Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Apr 10, 2015


Tom and Marco Ch. 8

This is a fictional story of teen boys discovering what they want in sex and life. It is the property of the author and can't be used without permission. Also, do not read if underage or illegal where you are at now.

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I didn't sleep with my brother that night. We had a good time though and he actually asked if he could suck me again and we did it in the garage. He asked me to rim him but we didn't have time. On Monday, I even drove him to school proud that I had my car again. He asked about rimming him and I said I would. I also promised to teach him how to clean himself out. I wasn't all that expert but I had read about devices to hang in your shower to really wash you out. I just had to figure how I could install one without my rents knowing. At 16, I doubted they would find that normal.

I was just sixteen, two years older than my little brother but soon to be 17. Marco was already 17. My older brother Adam was now twenty. We talked about Adam being home for the summer. Kurt asked me if I thought he'd do any "stuff " with us when we oculd. I said I didn't know but if he was bi, we might be able too. Kurt thought that would be cool and even said he would let his brother fuck him. He wanted to know what it would be like. If it was anything like getting rimmed, he was down for it. I said it hurt at first but if he was stretched, he would like it. Kurt then commented on how much bigger my hole appeared than his. He coyly asked if Marco was hung and if he did me. I admitted he did but that Kurt was actually bigger than him. That made him feel good.

I dreaded school that day. What if the guys on the team all knew what I did with Jason and Ricky? I would be humiliated again . Also, what if the loud mouths shared it with girls. I would be so dead. I could do nothing though other than face it.

My brother actually gave me a kiss, a small one, as he left my car and joined his friends. I parked and went in to grab a coffee in the commons and be by myself.. Jason and Ricky showed up and came smiling up to me and sat down and we chatted. Nothing was said about fucking me or my pussy or being Marco's slut whore. I was so relived. I hinted at last Friday but they said all was cool and they weren't going to out themselves but sure hoped we could hang together more. I smiled and thanked them for being discreet. They said no problem. I saw Marco arrive just before the bell and knew he was coming from work. I wanted to run up and kiss him but didn't. He may have seen me enter my classroom. I would have to face him at lunch and practice.

School went ok. Nothing was said nor did I face any ridicule. I was happy that all parties involved were true to their word. Yet I kept eyeing guys and knew I had come out to myself and now my brother. When a few girls one I had dated, came by at lunch, we chatted but I knew I had no interest in them or their pussies. I wanted cock and decided sooner or later I would come out. Ony a few week to go and high school would be over and we would all go different way. I know what way I was going. Maybe I could find someone in college for a boyfriend who would respect me but love and fuck me too. Hmmm.

At lunch, I sat at the usual place. Ricky and Jason joined me like fellow teammates ought too and we talked about sports, the weekend, that my car was running and stuff. A few other guys came and sat also. Then, Marco showed up. The other guys knew nothing of what had happened and I didn't say a word. Marco sat down. He smiled at me and I politely smiled back. Damn I wanted his body so bad but just couldn't do anything about it. A few times, he hairy pits showed as he had worn a tank top that day. Maybe it was to make me swoon. I didn't. He joined the conversation and we all enjoyed lunch. Afterwards, he came over and asked if I got the money and his messages. I said I did although I knew he knew that. He said how he longed for me. I just listened and made no real reply. He asked if we could talk more. I said maybe in a day or so. I still had stuff to figure out.

After school, we practiced as usual. In the locker room, when he changed he made sure that I noticed he left off his jock. I smiled at him knowing he di that for me. I also knew with his pubes and all, he might make quite a show if anyone looked. As he was a bit of a heart throb, I knew some girls and maybe guys would be there to watch just to see the show. I pulled down my shorts and je saw I was commando as he had asked that I be. He nodded and smiled and whispered "Nice!" I didn't put on my jock either and decided I would taunt him with my dick. Stupid.? Yes it was. I really didn't want others to see my cock or balls but yet now I was proud of my equipment and wanted some others, mainly guys, to notice me.

At practice, I watched a few jumps and laughed when he pubes and balls were quite evident. I knew he had embarrassed himself. I just ran not caring that my junk was bouncing all over. A couple of guys on the team noticed. I have no idea if any observers did but when they dropped their jaws in amazement, I just smiled and rearranged my stuff. Damn, I felt empowered for some reason. If any of them were gay boys and I suspected a few might be, I'd show them what I had that I might share with them. Actually, I was real confident, more so than ever before and a little stupid to do this in a public high school.

After practice, I showered and let anyone take a look. I dressed after checking out a few cute guys and I now they did me too. I went home and even waited to pick up Kurt after his practice. Marco showered and dressed but left after just a brief good bye.

Kurt and I drove home and apparently the word was already out that some track team guys were kind of showing their stuff. I just smiled and Kurt smiled back. Maybe I will do that too he said but I told him to be careful for fly balls and tat he didn't need a baseballs smashing his pretty cock and balls. He grabbed them and agreed maybe not.

Adam was home when we got there. I hugged him and he hugged us all. He had already changed and was in swim wear. I admired his better than ever body. Still he was mostly hairless above the waist. He was a swimmer too and he had told me that thye had shaving parties and shaved one another. That is when he learned he was bi as he really liked doing that and having his pubes shaved clean. I hadn't done it before but several guys who had more hair, did. I wished I was one of them. He dressed by only in shorts and a tank top so I got to see his gorgeous barefeet. I think Kurt and I were both horny during dinner.

We all laughed and talked and had a good time. After dinner, the three boys cleaned up the dishes and then I went to do homework. I had finals coming. Adam was a bit disappointed as he said we should maybe go hangout. I said we could do that when I was done. He agreed and off I went to focus on my government final.

About 8:30, he came in my room and sat on my bed. He asked if he could shower in my bath. I had inherited his when he went to college. His had no bath. I said sure as what was mine was his. He laughed and stripped right there and went in. My cock sprung to full mast and I knew I was dripping.

All I could think of was his hot body on the other side of the wall. Damn, I was one horny boy. A few minutes later, he merged wearing just a small towel. His big dick was evident through it. He laid on my, well what was his big bed and said he missed that be as his at school wasn't that big or that comfortable. I told him he could sleep on it and I would sleep on the couch. He said of course not. He then said we should just sleep together. He pointed out we had first laid there together and jerked off. I laughed and he said it would be like old times. He went to the door and yelled down to my mom, not to make up the guest room bed for him. He would be fine an I had told him he could sleep in his old bed. He said for now, we would sleep together.. She yelled up that that was ok but we might be crowded. He started to say it was ok when I heard Kurt yell out that he wanted to join us as he hadn't seen his brother in months. We all laughed and as Adam looked to me, I replied that was fine for tonight. Mom and dad laughed and we agreed to sleep together. That was the end of my studying. We all said goodnight to the rents and Kurt just sauntered in naked as a the day he was born. He was proud of hi dick I guess and wanted big brother to see it.

I stood up and took off my clothes and was naked but planning on wearing shorts or something. Adam dropped his towl and remarked that he had never seen three such big dicks in his life. His was now close to probably a foot long and thick. I wondered how anyone could take that. It made me wish I had had a chance to fuck Marco but sadly I just got milked. I said I would shower in the morning and Kurt did too. "Come on you smelly boys, climb on in and lets talk. I want to hear what you guys are doing without me." Adam was smiling and we both laughed Adam stayed in the middle and Kurt and I on either side. He put his arms up revealing his hairy pits and embraced us both. He had worked out a lot in the off season. Only his cock and balls were hairless which I thought made him sexy as hell. He hugged us both and gave us each a little kiss on the cheek . We talked and laughed for at least an hour . The rents said good night again as they headed to their first floor room.

Naturally, the conversation turned to sex stuff and Adam boldly said he had a girl he saw but a guy too , from his team, who he saw more regularly . He admitted he slept with both although the guy was hotter he decided. I said I too had had a boyfriend but we weren't together right now. Adam said he was sorry. Kurt then said we must be a family of fags as he seemed to eye guys lately more than girls. He had no special person though but said how great I had been to answer his questions and to show him stuff. Of course Adam wanted to know what and we both confided in him. We said Mom and Dad didn't know. He said he was going to come out and admit his bisexual self to them before summer was out. I said I was worried about what they would say or do. I was afraid they might kick us out or something. Even though they were pretty liberal in their thinking.

Kurt told our brother how we had rimmed one another and even sucked each other off. He said boldly that he liked cum and wanted more and hoped Adam would share some of his with him Adam laughed and said he had no idea what he getting into but said it sounded fun. He admitted to Kurt that we had jerked off but nothing more. Maybe this was the time. I could have killed Kurt when he told him my hole was now pretty stretched. Adam looked at me and said it was apparent my pussy was well used. He pushed me over and examined it and said holy shit you really got fucked. I was humiliated but had to admit it was true. He said he would love to fuck me if I would agree. Kurt joked that they could both fuck me as I would make a good bottom slut. If only he knew how true his words were. I said nothing but said I would like to get fucked. Adam played with my cock and Kurt and I played with his Actually, Kurt slipped under the covers and began to lcik his balls and then his hole to show what he had learned. Before then night was over, we had all tasted one another's jizz. Adam was delicious and sweet. He told me he only really drank fruity drinks at the request of his buddy at school and that eating only certain foods helped. I agreed to try his diet although he said mine was still young boys as was kurts and they both were tasty.

After we all fell asleep, I cuddled up to Adam and buried my face in his pits. I really liked the taste and he had left off his deodorant so I only tasted his hair and manliness. I was in heaven. Adam and I awoke about three and had sex with him fucking me. God he was big but I was able to take him. He left me full. We cuddled more and I told him about Marco and what all had happened. He just listened and asked a few questions. He said it sounded pretty hot though but understood how I felt to be used. He said his first boyfriend was kind of like that but now his current boy was submissive to him and he saw why the Marco liked it. He told home from college, meeting so many different people of various cultures, he kind of understood Marco but he wanted me to be happy. He told me he would support me no matter what. He even alluded to if I became a kept man or even a whore, he would love and support me. I was a little shocked but he said it happened and he knew a couple of guys who were in that kind of relationship and they were quite happy.

He also told me that he sometimes was a male escort to mostly older guys who paid him well. Yes they fucked him but sometimes they let him fuck them. It was kind of fun actually as long as you were careful. He said he would never tell the rents and swore me to secrecy. I loved him and his understanding and never would betray him. He kissed me and said I was great in bed. He would love to keep fucking me as long as I needed a guy. He said he might let me fuck him so I knew what it was like. He said we would play with Kurt too if he wanted as long as nobody talked about it. I agreed and said Kurt was actually a fast learner. We both agreed the rents cold explode finding us all to be gay. Adam said unless things changed for him and as log as he was an escort, he could never marry a woman. It just would be too much. He also said he danced at a mostly gay bar but that some women came in and he could keep them happy too. I laughed and asked if he time for school or swimming. He admitted he sometimes had a busy schedule. His roommate, his now boyfriend, got him into it and also did it but had more time as he wasn't in to sports as much. H just worked out.

I told Adam I would love to meet his roomie. He said if I would get off my ass and send in the paperwork, I could maybe room with them as they had two spaces available although they liked it that way with lots of space in their dorm. I said I would send it tomorrow as I would love to share a room with him. He raised his eyebrows and winked and said that a three way would be great fun. I laughed and kissed him good night. Before we slept though, he did say that maybe I should talk to Marco and we could work out an agreement of some sort. "He sounds really hot and I see you really miss him. But, I understand that this is all new to you and maybe not what you want. You take the lead and just tell him what you agree to. If that won't work, then you should go your own ways. "

I was so glad I spilled the beans with Adam who was so much more worldly than me and could pet a good perspective on my situation. I slept happily and looked forward to maybe getting to use my dick on Adam and him fucking the hell out of me. And of course, we would do a three way with Kurt if he wanted to. It looked like a good summer ahead for me!

More to cum. Comments? Send to Thanks!

Next: Chapter 9

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