Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Apr 11, 2015


This is an adult fiction story. Please don't read where illegal to do so or if you are not of legal age. It belongs to the author so no use without permission. If you have comments, please send to me at Please make a donation to Nifty. Without it, these stories will not be available to you. Thanks rob

Tom and Marco ch 9

I woke up the next morning earlier than my brothers. We were all kind of wrapped together. I had nestled into the pit of my older brother and found myself holding my younger brother's raging cock. I smiled at my happiness. It felt so good to be with such loving brothers. I smelled my older brothers pits and savored his manly smell. Damn I loved guys with hairy pits and it made me think of Marco. I thought about my brother's advice to talk with Marco and let him truly know where I was. Yes, I think I still loved him but who knew. I crawled down and licked both of my brothers cocks and savored the precum.. I had plenty of my own too. I went from cock to cock licking their essence and wanting at least one of them to fill my hungry mouth with their man seed. My little brother shot first and gave me breakfast one. Then my older brother moaned and he shot too as he awoke and smiled at my hard work. My face was covered but most of it went in my mouth. Damn it tasted good and for a moment I wondered if maybe I should become their boy whore. I didn't care but loved them both deeply. I had to admit I was addicted to cock.

Adam said good morning stud boy. Can I return the favor? I let him and then quickly had to get up as I had to pee. He followed me in to the john and we pissed together. I bent down as he neared finish and licked a few drops. "Oh a water sports guy. My kind of lover." He said smiling. I smiled back and said it tasted good. "Well, we can do more later. I love to piss in my roomies mouth and he loves it. I have drank some too from the guys who hire me. Not always so good but hey, for $500, I can do most anything they like." I was shocked by his statement and realized he probably wouldn't be bringing many girls around anymore like he did when in high school. "I also like a wet pussy sometimes too. Damn good if they are clean. But, better with a guy. Like the taste and smell better."

We both brushed teeth and took quick showers. By then, Kurt had joined us and we all jumped in the shower together. "Saves water," my older brother said.

We joined our parents for breakfast before I again agreed to take Kurt to school with me. As we drove, he commented he really liked last night and hope we'd do more of it. Our folks hadn't said much but said they hoped we had a good time to talk and renew our relationship. That we did- just not the way they thought.

I was truly a happy boy that morning and it must have showed as several people including Ricky commented on my unusually chipper mood. I saw Marco come in and he looked kind of whipped. He must have worked hard and I felt bad for him. He had made it clear that his dad demanded he work his butt off for the family business. I wondered if while he worked, his mom was sucking on his dad's ass. Too harsh a thought so I quickly brightened up and actually went over to say hi. He smiled his warm smile at me and said good morning. He made no effort to touch me or kiss me.

I told him we should talk and he brightened up. He said anytime anywhere he was willing. I said maybe we could sneak off at lunch or after school as we were done with practices. I also told him I again had wheels and he smiled and gave me a thumbs up. He was happy for me but said nothing about how I had made the last dollars I needed for the car.

Classses went well. My two best girlfriends although now just girls and just friends said I looked really happy. I told them my bro was home and we had had a good time. They were happy for me and one said she saw me at practice the other day and had noticed a bit more of me than she thought I might want anyone to see. I just laughed it off and said I was free for the taking. She said she might want to take advantage of that. Then I thought better and changed the subject. I didn't want to lead her on. We talked about finals and graduation and I told them I was going to USF in the fall. I had decided. They congratulated me. I went to see my counselor and he was happy to assist me with a letter of acceptance. He thought it a good idea although there were other schools I could still get into. I told him my brother went there and was on the swim team. Maybe he could help me with that. I really wanted to say in addition he would probably fuck me daily but figured to much information.

We didn't have time to talk at lunch so Marco and I met up and I drove him in my car. He was unusually kind and considerate of me offering to buy us malts in a shop away from where most of our students hung out. I agreed . I drove and he kept his hands to himself although he was watching me the entire trip. We went in and he bought the malts and we sat outside by ourselves. We just chatted a bit about nothing but he did ask if I would come back to work with him. I said I probably would and maybe would even work weekdays now that school was over. He smiled broadly and then got a tear in his eye. He finally choked out how sorry he was for what he had done and what he had expected of me. "I should have cherished you and treated you like gold but I didn't. I'm really sorry." he said.

I said it was ok and some of the things we did were unbelieveable. I had great fun and I learned who I was kind of and what I wanted. I told him about the chat with my brother last night and he said he would really love to meet him. I said we would get together. I told him I decided I wanted to go to USF and he said he hoped he could go too. He promised to see his counselor the next day and apply even though he wasn't good enough to get a scholarship like me. He even promised he would come to all my meets. I smiled at him and said I hope he would go there too. He asked if I had a roommate yet and I said probably my brother. He looked disappointed but I cheered him up and said maybe he could be the fourth roommate in our suite. He said that was great and hugged me. He said he was sorry as he knew I now didn't like him anymore. I said I did like him. I liked him a lot and thanked him for getting me the job. We didn't talk about sex once. I told him I would love to hang out with him and even have him over to meet my brothers and my parents. They had only met him briefly one time and seemed to like him. I told him a little lie and said that they hoped he would come by. I think I made him feel good so a lie was a good idea. We talked and he said he would always cherish me. I was the first person who befriended him and he would never forget that. I pointed out that I wanted that too and he should still consider me his friend. As we got back to my car, I boldly added "maybe friends with benefits too!"

He smiled. I wondered if maybe I shouldn't have said what I said. Oh well, too late now. He had worn a tank top and shorts to school. I was really starting to get a hard on as I could now see his pit hair and his hairy legs. If only I could see his ass, I thought. I quickly decided not to press it. Did he wear that stuff to entice me? Fuck! I wasn't going to let that happen so I refocused on having sex with my brothers. I drove us back to school and dropped him at his truck. He reached over before getting out and took my hand. Gently. "Thanks for the talk. I really mean it when I say I'm sorry for treating you, well ah, treating you wrong. I should have known better and not let my crazy ideas get in the way of our , ah friendship. I just want you to know how special you are to me. Thanks.

I blushed a little feeling his hairy leg on me. I still felt like an underdeveloped dork. He was so masculine and I was still boyish looking I didn't have the hair on me but then my older brother had some hair but not as much as Marco. And, I was still sixteen not even seventeen and graduating from high school. I guess I didn't mention that I was bumped ahead a grade while still in elementary school. They said gifted or something. It was a struggle for me from then on to make close friends as they were all older than me. It was until puberty that some things just developed seemingly overnight, that I grew and developed sexually and physically. Maybe my genes just didn't produce much hair.

I told him not to think about it anymore. I thanked him for the malt and told him we would still be friends. I also told him to hurry and get his paperwork for college submitted. "I 'll tell my brother not to get anyone for the fourth in the dorm. I think he will agree. That way, when you get accepted, you can room with us. I think my bro would do that for me."

He smiled again revealing those ridiculously beautiful white teeth he had and said thanks. He clasped my hand tightly and slid out of my car. I waited for him to get in the truck and smiled and he waved back.

I went home thinking maybe I judge him to hard but still, he had done things and assumed things that made me just a whore. Oh well, maybe I was a whore. I certainly let it happen.

My younger brother had stuff to do that night and his so called girlfriend wanted him to go someplace with her. I was kind of glad as I got to sleep with Adam again and shared with him the afternoon with Marco. "He doesn't sound like a bad dude. Maybe just taking too much for granted. Sounds like you handled it well." Adam always saw things clearly. I agreed and we went to bed naked and I asked him if he ever shaved his body. He told me he did for swim but decided to let it grow again until the next season. I told him I was wishing I had more and he shocked me by saying I had a great body. He thought I was pretty hot and would only get better. "Maybe we can work on your chest some to better develop your pecs. I have some exercises that will really help. He rubbed his finger tips over my chest and pinched my nipples making me moan. I was pretty much sexed up at that point and asked him to fuck me again. He said he shouldn't but if I got him ready, he would be happy to oblige. He laughed as I dove in to suck his nuts and his cock and even told him I'd lick his hole. He smiled and said he might even fuck me twice if I could control myself and not wake up the whole house.

I enjoyed eating his ass which he kept immaculate. Later he said that he and his roommate/lover, cleaned each others ass every day. I asked him about the hair I had developed around my ring and he said it was sexy and made me more masculine. I asked if he and lover boy ever shaved there and he said only rarely, mostly during the swim season when their whole bodies got shaved . He fucked me good and true to his word, left two deposits in me. I left mine on the bed but he licked most of it saying good cum shouldn't go to waste. That was always something that bothered him about girls. They never wanted to really taste the cum and it was a challenge even getting them to suck guys even though guys would lick their pussies. A mystery not solved.

We slept well, getting up and Adam in his shorts and me dressed for school, joined our folks for breakfast. No major dialogue but I did notice Adam drop a few hints about really enjoying hanging with guys. I figured it to be a prelude to him outing himself. I choked a few times and my folks kind of looked agast but noting more was said.

At school, I ran into Jason. We sat together and had a coffee before class. He told me he really wanted to thank me for having Marco give the money back. He didn't say too much more other than to say Marco told him he couldn't sell out his boyfriend for sex. It was so wrong and that if I had sex with him again, it would be strictly because I wanted to. He again promised he would never betray me to anyone and that he and Ricky had sworn to one another that their boy sex escapades were just between them. He told me they had discussed it and decided that they would love to invite us all over and do more. "I even think I would agree to being fucked. You seem to like it pretty much and although I still like girls, maybe some boy on boy was fun and he had no idea what he had been missing.

I was a bit taken a back and wanted to know more about this money give back. How could that be unless Marco gave me the money and then took his own money to pay our sex buddies back

I didn't say much about it but said I'd consider another time with them as they were fun and pretty hot. "Well, I don't know if were all that hot but thanks for saying it. " He hugged me in a kind of bro hug but with more squeezing and I swear I felt his hands on my ass. We went off to class then. It kept me wondering about Marco. Maybe he did get a jolt of right from wrong and meant everything he said.

I saw Marco later but hesitated to bring it up. I finally worked up some courage and asked him. He turned red but did say he gave money to them as accepting money to have sex with me was so wrong. He had a tear in his eye as he replied to my questions but said he only did it so I would have money to buy my tires. "I would have given it to you, you know, but didn't have it until later. I just paid them from my paycheck. I thought about it all weekend and almost got sick thinking what a shit I had been. I mean, who does that? No man sells his lover for sex does he?" He explained that growing up in South America until he was about 13, he had seen lots of wild stuff. He didn't elaborate but let me know that guys taking girls or boys strictly for sex and renting them out wasnot uncommon. He explained that his dad had been in some kid of group called a cartel and he had lots of side sex and told his son how to be a man. Now, living here, he was thinking that the advice had been so different. He said they left South America because his dad feared for the families safety. I was shocked but tried to just listen.

I felt bad for him. Don't know why but I did. I actually had a good time as best as I could remember. And, I still missed sleeping with him and savoring his body. We concluded the conversation with him again apologizing. I tried to make light about it and said "well, I guess it wasn't all bad. They paid didn't they?" I laughed and he got a weak smile. "Plus I had fun I think, and its nice to know I can sell myself to guys ." I figured I probably said too much. "Don't sell yourself. You are a treasure to behold. I would kill anyone who tried to rape or pay you for sex. Your to special." I was surprised by his comment.

I knew I had to just forgive him and say nothing more about it. I did tell him later that both guys apparently wanted to do it again. I told Marco that Jason said he would even let me fuck him. "Only if you call the shots," he said. I said he should call me and we could maybe get together more. I did promise him I would go to work again on Saturday. If it all goes ok and I can stand getting up so early, you can tell your dad, he had another worker for the summer. Marco smiled at me and leaned in for a quick kiss. I let him and kissed back.

I think my point was received and Marco might be a new kind of boyfriend. He said he was off to check on how his application to college was progressing. I told him I was keeping fingers crossed.

It was the last day of finals and I figured I had done well. Marco told me he had done pretty good. We agreed to hang with our two, now , best buds Ricky and Jason for a bit of unwinding that night. We were done on Thursday and then had to endure a weekend before our graduation ceremony. Marco couldn't host but Jason said he thought he could. We all agreed to get some beer to celebrate. I asked Marco if his parents would let him and he said he could probably talk his mom into it even if his dad objected. I looked at him strangely. He whispered that sometimes, she withheld sex with his dad if she didn't get her way. He was usually agreeable then but she would get used hard and rough the next time. She apparently was ok with that. I just shook my head and went on home.

I got a text later from Marco. His father had kind of, you might say, ripped him a new hole. He wouldn't let his son go out on Friday night as he wanted him working early Saturday. He apologized for not coming and said he loved me. I texted back asking if he was ok. He said he was and not to worry. "You go have a good time with our pals. Have some pizza for me too." Maybe it was just a well. I wanted to hang with the guys and maybe was fearful of a repeat of last time.

Next: Chapter 10

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