Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Jan 15, 2013


Tom Daley and Me


This story is pure fiction. Any elements of truth are purely coincidence. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

Chapter 1

When I was 22, my friends and I decided that every weekend we would take a drive on the Sunday to a new city to be able take in the sights and most importantly to doing some shopping. It was sort of our new year's resolution for 2013. This weekend was Plymouth and I was seriously looking forward to this weekend as I knew that Plymouth had some lovely shops and an amazing sea front. So after sorting out the final details on the Saturday and then waking up bright and early on the Sunday we all piled into two cars mine and my other friends and made our way to the wonderful town of Plymouth. I guess now I should make some introductions, I'm James a 22 year old, Sales Manager from Coventry, originally born and raised in North Yorkshire and I am the youngest of three kids. I have a warm and loving family and I was recently a proud uncle to a new born baby boy. I have brown hair, am around 6 foot and of average size and build. My friends, Daniel who was 18 and worked for Tesco, Jake who was 20 and currently unemployed, Shannon who was 18 and worked for Barlcays bank, Kelly her sister who was 24 who was also unemployed primarily due to the fact that she is disabled. Then also we have Danielle who was 17 and Kelly's carer, we also have Ryan who was 18 and a college student studying Dance, we also had Sam, who was Shannon's boyfriend who was also unemployed and then lastly we have Kash who is black guy who is 20 and again he was unemployed. You can see a pattern here can't you. The last thing I should tell you is that all the men I mentioned above, with the exception of Sam, are gay. None of us had slept together or had any form of sexual encounter but we were a tight nit set of friends. Out of all of us we had two cars, mine a black mini cooper S and Daniel who had a little silver saxo. So in my car that morning we had myself, Jake, Kash and Sam and in Dan's car we had Daniel, Ryan, Kelly, Danielle and Shannon. After starting out at 6am we took off and after making a pit stop at McDonalds and the petrol station we were on the road and in my car we were all eating, talking and singing to music whilst driving. The nice thing about us all we could talk about everything and we had such a fun time when we were all together.

"How long before we get there?" asked Jake. "Soon babe, I promise." I replied. He rolled his eyes and slumped in the chair. "It should be illegal to get up early in the morning." He replied. "Do you mind I'm trying to sleep here." Kash said in a grumpy manner. "Sorry." I said. Kash was not the type of person who dealt well with early mornings and he hated having to be up early. I knew once we were there he would be up and about and chatting for England but until then we had to be quiet as possible before he turned into the incredible Hulk. "Jake light me a fag." I said as I dropped the window a bit. "Yeah, can I have one?" he asked. This was nothing new everyone always asked me for fags all the time and I just got used to it. "Of course." I replied. He smiled and picked up my 20 deck of JPS blue and pulled out two cigarettes and lit them both before handing me one. I took it off him and took a few healthy drags and relaxed as I continued to drive along the dark motorway and onwards to a great day out. According to my iPhone 5 maps the drive should take about 4 hours and the ETA was around 10:30am. So I just sat and spoke with Jake, listened to the radio and drove on.

Thankfully the 4 hours went by quickly and eventually we arrived into Plymouth where we pulled into a pay and display car park. Thankfully everyone was now wide awake and talking away. Dan and I pulled into parking spots next to each other and got out the car followed by everyone else. I stretched my arms. It was incredibly uncomfortable to sit and drive for 4 hours. I looked over and saw Ryan and Daniel getting Kelly's wheelchair out of the car while Danielle helped her out the car and wrap up warm. Kash handed me my coat and scarf out of the boot and also my superdry bag. "Thanks babe." I said. I grabbed my phone and fags out of the car and also my wallet and shut the door and locked up the car. Everyone came together. "Can we find a toilet I'm dying for the toilet." Said Shannon. "Me 2." Said Kash. "There's a McDonalds over the road, go in there and then we hit the town." Jake said as I handed him a fag and pulled myself one out. After sparking it up everyone came together and soon enough we were all together. "Ready." Said Shannon. "Yep, let's go." I said. We all walked away and off to the heart of Plymouth town where we started to look around and pose for photo's together and look at the different sights and shops. "Can we go into River Island?" asked Shannon. "Babe there is a river island in Coventry." I told her. "So, we can still go look." She said. "Okay." I said smiling. We walked in and the girls stayed down stairs and me and the boys went up stairs and looked about. After 20 minutes we left that shop and continued to look around. It was then I came across a shop that heaven for me. "Oh my god, there's a diesel shop." I said. "And here we go." Said Dan as I started jumping up and down. "Well I wanna just go and look in Oasis" said Shannon as she, Sam, Ryan, Kelly and Danielle all took off over to oasis. "Well I'm going in there." I said heading off to the shop followed by Kash, Jake and Dan. We went into the shop and I started to look around. "Me and these are going over the road to Republic." Said Jake. "Okay I will see you in a second." I replied. I picked up and pair of jeans and found my size and noticed the price £110. Oh well credit card is about to take a pounding. I then found a hoody and was continuing to look around and what I really wanted was a shirt to wear on a night out I had coming up next week. I looked at the shirts and was continuing to look through when I spotted a guy out of the corner of my eye and thought nothing of it. It was when I picked out a plain black shirt with a white swirl down one side. "Wow that shirt is amazing." A voice said behind me. "Thanks I think so." I said turning around and taking a glance before I was stopped dead in my tracks. Oh my god. Was this happening. I turned back around and stood shocked. "So this is the point where people say, `Oh my god are you Tom Daley?' so by the look on your face I can see that on the tip of your tongue, so to save you some time Yes I am and it's nice to meet you." He said. I was still shocked. "It's great to finally meet you in person, I have to say I am such a huge fan." I said all giddy. "Hey James, let's go, Shannon and..." shouted Jake as he walked over before he then shut up. "Oh my god!" he then said stood looking at the beautiful sight that was in front of me. "We will just be outside." He said after slipped back out of the door. "Sorry that was my friend." I said. "It's fine, I know what that's like." He replied. "So I'm guessing your James. Well it's great to meet you too." He said shaking my hand. We walked over to the counter and I paid for my items on my credit card, and then took the bag off the counter while we talked. "So do you live in Plymouth?" he asked me. "No, just hear for the day, me and my friends always go somewhere new every weekend." I explained. "That's so cool." He replied. "Thanks, well I guess if you have some time would you like to hang out with us." I asked. He smiled and said "Sure that would be great, nothing worse than spending Sunday on your own." He said. "Well I guess I should introduce you to my friends." I said to him. "You mean the friends who are looking in through the window staring at us." He said. I looked over and in typical ways they all looked away and tried to make it look like they were just waiting and talking. "Yeah their not that discreet. Primarily has something to do with, and I pray that you don't take this the wrong way, I have had a crush on you for quite a while." I said to him. He blushed and said "It's fine. Shall we." He pointing for the door.

We exited the shop and I introduced Tom to my friends and I then said, "Well I'm famished. Shall we go for some food." "Sure that would be great, Pizza Hut is just down the road if you guys want to." Tom said. "sounds great." Shannon said and Tom started to lead us that way. I then walked with Tom in front of everyone and we talked and got to know each other some more. I didn't realise he was actually really funny and such a sweet guy. We eventually arrive at pizza hut and we got taken to a table room enough for 10. We ordered drinks and food, and we all sat and talked. Tom was mainly the centre of attention with everyone asking him questions and chatting away. After the meal ended, I stood up, "If I could get past you and I need to go to the toilet." I said as I brushed passed Tom's legs and headed for the toilet. I stood at the urinal and began to pee when the door opened and in walked Sam. "Sooo, seems like you and Tom have a good relationship going." Sam said as we stood taking a pee. "Oh Sam, he's not like that, he's straight, just like you." I said. "Oh really, that's why he has just been asking tons of questions about you in the 2 minutes you have been gone from the table. I think he likes you." Sam replied. "I don't think so." I replied. I zipped up and headed out the door after washing my hands. I went back to the table and again brushed past Tom, but this time it felt different I could feel a spark. I sat back down and we talked some more before the bill came. I took the receipt and was shocked. 10 people to feed was expensive. The bill was £215.82. I picked out my wallet and was about to place my credit card down when the waitress took Tom's card from him and ran it through the card machine. "There you are Mr Daley, thank you very much." She said as she handed him back his card and walked away. "So where shall we go?" I asked. "I dunno about you but I need a fag." Dan said. "Same here." I replied. We all left pizza hut and everyone but Tom and Kash sparked up a fag. "Okay because this isn't awkward." Kash said. "Sorry. You guys walk on." Shannon said. Everyone began to walk on when Shannon grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "How's it going with you two?" she asked. "Good, he's a great guy and seriously funny and cute." I replied. "He seems to be really in to you." She said. "Not you as well, Sam said the same thing in the toilet." I replied. "James, babe listen to me I love you but you can be so blind at times. He is so into you, he asked us all these questions, like are you seeing anyone?' or do you live alone?'." She told me. "really?" I asked shocked as I took a drag of my cigarette. "Yes, now get up there and get to no him more. Oh and Kash and everyone have agreed to keep quiet with the piss taking and not to embarrass you." She told me. "Thank you." I replied. I ran up and caught up with Tom and kash who were chatting away and I could hear Tom say, "He seems like a really great guy." "Hey guys, what you talking about?" I asked. "Oh nothing." Kash said. "You okay?" Tom asked. "Yeah I'm fine." I replied smiling. Kash sort of slid back and it was just me and Tom and I have to say I was close to jumping up and down in fits of happiness. We walked and talked some more, when Shannon said "Can we go to the beach, I think it would be nice to walk down the beach front." I smiled and everyone agreed. It took about 15 minutes to head that way and people began to pair off and walk at different paces along the beach. Of course Tom and I walked together, Kash and Jake walked together, Shannon and Sam walked together and Ryan, Dan, Danielle and Kelly all walked together. "So if I could be so bold to ask, are you involved with anyone right now?" he asked me. "No, to be honest I've been so wrapped up with work over the last few years that I haven't really had time for a boyfriend. How about you?" I replied. "Me, well with diving and then Splash being filmed I haven't had time for a relationship either." He replied. "I watch splash every week." I told him. "Oh what do you think?" he asked. "Well to be honest with you, I don't care about the diving I more watch it because your on the show." I told him. He blushed. "Your cute to say that." He told me. I smiled and looked at him. "You think I'm cute?" I asked. "Yeah, and smart and intelligent and funny and just a great person." He told me. "So can I be so bold as to ask, are you gay?" I asked. He nodded. "I don't tell everyone mainly due to my image and because I was told not to, but I'm not going to hide it." He replied taking a hold of my hand. >From that moment we walked and talked down the beach.

At around 3pm, we all decided to head for a drink, before got back on the road. We headed to costa and I bought everyone drinks, before we all headed for the car park. "Well Tom, it's been great to meet you today and I really hope we can see each other again." I said. "I would like that too." He replied smiling. "Can I take your number?" I asked. "I was going to ask the same thing." He replied. I took out my phone as did he and we exchanged number before I got in the car. I dropped the window down as dan was just getting everyone in. Tom leant over and into the car and kissed me. "That was..." I said, before Kash cut me off. "Fit!" he said. I smiled. "I'll text you when we are back." I said. He smiled. "I look forward to it." He replied as he stepped away. I nodded at Dan, and we both drove out of the car park and I could see Tom in my rear view mirror looking at the car and taking out his phone and texting before my phone went off and vibrated. "So you wanna talk about this?" asked Jake. "Maybe later, right now I'm still reeling from the fact that me and Tom Daley kissed." I replied smiling. "Someone is glowing." Kash said. "Oh my god this was an amazing day." I said. "I think you're in love." Sam teased. "Oh yes I am, and he is amazing." I told him. "Lucky bitch." Kash said as we drove onto the motorway. He was right, I am a lucky bitch. I just couldn't wait to see him again.

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Next: Chapter 2

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