Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Jul 10, 2013



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Series 2

Chapter 1



I pulled the car into the drive way and walked into the front door to find no-one in the living room. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "Dunno?" Dan replied as we both put our bags down in the living room. "Mmmm oh yeahhh." I heard someone shout from upstairs. I looked at Dan and the blood drained from my face. I left the living room and headed up the stairs and turned towards my bedroom door. I pushed it open and the sight that greeted me was something I never expected to see. There was Tom, Kash and Jake all naked and all having sex with Jake and Kash spit roasting my fianc?. I stood there in complete shock, Kash with his head in the air as he was enjoying the blowjob he was getting, while Jake pounded Tom's arse. All three of them oblivious to me standing there. "WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK!!!" I screamed. All three of them froze, and looked at me, both Tom and Jake turning around to see me and Dan stood in the doorway. "Oh Shit!" Tom said, a worried look on his face.


I stood there in total shock unable to move or think about what was happening. I couldn't think or speak and the few seconds that had passed felt like a eternity. "James!" Tom said looking at me. "Oh shit, ermmm..." Kash said now very aware of his nakedness. I simple turned and headed back out the bedroom and down the stairs, heading into the kitchen and sitting on a stool. I pulled a fag out of a packet and sparked it up. I took two drags within a matter of seconds and half of it was already gone. I felt someone walk into the room behind me and I could already tell it was Tom behind me from the sound of his breathing. "James..." He said. I didn't answer him as I just stared forward as my head still processed what I had just witenesed. "Baby listen.." Was all he managed before something inside my head snapped. "I AM NOT YOUR FUCKING BABY!!" I screamed. He looked down. "Okay James please can we talk." He said. "I'd rather not." I said. "But..." He said. I grabbed the ashtray in front of me which was glass and threw it at him, hitting the wall and smashing into loads of little pieces. "Oh god." I heard kash say from the door. "YOUUUU!" I belowed. "What?!" Kash said. "How fucking dare you. I have done everything for you both and this is how you repay me." I shouted. "Well it's not my fault your boyfriend has to come to me for sex. Must be something I do better than you." Kash said. By this point I had turned around and was now facing Tom. Kash was directly behind me. I turned around, swung my arm as my first collided with his jaw, causing him to fall to the floor. I looked down at him and saw blood trickling from his mouth. "James" tom said. "Shut the fuck up unless you want to loose that pretty face of yours." I said with hatred in my voice. "James I know your angry but.." Jake started. "Jake just fuck off out of my house and take him with you." I said pointing at Kash. "Oh and in the morning pack your shit out of my apartment and get the fuck out. Your tennancy has just come to an abrupt end." I said. Jake looked shocked but carrried Kash out of the doors as Dan slammed it closed behind them. "Dan, ill sort you out a taxi to get back in a minute." I said. "Oh no I'm fine. You go on." He said. I smiled and turned back to Tom.

An hour passed, I had screamed, shouted, threw things, broken things, slapped him and now finally I was calming down as things started to hit home. "How could you do this to me? I thought we had something special." I said. Tom simply looked down and said "it was a moment of weakness" I smiled to myself. "But that's just it, it was just a moment was it, this has been going for a while hasn't it." I asked. "Yeah, but I didn't mean it too." He told me. I was quiet and turned to look at Dan. "You need to get home babe. Ill call you a taxi." I said. I grabbed the phone and called him a taxi. I then grabbed Tom's wallet and pulled out ?100. "That's my wallet." Tom said. I threw him a look and he soon quietend down. I gave dan the money as the taxi pulled up. "See you soon babe." I said. "Yes you shall, I hope things work out and thanks for today." He said. "I'll ring you later." I told him as he left the house and walked out. Tom came into the hall. "So now what?" He asked. "Now I need some time. And you need to leave." I told him as I walked passed him and sat on the sofa. "But... James you can't we are so good together." He said as he sat next to me. I stood up and moved away. "No Tom we were good. I need to process things and then make my mind up about where to go from here." I said. "And what about me?" He asked. "You need to think about who you want and if you really want to be with just me" I said. "But I do want just you." He told me. "If that was true you wouldn't have done this to me" I told him. I slid the ring off my wedding finger and put it on the coffee table. "Are you saying its over?" He asked. "No, but right now we are on hold. Maybe we come back to this." I said picking up the ring and putting it inside a small wooden box that sat on our coffee table. "Fine, I'll go. But just remember I do still love you." He said. "I wish I could say the same." I replied. He ran upstairs to pack a bag and I saw his car keys on the side in the lounge. I picked them up and took off the key to the house. He soon came back and took his keys before looking at them. "Where's my key?" He asked. "It will stay here with me until I'm ready." I said. He dropped his head and looked at me. "And what about our money." He asked. "We stick to the way we are. Joint account, and that's it." I said. "Fine, I will give you the time you need. Hopefully I'll see you soon." He told me. "We shall see.". I replied. He turned and walked out the door closing it behind him. It was at this moment I sat on the sofa and burst into tears.


What a wreck. There I was with my head down the toilet throwing up and feeling like shit. Over the last 3 months I had spiraled out of control. I had been drinking a lot and going out partying with friends. Dan had been a supportive arm as had others. I had spoken to Jake and Kash the following day and told them exactly what I thought of them and that they were both disgusting, vile people and I never wanted to see them again. This had upset them after they had tried repeatedly to apologise to me about the situation. I had apologised to Kash about the punch which he had accepted, and then of course there was shannon who had tried to interfere until it came to light that shannon knew about the whole thing from the start and never said anything to me so I fell out with her as well. Most of our friends had mixed views and had taken my side but there were some still loyal to Kash. As for me I had been drinking heavily, hardly eating, smoking loads, smoking weed and doing the odd line of cocaine. I had lost so much weight as well. I hads gone from 12 stone to 9 in a few months thanks to not eating. I was super skinny and looking horrible. The press had a field day with it all and the headline had been fairly accurate about our break up and tom cheating on me. But they had also seen me at my worst. My mum and royce were really about me and had come to see me quite a bit and tried to cheer me up but nothing was working. As for Tom, he was as bad as me. He had gone back to his mums and was living there. He had stopped training and diving and also had lost so much weight. He had bags under his eyes and like me had been snapped by the press drunk and looking awful. He had tried to contact me a few times but I ignored them all the time. Our house was a mess and had not been cleaned in weeks. I was at my all time low.

After I had finished throwing up I got in the shower and cleaned myself off before walking through the bedroom and dropping on the bed. I looked at the time to see it was 8am. I was extermley tired and the next thing I knew I was gone. I must have slept for a good 8 or 9 hours. When I woke up it was 6pm and my phone was going off. It was my mum. I answered "hi" I said. "You sound like shit. And no doubt look it. I've seen the papers from today and your antics of last night. Royce and I are in coventry now and heading to you. We are taking you out for dinner. For the first time I'm going to say you need a good feed." She said. "No mum I'm..." I started before she cut me off. "James don't fucking argue with me. Now get up and get dressed. We will be there in half hour." She told me. "Okayy." I said as I put the phone down. I had no headache and felt kind of fresh. I jumped into the shower and soon was back in my room, with a pair of chinos and a tshirt on. I did my hair and tried to look half decent as the door bell went. I ran down and answered it to see mum and royce stood there. "Hi son." My mum said hugging me. "Hi Jim" my dad said. "Hi" I said giving them both a hug before shutting the door. "Jesus son. Look at the state of this place" mum said. "Tessa" my dad said. "No I've had it now. James I know your hurting but this place looks like a bomb site. Get upstairs and get ready while I try n tidy." She said. I looked down and then headed up the stairs. I went into the bedroom and finished doing my hair and tidy bit of foundation before heading back down the stairs. I went into the kitchen to see my mum had loaded the dishwasher and set it going, loaded a big bag of rubbish up. Started some laundry and cleaned the sides down and loaded up the rest of my plates. My dad had tidied my living room and moved the empty take out containers and pizza boxes and it sort of looked good. "Ready" I said. They both stood and looked at me. "There you are. We have done what we can until tomorrow." She said. "Tomorrow?" I asked. "Yes we are staying until this place is spotless" she said. "Fine." I replied. She grabbed her hand bag and we left the house and heaed out for dinner to a restuarant in leamington spa.

As we walked in my dad said the reservation was under my name and we got taken to a table. When we got near the table my heart sank. There sat Tom, and his mum along with Kash and Jake. "Oh hell no. I'm not being set up and I'm not sitting here." I said turning. "Why affraid to face me?" Tom asked standing up. "I beg your pardon." I asked. "Well this is good they are talking." His mum said to mine. I ignored the comment. "I'm not affraid to talk or face you. I'm not done being angry at you. Any of you." I said looking at Jake and Kash. "James either sit down or ill knock you down." My dad said quietly. I finally surrendered and sat down. "Drinks?" The waiter said. Everyone ordered apart from me and Tom. "Yeah I'll take a bottle of smirnoff vodka and a glass with ice." I said. "Same" said Tom. "Or not. Two cokes. No alcohol." His mum said. "Debbie." I said. "No James" my mum said. We then ordered our meals and we sat and ate in near total silence. "So, how's things been Tom." My mum asked. "Fine." He replied. "No he hasn't. He's stopped training, stopped diving and has lost 4 stone. Andy has dropped him until this is all over. James I don't need ask how you are we have seen it plastered in the press." His mum said giving me a warm smile. "And I wonder who's fault that is." I said with sarcasm in my voice. "Enough." My mum said. "No we are here to air problems so let's air them" my dad said. "Fine, I'll start. Tom I still hate you for what you did to me, but I can't deny I have missed you and I still love you. I want you back but it will take time. Kash, Jake I have got over it. I spent a lot of time thinking about it, and while you were wrong to do it, I can also understand." I said before breathing. "James we are so sorry n if you will have us back we will be the most loyal friends you can have." Kash said. "Oh and Tom, never again will that happen." He added. "Fine by me. I only need one man in my life." Tom said. " And yes I will accept your apology." I said. They smiled as did I and me and Jake and Kash hugged it out. I then went into my pocket and handed them the keys to the apartment back. "Willl you guys take them back to the apartment and get them sorted." I asked debbie and my parents. They nodded and took off with kash and jake leaving only me and Tom. He looked at me and smiled. "Heavy night?" He asked. "The worst" I replied. "I do miss you." He said. "I miss you too." I replied. "Can we get over this?" I asked. "James, I love you more than ever, these last few months have been hell. I want you back in my life." He said. "And I want you back. But never again will you hurt me." I said. "On that you have my word." He said. I smiled and he smiled back as he took my hand.

We sat in the restuarant for a good 2 more hours talking and laughing and joking and a bit of me felt like we were on our first date. "You know I arranged tonight?" Tom asked. "I kinda had a feeling." I said. "You look so skinny. You need to put weight on." He said. "Right back at ya, we need to get you back to diving." I said. He smiled at me and the spark between us reignited in that moment. "So I kinda think we need to make a move." I told him. "Yeah just a grab a taxi outside." Tom said as we headed away from the table. Once outside I held my hand out and he instinctvley took it and I knew that we were back on track.

Once we had got in the taxi and got home I saw my mum and dad parked on the driveway. We walked into the house to find them just finishing off the house. "2 hours of cleaning and your house is how it should be." My mum said. "Thank you so much." I said. "Right well we need to get back to the hotel. But we will be back round in the morning" my dad said. "Yeah would you mind dropping me at your hotel and I'll see if I can get a room." Tom said. I looked at him and then my parents "why do you need a hotel?" I asked. "Well I didn't want to just assume." He said. "Your staying here." I replied. "Okay" he replied. "Right well we shall leave you to it." My mum said as she kissed us both goodbye and left.

We climbed the stairs and soon were in the bedroom our lips locked and our hands exploring each others bodies. 3 months of no sex for either of us was making us both so horny. He leaned over to me and kissed me before climbing on top of me. I loved the feel of Tom's body. He was so smooth apart from the small trail of hair that led down into his underwear and he had an amazing set of muscles and 6 pack. He began to kiss down my neck and work his way down my body. He ran his tongue over my nipples circling them causing me to breathe heavier while he continued to work his way down my body. While he ran his tongue over my 6 pack I could feel his tenderness through his underwear as he was doing this to me. He moved lower and played with my 8 Inch cock over my underwear. He pulled back the waist band and licked the head of my cock which was pulsing. He then pulled my boxers off before taking hold of my cock and plunging it in his mouth going all the way to the base before coming back up and bobbing his head up and down sucking my cock. I moaned out loud as he continued to suck his cock. "Slow down!" I said. He looked up and said "What??" he asked worried. " You were just making me very close." I replied. He smiled and came back up and kissed me being careful not to squash my cock. I then wrapped my legs around him twisted him over making me on top of me. I then repeated the same actions to him. Moving down his body and playing with his nipples making them hard and biting them lightly. I then removed his boxers and taking his 8 Inch hard cock in my mouth sucking heavily which also made him moan out loud. As he looked down he saw my head bobbing up and down. I looked up at me with his cock still in my mouth and this really turned him on. I released his cock from my mouth and went over to the drawer in the bedroom and grabbed some lube before going back over to him "Fuck me" I said. "I thought you would never ask. He used the lube on my waiting pink hole and then put the condom on. He also placed lube over his cock before lifting my legs in the air revealing my 6 pack more and slowly pushing his cock inside me. I felt a wave of pain for about 2 seconds before it subsided and he continued to push in to me. Once I could feel he was all the way inside he began to fuck me slowly before picking up the pace. "Fuck yeah" I called as he started to pound my arse hard really fucking me. It felt like he was going to split me in two as I could feel his cock hit my prostate over and over again making me squirm and moan loudly. "Oh my god yeah, keep going" I shouted out. I could feel myself start to tense up. He continued to push in and out of me. I suddenly felt myself explode as 5 or 6 loads of cum shot out of the tip of my cock and all over my body. My cock started to go flaccid but Tom continued to pound my arse over and over. I could feel the beads of sweat running off his forehead and on to my body. Eventually he started to tense up and soon I could feel his warm cum filling my arse. He must have shot 6 times up my arse before pulling out and lying back on top and kissing me. "That was amazing." He said. I kissed him again. "Yes it really was." I replied. He rolled off me, and we snuggled and spooned and he wrapped his strong arms around me making me feel warm and secure before we drifted off to sleep.

The following morning I awoken to the smell of pancakes, and no tom insight. I got out of bed grabbed my dressing gown, and headed down the stairs. I went into the kitchen and found my mum and dad with tom cooking breakfast. "Morning" I said rubbing my eyes. "Morning son." My mum said."Morning mum" I said giving her a kiss. "Morning babes." Tom said as he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and we shared a kiss. "Guessing you 2 sorted yourselvess out." My mum asked. "Yeah, its back on." I said. They smiled. "Good now eat." My dad said giving us both massive plates full of pancakes. "Oh my god these look so good. I'm so hungry." I said as I tucked in. I ate the plate full in about 5 minutes and felt so full after. "They good?" My mum asked. "Yes amazing." I replied. We moved into the lounge and sat and talked with cups of tea. "So where are you two going now that your back together." Mum asked. I got up and walked over to the coffee table and opened the wooden box on there and pulled out the engagement ring, before I put it back on my finger. "Right back where we were before this." I said. "Are you happy?" Tom asked. "Very." I replied. He kissed me again. "I love you so much." He said. "I love you so much more." I replied.

In those moments and the ones that followed in that day I knew we were back to the couple we were before everything and I was so glad to be back with him.

Feedback and comments welcome, please let me know if your still reading and what you think. Always love hearing from people. Email me Thank you to everyone who has emailed me about this. Your support has been epic.

This is the new series and we are back to writing.

Let me know what you have thought of this story so far so I can make changes for the next series.

Next: Chapter 12: Tom Daley and Me II 2

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