Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Jan 12, 2014



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Series 2

Chapter 8

Last time on Tom Daley and Me?

I was still reeling from who I had just spoken to and who I was about to have dinner with. I was about to have dinner with Zac Efron. My dream man since the first time I saw High School Musical. Oh lord help me. While Tom is my dream man now, there's something about your first crush and he was certainly mine. A few moments later and the door knocked, in just a few seconds he was about to walk into my room and have dinner with me?. What the hell!!


I casually walked towards the door making a quick stop at the mirror to make sure I looked good. Pulling down the handle and opening the door stood before was a man I had the biggest crush on since I was about 16. "Hey." I said smiling. "Hey, I'm glad you could have dinner with me." He said also smiling. "No problem, I was feeling rather hungry after such a long flight, the food on the plane wasn't exactly up to much." I told him. "Oh so you have just flown in tonight." He asked. "Yeah about an hour ago. What do you fancy off the menu?" I asked him trying to avoid the impending question I knew he would ask. "The chargrilled chicken pasta is to die for here, you should try it." He told me. "I think I will. Thanks." I said smiling. I couldn't help but notice how much he kept staring at me especially when I wasn't looking. "I'll order if you want." He said. "Yeah sure." I replied sitting on the sofa. "Drink?" I asked him. "Sure, coke would be good." He said. I smiled as I grabbed two cans of coke out of the mini bar fridge. He ordered the food before coming to sit next to me on the sofa as the two of us were casually chatting. "I saw the video, I thought it was really brave of him to do it." Zac said as we were talking about Tom coming out. "He thought it was the best way. Just what the media misquoting him and everything he wanted to put it in his own words." I replied. "So where is your lover?" he asked. "At home no doubt." I replied taking a drink. "Can't be bad for you though being single and all you don't really have to keep tabs on a girlfriend." I said. "I guess not, so what was the argument about then that you two had make up for on the phone." He asked. "Just to do with his friends and me." I replied. "So why did you fly to NYC late at night?" he asked. "Oh god, just the question I wanted to avoid." I said setting my can down on the table and walking over to the window. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want." Zac said kindly. "It had to do with me wanting to get away from everything. Recently I have been getting stressed with my mum and dad going on about the wedding and Tom trying to keep up with his training and then us just having silly little fights. It was everything. Then to top it all, I'm just having some doubts about him, you obviously know that me and him split for a while at the start of the year?" I asked. He simply nodded allowing me to continue. "Well I've just been thinking about if we get married would he do that again. I know he said he wouldn't but the thought is still there with me. I mean I've always been faithful (a total lie) and never done anything to hurt him, but it just makes me think he's done it so why can't I?" I said still looking out the window at the vista that was New York City. I turned and looked at Zac who was now looking directly at me. "I can understand you completely maybe you do need to have some fun one last time before you tie the knot then you and he can be on even ground." He said. I smiled and was about to reply when there was a knock at the door. Zac went over to answer it as the door opened the room service man brought a trolley in with our dinner and then left after being given a tip from Zac and being told to charge the bill to Zac's room instead of mine. "This is great." I said taking a bit. "Told you." Zac said also having a mouth full. "I'm sorry for unloading so much emotional baggage on you. You hardly know me and here I am witling on about my love life" I said between the meal. "It's fine we all have relationship problems. Not that I can talk really I'm happily single sleeping with anyone I want." He said making me laugh. I had to pick up in my head that he had said 'anyone' not any girl?. Hmmm this is where I'm going to take a chance.

After dinner we sat out on the balcony talking and laughing as we chilled the night away. It was like 3am but I didn't have any plans for the next day so I could always sleep then. "It's 3am you must need to be up early in the morning?" I asked him "No actually tomorrow is my rest day." He said. "Okay so going to back to your question, truthfully yes I have watched all 3 high school musical films one after the other like a big kid." I said. "I knew it." He said smiling at me. "Okay Mr, your turn. Have you ever thought about or have you ever slept with a man?" I asked. "Now there's a question." Zac said as he took a drink and I took a drag of my cigarette. "Okay honestly and just between you and I, yes I have. I see it as sex, I like sex and I don't care if it's with a man or a woman. Why is that something that interests you?" he asked me. "I'm not saying. But all I will say is that growing up you were my first celeb crush." I said. "I'm flattered. Now answer my question, would you sleep with me." He said our faces getting closer to the point when I could feel his warm breath. "Ermmm?." I said swallowing hard at the tense moment. "I think?" was all I said before our lips met in a steamy hot and passionate kiss. I dropped my fag off the balcony and ran my hands through his hard as his hands lay on the back of my neck. Finally after what felt like hours we broke the kiss. I lay back for a moment catching my breath. "Wow." I said. "If you liked that you're going to love the next bit." He said taking my hand and pulling me inside. We slowly made our way over the bedroom, He pulled me on top of him and we continued to kiss. I grinded my hardening cock into his stiffening member. It got so hot we had to stop and remove our cloths. We took off our cloths as fast as someone would if they were on fire. And went back to making out. I broke the passionate kissing and went down to Zac's left nipple and then his right, he let out a groan of pleasure. I kissed between his pecs and down his stomach right down to his hard 7 inch cut cock. I licked the swollen mushroom head of is cock, Zac sighed. And then I took his shaft into my mouth. "Oh god!" Breathed Zac. I sucked on his cock, swirling my tongue around his shaft, tasting the saltiness of his precum, the wonderful odour of Zac. I could not pull myself off of his member. "FUCK MAN, that feels amazing!! But I need your cock! I need to suck on you too dude!" he shouted. I pulled off and moved myself around so we could get into the 69 position. I love sucking on a hot cock and having my cock worked at the same time. "What felt like an expert cocksucker taking my member in his mouth was incredible!" I moaned while Zac's cock was still in my mouth. I pulled of his cock. "Ah Zac, you have some serious skill", and I went back to working his gorgeous shaft and balls. He pulled off my cock, "Thanks, you have some serious skill as well. I hope you have skills when it comes to being a top." I probably could have exploded at that point, but I wasn't near climax yet so it was okay. I moved myself again to we could do some deep kissing action again. "You want me to fuck you?" I asked. "I need you inside me", Zac moaned. "Ah dude, I want you so bad!" "Me too" I replied and our lips locked again. My boner was raging hard and was ready to penetrate a hot ass. I put on a rubber and lubed up the shaft and pressed the head of my cock against Zac's ass. "OH FUCK!!" Zac squirmed. "I want this so much!" And I pushed the head of my cock in. "Ah shit, ya! Oh god! Fuck ya!" Zac Moaned. I continued to push my hard shaft into his warm hot ass. I pushed in until my balls were touching his ass, and then I pulled out slowly. I pumped his ass at a gentle rhythm at first. We locked lips as I slowly pounded his ass. "Your cock feels amazing inside me", Zac moaned. "You ass is incredibly hot, and perfectly tight!" I said I picked up the pace a bit, and was getting closer and closer at the sight of this hot stud below me taking every inch of me and loving it. Zac wanted it, harder faster, deeper. I pounded as deep as I could and our moans got louder and more intense with every thrust. "Fuck man I'm gonna cum!" I said. "Pull out and shoot in my mouth" he said. At that instruction I couldn't hold on another moment. I pulled my cock out of his ass, took off the condom and got up close on top of him with the tip of my cock in between those hot lips. I stroked my cock faster and harder, and then I began to shoot warm hot streams of jizz in his mouth. After four loads, he smiled and grabbed my head and pulled me into him and kissed me. He saved some of my load for me and made sure I had some. We both swallowed my hot cum, when minutes later he said he was ready to cum. I wanted his load the same way he took mine. Zac Efron style. I told him this so he got on top of me stuck his the tip of his cock at my mouth and stroked his cock. Then He moaned and shot wave of hot cum into my mouth. The hot jizz felt amazing hitting my lips and tongue. After he was done shooting his load, I pulled him close on top of me. I was reluctant to share any of his load, but it was incredibly hot making out with him. I grabbed his hot hair and pulled him into me and shared his cum with Zac. We made out for at least half an hour after that. Then he moved over, right in the crook of my arm, pulled my other arm around himself and we fell asleep.

Later that afternoon I woke to find Zac was gone. There was a note on the side of my bed, 'THANKS FOR LAST NIGHT, YOU ARE A TOP GUY. I WONT MENTION ANYTHING YOU HAVE MY WORD. HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON! Z X' I smiled knowing what happened last night and just couldn't stop smiling. It was then that I heard the door knock. I leaped out of bed looking about the place for any evidence of what happened and remembered the note and the condom on Zac's side of the bed. I grabbed them both and put them in the bin before putting on my dressing gown and heading for the door. I opened it and there stood before me was my best mate Daniel Suffolk. "Hey." I said rubbing my eyes. "Well hello sleepy head." He said coming into the room. "Just woke up?" he asked. "Yeah." I smiled heading onto the balcony for my morning fag. "How did you get here?" I asked. "Tom booked me the flight yesterday and told me to come get you." He said. "I see, glad you could come." I said smiling at him. He smiled back and then looked at me, "So Tom told me why you came here, you could have talked to me or at least brought me with you." He said. I laughed. "Have we got return flights home?" I asked. "Sure do, we leave JFK in 4 hours. So you need to shower and checkout, as I have a lot to tell you." He said. I smiled intrigued by what he was going to say. We sat out on the balcony for half hour while Dan explained that tom hadn't slept since I left and he was worried. He had Jake, Jack and Chris Mears there with him supporting him. Then the best news, Chris and Dan had been getting close and talking and Chris had admitted to Dan that he liked him and the two had recently started seeing each other. "Are you for real?" I asked shocked. "Oh yes, we haven't done anything yet, but I really like him and he says he feels the same way." "Well get you babe." I said Dan smiling at me obviously happy with what had happened. "So now we are like the gay trio me you and Jake with the trio of divers that we all think are hot." He told me. "I know, so that was fast work with you two." I said. "Wanna know the best bit?" Dan asked me. "So that's not the best bit?" I asked. "Tomorrow night once we are back, Jack and Chris and Tom are going live onto the web to announce that Jack and Chris are gay and their agent Jamie wants me you and Jake to be there to do the supportive boyfriend thing. He's hoping to make this the biggest part of gay news and I knew you would be over the moon to help." Dan told me. "Well this is amazing, so me and tom have helped two other divers to come out, find boyfriends and now get into a relationship, and you're with one of them. You know 2 years ago if someone had told us this would be happening I don't think we would have quite believed it." I said. "I know we are getting everything we ever dreamed of here." He told me. "So why is Jamie in such a hurry to do all this?" I asked. "Well with your wedding not far away, Jamie wants to do it before then and what with me and Jake being your best men and with Chris and Jack doing it for Tom then we wanted to show a united front for the wedding." Dan told me. I immediately tensed up "Wait he wants Jack and Chris, I have only ordered one suit and that's for Jack." I said. "Don't worry, Kash has ordered Chris's one and I have fun helping him do the measurements." Dan told me with a wink. "You big pervert." I said. "What he is my boyfriend now so it's fine." Dan said.

Later that afternoon, Dan and I boarded our flight home and on the 8 hours journey we had plenty of time to sit and talk and think about everything that was going on. Landing back in the UK the time was moved forward by 8 hours and when we landed it was 11am, collecting our baggage and going through passport control we made our way to the exit to see Jake, Jack, Tom and Chris waiting for us. I smiled at seeing Tom. I ran over to him and hugged him and kissed him. "I missed you so much." I said. "I missed you too, and I'm so sorry I made you go all that way. I never want to lose you and I thought you had left me." He said. "Never, I'm never leaving you. I love you so much your are my world." I said as we continued our embrace. "I love you more, you are my shining star, the one who keeps me sane." He replied. "Come on you two let's go we have press to face." Jake said. We headed for the exit, and afternoon some snapshots of us all we headed for the cars. Apparently everyone had driven up separately. Jake and Jack, Chris now with Dan and me and Tom. "See you back at the house." Tom said. We soon left the car park. "So how was your trip?" he asked me. "Good just the break I needed, it was nice to chill on my own and just muddle things over." I said. "Good, did Dan tell you the gossip." He asked. "Yeah, him and Chris together." I said in a shocked tone. "I know who would have thought it, all of us divers, the diving trio as we are best know, are all gay and in a relationship with members of the same friendship group." Tom said. "It's crazy, but tonight should be interesting with them coming out." I said. "I know, Jamie has set the house up and we are all set to go tonight. I can't wait. I know that you and I can support them through this, I mean after all we did sort of help them come out." He told me. "I know, and I love you for being so supportive to them." I said. "Of course, they are my best friends. Speaking of mates, I have arranged for the 1D lads to come over with Nathan and Tom from the wanted for dinner on Monday night. I thought we could cook and you can meet them then before the wedding." He told me. I smiled. "You know you didn't have to arrange that. I was over reacting." I said. "No not at all, you are my husband to be and I was wrong not to introduce you to them. To be honest I was more scared to introduce you to them because of what they may say" he told me. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well when we were on that break thing, Nathan and I got drunk and stupid and decided to play truth or dare with the rest of the lads and we ended up getting close and personal. Nothing like sex or anything but I did end up being given a hand job and licking the end of Liam's dick among other things. And I just didn't want that to come out and then you be getting mad at me." He said. "Baby it's fine, I understand and I wouldn't go mad at that, we all do silly things when we are drunk, remember me and the cocaine and the weed. The press thought I needed to be in rehab." I replied. "Good, well they are excited to meet you and I hope you are excited to meet them." He said. "Oh believe me I am." I replied smiling. I was so happy to have him back.

That night after getting home, showering and having a power nap, I could cooked dinner for the 6 of us before we got down to the really big things that were happening. At around 8pm we all sat in the lounge on the big sofa, Dan at the end on the left, then Chris, then tom, then me, then jack and then Jake at the end on the right. When we were all ready, Tom hit the 'GO LIVE' button on the laptop and boom we were online. "Hi I'm Tom Daley." Tom said. "Hi I'm Jack Laugher." Jack said. "And I'm Chris Mears." Chris said. "We come to you live tonight with some pretty big and exciting news. Something which myself and my partner James have helped to facilitate." Tom said. "As you know recently Tom did a video on YouTube after being misquoted in an interview in brazil about his coming out and put this all into his own words. The feedback we have had from this video has been immense. So many young people have told us they have been inspired to admit it themselves and to deal with the difficult issues that surround the idea of coming out and telling those that are close to you." I said. "Now tonight, we have more news to share. James and I have worked hard and have set up and 24 hour help line called come out, for people up to the age of 25 that need help and support to deal with the issue of coming out and getting the right advice to deal with it." Tom said. "Now tonight, Jack and I have news for you all. Being in the lime light is no easy matter. The diving trio as we are known is a group of friends that have been through thick and thin, Jack, Tom and I have known everything about each other since day one." Chris said. "So it came as no surprise when tom came out, and we have been here to show Tom and James our support. But now Tom and James have been here for me and Chris. I want to announce that me, Jack Laugher, in front of you today and live, I am announcing that I am gay. James and Tom have supported me through my decision as has my new love, Jake. We have been seeing each other for a while now and things couldn't be better. He makes me feel so safe and secure and we are so happy together. I hope you can all support us and I want to thank all my friends and family that have already done so." Jack said. "Now I want to announce that me, Chris Mears, in front of you today and live, I am announcing that I am also gay. Like with Jack, James and Tom have supported me through my decision as has my new love, Daniel. We have been seeing each other for a while now and we so happy to be together showing a united front. He makes me feel so happy when we are together. I hope you can all support us and I want to thank all my friends and family that have already done so." Chris said. "If any of you have been touched by this today then we want to hear from you. Leave us messages on twitter, or facebook, Instagram or Keek and we will get back to you. We want to hear what people think and we hope you can all be happy for us and support us as we go on the road to Rio 2016. Thanks." Tom said. He hit the stop streaming button and we all breathed. "Well that went really well." I said. "It sure did, now what's say we all just chill out watch some TV and do the normal mate thing and hang out." Jack said. "I like it. A Film?" Jake asked. "Yeah, pick one while I go for a fag." I said. "I'll come." Tom said. "Me to." Dan said. We all headed outside. Tom stood behind me with his arms around my waist holding me and keeping me warm. "Oh I forgot to mention, the producers of splash have been on since we have next season coming up in the summer and I have sent them to Jamie to deal with their request." Tom said. "And what request is that?" I asked. "Well, they would like you to join me as one of the celebs that go on splash to learn to dive?" he told me. "I'm so there. Yes that would be amazing. You always said you would teach me to dive." I said. "But keep it quiet for now until they make the official request and ask you." Tom said. "Of course. I replied. We headed back inside and all took a sofa each between the three couples. Me and Tom cuddled on one, Dan and Chris and Jake and Jack. It was so cute as we all settled into watch Olympus has Fallen.

It must have been half way through the film that I drifted off to sleep with Tom holding me but the next moment I woke up being carried up the stairs by Tom. "Oh my hero." I said. He stopped and looked at me. "Oh your awake." He said. "I am now." I replied. "Well what's we go to bed and practise our wedding night." He said. "Sounds perfect." I replied. He carried me into our bedroom as the door closed behind him. I pulled at the bottom of his shirt and dragged it up over his abs, before we broke our kiss to remove it over his head. Tom reached down and effortlessly pulled my shirt up. I lifted my arms to let him take it off. He dropped it to the floor before we engaged in our lip lock again. I loved the taste of him on my tongue and the feel of his bare chest against mine. We danced our way across our room and over to my bed. I could feel his hardness pressing against my own, begging to be free. Tom kicked off his shoes and climbed up onto the sheets, leaving me to follow. I took off my own shoes and unbuckled my trousers, letting them fall to the floor before I got up onto the bed and laid on top of him, grinding my erection against his. I heard him moan slightly as I sucked at the soft skin on his neck. I worked my way lower, down his chest and briefly toyed with his nipples, just enough to excite them before I moved lower. I unzipped his jeans and slid them down his smooth, supple legs. There was a dark patch on the front of his boxers, he'd leaked a lot. I hooked my fingers under the waistband and pulled them down, freeing his erection. I pulled them off his legs, leaving him in the nude before I laid down in between his legs and slowly gripped hold of his throbbing hardness. I ran my hand across the tip, spreading his precum around his glands. I leaned forward and flicked my tongue across his slit before I went down on him fully, burying my nose in his sparse, curly pubes. I felt him jerk in my mouth. Releasing another drop of his essence onto my tongue, tickling my taste buds. I bobbed up and down on his cock, sucking lightly. I reached down with my other hand and stroked his sack, massaging his balls gently. I heard him emit another deep moan. I traced my finger lower until I reached his smooth hole. I rubbed lightly around the opening, causing him to squirm slightly. I brought my finger to my mouth to wet it, before I moved it back to his hole, this time pressing firmly against the tenderness. He relaxed himself and let me enter. I heard his breathing quicken as I rotated my finger inside him. His hardness tensed inside my mouth. He was very close. "Unghh!" He started to shoot his forceful spurts inside my mouth. I swept my tongue around the thick liquid, savouring his taste before I swallowed it down. He kept jerking in my mouth. He seemed to produce so much cum. After a couple of seconds I felt him begin to soften somewhat. I pulled off him and cleaned around his head before I made my way up to his face. He was breathing heavily as he came down from his orgasmic high. He faced me and pulled my face towards his, before he placed his lips on mine. He licked his way down my chest and across my abs before he reached my boxers. He tenderly pulled back the waistband and released my hardness to the room. He removed my underwear off my legs and made his way between them. I watched as he ran a hand up my thigh before clasping my cock and stroking it lightly. I felt a surge of precum emerge at the tip as I throbbed in his hand. Tom leaned forward and teased my head with his tongue. I exhaled sharply at the heavenly feeling. He didn't put me in his mouth straightaway, but instead licked around my glands. I looked down at him to see him looking up at me. I watched as he licked around the sides and then up over the top. As if it was an ice cream. I giggled at his actions before he formed an oval with his mouth and took me down to the base. I laid back my head and closed my eyes, surrendering to the sensation. Tom was an expert when it came to giving head, he always hit the right spot, and had me heading towards orgasm really quickly. But I had other plans tonight. With my orgasm approaching quickly, I reached down and tugged at his head. He led me fall from his mouth and had a questioning look on his face. "Not yet." I said as I pulled him up to my face. Our tongues battled it out once again as we were locked together. I pulled back, ready to talk, but not sure about how to begin, "I...Erm..." "What's wrong babe?" He asked softly, cupping my face. "Nothing, I." I looked up into his eyes and found the confidence I needed, "I want you, Tom." "I do not understand." He replied lovingly. I ran my hand down his chest, "I want to feel you..." I began, before holding onto his erection, "...Inside of me." I said timidly. He looked at me, "Why didn't you just say so like you normally do?" I smiled, "I want this to be special, like I know our love will last." He nodded. "Good." I placed my forehead on his, "Make love to me, Tom." I whispered. He tilted his head upwards, connecting our lips for a second before he placed his mouth over my ear, "Roll over, baby." I slowly rolled onto my stomach, being careful not to bend my erection. Tom moved about on the bed and pushed my legs apart, giving him space. I felt his hands roam across my cheeks before he parted them slightly, revealing my hole. He traced a finger down the cleft and teased around my hole. His finger disappeared, replaced by his warm breath before I felt his moist tongue flick across my sensitive spot. He lapped at me lovingly, causing me to soak the sheet in precum. I felt his tongue become more of a point as he tried to enter me. I relaxed my muscles and felt him slip inside. He worked his tongue in and out of me, making me wet. He pulled back and replaced his tongue with a finger, pressing inside me gently. I felt him move it about to loosen me up. He was careful not to rub against my prostate, not wanting to make me cum yet. After a few minutes, Tom removed his finger and moved off the bed and headed over toward the bathroom. I leaned on my elbow and looked over, "Second draw, over there." I said, nodding with my head. I assumed that he was going to get some lube. I had already picked some out that was safe for both of us. I watched as he walked over to the drawers and retrieved the tube. He examined it for a few seconds before he headed over toward me. I laid back down again and felt him sit on the bed. He removed the lid and squirted some into his hand and some on my hole. He put the lube to one side before he slowly slipped a finger back into me. I then felt him add a second finger as he slowly worked them into me, in a corkscrew like motion. I moaned at the feeling. Tom took this as a good sign and worked himself into a steady pace, opening me up. He paused for a second before I felt him try to add another finger, but this one was a lot harder. He leaned down and kissed my back, "Relax. I will not hurt you." Hearing his calm voice helped me relax my muscles back there, allowing him to enter slowly. The nice feelings I felt before had disappeared and were replaced with a slight bit of pain. I expected it to hurt, but I also knew Tom would go slowly. And he did. It took a few minutes before he was gliding all three fingers in and out of me, by which time I had become accustomed to the feeling. He kept the fingers inside me as he spoke, "You're ready now." I nodded, "Ok." I let him remove his fingers before I rolled over onto my back. I looked lovingly into his eyes as I sat up and reached for the lube. I placed some into my hand and spread it around his erection, stroking up to full hardness. Once he was ready, I laid back and pulled up my legs, granting him access. He moved into position and looked at me, I nodded and tried to relax myself. I felt him run his tip around my opening before he pressed forward slightly. I felt him stretch my hole. He felt a lot larger down there than he was in reality. Half a minute later, his head popped through. I exhaled at the feeling. I felt Tom reach out and grab my hand as I felt him shift forward some more. He kept stopping after a couple of centimetres, giving me enough time to adjust. After a couple of minutes I felt him squeeze my hand. I looked into his eyes and then down to where our bodies were connected. He was inside me! All the way! I felt so full, as though I needed to go to the toilet. But at the same it felt good, really good knowing that it was my baby inside of me. My Tom. I looked back up at his face and smiled somewhat, to let him know that I was alright. He squeezed my hand as he began to pull out, before pushing back in. That hurt a bit at first, but after the second time, I got used to it. He slowly built up a steady pace, pumping into me. I moaned aloud when he bumped into my spot. I reached out with my other hand and pulled him down toward me. I pulled his face closer and started to kiss him. A few minutes later, he started to expertly make love to me. Not quickly or feverishly, just lovingly. He adjusted his angle so every thrust would hit my prostate, edging me closet to orgasm. I was surprised at his staying power, I didn't expected him to last as long as he did, but he wanted me to cum first. Which I did. With force. I could feel my orgasm building in my legs, working its way to my cock. Tom quickened his pace, knowing I was close. "Unnghhh!!" I moaned loudly as the first wave hit. I held tightly onto him as my orgasm hit me. It was as though my whole body contracted. Shooting my cum up between us and landing on my neck. I squirmed under Tom as my body shook with waves of pleasure. I heard him moan above me before I felt him tense as he sprayed his load inside me. Each spurt timed with mine. I wasn't keeping count. I wasn't doing much of anything. My body was in control. Once the spasms stopped, I lowered my legs to the bed, letting him slip from me. Tom rolled over onto his back and caught his breath. After a few minutes, I began to feel his cum leaking from me, so I got up and grabbed a towel to wipe it up, along with the mess I made on our chests. I gave one to Tom so he could clean himself. Once we were clean, we headed back over to my bed. I laid my head on Tom's bicep, looking up into his eyes. It felt like we had a stronger connection to each other, as though we were one. "That was amazing." "Yes, it was." He replied, running a hand across my back. "I love you." "I love you too." I nuzzled my face into his chest and closed my eyes. Falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat, and the smell of his natural scent.


"Role play time baby." Jack said. "Fuck," Jake moaned as Jack pulled Jake's sweatpants down, "Everyone goes on and on about Tom's ass but here you have a fat fucking, bubble butt back here. It looks downright juicy." Jack slapped Jake's exposed cheeks, striking them repeatedly and violently. With each slap, Jake whimpered a little bit louder while his dick got a little bit harder. He had never imagined enjoying anything like this. He had never imagined getting so turned on by being someone's bitch. Especially someone younger than him. "You're liking this aren't you?" Jack demanded. "Tell me how much you like being treated like the bitch you are. Fucking tell me!" There was now no doubt that Jake's ass was going to be red and sore for days to come. "I fucking love it," he mustered. "Let me be your bitch, Jack." "I knew it was just a matter of time until you became as big of a fag as your ex-boyfriend," Jack said. "I just didn't know it was going to be this easy."


"Get on the bed, bitch," Jack instructed. "On all fours, facing me. And take off the rest of your clothes." Jake was quick to follow orders, impressed, intimidated and turned-on by this dominant younger guy. As he got into position, he could see Jack removing his own clothes. Jake liked the light skin, firm arms and large pecs he saw. Slowly, Jake took the head into his mouth, brushing his tongue across the pierced slit and feeling cold metal brush back. He acted slowly and deliberately, letting himself become familiar with the meat in his mouth. Jack, however, was not willing to be so patient. He grabbed Jake's dark locks in his hand, causing the boy to open his mouth wide, fully accepting the cock into his throat. Jake had no idea his mouth - as trouty as it may me - could expand so much. But Jack was buried deep inside him now and Jake could feel the neatly trimmed pubes against his face. Jack kept himself fully emerged in Jake's mouth for a minute or so, letting him become acquainted with the feeling. He was doing something with his dick, Jake noted, that felt like he was twitching it or twisting it around deep in his throat. How the fuck could that be possible? It was a feeling that had Jake's own prick leaking with precum. He was getting turned on by being this younger guys bitch boy. Jack pulled his cock out, slapping it a few times against Jake's beautiful face just he could feel the weight of it and the cold, wet metal of the piercing on his skin. Feeling like he had again successfully proven the point that he was in charge, Jack pushed it back into Jake's throat, grabbing onto both sides of his head so he could easily piston in and out of the chute, quickly and efficiently. "Don't forget to breathe through your nose, Jakey," Jack said. "I wouldn't want you to pass out and miss all the fun." Tears were streaming down Jake's face. He had never been facefucked like this before and imagined he'd never experience something like it again. He felt completely used and had a hard time keeping up with Jack's pace of fucking but his tongue still managed to engage Jack's cock in a mutually pleasant game as he sucked him off. His own cock continued to leak and he was certain there would be a big wet spot on Jack's bed. A slutty part of him hoped he'd be punished for the mark. "Fuck boy!" Jack yelled. Jack continued with this pace for several minutes. Eventually, Jake could begin to taste the precum that was leaking from Jack's cock. It was bitter, nothing like Blaine's sweet tasting juice. But Jake still found himself enjoying the domineering taste. Abruptly, Jack pulled his meat out of Jake's mouth, stepping back and looking inquisitively at the dark. "I'm trying to decide how I want to breed you, Jakey," Jack said with a look of serious deliberation on his face. "I mean, if I have you ride my stick, you'd look pretty damn sexy on top of me. At the same time, I wouldn't know the joy of really showing you how a diver fucks." "Get on your back, legs up bitch," Jack finally decided. "I want to look you in the eyes as I fuck you and see how much it completes you, baby." Again, Jake complied. He laid back on the bed and Jack took a second to take the sight in."I'm about the breed to hottest boy in school," he said. "And you are quite the hottie, Jake. Toned arms, great abs and strong pecs. But that ass....fuck, that ass. I can't wait to make it mine. How do you feel about that, Jakey?" Jake nodded, not sure how to verbalize how he was feeling. Jack sat down on the bed next to Jake's legs, sticking two fingers into his mouth, making sure they were nice and wet. Jake knew what was coming, so to speak. He spread his legs and lifted them, granting access to Jack's probing. And he was surprisingly gentle at first, waking up Jake's hole by softly circling it and then pushing just hard enough to enter; first with one finger and quickly adding another. By the time third finger was fucking Jake, the gentleness had faded. Jake was moaning loudly, losing any shyness or dignity he may have hoped to maintain. All signs were now pointing to Jake enjoying the new role he was experiencing. He was lost in such a haze of lust that he didn't notice brief second his hole was empty as Jack removed his fingers, replacing it with his throbbing member. With little more than a firm push, he was completely embedded in Jake's chute. If Jake had any misconceptions that Jack would be anything but a hardcore fucker, they were now corrected. Literally. Jack pummeled into the dark's hole, letting his balls violently slap against Jake's ass. It was hard work keeping up this pace, resulting in Jack drenched in sweat. It was dripping from his body, onto Jake. Meanwhile, Jack kept a steely stare onto the boy underneath him. Taking note of the strained look on Jake's face and the moans coming from his mouth. Jack took pleasure in each grimace of pain his saw on his bottom's face and relished in the moments of joy he saw, too. He could tell that Jake had never been fucked like this but that he was enjoying the experience. "I'm getting a little tired, Jakey. It's time you show me how much you like being bred by me," Jack said before withdrawing his cock from Jake's abused hole and laying down next to the dark. "Ride me." Jake did as he was told and lowered himself onto Jack's cock. This was different, he thought; he was in control of the fucking now. When it started to become too painful, he stopped, letting the pain show on his face before it went away. Jack was having none of this. He put his arms around Jake's torso, pulling him down onto his cock completely and finally kissing him, masking Jake's loud moans and whimpers by sinking his tongue into his mouth. He held their mouths together until he was confident Jake could resume using his meat. "Bounce up and down on my cock, Jakey. Show me what you can do," Jack encouraged. "Come on, show me how much you love having me inside of you. Fuck yourself on me." Jake did his best to oblige, rising up off Jack's dick and then bottoming out on it again. He'd never felt so full before and when he rose up again off of it, he wanted nothing more than to have it inside him again. He could feel himself becoming a slutty, little bottom boy - only complete when he was stuffed full of hot, cock. This must be how James felt with Tom, Jake thought, when he was fucking him. Nothing was stopping Jake now. He was eagerly fucking himself on Jack's prick, despite the sharp pains he was occasionally feeling. Whenever Jack came into contact with that special place deep inside of him, Jake's dick would immediately stiffen and his eyes would roll back in his head. The Jakee thing happen whenever Jack reached up and manhandled Jake's pecs. He'd slap them roughly and then pinch his nipples, tweaking them until the surrounding area was bright red. When Jack grabbed Jake and brought his mouth down to meet him, he'd always reach down and nibble on Jake's diamond-hard nipples, swiping his tongue over them. Jack was nearing the end of this fuckfest. He could feel the pressure building up in his balls and Jake's hole was starting to constrict. "Jerk yourself off, Jake. Cum for me." Jake had neglected his dick the entire time he was being fucked. He hadn't touched it once. Instead, he had continued to leak a thin stream of precum juices all over Jack's abs. It had filled up the ridges of his stomach muscles, now resembling a sticky slip and slide. He put his hand around his thick, white cock. Beating it furiously while steadying himself on Jack's dick with his other hand. Somehow, he managed to jerk himself while continuing to ride the meat, much to Jack's enjoyment. Jake didn't begin to cum until he opened his eyes and looked directly into Jack's eyes. The younger man was such a fucking stud, Jake thought, breeding his ass like no one has ever dared. As Jake began to cum, he started to lose his balance. Removing his hand from his cock, he steadied himself on the bed, still perched on Jack's cock, bottoming out one last time. With no hand to guide his dick, Jake ended up blowing his load all over his abs, chest and even some on Jack's already wet stomach. "Fuck yeah, boy!" Jack yelled a little louder than intended. "Your fucking ass is like a god damn glove on my cock. And here comes the load!" Jack again grabbed Jake around the neck, pulling him down so their mouths were engaged. Jack's tongue was deep in Jake's throat as his cock was blowing his monstrous loud into his friend. Jake lost count of how many spurts of cream he got around the seventh or eighth shot. Jack's chest was heaving as he continued to assault Jake's mouth, even after he had finished with the breeding process. Finally he released Jake but almost instinctively, Jake traveled down Jack's torso, licking clean his abs from the mess he had made earlier. He was still under a spell of submission. Once clean, Jake rolled over next to Jack, still keeping one hand on the younger man's chest, both breathing heavily after their extremely hot sex


"I want you to fuck me." Dan said. This made Chris more turned on at the way he said it. They quickly shed their shoes and trousers leaving them in boxers They quickly removed those and Dan dropped to his knees and sucked Chriss cock, licking up and down the shaft running his tongue over the big purple head, deep throating him taking it all the way down to the base and then moving on to balls, taking one ball in his mouth at a time sucking on them lightly. "Slow down or I may cum." Chris said. "We don't want that now." Dan said with a cheeky grin. "I can't wait any longer. Fuck me now, fuck me hard." He said. Chris lay him down on the couch with both legs in the air and lubed up Dan's hole before slowly working his cock inside him. Dan yelped slightly in pain but soon Chris was all the way inside his tight hole and began thrusting at him as Chris began to fuck his hole and soon picked up the pace fucking him so hard that he was screaming out in joy, the beads of sweat flowing down the side of Chris's face and Dan's body all sweaty. Chris just kept pounding and pounding his hole and he could feel his cock going sore, but ploughed through and continued to fuck his hole. Soon he could feel himself tensing up and knew he was going to cum. "I'm gonna shoot." Chris said breathless. "I wanna taste it." Dan said. Chris pulled out and Dan began sucking on the 7 inch cock tasting himself as he did and soon Chris shot his load down Dan's throat, load after load he wasn't sure if it was going to stop. Chris moved down and took a hold of Dan's 7.5Incher and before wrapping his lips around the hard cock and began moving his head up and down taking the whole cock in one go, making Dan squirm and move in pleasure. "I'm gonna shoot Chris." Dan said between breaths. No sooner had the words left his mouth and Dan erupted in Chris's mouth. Chris swallowed the juice as he collapsed on to Dan and said "That was amazing." "It sure was." Dan replied.

It was as if by magic the house went quiet, all the sex was over and I was curled up with Tom. Dan and Chris were laying in each other's arms slowing falling asleep and Jack and Jake were curled up together spooning fast asleep. The events of the last few days had been interesting and with Zac that was just a one night stand that could never happen again. He was good I will give him that, but the sex with tom that we had just shared made me realise that I loved him, it brought us closer and I never wanted to lose that. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 19: Tom Daley and Me II 9

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