Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Jul 28, 2013



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Series 2

Chapter 2

In the few weeks that had passed Tom and I were back to our normal selves. We were both on a high fat and protien diet and hitting the gym everyday to get our bodies back to the right shape and size. Thank god it was over and now tom was now diving everyday and training. I was doing my regular 2 hour training session in the gym before doing my normal duties as the house wife. I was meeting up for lunch regularly with the boys and girls and having a nice time as the housewife. A lot of people had asked me about the wedding and I have had some ideas but it was just putting them into action. We hadn't even set a date so that wasn't helping.

As we sat in the living room cuddled up on the sofa watching the devil wears prada my all time favourite film, tom with his arms wrapped around me. "I've been thinking." I said to him. "About?" Tom asked taking a mouth full of m&m's. "The wedding" I replied. He paused the film and looked at me. I rolled over so we were face to face. "What about it?" He asked. "Well I've been thinking, we have done my parents wedding, so we kind of need to set a date for ours. Get things moving." I said. "I agree, I thought you would have done so by now." He told me. "Well given that my parents got married last october so almost a year ago, why don't we do ours on valentines day this coming year. It falls on a saturday as well." I told him "babe that sounds so romantic. I think its perfect." He told me. "Okay, well if you want I can start organising stuff." I replied. "If think that would be great." He told me. "Fabulous." I replied getting all excited. "Who's going to be helping you with it?" Tom asked. "The one and only... Kash." I told him. He smiled. "Aww I'm sure you can both create the perfect day for us." He said kissing me passionatley. "Me too." I replied. "Do I have a budget?" I asked. "Well just as long as we don't empty the bank account then no." tom said. I smiled. "I love you so much." I said. "I know, that's because I'm so loveable." He said. I laughed. "this is true." I replied as we kissed. He restarted the film and we cuddled up closer and made ourselves comfy. My mind was racing with so many different ideas for the wedding. I was thinking small to medium but glamorous.

After spending the most amazing night in with my fianc?, I woke the following morning and went about my normal routine. After cleaning, washing and ironing and then going to the gym I headed home and took a shower. As I stood in the shower the soap suds washing away off my naked body I thought about what I had to do. Food shopping, go to the apartment and collect the rent money from Jake and Kash. It wasn't a lot but they told me they felt bad not paying for anything. I also had to get the gas and electric bills to send off to the accountant and check the place over. Plus I hadn't seen either Jake or Kash for about a week and I was dieing to speak to Kash about the wedding planning. I jumped out the shower, dried and headed to the bedroom. After deciding on a pair of D+G jeans and a all saints thin t-shirt and then straightening my hair, I grabbed my wallet, phone and car keys and headed off. First stop was tesco. So after wandering the shop and doing the weekly food shop, I went to the checkout and paid before loading it up into the car and heading off. Next stop was the apartment so I drove there, pulled into the car park and headed inside. The nice part was I still had my own set of keys. So after taking the lift to top floor I put my key in the door walked into the apartment. I slipped my shoes off and found the pile of post sat on the table by the door. As I was looking through the bathroom door opened and out walked a guy I have never seen before. More to the point he was wearing absolutely nothing and was casually drying himself off. I looked at him and he didn't even notice me. I cleared my throat and he turned around in an instance with a complete look of shock on his face. "who the fuck are you?" he asked. He was about 6 foot, short brown hair, slight stubble on his face, slim, toned and smooth. I looked him up and down and then said, "More to the point who the fuck are you?" I asked. I looked down again and the sight I saw amazed me. I looked back at him and raised my eyebrows as he wrapped the towel around his waist. "How did you get in here?" he asked me. "Why don't we start from the top. I'm James Leete, the apartment owner. Now why don't you tell me who you are, and how you got in here?" I asked folding my arms. "I'm Dan. Dan Moseley. I'm Jake's boyfriend." He told me. "Jake has a boyfriend." I said to myself. "Babe I think I?" Jake started to say also emerging from the bathroom completely naked. He quickly noticed me and ran back in the bathroom and grabbed a towel. "James, I wasn't expecting you till later. You could have knocked." He said emerging now wrapped in a towel. "And you could have come out the bathroom with something on. You have a boyfriend?" I asked looking at Jake. "Ermm yes, I'm stood right here." Dan told me. "Quiet you, I wasn't talking to you." I snapped back. "Yeah I do. It's really recent and I was going to tell you when I next saw you, I just never got around to it." Jake told me. "Fine, so why don't you two go put some clothes on, while I make a brew, assuming you have milk." I said. "Yeah there's some in the fridge. 2 sugars for us." Jake said walking back to his bedroom. I walked into the lounge to see Kash with his earphones in laying on the sofa playing on his ipad. "Oh my god babe. Heyy." He said jumping off the sofa. "Hi babe." I said giving him a hug. "Jakes just?" Kash started before I held up my hand. "I already know. I've just seen far too much." I replied. We both giggled as I went into the kitchen and put the kettle on. "now you see why I had earphones in. they're so loud." Kash told me. I laughed. "Oh well as long as he's happy." I replied. "Oh he is, I think anyway." Kash replied. "So what's new? Work going okay?" I asked. "Yeah work is great. Life is good. Hows things with you and Tom. All good I would imagine." He asked. "What makes you think that?" I asked. "The engagement ring is back." Kash replied. "Yeah things are good. We have set a date for the wedding which is part of the reason why I came up." I explained. "oooo do tell." Kash said. "Tell what?" Jake said coming into the living room with Dan. "Ahh your fully clothed." I said. "Yeah sorry about that." Dan said smiling. "Its fine." I replied. "What were you gonna tell?" Jake asked. "Tom and I have set a wedding date." I said as we all went back to the sofa's with our teas. I pulled out my fags and distributed them out. "You smoke Dan?" I asked. "Damn right." He replied. I gave him a fag as we all sat back. "So come on then tell." Kash said. "Well we have decided just after Christmas." I replied. "When after Christmas?" Jake asked. "Valentines day." I replied smiling as I took a drag of my fag. "Oh my god babe, that's romantic as hell." Jake said. "Plus it's a Saturday so everyone will be free." I said. "Babe that's amazing. But I'm at loss as to why you wanted to tell us this if you have only just decided this." Kash said. "Because my beautiful chocolate man, in addition to you and Jake both being ushers at the wedding, Tom and I want you to help me plan this wedding down to the last detail." I explained. "Are you for real?" Kash asked. "Yes I am. Please say you will." I said. "Of course I will." Kash replied. "Oh my god you don't know how happy that makes me." I said hugging him. "So where do we start?" Kash asked. "Well the main points are: a venue for the wedding, a venue for the after party and reception, 2 suits one white, one black, a guest list, invitations, flowers, bridesmaid dresses?" I said quickly without taking a breath. "Oh god, okay James chill." Kash said. "We have like 5 months to plan all this there will be plenty of time." He added. "I know, but I'm so excited." I replied. "Has Tom said how much you can spend?" Jake asked. "All he said was as long as it doesn't clear the bank." I replied. "Sick." Jake said. "But on the safe side, earlier I transferred the wedding fund out of our account and into my own so I have it separate." I told them. "Oh so you have set yourself a limit." Dan said. I nodded in response. "How much?" Kash asked. "Enough." I replied smiling. "Oh god, he's gunna have bear." Jake said smiling. "How much James seriously." Kash said. "?100K." I replied. "A hundred grand, of course that will be enough." Jake said in shock. "Good because that's all I'm allowing." I said. "Does that include your honeymoon?" Kash asked. "Oh god no, for that I will do out of our account. I'm thinking the Seychelles again, tom and I liked it there the last time we went." I replied.

After spending over 3 hours with the boys talking about the wedding and then getting to know Dan my phone eventually went off. I looked at the screen and it was Tom. "Hey baby." I said answering. "Hey gorgeous, where are you?" he asked. "At the apartment why?" I asked. "Because Chris and Jack are here and they wanted to see you and I said they could stay the night." Tom told me. "Okay well I'm getting ready to make a move soon, so I guess I'll see you at home." I told him. "Okay babe. Love you." He said to me. "Love you too." I replied. After ending the call we started to wind the conversation down and pretty soon I left to head back to the house. The evening went smoothly, me and Jack cooked dinner. I hadn't really spoken to Chris given the history of when we went to Northumberland a few months back. That night tom and I crawled into bed and he rolled on top of me. "I love you so much." He said as he kissed me. "I love you more and more." I said. "Did you tell Kash?" tom asked. "I certainly did. He's down for it." I replied. "Good because I was thinking we need to get some practise in for the wedding night." He said as he pressed his semi hard cock against mine. "We have guests." I said. "So what? Those two sleep so heavily not even an earthquake would wake them up." Tom said. I spotted a bottle of baby oil so i grabbed that before i went back to giving Tom such a sensual massage. "Is it ok if I use baby oil?" I asked in a stammering nod, Tom approved with a silent thumbs up. I then got on Tom like he was a mechanical bul. Tom turned on some soft music, placed his head on the pillow and closed his eyes to make sure the room was as peaceful as for maximum pleasure. With a shaky hand I squeezed some baby oil on Tom's soft, creamy back then rubbed it in with my hands. I even squeezed a little bit on his pointer finger and connected all of Tom's back freckles together. I cracked my knuckles then softly dug them into Tom's back and moved them up and down very slowly. Looking at Tom's face there was a slight smile and that's when I felt a little bit better and made the massage also a little bit better. I took my hands up to the shoulders and rubbed them deeply while slowly creeping to the bottom of the neck. Taking a deep breath I took my hands to the small of Tom's back and rubbed my thumbs in a circular motion. Tom's expression still hadn't changed from that smile so I continued to work my magic in that area. I wanted to do something, I was growing tired of massaging Tom's back and was hoping I could massage something else, I didn't even care what that something else was. "Alright get up," Tom said and I fearfully obliged. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked while sitting with my knees in my chest on the bed. "Oh no I just want you to do my legs now," Tom replied while taking his pants off. I couldn't believe the sight that was standing right in front of me, it was the adorable but still masculine Tom wearing nothing.I squeeze the baby oil on his lower legs and slowly massaged Tom's calves. He ran my hands up and then down all the way to my ankles. I took a big gulp then slowly worked my way up to Tom's soft thighs and rubbed them deeply while digging my fingers in. I placed both hands on Tom's right thigh then rubbed, squeezed, and pulled on all of my soft skin then I repeated the process on the other thigh. I ran my hands up each thigh that he actually touched the bottom of Tom's butt a few times. In the midst of my sensual massage I didn't even noticed that my penis had gone from fully flaccid to sporting a semi erection. He tried to think about other random things to get my mind off of it but by rubbing all over Tom there was no way he'd be soft until it was over. "Why'd you stop?" Tom asked without looking back at me. "Oh umm... I just needed a quick break," I quickly replied. "Alright get up." But this time Tom got up first and pulled me off the bed. I looked at him with a slight fear in my eyes wondering what was going on and hoping he didn't make some kind of screw up. To my surprise I stood still while Tom pulled off my tight Gap shirt, then took off my calvin kleins. We both got back on the bed but this time it was Tom who was giving the massage. The moment Tom sat on top of my butt and started rubbing those baby oil soaked hands on my back my penis was getting hard. I tried to wiggle my butt up to feel Tom's cock but Tom was a bit elevated so that wouldn't happen. Tom was a lot more engaging in my massage than I was though. The strong bodied guy was leaning over my small frame and would even run his fingers through my hair every now and then. He would tickle my sides to make me chuckle, he'd pinch on my thighs to make them turn red, and he'd even smack me on the butt sometimes. Tom then reached his hands under I and started poking at my nipples which made me squirm and giggle even more. My squirming was entertaining to Tom so he kept doing it and when I tried to get away he just wrapped his arms around my small chest and squeezed until he tapped out. The two finally relaxed and now Tom was on top of me, arms still wrapped tightly around my chest. "You know what Tom, I'm glad we got back together" "Me 2," Tom replied in a mellow voice before giving me a soft kiss on the neck. Then he kissed me again, again, and again all on my soft neck. I lay enjoying every minute. Tom moved a bit closer and started giving me soft kisses on my cheek, then the corner of my lips, my chin, then he flipped me over and planted one right on my pink lips. He went in for another kiss but this time he pulled on my chin so my mouth would slightly open and then Tom slid his tongue right in there. I was in absolute heaven and figured all bets were off so I started rubbing on Tom's back and grew the courage to even grab his butt. Wanting to take things ahead but keep control Tom tugged on my hair to pull my head back and flicked my tongue on my delicate lips. I liked getting my hair pulled by guys and that only made me squeeze on Tom's surprisingly bubbly and firm butt even more. But the kissing was getting a bit stale, Tom wanted more than that. He flipped again so he was on the bottom and I was lying on top then he pushed my head down to my crotch and told me it's a free for all. I looked in awe at the thickness of Tom's soft cock lying against his thigh with two big balls lying comfortably between his thighs. I just sat there and admired Tom's lovely slab of meat, veins as clear as day, a big mushroom head and dark pubes but they were kept trim and neat. I leaned in and kissed the head, then kissed both balls, and then I licked all around Tom's ballsack before licking his cock. Leaning his head back in pleasure and letting out a low moan Tom placed his hands on the back of my head and directed it all around his cock, my tongue moved in motions with Tom's hands. Then he released his grip and let me do whatever I wanted. I took a breath, opened wide and deepthroated as much cock as he mouth would let me. Because Tom was still soft I didn't have much difficulty getting most of the dick in my mouth but Tom was quickly stiffening up. Hanging soft Tom was about 5 inches in length but once I got me standing all the way at attention he ballooned to a magnificent 8 inch long cock as thick as a grown man's wrist. I slobbered up and down Tom's meaty cock as much as I could so it would be easier to slide that monster down my throat but I could barely get more than half down. Not wanting to disappoint I simply jerked the shaft while wrapping my tongue around the head and slowly going up down, which was driving Tom insane. I kept licking at the head but then I worked my hand down under Tom's sack and decided to tickle his anus and before you know it I had Tom squirming and moaning like a little boy in heat. Tom gasped for air and banged his hands on the pillow because he couldn't believe how much pleasure he was getting from my blowjob. It was so damn good that I could poke my tongue at Tom's dick and he'd flinch. At this point Tom had to keep telling me to give him a break because he didn't want to cum too early but the fashionable guy I am wasn't having any of that. Tom tried to move around on the bed and hold his cock away from me until I pinned his hands down with all my force and went right back to town on that big dick. He didn't fight it this time, in fact he wanted the control. Tom grabbed the back of my head and pushed it down ever so slightly so more of that cock would disappear in that sweet little mouth. We were locked into each other's eyes but that didn't stop Tom from pushing my head down even more, and although I was struggling a little bit I didn't try to take the dick out my mouth. Tom pushed and pushed all he could and now his entire dick was jammed in My mouth and I could feel his head in my throat. I was gagging and spitting all over it but I showed no signs of it being too much and swirled my tongue all around Tom's thick dick. Then when I finally came up for a breath of fresh air I looked at Tom with lust. "I want it hard Tom," I said while biting on my lip. "Let me get that hole wet first," Tom replied. And wet he got it. Tom dabbed the baby oil on each of his fingers and slid all of them individually up my awaiting hole with care. He slid them in a slow, wiggled them around a bit once they were in, then pulled it out slow. Once Tom had slid each of his ten fingers into me, one by one of course, he slid two inside. Instead of wiggling them around he decided to fingerfuck me, but he did it slow and delicately. He kept the fingerfucking at a slow pace while rubbing on the area right underneath my sack and it was making me wimper with pleasure. I was now face down in the pillow with my ass up in the air and Tom was about to go in for the kill. Once he thought he had me good and ready he placed the head of his meaty cock right outside the hole. He used two fingers to open the hole up a little bit more and gently he pushed his cock inside, inch by inch. I was squeezing the covers and moaning into the pillow but that didn't mean i wanted Tom to stop. I had been dreaming about this happening ever since we met and now that it was actually happening the moment it was more than just sex, it was pure intimacy. "Fuck me Tom, fuck me now!" I yelled with anxiety in my tone. And Tom did what he was told. He grabbed my dainty little hips and thrusted his cock inside deeper and harder. He quickened his pace and now you could hear the sound of his thighs colliding with my ass. His big balls which were the size of golf balls were also slapping soundly against my thighs but Tom wanted more. He was getting into his zone and once that happens there's no stopping him. He started to pound his cock into my ass, deeper, harder, faster! I had my face buried in the pillow to hide my muffled yelps and loud moaning but that only made Tom hornier. Tom placed both hands on my shoulders and pushed his dick in as deep as he could. I got up from my knees and was now just using my feet and his shoulders to keep my balance on the bed but that didn't mean the pounding had stopped. Tom was giving me fast but hard paces, you could feel the passion coming from Tom as he pounded away I was reduced to panting like a dog because Tom was giving it to me so good. Then suddenly Tom stopped, his dick was still in I but the pace stopped at in instance. Turns out Tom was just changing the position so now Tom was carrying I who had my legs thrown over the buff divers shoulders and we engaged in a passionate kiss before Tom went to work. All you heard was the sound of skin slapping against skin as Tom hammered his cock all the way inside me. I had my arms wrapped around Tom's neck and he loudly moaned in Tom's ear begging me to continue and to go even go harder. Tom, never being the person to deny someone a favor, did exactly that. I looked like a small animal getting pummeled as Tom assaulted my ass with that huge cock. The dick was so good I couldn't make any audible sounds, my mouth was open but nothing was coming out. Tom pounded me like he'd never have sex again and I loved every single second of it. "Cum inside me Tom, please," I wimpered while he was licking at my neck and ears. "I'm not cumming just yet!" And with that Tom tossed me on the bed like he was a little ragdoll. I looked at him with fear and tried to slide over away but Tom grabbed me by my ankles and made sure I was laying face down but my ass was sitting up nice and pretty. Not even trying to be gentle Tom jammed his dick all the way inside of me and continued to pound away at my tight hole. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head up while violenty thrusting his big dick in and out making me moan with ecstacy. I even had the audacity to place my hands on Tom's leg and push it back as a sign that I wanted him to slow down. What I didn't know was that Tom was in the zone and you don't mess with him when he's in the zone. Tom put me in the full nelson position and the room was full of nothing but my screams and an extremely loud sound of skin slapping against skin. Tom had reduced me to calling him daddy and even had me begging to slow down but there was no stopping the beast. Tom was thrusting his dick into me like a jackhammer and he wouldn't even think to slow down until it was time to drop his load, one which he was getting close to. Letting out moans of his own Tom could feel the cum churning in his loins, he knew he was close to an explosion and he wanted it to come at the best possible time. He let go of my arms only to immediately grab my hips and his thrusts were harder and more powerful than ever before. I was screaming like a mad man and Tom was fucking me so hard and fast it looked like I was about to take flight. With several more powerful thrusts Tom was released rope after rope of hot gooey cum into my ass and it was all accompanied with passionate moans from love making. Tom had came so hard he couldn't even control his body and he started to shake and squirm like he was on the verge of death. When he finally pulled out there was nothing but a stream of cum leaking from my ass


"I want you to fuck me." Dan said. This made jake more turned on at the way he said it. They quickly shed their shoes and trousers leaving them in boxers They quickly removed those and Dan dropped to his knees and sucked Jakes cock, licking up and down the shaft running his tongue over the big purple head, deep throating him taking it all the way down to the base and then moving on to balls, taking one ball in his mouth at a time sucking on them lightly. "Slow down or I may cum." Jake said. "We don't want that now." Dan said with a cheeky grin. "I can't wait any longer. Fuck me now, fuck me hard." He said. Jake lay him down on the couch with both legs in the air and lubed up Dan's hole before slowly working his cock inside him. Dan yelped slightly in pain but soon Jake was all the way inside his tight hole and began thrusting at him as Jake began to fuck his hole and soon picked up the pace fucking him so hard that he was screaming out in joy, the beads of sweat flowing down the side of Jake's face and Dan's body all sweaty. Jake just kept pounding and pounding his hole and he could feel his cock going sore, but ploughed through and continued to fuck his hole. Soon he could feel himself tensing up and knew he was going to cum. "I'm gonna shoot." Jake said breathless. "I wanna taste it." Dan said. Jake pulled out and Dan began sucking on the 7 inch cock tasting himself as he did and soon Jake shot his load down Dan's throat, load after load he wasn't sure if it was going to stop. Jake moved down and took a hold of Dan's 7.5Incher and before wrapping his lips around the hard cock and began moving his head up and down taking the whole cock in one go, making Dan squirm and move in pleasure. "I'm gonna shoot Jake." Dan said between breaths. No sooner had the words left his mouth and Dan erupted in Jakes mouth. Jake swallowed the juice as he collapsed on to Dan and said "That was amazing." "It sure was." Dan replied.

Feedback and comments welcome, please let me know if your still reading and what you think. Always love hearing from people. Email me Thank you to everyone who has emailed me about this. Your support has been epic.

Next: Chapter 13: Tom Daley and Me II 3

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