Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on May 3, 2017


Tom and Marco -- After College Ch . 16

This is a fictional gay story. Please don't read if illegal to do so where you are. Send comments or ideas to my email address if you wish. Thanks for reading.

Note: I know I'm missing a few chapters and the numbers jump from 12 to 15. I hope to post those chapters eventually.

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Marco had announced that it was going to be a short visit with his cousins as he had to leave on a five day trip of away games. His cousins were disappointed at first but he assured them they could enjoy me and Colton. I was disappointed and gave him the best morning sex ritual ever. Actually we both did and then were quite satisfied when he invited the cousins to sample us. I got the older of the two who was 22, the same age as us. He was hung well and really enjoyed filling my twat with his hot Colombian cream The younger one, probably around 18, got Colton and enjoyed him as well. I still wanted to fuck Colton myself, a privilege Marco denied me but before Marco left, he made love to me again and promised that as my birthday was coming, he thought it was time. I promised to help get Colton ready for my huge cock. Colton had told me he really wanted me to be inside of him. As his master, he said that he was so ready for me to take him.

The cousins were off to Orlando until Marco returned, to see the tourist sites. I did ask Marco about his 14 year old runaway illegal alien. He said he had talked with him and told him in no uncertain terms that if he abused us, he would be tossed on streets to resume his whoring life and maybe he'd even give him up to authorities. Pedro laughed at first but Marco let his two cousins fuck him and fuck him hard. He didn't appreciate that and promised he would be good. Marco said as he was a Latin, we should show him respect however and do things to make him feel good. We knew that meant to allow him to maybe fuck us and certainly suck him off. He was of the superior race after all and although Marco truly loved me and never did anything to hurt me, I knew my role and was good with it. Latin men were to be honored by white boys.

We had an almost tearful departure. Colton came out of his shell and thanked Marco so much and kissed his feet saying how much he appreciated how he cared for him. Marco was proud of him and he told me to give Colton the trim of some of his hair that he really wanted. He had said before that he felt much less an object and so wanted to be more like me.

Marco again told Juan his orders to behave for us and told us all that he had asked Lucas to come over and "oversee" things. We loved Lucas and he spent so much time with us that we almost considered him part of the household. I felt bad for Lucas who rarely had his own parents home. We also went to most of his soccer games and he was so proud that such a talented soccer player and a pro like Marco was, to not only show his love but attention.

Marco and the cousins left. Both Colton and I still had all the guys cum in us and it dripped a bit making Marco proud of us I guess. Colton even carried out all his luggage and gear and loaded it carefully into his car before they drove away.

After they were gone, Colton and I did our usual household chores. Pedro busied himself with the schoolwork I gave him. I was his "mother" so he did as he was told . Marco had enforced this with him. He then went to the pool and the eventually to his room to play video games. Of course he didn't help Colton and I as he considered us white pussyboys and that was below him

We finished and both went to lay on the patio awaiting Lucas's arrival after he finished school and practice.

Colton said little when Marco was around as he didn't want him to think of himself as an intrusion. But when Marco was away, he loved to chatter about lots of things. He asked me about growing up. I told him how normal it all was until my cock started to grow and I got very embarrassed about it, stopping swimming as I hardly fit in a speedo anymore and the guys always called me donkey boy. My parents were so average back then at least as far as I knew. Who knew they were into hot sex and often left us home with my big brother never explaining their long weekends away. It was Adam who finally caught on and eventually shared it all with me and finally my bother Kurt when he got older.

Colton was fascinated with it. He asked when I knew I was gay. I told him I always suspected it as I knew I was different than most of my friends. I did date in high school but it was never much fun and when girls saw my cock, they were afraid of it. I really wished I was smaller down there. It made Colton laugh as he said that mine was the most beautiful cock he had ever seen. I explained that it was Marco who I fell in love with and eventually submitted to and how eventually I became his boy. I told him how my dad essentially gave me to him and he promised to always love and care for me.. Colton was really impressed I guess.

I asked him about his growing up. He didn't want to talk about it much but I persisted and he eventually began to tell me after he had tears in his eyes. I said if it hurt him that much, he didn't need to tell but he said that I was always honest with him and he needed to tell me. He just said he hoped I wouldn't hate him after. I told him nothing about him would make me ever hate him.

He began his story telling me he was always poor. He lived with his mother who was a drug addict and sold herself to men. He didn't know much about his real dad but had learned that he was only fifteen when he fathered Colton. He eventually didn't stick around but as his mom couldn't find anyone to pay for an abortion, he was born . Her family had nothing to do with her and she drifted around with Colton in tow until they settled in rural Georgia where a guy moved in with her. The man wasn't real good to Colton and he had a tough life. When his mother died of an overdose, the man kept Colton around but spent little on him making Colton go do odd jobs and even steal food. The welfare the man got was mainly used for alcohol and drugs. Colton had one friend who kind of helped him. He told Colton hat if he sucked him off, he would give him stuff. Colton at first refused but eventually, almost starving agreed and they did sex stuff- Colton always the sucker and eventually agreeing to let the guy fuck him. Colton said he hated it and really didn't want to but he had no real choices. He recalled one day, being picked on by other kids in school, a place he felt pretty secure as they gave him free breakfast and lunch, so he never missed a day! On his way walking to their dilapidated trailer, the other boys jumped him and took him shoes and socks and one boy pissed on him saying he was smelly anyway. He walked a mile home barefoot and piss covered, his ragged clothes almost destroyed when the friend found him and took him to his house to wash up. The kid gave him his old shoes and a different shirt. Colton again paid for this stuff with more sexual service to the other kid.

His so called stepdad caught them and he dragged Colton home. Drunk as always, he made Colton suck his dick which led to more sex. Eventually Colton had to leave school. By now he was 14 and the stepdad decided that he could make money off his kid and whore him out. Colton protested but he was stripped bare and dad raped him. He was kept at the house where strange men came by and just fucked him leaving his dad with cash. It eventually happened where Colton was naked and kept inside almost all the time. Even a few kids from his school came by and fucked him. He was totally humiliated and almost starving being fed only a meal every other day if his father allowed even that.

One day when his father was passed out, he took some cash from where his dad hid it and found a few ragged clothes and he split.

He didn't know where to go and didn't want to call the police as even the deputies sometimes came by off duty and raped him. He thumbed his way from south Georgia to Florida. Eventually, he met Sean from the restaurant who took him in. He let him wash up and clean himself and he stayed there a few days. Sean eventually told him the place was too small for two and he got him a job at the restaurant as a busboy. He had no idea he would also have to suck cock. He then recounted the day that Marco and I had lunch there and Sean talked Marco into taking him home. He knew Marco paid Sean cash for him but he kind of liked what he was doing and thought that I was real nice to him. He had no idea that Marco was a pro socccer player. He knew nothing about the game. Most importantly, Sean was kicking him out and he had no place to go and he really had run out of money. Colton had already decided his life was shit anyway and that if these two sexy guys would take him, at least the sex would be good or at least he hoped so. He was real impressed that I had even tipped him after he sucked me although he said when he saw my cock, he was almost afraid he couldn't get it in his mouth! That made me chuckle as he mow was pretty good. Actually I had never been deep throated and knew few guys who could take it all. Only Adam's Tim seemed like he could do it but I have no idea how!

He had tears in his eyes as he told the story. He asked me not to hate him. I said again I could never hate him and then proceeded to make love to him . He said he wasn't very good looking and had ugly feet. I told him I loved his big boney feet and the hair in his ass and pits. I stopped each time to lick the area in question. I said he also had a nice cock. It wasn't huge like mine but a respectable 8 or 9 inches. More than most guys.

When were done, I asked if he was really gay. He said he figured out long ago that he was at least bi and was now certain he loved guys and never even thought about girls or pussy. He wanted to just have someone love him a make him feel like a person again. It brought tears to my eyes as we made love.

Just then Lucas came in. He caught us in the act but his reply was that he simply wanted to join in. It made us all laugh and we invited him in to our lounge chair where we licked off all his sweat from head to toe. I knew we would need to tell this tale to Marco as he would want to know what a hot stray we had brought home.

Lucas mentioned that he had invited his best bud and fellow player, Hector to come by. We said it was great. I thought the Latino boy was quite a stud. No sooner did he say that and the doorbell rang. Colton went and answered it as he now comfortable being naked doing so. I knew seeing it was likely someone he knew, he was more relaxed. I yelled in for him to order a couple of pizzas to. May as well make it a fun night with the pizza guy too!

Hector came out to the patio dressed in basketball shorts , a tank that exposed a good portion of his chest and flip flops. The flip flops were off real quick as was the shirt. He came over to kiss us, Colton and me and I was shocked he even kissed Lucas. I didn't say a word but he was soon as naked as us. As he stripped off his shorts, Pedro mouthed off and said something like " oh good, another spic boy to fuck!" Hector turned to him. The look was pure hatred. He grabbed Pedro and let out a barrage of things in Spanish making Pedro kind of almost hide. He mouthed something back to Pedro and Pedro was on him. I caught some of what was said as I was picking up Spanish pretty good but the exchange was so fast I couldn't get it all. Lucas tried to tell Hector that the kid was a smart ass punk and he should ignore him. No such luck. Basically, Hector called Pedro a no good whore prick and he would never get fucked by the little shit. He grabbed Pedro and pulled him close and spit on him before he tossed him in another lounge chair. Pedro was worried now as he was seldom challenged but this stud was fast even naked and was on Pedro fast slapping him . He called him a whore again. I tried to interject that this was Marco's little project to raise this kid but Hector was pissed . He truly did love and respect Marco but this kid was something else! Pedro tried to say he was kidding and meant to say he wanted to fuck the two gringos and Hector should join him. Hector wasn't gay,, as far as we knew, but he wouldn't let this punk speak to him or degrade His hero Marco's wife and bitch. Hector demanded he apologize but knowing Pedro, it was slow in coming. " I know who is going to get fucked and it ain's Tommy or Colton. It's you little man" He pulled off his shorts and as he was commando, his large cock, damn it was pretty, was in Pedro's face as Hector held him tightly demanding Pedro suck him or as he said, it's going in dry and I don't care." Pedro reluctantly put his lips to the gorgeous cock of Hector and began to lick. I t wasn't long and Hector turned him over, spit in his hairy hole and plunged in. "AS he pushed in, Pedro screamed that nobody ever fucked him. Hector hearing this, was more determined and plowed in and within minutes, came in his ass. Hector kept his cock in him until it began to get smaller. Pedro was crying and cursing but we all sat their stunned.

Hector then told him in no uncertain terms, that he was never to abuse his mother (me) or his boy (Colton) again. Lucas went over and hugged him and they kissed again. Both teens then told Pedro he was to apologize to all of us. Pedro sat and sulked. We all knew he had been fucked before. So he wasn't damaged. I went over to Hector and kissed him and got down as I should have earlier and licked his feet. Colton came over and placed his wet cock in his mouth . Hector smiled at both of us and hugged us both He even said "Lukey, I could get used to this." I had never heard him call Master Lucas " Lukey but apparently it was something between them. Lucas came over and watched us service his bud and then quietly said he had offered to be Hector's bitch. He then joined us and kissed his balls before having Hector lift up so he could suck his sweaty ass. We talked about it a bit and later bw=etween getting fucked by the pizza guy, I saw Hector hug Pedro and tell him that he knew Latino's men were superior but to never humiliate another Latino guy or the white bitches of their Latin men. They high fived after that. Colton and I both were filled with jiz that dripped all over. I went over to Lucas and asked him more. He promised to tell me more later but that Hector was now his master and like us, he felt it necessary to take care of all his needs.

We knew that to be true. After Lucas called it a night, both he and Hector needed to piss. Colton and I were on them like flies to suck it out. Even the pizza guy thought that was too cool. Eventually, Pedro came over and kissed Colton and me, apologized for all he had done to be a pain and then asked Master Hector is he would fuck him. Lucas said we should all sleep together. The pizza guy even stayed and we said that we all needed to show our honor to Hector. It was a real gang bang as he asked me if he could fuck me. I was honored and wanted it. The others watched and eventually all took turns honoring Hector by licking his whole body . We promised more in the morning. It would be a fun couple of days!

Next: Chapter 32: After College 17

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