Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on May 20, 2017


Tom AND Marco After College CH. 17

I awoke that morning in the our crowded bed. I'm so glad Marco had bought an oversized king bed for us as it often held more than the two of us. We always brought Colton with us. Today, it was Colton, then me and then Lucas and on the other side, Hector. Pedro had slept in a guest room, probably due to getting chastised by Hector for being a bit in control over him. I was happy about that!

I wasn't quite sure how to deal with our usual morning ritual. Usually, I just moved over and began to tongue Marco's hole but today, no Marco. We had watched him play on tv last night, late due to the time difference, and Hecotr had told us all about what was happening. I was pretty good at understanding the game, but Hector still felt it necessary to tell us so we politely listened to him. He did know soccer after all.

As Marco had appointed Lucas as our guardian, I thought I should give him the Marco treatment and moved over to do so after kissing my Colton. Hector opened his eyes and saw and shook his head no. He whispered that Lucas had deferred all control over to him and he was now our temporary master. I wondered how Marco would feel about that but Lucas also seemed to acknowledge that all respect should be sown to Hector, so I moved over and began to tongue his hairy hole. He was smooth on top save for his dense pit hair but from his navel down, starting with his treasure trail leading to a dense forest around his pubes going down around his perineum and up his ass crack to his hole. He wasn't as dense as Marco though. I wondered if he was a Columbian guy like Marco but I knew many maturing Latin boys had such hair. By now, Marco shaved what appeared on his chest as he liked a smooth chest.

I kissed his uncut cock and wondered what it would be like to have one, and then as he moved his hairy legs apart, I knew where I should go and began to lick and kiss his hole savoring the man funk that came from it. He tasted pretty good, maybe not as good as my guy, Marco, but still he was hot. His thick muscled legs separated. Colton moved down and over and began to lick his toes and soles. He knew I did that for Marco and he felt it his duty I guess, to do the same. He wouldn't take the lead but did everything I did and even licked his hole while he generally fucked me long and slow after I ate him.

Hector moaned in appreciation. Lucas was now awake but unsure what he should do. Hector looked over at him and nodded for him to replace me. I never knew Lucas to eat ass. He was definitely a top guy but now, well, who knew. Lucas moved his body so he could eat his new lover or master. I moved up and Hector tongue kissed me and then whispered he wanted Lucas to learn from me. "Let him learn to worship me. He has committed himself to me now and I want him to be just like you. I will see to it his hole becomes a real pussy and his balls hang low like an animal and I will get him pierced when he is 18. I don't want him totally humiliated until I take full control after high school. " He smiled at me and I moved in to lick his pits. This went on for about 15 minutes until Hector sat up and said he wanted Lucas to take him manhood in his mouth and wait. I knew what was coming. Hecotr had seen me await Marco's piss like this. I wondered if Lucas had ever tasted piss and knew that it was usually strongest tasting in the morning. Lucas looked a little sad as Colton and I sat back and watched. Hector nodded and Lucas took his cock and put it on his tongue. It was long and a small trickle started and then full force it went in. Lucas chocked at bit, I'm sure shocked at the taste. I now enjoyed it and often drank Marco's piss. I wondered what Hector's tasted like .Lucas downed most of it only spurting a bit that I caught getting my chance to sample. "Not bad Lukey but you'll need to do better." Lucas looked up and I swear he had tears in his eyes realizing what he did in front of his two charges, but he nodded and stood up as we all did.

"Tommy boy, go and make coffee. Make it like you do for Marco. Lukey, you go and learn to do as they do.." We nodded and Hector went to the shower. He first got Pedro awake and had him join him. We had no idea what was said but Colton was summoned to the room and I'm sure, had to suck Pedro off and drink his Mexican piss.

When we got to the kitchen, I began to brew the coffee and get things ready to make scrambled eggs for all of us. I looked to Lucas who had his head down a bit, not the usual confident look he had. I finally asked him what was going on and he said that after he had invited Hector over to fuck us some days ago, they had talked and hector somehow convinced him that he should treat him like Marco does Colton and I. He said he had leanings and strong feelings for Hector who was such a great player and he found hi falling for Hector. They finally agreed and Lucas said he was willing to submit to Hector. Hector took charge almost like Marco did with me. The rest is history. He said hector would always protect him but as he was also into girls, he would likely marry but keep Lucas as his boy. The girl would have to agree that Hector could do as he wanted and have a white slave boy. I asked Lucas if he didn't want to reconsider as he was such a stud. He didn't really say except to acknowledge that Hector was now his man and that his days of fucking girls were over. I told him he should think carefully about his decision and could always change it but he said Hector now had too much on him and he would be destroyed if he didn't comply. I felt really bad for him but said he should still think it over. Maybe Marco could change things.

Lucas nodded and went about watching me make breakfast and asking questions about it. Hector appeared in the kitchen in just a jock. Pedro came in happily following him but naked as we were. Colton came in next and looked a bit dejected but immediately helped me wit the food. As Pedro and Hector sat down, Lucas put plates of food in front of them. I poured the coffee and Colton took his usual spot at the table waiting to get milked . He never minded it with Marco but appeared not so sure with Hector. Having witnessed it before, Pedro slid the pitcher toward Colton and said he would he happy to milk the cow and laughed as he said it. Hector watched as Pedro took hold of Colton's now engorged dick and began to do his milking. Hector watched smiling and even took a turn. I could see Colton ready to blast off and moved the pitcher so Colton could ejaculate into it. When he did, hector was very impressed with his output. And thanked Pedro for do it for him. I sensed he wasn't sincere but said nothing. "See Lukey, you could do that too and I want you to practice. Lucas looked like he could die but said "yes, Hector, Sir.' Hector poured some of Colton's cream into his coffee. I said Marco really enjoyed the taste and hector agreed. We ate and then needing to piss and shit, I asked Hector if he would mind if we did our business. Pedro piped up and said it was cool to watch Colton and I do our business outside and took Hector's hand to lead him out. Lucas had witnessed this before but never participated. Hector looked at him and told him to join us. We got down, all three of us around the now uncovered hole and appeared like dogs . Our big balls swinging in the air making quite a show. Colton and I had done it enough to lift our legs as we pissed and then a load of crap came out of us. Lucas pisssed ok but had trouble shitting so Colton licked his hole until it relaxed enough and dropped at turd. Hector smiled at us and Pedro laughed. I took the hose and carefully washed out Colton who was in some pain and shock realizing the water was a bit cool . Colton and I did each other now used to the ritual. We finished, covered the cistern and went in. hector said he wanted us to shave off Lucas' pubes and leg hair to make him smooth like us. He also asked if he wad an extra ball weight to put on his to begin stretching his balls. I said we did but looked to Lucas for his approval and he gave me a quick nod.

We showered outdoors and went inside to make sure I was well shaved. Hector asked about Colton as to why he had hair. I said Marco never asked for it to be removed but Colton had asked me before about it. Hector said after I did Lucas, I should also do Colton. Colton smiled as he wanted to be just like me. I wasn't so sure about Lucas but did it anyway. It was a different look for him but I liked it. Colton was proud to be shaved . I left most of his pit hair and a bit around his puckered hole and a nice ring of hair around his cock, as I said Marco liked that on him. Hector nodded. I left some hair in Lucas' pits but did shave his hair clean so just his pink button was open. He looked pretty damn sexy with no pubes. I glanced at him and caught just a glimpse of his face. He almost looked surprised but did smile at Hector. I knew he could handle it.

Hector said that after graduation, when he would take the boy to his house for more training and living with his family, he would get a ring in his dick head like us and probably one in his perineum as we both had. We did install a parachute ball weight on him. I made sure to lube it a bit as to avoid chaffing. He winced a bit as I added the weights. Not seeing a major drop after I let go, Hector asked about more weights. I looked to Colton who was still wearing his four pound weights. He had gotten used to it and the only the complaint was that they swung some and bothered his legs. Hector asked if he could have the weights. I said he could have some and removed them from Colton's cock ring and put them on Lucas. Hector told me to simply let them drop when I was done. I didn't want to but complied and Lucas almost winced. Immediately, the weights pulled his big nuts downward. "They will help him to become what I want him to be.' Remarked Hector. Lucas simply replied yes , Master when he finally got a bit used to them.

Hector said we should go for a run, to be followed by our exercise routine and then the yard work that Lucas was hired to do. Hector gave Lucas some very short shorts, slit almost to the waist. Colton and I had our very brief running shorts and put them on. Of course no shirts were offered. I usually ran now, barefoot as did Colton. Lucas always wore running shoes before but Hector told him he needed to do as we did. Thankfully for Lucas, we only ran about two miles. I could tell Lucas was in some pain as he ran with his nuts swinging some. Thankfully, the tight shorts held them in place a bit. When we returned, we all stripped down and did weight lifting , treadmill and various other pieces of equipment that were in our home gym. I could tell Lucas was miserable but Hector occasionally went over and rubbed his butt. After it was done, Hector put a dildo he provided, in Lucas' butt hole It wasn't nearly as big as Colton and I wore but Hector reassured his boy that it was the only way to stretch him and begin to make his boy pussy as open and flexible as ours. Lucas thanked him for his concern. Lucas was sent our naked now with only his weights and plug in, to do the yard work. Colton, feeling sorry for our former leader, said he would help. He rationalized explaining that he liked getting more filled out and needed the workout.

Hector asked me to get him a cool drink and one for myself as we sat and watched out boys labor in the hot sun. Hector told me a bit about himself. I don't know why but he seemed free to chat. He said he was born in Colombia, like Marco and escaped with his family when they feared a drug cartel might snatch him or worse yet kill him if he resisted and came to the U.S.. He said he had grown up in a village and although his family were prosperous farmers he was glad to leave. I told him Marco came from Colombia too which he knew. He said he had read up all he could find about Marco and emulated him. He wanted to be a soccer star like his hero. His family wasn't very prosperous here yet and he figured if he could make it to a college team and then the pros, he would help his family . he also found our lifestyle fun and exciting and wanted the same. Having slave boys around was not uncommon in his home land. He said they weren't slaves exactly but poor boys who were more or less leased out to famers. They only had a few but he found they were willing to do anything to avoid starvation and both he and his father used the boys sexually. They were willing as they had no choice.

We went to check on our boys and found them almost done. Lucas and Colton were both sweating.. I told Hector we usually honored Lucas but licking the sweat off his body when he was done. He said no to that but did suggest we all cool off in the pool. After a bit, Colton and I went in to make lunch and Lucas was told to help us. Pedro had joined us and stayed in the pool with Hector as we made their lunch.

As they got out of the pool, Lucas was called to dry them off with a big towel and then, kneel in front of his new master. I felt realy bad for him as it was such a public humiliation. I did ask Hector if Lucas was to graduate and if he still could date girls. He said he wanted him to graduate and go to school with him but as for dating ( or fucking girls), those days were done for him. It is a way to show respect to the master he explained. I wondered if Lucas knew that then.

Marco called later that afternoon telling me how much he missed me. I told him what had happened with Lucas and he listened and said it was probably his destiny and he must have chosen it. In any event, Marco said he had chosen wisely and that it was like me. He just wondered how Lucas' parents would react. Hecotr had said that they would remain co captains of the team but Lucas would turn over all decisions to him from now on and explained that he would protect Lucas until high school ended but after that, he would be a real submissive. He asked if I liked my life and said I did but I wondered if Lucas would fare as well. After all he had been a straight boy and had very straight parents. Hector nodded but said he would have to take care of that but he had chosen the boy and did truly love him. He said that Lucas would never marry but would be kind of a house servant to his family, especially to him and to his father. When Hector married, he would remain the same and the girl would have to honor his wishes and agree to being him fucking both her and Lucas. Lucas would also learn to honor any children he had. Oh, boy, Lucas was in for some major changes in his life.

We watched Marco's team for another victory but a close one, later that night. Very late he called me and remembered to tell him I had changed Colton a bit. He laughed and said I could do as I wished and that he was planning my birthday treat and Colton would be the boy I fucked this time. Of course, it would be witnessed by my brothers and their boys and several of his friends. I wasn't crazy about be an exhibitionist but looked forward to using Colton's pussy. I told him later and he was all smiles.

I did ask Colton if he was truly happy or we he like to be set free. He looked at me and asked if he displeased me in any way. Of course he didn't. He thanked me and said that even though he was made to submit to men by his father, and ran away, he now found true happiness and felt love and care for him. He begged me to let him stay and I quieted him and told him I was merely offering him his freedom and would give him money to get started but he refused it and said he was so happy and loved now that he wanted to submit to anything. "I know your cock is huge and may damage me, but I want to be used and have my boy pussy destroyed by you. I am worthless and could never do on my own what you have done for me.' It brought a tear to my eye and I assured him he was going to be with us forever. It made him smile and he asked if I would piss on him or in his mouth. " I long for the taste of you and you putting yourself in me. Please master." I agreed and filled his skinny body with me whore nectar. He slept especially close to me that night and said he was looking forward to my birthday!

Next: Chapter 33: After College 18

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