Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Mar 17, 2015


Our work days that weekend went fine although I was really feeling it in my legs and arms. Marco said he would give me a massage if I wanted one. He told me I would get used to it though. With school work, track and all, I didn't have time for the massage but wished I had made some. The thought of his hands rubbing all over me made me crazy and when I shot off, I think I never had so much cum.

On our way home from school and track practice, Marco asked if I wanted to stop and get a drink. I was thirsty and tired so I agreed. He said he was buying and I agreed so we went to a fast food place. We went in in our track stuff, looking really beat. I'm surprised they let us in as I was sure we smelled, but with Marco and another chance to view his hot body under his little top, how could I resist. I still didn't want to come out to him for fear that maybe I had read his signals all wrong. We sat in a booth and drank our sodas. I happened to see, across the restaurant, a nice looking young guy, about our age who seemed to be staring over at us. I didn't think it was unusual until I mentioned it to Marco. He glanced around and saw the guy. I never saw him react this way but he immediately suggested it was time to go. He almost grabbed me out of the seat. I wasn't sure why he was so insistent unless he didn't want to cross paths with the guy. The guy was kind of good looking and my gaydar clicked in and wondered if the kid had some kind of crush on Marco. As Mrco said nothing about it, I didn't either. I kind of alluded to someone was looking at us, while we drove home. Marco just kind of said un huh and said no more. I chose to not end our da badly so I said no more but wondered about it all night. That was Thursday and Friday after school we were to leave for the track meet. Before getting out of the truck, I said to remember to pack for the weekend. He smiled at me and said he was so looking forward to going. I almost thought he might reach across the seat and hug me or something but he stayed his distance

Friday came and school went ok. I saw a few of my friends or acquaintances as I thought of them. We never really hung around too much. I had brought my large sports bag with my clothes and everything I needed. I remembered my jock and underwear as if I roomed with Marco, I wasn't sure I wanted him to see me naked. I was still shy about my dick. After school, I went with Marco to get our stuff from the truck and then joined the team to board the charter bus they had arranged. I think we were all excited as we usually didn't go for overnights for track but our team had done well and was in the regional competition. We all ragged on one another and one of the guys, laughed when Marco answered a question as to whom he was rooming with. He told him it was me and the guy laughed and said "oh I forgot, you and horse boy are roomies. Don't let him knock you over with that thing of his if he turns fast." Marco looked at him and just smiled. I was devastated. Not until we were well on our way, did Marco say anything about it. He asked and I shrugged it off and said he was making fun of my dick. Marco looked at me and then simply said, oh I know, you're kind of hung aren't you?" I just nodded and he said we bigger guys needed to stick together and not pay any attention to those tiny guys who were envious of us. I accepted that and agreed and we chatted about the meet and how fun it would be to be on our own in a hotel. Secretly I worried that he might think me a freak though, once he saw it fully grown. I decided that we would just wait and see what happened. I wanted to see Marco in all his glory even more than I worried about him seeing me As I felt myself grow in my pants, I wanted to just think about the fun we would have together for the real first time we would be alone.

Once we arrived at the hotel, coach passed out room assignments. I was worried I'd get someone other than Marco as my roommate. Thankfully, he can up to me smiling and handed me my key which was to the same room as him. We had a meeting to over rules about drinking, the time for breakfast and what time to be ready to board the bus for the meet. Thankfully, we would have the whole night to ourselves and I for one, had no plans to go out. Maybe a movie and laying in a bed with him, bodies touching. I didn't even dream of sex with him as I knew that was not likely.

We were to get pizza and drinks in a meeting room. I quickly decided to drop my stuff off in the room first. I wanted to check out the room and hope for one double bed. It wasn't to be though as I found two singles in the room. Oh, well, a boy can dream can't he? Marco quickly followed me to the room and dropped his stuff and asked me which bed I wanted. I told him I didn't care. I went in to pee and he chose a bed . When I came out, he was sprawled on a bed having kicked off his shoes and socks and lay in what I would call a sexy position, legs spread and his arms up with hands behind his head. I came out and saw him, almost gasping, and went and sat on my bed facing him. "Nice room," he commented. I shook my head in agreement and simply was hard pressed to take my eyes off of his out stretched body, his tank top revealing his sexy muscular upper body, shoulders, arms and pits. I could see just a little moisture in the hair in this pits and wanted to jump over and lick it off but I contained myself making small talk. We went down to eat the pizza, with both us in flip flops. I was glad to see his muscular bare feet barely concealed and wished mine would be more like him, manly. Mine I felt were still boyish although making progress, due to track I guessed.

Some of the guys said they were going swimming in the hotel pool. Marco looked at me and I said I'd go if he wanted to. He surprised me when he said he was tired and might forgo it and simply go back to the room. I was damn glad to hear that!

We ate and he came up to me and quietly asked if I was going back upstairs. I said sure as I wanted to shower.

We went back up and I went into the bathroom and stripped. My cock was still hard and the thought of him just feet away, my dream jerk off boy, made me get harder. I pulled back the shower curtain and began to run the water. Standing there naked waiting, Marco suddenly peeked his head in and asked if he could pee. "Ah, sure, I mumbled," trying to turn away to hide my raging dick. He caught me though and remarked, "damn, I knew it was big but that thing is gigantic!" He came up after his was done pissing, still with his basketball shorts pulled down and asked if he could touch it! "Ah, yeah, I guess so." I got to see his, uncut dick with a nice sheath covering it. He was mazingly hairy in his crotch. I had only caught glimpses before but now, in all its glory, he had a mass of rich black hair covering the area around his cock. I also noticed the head of it begin to peak out. Mine was so hard that it leaked precum from the large head. I was cut and could hide noting. My pubes were there but no where near what he had. I should have assumed him to be hairy there as his legs were nicely covered as were his pits. Mine looked boyish next to his manly body. Yet, he had no hair on his chest and only a treasure trail leading from his navel downward. God, was he gorgeous and manly too! I had no hair on my 150 lb. body save for pubes, some pit and a light dusting on my legs. My butt was almost hairless and I had only a little few hairs around my pink hole. I hadn't quite mastered shaving those yet.

He took my dick in his hands and it felt so good that I moaned a little. "Somebody seems to like this he chuckled. Damn, I never saw one this big and long and so fat too!" I said it ran in the family and frankly it was a little too big for me. "Oh, but man, it is so petty. I bet girls would love to feel it in them." He looked at me questioningly.

"Actually, never did it, a few girls have touched it but, well, they seem alost afraid of it. Haven't had much luck in that department." I confided.

I got real brave and finally said something I knew I would regret but it kind of fell out of my mouth. "Actually, I kind of like guys." As soon as I said it I regretted it and said in a way to cover, I mean, I like to compare with other guys." I think he saw the lie and said "well, this guy would love to touch and play with it. It is amazing!" I suddenly felt a burst of relief. Had he just said he liked guys too? It was like a dream, Christmas morning, when I was a little kid! I so wanted to touch him too and just reached out and touched his cock which was getting hard too.

"Can I touch you before you shower? Of course, if you don't want to I will stop."

"No, no, it feels really good. I haven't had anyone touch it for awhile and your hands feels so good." I was beginning to melt. I turned and shut down the water as he lead me out of the bathroom toward his bed. He still had clothes on but kicked off his basketball shorts. I was naked. We sat down on the edge of the bed and just continued to play with my cock and then he discovered my large balls and touched them too. His cock was now hard too and it looked like some precum was coming out of his dick as it was mine.

"Has any other guy touched you before?" he whispered. I didn't know what to say but nodded a yes. Looking at me as if to ask, I replied my brother and I have played a bit, before he went to college and there is a guy at school who offered to blow me once. I started to let him but heard noises in the lavatory and quickly ended it. He only sucked on the tip." I didn't tell him I actually let the guy do it while doing homework one time at his house. He was a swimmer like me and I figured out before, he was gay. I wanted to experiment. I longed to do it again but as my dick was so big already, and his was kind of small, he seemed to lose interest but I'm sure he was the one who told so many others that my large dick became almost legend!

Marco just gently touched my cock and balls. I looked at him and his dreamy eyes. I could hardly stand it anymore and then, without warning, I bent down and just buried my faced in his hairy pubes. He let out a moan of pure happiness. He looked at me as I buried my face in his pubes. They smelled a little as neither of us had showered since early in the morning. But the taste, oh man, the taste, it was all manly with a slight taste of maybe pee but the sweet nectar of his precum intoxicated me and I no longer cared if our whole team watched as I licked and nibbled on his manhood. My huge dick just kind of hung there. He really couldn't reach it. I took my hand and gently pushed him back so he laid on the bed and then moved in such a way as to totally swallow him and suck him. I then moved off his dick back to his balls and even lower. I wanted to taste his nuts and his hole. I was so aroused now that I knew I was leaking. He lifted his legs a bit which allowed me to move further down . I put my hands on his butt and felt the hairs of this man god I so long had wanted to touch in all these places. He leaned back further and my mouth just roamed over him and eventually found his crack and moved in. He continued to moan and I knew he was loving my attention. I pushed harder and found his hole. I felt the hairs around his pink little hole and just pushed ahead until I felt my tongue enter him. He protested a little saying he wasn't clean but I didn't care. I wanted to eat his hole and make him feel like he was man to worship. Once inside, his moans grew but he said no more and I tasted the tangy hole and could smell his maleness. I licked each hair, not even concerning my self if he had any shit in there. I wanted it and I wanted to have him become my master. I savored every bit of his hole and spread it open more.

Eventually, he pulled me back up and kissed me not caring if my mouth tasted like his ass. I didn't care either. I was full of passion not even sure if I was breathing.

He put his arms around me and again played with my cock now pusing me on the bed and him climbing on top just enough that he could lick my cock, the precum, my balls and then lower. He opened my tight hole with his mouth and tongue and went in moaning.

I knew I was coming and I saw his dripping cock and he moved quickly to turn around so we were 69ing. I moaned that I was cumming and he just licked and sucked harder until I stiffened as he did and we both shot our loads in one another's mouths. I know I never came so hard. He turned back again and pulled me into such a tight hold > Marco is taller than me in addition to having a more developed body. Still, both of us were thin but his chest was more developed. I sensed my opportunity and buried my face into his pits whre I began to lick his pit smell and wetness. "Baby, I smell." He moaned but I just renewed my efforst sucking the hairs of his pit bush and feeling the softness of the hairs. I loved it. I guess I was one horny and raunchy kid as I licked and made him moan more Our spent dripping cocks rubbed together. I moved to service his other pit and he licked my chest and nipples as I moved. After awhile, we both, exhausted began to back off and he held me whispering he never wanted to move away from this position. I nodded my head, not able to speak into his hairy left pit

Eventaully, maybe a half hour later, moved so I could see him. He was smiling at me and I smiled back. "I neve had such a good time ever." He moaned. I agreed and told him I wanted to eat him all day. He said I shouldn't as he was clean but I told him I didn't care. He suggested that we shower and then maybe get back into bed. I put up one finger telling him to be patient and slid down to the floor and began to lick his toes and feet. There were a couple of hairs on his toes which I savored and said I wanted to smell of his body. He sttod up and I licked and then moved my tongue up his hairy legs and gave him multiple kisses on his knees his thighs, his cock and balls and then back into his hairy hole. Smiling at me, he pulled me up and said if I continued, he would cum again. I want us to wash one another in the shower first he said.

I got up and he hugged me tighter than anyone had ever done before.

"I so hoped you might be into otherboys. I kind of thought you might be but couldn't be sure. You said you fucked a girl and ate a pussy or two. I want to eat your pussy more and maybe even fuck you and have that huge dick fuck me too. Don't know if I can take it but your tongue opened me so much , I bet I can." He laughed. He kissed me again and gently led me to the shower where we got in together. I was glad he finally saw my dick and I no longer cared who did. I would walk down the center of a street naked for him and do anything.

We showered and he told me he wanted to be clean for me. We did the best we could with out butt holes but I told him I didn't care if he didn't. He bent over and kissedmy ass and hole and said even if I had shit in there, he would suck it and lick it as it was me. My heart raced thinking about all he did and said.

We went naked and laid together. He held me and kept kissing me as I did him. He got a tear in his eye and I asked what was wrong.

"I knew I was gay awhile ago," he said. I will tell ou, but I have so secretive because I got into trouble about having sex with a boy while in Catholic School My parents made me go which is why I went to our school now, in my senior year. I hated it at first and decided I would just get done. My father wouldn't let me see the boy anymore and has made me work and is very strict with me. He took my phone for awhile until my Momma made him give it back as she couldn't reach me. You know, the boy we saw in the fast food restaurant? He was the boy and he ratted me out to the school and my other friends. He made it sound like I raped him but really he raped me and I was just returning the favor. I haven't really trusted anyone until I met you. You were so nice not to ask me much and gradually just encouraged me to try stuff. I really respected you and liked you as well. Since working with me, I have fallen in love with you and so hope you might be into guys. I asked coach special, if he would let us room together. I wanted to see your cock. I knew it was big but had to se all of it. I'm sorry if this is so corny and that I invaded your privacy by bursting into the bathroom before, but I couldn't take it anymore. I just had to check you out totally and pray that you might want to check me out too! I hope I'm not to hairy for you or too small in the cock department. I'm only 7 inches. You must be at least a foot!" He went on talking like a runaay freight train, almost sounding like a little boy as he poured his heart out. I listened and then smiled at him, kissed him and simply said, "you're perfect. I want to be your boy, if you'll have me and try to work out whatever issues we both have, together."

He looked at me, with his beautiful big dark eyes an smiled. He then kissed me hard and I kissed him back. "You can touch me anyway you want and yes, I want that fat cock inside me. I promise if you let me fuck you, I won't hurt you. If it too much, it can be just a? a toy if you want as long as you let me cum sometimes. And no, you don't have too much hair. I won't let you trim it off. If we trim it, it will be together and it won't be much. I love a hairy boy and want you to always let me lick you, even if your pits are sweaty." We both laughed and laid on the bed. I knew we would do more stuff that night. I was the happiest boy ever and never wanted our night at the motel to end.

Smiling a beaming smile, Marco helped me up and led me to the shower by my cock. He said he couldn't get enough of it and just wanted to touch it. I didn't mind . We washed one another carefully. I was on my needs cleaning his pubes and his nice fat cock. I never really spent any time looking at an uncut cock before. I just wanted to put the foreskin in my mouth and chew on it or suck it. He allowed me to explore his masculine body and I admired his beginning six pack and nice body curves. I washed his feet after I licked them again. He said he thought his feet were gros but I told him they were beautiful and manly. He shrugged and said he liked mine better.

After we were done, we put on swimwear and went to the pool. I chose my swim team speedo and he put on some nice short swim trunks as he had no speedo. I decided boldly that I no longer careed if other guys again saw my big dick. Marco was fascinated with it and I wanted others, for the first time ever, to admire it too.

We joined our friends in the pool and played and splashed and dunked one another. Marco seemed to keep very close to me but was more open and chatty than usual. The other guys seemed to notice but said nothing. A few guys, Jason and Rick, saw me adjusting myself and commented about my dick size. "Holy shit!" Rick said when he saw it straining under the tight fabric. I was pretty noticeable and I almost got nervous and shy again but I didn't just smiling at the two. Later, Rick asked me how big it was. I told them it was about 10 or so inches and it was also obvious it was thick with a big head. He said he was now getting envious of me. He said any girl in school would spread her legs for that thing. He felt he was kind of small having just the usual 6 or so inches. I just smiled and said thanks but I noted they both looked at my crotch a lot, when I sat on the pool edge kicking my feet. I think I was getting so bold that if asked, I might have shown it to them!

Once playing grab ass which Rick and Jason initiated, my suit actually did get pulled down and I felt some fingers touch it. I was sure if it was Marco or the others, but I didn't care. I knew 'my man' was going to get to play with it later and any others, well let 'em see it and play too.

We finished in the pool and decided we would go back to our rooms. As we walked back and got on the elevator, Marco waited until the others had gone and then pulled down my speedo so he could touch me. Damn, it felt so good. No girl ever got me this way and I was willing to let Marco do anything he wanted. I was in bliss.

Next: Chapter 4

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