesy grins and nodded. I rolled my eyes and jumped into the pool and started to swim about like a dick in the pool on my own with everyone watching. "Try to stay away from underneath the diving boards. Trust me." The young lad said. I continued to swim about. I looked up at the boards as I got one hell of a shock. There stood a load of lads ready to jump in. The whole place went silent as everyone stopped talking and shouting. I heard George making noises and then stop. The whole place suddenly got loud as 'Untouchable' started by girls aloud on the speaker system. 2 divers that were on opposite boards jumped down first bringing banners down with them. One read 'CONGRATULATIONS TOM AND JAMES!' and the other read 'WITH LOVE FROM THE SPLASH TEAM." The music slowed as it was really about to start with one of girls aloud singing. Everyone started to cheer and look up. I too looked up and saw Tom walking towards the edge of the 10 metre board. He looked down at me and smiled. This was his show, to stare at me from up there. I was going to get annoyed, but then he shed his jacket, then his shirt and I knew what was coming. He then lost his trousers (his shoes and socks already off) as he stood there in his speedos. He prepped himself for a dive. He stretched his arms out then up above his head and he walked to the edge. "James, this is for you. I love you." He shouted to me. My heart melted as the beat to the music dropped as he took his dive off the board landing right next to me in the water making me go underwater with him. He took my hand as we swam around together underwater finally coming up for air, and standing in the middle of the pool. The music continued to play as the other divers did amazing dives off their boards. "This show is just for you." He said. We shared a kiss in the water and he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and held me as we watched the dives. "Okay we need to get out, it's not over yet." He said as he jumped out the pool and pulled me with him. "What do you mean?" I asked as he held my hand as we walked along the side of the pool. People watched as he lead me up the stairs and to the 10 metre board. "No way am I jumping off this." I said to him. "You did it before and now we will again." He said as the other dived which people watched. "What Dive?" I asked. "What I just did but together. Feet together, arms stretch out then above your head as we leap from the board and face downwards arms stretched out like your flying and the bringing them together for entry and landing hands first in the water. We then swim to the edge and get out, that's it." He said. "Okay, but only because I love you." I said. He smiled, kissed me and lead me to the edge of the board, everyone cheered as we walked up hand in hand. We waved first them got ready to dive. I heard Tom say, "on 3, 1" he said. "2" he then added. "3" he said as both leapt from the board and landed in the water at the exact same time. Taking my hand we swam to the edge and climbed out. "Ladies and Gentleman, the happily married couple." Vernon Kay shouted. Everyone cheered, whistled and clapped. I was drenched through and my hair was a mess but that's now why I know that Dannielle got extra hairspray and wax. After the diving was over everyone got taken back to the helicopters and back to the hotel whilst Tom and I got changed. Dannielle gave me our boxers, she had both of ours. We dried off and talked. I was so madly in love with this guy as he had just shown me how much he loved me and I loved the show. The song was our song as the words meant so much to us both. After dressing and put ourselves back together Jack and Dannielle came in to do our hair and makeup to put us back to the way we were. Dannielle did my hair exactly the same way the stylist had and made it look perfect, before re-doing my makeup, giving me body spray and perfume. "I can't believe you knew about this and didn't tell me." I said to Jake and Jack. They smiled and laughed, "It was a secret." They replied. We got taken out to the helicopter and flown back to the hotel which only took 15 minutes. "Why helicopters?" I asked Tom. "Because it's something you always wanted to do and plus it was the fastest way of getting to the diving centre." He replied smiling. We had been smiling for hours and the need for a fag had now hit home. Once we landed, we got taken to one side by Mel, as the others went through. She handed us a drink each (2 bottles of desperados) and then said, "Did you like your surprise?" she asked. "Loved it." I replied. "Are you ready to go in as everyone is ready." She said. "One second I really need a fag." I replied sparking one up. Taking long drags it felt great to finally have one after so long. Once finished she walked us in and told us to wait outside the room as we were taken to the room where the meal was being held, "Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to finally introduce to you today, Mr and Mr Daley-Leete." She said as everyone stood up and began clapping as we walked to our head table and took our seats. We smiled and waved as we sat down.

The dinner had been incredible, on the menu we have given people the choice of salmon, soup or there was a vegetarian option. Then for main it was a set menu of roast beef with Yorkshire puddings and veg. For desert you had an option of sticky toffee pudding or a white chocolate cheesecake. Personally I had opted for the soup to start and cheesecake for desert. I had to smile to myself as I ate, thinking how lucky and special the whole day so far had been. Going from a nervous wreck to the happiest man alive and the diving surprise that Tom had planned for me was simply outstanding. It was the last thing I had ever expected him to but he managed to pull it off and it was so romantic of him to do. The mood in the room was amazing as light dinner music played whilst between all the tables we people chatted. Wine was flowing freely and people were using the bar. "Did you set a limit on the tab or just tell them to put everyone's drinks down?" tom asked me. "I just told them to do everyone's." I replied. "Good choice, we can sort that in the morning." He replied. "Yeah." I said between mouthfuls of food. Soon after the dinner was over, the speeches were up next. The ma?tre de in charge of the day tapped a glass as the whole room went quiet. "Ladies and gentlemen we now have speeches, so without further ado I give you the groom." He said as everyone clapped. Tom looked at me and stood up. "Well the day a lot of you have been asking me about for so long and the day James has planned for so long. I firstly would like to start by saying and big thank you to you all for joining us today on this our special day. You all know this means a lot to us. A few mentions, first off I want to say a big thank you to Kash who helped James plan the wedding. Second to all staff here at the hotel in particular to Mel, who has put all of James's ideas in to a reality. Third I want to thank all the best men, Jake, Daniel, Chris and Jack for being our supporting arm. Then to Dannielle for stepping in at the last minute to be James's maid of honour and keeping him looking amazing. As a thank you I have got you a little something." He said as Mel brought through a massive bunch of flowers and handed them to her. I stood up, "I just want to add something else to what Tom was saying for Dannielle, she has been my right hand woman throughout all of this, and as a my own little gift and as you are the only one out of our friendship group that came without a date I thought it only fair that I find you a man. So ladies and gents in honour of this amazing girl, Dannielle I have got you today and tomorrow as a date with a man who knows just who you are, has seen pictures of you and someone who you have been screaming at. Please if you don't mind." I said to the ma?tre de who opened the door to the room and in walked JJ or Thompson as he is also known from Kingsland Road. The whole room began clapping and cheering as he walked over to our table. Dannielle got up as they hugged and then sat back down with him next to her. "That's all from me." I said making people laugh. "Now I want to say just a little bit more." Tom said as the room went quiet again. "First off, to our families, we want to say a big thank you to them and to the rest of you a giant thank you for travelling all this way to be here with us on this special day. Then a couple of mentions, we are sorry and sadden by the absence of a few people. Firstly to James's grandparents Bob, Joan and Pat. I'm sure they would have loved to see their little grandson married and turned into the man he is today. Then lastly my dad." He said pausing and looking down. This was the moment I knew I had to step in. I stood up and took over as he sat down. Even now after all this time I knew it was hard for Tom to talk about his dad Rob. "The absence of Rob Daley here with us today, Tom's father and Debbie's husband. I'm sure today he would have been thrilled to be here today to see him first son getting married and to share in this wonderfully special day. I personally never got to meet Rob Daley, but I would like to think that he would have approved of me for his son. I know for a fact that he was very proud of his children, Tom in particular with all his diving work. He will be sadly missed and so I would like you to all join me in a toast to Rob." I said "To rob." Everyone replied as they took a drink of their champagne. "That was lovely." Tom said taking my hand. Next Daniel and Jake stood up and did their speech. Jake recounted a time when he and I had gone for a drive and almost killed us both making people howl and then Dan had recounted the first time we had met and the hoover incident. People again laughed. Then as they closed Jack and Chris both stood. They wished us both warm wishes and joyous lives together. They talked about Tom's diving and the speedos. They said that they had never seen him so happy until he met me and their toast was the more serious of the two which was absolutely lovely. Lastly my dad stood up, "So father of the groombride here." He said. "Most of you have not long heard my speeches at mine and Tessa's wedding, so I will keep this brief. When I first met Tessa, James's mother she was actually pregnant with him. On July 6th I walked into the hospital to see Tessa holding this tiny little baby. She passed him to me and I held him. I remember this clear as day, James grabbed hold of my little finger and squeezed it as tight as he could. From that moment on I knew I would take care of his mother, him and make sure he was always well looked after having anything and everything he wanted. He has since made us both very proud, finishing uni and holding down a job. Really doing well for himself. When James was 14 he told me and his mum that he was gay and to be honest it wasn't much a shocker, but I told one simple thing. Your heart is your own and very delicate, don't just give it away. Today I'm proud to say that he followed my advice as Tom is one of the loveliest we have met and both myself and Tessa, Sarah and John his brother and sister are so happy that they have found each other and I know that no matter what happens to me and Tessa in the future, James will always be taken care of by this lovely guy. So to close, I would like to ask you join me in a toast to the happy couple." He said as everyone took a drink from their glasses.

The rest of the day went smoothly and people mingled and talked. Later that evening the night do started and people from Tulip started to arrive for the evening event and we all had a genuinely great night, drinking and having fun. Dannielle was getting along great with JJ from Kingsland road and they had been dancing and having a laugh and making out as you do. At one point they slipped away for a good hour and she came back smiling. Dirty fuckers. Tom and I did our first dance and cut the cake which was a moment I would never forget but after such a long day, Tom and I were the last to head to bed at 1am after everyone else left. We went to the honeymoon suite and walked in. He carried me over to the bed and smiled at me. . As soon as the door was shut Tom grabbed me and lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist as I stuck my tongue down his throat. "We're married." He said. "I know." I replied smiling. He walked over to the bed still carrying me. He collapsed onto the bed with me on top of him. We continued to kiss and make out. I came out of the kiss and removed his jacket and shirt and slowly ran my tongue down his neck and down his chest. I noticed the champagne in the silver bucket filled with ice. "Ooo Champagne." I said. "We can have that after." He said. I grabbed some ice and put it in my mouth and then ran it down his body making Tom quiver. I climbed off him and undid his trousers pulling them down and off pulling his shoes and socks off too. "Somebody is frisky." Tom said. "You know it. I haven't had you in 2 weeks baby." I said. This turned him even more and suddenly he grabbed me threw me on the bed and pulled all my clothes off too quick for a normal human before grabbing my cock and plunging it in his mouth and sucking it like a pro making me squirm and jump around as he played with hole putting two fingers in and out. I soon swapped places with him and began working his cock making him moan out loud. Soon he flipped me over and raised my legs in the air. He slowly worked his cock inside me and slowly began to pump my arse picking up speed. "Oh fuck yeah, fuck me Tom." I screamed. As he picked up more speed and he was now fucking me wildly hitting my prostate over and over making me scream out loud. Beads of sweat followed the side of my face and soon I shot my load all over my chest and across the bed. Seconds later he dumped 8 full thick loads inside my arse and slowly climbed off me. "Wow that was amazing, you really have needed to release haven't you." He said making me laugh. He poured us some champagne and we lay in the bed "2 weeks of no sex has killed me and I think I'm not completely done yet." I said grinning. "Well I think we may need to try again." Tom said pulling me down the bed. Needless to say we fucked like dogs all night.

With Jake and Jack

Jake gently laid Jack on the bed, unzipping his pants while licking at his nipples until they were hard enough to bite. Jack moaned a little, which made Jake go for it more, made him want Jack that much more. He ripped off Jack's suit pants and threw them to the side, coming back up to his face and sucking at his lips! Jake could feel his need and started kissing every part of Jack, finally pulling his underwear off. He stood on his knees on the bed and Jack saw for the first time that Jake's 7' inch cock was showing through his trousers, which he quickly discarded and then he put away his underwear. He climbed on top of Jack, still sucking at his face. Jake licked at Jack's 8' inch dick, sucking the head and licking at it! He felt so free, freer than he had been in so long, as if I were flying. I guess that feeling was exacerbated by him licking at Jack's hole. He licked for a long time, and then inserted his fingers, playing with Jack's hole, making him moan. Jack wanted to cry out, in joy, but couldn't. Before long, he stopped and something bigger found its way into Jack's hole. "Baby I have never?" was all Jack said. "Just relax and breathe." Jake replied. Jake swore as he inserted his cock, a very pained or pleasured look was written on his face, a large vein bulging in the centre of his forehead. "Ahhh, baby, you're so tight." Jake whispered, grabbing Jack into a bear hug and lifting him up. They were vertical as Jake started pushing Jack up and pulling him down onto his cock. Jack was speechless as was fucked by Jake with long, hard strokes. Jack could feel it sliding in and out, the clapping sound almost drove him wild! Jake began to make out with Jack furiously as he pumped me up and down before he dumped his load inside of him. Jake laid him back down before extracting his long cock and slumping over beside his lover with a look of pure joy on his face. "I love you." Jack said. "I love you too, baby." Jake said, leaning over and kissing me passionately.

Also with Chris and Daniel.

He could feel Chris's hard cock against his ass through the jeans and through his shorts. Chris couldn't hold back any longer and he started running his hands along Daniel's ripped body. Chris's strong hands ran up Daniel's body from his V-Line, across his abs. Daniel leaned down and put his full lips against Chris's the two kissing lightly. Chris's hands worked their way up to Daniel's nipples and he gave them a light brush, circling his thumbs around them. Daniel moaned into Chris's mouth when Chris rubbed his nipples. Chris took Daniel's hand and pulled them down to his crotch, feeling his bulge. With a quick pull, Chris's shirt came off over his head revealing hi smooth white body. He wasn't as ripped as Daniel but he was lean and Daniel had always thought he was sexy. Daniel made quick work of Chris's belt, and practically ripped open his jeans to find a pair of white briefs hiding a huge dick underneath. Daniel slid down on to his knees. "Do you want me to?" asked Daniel. "Yeah, please. I need this" moaned Chris. Daniel pulled Chris's boxers and jeans down to his ankles and then grabbed Chris's cock. It was about 7 and half inches and thick. Daniel had never sucked dick before but he wanted to impress Chris so he played it off and went down on the jock taking the whole thing in his mouth right away. His full lips running up and down the length of Chris's dick. Chris moaned loudly, clenching a fist of Daniel's dark hair. Daniel eased off Chris's dick, licking the tip of it and then running his tongue down the shaft. All the while he enjoyed the way Chris's body quivered and the moaning grew. Daniel tickled Chris's balls with his tongue, licking one and then the other. He went back up and continued sucking on Chris's cock, slowly picking up speed as he went. Chris grabbed Daniel by the back of the head and started fucking his face. Tears welled up Daniel's eyes as he gagged and tried catching breaths. After a couple of minutes he could feel Chris's cock throbbing in his mouth. "I'm gonna cum man" moaned Chris as he released Daniel's head. "Uuuuungh" Chris cried out. Daniel took Chris's whole dick into his mouth and he felt the warm shot of Chris's cum down the back of his throat. He pulled off Chris's dick, but the monster wasn't done erupting. Chris shot another string of cum across Daniel's pouty lips and a third across his cheek. Taking Daniel by his hair, he pulled him up and wiped the cum off Daniel's face with his thumb. Still breathing heavy, he took the cum in his mouth and then passionately kissed Daniel. Chris stood up and bent over to pick his jeans and boxers up and he started to pull them up so he could head for the bathroom to get ready for bed before he felt a huge cock slide up his crack. He jumped, surprised at first, even though he found it oddly appealing. He had never felt a guy's cock as big as this against his ass and part of him liked it. "Woah Daniel! What were you doing?" Chris asked "It's my turn Chris." he replied. Chris stood there, his back facing Daniel, thinking about it for a second. He wasn't sure he was ready to be fucked yet as he was normally a top. Before he could give Daniel his answer, Daniel pushed him over across the end of the bed and ran his cock along Chris's ass again. Daniel's dick had been leaking a lot of precum and he was now rubbing it against Chris's hole. Chris struggled to push Daniel off him. It was half hearted though and once Daniel pushed his dick into Chris's ass, Chris gave up. Without giving him the chance to adjust to Daniel's big cock, Daniel started pounding into Chris. He half yelled and half moaned as he held on to the edges of the table. Hearing Chris cry out only got Daniel even hotter. The two started to perspire. Daniel's body glistened in the low lights, covered in sweat and glitter as he fucked Chris. His dick was at least 8 inches long and just as thick as Chris's and the whole length of it was being pounded into Chris. Daniel had a rhythm as he grinded his dick into Chris. Daniel slapped Chris's ass, grabbing it tightly after. "You fucking like that?" asked Daniel. "Ye-yeah" said Chris, and he meant. "Tell me you want it harder" cooed Daniel. "Fuck me harder!" Chris cried back. Daniel rolled Chris over on to his back and continued fucking Chris. Chris's legs laid across Daniel's shoulders. Daniel grabbed a hold of Chris's shoulders and used them as leverage to fuck Chris even heard. Chris shut his eyes and groaned lost in a new combination of pain and pleasure he had never felt before. Daniel's breathing grew heavier and his muscles tightened. He pulled out of Chris, and climbed on top of him. Straddling the taller guy, Daniel stroked his 8 inch cock. Daniel's lips pursed and he shut his eyes, blowing his load out across Chris. The first shot hit Chris across his cheek and dripped down his jaw. The rest of Daniel's hot seed found it's way across Chris's chest and then finally his belly. Daniel stood up off the bed. Chris just laid there, not quite sure what to make of what just happened. Daniel walked over and grabbed Chris by his hair. Daniel wiped the last bits of cum off his still raging hard cock by wiping them against Chris's lips. He then walked over to his mirror and started wiping off the sweat and sex that was all over him. "I'm so sorry about that, I guess I turn into a proper horn dog when I get started." Daniel said. "Don't be sorry I actually enjoyed it and it really turned me on. In fact I'm up for round 2 already." Chris said. "Bring it on." Daniel said as he pushed Chris back down on the bed. As I lay there in the bed thinking about the day I was over the moon. Tom was asleep nestled into my in a bear hug. I was married at last and I couldn't have been happier. Everything had finally come together. I got out bed leaving Tom and hung out the bedroom window to have a fag. As I was smoking my phone went off. I looked at the caller display and it read 'Dan' I slid it across and answered. "Hey." I said quietly. "So how was your wedding day?" he asked. "You were there, you saw me." I replied confused. "No I wasn't and I know its been a while since we last saw each other but I'm here now to say, James. I Love you and I need you. It was at that moment I realised which Dan I was talking to. "No way, I am not letting you do this to me. Dan it was one night. Forget about me and go away. I'm happily married and I am not going to let you do this." I said. "Fine, but I just thought you should know." Dan said now crying as I hung up the phone. I couldn't do this not now. I was happy and it was going to stay that way. As I threw my fag off the balcony I went back inside and got into bed with Tom as we drifted off to sleep. Married, Happy and together for ever. Now to find out what the next series in our lives brought around.

Comments and feedback always welcome. Thanks in particular to Daniel who has started to read the story after a year. Hope you're enjoying it. Email me Just to let you know that this is now the final chapter in this series of Tom Daley and Me where now I will be taking a short break but I will be returning with a 3rd series thanks to the success of the first two. Love hearing from you guys and the support you have all shown has been incredible. Thanks again and keep emailing.

Much Love.

James Leete xx

Next: Chapter 21: Tom Daley and Me III 1

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