Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Apr 1, 2015


We went down and joined our friends in the restaurant. Coach said we had an allotment of $10 for food. I looked at the menu and decided what I wanted. I decided on a burger, fries and a drink. Marco looked the menu over and said that was what he wanted too plus some pie for dessert. I noted that was more than $10. He said I should order just a grilled cheese. I was hungry but for some reason, like I was in a trance, agreed to water and a grilled chees and told him to use the rest for his dinner. We sat and ate with our friends Rick and Jason. We joked a bit as we sat in the booth. The other guys wondered why I ordered so little. I said it was all I needed. Marco smiled and put his arm around me that shocked me to see him do this in public. He commented that I was always willing to do things for him and he knew I just wanted to. I smiled and Rick jokingly said that he figured I would kiss his ass if Marco asked. I didn't say anything but Marco smiled and said he knew I would. I must have turned red with embarrassment. Was he going to out me to his friends. Yes, I knew I would not only lick his ass and kiss it but eat it as well.

As we ate, Marco moved closer to me letting his hairy leg rub mine. It felt so damn good I knew I was getting hard. Then, without warning, I felt his fingers on my back and then they slipped into my shorts. His other hand popped my top button on my shorts and his hand went inside right to my boycunt where he touched the tissue and pulled it out dropping it to the floor. I felt his warm cum begin to leak from what had not already leaked into the tissue. His finger went in my hole as he talked and joked with the other guys. I immediately got hard and felt my growing cock sliding down my leg. He knew what he was doing to me.

Our food came and I began to eat. He ate his burger with one hand as he pushed deeper into my now fairly wide-open boy cunt. I wanted to scream to make him stop but knew I couldn't do that without everyone in the dinning room knowing what was happening. He eventually pulled out as he began to eat his dessert. He said it was messy and he got some on his finger. He asked if I wanted a taste. I tried to say no but his finger, the one from my hole just rubbed my lips before it slid in. he asked me if it wasn't the best pie ever. I had to say something but he knew I had a taste of his cum and my ass in my mouth. I was so embarrassed. We finished the food and the other guys said they had found some beer out at the basketball courts. Did we want to join them for one? I wanted to say no as I had only had beer a few times and didn't care that much for it. Marco said sure we'd come and looked at me almost pleading. His soft back innocent eyes melted me, so I agreed to go. We snuck outside and found a basketball. Court and a few balls in a basket for guest use. I said I couldn't really play as I had flip-flops on but Marco said I was tough and could play barefoot. The other guys looked at him but shrugged and said why not. I had to play in my bare feet. Marco was better than me. We played for like 15 minutes getting a little sweaty. I finally said my feet hurt and we ended the little game and went inside. He invited Jason and Rick to join us in the room. I looked at him strangely as if to say I thought we'd do some sexy stuff. He smiled and they agreed. We finished our beer and got rid of he evidence, and walked back inside. We were all a little buzzed, yeah after just one beer but we were not drinkers. We got inside our room and Marco said he was hot and pulled off his shirt. He didn't ask but told me to do the same. It wasn't long before the other two did the same also losing their shoes, which they had worn without socks. I sure hoped it didn't mean that Marco would do something sexy to me there.

We sat on the beds. I was glad the other boys made no comment about the one bed being all messed up and the other not. I had forgotten to make it lok used. Maybe nothing occurred to them. We flipped through the channels on the TV with Rick finding a soft porn channel. We watched . No cunts or cocks were visible but it wasn't long, with four teen boys that we all stretched our and were rubbing our cocks. Not saying much. Talk resumed a bit talking about girls and who in our class was hottest and who might put out for us.

Rick was the first to tell of a blow job he got. He said it wasn't real good as the girl didn't want to swallow anything. We all laughed and Jason told us about a guy who sucked him . I was surprised but not shocked to learn it was the same boy who sucked me off. Marco finally said that he heard guys were much better than girls at sucking a guy and making him feel good. He didn't say but alluded to the idea that a really hot girl would likely suck him and eat his ass. The other two said they doubted it he also said that guys with big cocks probably got the most action. He laughed and said that I probably had the biggest cock he ever saw. Except on a black guy. The other two looked at me and Marco went on saying I was huge. Rick and Jason said they knew I was big in that department and that they were a little envious. I went red in the face again. Marco suggested we all compare. I began to protest but naturally lost to his persuasion as the other two opened their pants and dropped them with two rather nice cocks were revealed.

I reluctantly dropped my pants too and they were both shocked at my size and girth. Fuck, that is the biggest one I ever saw!" remarked Jason. Rick had worn no underwear which prompted a few comments but we agreed it was cool. I said I often didn't either as it hung better without. Marco told me to stand so the others could see It. He even offered my cock to be touched if they wanted to check it out. I wanted to punch him but he smiled and of course I relented and let it hang. Naturally it began to grow and it wasn't long until it was full and standing out. I t hung a bit due to the weight of it and Jason was first to touch it. They both were beside themselves getting to check it out. Marco didn't reveal his so I said he had lots of pubes. Naturally, in our cups a little, he was encouraged to drop trou and show his as well. He looked at me with what I thought might be daggers. Yes, I knew it. He wanted to humiliate me but not himself. He wanted me to be on exhibition for the others. I was naked now as the other two examined my manhood and remarked about it and making jokes. Marco looked at me and said even if I didn't fuck, it would make a great handle and just reached out and pulled it. I was fucking horny now and didn't care who saw my cock. I had hit it since it began to grow but if it was gong to get me lots of attention and maybe sex, I figured having the biggest cock in school might be fun and I would just let it happen.

I didn't figure that Marco would keep holding it and suggesting then that I could probably shoot quite a load with my big balls. He touched them too and I knew I was a goner. He played with his own and I almost salivated wanting to eat him. They all agreed he was the hairiest but maybe the second thickest next to me. He said he needed to get off and the others agreed and began to stroke their meat. I did the same and Marco said he would sure like to get sucked off. He suggested a game. He said we should all stroke our meat. The first one to blow would have to suck off the others. I knew I was doomed. Jason and Rick weren't too sure about it but Marco kind of goaded them into it saying who would know. He asked if they were to girlish to play. That was all it took and we began. I tried to go slow and not make mine blow first but with the previous stroking, it was already dripping. Marco spread his legs and exposed his hairy crotch. The other two, slightly less hairy but with a bit more than me and not as much on their butts or assholes, did the same. I noted Jason was smooth but Rick had some nice hair on his chest and a great treasure trail. I wanted to lick his chest.

As I shot first, Marco said it appeared I would do the sucking. I really didn't want to do this but he took my cock in his hands and pulled me toward Jason and Rick. I knelt down and looked at this quivering meat with signs of precum on it. Marco nodded and I knelt forward and Jason met my mouth with his cock. What took over next I can't explain but I just leaned in and took it moving all the way to the root . It was big but I could do it. I heard him remark, holy shit! Or something like that as I began to lick and suck. He only lasted a few minutes before he blew in my mouth. He actually tasted good. Different than Marco but good just the same. Rick had been watching and when the guys looked at him as Jason bragged about my mouth, he moved in and I took his cock in my mouth now and ministered to him . for some reason, I reached up and stroked his nipples making him moan. He laid back on the bed and just let me engulf him. He never grabbed my head or anything but just began to moan and moan as I swallowed him and then would come back to his head. I heard Marco say how good I was at doing it. Jason said I must be a natural cocksucker. None of them ridiculed me or called me a fag but just enjoyed this so much. In another few minutes, Rick mumbled that he was cumming and almost pulled out before he shot off both in my mouth and then on my face.. I looked up at him and smiled and he smiled back both guys just couldn't praise my skills enough. Marco lay on the other bed and I just moved over between his feet licking them. "I want something different", he said.

"I want him to lick my hole first." I almost came out of my dream state at that but he lifted his legs some exposing his hairy hole. The other guys stared as I just buried my face in his ass and my tongue went in. The other guys both exclaimed, holy, jeez look at him eating that ass and all that hair. Marco smiled and said it was great. He suggested the other guys should try it too.

Both Jason and Ricky looked at one another but then said the blow job was good enough for them. I don't know if they weren't clean or if that action would have been too gay for them but they declined. Marco shrugged as he pulled me to his cock and shot his load on my face.. I was now covered. The guys laughed and Jason said "I suppose we got to do Tommy now." Marco shrugged and said it would be nice but he couldn't. "Damn cock is too big for me." The others nodded and said they loved what I did but the best they could do was a hand job. "It's just to damn big to suck. I began to say Marco had actually done it but he looked at me sternly.

"Maybe we can milk him , though. I bet he shoots loads." Marco suggested it. I was to get on my hands and knees and let them milk me like some damn cow. I knew I had to shoot again so rather than nothing, I got on all fours and let them play with my dick. They all remarked how big it was and agreed they would like to see it go into a girl or some fag boy. I was glad they didn't call me a fag but how could they when they were masturbating me. Hardly straight boy behavior I figured.

While Rick and Jason played with my dick, Marco stuck his finger in my hole and commented that I had a nice boy pussy too. "Damn, it feels so hot and smooth in there. Like a pussy but maybe better. Maybe we should fuck him too."

I groaned as I began to shoot shot after shot of cum all over making a huge puddle. The guys were amazed and said I was like a 'fucking cow' the way I gave milk. Marco laughed and noting the guys were not taking him up on his offer to fuck me, he said maybe we should try it another time.

The guys agreed and began to dress. Only Marco and I were still naked now as the guys said this was some crazy shit we had done. Marco, bid them good night and I did too as they left to go to their rooms. I only wondered what they would say. Marco then showed me some pics he had shot on his phone of me sucking them . You could not see their faces but you sure could see mine- a face in total bliss. It wasn't forced. I told Marco to erase them before someone saw them and he laughed and said he would later., putting his phone away.

He then said I should lap up my spill on the bed as we might get charged for ruining the bed cover. Like the pussy I was, I did. As He played with my hole. He seemed to know that his touch on me made me do stuff like a pervert.

After I was done, he put his arm around me and told me I should suck him off to sleep. He laid down and steered my face into his hole . "Lets sleep so you can keep my cock in your mouth all night. I will kiss yours too." It didn't seem fair but I did it anyway and within an hour we were asleep. I loved his taste as he hadn't cleaned his dick so I got lots of protein to make up for my skimpy dinner earlier.

As I drifted off to sleep, I wondered what the guys would say the next day. Would they out me and call me names? Would they not want me on the track team anymore? What if my family found out? Shit! I had no idea but realized I only worried after I had done some very gay acts. The thing was, I liked doing those things I discovered. I just didn't know what the consequences

Next: Chapter 6

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