Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Apr 7, 2015


Tm ch 7

I awoke in the morning or what seemed overnight to me. It was around 3:45 am. The touch of Marco's hands gently rubbing my thigh was so nice. I wanted to stay there forever. Marco spoke quietly as he leaned over to kiss me. "My sweet baby, you have to get up. We got to go to work. I made you coffee." I sat up and he handed me a mug of coffee. He slipped the sheet away from my body. Most of it was off anyway and only my feet were covered. He reached over and kissed my toes making me giggle. His smiling face moved up my body to my now hardening cock and he kissed it. I set my coffee down and he basically picked me up and led me to the bathroom where I brushed my teeth. The taste of cum was still in my mouth and only then did I begin to recall the previous night. He had already cleaned up and stood behind me naked with his dick near my hole. It felt so good I could hardly do what I wanted and be mad at him. His hands were all over my body.

He turned me around and kissed me and said I was beautiful and he really liked that his friends could enjoy me too. I assumed that meant his kind of whoring me out to what I thought were our friends. He then said " almost forgot and went over to his dresser and came back with two, crisp one hundred dollar bills. He said you now have the money for your tires. I looked at him puzzled and he said he told Josh and Ricky they needed to pay him for the opportunity to test out my cunt. I looked at him in horror and said "you whored me out? How could you do that to me. I thought you loved me!"

"Now don't get upset. I told them you needed some money for your car that your parents would not give you. Baby, I do love you and in my culture, when a guy has something special, he loves to share it with his best friends. I only asked them for money for your sake baby. I thought you gave yourself to me and you wouldn't mind. You love big cock in you and , well they were horny and all and I didn't think you'd care."

I looked at him in horror and said "you could have asked me before you did it. I really didn't want anyone to know about us fucking. I thought I was special to you and we would keep it to ourselves. I didn't tell anyone about you or what we did. You made me a whore. You charged money for someone to use my body. I'm not cool with that. Marco, I love you so but you don't own my body. You can't just sell me to the highest bidder., 'ya know!"

He looked at me almost in shock then seriously. " Baby, you gave yourself to me. That is the way in our culture. Now you belong to me and I tell you what you will do. I thought you liked it. You did everything I asked you to do before. Why not now. My dad told me it is good to have someone , a wife or bitch or anyone that is your property by their will. I thought you were that. My momma gave herself to my dad and even though he married her, she is still my dad's property. She only makes decisions when he allows it. That is our way. Are you telling me that you're not mine?"

I thought a moment. Tears formed in my eyes and I just stared at Marco. I had never thought of cultural weird things that were so different for him and not something I ever thought about. I was in a panic and now afraid of what I had done. I began to cry. It is something I hadn't done in years. Yeah, I got sad an all but I couldn't remember crying in a long time. He took hold of me and held me tight not letting me get away as I wanted.

"Baby, I do love you. Someday, I may want to keep you around. Even after I marry and have children, I would want you in my life. My wife would know about you and know that what we have is a special arrangement. I would probably not fuck her anymore after we had kids as you would be my fuck person. Some guys get women on the side and some get boys or men. I would still love you more than anything. I want us together. Isn't that all right with you?"

I just stared at him. I had no idea what to say or do. I couldn't even speak. How could I forgive him? I was his whore, his property not his boyfriend or even a side sex partner. I was a thing. Not an equal. I just had to leave and go home. I was sobbing but tried to hold it in as I pushed him away and grabbed my clothes and told him I wasn't going to work with him.

He looked at me in almost shock. He called after me to come back. He was sorry. Please forgive him. It all meant nothing at the moment. I threw on my clothes an ran out the door. I headed for home. Being on track paid off that day as I ran as best as I could in flip flops before taking them off and running barefoot to my house.

I got home around 6. My folks were not even up when I came in. I went straight to my room and showered I wanted to be totally clean. Bed was next where I fell asleep for a bit. It was troubled though and I was restless. All I could think about was what would I do now? Probably word would get around and I would be labeled as a gay boy whore.

My parents asked why I wasn't at work. I told them it was a slow day and I came home early. They seemed to accept that. They asked about Marco as I had spent my every waking hour it seemed with him. I felt some loneliness as all I thought about was Marco. I thought well, now at least I can buy the tires for my car but I realized I had left the extra money I 'earned" at his house. Shit! A whore who didn't even collect!

I moped around and finally got outside to help my younger brother Kurt, with the lawn. He was becoming a nice looking boy or young man. I noticed he had some hair in his pits and I figured his cock must be decent size. We cut the lawn and then sat our back enjoying a lemonade. He didn't say much . I asked about what he had been doing.

He told me that all was good at school, he enjoyed baseball and he was wondering about a few things.

I asked what he was wondering about. He then told me he wondered about me as I hadn't been around much and if this Marco guy was maybe like a boyfriend. I looked at him in shock. Had he heard something. He said he just put two and two together and had accidentally come across some porn sites I visited when he borrowed my computer. He noted they were gay. I finally fessed up and said that I was curious and wondered if maybe I might be bi.

I was surprised how well he took it. He nodded and then asked me if my cock was big. I again was surprised but said it was. He wanted to ask me as his was getting big too and he had taken a lot of jokes about it in the locker room. He said he wanted to ask dad but was too embarrassed, so he thought he would ask me or Adam. I told him it was a family trait apparently and all of us had similar equipment, according to dad. I told him not to worry as most guys would give a nut to be hung like us. He would get used to it and eventually be pleased at what he had. I told him I would show him mine later. He seemed relieved and thanked me, something my brother rarely did.

I checked my phone and had several texts and e mails from Marco. I decided I was too upset to reply. My brother and I went our to the mall. Mom let me borrow her car as she was so happy to see us bonding. We talked more in the car and I was finding Kurt much more to my liking than I recalled. He confided he wondered about sex with guys too. I said that was normal and someday he would know for sure. Hell, I didn't even know for sure but was pretty convinced that I was gay. I mean what I did with Marco. Shit, how could I not be gay but I didn't want to share that with Kurt right now.

When we got home, mom told me Marco had come by and left an envelope for me. Inside was a note of apology and the two hundred dollars. I was sad to read the letter and see that he said I would probably never want to see him again and for that he would be eternally in regret. I had been his first friend at school and now was so much more to him. I put the letter aside and took the money and realized I had more than enough for the tires. I talked to my dad and he said I could get them. He followed me down and I had the tires installed on my car. Fortunately, all else was fine. I now had freedom again. Yeah!

After spending time in our pool, my folks said they were gong to dinner. They asked about plans each of us had but neither said we had any. My mom looked at me strangely as I had been spending so much time with Marco. I covered saying he was busy. She accepted that and said she and dad were going out for dinner and a show. We said that was nice smiling brightly. She said she would leave us some cash for dinner. We thanked her. She told us she was glad we were hanging out together. My brother said he'd rather hang with others but I would do. We both laughed.

After they left, I asked Kurt what he wanted to do. He wasn't ready for dinner yet so we went in. I changed into some shorts and he did too. Neither of us felt a need for a shirt or shoes so we just hung out and watched a ball game on t.v. After awhile, he got up and offered to get us both sodas. He came back and plopped himself down next to me which shocked me. He usually wanted his space. He looked at me and smiled. "Thanks for sharing the cock information with me. I was getting worried that I was a freak or something." He said . I smiled back and said we were all freaks in our family. I told him Adam, our oldest brother was the largest probably unless dad was.

He laughed and said Mom must get quite ride. We both laughed and he sat closer. After awhile, he moved closer and asked about being gay. I said I wasn't sure but figured I was. He made no sarcastic comments about that and said he experienced what I experienced lately. He kind of like being with boys and seeing them in the locker rooms. I said it started out for me the same way but that maybe his was a phase. He said he wondered about Adam. I told him I didn't know although I knew Adam had told me he thought he was bisexual too.

Kurt finally asked if he could see my cock. I said sure, why not. I figured several guys already had and some even played with it. I wanted more though. I slid down my shorts as did Kurt. Not surprisingly, we both were commando. He chuckled at that as I did. He moved very carefully and put his hands on my dick which got it hard immediately. We are teens after all. He was a little surprised with its length and girth and said his was smaller. I looked at touched up making him hard and said it sure looked fine and that either guys or girls would probably love to touch it.

He said, so far, no one had but he sure liked the feel when I did it. I asked him if he jerked off and he turned red but admitted he did. I asked him if he wanted me to jerk him off and he got excited and was a bit surprised that I would. I began slowly and then sped up. He didn't last long and shot off a lot. I caught some and put it in my mouth and said it tasted good. He was shocked that I would do that. I just shrugged my shoulders and said that's what a guy does for another guy. He looked at me and continued to stroke me. He then asked if he could taste me. I said sure and he slowly lowered his head glancing at me a few times and I just nodded and said go for it. It felt really good. He had no real experience like Marco had but it was nice. I still didn't really want to think about Marco.

He began to lick it and touch my hairless balls. I told him I shaved them smooth. He asked if I would do him and show him how. He said he wanted his pubes though as it made him a man and it was a long time waiting for them. He was also proud of his pit hair and showed it often supposedly as he stretched. I knew better though as I had done it too.

A few minutes later, I told him I was cumming,. He nodded and sucked harder and said he wanted a taste. He got a lot more than that as I filled his mouth but he didn't pull off only saying after, holy shit that was a lot. He agreed I tasted good too. I then, I don't know what made me do it, but kissed him with tongue. He was taken aback but got into it and we hared my cum back and forth. It was kind of hot even if it was with my younger brother.

We didn't get dressed but ordered a pizza. I only threw on my shorts to pay the kid, someone I knew from school, Kurt stayed naked in the kitchen. I dropped my shorts after and we ate naked kind of smirking at one another about what we had done. We rented a movie off the internet and watched it in my room. He laid next to me and played with my dick as I did him. After it was done, I said we should hit the sack as I had gotten little sleep the night before. He agreed and went to his bathroom and got ready as I did in mine. I thought about Marco and missed his hot body. I wanted to be sucking and eating him yet I was angry with what he had said and couldn't seem to let that go. I guess in spite of what I had done, I still had a little self respect.

Surprisingly, a few minutes later, Kurt came back and asked if we could sleep together. We hadn't done it in years. I was lonely and wanted a warm body next to me so I said sure. He smiled and got in and cuddled with me. He said he like my pit hair which was more than he had. I laughed and told him I kind of liked Marco's pits and pubes as he had a lot more than me. We talked a little about Marco and finally Kurt asked if I was always his bottom. I wondered where he got the terms from but said I was mostly. Actually that was all I did was worship him and let him fuck me. Kurt didn't comment or make fun. He said he wondered what it would be like to get fucked like a girl does. He asked lot of questions and I told him honestly. He seemed to appreciate that. He even thanked me before again for being so honest with him. He asked if I ever licked an asshole. I told him that was rimming and yes I had. He looked grossed out at first but I said if you really cared for the other person, he would eventually rim him or lick her pussy. He was quiet awhile but then asked if he could eat me. I said ye and got him in position. He asked if he would taste shit but I told him I had cleaned myself good after I shit and showered. He seemed ok with it and gave it a try as I lay on my stomach and he stared at my hole. After a few hesitant tries, I moaned in happiness and he did more. He must have licked me for like twenty minutes before he said his tongue was tired. I laughed and asked him if he wanted it done to him. He said yes and we changed. His hole was a little bit funkier than mine but I told him I didn't mind. I liked rimming guys. He promised to clean better especially if I showed him how. I buried my face in his butt and licked and tasted a little funk but enjoyed it. He was in heaven saying he never flet so good in his life. I flipped him over and sucked him letting him cum in my mouth. I then shared some with him and he liked it. He jumped up to turn on the video game console as he said he wanted to stay the night and if our rents came in to check, he wanted it to appear that we both fell asleep playing a game. He slipped on a pair of my underwear and told me to do the same. We smiled at one another and I realized I never had been so close to my little brother.

I got up first the next morning and went down and got coffee to wake me up. My folks were in the kitchen and asked how our night was. I told them we had fun. They were both so glad that we had kind of bonded that I don't think they realized at all what we had done. I wasn't going to share it. I checked my phone and there were several more messages from Marco. I read them all about how he worshipped me and wanted to worship me again but I ignored them. I did send one note thanking him for returning my money. I did add a smiley face.

Mom told me Adam would be home. I was surprised but she pointed out that college got out early. We only had a few weeks of school left. I had applied for college at South Florida and had been accepted but I still didn't commit in spite of the fact that my parents wanted me to reply as I got a partial scholarship for swimming. I was proud of it but something kept me from accepting.

We talked about Adam's homecoming. He had called and said he would be seeking a job to help pay his tuition back. I figured he would life guard as he always did since he was 17. I just hadn't gotten to applying but had liked it when I did.

He would be home the next day, Monday and I would get to see him after school. I was glad to have something to do to keep me occupied. Maybe I would go and apply with him. I knew right now, that I couldn't go back and work for Marco's dad even if I was desperate. I just couldn't see him now. I was still upset but did realize we should probably talk as school would be stressful.

I decided to wash my car and clean it up as it had sat for while. Now that I had tires, in spite of what I did to get them, I was glad to have freedom. Kurt even came out eventually and helped me with it and I actually had a good time being with him. I guess we bonded and now shared something that I didn't know anyone would ever know about. Still all I could think about was Marco and how in so many ways, I missed him after only 1 day.

Next: Chapter 8

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