Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Mar 6, 2018


Tom and Marco After College Ch. 20

This is a gay erotic story. It is pure fiction. The story belongs to the author and cannot be used in anyway without permission. If illegal to read where you are or if you're under 18, please stop now.

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It was Marco's birthday. Colton, Ian and I were asked to prepare quite a feast. We had been working on it for two days. Most everything was done. I had become pretty good at preparing Colombian foods which Marco loved and wanted to have for his big day. He was gong to be twenty four today. My birthday would follow in a few months. He had invited so many people. First was my family and then some friends of his and his mother. It was a beautiful day and the party was to be an outdoor affair. After our usual morning start of more or less worshipping Marco's great body and showing him the love he deserved from his boys we were dispatched to make his breakfast and do our morning routines of shitting, pissing and showering and most importantly, lubing our pussies for later, we set off on the finishing touches of the party food preparations. Colton was a little distracted as he watched poor Lucas slaving away making the yard beautiful. Hector had brought him over early . Colton finally asked me if he could help him as he was sweating so much in the hot sun with the lawn and flower and pool cleaning. I told him he should help and come back ad get cleaned up later. I suggested he clean up Lucas when they were done.

Hector came inside and watched his boy work. I did my thing of welcoming Hector and stopping my work to kiss he gorgeous athletic feet and kissing his big cock making sure to clean any residue left from his fucking of Lucas. I had learned to love Hector's masculine yet thin maybe sinewy was a better word, body. I liked that he had a lot of crotch hair which went down around his shaved balls , to his butt an hole. It was like Marco's body but less muscular. Since Marco played soccer, he had become a bit larger. Hector would get that way too as he grew older. He was only 19.

Marco came in naked and hugged his prodigy soccer player boy . Hector so admired Marco that he tried to be just like him in every way including training his boy Lucas to be more like me. Marco didn't mind that I was cleaning his friend's cock. In fact, he expected me to do it just like I did for him. Both uncut cocks were so nice. Of course, Marco had a much thicker piece that I worshipped as much has I could.

Marco said have you put your hand in Tommy's pussy yet. I've trained it so I can get my whole arm up inside of him. He struggled at first but now takes it like he takes cock. I was proud of my accomplishment. I sometimes wondered what else he would do to my body to make it please him more and no longer cared. Hector removed the huge dildo I had in me to keep me stretched and open. And kissed me as he used his fingers to encircle my huge hole and then gently slipped his whole hand inside of me making me moan. Marco smiled at me and kissed me . "I think I may stretch it enough to get both hands inside. It is so warm and soft . Tommy can now let me fist him and turn his body so he can suck me as I do it!" Hector told me it was wonderful and asked Marco to begin to help him do the same to Lucas. I recall Lucas at first when we met him, as having a tight little pink hole that never accepted anything other than say his own finger but now generally allowed a rather large dildo or plug with a tail in it to enter him. Hector had told us how he let his brothers double fuck him in an effort to stretch him. I was at first surprised but now could see that Lucas needed this type of attention just like I did.

Lucas was now out and open to his parents. His mother thought it was terrible but his father said it was his choice and felt that Lucas maybe always was a gay boy and certainly needed a male to guide him He had gotten over the idea of playing pro soccer and going to college to dedicate his whole life to pleasuring Hector. I still wondered what power he had over poor Lucas but had more or less decided that if Lucas wanted to turn himself into a whore like me then so be it. I now was very comfortable showing my naked body to anyone male who asked and felt it was freeing to be open to my mother now that we all had learned that my parents were quite sexual and had been only hiding it from us three boys as we grew up.

My well lubed cunt dripped as Hector pulled his hand from me and I moaned in happiness. Hector just put his hand and fingers in my mouth and let me clean them as I knew I was required to do. I was glad I had cleaned out earlier to avoid eating my own shit. I did taste my ass and the lube but that was fine. I was used to it just like I was used to cleaning shit out of Marco's hole each morning as I knew I should.

Marco kissed me passionately and as always told me how beautiful I was and how proud he was of me and glad I was his wife. I had accepted that we were not equal and that in many ways except physically, I was liked his kept woman bitch. It didn't matter what anyone thought. Marco ahd me sit on his lap as he pured some of Colton's boy cream from the pitcher into his coffee. I was glad that we milked each other earlier. Colton said he would milk me too in case more boy cream was needed. Hector sat down so he could watch his boy work outside and say how proud he was of what he was turning Lucas into. Marco agreed and said that he would become as beautiful as I was. He stroked my huge cock and said before the company came, he would inject the saline into my balls. He made sure I also got my other meds , vitamins and the drug he had me use to keep my cock relatively firm but not hard and as thick as a soda can. Hector asked Marco to show him the injection of saline process that he used on Colton and I so he could do it to Lucas as well. Marco agreed and said that as long as Lucas was cutting grass for him and others, he should start slow as at first it kind of made walking a bit challenging until we learned how to do it. I now generally got almost a liter every other day and Colton got slightly less. Marco loved the look and said he would show it off to my family when they came and that his friends would love to see it too. "it makes them look so submissive and animal like." I had long ago accepted that my body was no longer my own and that whatever Marco did to it was his choice. I wondered whether someday he might have my cock removed and maybe my balls, although I doubted it, but it was his choice and I would consent. He stroked the big ring in the head of my plum sized penis and then touched my penis making it harder. "Did Colton milk you yet today?" he asked. I told him he did to make sure we had enough cream for this morning and later. I told him I had also milked Colton. He said it looked like we made a nice lad. Both of us came In huge amounts due to the drug he gave us. I had also learned that the lube he used on us had tina in it making us always horny for sex. After a bit and running his hands over my smooth crotch to make sure I was hairless there, he said I should finish my work . He had Ian get up on his lap then so he could slide his big cock into Ian vagina . He liked having a boy with both a mancunt and a pussy . Generally he let Pedro fuck him the most and Ian had become Pedro's pet but kept always horny like us so he was happy to have his real master fuck him. I kind of wished he had fucked me again but sometimes a real man want a real cunt and I respected that.

I finished up the food preparation, drippig slightly. I knew I would lick it up after I was done.

It was almost noon when our first guests arrived. It was my parents who brough his mother along with them. My brother Adam and his boy Tim arrived soon after along with my younger brother, Kurt and his master Robert. We greeted them all. Robert let Kurt crawl around and lick all or butts as he now did so willingly. I had to go and kiss my father's feet in his flip flops and then kiss my mother and Marco's mother's cunts . They hadn't exposed them but I knew by getting up under their short skirts and Marco's mother's long dress that they would be exposed as they no longer wore panties when we were all together. My mom's pussy was shaved but Marco's mother keeping with old way, kept hers hairy.

After that I got them all drinks. Colton was back all clean from showering outdoors with Lucas. Mostly now, Marco allowed us to shower in his big shower in the bedroom but after I had cleaned it Colton felt he should join Lucas in the outdoor shower as Lucas was required to clean himself outdoors as well as to do all his pissing and shitting outdoors as Hector required.

Colton also kissed all the master and madams feet and kissed each of their crotches as he was expected to do like I did when guests arrived.

Dad said he might like to watch as Marco injected us. He often liked to look over our bodies at family gatherings.

It was no longer strange to have my father inspect my body. He usually took us to the pool guest house or a bedroom and stripped naked himself. I got to admire his masculine body and Marco had me offer myself to him.

We went to the pool house after Colton and I put out snacks and got drinks for all the true men and mistresses. The kept boys, Tim, my brother Kurt and Ian got a large bowl placed on the pool deck with water.

Marco led me by my cock, and Colton came too. Marco said he would show my dad how he injected our ball sacks. My dad was very curious about the process nad wanted to see. We all ladi on a sofa exposing ourselves to all. Colton and I were used to the process. Robert said he wanted to try it on Kurt too.. He said it might make it hard for Kurt to do his exercise classes at the gay gym a bit difficult but thought it would maybe increase business and make the other men there want to try it too. He said he might offer the service there for the male masters who had boys of their own , to want to buy the service.

I was first and Marco carefully rubbed alcohol on my smooth low hanging sack. He did Colton too and then showed how he used sterilized needles to gently prick out sacks and they all watched as our ball bags became huge. He cautioned the men that they should begin slow and never to over inflate the sacks. I just accepted it. Colton winced only a bit as he was pricked by the needle. I got almost a full litre of saline. Colton got slightly less. He still wore weights on his balls and the effect was great as they hung low on him. Robert had Kurt climb on a table and be like a dog as he cleaned off his shaved balls and started the injection. Kurt yelped when the needle was inserted but did anything Robert asked . He got almost a liter too, more than Marco suggested by he said he thought it would look good and as the saline slowly was absorbed by the body, the balls would shrink back to normal size in a day or so. He wanted the effect to last as long as possible. Marco assured him that he could buy a supply and do it at home as long as he was careful and stressed that he should never penetrate the actual balls themselves. As it might cause an infection . Kurt appeared to be in pain a bit but did get hard enough to shoot off a nice little cum shot.

Kurt was kept on a large dose of the drugs that he used on Kurt's cock which made it now about as big as mine. He penis head was also huge and the piss slit stretched open. It was a not look. Robert said he usually kept Kurt with a sound in him. Tim, Kurt Colton and I had huge piss slit holes when we pissed it was like a hose and our cum shot out a lot after the sounds were removed.

My dad admired each of us and stroked my huge sack which really no longer bothered me much other than it sometimes made walking a bit awkward. He praised Marco for making me into a perfect male sex specimen. He admired my open hole and even put his hand inside my cunt to feel what it was like. Marco was delighted with the praise he got an said my training had been hard at first. "I had to humiliate him and yet show him love. I had no reaction as he told of the things he did to stretch our holes to make them pussies, to make us attend things either naked or in very risqué outfits. He showed my dad some of what we wore to the club we went to often. "Tommy's cock is now so big that he has trouble wearing pants. I ripped out the crotch portion of some nice, tight jeans he had so his cock has room to hang. He's got another pair with both the crotch ripped open and the seat cut out to expose his beautiful cunt. He looks really hot in those, shirtless to show off his gorgeous chest and just about anything else. Can't take him everywhere in them but if I give him a long tank top, it covers most of his crotch anyway. He has learned that he should show off to anyone who wants to look. Colton just wears a jock or very short shorts as his cock isn't so huge yet but eventually we may have to give him some longer jeans too. He does look hot in his open mesh basketball shorts though." Robert said he usually had Kurt in similar outfits. Ripping out the ass in his pants allows him to keep his tail inserted. He rarely wears a shirt to show off his chest. I took away all of his shoes too as I want his feet tough but I did buy him knee pads as he often has to crawl. He crawls so much he just accepts it and is getting more like a pup. I now even lead his classes in the gym as he isn't allowed to speak much.

Adam admired the clothes and said they were pretty similar to what he gave Tim to wear." Like all you guys, I still like `em naked best." They all chuckled.

Dad said he knew he had made a good decision giving me to Marco. "I had seriously thought about coming out with our life style and keeping him for myself. Hadn't even thought about turning Kurt into a pup but when you came along, and Tommy fell in love with you, I knew after meeting you would be a good master for him. I'm so pleased that you are my son-in-law."

"We should probably have come out with our lifestyle earlier. We really missed the chance to do so much stuff with them when they were young. But like is what it is and we do get to enjoy seeing what a a pussy boy can become."

Maro blushed with the kind words my dad said to him. I loved my dad and called him daddy when he he fucked me or made me suck him. Marco offered my body to him for whatever. Fuck him, have him suck you, or ask him to eat you. He'll be good with it all. I think he'd like some daddy piss too if you are ready.

Daddy pissed in my mouth. Adam pissed in Kurt's mouth and Tim let Kurt eat his engorged hole and asked Adam and Robert if he could fuck him. They agreed. Tim still got to fuck much more than I did although he was really a bottom whore like me.

Adam told Tim he too would get his sack inflated and did so willingly. We all left the pool house with huge nut sacks and the women thought we were beautiful and the way we all should be. The guests who came later, Marco's team mates and a few other friends, even my friends from high school who I didn't know he invited, came and thought we were beautiful. My friends both fucked me hard and I drank their piss too as I did with several of Marco's teammates. Although some were straight, the idea of raping the wiling and using us as urinals just was part of their super macho beings and they liked domineering us. I especially liked the Latin and black guys who were so well equipped. My friends were really impressed getting to meet the team and seeing them in a whole new light.

The party lasted well into the night. They liked how the thin but muscular Colton was shown off licking pussies of the girls a few of the guys brought along. They played with his engorged sack and thought it was so cool that they oculd dominate him and he was so willing.

We were all taught well. Many had never seen a transgender guy and Pedro allowed him to be used getting fucked in the front and back at the same time. His tiny pecker was as hard as could be.

It was a great party and all of us did what we did best- gave our bodies to superior people.

I hoped the life style I had no so embraced would go on forever. For now , though, I was just happy to make my master and husband happy

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