Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Aug 16, 2013



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Series 2

Chapter 3

Watch your thoughts for they become words, watch your words for they come actions. If there was ever one thing that I took from the film The Iron Lady it was that. Until recently Tom had never sat and watched the film and I forced him in to it. It made him truly sit up and be proud of what he had accomplished and where our life was leading and be thankfully that we were both 90's children. Thoughts, Words and Actions were now all something that we had to be mindful of now that we both in the celebrity lime light and I certainly didn't want to have anything bad happen in that respect. This was also a lesson I had tried to teach my friends, now that they were more popular thanks to me and tom in the way of followers on twitter etc. they had to be careful. It was recently that this had been put to the test. Someone had made a remark about Tom on Twitter about his being gay and still representing Britain in athletic competitions, something which was rare to be heard of now. But instead of keeping quiet about it and letting the management and press team handle it I took it upon myself to say something. Tom was proud of me for what I had said and for standing up for him, a lot of the press had said a lot of positive things about it. The management and press team weren't so happy and had asked me to issue an apology but I had refused on grounds of principle. I will not allow random people who don't even know us to attack my husband to be and expect to get away it. This was something that they were just going to have to live with. But that was 2 weeks ago and the whole thing had calmed down now to a point where it wasn't even mentioned. Now I had other things to worry about. A wedding. Tom had pretty much just handed me full control over. So far all I had managed to get done so far was set the date. I still had no venue, no suits, no nothing and it was almost November. I really had to get a move on things. I sat there in the living room with my laptop and an open word document that was completely blank. I couldn't come up with anything. Where do we do this? I couldn't think. Abroad was out of the option as we couldn't afford to ferry everyone over and it was just out of the question. Tom didn't want to do it in a church. An outdoor wedding would be perfect. So it was decided. Now to find the perfect outdoor venue. That's when it hit me. Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons. This was an incredibly posh hotel in the middle of oxford and had the best grounds around. They were plush green and it was the perfect place to hold an outdoor wedding and then had the reception in the large private room where they would host a luxurious 3 course meal with a champagne reception. Okay so next step would be to view it. That's where I needed my Kash. I grabbed my phone and dialled his number. "Babe, get your coat on and get ready, I'm on my way to get you. I have found the venue." I said to him. "Okay babe, ill be ready. Ring me when your outside." Kash replied. "Okay babe," I replied.

10 minutes later I pulled up outside the block of apartments and I rang Kash to come down and within a few minutes he climbed into the passenger seat. "Hey babe." He said all happy. "Hey you." I replied as I pulled out of the parking space and onto the road. "Oh my god I can't wait to see this place." He said smiling. "Kash its amazing. Tom and I went there for a function about a year ago and it was simply amazing. I knew that I wanted to get married there." I told him. "Oh babe, I really do hope between us we can create a magical day for you both." He said. I smiled. "Oh babe, thank you." I said. He smiled and away we drove. As we drove the 30 miles to get there we talked about different things and he was telling me how he had a go at Jake and Dan for being so loud when they were shagging and also how he had come in from work to find them at it on the sofa. "Seriously babe, they are like mad with sex." He told me. "Do you want me to have a word?" I asked. "No, they have calmed it down now but like at first they were at it all the time." He told me. "Has Jake found himself a job yet?" I asked. "No, he hasn't even looked since he got with Dan and he's been smoking legal high loads lately." He told me. "I think it sounds like he needs an intervention." I told Kash. "He really does babe." Kash told me. Mental note to self, sort Jake out a job. When he last had a job he had cut down on weed and was a completely different person. That's when I had an idea. I pulled up the phone function on my car and dialled my old company number. "Good Afternoon Tulip." Kay, the receptionist said. "Kay, its James Leete." I said. "Oh, James how are you?" she asked. "I'm good thanks my darling how are you?" I asked. "Oh you know, plodding along." She said. I laughed. "Is Marie still on site?" I asked. "Yeah, do you want me to put you through?" she asked. "Yes please." I replied. "One second." She said before putting me on hold and then putting me through. "James, how the hell are you?" Marie asked. "I'm very well yourself?" I asked. "I'm good, how can I help?" she asked me. "I need a favour." I told her. "Anything for you. Name it." She said. "I know Liz took on my role and Lisa stepped up to be the team leader, but have you replaced Lisa yet?" I asked. "No, why are you thinking of coming back?" she asked. "No, but I do have someone who can replace Lisa in every way." I explained. "Okay, who?" she asked. "My friend Jake, he has sent you his CV in the past." I told her. "Jake Williams is that?" she asked. "Yeah." I replied. "are you sure he is going to be suitable for this sort of role?" she asked. "Of course, with a bit of training and some guidance from Liz he will do great." I told her. "Well as it's you, I'm going to say Okay then." She told me. "Standard Salary and when can he start?" I asked. "Tell him Monday 9am. Do you want to tell Liz?" she asked. "Yeah can you put me through." I asked. "Yeah one minute." She said. "Thanks." I replied. After explaining this to Liz, she seemed very happy and enthusiastic about Jake starting. I told her he would need some guidance and some training, but the main was to point him in the right direction and not take shit from him. She simply laughed at me and said "When have you ever known me to take shit from anyone?" I had to agree with her on that. "Okay James as this is you. Let's rock and roll." She said. "I'll bring him in on Monday." I told her. "Thanks sweetie, you can join in if you want." She said. "I might just do that. "Marie did mention to me not long ago, if you did want to come in on odd days you can, you have a zero hour contract, so any hours you do will be paid at ?35.00 per hour." She told me. "Well ill be in on Monday with Jake." I told her. "Okay honey, see you then." She said as we both put the phone down. "See, sorted." I said to Kash. "yayy." He said. I smiled and we continued the drive.

Another half hour later we pulled up to the gates of the hotel and drove down the long driveway. "This looks amazing already." Kash said. "I know right." I said smiling. We pulled up outside the hall and parked and got out. "Oh my god James you have got to book this place." Kash said. We walked up to the main doors. "Good afternoon sir, are you here to stay?" the porter asked. "no, just here to look about the place." I said. "Very well sir, hope you enjoy the place." He said holding the door open for us. We entered a marble lobby with the reception desk straight ahead. It was very modern on the inside. We walked to reception as the male receptionist looked up and smiled. "Mr Leete, a pleasure to have you with us. How can we help?" he said. "Is your event organiser in?" I asked. "Yes, Melanie is in her office, I can ask to her come out to you, if you want to take a seat in the bar." He said. "Thanks." I said. We went and sat down and very soon a young girl with long blonde hair, dressed in a 2 piece white suit and heels walked out to us. "Mr Leete, a pleasure. I have read a lot about you." She said smiling. "well not all of it is true." I said. She laughed as she sat down. "So how can I help?" she asked. "February 14th next year." I said. "Valentine's day, surprisingly slow at the minute. Not many people booking with us for dinner or events. So far we only have about 10 reservations for the evening dinner service we hold." She said. "Well look no further, I may be the answer." I said. "How so?" she asked her interest peaked. "As you may or may not be aware, Tom Daley and I are engaged to be married, we want to have the wedding on valentine's day and we were hoping that this place would be free." I said smiling as a massive grin crossed her face. "Oh my god absolutely." She said. "Good, well I have plenty of ideas if you're ready to talk about them now." I said. "Please fire away." She said. "Right, well we want to hold the entire thing here. We want to be outside where the ceremony can be held, the pictures can be taken and enjoy what I'm hoping will be a nice day. Then a full 3 course meal afterwards with an evening reception later on. I'm thinking a red and cream colour scheme, and I want to incorporate something to do with Tom's Olympic diving. So some blue in there for team GB would be amazing. We would want to book out probably all your rooms and have breakfast in the morning." I said. "Okay, well we can help you with all of that. We have an on site florist who can make up your wedding flowers for the day and you have given me your colour scheme so we can come up with some designs for the reception hall and what you want outside. We also have a photographer and vicar who specialises in gay marriage now that it is legal should you wish to use them." She told me. "Yes we will definitely be wanting that." I said. "Right, here is our wedding menu for you, we offer a selection to cater everyone's needs, so if you want to look this over. How many rooms would you want to book out?" she asked. "How many have you got?" I asked. "we have 93 rooms here and then the honey moon suit which would of course be for you." She said. "Yeah we will take them all." I said. "Fantastic. Right so are you looking to book today." She asked. "Yes if you can accommodate us." I replied. "Of course we can, are you planning on having any magazine coverage for the day." She asked. "Yes, we have been offered and taken the photo coverage for the magazine part to Hello magazine, but we have limited them to one hour for photos, before, during and after the ceremony." I explained. "Fantastic. Right well let me go and get you a price for the day and how much we can do the rooms for as you are booking out the entire hotel." She said. "Can we look about?" I asked. "Of course." A man said behind us. I turned around. "Charlie." Mel said. "Mel." He said. "Mr Leete, apologies for being rude, I'm Charlie Mitchell. General Manager." He said. He must have been about 29 years old, tall, slim and really good looking. "It would be my honour to take you around, Mel if you work the figures out based on the 650 rule order." He said. "Of course." She said going off. "If you will follow me gentlemen." He said. He showed us around the grounds, the reception hall, the honey moon suit and a normal room. We went back to reception as Mel came out of her office. "Can I get you both a drink?" she asked. "Yes please, two cokes." Kash said. I smiled. We sat down as the bar staff went to get us our drinks. "Right then, we have your price and we have tried to do you the best deal, but you are paying for the best quality around so please remember that." She handing me a piece of paper with the price, I took one look and was pleasantly surprised by what I saw. "Break this down for me." I said. "Right so the total price will be ?35,750, which works out to be, ?11,000 for the venue, the vicar, the photographer and the honeymoon suite, then you have ?22,000 on the rooms for your guests and the final ?2,750 is for your champagne and canap? reception, your meals and the evening event. What you can also do is put a tab behind the bar if you wish it." She said. "Right and is that everything?" I asked. "Sorry I forgot to add on, the ?1,250 for your flowers and table dressings bringing your price to ?37,000." She said. "Alright, done. You're on." I said. "Fantastic, let me get this typed up on to an invoice and take the payment then. Then all we need you to do is confirm the number of people attending the day and evening event and who will be taking a room and peoples menu selections. After that all you have to do is worry about the day." She said. "Perfect." I said getting my wallet out. It only took her a few minutes until she called us over to reception. "Right then, I have got your invoice here, we have your colour scheme and ideas. We will have everything ready for when you come up again. My last question before you pay is what flowers do you want?" she asked. "A series of white tulips and pink tulips, plus the traditional wedding flowers." I told her. "Fantastic. Right so then to pay that's ?37,000." She said. I handed her my debit card where the wedding fund was and popped it in the machine. She asked me to enter my pin which I did and then said, "Right remove your card. That's all gone through fine." I smiled. She sorted out the paperwork and then said, "Right so we have your booking, give me a call when your sorted with the menu selection and who is taking a room and when you have your final numbers and who is taking a room and we will book in to see each other. By which point we will have your plan for the day together." She told me. "Perfect, thank you so much for all your help." I said. "No problem Mr Leete. We hope your happy with your choice." She said. "Very happy thank you." I said.

Kash and I left the hotel and drove all the way back home. We stopped off at the apartment where Jake was and went up the stairs and into the flat to find them both sat on the sofa watching TV. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. "We need to talk." I said. "Okay." Jake said. I sat on the other sofa, sparked a fag and offered them out. "Right, it has come to my attention that lately you have been smoking a lot of the legal high and not really doing much about a job!" I said to Jake. "Yeah about that can I rob a tenner to get some more." Jake asked. "Nope, because as of today you are going cold turkey." I said. "Why? You can't do that." Jake said. "I bloody well can. I pulled in some favours today and got you a job." I told him. "Oh my god for real." Jake said. "Yeah for real." I replied. "Doing what?" he asked. "You're going to be working at Tulip. You are working for Liz in sales admin. You start on Monday morning." I told him. "Oh my god babe, that's amazing. Thank you so much." He said getting up and giving me a hug. "Now no offence Dan but you two now need to cool the weed and drinking and staying up late. Jake you need this job." I explained. "No of course, we won't smoke anymore weed." Both Dan and Jake said. "Fine that's your choice. And to make sure you settle in, I'm going to be working with you from time to time at Tulip. I'm working there Monday and then other days. Until you get sorted with your wage, I'm going to buy you a monthly train pass and I'm taking you shopping for office wear tomorrow." I explained. "Oh my god James this is amazing, I owe you so much." Jake said. "It's fine, just thank me by sticking at it. It's going to be hard work Jake and you have a lot to learn but I know deep down you will do me proud." I said. "I promise you I will." He told me, still smiling. "Right, well 11am tomorrow be up and ready for me to go shopping." I said. "Count on it." Jake said. "Dan your welcome to join, I'm sure Tom would be down for it as well." I said. "Sounds great." Dan said smiling.

That night I sat with Tom after telling him all about the venue for the wedding and what was going to happen and he was happier than ever. We crawled into bed and he moved to me. "I love you so much, what you have done with the wedding and for Jake is amazing, and it's good that you are going to be working a bit as well. I think it will do you good. I know you have been getting a bit bored." Tom said, He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me his hands moving down to my butt. I could feel myself getting hard. It had been so long since we had sex I just wanted him here and now. "I want you." I said between kisses. "I want you too baby." Tom said leading me to the bedroom. He got on top of me and his lips hit mine and we started to kiss passionately his tongue exploring my mouth. His hand crept under my jacket and shirt and began to explore my body, pinching my nipples every now and then. I could feel his hard cock straining through his jeans as was mine. I peeled off his jacket and shirt and took off his vest as my hands worked all over his incredible body. I rose on to my knees as did he and slowly he removed my jacket and shirt until our bare chest were against each other. He then pushed me back onto the bed before releasing my trousers and boxers and pulling them down and letting my 8 inch cock flop out and hit my stomach. He started to suck my cock running his tongue over the head. It was amazing. He came up and kissed me before I did my usually trick and wrap my legs around him and flipped him over. He laughed and I started to take off his trousers and boxers, releasing his 8.5 inch cock which I immediately took a hold of and took it all the way down to the base in my mouth... he loved it when I deep throated him. He screamed in pleasure and I continued to suck him softly my head bobbing up and down and occasionally running my tongue over his purple head. I came back up and he kissed me before flipping me over again and raising my legs in the air. I loved it when he fucked me. He wet his finger and started to trace my pink hole before he lubed up his cock with his spit and slowly entering me. The first time he did this to me I felt like I was being torn apart, now I had gotten used to it but he still went slow just to make sure he didn't hurt me. When he was completely inside me, he started to fuck me gently, going in and out and in some case coming all the way out and then going straight back in. It was so hot. He continued to pound my tight hole fucking me fast his cock hitting my prostate continuously making me pant and breath loudly. The beads of sweat were dripping down the side of his face and I could feel the heat off his body and this was making sweat and the combined heat between us made me even more horny as he continued to fuck me hard. "Ohhh fuck, yes Tom keeping going. I love you so much." I screamed as he kissed me again long and passionately. He soon started to tense up as did I and I knew soon we were both going to cum. Sure enough he pulled out of me and sprayed cum all over my chest before I also released a stream of thick hot cum all over my body. Tom then came down and slowly ran his tongue over my body cleaning up the mess we had made. When he had he came up and kissed me and I could taste the mix of both our cum in his mouth. He then rolled off and collapsed next to me "That was amazing" he said. "Yeah!" I said out of breath. I wrapped my legs around his and drifted off to sleep with my hand on his chest.

Feedback and comments welcome, please let me know if your still reading and what you think. Always love hearing from people. Email me Thank you to everyone who has emailed me about this. Your support has been epic.

Next: Chapter 14: Tom Daley and Me II 4

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