Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Dec 15, 2013



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coinsidentle. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley

Chapter 5

As I stood in the arrivals area of Heathrow airport a part of me couldn't stop thinking about what happened between me and Dan. We had fucked and yes it was amazing but then I remembered that I was due to get married and well I'm just going to call that a moment of weakness we all get them I guess. Whilst Dan and I had agreed that it was a one time thing and it would never happen again I still wanted more and so did he. He had since then broken up with Jake saying it wasn't working but I knew the real reason... Me! But now here I was waiting for my fianc? to clear customs and get his bags. Whilst the Dan thing was a big worry for me I had bigger things to worry about now.

Whilst over in Brazil Tom did a photo shoot for a local magazine, which made sense as the Olympics of 2016 were being held there. But in that interview the translator between tom and the magazine person miss quoted Tom and naturally the papers from England got there hands on it making things more difficult for us all. This was now something we had to face together. I had seen press on my way in and some of them had snapped some pictures of me as this was to be big news for sure. Tom and I had been skypeing everyday and when the magazine had been printed over there he was the first to tell me. The press had tried to ask me about it but I simply said "no comment" it was better that way. Given the nature of what was said it made sense. Now I know you're All dyeing to find out what was said, Tom had tried to say that girls were of no interest to him anymore and that I was the one for him when he was asked if he still had thoughts about girls and when it was printed it said that Tom still thought about girls and that our relationship was on the rocks again. Pile of shit as always but it was an issue Tom wanted to address.

When Tom finally walked out from the doors covering the back of the airport with jack he immediately spotted me as did jack. They ran over and tom wrapped his arms around me and gives a giant hug and kiss. "I've missed you so much." He said "I've missed you too." I said with relief in my voice that he was home. "What about my hug?" Jack said. I smiled as he hugged me. "I'm so glad to have you both back. It's been kind of dull without you." I said. "Really I thought you would have been busy with the wedding" Tom said. "Well I have but with so much free time I've managed to get a lot of it done. All we are waiting for now is RSVP's from everyone" I told them as we walked towards the exit. We got close to the doors and Tom stopped, "ready?" He asked. "Hell yes." I said smiling. We walked out the door and the flashes started along with the questions "Tom can you confirm or deny the rumours you are now bisexual?" One guy asked "James how do you react to the recent news?" I got asked. We stopped and posed for some pictures. "Guys an official response to all these questions will come, be patient." Tom said as we started to walk towards the car. "Tom is this the beginning of the end for you two." One guy asked. "Absolutely not." I replied. We broke through the crowd and headed for the car. We quickly got in and sat there breathing trying to catch my breath. "That was tough" I said as I grabbed a fag and sparked it up. "Well that's the worst of it. When we get back home I will be doing something official." Tom said. "Yeah" I replied. "Babes you do understand that it was all a load of crap. I love you and no one else. I have no interest in girls what so ever. The thought of it makes my stomach turn. Always has" Tom said. I smiled. "Tom you don't have to explain yourself to me I know its shit. And the thought of girls is vile." I said making him laugh. Jack sat in the back finally spoke up "that makes 3 of us then." I almost choked on my fag at the point. "WHAT?!" I exclaimed. "You heard." Jack said. I looked to Tom who nodded. "He told me while we were out there. Didn't want to distract from our lime light but apparently we have given him the courage to do this although I've always known." Tom said. "Wow that's huge well done babe." I said to jack as I started the car and drove. "I wanted to tell you when we were on Skype but Tom said to wait till I saw you." Jack told me. "Well I'm proud of you. Have you told your family?" I asked. "Yeah I told them months ago." He replied. "That's so brave of you. So anyone you got your eye on?" I asked, he went deadly quiet as I pulled on to the motorway. "Who is it?" I asked "I don't want to say." Jack said. "It's not me or Tom is it?" I asked. "God no you two are like brothers to me. But it is someone you know, but he's taken." Jack said. "Who??" I repeated. "Oh for god sake he likes Jake." Tom told me. "Tom!!" Jack yelled. "What?! You had to tell him or else he would be asking all night." Tom told him.

The drive home was filled with talk about what was happening with Jack and his coming out along, with a huge variety of others things. They talked about what Rio was like and how things had progressed out there for them and then finally after 2 hours we arrived home. Jack had asked if he could stay for a few days which I had readily taken him up on, it would be nice to have him with us and plus that way I could play match maker. "So what sort of suit will I be wearing?" tom asked. "A black one of course. Oh my god they should be here by tomorrow you have got to try it on." I said all giddy and happy. "I will babe, where did you get them from?" he asked. "They are tailor made, by Gucci." I told him. "So they agreed to sponsor our suits." He asked. "Yep, shoes, suits, cufflinks and all the other fancy things. I'm wearing a black suit as well but the only difference between us I have a white tie." I told him. "And what about my best man suit." Tom asked as we sat on the sofa. "Already taken care of, I sent Jack's measurements to them." I replied. "Wow so you have really taken care of everything." Tom said. "Yep all we are waiting on now is RSVP's from everyone which the day for cut off is next Monday. So they should be arriving soon. Then we need to pick out rings together and book a honeymoon." I told him. "Wow so it's all happening." Tom said smiling at me and jack. "Yep even sorted my hen night with the boys and girls." I told him. "What is it?" Tom asked intrigued. "A shopping day in London, with a spa day and then a night out and meal" I told them. "Who's paying for all that?" Tom asked "well take a look at this." I said handing him the bank statement. He read it and then looked at me in total shock. "Where did that come from?" Tom asked "surprised?" I asked "yes" he answered "you and me both" I replied. "Mind if I ask what?" Jack asked. "Yeah explain." Tom said. "Well a day after you left I got a call from a Mr. Aaron Samuels, a lawyer from London asking me to go to his office." I started. "Right about what?" Tom asked "well after I drove to the centre of London I met him. He explained that before I was born my birth father hired him to take on some shares he had bought in an up and coming IT firm. He was to not mention the shares and my dad wasn't allowed access to them. They were only to be done something with when my dad finally died, and even then it was all to go to his eldest son of biological decent. Well he and mum split but not before she was pregnant with me. His first child, a son. They split and he went to another woman got married and had 2 daughters. Then a month ago he died. After closing the estate Samuels then had to find out if my dad had a son and by chance saw us in the papers. So after a background check he worked it out. So he called me down and explained this. Then told me he had been saving all the dividends paid out in a high interest account as per my dad's instructions. ?2 million pound it had mounted up to" I said smiling. "But this says ?5 million." Tom said. "Yeah well it turns out this IT company was bought out by Microsoft 15 years ago. They bought all the shares except these which stopped them from owning 100% of the company. In fact they only had 75% which meant my dad or rather I had 25%. So when they found out I owned the last few shares via a little email they wanted to buy me out to the tune of ?3 million, the cheque arrived 7 days ago and here we are. This arrived this morning." I said to them as they listened. "Wow babe that's incredible." Tom said kissing me. "Damn right" jack said. "I told mum she wasn't happy because when they divorced my dad said he had nothing. But she was happy that after 23 years he was doing something to try to help me. I told her Royce is my dad always has been and that this is from a random sperm donor which made her laugh. So the wedding and honeymoon and hen night is covered." I said. "This is brilliant." Tom said smiling. "I know." I said.

We sat back and cuddled on the sofa the 2 of us while jack sat across from us. "So jack... Why Jake?" I asked. "I was waiting for this." Jack said "actually yeah why Jake." Tom said sitting up. "Well he is cute, funny, and smart in his own way. Makes me smile and is just a lovely guy. But he's taken and probably doesn't even have any interest in me." Jack said slouching. "Hmmm" Tom said. I smiled and they had no clue. "What you're smiling at my misfortune now?" Jack asked "you have no idea how wrong you are." I said "about?" Tom asked. "Jake and Dan split 2 weeks ago. I also happen to know that he thinks your fit, funny, good looking and the person he has been looking for." I said to jack. "You're joking right?" He asked me. "Nope." I said smiling. "Oh my god he's single." Jack said grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "But wait I don't want to be his rebound from Dan." Jack said now very serious. "Oh you won't be, Jake doesn't do rebounds and he is very picky about the guys he likes." I said. "So what did he actually say?" Jack asked all excited. "That things with Dan hadn't worked as Dan wasn't right for him and the kind of guy he wants is someone like you jack or in his words 'if jack turns gay he's mine' if that helps" I said to him. Jack wouldn't stop smiling at this. "Yay." Was all Jack could manage.

Later that afternoon I found myself in the kitchen preparing dinner. I was making my all time favourite and everyone else's for that matter, Chicken filled with Philadelphia wrapped in bacon with fresh veg, sweet potato roasties, and mash topped with gravy, stuffing and a large Yorkshire pudding (don't ever say I cook a small dinner). I had invited only other person round for dinner and that was Jake and given that we hadn't seen much of each other lately he was happy to oblige. I hadn't told him that Jack was here but he would soon know. I also asked him to stop the night and given that it was Saturday he agreed, again another little tactic. I was stood in the kitchen wrapping chicken breasts in bacon and wrapping them in foil while Jack prepared my veg, which he was close to finishing. After finishing the chicken I moved onto prepare the roast potatoes as they took the longest to cook. While we were busy cooking I had asked Tom to go and get Jake and Jack and I were chatting. "I don't know why but I'm kind of nervous to see him." Jack said. "I don't know why, he's just a person." I replied "Plus you have met him loads of times before." I added. "I know but this time it's different, he single now and I'm out and now?" was all jack said before he trailed off. "Wait a minute, you have planned this haven't you." He asked me. "What?" I asked with a grin on my face. "You have, you cheesy git. I bet you asked him to stop the night as well didn't you." Jack said before I remained silent. "You did, oh my god. Trying to get us into bed already." He told me. "Well if I left it to the two of you, the whole thing would take about 5 months just to even organise a date." I answered. "Your not mad are you?" I asked. "No of course not. In fact if it wasn't for Jake I'd probably kiss you right now." He said making me laugh. "Keep those lips to yourself or wrapped around Jake's dick later." I said. "James!" Jack shouted making us both laugh. "What? Just saying it as it is." I replied us both still laughing. As we howled with laughter and carried on doing what we were doing at the same time, I heard the door close. "Hi." Jake said coming into the kitchen. "Hi babe." I said giving him a hug. "You never said Jack was here." He said looking at me. "Oh yeah I forgot to mention that, but it's fine, nice to have a full house. You two don't mind sharing a room do you? Just I haven't made up both guests rooms" I said. "No I don't mind as long as Jack is okay with that." Jake said. "I don't mind." Jack said still not having turned around. "Oi you ignorant fucker, say hi to Jake." I said to Jack. "I'm going for a fag, cheer him up and try to get some sense out of him." I said to Jake quietly at which he nodded. I walked out the kitchen to the lounge where tom was on reading his phone. "Where's Jake and Jack?" he asked. "In the kitchen, just wait a few minutes before we go in there." I said grabbing a fag out the packet and opening the bay doors. "Oh you and your little match making skills. By the way you never said Jake could spend the night." He asked me. "Well?" I said in a sweet innocent voice. "Oh babe, does Jack know?" he asked. "Yeah. I told them we didn't have the other guest room made up." I said. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Your wicked you know that." He said kissing my neck. "I know that's why you love me." I said kissing him back. "By the way what you doing for the official press release?" I asked. "A video on YouTube. I was going to do it now while we have some free time." He said. "Cool, how shall we do it?" I asked. "Just me in this one babe, and I was thinking ill use the iPad" he told me. "Okay that's cool. I passed him the iPad and then went to the kitchen. "You two going to be okay for 5 minutes while tom does something for YouTube about this whole magazine shit." I said. "Yeah we will be fine just talking." Jack said giving me 'piss off while I tell Jake I'm gay' eyes. I shut the door and headed back into the living room and sat on the sofa next to the one tom was sat on and was deadly quiet whilst he regained his composure before he finally hit the record button. "Hi Guys, most of you are probably wondering why I'm doing this video and well my life's been a bit of a rollercoaster to say the least over the last couple of years. Losing my dad to cancer in 2011 was probably one of the hardest things I have ever had to deal with in my life." He said before pausing. "Then winning an Olympic medal in 2012 in front of a home crowd, finishing my a-levels last year, I mean its been hectic. Now one thing I think is pretty is important is to have some form of private life, and I mean your probably thinking why did you do a book and why did you a documentary and all that kind of stuff, but I've only ever talked about things that I feel comfortable talking about, when I was younger I hated talking about the bullying situation at school, I didn't like talking about my dad because obviously at the time it was a sensitive subject, but I mean its one of those things that in an ideal world I wouldn't be doing this video because it shouldn't matter. Recently I was misquoted in an interview and it made me feel really angry and frustrated and? you know emotions that I have never felt before." Again he paused and looked at me before continuing "For me honesty is something that I really do believe in and I've always been honest. I may have been a little vague at times but ive always been honest. Now one thing I never felt that comfortable talking about is my relationships because no matter when I get asked, even if I'm doing a sporting interview, it's 'do you a girlfriend or boyfriend?' or 'are you still with James?' and I mean I've been dating people but I've never really had a serious relationship to talk about, and now I kind of feel ready to talk about my relationships, because come spring last year my life changed, massively when I met someone and it made me feel so happy and so safe and everything just feels great. Now I know a lot of you already know this but I'm saying this again this time in video form so you can see it is me and there is no more speculation. And that someone is a guy, who I have been seeing now for the last year and something clicked and it feels right and soon we are due to get married and my whole world changed there and then when we met. I have absolutely no interest in girls what so ever and right now and forever im dating a guy and soon to marry that guy and I couldn't be happier. People are going to have their own opinions and I think people have made a big deal of this, I mean is it a big deal? I don't think so, but I wanted to say something and I feel like now I'm ready and I wanted to do it. People will say 'what would you dad say or what would he have said?' and he always said to me, 'as long as your happy I'm happy' and right now I couldn't be happier. My mums been so supportive as I have all my friends and family have been so supportive. I didn't want to get my words twisted by doing like a TV interview and I wanted to put an end to the rumours and speculation and just say it to you guys, my fans, because that's what I have to do. My friends and family are always there to support me and I hope you guys can too. I mean I'm still Tom; I still want to win an Olympic gold medal in Rio 2016 for Great Britain. I'm still motivated as ever to do that and it would be great to have you guys on that journey too but I was just wanted to make sure that I got to tell you guys now that I'm back from Rio where I have been in a training camp. I hope you can join me and my partner on our journey to Rio 2016." He finally finished as he hit the end record button. I was sobbing at what he had said because it was so moving. "Babe that was fantastic I love you so much." I said. "I love you too." He said bringing the iPad and sitting next to me. "Don't cry baby. But I meant every word of that, you are my world." He said kissing me again. He hit the upload button on the iPad and hit send and within seconds it was up on his official account. "Now let's get back to the dinner. Oh and the love birds." He said making me laugh. We got up and headed for the kitchen and as soon as I walked into through the door, I was greeted by a shocking site. Jake and Jack pressed up against a wall making out. I cleared my throat causing them to jump. "James." Jack said as they moved apart. "So you two look happy enough." I said. "You could say that." Jake smiling and looking at Jack.

That night after a lovely dinner Jake and I cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen while Jack and Tom watched some sports highlights. "So Jack told you then?" I asked. "Yeah why didn't you tell me." He asked. "Jake babe, I only found out when I picked them both up from Heathrow this morning." I said. "Well he asked me if we could start seeing each other." He told me. I smiled and my face lit up. "And what did you say?" I asked. "What do you think I said? I said Yes!" he told me. "And its not just a rebound from Dan." I told him and also asked him. "No nothing like that, I promise." He said. "Good. Well Tom did his video." I said. "Yeah I know I saw it looks good." Jake told me. "Thanks babe, that will mean a lot to him." I said as we finished and set the dishwasher going. After having a quick fag in the garden we went through and joined the boys. Tom and I cuddled up on one sofa as Jack and Jake cuddled on the other. We began watching Casino Royale, a James Bond film, before finally at 11pm we shut off the TV and all headed for bed. As Tom and I entered the bedroom after saying good night to Jack and Jake he went to the bathroom while I stripped off and climbed into bed. He emerged from the bathroom in his boxers, walked around to his side of the bed and slipped them off before climbing into bed with me. "Well today has been good. I just checked 134,000 hits on my video already." He said. "That's good babe." I replied smiling.

Meanwhile with Jake and Jack

He could feel Jake's hard cock against his ass through the jeans and through his shorts. Jake couldn't hold back any longer and he started running his hands along Jack's ripped body. Jake's strong hands ran up Jack's body from his V-Line, across his abs. Jack leaned down and put his full lips against Jake's the two kissing lightly. Jake's hands worked their way up to Jack's nipples and he gave them a light brush, circling his thumbs around them. Jack moaned into Jake's mouth when Jake rubbed his nipples. Jake took Jack's hand and pulled them down to his crotch, feeling his bulge. With a quick pull, Jake's shirt came off over his head revealing hi smooth white body. He wasn't as ripped as Jack but he was lean and Jack had always thought he was sexy. Jack made quick work of Jake's belt, and practically ripped open his jeans to find a pair of white briefs hiding a huge dick underneath. Jack slid down on to his knees. "Do you want me to?" asked Jack. "Yeah, please. I need this" moaned Jake. Jack pulled Jake's boxers and jeans down to his ankles and then grabbed Jake's cock. It was about 7 and half inches and thick. Jack had never sucked dick before but he wanted to impress Jake so he played it off and went down on the jock taking the whole thing in his mouth right away. His full lips running up and down the length of Jake's dick. Jake moaned loudly, clenching a fist of Jack's blond hair. Jack eased off Jake's dick, licking the tip of it and then running his tongue down the shaft. All the while he enjoyed the way Jake's body quivered and the moaning grew. Jack tickled Jake's balls with his tongue, licking one and then the other. He went back up and continued sucking on Jake's cock, slowly picking up speed as he went. Jake grabbed Jack by the back of the head and started fucking his face. Tears welled up Jack's eyes as he gagged and tried catching breaths. After a couple of minutes he could feel Jake's cock throbbing in his mouth. "I'm gonna cum man" moaned Jake as he released Jack's head. "Uuuuungh" Jake cried out. Jack took Jake's whole dick into his mouth and he felt the warm shot of Jake's cum down the back of his throat. He pulled off Jake's dick, but the monster wasn't done erupting. Jake shot another string of cum across Jack's pouty lips and a third across his cheek. Taking Jack by his hair, he pulled him up and wiped the cum off Jack's face with his thumb. Still breathing heavy, he took the cum in his mouth and then passionately kissed Jack. Jake stood up and bent over to pick his jeans and boxers up and he started to pull them up so he could head for the bathroom to get ready for bed before he felt a huge cock slide up his crack. He jumped, surprised at first, even though he found it oddly appealing. He had never felt a guy's cock as big as this against his ass and part of him liked it. "Woah Jack! What were you doing?" Jake asked "It's my turn Jake." he replied. Jake stood there, his back facing Jack, thinking about it for a second. He wasn't sure he was ready to be fucked yet as he was normally a top. Before he could give Jack his answer, Jack pushed him over across the end of the bed and ran his cock along Jake's ass again. Jack's dick had been leaking a lot of precum and he was now rubbing it against Jake's hole. Jake struggled to push Jack off him. It was half hearted though and once Jack pushed his dick into Jake's ass, Jake gave up. Without giving him the chance to adjust to Jack's big cock, Jack started pounding into Jake. He half yelled and half moaned as he held on to the edges of the table. Hearing Jake cry out only got Jack even hotter. The two started to perspire. Jack's body glistened in the low lights, covered in sweat and glitter as he fucked Jake. His dick was at least 8 inches long and just as thick as Jake's and the whole length of it was being pounded into Jake. Jack had a rhythm as he grinded his dick into Jake. Jack slapped Jake's ass, grabbing it tightly after. "You fucking like that?" asked Jack. "Ye-yeah" said Jake, and he meant. "Tell me you want it harder" cooed Jack. "Fuck me harder!" Jake cried back. Jack rolled Jake over on to his back and continued fucking Jake. Jake's legs laid across Jack's shoulders. Jack grabbed a hold of Jake's shoulders and used them as leverage to fuck Jake even heard. Jake shut his eyes and groaned lost in a new combination of pain and pleasure he had never felt before. Jack's breathing grew heavier and his muscles tightened. He pulled out of Jake, and climbed on top of him. Straddling the taller guy, Jack stroked his 8 inch cock. Jack's lips pursed and he shut his eyes, blowing his load out across Jake. The first shot hit Jake across his cheek and dripped down his jaw. The rest of Jack's hot seed found it's way across Jake's chest and then finally his belly. Jack stood up off the bed. Jake just laid there, not quite sure what to make of what just happened. Jack walked over and grabbed Jake by his hair. Jack wiped the last bits of cum off his still raging hard cock by wiping them against Jake's lips. He then walked over to his mirror and started wiping off the sweat and sex that was all over him. "I'm so sorry about that, I guess I turn into a proper horn dog when I get started." Jack said. "Don't be sorry I actually enjoyed it and it really turned me on. In fact I'm up for round 2 already." Jake said. "Bring it on." Jack said as he pushed Jake back down on the bed.

Back with me and Tom

I could feel myself getting hard. It had been so long since we had sex I just wanted him here and now. "I want you." I said between kisses. "I want you too baby." Tom said. He got on top of me and his lips hit mine and we started to kiss passionately his tongue exploring my mouth. His hand ran all over my naked as mine did on his my 8 inch cock throbbing. He started to suck my cock running his tongue over the head. It was amazing. He came up and kissed me before I did my usually trick and wrap my legs around him and flipped him over. He laughed his 8.5 inch cock rock hard which I immediately took a hold of and took it all the way down to the base in my mouth... he loved it when I deep throated him. He screamed in pleasure and I continued to suck him softly my head bobbing up and down and occasionally running my tongue over his purple head. I came back up and he kissed me before flipping me over again and raising my legs in the air. I loved it when he fucked me. He wet his finger and started to trace my pink hole before he lubed up his cock with his spit and slowly entering me. The first time he did this to me I felt like I was being torn apart, now I had gotten used to it but he still went slow just to make sure he didn't hurt me. When he was completely inside me, he started to fuck me gently, going in and out and in some case coming all the way out and then going straight back in. It was so hot. He continued to pound my tight hole fucking me fast his cock hitting my prostate continuously making me pant and breath loudly. The beads of sweat were dripping down the side of his face and I could feel the heat off his body and this was making sweat and the combined heat between us made me even more horny as he continued to fuck me hard. "Ohhh fuck, yes Tom keeping going. I love you so much." I screamed as he kissed me again long and passionately. He soon started to tense up as did I and I knew soon we were both going to cum. Sure enough he pulled out of me and sprayed cum all over my chest before I also released a stream of thick hot cum all over my body. Tom then came down and slowly ran his tongue over my body cleaning up the mess we had made. When he had he came up and kissed me and I could taste the mix of both our cum in his mouth. He then rolled off and collapsed next to me "That was amazing" he said. "Yeah!" I said out of breath. I wrapped my legs around his and drifted off to sleep with my hand on his chest.

Thank you too all that have been reading this story and your continuing support. Tom Daley himself is a very brave person having recently announced that he is Bi-Sexual. However I would like to re-point out that this story is pure fiction and is not true in anyway. Keep the comments and feedback coming. I will try to get another chapter up before the holidays are upon us. Email me

Next: Chapter 16: Tom Daley and Me II 6

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