Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Mar 31, 2015


Tom and Marco Ch. 4

This is a fictional story. The usual rules apply about not reading if underage or where prohibited. The story may not be copied without permission.

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When we returned to the room, both of us were naked in a flash. Marco pulled me close and whispered how lucky he was to be with me. He started at my mouth and worked his way down my body to my cock. He tried to swallow it but I knew he would need some practice as he choked on my meat. I pulled him back and our tongues were soon entwined and our hands roving.

I pushed him back on the bed, the one we used earlier. Lying on his back, he smiled at me as I climbed on his body and began to lick and suck everything I could get to. I loved his nipples, so soft to touch yet when sucked hard, got hard. He soon used his strength to move me around. He aimed his mouth to my hole and began getting it super wet. He spit inside me a few times. We had no lube, as we didn't plan well but he eventually got some liquid soap and forced that in me with his fingers. It hurt some but by the time he had three fingers in me and his hot body sliding around, I didn't care and asked him to fuck me. He said he would stop if I told him to but said I wanted a man in me. I'm sure that made him feel even braver. THE feeling of his hard cock even with the extra skin on his dick head, eventually began to push in I felt very full. He edged in slowly kissing my neck and ears and using his hands to softly massage me. I felt so randy that I finally said to fuck me hard. He complied and he did. His heavy breathing was so nice. I knew he was ready and felt and heard him groan as he shot a ton of his batter up my, what he called cunt. I knew it was demeaning to me but I loved it. Slowly he pulled out . I knew it was leaking out of me but just as quickly he moved his face and began to tongue his own stuff out of my hole. Damn, his tongue felt so good. Eventually, I moved the fact around to kiss him and I ate his scum from my ass. I didn't care. It was tangy and nice and very warm. Once I was clean, he promised he would always eat me after. "Maybe we can do this in school and I still will eat you out so you don't leak. Just knowing you opened your cunt for me was so hot that I will eat you anytime"

I shifted around and began to clean off his cock. I told him I would always do that for him. For some reason, I stupidly said I would suck his cock anytime and take anything that came from it. He just smiled but a kind of snarky smile. I wondered if that meant I had had just volunteered to drink his piss too. I wasn't sure I was ready for that. He said nothing more. He kissed and licked my tits and said he loved how soft they were. I wasn't sure if that was good but he said he loved my body and my tits were more delicious than any girl he ever kissed. I guess he had some girl experience too.

We were both tired and he laid on his back and pulled me to him. I knew we weren't going to use the other bed and made a mental note to mess it up in the morning to make it look used.

I cuddled close to him and buried my face into his chest and eventually into his hairy pit. I loved the soft feeling of it and wished I too had as much hair. I had some but nothing like my sexy man. He kissed me and we eventually drifted into deep sleep.

On awaking early, knowing the meet was that day, we realized we slept maybe too long. I had to pee and slipped out of his hold around me . He woke up and smiled at me and asked what was wrong. "Just got to piss." I said to him "But we have to get up soon and get ready." He looked at the clock and slid out of bed in all his naked glory too. I no longer was at all shy with him anyway.

I started to piss and he came up behind me with his dick in my crack making me horny. I just about finished and he started with me right there. I now held him and put my huge cock to his ass. He moaned softly and then surprised me and pushed me down . I took hold of his dick and he smiled at me letting me write our initials in the pee. Just before he was done, He looked down at his cock, then at me and kind of nodded. I knelt down to cock level and he moved the dripping cock to me face . I knew what he meant so I put the wet tip in my mouth and licked it. I looked up at his smiling face and moaned softly and whispered I am so happy with you and wanted to share some of me with you. I smiled at him and wondered if he would now expect me to drink his piss. It didn't really taste bad but it was something I never did. I wanted to be submissive to him and make him love me more. I so needed it.

He bent over to turn on the shower and I moved behind him and licked his hole. It was still pretty clean but a bit sweaty. He let me do it for about 3 minutes before he said we needed to shower. He then shocked me and told me he had seen his mom lick his dad's ass. He said me doing it to him was cool. I had never thought of that and was kind of surprised. He said, she was a good bitch too. I was almost angry but seeing his hot body and helping me into the shower, I began to wonder if maybe I was too submissive. Yes, he ate me out last night and I loved it but was he thinking of me like a girl? I wasn't sure but I let it go quickly and we again showered and he rubbed me dry as I did him. He pulled me close and kissed me with lots of tongue.

After finishing our bathroom routine and brushing our teeth, he asked me if I was wearing a jock for the meet. I said I thought I would and wondered aloud if he was too. He said he was but said maybe I should go without. "You mean underwear instead?" He said no not really. Maybe I should go commando! I looked at him in shock but then decided that he was my man, I should maybe honor his wishes. I was running in all the events so there wasn't as much worry as in his case where he had to high jump or pole vault. Maybe it would be ok if I did what he asked as long as I didn't get too hard. I knew the rubbing of the fabric on my balls and cock might make me hard but as he looked at me, I melted to his wishes and said I would do it. He smiled his great smile at me and I got dressed minus a jock or underwear.

We joined out team mates for breakfast and I ws so conscious of not having anyting under the thin shorts. It felt good in a way and made me feel sexy. I wore just the usual tank top and shorts and my short socks and shoes. He wore the same except he wore a jock too.

We ate and joked around and all were in good moods. I was the only one who worried. Jason came up to me and quietly asked if I had forgot something. I looked at him and he looked at my crotch. To cover, I said I forgot my jock and he smiled and laughed and said he hoped I didn't fall out. I was worried but just as I was thinking the hell with Marco, I would go put one on, the coach came in and told us to board the bus. I began to say something but Marco just grabbed me and pulled me along with him.

On the bus ride over, I sat next to Marco as always. As we drove, I felt his fingers on my ass. The next thing I knew, his hand was down my shorts and his fingers were playing with my pussy. Yeah, he called it that and I just thought of it that way too. I felt my cock grow and tried to get him to stop but he smiled at me and whispered that he had to touch it. He said maybe next time, he would come in me and have me wear a plug to keep it in. I really am hot for you and got real big plans for later. I hoped we would actually just go home. I loved him and he made my heart jumped and I loved being held by him, but I hoped our relationship would be more equal. I didn't want to be just his slut. Damn, what was he doing to me. Yet the feel of his finger in my hole did feel nice. Somehow, he had got it wet . To get even, I got bold and put my hand on his crotch. I gently squeezed it making sure no one saw us. I could tell it was growing too but he had less to grow than I did and he was wearing a jock at least!

We got to the track and he removed his finger from my hole. I tried to arrange myself and pulled my shorts a little lower to conceal my cock. Fortunately, we had some time before my event and I softened . I did my events and scored rather well, taking several points for the team. Marco did well to clearing the jumps he made with some ease. He was good . We were both happy and our team won the meet. A

Although it had started as a sunny day, it was hot and we were all sweating drinking Gatorade a lot. The sky had turned dark though and we felt the storm and the smell of rain. As we boarded the bus, to go home, the weather turned windy and lightning and thunder were all around and some rain fell.

Coach told us we would stay one more night at the hotel as the bus driver felt it unsafe to drive in the storm. Whole most of the guys were thrilled with getting one more night of pool play and who knows what, I was a little worried. What Might Marco have in store for me?

We got back to the hotel and had to run to avoid getting totally drenched. The wind was blowing and trees bending. We went to our rooms where Marco said we should shower. The sheen of sweat mixed with rain was all over both of us. I agreed and went into the bathroom and stripped. I had avoided having my cock fall out at the event but I'm sure a few people maybe noticed. Coach had said nothing I wondered what he or anyone else saw.

I felt somewhat humiliated and yet I wanted to touch Marco. I wanted to please him. Yet, I had some fears and a bit of anger at how the person I felt was my first true lover, had humiliated me. He noticed the strange look on my face as we went to shower. He had said we would do it together. I didn't want to get into an argument with him so I just complied. He stripped off his track outfit and I began to do the same. As I pulled my shorts down, my not fully hard dick bounced out in all its glory and Marco reached for it bending down in front of me to touch it. "Just wanted to check my toy and make sure it was ok. I felt so good for him to touch me that although a bit mad at him, I just let it happen. Damn, it felt good as he touched it and began to rub it making it get harder. I looked down at his manhood which was now hard too. It was still nor comparison as mine was os much bigger. Yet I felt like it was small and as he said, a toy. He stood up and then kissed me making my anger disappear and I wondered what power he had on me to make me so docile in his hands. In the shower, he took the soap and began to wash me. I flet his finger again go up my ass or cunt as he called it. I couldn't help but to moan. "You like your man's finger in there don't 'ya?' he whispered as he cleaned my body with his other hand. "After our showers, you can make me happy again." He whispered. I could do nothing but nod a yes as I felt the need to get on my knees and lick his whole body. He had such power over me and I had none.

We stepped out and he again reached for some shower gel and rubbed it around me hole. "You want your man's meat in that tight hole?" I again nodded as felt powerless to tell him I was angry at him for making me go to the meet without anything under my shorts to hide me. Yet, I said nothing and merely let him lead me by my now engorged cock, to the bed where he laid down and pulled me on top of him. Would he let me fuck him too?

He pulled me along his body until he could kiss me deeply. I melted and had no will pwer at all. What the fuck was wrong with me? Yes, I wanted him and I wanted him to want me but we didn't seem as two gay boy equals. He had all the power. Yes, he was a bit older than me, but damn, I had had a bit of sex experience myself and although I realized it wasn't very fulfilling and what he did to me was, well, overwhelming, I felt I should get to be the alpha guy at least some times.

He pulled me on top of him and his hands were all over my body. It felt so good, like last night but maybe better It certainly was better than any awkward stuff I had done with a girl. I was sure I was now a fag and how long would it be before everyone else knew it, maybe even my parents. Yet he had gotten kicked out of a school for some kind of alleged gay rape he did.

I lost all sight of anything and was so filled with passion that once he released me from the kiss, I began to make love to his body. I sucked and licked his nipples and buried my face and tongue in his pits enjoying the fresh clean smell and softness of his pit hair but almost missing the boy and sweat smell. He spread his legs some and I knew it meant for me to got further and I did. My tongue washed over his sexy body and I licked each clearly defined ab, wishing mine were so tight and defined. I got to his cock, mine now rubbing his legs . and began to lick his pube hair. It was a real bush and I could feel a few hairs that now were in my mouth. Usually, that would make me want to clean my mouth but not this time. I nuzzled his nuts and I knew where I was to go next as he raised his legs some exposing the hair that ran from under his nuts, to his hole. It was like I couldn't eat him fast enough. I found the hole buried in his hair and simply licked it and continued to push my tongue in him . He was much cleaner this time and I loved the softness of his hole. I hear him moan and I was like a boy possessed desiring to eat all of him. I moved down his hairy legs savoring them and noticing little thins like a scratch here or there and a beauty mark as I moved to hs feet and began to suck each toe. As I sucked, the phone range. I was brought out of my revery but he just motioned to keep going as he answered it. It was coach telling us to come down for dinner. He said we would but he had a to clean up first. He hung up and went back to lying there moaning with pleasure, reaching his hands down to touch my head and rub it like a puppy. I was in pure heaven. I returned to his hole and he let me lick and eat it again. Finally, he pulled me up and flipped me over . He lunged on top of me and stuck his big well licked cock head at my hole and just began to push in. I cried out in pain and he realized a bit and told me to be quiet. He then said I needed to learn to take it all in one push. I groaned but thought holy shit, he means it. I said nothing but I had seen videos of bitch boys taking their masters cock in one deep push and they almost all screamed in pain at first.

It soon was replaced with the best feeling and I forgot the pain . He fucked me building to doing it faster and faster until I knew by his groans, he had filled me with his seed. He pulled out slowly and kissed my cheek and said what a good boy I was. I again felt like his pet. He got up and offered me his cock and I just licked it clean as he patted my head and rubbed my back.

Getting up, he said we had no time to shower but smelling his pits, said we were fine. He didn't check mine. I began to say I needed to dump his load but he said no. He stuffed some tissues in me and said I should enjoy the warmth of him while we ate. I was shocked but like my shy self, said nothing. He grabbed his underwear and a pair of shorts and put them on and offered me just my shorts. Thankfully, they were like board shorts so they at least covered my cock which was still hard and leaking. I said I didn't cum and he said I should save it for later. I tried to arrange my shorts as he put on his tee and handed me an undershirt with my arms and pits exposed. "I like you to look sexy." I want the others to envy me being with you."

He put on socks and tennis shoes and told me to wear flip flops. "If you got to have something on those sexy feet, that should be it. I really don't want you to wear covered shoes anymore except for events."

Now he was telling me what to wear? Damn. What had I agreed to. We went to supper with each of us dressed as I described. I didn't want my man disappointed.

More to come. Comments? Send to

Next: Chapter 5

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