Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Jun 16, 2013



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Chapter 10

As Tom and I awoke in the hotel in London I had to smile at myself as I thought back to the previous night's events. Sat around the table in the restaurant in the hotel, there was me, then tom, then my mum next to him, followed by Royce, my sister, Scott, my aunty and uncle and then tom's youngest brother, then his middle brother, then his mum and back round to me. We had an amazing dinner and everything was going perfectly. We had now finished the dinner and now we were all sitting drinking and talking. Soon after there was a tap of his glass and everyone went quiet and I felt my stomach sink and I started to get butterflies in my stomach and I started to get nervous. "Ladies and Gents, can I have your attention." Tom said. Everyone went quiet and turned to look at Tom, who was dressed in pair grey trousers, a tight white silk shirt and a grey matching jacket. I was wearing a light blue shirt and black trousers and a black suit jacket. "A year ago today I met James and we have had a wild ride so far. Things have been very rocky at times but he has always stood by me and made me feel like the most important and special man. He has supported me in my coming out and stuck with me. So now I feel that today is the most ideal and best way with you all of you here, to ask him something very important." He said. I was getting even more nervous, until tom took a short deep breath and then finally pushed his chair to one side and got down on one knee in front of me. "James Charles Leete, you have been the love of my life for the last year. You are my soul mate, the person who I can't live without. I don't ever want us to be apart. So, James I am asking? Will you do me the honour of becoming my husband?" he asked me as he pulled a small ring box out of his pocket and snapped it open and I found a white gold engagement ring with 3 small diamonds set in. Everyone looked at me and it felt like every second was an hour that flew past and I could see people were waiting for my answer. "Tom." I said and he looked at me and took a breath. "Yes. Yes I will." I said standing up and smiling. He got up off his knees and he smiled. "Seriously?" he asked just making sure. "Yes, hell yes Tom." I lift me up and spun me around. Everyone else at the table had now stood up and coming up and patted us on the back. After tom and I broke our hug, he hugged his mum and I hugged mine and then my dad. We then swapped and I hugged his mum and his little brothers and then he hugged mine and my aunty and uncle. I then hugged my sister and finally Scott. I could see my mum had tears in her eyes.

Now finally I looked down at my hand, and I saw the ring on my wedding finger. Tom was still fast asleep his chest heaving up and down. I put my hand on his chest and rest my hand on his pecs and slowly fell back to sleep. I was so happy and content to be sleeping next to my fianc? and I knew nothing in my life would go wrong from here on out. I had my man, and my life was set. I was so happy that after so long everything was going right and my life was getting back on track. I was getting married to the hottest man, someone who I used to sit in bed at night and wank over. Someone who no matter how hard things got I always thought one day I'm going to meet Tom Daley and that day will be soon and now I had done. We were living together we were engaged and now due to get married. "Are you awake?" he asked. "Yeah." I replied sleepily. "Are you happy?" he asked. "More than happy. You have my dreams come true." I replied. "Now you just have to tell everyone." He said. "I know, I can't imagine what their reactions are going to be." I told him. "Well when we get back you can find out." He said. "I was thinking about some of the details." I told him. "Well I was going to leave all the details to you." He said. I smiled. He knew me so well. "Well I was thinking you could ask Kash to be your best man." I said. "I was thinking the same thing." He told me. "And I was also thinking I need to spend some time with Daniel, I feel bad. He is my oldest friend and we haven't spent anytime together lately. I was thinking about us going shopping." I said. "That sounds like a great idea." He said. "Okay I will sort it out when we get back." I said. "Speaking of which we need to get up and start getting ready to leave." He told me. "Yeah I no and?" we were interrupted by the door being knocked. "Son, are you in there?" it was my mum. I got out of bed naked as the day I was born and grabbed my dressing gown and went to answer the door. "Hi." I said. As she and Royce walked in carrying George, my nephew. We walked back through to the bedroom and tom was still lying in bed. I climbed back in next to him and my parents smiled standing at the bottom of our bed. "Sarah is just in the shower and Scott is down stairs playing with tom's brothers and Royce and I wanted to grab some breakfast so we were wondering if you could take George for 20 minutes." She said. "Yeah of course we will." I replied as she handed him over. I took a hold of him and stood up on the bed on my knees. "Hello lickle man." I said. He gave me a cheeky smile and tom sat up. "You two be okay with him?" my mum asked as she was heading out. "Of course we will." I replied. "I'll leave your door on the latch so Sarah can just walk in." I said. "Okay mum." I said as we sat playing with him. "You're so good with him. You will make a great dad one day." Tom said. "We both will." I replied.

Sarah eventually came to collect George and tom and I showered, had breakfast and checked out along with everyone else. After saying goodbye we all went our separate ways and tom and I began our drive back to Coventry. It took around an hour and a half to get back and when we finally got back and turned into our cul-de-sac I could see all of our friends outside our house with a banner that said 'CONGRATULATIONS TOM AND JAMES' "You told everyone?" I asked. "Everyone has known since I bought the ring." Tom told me. I got out the car and everyone was smiling. We all went inside and sat around talking about the way tom proposed and everyone just couldn't stop asking questions and talking about how much it will be like the biggest wedding and how lucky I was. "Oh my god James you have got to let me help you create the perfect day." Shannon said. "Are you mad, with your controlling ways I'd probably kill you." I told her. She laughed. "That's true, id be happy just to be a guest." She said. "Have no fear everyone, tom and I will come up with something beautiful and magical." I said. Shannon smiled. "Well here's to the happy couple." She said as we all raised our glasses of champagne. "Cheers." We all said clanking glasses.

After spending a lovely evening with friends and then a perfect evening with Tom in bed, I woke up the next morning, and began my morning routine of house work and washing whilst tom was out at the swimming baths training and at the gym. As I put my laundry in the machine and set it to go straight from washing to tumble dry after the washing cycle has ended, I hovered, made the beds and loaded the dishwasher. After finishing cleaning I had a shower and made my way out of the house. I had agreed with Dan that we were going shopping to Birmingham and it was my treat. I drove to his house and picked him up and soon we were on our way to Birmingham. We chatted in the car about different things on the way. "I still can't believe it's only been a year with you two." He said as I drove down the motorway. "I know, its stupid. I feel like I've been with him for ages and the worst part is I don't ever want to leave him." I replied. "You soppy old git. A big change from the way you used to be. Shagging anyone and anything." He responded. "Cheeky twat, but to be fair I've given up with those old way. I don't need anyone else." I replied to his bitchy comment. "Get you." Dan said clearly trying to wind me up. "Yeah and don't you forget it. Why jealous much that I managed to bag Tom Daley." I teased. "Maybe just a little." He answered me. I laughed and continued to drive.

Within an hour we had parked and now walking around the bull ring. We walked into superdry first of all and looked around and between us we found some lovely tops and jeans and me being me, said "Let's just buy them." Dan looked shocked but wasn't about to argue. A few hundred pound later and we had already got some bags. Moving on to USC and bank we went in and found more clothes and bought those, before going into schuh and office and finding loads of different shoes we were having a wail of a time. We walked around talking, laughing and joking and generally having an awesome time. As we stood outside having a quick fag break before we hit Selfridges my phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that it was Tom, "Hey babe." I said answering the phone. "Hey baby, just thought I'd check in." he said. "We are fine, having a nice time spending lots of money. What are you doing?" I asked. "Gunna have a shower and Kash and Jake are on the way over to play some PS3. COD all the way." He said. "Oh god, thank god I'm here." I said. "Well buy me something nice and we shall see you when you get back. What time you coming home?" he asked. "I don't know, but it won't be late." I answered. "Have fun." He said. "we will." I replied "Love you." He said. "Love you too." I replied before we put the phone down. Dan and I finished our fags and headed inside into the Selfridges.


"Hey guys." Tom said as he answered the door to Jake and Kash. "Hey mate, thanks for the invite." Jake said as they all shared hugs. Kash looked at Tom and smiled. "Hey beautiful." Kash said as he kissed Tom full on. "Kash!" tom exclaimed. "Oh it's fine I told Jake everything. He knows we have been shagging behind James's back." Kash explained. "Oh my god. Why did you tell him." Tom said. "It's fine honestly I won't say anything. I mean yeah it's wrong what you're doing, but it's your problem not mine." Jake said. "Shall we just play PS3." Kash said. "Yeah let's." tom said. They all made their way into the living room, and sat on the sofa's and loaded up the PlayStation. "When is James due home?" Kash asked. "Dunno, he said he wouldn't be too late." Tom replied. "With James shopping that could be days." Jake said which had them all laughing. "Let's play." Tom said as the game started.


"This looks really nice on you." Dan said. "I'm getting it." I replied. "Good." He told me. We went around the shop even more, and picked up more bits to buy. "This will be perfect for you." I said handing Dan and shirt. "I like it." He said. "So how's Tom anyway?" Dan asked. "Oh he's fine, you know at first I thought something was going on with him and Kash but they haven't really seen each other for a while and with Tom proposing I think he knows that I'm the one for him." I said. "You thought him and Kash were shagging?" Dan asked shocked. "Yeah." I replied. "I don't think so, Tom loves you too much." Dan replied. "Your right as always." I replied. "Shall we make this our last shop, go put this lot in the car and get a Maccy D's on the way home." I said looking at the time. "Yeah sounds good." Dan replied. It was like half 5 now, so the place would be shutting soon.


"Fuck sake." Jake said as he threw the controller down in anger. "Yay babes we beat him." Kash said as he kissed Tom. "Do you two mind, if James walked in now he would go mad." Jake said. "He won't be back for ages and he always texts to tell me when he's leaving so it's fine." Tom said. "Yeah Jake chill. Anyway you should try kissing him, he's amazing." Kash said. "No." Jake said. "Why what's wrong with me." Tom said teasing. "Nothing." Jake replied. "Well then get here." Tom said as he pulled Jake in and their lips met and their tongues began to play tennis. "Oh my god, Kash he is an amazing kisser." Jake said. "You know what, I'm thinking some really naughty thoughts" tom said. "Me 2." Kash said. "Yeah me 2" Jake said. "Shall we just?" Jake added. "Fucking damn right." Kash said as they all stood up and made their way into the bedroom.


"Oh my good this has been such an amazing day. Thank you so much." Dan said as we sat eating McDonalds in the car park on Holyhead road back in Coventry. "Your welcome. You coming over to mine first so you can say hi to Tom." I asked. "Of course." He replied.


Kash grabbed Tom and spun him around so that they were face-to-face, placed a hand on the back of his head, and pulled him in deeply for a kiss. Jake slid up behind Tom, licked his neck, and rubbed his exposed nipples. Kash let out a long moan as Tom slipped a hand under the waistband of his shorts and massaged his already hard dick through his boxers. Kash exclaimed, "that feels fucking great, man," before returning to Tom's lips. As Kash's tongue explored the inside of Tom's mouth, Jake's hands explored his body. Tom sucked slightly on Kash's invading tongue before pulling back slightly and running his tongue over Kash's soft lips, sending chills down Kash's spine. Meanwhile, sliding the unbuttoned shirt off of Tom, Jake ran his hands over Tom's shoulders and down his powerful pecs. Leaning forward, he breathed on Tom's neck before nibbling and sucking on the soft flesh there. Jake's fingers travelled lower, feeling his fingers bump over Tom's taut abs. While fiercely making out with Kash and rubbing his raging cock under his shorts, Tom began to push his tight, denim-covered ass back and grind against Jake's own throbbing dick, which was threatening to break free of his boxers that had been stretched earlier at the gym with Kash. As Tom's hips gyrated, Jake felt his abs flex and bend beneath his touch and groaned loudly in pleasure. Then, Jake pulled his own shirt over his head, and kicked his shorts aside, standing in nothing but his white boxers. As Jake grabbed Tom's hipbones and pulled him back against his crotch, Kash finally pulled back from Tom's mouth and removed his own clothes. Jake and Tom watched as Kash removed his muscle-hugging T-shirt, paying close attention to the way his biceps bulged as he pulled the shirt up and over his head. Tom let out an audible sigh of admiration. After dropping his shorts, Kash asked with a smile, "on or off?" meaning his boxers Jake and Tom, suppressing a giggle, both replied, "on," in unison, grinning. Jake moved his hands around Tom's waistband and unbuttoned to top of his dark- blue jean shorts. Pulling them down his thick thighs, Jake revealed the 3-inch- thick waist banded army-green boxers beneath. Kash's dick bounced in his low rise boxers as he lay his hands atop Tom's defined chest, which was clearly sculpted with the help of a very expensive personal trainer, and Jake reached around to massage Tom's clothed balls while grinding his own dick into Tom's perky ass. Kash leaned forward and kissed down Tom's neck, over his flexing pecs, and ran his tongue over the left nipple. Tom let out a deep involuntary moan. Taking his cue, Kash began to suck on Tom's nipple in earnest, tweaking his right nipple with the other hand. Tom continued to flex and relax his chest under Kash's attention, which now included nibbling the nipples each in turn. On Tom's other end, Jake began to kiss down the back of Tom's neck and biting into his upper back. Trapped in the upper body nibbling from both sides, Tom couldn't help but exclaim, "oh my god; you two are fucking amazing." Taking that as their cue, both Kash and Jake began to lick lower and lower down Tom's body in unison. Kash licked lightly between the deep cut of each ab, slightly tickling Tom and causing him to giggle slightly. Jake kissed over each back muscle, before coming to the top of Tom's boxers waistband. He slid his tongue under the top of the waistband and slid it lightly across the top of the curve of Tom's ass. Simultaneously, Kash ran his tongue under the top of the front of Tom's waistband, teasing before going any lower. Tom begged and placed his hands lightly on the top of Kash and Jake's heads, willing them to go lower. Kash reached around and placed a hand on each of Tom's cheeks. His beefy ass pushed slightly against Kash's touch. It's soft and meaty, yet firm and hard feel drove Kash crazy, who spread the cheeks apart as he massaged him before pressing his face into the straining bulge of the boxers. Taking Kash's cue, Jake started to work on Tom's 8 inch throbbing cock licking up and down the shaft while he played with the balls. God he was good Tom Thought. Kash continued to play with Tom's nipples and lightly bite them before moving back up and straddling Tom's chest, his 8 inch black cock pointing straight at Tom. Tom opened wide as Kash fed his cock to Tom, who's head began to move backwards and forwards. After a few minutes they all switched and Jake slowly worked his cock into Tom's mouth while Kash engulfed Tom's dick all the way down to the base. Tom moaned in pleasure as Kash continued to deep throat him and massage his balls whilst Jake continued to moan at the intense feeling that Tom was giving him. They stopped after a few minutes and came back up to each other and kissed. "Who's fucking who?" Tom asked me. "No-one, we are fucking you" Kash replied. "I want to fuck you, while you suck on Kash's dick" Jake replied. "Spit Roast." Kash said. Jake grabbed some lube and a condom from the drawer. He put on the condom and lubbed up Tom's hole lightly fingering it. He didn't mind that and when Jake said "Are you ready?" Tom nodded. On all fours all ready with Kash's dick in his mouth, Jake slowly began to insert his cock into his small pink hole. When the head started to enter and Jake had about an inch inside Tom yelped. "Am I hurting?" Jake asked. "A little just give me a second." He said breathing loudly. "I can stop." Jake said. He shook his head and said "No keep going, I'm fine." Jake pushed in a bit more slowly each time and kept stopping to allow him the chance to get used to it. In no time Jake was all the way in him as Tom continued to blow Kash's aching cock. "mmmm" Jake said. He slowly started to fuck his arse. Going slow he moaned loudly. Kash was loving Tom's mouth action, it felt so amazing. Jake picked up the pace and fucked him harder and harder.


I pulled the car into the drive way and walked into the front door to find no-one in the living room. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "Dunno?" Dan replied as we both put our bags down in the living room. "Mmmm oh yeahhh." I heard someone shout from upstairs. I looked at Dan and the blood drained from my face. I left the living room and headed up the stairs and turned towards my bedroom door. I pushed it open and the sight that greeted me was something I never expected to see. There was Tom, Kash and Jake all naked and all having sex, with Jake and Kash spit roasting my fianc?. I stood there in complete shock, Kash with his head in the air as he was enjoying the blowjob he was getting, while Jake pounded Tom's arse. All three of them oblivious to me standing there. "WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK!!!" I screamed. All three of them froze, and looked at me, both Tom and Jake turning around to see me and Dan stood in the doorway. "Oh Shit!" Tom said, a worried look on his face.

Feedback and comments welcome, please let me know if your still reading and what you think. Always love hearing from people. Email me Thank you to Charlie for reading the story and leaving feedback on twitter.

This is the final chapter in this series. I hope you all enjoy ? I know I have left it on a cliff hanger, but I have done that for a good reason. It gives me a reason to return. And I will be back.

Let me know what you have thought of this story so far so I can make changes for the next series.

Next: Chapter 11: Tom Daley and Me II 1

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