Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Oct 28, 2016


this is a fictional story. None of these people actually exist. It is the property of the author. Send comments to Please make a generous contribution to Nifty to keep this site alive. Thanks! rob

After College Ch 10

So, my life started a new chapter with this boy who was just 17. Marco seemed to have got him for me as a gift. Someone for me to play with and also be our houseboy.

We all slept together. The kid, Colton Reeves, was from some hick town out of state who ran away. I didn't know many details but basically we knew he had been packing by his folks and he ended up with our favorite waiter, Sean. Having him around 24/7 was more than Sean wanted so he kind of sold him to us. The kid had no real choice and no real options, so with nothing but a very small swimsuit on, he came home with us. He seemed a bit frightened to be brought too our house but I guess anyplace is better than being left on the street. We assured him he would be fed and have a place to live in exchange for his houseboy services.

In the morning, He awoke as I was eating out my man. He kind of moved around to watch. When Marco awoke, Marco suggested that as he was my boy, he should honor me the same way. With only a bit of reluctance, he moved in behind me and licked my gaping hole and the prolapse that appeared. I don't know if he liked it but he seemed like the kind of kid who always did what he was told. He had sucked enough cocks when he briefly worked as a busboy with Sean at the gay restaurant/club we visited often

I moaned a bit as he hit a few great spots. When I drank Marco's morning piss, he looked a bit shocked . I told him he would get used to it just like I did. He nodded but didn't ask if he could drink mine. When finished, I told him to come with me and he did as I needed to make Marco's first cup of strong coffee. He was attentive and tried to help but as he didn't know where anything was, he mostly watched.

Marco showered and appeared naked in the kitchen. He asked if we cleaned out. I said no not yet but was about to. I took Colton by the arm and took him outside to my piss spot. Marco followed. He told Colton that as he was the master of the house, his rules were not to be challenged. He said although I was his spouse, he felt that white guys were in effect inferior to Latin's who were real men. He explained that only a few white guys like my older brother Adam were equal to him. Lesser white boys even , pretty ones like me, were to do their business outdoors. Plus, he said he liked the view of my low hangers swinging as I sprayed piss all over. He said as Colton was lower on the pole than I was, he would do the same. Colton looked shocked but didn't dare offend so he got on all fours and pissed with me. He tried to shit but couldn't . I told him later he was to train himself to shit around this time daily. Marco enjoyed out little show and he had him hold the hose to wash me out and then I did him. That brought on the dump and he got back on all fours like me and shit out a few turds and we had to rewash his cunt. He was shaking due to the cold water but said he felt real clean after. We wiped each other off with a towel Marco tossed over. He went in hard as a rock. I told Colton I wanted him to suck off Marco as he ate without any prompting. I told him he could eat his real breakfast after. He smiled at me and said maybe that would be enough as he didn't want to impose. I laughed at him and said although Marco made lots of cum, I doubted it would fill him totally.

Marco appeared in the kitchen after shaving. Thankfully he was still naked . I had him sit and served the scrambled eggs , bacon and toast and refilled his coffee cup. I grabbed mine too and nodded to Colton to get to work. He dropped to his knees and went under the table and almost startled Marco. I just smiled and Colton took him heavy 9 inches and put it in his mouth. Marco looked at me and smiled . He moaned some and I sensed Colton was doing a good job. I looked down and saw his hairy legs and huge feet and wanted to stop eating and get down and lick those. I couldn't see his ass but knew it had a fair amount of hair between his cheeks. I refrained myself saying I had all day. I sensed Marco cumming and he let lot a little shout as he unloaded into the boy under the table.

"Damn, that was nice. Did you plan that baby?" I nodded as Colton slid out . I saw he had a bit of cum running down his chin so I quickly wiped it up with my finger and ate it. Colton had a raging hardon so I told him to stand and milk himself. "This may be the last time I let you touch yourself so make a big load and put it in this glass. He stood and looked red as a beet. Marco nodded and he did as he was told. He came in just a minute or so and made a nice deposit in the glass. I sampled it and damn it was sweet. Ah, young boy cum! Marco poured a little of it, actually a lot of it in his coffee and drank it saying how good it was. It had been some time since I did that for him although in that case, he milked me as he sometimes did to show how much I made. Marco hugged and kissed me feeling my open pussy before he said he had to go for his practice. "Today, you stay home and start to get Colton ready to do stuff around here. You know he is your boy and I expect him to please you as well as me. You might start with shaving off some of the hair. No point he should have what you don't have. Just keep him looking like a boy and oh, by the way, put on a bigger weight. I want to stretch him some more. "

With that, Marco gave Colton a little squeeze and headed out after he got dressed and put some running shoes on.

We cleaned up the kitchen. I think Colton was a little intimidated but he watched and learned as quick as he could. I just like seeing his nice balls swing and his cock swing with them.

We went and sat down in the living room. Colton didn't seem too sure about where to sit so I told him when it was just us, we could sit on the couches. When Marco was around, we should show our respect for him by kneeling on the floor near him. He seemed to get that.

"So, what you're showing me is that we are kind of both like Marco's boys. We do everything he says and show lots of respect." I told him that was true. I asked him about his previous life. He said he grew up in Georgia living with a real domineering father and very passive mother. He was an only child but had a few cousins. They had a small farm just outside of a town. He didn't have much and his father was a tough disciplinarian, spanking him on his bare butt much of his life. He had few friends. He wasn't allowed to have friends actually. Just go to school and work around the small farm. He did meet a few other boys but as he was a bit clumsy, he got beaten a lot a most boys didn't want him around to play sports. He had little time for that. He did get kind of close to one boy and he was very attracted to him. He even snuck over to the boy's house a few times and that's where he learned the boy really wanted him around just to suck him off. He didn't mind as it was with a boy he wanted to like him so he was willing to do anything. Apparently, the boy outed him though and word got around that he was a cock sucker. He just did it to get the boy to like him but the kid used him. When word got out of what he had done, it was all over school and needless to say, word got back to his folks who sent him off to be live with an uncle who was into some strange religion. It sounded more like something where boys were forced to have sex with the men supposedly to make them scared into being straight. The uncle even fucked him always followed by a beating.

He finally got his chance to run and hitched his way to Florida letting men use him as a means of payment for the rides he got. He found he actually didn't mind sucking cock but some of the other stuff he had to do was less appealing. He roamed around until he met Sean who took him in, of course raped him and then promised to get him a job. With is rather large feet, he was still clumsy and didn't do well and was moved to help in the little restaurant. He had to give most of what he got paid, to Sean for room and board. Sean was quite the sex toy and in addition to being a waiter, did rent boy stuff on the side.. Sean found him to be around too much as he had no where else to go and that brought him to us finding him and taking him in.

As he talked it was revealed he wasn't really 17 but 16 going on 17. Damn. He was a minor. His cut slim body revealed his age some. Like most teen boys, he was slender, but his feet, hands and cock grew rapidly as did his nose. Teen boys often have noses that develop before the rest of their faces. He fit that profile.

I hugged him and told him all would be ok but he had to do what he was told. He was agreeable. He asked if he could examine my cock and my hole up close as he never saw a boy with such a big cock before. I let him explore my body as I did his.

I taught him when allowed to sit, he must always expose his cock and balls. Nothing was to be hidden .He tried real hard and did exactly what he was told. I did say we would shave his pubes off and maybe his legs, trim his pit hair and his rather teen boy, home done haircut. He said he hated to part with his pubes as he felt that made him look older but I said he couldn't have pubes if I didn't. After all, he was my boy! I let him lay on the couch as I explored him thoroughly. He didn't know why I liked his feet which he thought were ugly. I told him they were big, and sexy and he needed to learn that many guys would like to suck his toes. I gave him a good suck and he was so excited after he got over the ticklish feeling and said it made him hard. He let out some big shots of cum that covered us both. I told him I wantedto lick some but he had to lick it off me. He was a little reluctant but by the time he finished, he was enjoying it. I explained that he was eventually going to earn to um only by getting fucked or being milked. I told him, like me, he was no longer allowed to touch himself. "That remains the choice of your master, if you cum or don't. He seemed not to like that but I said it was a house rule and I hadn't touched my cock in a long time. Yes, Marco married me but by doing so, I gave up myself to him and not he controlled everything about me. He would be the same."

We laid on the couch and I played with his toes and said I liked that his feet sweat some and I liked the taste. He thought that was strange.

It suddenly occurred to me that this boy was a minor and Marco and I had essentially enslaved him. I asked if he was ok with that. He thought a bit and said he didn't mind giving himself to us. I explained that like me, he was considered property. He had to think long and hard before he said it was the best he flet in a long time. He asked if he would get pierced like me and I said it was almost certain he would. He asked whether it hurt a lot and I told him it was a bitch at first but eventually I didn't mind and it essentially part of my life and if he chose to stay with us, it would be his too. He eventually nodded agreement and asked if I would help him through it. I assured him I would. He smiled at me and said it was worth giving up his former life which was not easy to be one of Marco's sex toys.

It was time to shave him and although he didn't want that to happen, he said he guessed he had no choice. I shaved his pubes first as I said it would make him more boyish and maybe even feminine. I shaved most of the hair off his legs and trimmed his pits a bit and shaved his ass cheeks. I told him Marco would be proud. He smiled at me until I showed him a small dildo which I told him would be inserted up his hole. He winched . I ate him out first making him moan with pleasure. He said no one had ever done that to him. We left a considerable amount of hair in his ass crack and around his hole. He asked if Marco would like that and I told him Marco loved a hairy pussy as it reminded him of girls from his native Colombia. He thought that strange but agreed. I told him his butt hole would now always be considred his boypussy. I lubed up the dildo real good and slowly slid it in him. He said it felt strange . I laughed as he tried to walk and it made him a little bowlegged. I then showed him the dildo I wore and he was shocked. It was huge and I told him once I got a real boy pussy, it was kind of needed as it kept ass fluids and sometimes, shit, from escaping. I also explained that he would have to wash it out real good every morning as we had done earlier.

About that time, I heard bare feet on the floor and I looked up to see our neighbor Lucas. I introduced the two boys . Colton was a little embarrassed by being naked but I told him to get used to it. Even with company, I was rarely allowed any covering and now it felt just normal. I explained that even when my family came over, Marco insisted I be naked and not even hide my extended rose bud hole from them. "You'll eventually get a pussy like mine and I hope be proud of it. " He didn't look real sure. I told Colton Lucas was his first free man visitor an he should do exactly like I did and welcome him properly. I dropped to my knees and kissed his bare feet and licked his toes before kissing his now exposed dick . I told him sometimes I would lick his ass as well if he turned around which meant he wanted to be eaten. " I do this for all men that Marco brings home. It is his way of having me show respect and my place in the home. Even though we are married, women, and he considers me as one, always must show respect to her husband's visitors" He still seemed a bit in disbelief. I had Colton get down and let Lucas feel him all over and then honor Lucas, even though he was younger than Colton.

I kind of was surprised that he did it. Lucas told him to suck his cock and he did until Lucas held his head tight and shot of a large load in his mouth. Then Lucas pulled him up and kissed him.

Lucas made a little fun of his skinny body and huge feet. I think Colton was not only embarrassed but hurt but I explained that when a man comes in, he can do or say whatever he likes. Just remember that Marco chose you and you are his boy so that should be enough to overcome anything else. Colton nodded and let Lucas play with his body.

Colton said his balls were hurting from the weights and I explained that he would get used to it. It is a sign of respect to your master that you endure some pain. Just like when he pierces you, it is a way of showing his dominance but also his love for you. I think he slowly got the idea.

I got Lucas some juice to drink. I didn't offer any to Colton and didn't have any myself. I asked Lucas is he had to piss. I now enjoyed his piss almost as much as Marco's. He said he did and I had Colton get down, take Lucas' cock in his lips and drink it all. I was grateful that half way through, he stopped and let me finish him off..

Lucas eventually had Colton lie down and he pulled out the dildo and fucked him. It was gentle fuck but Colton winced a little at entry He eventually fucked him hard and I saw Colton's dick get hard and his balls pull up. I asked Lucas if he was going to let Colton cum. He said maybe later. I was kind of glad as it taught Colton that his cumming was strictly the decision of the man who fucked him. He wasn't happy but didn't protest. He walked around the rest of the morning with a hard on. Eventually, Lucas milked him and he came in a plate. All of us licked it up and Lucas said it tasted pretty good. He said he hoped Colton eventually would get a pussy like mine as I had the best cunt he ever fucked. Colton was still fairly tight. We then chatted until the pizza that I ordered for us came. I had Colton go to the door, beet red with embarrassment to get it. Our usual guy came and I had Colton do the usual welcome for him He was surprised we had another boy but found that Colton did a fine job on his smelly feet and pits. The four of us ate the pizza after I asked the delivery boy to cum on it adding his own special sauce. Damn it was good. Colton even volunteered to lick his cock clean after he came. I knew we were making progress.

We laid around mostly that afternoon. Lucas suggested we all get some sun and I knew Colton needed to tan so we sat by the pool. I should say Lucas and the pizza boy did while Colton and I drank their piss, got them drinks and needless to say, had our pussies stretched. In spite of it all, Colton did get some tan and I decided he should do that daily.

We finally wrapped up. Lucas did some yard work, his original reason for coming over and the pizza boy left. I made Colton keep the jizz in his hole but as some leaked out, I put in a bigger dildo. I was proud of my boy!

Marco came home from practice and I showed him off. Colton wondered if I told Marco what we did so right in front of Colton, I told Marco everything we did. He smiled and said I was training the boy well. He took him into our room and pulled out the plug. I said he was already lubed with cum and that made Marco happy as he plowed right in. His thick cock pushed out much of the cream but he deposited more. I inspected him after licking up the remains and noticed he was swelled up some. Yep, he was going to be just like me eventually. Marco had him eat me and he drank my piss. Marco had us both shower with him and he relubed us after a good clean out. He then told me that I should schedule an appointment with the piercing guy. He wanted Colton to get a ring like mine as well as one in his perineum . I agreed and told him I would comfort him while he got it done. "Tell the guy that there is to be no painkillers issued. He needs to learn that to be my boy, or your boy actually, he needs to experience some pain. We will comfort him later and you can help him keep the wound clean. "

Colton was nervous but I knew Marco would be upset if it didn't happen. He suggested that we go to eat dinner and laid out clothes for both of us. The outfits suggested we were going to the little gay restaurant. I called and talked to Sean who of course, made sure we had our usual table.

I was happy not to cook even though I was getting real good at it and even could prepare Colombian recipes just like Marco's mom made. He was real proud of me! But, that night we went to the restaurant to show off my boy to Sean and see what we were making him into. As we dressed, which took all of a few minutes, Colton said he was glad I was with him or he would be scared. I said no need. Marco always took care of us and nothing would be really bad. I knew that a few ays after the pirecing, he would meet my brothers and maybe even my family. Marco told me I was to invite his mom and my parents over for dinner. To show off our new boy who might become his adopted son. Wow, something to look forward to!

Next: Chapter 28: After College 11

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