Tom D Goes For Gold

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Aug 6, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.

This is a TOM DALEY story, Young Tom is an Olympic hopeful for the UK and is at present fourteen. This short story in no way attempts to portray his true sexuality, actions or thoughts. It is FICTION. If Tom, his family or friends read this and take offence then I apologise but then would ask why they're cruising the Nifty Archive.

The characters in this story are make believe and based only in my imagination. Thank you.

DEDICATED TO: Tom Daley. A star for the future... all the very best.


2 - Tom and Sam


Taylor Datton

Hi there. In this one Tom and his cousin Sammy are going to give their versions of events over the long weekend they spent with me and Luc during their school summer holidays. A round of applause first of all for our hero, Tom.


I cycled down the hill from Tay's place like a loony, my cousin was due to arrive around six, in time for dinner, and I was running late. I'd get hell from my mum, and dad wouldn't be too happy either. I was the odd man out, I was singing. As our duff cricketers would say I'd cracked my duck... I'd scored and with the tasty and dead sexy Taylor Datton, I knew girls at school and boys who would die to get inside his boxers and I'd done it. I knew when we'd first met he fancied me and on the second occasion when I'd got his phone number and address I knew for sure. Today had proved me right, to get really dirty and on the quiet I'd done him twice and he'd returned the favour. We were fuck buddies now and I hadn't finished yet. That Luc, the Thai was a fruit and a ripe fruit at that... he was in my sights as was my unsuspecting cousin probably sitting in my room right now wondering where I was.

I was right, Sam had arrived and was waiting for me as were the parents. I got a bit of a bollocking but when I explained that Tayor had been demonstrating tricks and maneuvers in his pool dad calmed down, I didn't bother explaining that the said tricks were in a bed and pretty sweaty ones at that. That special news although censored a bit was for Sam who I'd fancied something rotten for a couple of years. We'd played games and tried but neither of us had the experience or guts to get really close up and dirty. We had dinner and I dragged Sam upto my room afterwards as he was sleeping in with me and I needed to chat to him.

As soon as we were in the room we kicked out shoes off and leapt on the bed (the same bed), nothing dirty you understand, we weren't daft. He knew Taylor, in fact he'd been a fan before Taylor had been in that car crash and injured his back and in common with a lot of youngsters had mourned the fact. I knew as well as he did that his hero worship of Tay was nothing short of teeny lust but hey, what's new. Tay put me in mind of that Maxxie in Skins although Tay was maybe eight years older. Anyway, I told Sam that Tay was nice, Tay was easy to get on with, Tay had a tasty houseboy, yadah, yeadah and Sam's eyes were out on stalks and he was dribbling... not a pretty sight when you think about it.

It was Monday evening and I had four days to get my weekend master plan organised. I was going to have a go at my mum and dad tomorrow and Tay was going to pop around on the Wednesday with my 'forgotten' cap and shades, how limpo can you get but at least he'd get to meet and have a natter with dad. I had high hopes as I knew dad got out of sorts when I went on my two weeks R+R as I called it. I love my dad but he is a bit of a slavemaster and I do need to chill now and then, I'm not a machine, I just wanna be a boy and get dirty and unwind like others my age.

Sam, who I should say more about agrees with me. He has absolutely no interest in swimming or diving although he supports me and is my number one fan but that's because he wants into my speedos both front and back I reckon although that was yet to come. It would but the way we were going we'd both be in our twenties, the Tay Project as I was beginning to call it would hasten things more than somewhat (says he with a plum in his mouth).

'Did you see him changing?' Sam asked with his one track mind mind in top gear.

'Yeah, we did some nudey swimming after eats.'

'Jeez...' he rolled around on the bed grabbing his crotch. 'What's he like, what's he like... did you go nudey, waggle the old willy?'

'Yeah, of course,' I laughed. 'Copped a few gropes as well.'

'You didn't!' His mouth dropped open and I think his little heart nearly stopped. 'He may pop by in the week... hey up. I've got his phone number, you can phone him and tell him you want to be his bitch.'

'Shurrup, you prick,' he turned bright red and promptly assaulted me. No change there then.

Later on in the night when we got down to the fumbling and groping I told him that Tay and I had exchanged wanks but nothing else, that was enough though. Poor Sam cum in my hand nearly crying in frustration, he really was hot for my new pal up the hill. If he knew the full story he might even murder me out of sheer jealousy.

Later on that night Sam was trying to rump me as I pretended to be asleep but he spoilt it by whispering Tay's name in my ear all the while until I burst into giggles. After that we did another first, we scrunged up belly to belly and had a dry shag I suppose you'd call it, we rumped up against each other with our erections between our bellies and with the sweat, heat and slime of our leakages we managed to cum. My arse was sore from the death grip he had on it but it was good, almost as good as the real thing and I think I could have had him there and then. Being a Christian I decided to let him have his first fuck with Tay, he was so in lust it just wasn't true. I would fuck Sam and he would fuck me, it was in the stars and this weekend would be the one... we just had a small rent to pay even if Sam hadn't realised yet.

Anyway... shit. That's getting to be my favourite word. Anyway, on the Tuesday I told dad about Tay's casual invitation to spend the weekend up at his place with a pal, that pal being Sam and dad just said he'd put it to mum. I had a giggle with Sam, it would happen. Mum and dad would be delighted to get rid of the pair of us for a whole weekend. Presuming and assuming Tay did roll up on the Wednesday I forecast plain sailing and told my everloving cousin. He'd been babbling on about a mutual shag as he called it in the night and I'd had to fight the horny bastard off. I might let him have me in the week as long as he promised to have my babies, I wasn't giving anyrthing away for free.

The Wednesday rolled around and it was wet and miserable so we spent most of the day in my room on the Playstation and wrestling around acting like wallies. Dad had to come up and quieten us down a couple of time which boded well Project Tay, I was working on the theory that the more of a nuisance we made ourselves the more the 'rents would be glad to see the back of us for a short spell. The room call and it was mum and she told me that Taylor Datton had called and was dropping some gear down I'd forgotten on my visit and how nice of him it was and what a gentleman he was and all the damn rest of it. I gave Sam the nod, we were in business.

Well, to cut a long story short Tay did call with my odds and ends, he did meet Sam and I think he was as hooked on Sam as Sam was on him. Taylor did have a long chat with mum and dad with us eavesdropping and eventually getting called in. The end result was that Taylor was collecting us on the Friday afternoon for the weekend and would probably drop us back on the following Monday. Success, top points score and a medal for yours truly... well, some credit to Tay I suppose but Sam and I were over the moon. Tay had spotted Sam's interest straight away and given Sam a couple of those 'come to bed' looks of his, poor Sam was on the verge of wetting his knickers.

I should have said before, Sam was a looker, people said he looked more like a brother than a cousin but he was taller than I was and meatier down below but he was a bit shy whereas I tended to get a bit mouthy at times. He was sweet and I really liked him, I almost loved him but that's not what boys do, is it?

The Wednesday night dragged and all Sam talked about was Tay, he cross examined me about my day out and eventually I told him that Tay and I had gone to bed and played around, I still didn't mention the sex but I had to work around to it somehow, I had to warn Sam to be prepared. I was in a silly situation, I really wanted Sam's body and soul but he was so infatuated with Tay I put my desires on hold, let Sam have his moment and then I'd have mine. I still had recollections of the Thai kid strolling around in that sexy pouch and the sway of his hips as he trolled back and forth to the kitchen. Now that was a bit of derriere I had to plug and he'd looked a bit bulky at the front but if I could handle Tay I could handle his houseboy and then the delicious Sam.

Well, what's that old Scots saying by Scabbie Rabbie: The oft laid plans of rodents and boys often go tits up. Something like that anyway. I was determined not to let Sam know what actually happened up at Tay's place, basically I didn't want to come across as a slut, I didn't want to make him too jealous either. But in the end I couldn't hold back on the sex front, I was getting pissed off with getting handfuls of his slippery spunk and decided to go the whole hog. I allowed him to get all romantic on the Thursday night but this time actuially got him to kiss which he'd never been too taken with, after that a sixty nine was easy enough. I went down on him and after a while he took me into his mouth. Once we settled down and he got used to the taste and the action there was no stopping him and when I got a finger into his tight little fanny he went apeshit. He was bucking and jerking around with me on his prostate and sucking like a leech on his beautiful cock, He got the message and I soon felt his clumsy prods at my pucker and let him in. Really, we were a hairsbreadth away from shagging each other but I was leaving that pleasure for up at Tay's. I swallowed all his slime down and then sucked him dry and then I cum in his mouth and as he had nowhere to spit and as I held his head tight he also swallowed. After that it was slippery and spunky kisses all the way. He'd gone down and all he had left was his tight little arse and that I donated to Tay. Sam didn't know this, of course, but we were strong enough together, we'd work through it. The love word comes a lot easier when you've actually digested someone's cum, especially someone as close as Sam was to me. If I wouldn't have sounded such a prat and a girl I'd have told him I loved him there and then.

'That was nice,' I cuddled upto his smooth and slightly funky body gently playing with his depleted balls.

'Yeuchy,' he scowled in the gloom of the bedroom. 'Yeah, it was good,' he giggled. 'Dead pervy.'

'Should be a good weekend,' I prompted.

'Yeah... tell me something and be dead honest .'


'Is Taylor gay or just likes playing around with kids.'

'He's gay.' I waited for the explosion but it never came.

'Good. I thought so,' he grinned. 'That means this Luc guy, you keep twittering on about is gay as well, yeah?'


'Could be a hot weekend,' he looked at me and smiled. I returned his smile, he was right.

The following day, the big Friday was nice and sunny, not totally hot and stiffling, or wet and muggy as it had been but hot enough to swim and lay around sunbathing but we were on a roll. We were bathed, changed and ready with our little bags by the time Tay rolled up with his Beamer looking all sexy and dishy as hell. He spent half an hour with my dad who was buggering around in the garden and finally we were off, I think I was whistling the Wizard of Oz thingy as we walked out to his car. Sam and I sat in the back as if we were stars and then we were off. Sam was going to lose his virginity to his idol and I was going to fuck the delicious Luc or that was my plan. I never considered that anyone else might have their own plots going.

It was only about a twenty minute drive the way Tay drove and we arrived at the same time as Luc who had a banged up old Fiesta crammed full of shopping. We piled out and gave him a hand in with the stuff although I think Sam was just putting himslelf about, his shorts were so short and so tight he was calling out for a group rape and I could see the way Tay kept looking at him he had had the hots already. Mind you I kept an eye on Luc and got a couple of secretive little smiles so I was pretty happy. First things first as they say and Luc preparing a lunch was the first thing on the agenda. I settled for helping out Luc and let Tay deal with Sam, they could natter or shag, I couldn't have cared less I was on the track of a spicey Thai chicken and he damn well knew it. I was chopping up salad under instruction when I felt him behind me and then his warm breath on my neck.

'Tay and your friend are swimming,' he reached around me and grabbed my hands working the knife and fork. I think it was supposed to be intructional but I felt his meaty lump at my crack and then his warm lips on my neck. 'Aren't you joining them?'

'No, I'll help you,' I wriggled my fanny like a little slut and he softly kissed my neck.

'Good.' His hands left mine to get on with the salad massacre and they slid between my shorts and shirt bottom stroking my belly and cruising upto my nipples. 'Nice.'

'Thanks,' I pushed back harder and felt him getting aroused or at least he seemed to be getting harder. I dropped the cutlery and turned in his loose embrace to face him and his soft lips came onto mine. We kissed and I clasped the seat of his long chinos moulding his firm yet springy buttocks in my hands. He tautened and relaxed smiling at me and we held each other tightly dry fucking in the middle of the kitchen.

'Any chance of a drink?' Tay's spoke from the doorway and he laughed. 'I'll take Sam tonight and you two can stick together if that suits.'

'Suits me,' I grinned across and Luc nodded as he broke free and fished out the drinks.

'Change around Saturday night,' Tay continued. 'And then let the lads have some quality time together, eh, Luc?'

'Sounds about right,' Luc jerked his head at me. 'Come outside and relax, we can do lunch anytime.'

'OK,' I followed. It seemed everything was fixed, I just hoped that Sam didn't throw a screaming fit when Tay got down to it although I thought that was highly unlikely. If he didn't know what the score was now he never would.

We went out to the pool and I joined in the fun, as usual I had my swimmers on under my cargoes so no probs there, this time Luc quite calmly dropped his shorts and peeled off his underwear and everything stopped. I ogled him, Sam ogled him and Tay just laughed splashing around. The Thai was hung well, I should have realised form the lump he displayed when pouched, his dark skinned and uncircumcised cock hung at six plus, it was bigger than Tay's although possibly thinner... put it this way, it was a challenge which I was happy to accept. He gave a flash of his superb high riding golden skinned bottom before struggling into skimpy speedos that were hardly bigger than his thong. Happy at last he jumped into the water and headed straight for me like a dark honey coloured torpedo... I thought for a moment I'd gone to heaven as he grasped me and I felt his lips crush onto mine. No messing with this boy and Sam looked shocked before his idol was on him, after that it was all kiss and canoodle. We even got into a group hug at one stage and I took a feel of Sam, my couz was having fun, he was as hard as an iron bar and I guessed he was ready for whatever may come.

That was lunch by the way, so no immediate sex. We sat out as we had the other day and had more or less the same meal but chicken was white meat, salad was healthy for you and knowing that you were being hosted by a pair of evil fuckers after your body added a certain frisson to the event.

'Sunday morning,' Tay looked at us both. 'I have a small group of boys come and use the pool for a couple of hours. They're a Swimming Club but not a Club if you follow, all thirteens and fourteens.'

'Autographs all round,' I muttered.

'You don't have to,' Tay replied. 'You can stay in bed but these kids come up every Sunday when the weather is fine and I don't want to put them off.'

'No, no,' I grinned. 'Don't do that, Sam and I'll mingle and have a giggle.'

'Good, you may get more than a giggle if you play your cards right, as I recall it's two at fourteen and four at thirteen although not all may turn up.'

'More than a giggle?' Sam's ears had pricked up.

'Play it by ear,' Tay laughed. 'And if anyone mentions skinny dipping go for it.'

'I shall.' I stood to help Luc clear the table, needless to say Sam stayed glued to his Tay. The sun was gettuing into it's stride or to be more accurate the clouds had disappeared and it was looking to be an afternoon of lazing by the pool and just chilling but as Luc ladled out ice cream he also checked the temperature of a couple of bottles of wine.

'We'll try one of these later,' he held the bottle upto my face and it was nice and chilly without being frozen.

'I don't drink... well, only Christmas.'

'A couple of glasses of this will do you good,' he rubbed the bottle into the fork of my swimmers and grinned. 'Take the ice cream out before it melts.' Big mistake that one, As I turned with the tray in my hand he grabbed my hips and rubbed his crotch against my bit O, I wiggled my arse but carefully, I didn't want to drop everything on the floor but then he knelt and started to kiss inside my thights right at the top and I felt an instant erection coming on as he reached through my legs and toyed with my burgeoning erection. The bastard, I felt a right wally as I walked out in my swimmers with a very obvious erection carrying a tray loaded with ice cream and mixed fruit.

'He's happy to see us,' Sam grinned.

'Two happy boys,' Tay added as Luc followed me in a similar state but his was a damn sight bigger and I saw Sam's eye's widen. Swings and roundabouts, Sam boy.

We sat there polishing off our fruit and bascicqally everything that wasn't bolted down I then took Sam into the kitchen to do the tidy up. Luc wanted to help but I made him sit out, I needed to talk to my cousin and make sure things were going OK.

'I think Tay want to go all the way,' he mumbled as he dryed the dishes which I'd washed. 'He gets straight to the point.'

''You need to do him as well.'

'Really?' He grinned. 'Hey up, you didn't say anything about you having sex with him. You've done it haven't you?'


To my delight he looked a bit miffed but only for a few minutes and then he recovered very quickly. I think Tay was so much in is mind he really couldn't think of anything else.

'We've got a date somewhere along the line,' he looked at me slightly red faced and even a little shyly.

'All the way,' I rinsed my hands off and turned to grab his hips. He nearly dropped the plate and pulled faces as I kissed him long and hard. At the end of it he just nodded. We were alright. OK, it was a bit of an awkward situation, you can hardly profess your undying love and then go around shagging everything it sight but I think Sam and I were a little more than casual shags... we were cousins for fuck's sake and blood's thicker than water so they say. Hey, we were only swopping sperm, DNA and whatnot, it was all in the family. Crist, in the old days royal cousins used to marry so what's wrong with Sam and I shagging... at least we wouldn't breed chinless wonders who talked to trees.

'Come on girls.' Taylor looked in and took a bottle of wine from the fridge. 'We're sitting in the lounge with the fans going... it's getting a bit hot outside. We joined them and got offered some of the booze which was guaranteed harmless but made us feel like we were on the verge and we were. Both Tay and Luc were ready for action, they'd wined and dined and now they wanted some boymeat. I guess Sam and I had top billing.

It was quite pleasant sitting in the shaded lounge and watching the brightly lit pool. As you know I love my water but you have to draw the line somewhere and it looked pretty much like a furnace out there. I expect Taylor was a bit wary of too much sun being a blondy as well. We were all in our swimmers now and I sat with Luc on one sofa and Sam sat with Tay on the other with a coffee table in between. The TV was on but no one was watching it, we were savouring our wine and waiting for someone to say the word. The atmosphere was charged with sex, it's hard to describe but it was like a needle match at the pool between rival clubs, you know something is going to happen and you're on your nerves awaiting the outcome. It was the same in this room, we were all waiting for something to happen and sure enough Tay, our host and leader made the move.

'Too hot from being outside, boys,' He grinned and looked at me and then at Sam. 'What do you fancy doing this afternoon?'

'Giving Luc babies,' I blurted out. Well, someone had to say something. It brought a gale of laughter as well as a shocked look from Sam but Taylor wrapped his arm around my cousin's bare shoulders and Sam snuggled in.

'We'll see about that,' Luc smiled at me and his foot ran up and down my shin under the table. 'We can have a late meal, send out for something,' he looked at Tay. 'I don't feel like cooking in this heat.'

'You probably won't have the strength,' Taylor laughed. 'Pizza man around eightish... nine?'

'Nine sounds about right,' Luc's foot pressed against my leg harder and I nodded. I was getting harder and harder thinking about what Luc had in mind but I wasn't alone. Sam was now well and truly in Tay's embrace and I could see his lump nice and solid in his swimming costume.

'I thought the boys might like to share a room tonight,' Taylor gave Sam a little hug. 'It's there first night after all and we've got lots of time for play,' he calmly kissed Sam on the cheek and my cousin blushed as red as a tomato.

'Great,' I looked at Sam and gave him a little smile. I'd get him second hand but then again he'd get me third hand. So what? We were actually going to share a bed away from prying eyes and flapping ears, we could do exactly what we wanted and how bad can that be? Sam flashed me a quick grin and his redness faded, I wondered how long his self confidence would last once Tay started getting down and dirty.

We split another bottle of wine and it may have been pleasant but weak as Luc described it but I felt vaguely wooly at the end of it, probably more ready for sleep than sex but I'd get over that little problem once I got into Luc's bed.

We'd idled away most of the afternoon and it was probably around four that at long last we made a move, poor Sam was almost asleep and I wasn't much better but I came to life when I felt Luc suddenly lean in and kiss my ear. 'Ready?'

Parting is such sweet sorrow... I read that one somewhere but I don't know. I was happy to see the back of Tay and Sam and I eally think they were glad to see the back of me as I trailed Luc up the stairs and to his room. Suddenly my drowsiness seemed to drop away and as I watched Luc's golden brown back and jiggly buttocks I felt myself beiginning to stir and that was down below. I fumbled at my crotch getting myself comfortable as he opened the door to his room and invited me in. What an eye opener, whereas Tay's was quite modern and comfortable Luc's was what you'd call Carnaby Street kitsch, the bed was huge and the decorations...Jeez, talk about clutter. I nearly fell over a bloody great beanbag as soon as I got in and as I stumbled I felt his arms around me and he was strong. Why the hell I'd thought of him as a girly wimp escaped me, he was tough. He might have a child bearing bottom but he was still strong and he lay me out on the bed like a child and he was all over me like a bloody great octopus. It was nice. I just surrendered totally, no way could I fight him off and no way did I want to. It started with a kiss, cue for a song there. He nibbled his way down onto my nipples and his busy hands had my swimmers off in no time flat as he nuzzled at my navel and then took my jerking cock into his hot mouth. As I slowly fucked into his eager suction he turned around on the bed until I could get to his skimpy swimmers and tug them free of his slender hips. He was fully hard with his foreskin history. I grasped his dark brown shaft and worked it's hardness to and fro watching mesmerised as a pearly drop oozed from his gaping pee slit. Wriggling around we got into position and I guided his thick prong down to my mouth. It was bigger that Tay's and fatter not thinner as I'd thought. It was so warm and the glans was slippery and spongy as I let it brush against my lips and then slide into my mouth.

'Aaaaah, Tom boy,' he sighed as we fell onto our sides and proceeded to service each other. I wasn't worried about him or even myself cuming quickly, we had all afternoon to play and I knew deep in my heart we were going to mate. Anglo/Thai babies were a dot on the cards as my dad says about any dead cert.

'Luc...' I gobbled as his fat joint slipped in and out of my mouth. I let my fingers do the talking as I jiggled his fat and heavy scrotum, stroked under his perineum and then finding he stretched pucker I wriggled my forefinger until it broached his sweet Asian boy fanny.

'Aaaah,' he sighed with satisfaction as he sucked me, I sucked him and plundered his tight and sweat slicked bottom which clamped onto my thrusts like a velvety vice.

I was getting a bit carried away and ran the fingers of one hand into his thick black hair holding him steady whilsy he fucked my mouth, it was a bit of a shambles as I still had a finger rammed up his hot hole but he didn't object or pull away, perhaps he liked it a bit rough. I did warn him though, I managed to slobber that I was going to cum which isn't easy when you have a thick and very hard lump of cock in your mouth but I did my best,

I let his meat slip from my mouth when I felt my climax cuming, I also jerked my finger from his tight arse and held his head with both hands as I let rip. It was a goody, I squirted and splattered a huge slippery cum into his mouth and he just let it slip down and then sucked like a kid with a lollipop as I finished off with anothert couple of squirts followed by dribbles. I was shot, drained and exhausted but duty called. I flattened him onto the bed and knelt between his legs as if I was going for a frontal but ducked my head and took his seven inches or whatever deep into my throat. This way i could control ot without him choking me and he seemed happy enough ruffling my short hair and moaning hos pleasure as I slowly bobbed up and down. I could feel his slippery glans right in my gullet and when he finally cum I felt like I was drowning in his warm and very thick spunk. I gobbled and swallowed but it was no good, some of it escaped and ran down his lippery shadt into his soft black pubics but no matter, I went dirty. I licked his slimey shaft and then sucked the creamy white juice from his pubes until he dragged me up for a gum mashing kiss. We were done for the moment, that was the starters but the main course was yet to come.

'Tay said you were good,' he smiled at me fondly as I lay in his arms and gazed at the ceiling.

'Was he right?' I fished for compliments.

'Oh, yes,' he chuckled. 'You'll make someone a great boyfriend,'

'Sam,' I said firmly.

'Have you er... done it yet?'


'Ah, well. Tonight's your night. Tay was right, you'll be in the honeymoon suite down on the ground floor.'

'What's so special about it?'

'Apart from opening out onto the pool and having your Sam all on his own? You'll find out,' he turned in and I felt his warm breath on my face. After that we must have dozed a bit, it was pleasant in his room, not as hot as being outside that was for sure but not too cool either. Just right and I felt myself drift, the excitement of the day was already taking a toll.

I don't know what time I awoke but Luc was laying on his belly with his arm flung across my chest and I could hear his regular breathing. I looked around at his room which seemed Oriental to excess, not these Japanese rooms you see on the box, two lumps of wood, a cushion and miles of polished floor. This one was more like a bazaar but I was glad to see he had a en suite as well as Tay. Slipping gently from under his arm I made a beeline for the nathroom spotting a clock on the way, it had just gone four and as I recalled we didn't have to join the others until nine. I had a very quick shower paying attention to my still fully stretched cock and the back passage. It was show time and from the way Luc seemed zedding away I was first up at the bioard as us divers would say. I even got a raging hard on at the thought of his smooth bottom but I cheated, a soapy fumble helped. Dried off and ready for action I pranced back intot he bedroom. Well, it was a shuffle more than a prance but you know what I mean. I sar on the edge of the bed alongside my Tahi takeaway and stroked his beautifully rounded buttocks. You hwear talk of silken skin but his really was, totally flawless, warm and oh so smooth. He murmured and twitched on the bed as I grasped a handful of his warm flesh and I heard the rythm of his breathing change. I wriggled one finger into his sweaty crack and felt him relax and his legs parted a little... the less than crafty sod was awake and from the way his bottom came up he was ready for me.

No matter, I was damn well ready for him, as soon as I'd started playing with his high riding bottom my eager flesh had popped to a full hardon. It was solid like I could have plunged in him and shagged like a manic rabbit but that wasn't what I wanted. I'd fancied Luc since I'd firsat seen him, I wanted a nice bit of slow loving not a rape... mind you, I didn't know what he wanted. I bent over and kissed his smoothness relishing his slightly sweaty smell backed up with some gay deodorant he used. It clearly wasn't Butch Boy of the Primeval Forst like I used but probably something like Suzy Wong wants Sailor Boy, never mind, it was quite nice and as I pushed gently his legs opened wided and I found his pucker.

The rat. He was one jump ahead of me, in between me drifting off and waking up he'd anointed himself 'down there' with a slippery gel and one push later I had a finger in his warm tightness.

'Aaaaah...' he sighed and pushed up onto me as I slowly moved in and out of his slippery ring. He was tight, tighter than Tay in fact but I guessed Luc probably practiced. 'Do me,' he muttered and his head turned. He grabbed my pillow and slipped it down under his groin elevating his bottom. How could I say no? I knelt between his legs with pecker poised and bent down to part his long hair and kiss his neck. 'This is nice,' he whispered and wriggled his bottom. I was lost, I was moving my swollen and now aching glans in between his cheeks brushing across his oiled and pouting pucker when he reached around and grasped it guiding it to his hot spot.

I flathanded either side of his torso and just dropped my body as he held me in place. Gawd, I nearly passed out as his incredible hat and slick tightness grasped my erection as I slowly sank.

'Jeez, Luc.' he frantically munched at his neck as I sank deeper into his hot gut and tensed my abs making me even harder. I moved a ittle but still dropped until my pubics nestled under his talbone and I was totally surrounded by his sweet bottom.

'Sooooo nice,' he whispered and clamoped on me. 'I do like boy cock,' he pushed up on me as I started to move. 'Sooooo sweet, so juicy.'

'Perv,' I whispered as I moved in and out savouring every move into his tight hole.

'I know,' he giggled happily. 'One last thing.'

'What's that?'

'Get under my leg but stay in tight and hard.' Shit... what was he upto now? I soon found out as he half turned onto his side and I stayed rammed up his bottom as he lifted his leg. With a struggle I got my head under his leg and felt my erection rotate in his hole as we came together again but this time we were face to face once he got his legs out of the way. They ended up on my back as he bound me in and we finished up in what they called 'the full frontal'. 'Now that is better,' he smiled at me and clasped my bottom as I continued to move inside him. I know I wasn't all that big but I felt like a giant as he clamped and moaned on my thrusts. Mind you it was a good move, I'd have to try it with Sam and that was making another assumption. That was that Sam even wanted me after a long, long session with his idol Taylor Datton.

I was getting harder and harder, I would have liked this to go one forever but nature was in charge, I couldn't help myself as I felt my balls tighten up and the familiar heat began to rise.'Luc...' I moaned and he smashed hias lips onto mine as I shagged furiously into his slippery hole.

'Yeah, yeah, yeah,' he gasped and held me tightly as I felt my juices rise and then the searing bursts surge into his sweet gut. Tghe sweat was fluying from me as I battered and rammed my way to my climax which was a good one. Good... it was excellent, I felt as if ny very life and sould was squirting into him and he wriggled and held the kiss taking all my air. I nealry blacked out util he let go and i fell on him as we sweatily and quite stinkily rolled around on his huge bed. He was on a roll though and I felt his huge hardness poke me in the belly as he slipped on top of me and went for his revenge.

No dawdling and mo messing aorund, he hoisted my legs and pushed my kees down onto my chest baring my all and I just hadn;t got the strength to fight him off or ther breath left to ask him to take his time. He ran his swollen and dripping glans up and over my pucker and then with a determined thrust took me in one hard thrust.

I yelled more in surprise than pain but he was in me and already fucking. I held him tightly as he took me all the way forcing his big fat cock in and opening me up bit by bit until I felt I was going to explode. I thought it was going to hurt a lot more than it did, mind you, I'd had Tay to broach me so I wasn't quiote a virgin. It was big all the same and once Luc had it all in me I just lay there enjoying the feeling of his big schlong moving in and out, reaching every corner of my gut. He did everything, he moved from side to side and even managed to scew himself into me (now I know ehere the expression comes from).

I felt like a blow up doll on the end of his thick cock and I'd thought this youth was 'femme'... it just goes to show. He was truly experienced and he shagged like he meant it. He covered my face with kissed and even strated to wank me with his oily hand towards the end but my dick was too sore. I for my part just clung to his golden brown skinned lithe body as he had his wicked way. Taking my Sammy after this would be child's play and I was even dreaming of Sammy as Luc finished me off with a series of teeth clicking jolts. Suddenly he froze in a spasm and I felt his big slippery penis erupt inside me, I felt splat after splat of his thick creamy spunk surge inside me and he was done.

'You alright?' He finally croaked slowly and carefully sliding his depleted hardness from my oozing hole. I could even feel his slime between my legs and on my tail.

'Yeah, I'll survive,' I grinned tiredly. 'You fuck like an animal.'

'Slower next time,' he promised and cuddled me again into his sweaty embrace. This time I really did sleep but I dreamt of Sam... weird innit?

To be continued with

Sam's Story

Next: Chapter 3

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