Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Jan 19, 2013


Tom Daley and Me - Chapter 2


This story is pure fiction. Any elements of truth are purely coincidence. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

Chapter 2

That evening we finally arrived back in Coventry and after dropping people off at their homes, I drove back to my apartment and collapsed onto the sofa, still with the biggest grin on my face and reeling from the days events. I felt like the happiest man on earth that I had met Tom Daley, Held hands with Tom Daley and best of all had kissed Tom Daley. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and quickly sent him a text telling him I was back at home and thanks for a lovely day, he replied almost instantly GLAD YOU GOT HOME SAFE, WAS FANTASTIC TO MEET YOU. YOU REALLY ARE A SPECIAL GUY. CERTAINLY WOULD LIKE TO MEET YOU AGAIN, MAYBE THIS TIME JUST THE TWO OF US ;) WILL CALL YOU SOON JUST HELPING MY LITTLE BROTHER WITH SOME HOMEWORK. T X' I was ecstatic and jumped for joy knowing that I was speaking to Tom Daley. I finally got myself up off the sofa, put the TV on and selected a music channel and started to do things around the flat. I put some washing in the machine ready for work the next day, unloaded the dishwasher, hoovered, cleaned my kitchen and changed my bed sheets and finally I was in the middle of cleaning my bathroom when my phone went off again, this time it was from Shannon, CHEERS FOR A LOVELY DAY BABE, YOU SEEM VERY HAPPY TODAY WITH TOM. LOVE YOU XX' I replied back saying It was great to spend the day with her and that I am happy with Tom. I was over the moon. After finishing cleaning the bathroom I tidied other bits up before putting all my stuff together ready for work tomorrow. I finally sat back down on the sofa and it was then that my stomach reminded me that I was hungry. I got up and looked about the cupboards and fridge and freezer and finally decided on cooking chicken kievs with chips and beans. I was just putting all out on the baking tray when my phone began to ring. I went back over to the coffee table where I had left my phone and picked it and the sight I saw was making me giddy. The caller display read `TOM DALEY.' I slid the slider across and put the phone to my ear. "Hello." I said. "Hey" he replied. "how are you?" I asked. "Good, still thinking about the day I just had." He said, this made me smile. "Oh yeah, tell me about it." I replied. "Well I harmlessly went out to do some shopping and came across this guy and his mad group of friends and ended up spending the day with him." He told me. My smile continued to grow. "Well funnily enough I met this guy today as well, he was all by himself and I did feel sorry for him so I thought I best invited him round with me and my friends." I said grinning. "heyyy at least mine was nice." he said. I giggled. "I'm joking it was lovely to spend the day with you, I mean how often do you get to spend the day with someone who you idolise." I told him. "You idolise me?" he asked clearly smiling. "Well yeah." I said popping the oven tray in the oven and pouring the can of beans into a pan. "How so?" he asked. "Well I have about 20 pictures of you on my phone, one of them being my background. I also have your calendar, a poster of you and your book." I told him. "Should I be flattered or creeped out now?" he said teasing me. "Take it as you want. Too me it's a compliment." I replied. "Stalker alert." He replied again teasing me. "excuse me, if I was a stalker you would have known about it by now." I told him. He giggled. "Your funny you know." He said. I smiled. "So what you doing?" he asked. "Just popped my dinner in the oven, and also I've just spotted your calendar on my wall." I told him. "Oh really, the second part sounds good." He said. "Tell me about it, you have got amazing abs and a sexy as hell smile." I told him. He giggled. "So is this your wank material for a night?" he asked. "Oi, cheeky." I replied. "I don't hear you denying it." He taunted me. "No comment." I replied and I could feel my cheeks beginning to burn. "Awww someones gone shy." He teased. "I'm not shy, just not sure we should be talking about this right now." I said. "Your right, we can talk about it another time." He said. I smiled. "Your cute you know that." I told him. "So I've been told." He replied. "Oh and so incredibly vain." I said teasing him. "What Will, yeah I'll come help you in a minute" he said down the phone. "What's he want??" I asked. "Oh just for me to sign his planner for school." He told me. "Ahh I see." I replied. "So, when shall we meet up again or is that too quick for you." He asked me. "Not at all, but as I told you I work 5 days a week, from early in the morning to some times late at night." I told him. "I see, well you know I have training Monday to Friday and then Splash on Saturday." He told me. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked. "Sure anything." He replied. "With so much going on for you, where would a potential boyfriend for instance like me fit in?" I asked. He went quiet and this was the first time I frowned. "I see, well in that case I'm ermmm, I'm going to leave you too it and I guess ill see you around." I said. "No wait..." he said. "Tom it's fine I get it, speak to you whenever and good luck." I replied and I hung up. I put my phone back down on the table and went back to check my dinner. My phone rang again but I ignored it and just carried on. It rang another 3 times and I just continued with what I was doing. I served my dinner and sat down in the front of the TV. I looked at my phone and saw 4 missed calls all from Tom. I ate my dinner and in the time it took to eat, put the dishes in the dishwasher, tidy the kitchen, run a bath and get into dressing and chill on the sofa, Tom had rang me another 27 times. Wow this guy doesn't give up I thought to myself. The phone rang again and this time I answered it, "Tom." I said. "James, thank god you finally answered me. I really need to talk to you." He said. "But why, I think your silence said enough before." I replied. "You never gave me chance to finish." He told me. I sighed and sat down. "Go on." I told him. "James, I've known you for less than 24 hours but I know already that you complete me. I didn't want to scare you but I feel I need to say this. I do want to be in a relationship with you, and believe me when I say we will have time for just us. I train on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We always have Fridays, Saturdays in the day and when you come to see splash, Sundays and Mondays. I want to make this work with you." He told me. I was speechless. "Tom I didn't no you feel this way." I said. "Well I do. Ive fallen head over heals for you." He told me.

After an hour on the phone, we had ironed lots of things out and had agreed to spend some time together over the weekend. Tom was going to send me a ticket for the splash show on the Saturday, and have me drive down and see him during the day and also in the evening at the show and then spend the night in his hotel with him before driving back to Coventry for the Sunday meet with friends. He was going to stay at mine Sunday night and Monday night and then drive back home on Tuesday morning when I left for work, so at least we got to spend some time together. As I climbed into bed that night I felt so happy. Tom sent me a cute message before I fell asleep which made me smile even more. I fell to sleep feeling wonderful. I woke up the following morning at 7am, feeling amazing. I jumped out of bed put the kettle on, had a cigarette and got myself ready for work. At 8am I walked out the front door as my first text of the day came through from Tom. It was so cute and he was so cute and I found that I couldn't really concentrate on my work the more I thought about Tom. We text all day long and he even started to call my office phone all day long. I must say the honeymoon period is amazing at the start of every relationship.

Overall the week turned out to be okay, I missed Tom so much. But I was thankful that it was Friday. After what Tom and I had spoken about on Sunday I told work I would be working from home on Friday and Monday and people had no problem with it, my boss said it would be good for me considering people said I practically lived at work. So on the Friday morning I woke up at about 9am, and got myself sorted out dressed in some chinos and a polo top and cleaned the house and then started working from home. I logged into my emails and used my house phone to log into my desk phone so I didn't miss any calls. I sat and began working and catching up on things that I hadn't had chance to do as I was always being pulled away for other things. It was 11am when Tom rang me and told me he was leaving Plymouth and heading for London to prepare the show and asked me what time I was leaving to meet him. I told him that I was leaving at 12 and should be there for half 2. He told me where to head to and gave me the postcode for the hotel and told me to ring him when he was here. After the call I went to my bedroom and packed a bag with some jeans, a few tops and hoodies and boxers and socks, and then went downstairs and put it in my car boot before heading back up to the apartment and grabbing my wallet, coat, phone and fags and made sure that everything was tidy and turned off and headed out the door and on my way. I stopped at the petrol station and filled up, grabbed some more fags and a bottle of water and headed off on my way to see Tom. I put the postcode into my phone and headed off and on to the motorway. One of the nice things about my car was when my phone was in the car the Bluetooth would activate and connect my phone to my car so It was totally handsfree. I sat there driving and I was incredibly excited to see him. After 2 hours of driving I finally arrived on the outskirts of London and that's when the phone went off, "Hello, James Leete." I said as I was looking out to the road. "Hey babe." Said Tom. "Hey sweetie, you okay?" I asked. "Yeah I'm fine just wanted to check in with you." He said. "Yeah, I'm fine just on the outer edges of London should be with you in about 20 minutes." I told him. "Okay babe, be good to see you finally I miss you." He told me. "Aww babe. I meant to ask you, do I need to ring for the congestion charge." I asked. "No babe, I've already done it for you. Just call them and give them your reg, they will say your charge has been paid for by me." He said. "Awww baby, your amazing thank you. I love you so much." I told him. "I love you too babe." He replied. "Okay well I shall see you very soon." I replied. "See you soon babe." He said before hanging up. I continued to drive and it wasn't long before I was oxford street and had to call the congestion charge number. After confirming that Tom had paid for me, I continued to my destination. Another 10 minutes later I arrived outside the luxury Savoy hotel. I was gob smacked. Someone had already opened my boot to grab my bag and I grabbed my bits together and got out as someone got im car and drove off. "Good afternoon sir, do you have a room booked." Said a man in a top hat and suit. "Ermm no, I am here to see Tom Daley." I replied. "Is Mr Daley expecting you?" he asked. "I should hope so." I replied. "Very good, if you would like to go through to reception they will be happy to call his room. Have a pleasant stay." He said to me as another bell boy carried my bag and coat in. I put my wallet, phone and fags in my pocket as I walked through to reception and I was gob smacked by the lobby alone. I was brought out of my daydream, when the bell boy said, "Mr Leete, reception is this way." I smiled at him. He was about my height, very cute face and a great smile. "Thanks." I replied. We headed for reception and behind the desk was a man, fairly tall and again around my age and camp as Christmas stood smiling at me. "Can I help you sir?" he asked. "Yes could you please call Mr Daley's room and let him no I am here please." I told him. "Of course, can I take your name?" he asked. "Yes, James Leete." I told him. He picked up the phone and soon said, "Sorry to interrupt Mr Daley, you have a Mr James Leete here at reception." He said. "Excellent sir, thank you." He replied. "Mr Daley is on his way down." He then told me when he put the phone down. "Thank you." I replied. It wasn't long before I saw Tom coming down the staircase in a pair of jeans and tight fitting white T-Shirt. He smiled his winning smile at me and walked over. "Hey." He said. "Hi" I replied. He gave me a hug and then said, "Shall we." He said. "Excuse me, Mr Daley I have now checked in your guest to your reservation." The receptionist said. "Thank you." Tom replied. We headed up to the room with the bell boy still carrying my bag and coat and we soon arrived at the suite Tom was staying at. The bell boy dropped my bag in, and tom gave him a tip and he soon left. As soon as the door was shut Tom came running up to me and gave me a proper hug. "Oh my god, I've missed you so much." He said. "I've missed you more." I told him. He showed me round the room and then helped me unpack my bag before we lay down on the massive king size bed and cuddled, him spooning me from behind. We spoke for over an hour about different things and chatted about what was going to happen over the weekend.

At around 4pm we eventually headed out of the hotel and climbed into a car that Tom had available so that Tom could take me to see where the diving was happening and so he could go back to the training. It didn't take long to get there and we soon got out the car and into the pool. "Come on babe, I'll introduce you to some people." He said. We walked along the pool side and he introduced me to his trainer Andy. "So this is the young man, that has you smiling a lot." Andy said. "Excuse me?" I asked. "James, it's fine. Andy knows." He told me. I smiled and said "I see, well he's great guy." I said on about Tom. "Yeah, and you seem like a very lovely young man, I just hope you look after my Tom. I have some very good reports so far." He said smiling at me before he shook my hand and headed back off to continue with the training. I was then introduced to Anthony Ogogo and Tina Malone. "I'll let you get back to it." I said to Tom. He kissed me on the cheek and then stripped off down to his trunks and I took a seat in the stands and watched Tom continue to train these celebs. This week was the last week before the semi-finals so I was happy to see my baby hard at work.

At 7pm, Tom finished the training session, dried off and got dressed and we headed out, and back to the hotel. We agreed to go out for dinner so after I agreed to jump in the shower first tom headed downstairs to speak to the concierge and when I got out the shower and had a shave and cleaned my teeth, Tom came into the bathroom in his speedos and my eyes popped out as I was in my towel. He went to the separate sink he had and cleaned his teeth and had a shave as I was finishing. "I'm gonna get dressed." I said. He kissed me before I left and as I shut the door he just dropped his speedos and I caught a glimpse of his perfectly formed ass. I felt a twitch in my towel but luckily didn't get a hard on. I picked out my pulling red Armani boxers, picked out my new shirt that Tom had helped me pick out when we first met and also the same jeans. I then proceeded to get dressed and then sort my hair out and had just finished and stood up as Tom walked out of the bathroom in nothing but his towel. "Don't you look handsome." He said with a smile on his face. I blushed. "why Thank you." I replied. He came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Picture moment." I replied. I grabbed my phone and we posed for a few pictures before I said, "Right well I will leave you to get dressed." I said. "James." He said. "What baby?" I asked. "You know you don't have to leave." He replied. "I know, just there are something's that are better left to finding out at a more appropriate time." I told him. He smiled. "I'm sure we can find that appropriate time later on." He told me. "Yeah if you play your cards right." I replied as I continued to walk out the door without looking back giving him a perfect view of my arse. It was at this moment my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and there on the display was the word `MUM' My face dropped and I looked around. I slid the slider across, "Hi mum." I replied. "Hi son, how's things?" she asked. My mum is a lovely woman, originally born and raised in Ireland, she has had 3 kids, 2 divorces and now is with the same man that helped raise me over 23 years and they are due to get married in october. She is very small around 5'2" and very petite, but for a small lady she doesn't half have a temper and a loud mouth but is kind at heart and we have an amazing relationship. "Everything's fine mum, how are you?" I asked. "Fine son, just got home doing my ironing." She told me. "Sounds fun, what are you and Royce doing this weekend?" I asked. "We are going to look about the area for a place for the wedding." She told me. "Oh you will have to let me know where you pick." I told her. "We will, what you are you doing this weekend?" she asked. "Ermm, about that, I'm ermm..." I started getting all nervous. "James, what are you doing? Nothing wrong." She asked. "Mum, I'm in London." I told her. "Right and what's so bad about that?" she asked. "Nothing, it's just im not on my own." I told her. "Right so who are you with?" she asked. "My new man." I replied. "Oh right, anyone we would know?" she asked. "Well ermmm, I'm going to be on splash in the audience, if that helps?" I asked. "That's the diving program with that young diver from the olympics, Tom was his name wasn't it." She replied. "Yeah mum, that's the man." I replied. "You're with him." She asked. "Yeah, I am." I replied. "How did that happen?" she asked as he emerged from the bedroom in a sexy white shirt which was fitted and showed off his muscles and body amazingly and a pair of jeans and brown shoes and his hair perfectly styled. "We met in Plymouth last weekend." I replied. "Ahh right, I see. Is he with you know?" she asked. "Yeah he is." I replied. "Let me say hello." She told me. I pulled the phone away from my ear, "She wants to speak to you." I told him. "Who?" he asked giving me a worried look. "My mum." I replied. He took the phone from me. "Hello." He said. "Yes that's right." he told her. "I will do." He then said. "Oh thank you very much." He also said. "You too and yes I'll talk to him about that." He said. "Yeah bye." He said as he handed me the phone back to me smiling. "Okay mum." I replied. "Yeah he sounds nice, where are you staying?" she asked. "He has a room for us at the Savoy." I told her. "The savoy." She said. "Yeah and we are about to go out for dinner." I told her. "Okay son, well have a good night and I will speak to you after your weekend. Be safe." She said. "We will. Love you mum." I said. "Love you too son, bye." She said as I put the phone down. "Well you look yummy." I said going over to him and kissing him. "One last photo before we go?" he asked. I nodded and he pulled out his iPhone and took a picture of us before we left the room. We headed down to reception and out of the door. We climbed into a car and away we went. "So where are we eating?" I asked. "That's a surprise." He said. I smiled and soon we were off. Tom had booked a table at posh Italian restaurant that looked amazing from the outside. "What do you think?" he asked as we pulled up. "It looks amazing." I replied. He smiled and we climbed out the car. We got taken to a table and the evening went blissfully. First we ordered drinks and then we began to order. I had spaghetti and meatballs and Tom had lasagne. We chatted and talked and he made me laugh so much and I in turn made him laugh and the evening was so romantic.

The evening ended at around 11pm, after some drinks in the hotel bar. We got back to the room where I washed my face with Clearasil and brushed my teeth while tom did the same. He then began to take off his shirt and this made my heart melt. "I had amazing night, thank you so much." I said as he had taken off his shirt, he put his arms out and we shared a hug. "Anything for you." He said as I lay my head on his chest and looked in the mirror. He lay his head on my head and we looked so cute together. "Bed time?" he asked. "Oh hell yeah." I replied. He smiled and we kissed before I headed out into the bedroom. I took off my shirt and jeans and then looked around to see him stood there watching me. "Don't watch me. Just get undressed." I said smiling. He slowly took off his jeans as I climbed into bed in my boxers, "Normally I sleep naked, but I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable." He said. I smiled. "Now do you think, they are really going to be staying on for long." I replied. "Now Mr Leete I'm not that type of man." He said. I looked at him all flustered. "I'm... i..." I started before he kissed me. "I'm joking." He said. He leaned over to me and kissed me before climbing on top of me. I loved the feel of Tom's body. He was so smooth apart from the small trail of hair that led down into his underwear and he had an amazing set of muscles and 6 pack. He began to kiss down my neck and work his way down my body. He ran his tongue over my nipples circling them causing me to breathe heavier while he continued to work his way down my body. While he ran his tongue over my 6 pack I could feel his tenderness through his underwear as he was doing this to me. He moved lower and played with my 8 Inch cock over my underwear. He pulled back the waist band and licked the head of my cock which was pulsing. He then pulled my boxers off before taking hold of my cock and plunging it in his mouth going all the way to the base before coming back up and bobbing his head up and down sucking my cock. I moaned out loud as he continued to suck his cock. "Stop!" I said. He looked up and said "What? Did I hurt you?" he asked worried. "No, you were just making me very close." I replied. He smiled and came back up and kissed I him being careful not to squash his cock. I then wrapped my legs around him twisted him over making me on top of me. I then repeated the same actions to him. Moving down his body and playing with his nipples making them hard and biting them lightly. I then removed his boxers and taking his 8 Inch hard cock in my mouth sucking heavily which also made him moan out loud. As he looked down he saw my head bobbing up and down. I looked up at me with his cock still in my mouth and this really turned him on. I released his cock from my mouth and went over to the drawer in the bedroom and grabbed some lube before going back over to him "Fuck me" I said. "I thought you would never ask. He used the lube on my waiting pink hole and then put the condom on. He also placed lube over his cock before lifting my legs in the air revealing my 6 pack more and slowly pushing his cock inside me. I felt a wave of pain for about 2 seconds before it subsided and he continued to push in to me. Once I could feel he was all the way inside he began to fuck me slowly before picking up the pace. "Fuck yeah" I called as he started to pound my arse hard really fucking me. It felt like he was going to split me in two as I could feel his cock hit my prostate over and over again making me squirm and moan loudly. "Oh my god yeah, keep going" I shouted out. I could feel myself start to tense up. He continued to push in and out of me. I suddenly felt myself explode as 5 or 6 loads of cum shot out of the tip of my cock and all over my body. My cock started to go flaccid but Tom continued to pound my arse over and over. I could feel the beads of sweat running off his forehead and on to my body. Eventually he started to tense up and soon I could feel his warm cum filling my arse. He must have shot 6 times up my arse before pulling out and lying back on top and kissing me. "That was amazing." He said. I kissed him again. "Yes it really was." I replied. He rolled off me, and we snuggled and spooned and he wrapped his strong arms around me making me feel warm and secure before we drifted off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 3

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