Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Apr 7, 2015


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Tom and Marco Ch. 6

This is a fictional story of high school guys and their budding sex lives. If illegal to read where you are or if you're under 18, do not read. The story is the property of the author.

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We got up in the morning and before we showered, Marco gave me his puppy dog look which he knew melted me. He asked that I again hold his dick while he peed. I agreed and then he asked me to lick it when he was almost done. I began to protest but he gently pushed me down and I just put it in my mouth. It was almost tasteless but I still got a few drips. He smiled at me and told me to save it in my mouth. I wanted to go and brush but he pulled me into the shower and we showered together. Every time he did stuff like that, I just gave in. I assumed my total backbone was now gone. Yet, I wanted him to love me. I just didn't deal with what might happen later with the guys and when we got home.

The rain had stopped so it was easy for us to get dressed, me without underwear as per instructions and wearing some flimsy basketball shorts and Marco dressed in his usual way. He was gorgeous. We had little time for eating but grabbed a muffin and then headed back home. He sat next to me with Rick and Jason in nearby seats. Nothing was said about what we had done. I don't know if the others didn't want to say or maybe were to embarrassed to do so. As we rode, the a/c on the bus was gong and it got chilly. I again wore a tank top and my shoes were flip flops. Marco suggested I wear no shoes as he said it showed me off better but I put them on anyway. Fortunately, several other guys wore clothes not totally unlike mine, so I felt ok. He pulled his jacket up as he said, to warm me up and kept his hands on my thigh massaging it gently and of course making me hard. He smiled at me. I was glad the shorts had no fly as he couldn't unzip me then but his hand was on my cock several times.

We arrived back to school and he said he'd take me home. Rick and Jason said their goodbyes and smiled and said it was awesome and hoped we might get to play again soon. I was about to say something when Marco told them to call him and maybe we could.

On the drive home, he told me to slide my shorts down. He wanted to check his cock and admire it. I did and he played with me almost making me cum. We got home to find my folks and brother out so he came in. We went to my room where he pulled off my clothes and dropped his shorts and briefs and told me I was so good to him that he would let me savor his body again. I wasn't sure I even wanted to but just stripped naked as he lay face down on my bed and said to start. I knew he wanted his ass eaten and just buried my face in it. I almost thought he passed gas once which went up my nose but he said nothing . AS his moans got more intense, he flipped over and pulled my face to his cock and shot a few large loads in my mouth. He then kissed me and said he had to go home but he would text me later.

I kissed him on the mouth and he put his tongue in to taste his own cum. I was left, unsatisfied with my raging boner. He looked won and said he forgot, I needed a milking. He didn't offer to suck me but made me get in position, as he called it, on all fours and milked my cock until I blew all over my bed. I was so happy to cum and he kissed me again and told me I should clean it up. "Eat what you can and then clean up the rest", he said.

I had time to do both and I opened a window before my folks got home and we talked about the away meet. They asked me all about it. There was nothing said about anything important and they only mentioned they were glad Marco brought me home. They said he seemed like such a nice boy. I told them we might shop for tires the next day after school as there was no practice. They asked if I had enough but I said I would just have to see.

Marco did call me that night and I asked him to take me to the tire store if he could. He said he would be happy to. I went to sleep that night still wondering about the whole weekend and what I had done. Had I become a whore?

School was ok. I had lunch with Marco and several teammates who congratulated me on my winning. We all had done well so it was nice to share that. Marco asked if we were still gong to check tires and I said we were if he could. He said sure. He then asked me to come with him before classes resumed so I went. We went to a lavatory and he pulled me into a stall and told me to strip. I didn't want to but did. He smiled when he saw I had followed his orders and not worn any underwear. He played with my cock and got me hard and dripping and then scooped up some of my precum, fed it to me and licked his finger. I was still hard when he said to get dressed again. As class was starting. I wanted to ask him why he left me like that as I was humiliated but had no time.

Somewhat confused and a little upset., Marco met me at his truck and we went to check for tires for my car. We got to a place and was shocked to learn they would cost me about $500. I didn't have that much and as my rents were not offering me money, even for a loan, I was disappointed. Once back in the truck, Marco said he felt bad for me. He then told me had an idea. I might be able to get you some money from friends I have. I was shocked and said I doubted they would lend me cash as they didn't know me. He said not to worry. He had a plan. I was a little relieved but had no idea what he would do. He just told me to keep Friday open.

I agreed and went home to bed. The next day, Ricky saw me in the hall at school and was very friendly. I was glad for his company as we walked. He said he heard we were all getting together Friday night. I was surprised when he told me that Marco had planned something at his house. I was glad to be hanging with the guys but then worried when I realized Marco had said nothing to me. Maybe I wasn't invited. I worried about that too and wanted to ask Marco what he had planned.

He said he had forgot and of course, I was invited. I asked him what he was planning. He smiled and said his folks were going out and would not be back until Saturday. We would still go to work but from his house as I was spending he night. I told him I had no idea and needed to ask my rents about it. He looked at me in a bit of frustration and said as he planned it, I better attend. He was doing it for me. I had no idea what he meant. He saw my reaction to his getting upset and pulled me close. He kissed me and told me if would be ok. He then added that when he had a boy, the boy needed to look at him and take his word for everything. "In my Columbian culture, if a man takes a woman, a girl or a boy, the one taken was to submit to whatever he was told to do. He looked damned serious. We rode along for a bit and I finally found a small voice and asked him if I was now his boy. He smiled and put his arm around me and said he wanted me to be.

I never had a real girlfriend nor a boyfriend and was kind of charmed by it but wondered what it would entail. I reminded him we were only high school students and the whole thing sounded pretty serious. He told me he was glad I had submitted to him, now went without underwear and was pretty much doing what he asked. He also reminded me he got me the job because I was special. I was happy to hear that but still wondered.

Rick and Jason saw me Friday, both smiling and said that they looked forward to our party at Marco's house later. I went along with it and said I was too. Ricky said he had no idea I was gay but had no problems with it. "Just love a nice hole or mouth to take care of me. And sx with guys doesn't require all the extra crap like dinners, shows or gifts like when you get pussy." I had no idea what that all meant but wasn't about to say or show my ignorance.

When I saw Marco, I asked him what we were doing Friday as we had an early day Saturday. He looked at me and smiled and said it was just a little get together. I asked him about Ricky's comment and he said it was just a comment. I wondered where my sweet boyfriend was as he now exhibited so much confidence.. I didn't want to make him angry with me though.

School Friday was ok. I had told my folks I would spend the night with Marco as his parents were out. They actually looked at me with a kind of surprise but my folks were generally cool with stuff and didn't say no. They just said to be careful. I said I would.

We had practice Friday after school. Our next big meet was Monday so we needed to get ready. After practice, Marco said we could shower at his place. I really wanted to do that as it sounded like fun. Plus, he said that Rick and Jason would be by around six. I agreed and the two of us , sweaty from our practice headed to his truck for the ride to his house. He stripped off his top and I did the same. I smiled at him inside the truck and he asked me if I wanted some of his man smell. I was half hard already but now just leaned over and buried my face in his crotch as we drove. He almost ran into another car he was so turned on. I sat up and he said maybe I should just play with it until we got to his place. I was one happy boy and thought of only romantic things happening when we got there. Yeah, I convinced myself, I wanted to be a gay boy and if other guys like Rick and Jason were cool with it, then why not just accept. I already had a few who checked me out when we showered at school. I guess I was just happy now ad wondered why I had been so shy. Marco smile on his handsome face and his hot body just continued to melt me.

We got to Marco's house and I was grabbing my bag of stuff when Marco said I really didn't need it. His smile told it all. We'd be naked until we went to work.

He grabbed us both a beer, something I didn't drink much of but I took it and drank some. I was already feeling light headed but very frisky. We went to his room. It was so much bigger than mine and had some cool stuff. He put some porn on his computer and stripped as I stripped too. I was ready to let him fuck me and fuck me good. Just seeing that nice sized uncut cock made me hard. He played with my dick as he kissed me pushing me on to his bed. On my back, I just lifted my legs exposing my hole and he kissed it saying I had the best cunt, even better than any girl he fucked. It made me happy until he just pushed in without stopping. I screamed a little and he covered my mouth with his to conceal any noise. He let up a few seconds as I regained my composure. It wasn't so bad now as he fucked me hard and dumped his load in me. I was so horny I blew too and he said he was glad he made me cum.

We were still unshowered since track and certainly smelled like two athletes ust now covered in cum. He pulled me up and I knew he wanted his ass licked. It tasted a little funky with sweat and man smells but I honored my man. The beer was affecting me and I really wanted it. After about ten minutes, we told me we were showering. We went in his shower and he pushed me down to kiss his feet . I also kissed his pits for him and he told me he liked it when I gave myself to him unconditionally. We washed me gently but said we should leave some cum in my hole . I wasn't sure how much dripped out already. I washed then licked his hole making it real clean. We got out and dried, he drying me. He took me by my cock and we went to his room where he slipped on some basketball shorts. I asked him what I was wearing and he said "just what you got on now- nothing." I felt a little funy but being alone in the house I figured I could do that.

We went in to the kitchen and he got us each another beer and stood there waiting while I drank some. I told him I thought I had enough as I was a little buzzed. I needed to work on my drinking.

He just laughed as I stood there. He pulled me in for another kiss and fingered my hole making me squirm a little. He ordered a pizza and within a short while, it was delivered. He paid and I only hoped the delivery kid didn't see me. He asked me if it really mattered. I just shrugged. We

We were eating our pizza when the doorbell rang again. I looked to him as to who it might be. He went to get the door and I immediately heard Jason and Ricky enter. Shit, I was still naked and our friends were here. Marco just brought them in as I stood behind the island hoping to disguise my naked self.

Marco was smiling and shocked me as he said, my boy is here. I didn't like that he said that making me sound like a whore. I was so in a trance with being naked with Marco, I couldn't really reply. Yes, sometimes he did things to humiliate me but then, I was was always compliant. Maybe I was a whore. I thought back to just a few weeks ago. Anyone who said I would be doing this stuff with a sexy boy, well I wouldn't have believed it. Yes, I loved it. I guess I was really gay and soon wouldn't care who knew it. I'd probably walk down the halls at school naked if Marco told me to! I had really changed but maybe for the better. I did enjoy when my brother and I jerked off but I never thought it was gay. Now, I would do anything.

I just walked around the kitchen island and didn't care that everyone could see my cock. The guys all smiled at me and Ricky gave out a loud WHO HOO and nodded his head as he said YESSSS! The guys were munching the pizza and drinking the beer. Marco had left no seat for me so he grabbed me and sat me on his lap. "Now ain't he the sexiest boy ever? I bet he'd let you guys have a go at his pussy too if you are real nice. But, I want you to be careful. This is the finest boy pussy and probably, the best pussy on anyone. It is so smooth. Like velvet. He kissed me and inserted one of his fingers up my pussy. I was so entranced I didn't care and kissed him back.

We all chatted and the guys commented on hot hot I was at the hotel. They loved my suck job I had done. "Tommy boy, will you let us try you out? We'll be real gentle and won't tell anyone. Promise. We don't always get sex but sex with you was remarkable, awesome, totally wild. Better than any girl has ever done!"

I smiled at Jason and said I wasn't sure but if it was ok with Marco, I guess I could. I loved cock now and was kind of glad they knew about me. They treated me real nice so I was kind of ok with it, yet not totally sure.

Marco nodded and said there was still some of his lube in me so they shouldn't have any trouble.

We got up and Marco led me by my not engorged cock, to his room. He pulled off his shorts and gently laid me on his bed. He go up over my head and Jason quickly stripped naked. His cock was hard but thankfully not as big as Marco's. He gently spread my legs as I looked up at him. Taking hold of my bare feet, he surprised me when he picked up my feet and kissed each one. "My girl likes that." He said as he pushed my legs back and moved his cock to my hole. He gently slid in an I moaned and he smiled saying your boy likes this. Ricky stood nearby watching and playing with his cock. Marco leaned over and kissed me with lots of tongue. He then looked to Jason and pulled his face to his own and kissed him. I was shocked that Jason let him do it. He fucked me faster until I felt him tighten up and he shot a load in my hole. He moaned with pleasure and said it was better than his girls pussy. "Muh tighter and so damn smooth!"

Ricky quickly pushed him away and entered me. It no longer mattered how fast he went as I was open and wet with boy jizz running out. Marco moved forward and his butt was right over my face. Naturally, I just began to lick his hairy hole as he settled down, still holding my feet up for me. It felt good as he now licked my toes and soles making me even more into this event. It took Ricky less time to cum than Jason and he too filled me with his cream. Once he withdrew, Marco moved up, dropped my feet and all the guys glad handed one another.

Then Marco said he wanted to try one more thing. He laid on the bed, and had me lay on my back on his body. He quickly shoved his bigger cock in me. "He's pretty stretched for now. One of you guys, stick you dick in his pussy next to mine. It's called a double fuck. I bet he can take it." I wasn't so sure but Jason quickly began to stretch me wide open and stick his now hard again dick in my hole. It hurt and I let out a cry and Marco told Ricky to stick his dick in my mouth. " It will relax him some." Ricky did and I sucked on his dripping cock as I was now entered. In a few minutes, the pain went away and I felt two dicks moving in my hole.

"Damn, this is fantastic. I never felt so good. Oh man!" the comments from Marco and Jason went on Watching it, Ricky erupted in my mouth as the other two shot loads in my hole. My dick was hard and Jason rubbed and jerked it that I shot all over hitting him in the face and covering myself. It was truly a fantastic experience.

Jason and Ricky pulled out of their respective holes and Marco lifted me off him. I could hardly stand. Marco looked at my hole and said there was no blood. Maybe a little shit but mostly cum which now dripped out my overused hole. Marco kissed me passionately again. The guys held their cocks but Marco said it was enough for tonight as we had to go to work early. Hope he can stand. Marco laughed.

The other got their shorts and shoes on, leaving their shirts off. They both thanked Marco for the fun night and food and beer. Then Ricky came to me and kissed me. He said he was really happy that he got to fuck me and hoped it wouldn't be the last time. Jason came me a little peck but reached down and scooped up some of the dripping cum from my hole with his fingers and held them to my mouth. "Just wanted you to taste this and give you something to remember the night with. You are a hot cunt, Tommyboy!"

I was a little shocked by it all but Marco held me and stroked my cock as we went to the door to see them out.

Once gone, Marco scooped out more cum from my dripping hole an fed it to me. He kissed me deep and we exchanged the cum between us. "Damn that it good. He showed me my hole with a hand held mirror and I almost gasped. It was wide open! It didn't hurt much but Marco chuckled and said it should always be that way for him. I wasn't so sure. As we went to his bed, I dripped and he said I could clean it up when we got up. We went to bed nearly exhausted, at least I was, and I cuddled into his hairy pit as he held me tight and kissed my face.

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