Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Dec 21, 2013



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coinsidentle. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley

Chapter 6

And so the holidays are upon us. It had been two weeks since Tom had done his video for YouTube after the horrible miss quote during his interview in Brazil. The reaction had been incredible and the news coverage and the press coverage had been out of this world. But now it had settled down and the whole world now knew that Tom and I were as strong as ever and in no way did Tom have any feelings for women. As for Jack, well his relationship with Jake had really taken headway. They had been really fallen for each other to the point where Jack was staying in Coventry for 5 nights out of 7 and was now training in Coventry with Tom so that he and Jake could see more of each other. But now the holidays were here and Christmas was only 4 days away and for the first time in the year that Tom and I had been together we were having Christmas at our house with a lot of people invited, naturally. Tom and I had discussed it and we both thought it was a great idea because it meant we could finally open up the dining room and kitchen area and turn it into a big open plan room. We had hired a large dining table with 10 chairs from the same company we had previously bought our dining table from and they had managed to the table and the chairs to the current ones we already had. In total we were having 20 people over for Christmas. That being, myself and Tom, Jake and Jack, My mum and dad, my sister, her partner and my nephew. Then we had my aunty, uncle and cousin, followed by Jake's mum, dad, little sister, little brother and older brother and then Tom's mum and his 2 younger brothers. So it was going to be a full house. Jack had agreed to see his mum and dad on Christmas Eve and they were happy with that. I had invited them down but they declined saying that they couldn't let the rest of their family down. I think Jack was a bit bummed out that they couldn't come, but he was the one who say that he wanted to spend Christmas with Jake which I thought was sweet.

So now here I sat on the sofa on my own, while Jake was at work, Tom and Jack were training and I was sat with a notepad and pen completely blank of what I had to do and buy in time for Christmas. In terms of presents, Tom and I had finished and wrapped them all. We had certainly bought a lot of presents and had spoilt our families and friends. Then I had gone way over board with Tom's presents and he had done the same with me judging by the number of presents that were under the tree. Well it was only right that I look. We had bought plenty of gifts for Jake's family and had spoilt Macey, his 5 year old sister. Dale his older brother who was a year younger than me we had bought plenty for and Tyler who was Jake's younger brother aged 17 we had got him a lot of stuff to go with his hobby and college course which was photography. I was happy with what we had got everyone and so was Tom. Our 8 foot Christmas tree was very nicely decorated, although I cant take all the credit as we ordered the tree from Harrods along with the lights and decorations and then paid that little bit extra for them to come and decorate it for us. As for dinner, tom had suggested we bring someone in to cook it for us, as had made friends with a great number of celebrity chefs since Tom and I had taken part in a celebrity vs. celebrity chef cook off show which ran every Sunday night. 2 celeb chefs would work with 2 celeb couples and create the perfect meal. Kind of like ready steady cook but a bit more interesting. I had worked with Gordon Ramsey whilst Tom had cooked with Marco Pierre White. That was a lot of fun, and I had beaten Tom into the ground with that one. But I had said that I wanted to cook the Christmas dinner myself. We had ordered 2 giant turkeys, each one could feed 15 people but I thought it best to get 2. I had also ordered all the veg from a local market trader that Tom and I knew, and he was bringing round everything from Potatoes to Brussels sprouts. There was only 2 kinds of veg that Tom and I had both agreed we had to buy ready prepared and just needed to be put in the oven, and they were red cabbage which I bought from M+S, we all loved it and then parsnips - they had to be Aunt Bessie nothing else would do. So I began writing my shopping list, it wasn't going to be massive but it was going to be big, what with all the alcohol we needed and then deserts and everything else. Jake's mum had kindly offered to buy the table settings (on my card of course) and then come over on Christmas Eve to set the table. The things she had ordered were simply divine I couldn't have done a better job. So once I finished my list I grabbed my car keys and coat and headed out the door. On Boxing Day we were going flying over to the Seychelles where we could see in the remainder of Christmas and celebrate New Year and we had organised for Jake and Jack to join us. So a massive amount of food wasn't needed as we were going to be gone for 2 weeks. So I jumped in the car and drove off to Tesco and the place was packed when I got there. I grabbed a trolley and away I went around the shop, picking everything out I needed for the dinner that everyone wouldn't forget. As I finished off the food I rounded the next aisle where all the alcohol was kept. I started to pick some wines, red, white and rose. Then beers and spirits and ciders followed by mixers and some fruit juices and the trolley was over flowing. I couldn't believe it. I managed to push it to a checkout and unload it and as I was heading down to start packing I saw my mate Daniel at the end of the checkout already packing it for me. "Hello Stranger." I said giving him a hug. "Thought you could use a hand" he said smiling. "Thanks, yeah I'm feeding 20 people on Wednesday." I said. "Christ, that's a lot. Well ill see you tomorrow anyway. Before you do your mad feast." He explained while packing my shopping. "You shall indeed, it will no doubt be the last time I see you before Christmas." I replied. "Yeah your right." He replied. The woman continued to scan things and on the last item finished scanning and then pressed enter. "Okay sir, that's ?376.98" she said. Dan looked at me in shock. "WHAT HAVE YOU BOUGHT?" he exclaimed. I put my debit card in the machine and the transaction went through before I removed my card and headed out the doors and out to the car. "There was a lot of wine and alcohol there you know." I said. He smiled. "I know but your going on holiday on Thursday you didn't need that much." Dan said as we loaded it in the car. "Guaranteed that all goes." I said as we put the last bits in. "True with everyone you have going round." He said. I smiled as both sparked up a fag.

The 3 days before Christmas flew by. It was now Christmas Eve. Tom had taken off to the gym in the morning while I cleaned the house from top to bottom and done loads of washing and ironing and changed all the bedding. Even though we had a 3 bedroom house the only people staying was Jake and Jack. My family and Tom's family were all staying in a hotel in town and were driving into us in the morning and Jake's family were driving into us in the morning as well. All the washing I was trying to get done was our holiday clothes in time for Thursday and Jake and Jack had brought a load of stuff they wanted washing as well. On top of that I had suitcases to pack and everything to put together for the holiday. It was madness. But by 6pm the house was sparkling and the suitcases were ready. I had all of our passports and tickets and mine and Tom's spending money and I had called the Banyan Tree hotel in the Seychelles to confirm our room assignments. We had been allocated two luxury villas by the sea front. It was going to be paradise. At half 7, I took off to pick up Rachael, Jake's mum, so she could help me out with the table and the prepping. My family were on their way to Coventry but got caught in traffic as were Tom's mum and brothers. When I brought Rachael back we both went into overdrive. She started on the table while I began on the mountain of potatoes we had to prepare and then the sweet potatoes afterwards. By the time she had finished the table with all the plates, cutlery and glasses and all the decorations and napkins I had finished all the potatoes and had 3 pans all set to go, thank god my cooker had 6 rings. She started on the carrots and sprouts while I did the broccoli and cauliflower and we chatted away and talked about the day to come. We both then prepared a turkey each and put the two turkeys in the fridge once prepared. Lastly I went ahead and made stuffing balls and arranged them on a tray and before popping them in the fridge as well. This meant that all I had to do in the morning was cook, no prep work needed. At 9pm just as we were tidying up the door bell rang. "Tom will you get that?" I called out. He went to the door and I heard a mixture of hello's and hi's from my mum and dad, and his mum and brothers. "Just wanted to pop in and see you before we go to the hotel." My mum said as she entered the kitchen. "Hi." I said drying my hands. "Mum you remember Rachael." I said. "Of course Jake's mum." She said giving her a hug. "How have you got on?" my dad asked giving Rachael a kiss on the cheek. "Pretty good, we are all set for the morning now. All I have to do is turn everything on and cook. Everything is prepped." I said "WOW I like the table, who did this?" Tom's mum asked. "I did." Rachael said all proud and happy. "Looks fantastic!" my mum said. "Is there a seating arrangement?" Jake asked from the door way. "Yep, Tom and James at the head of the table on each end, then from James's end, Jake, you and Jack, then Tessa and Royce, Dale and Tyler and me, Macey and Darren. Then you get to Tom, then on the other side, George at the end, then Sarah, Scott, Lee, Caroline, Niamh, Debbie, Sam and Will. All the places have name tags." Rachael told them all. "Well this looks brilliant, but we will have a better look tomorrow. James are you all set for Thursday?" my mum asked. "Yep, all the cases are packed and ready, I have passports, tickets and money." I said. "Lucky shits, all going off to the Seychelles in the sun straight after Christmas." Debbie said. "Well it was Tom's idea, blame your son." I said smiling as he came to stand next to me. "Well we need to get to the hotel and I'm sure Rachael wants to get home." My mum said. "Indeed I have some last minute wrapping to do." Rachael said. "Right so when shall we come round?" my mum asked. "Be here for 11, then we can have dinner for 12 and do presents in the afternoon if everyone is okay with that." I said. No one answered me. "By the silence I'm assuming your okay with that." I said. "Yeah son, sounds fine." My dad said. I smiled; he always was the one to break the silence. "Right then see you in the morning." They all said as everyone took off for the door. "Rach grab your coat and ill get you home." I said to her as everyone was leaving. "Right." She said. I smiled and we all went to get our bits. Tom, Jake and Jack headed for the lounge while I got my phone and fags and keys and headed for the door. We jumped into the car and I took her home and headed back to mine afterwards. By the time I got back it was 10 and the only person left awake was Jack. Jake and Tom had both gone to bed but Jack wanted to wait up for me. "Hey." I said as I finally dropped onto the sofa he was on and sat next to him. "Hey, you did a great job tonight. This dinner is going to be amazing." He said. "I know, I can't wait." I said. He cuddled into me as a sparked a fag. "Hey what's up with you?" I said as he began cuddling me. "Nothing your just good to cuddle." He replied. I put my arm around him and smiled as sat like that until I was done with my fag. Once done I put it out and we headed up the stairs to bed.

The following morning I woke up at 9am, to find Tom fast asleep next to me. "Merry Christmas Sexy." I said giving him light and gentle kisses to wake him up. "Merry Christmas beautiful." He said waking up and kissing me back. He finally sat up in bed and smiled. "Its Christmas morning." He said kissing me. "Yep it is and we have lots to do." I said. He kissed and just as we broke our kiss the door to the bedroom flew open and in came Jack and Jake jumped on the bed and shouted "IT'S CHRISTMAS" whilst bouncing on the bed like a pair of 5 year olds. "Good morning." I said having just right up Jack's dressing gown to see him with no underwear on. They sat on the bed and again I could see right up jack's dressing gown and we talked before we headed down the stairs. They made themselves breakfast whilst I started on the dinner. I heated the oven and put both turkeys in as they need 3 hours to cook. Then I got everything else out like the stuffing, the Yorkshires and parsnips and red cabbage and got them all ready to go before I finally sat down and ate the bagel Jake had made me. By 11 we were all showered and dressed as the fun began. At bang on 11am the door bell rang and the house was filled within seconds. My mum and dad, my aunty uncle and cousin, then my sister and nephew followed by Scott, then Tom's mum and brothers and then lastly all of jakes family. Everyone went into the lounge and Jack, Tom and I all went round serving drinks and celebrating with our loved ones, the day felt so perfect. I was back and forth between the kitchen and lounge, with all the mums coming in and helping me out. By 12:30 all the family were sat around the table as we served up the dinner. It was divine, the whole table was covered and everyone was happily tucking in and the wine and food were going down very well. Dinner was done by 2pm and the boys all loaded the dishwasher to allow me and the girls and Jack to relax. At 3pm the present opening started accompanied by cocktails made by Jake's mum and we all were so happy. Mum and dad got me vouchers for shopping and spending money for the holiday and other little bits, tom got me clothes and shoes and a new bag as well as a gorgeous chain with my birth stone on it. I also got smellies and other little goodies like chocolate. Tom was over the moon with what I had bought him and then once everyone was done I finally disappeared to bring him his main present from me. He opened the box with everyone watching him and inside was the watch that he had seen not long ago but wouldn't buy as he said it was far too expensive. It was an Armani bracelet watch that I had engraved to say, 'Here's to all our future dives. J x' he cried at this and everyone was so happy. The entire feeling of Christmas in our home was just amazing for me and having all of our families there was just incredible. Jack had bought Jake clothes and given him money etc and for a main gift bought him a week long intensive driving course, his provision licence and put the keys to a brand new Audi A1 in the box which Jack said he could find when he was a qualified driver. Jake got very emotional at this and I could tell he was so happy.

That night after the day we had, everyone left to go home or to the hotels by half 10 and we all cleared off to bed. Tomorrow was even busier for us as we had the flight to catch and the holiday to go on. We all fell asleep instantly as soon as we got to bed and were up again at 7am. We showered, dressed and ate before the leaving the house at 9am in a chauffeur driven car to Heathrow airport. Once we arrived at the airport, checked in and went through departures I did some duty free shopping getting some cigarettes and alcohol and my favourite perfume that no one buys me as it's like ?80.00 per bottle and then heading for the gate. Once boarded the emirates flight and were seated in first class it didn't take long before we were airborne. 7 hours later and we had landed, but not before tom and I had joined the mile high club finally, and although they wouldn't admit it, we knew that Jake and Jack had as well. After a slight transfer then checking in at the hotel and unpacking, we all finally hit out private beach. Once stretched out in the sand Tom turned to me and said "Merry Christmas Babe." I smiled. "Merry Christmas to you as well my beauty." I said as we kissed. "This is so relaxing and so well deserved." Tom said. "Your right, we need this break." I replied as I sipped from my cocktail. "I love you." I added. "I love you too." He replied back. I smiled lay my head back down and breathed. 2 weeks fun in the sun, just what I need.

Thanks to all my readers. Keep getting in touch I love to hear from you and always reply. Happy holidays to you all and I will see you all in 2014. Email: or find me on face book: James Leete or Twitter: @jamesleete1990

Next: Chapter 17: Tom Daley and Me II 7

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