Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Oct 18, 2016


Tom and Marco -- Ch 9

This is a gay fictional story. Don't read if illegal where you live You must be at least 18 to proceed. Any comments should be sent to me at

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I really liked being a whore. I often thought of how I, as a kind of bookworm, not real popular due to my shyness, high school boy had thoughts about boy on boy sex but didn't have the courage to do anything. It wasn't until I met Marco and finally let myself go, that I became such a whore. Now, my world revolved around pleasing my man, Marco, and anyone or anything that Marco asked. I was kind of glad that Marco didn't want me to work in the soccer team office anymore. Hell, with the guys from the team that Marco allowed to use me, I was getting plenty of action.

I was just waking up from my thoughts and realized after looking at the clock, that Marco would need to get up soon to begin his day. He was still doing therapy with the team doctor but usually went to practice after that even if he didn't actually play. He was walking pretty good now and my massages helped him. I was glad I was so helpful to his needs.

I pulled myself out of his hairy pit where my face was buried all night savoring his sweat and the tangy taste of the hairs. I think I even had a few hairs in my mouth but it didn't matter. I did my daily ritual of crawling down between his hairy legs gently spreading his legs enough for me to get my face into his musky, hairy hole. Gawd, he was such a man. His legs were strong and thick. I gently licked his manly feet and thinking that mine still looked like boys feet although my soles were pretty hard from always being barefoot.. I suckled on his toes a bit and licked his soles before moving up to bury my face in his tight hole. It was so beautiful! His hole, hairy but pink and tight was vastly different than mine. Mine was stretched and puffy but with the hair around the hole the way he liked. He said it reminded him of a pussy and that is what it was. Other than that I was shaved everywhere except in my pits. His pits were hairier than mine as he insisted I keep them trimmed but he always wanted me to look like a man. My tight gold ring that sported little chains and the one in my prince albert cock ring swayed as I moved. I took my first lick. Tangy. I tasted his sweat and just the slightest taste of either farts or a shit. He did keep himself clean, but not as clean as he insisted my pussy should be. I suspected that as I hadn't douched since yesterday, that mine would smell a bit too. I would know when I removed the huge putt plug he insisted I wear, and lick it before cleaning. My huge hole always at least part way open and really open after I took out the plug for him to fuck me usually once he was awake, or even if I didn't, before I showered and did my rituals. I figured there was probably still cum up there from last night that might drip out.

I really had to wear something in my hole now as due to the extreme stretching it got, would likely leak. It was important that I kept my hole as clean as I could. It was embarrassing as I found out once that if I had loose shit, it would just run out of me. Marco thought that cute and playfully said I might need to wear diapers now. How humiliating!

Anyway, that's the way I was now and Marco was pleased. He loved to show off my huge hole. The ruined hole now allowed me to expose my insides a bit, big and red when he had me show it by bending over and pretending to shit. It just came out of my ruined pussy. If it made him happy though, I was good with it.

Anyway, I buried my face and began to tongue his hole making it moist. Occasionally he would pass gas always saying he was sorry but I now savored his farts just like everything that came out of his body. I dug my tongue deep in him tasting a few dried crumbs of shit I guess. I didn't know what I was eating. I didn't care. I was kind of glad that he no longer made me eat one of his turds as he did early in our relationship. I knew he might do that though as he got some pretty kinky ideas.

I ate until I sensed he was awake and then moved to his cock. It was not real hard so I knew I would get my first drink of the day, he glorious piss. He pissed in my mouth often and I now considered it my favorite beverage. He was always so pleased and kissed my with a lot of tongue after not caring that I tasted like a urinal. I knew he truly loved me. In high school I could never have imagined doing any of the stuff I do now and consider so normal.

The piss came and it tasted so nice. I guzzled down the hot liquid. When he was done, he moaned softly. I looked up to him smiling down at me. He gently pulled me up for a kiss. Damn, that was nice. He rolled over on top of me and slid his now hard uncut cock up my pussy. I rarely ever got lubed anymore . He said I should take him dry and that's what we did. My pussy was usually slightly wet any way. He had pulled my extra wide plug from me before and held it for my to lick clean.

Once he fucked me and dumped his load, it was time to get up. He had allowed me to cum. Generally, the only way I came anymore was if he milked me or fucked the cum out of me. I was never allowed to insert my cock in anything. Actually, other than to wash it, I was never allowed to tough myself. He said my huge 12 inch cock was just a show piece.

I climbed out of bed after another few kisses. I went directly to the kitchen to brew his strong Colombian coffee before I could clean myself out so naturally I dripped as I went to the kitchen, as he always made huge loads of cum in me. Once the coffee was on, I quickly went out to my waste station to piss and have a shit if absolutely necessary. He liked me to wait until he could watch me do my business kind of like a dog, on all fours as he sipped his coffee. He said he turned him on to see me like that. Due to the large ring in my dick, I didn't piss like a guy anymore, standing up. I had to sit but if I was outside, it didn't matter where the spray went. He gave me a laxative daily to make sure I cleaned. I kind of liked pissing outdoors. It made me feel very sexual and almost like an animal. I know it was debasing for me but, like I said, I didn't care. I was even doing that now when we went out. Even at a bar, I would generally go out back to piss. Other guys liked watching me spray everywhere. It occurred to me that I hadn't pissed or shit in a toilet in sometime. When we visited my folks, they had seen everything and I didn't mind if others saw me. Adam liked it and Kurt was made to do it too. I wondered what went through his head as he was getting as debased as me all to gain favor from his former slave and now master, Robert

I took the hose and washed out my hole and then showered outdoors. As I finished and was reinserting my huge plug, Lucas came up and whistled. He thought me quite a piece of meat and when allowed by Marco, did use me. Marco always made me show respect to true men, and Lucas was considered by Marco as a true man although only just turned 17. My ritual with men was to kiss their feet and then kiss then cocks. Lucas liked to be eaten so in his case, I just licked his rosebud hole and sometimes wished mine was so tight. He always kissed me on the mouth after and then led me around by my cock. He liked that.

Lucas kissed me after I licked his sweaty hole. He had done a few chores around our house as Maroc had hired him to be our lawn keeper and general handyman. Lucas really liked it and as he worked naked which he loved, Marco paid his probably too much. For a high school boy still playing soccer, he was doing well. His parents left him alone a lot as they often traveled and he didn't want to go along. I suspect they were just as happy that way and he certainly was happy to have my pussy to fuck whenever he wanted and do pretty much anything he chose. He sometimes had girls over when his folks were away but he said sometimes they were more trouble than having a fag boy he could do anything with or to. Think he might be at least bisexual but the girls kept up his image with his buds.

Marco appeared at the door as I licked his sweaty hole. I knew he would leave soon as school awaited but getting his load off every morning with me was now a routine. Marco had his dark Colombian coffee. He was all smiles and even handed me a cup as we came in. Marco's fingers were on my butt right away. I knew he wanted his whole hand up there but maybe he'd wait until I made him breakfast. He liked to fist me and I liked his big hand moving around in my insides which he said were always so warm and inviting. I had to be clean though and he knew I was. Damn that cold water from the hose was nasty today as I flushed out any shit and cum left in me.

As I prepared breakfast for the three of us, Marco asked me if I wanted to join him at the gym. I could do my running on the tread mill and do squats and pull ups there also. I was always glad to be in his company in spite of the fact that I had to be dressed in very little. He didn't care and neither did the other team mates who had all seen me naked many times and done much more with me than look.

I naturally agreed and said I would go right after breakfast which he agreed to. Before he left for school, I licked up any sweat in Lucas's pits and on his nice young body. He simply dressed in shorts and running shoes or flip flops and took his shirt with him. He liked being admired by many girls and guys as he drove himself to school .

On our way to the gym, Marco said we were having lunch at the now favorite spot that catered to gay guys. They had added a private room where our favorite waiter, Sean worked along with a bus boy or two who worked naked. It was private for preferred guests and Marco was certainly one of those.

I was happy not to have to make lunch. I worked out wearing just some very short running shorts and a pair of running shoes Marco allowed me to wear when running or working out. We even went that way, although he wore regular shorts, running shoes and a tank top.

Once our workout was done and he was seen by the team doctor who pronounced that he could begin regular practice again the next week, we left for the little restaurant. We entered through a special entrance and Sean and one of the busboys greeted us.

I think Sean really wanted Marco for a boyfriend. He always fawned over him and would almost throw himself at Marco. Marco pointed out that he liked Sean but that he was married and would have sex with him as long as I was present. I never would question Marco about it as he in effect, owned me and he did what he wanted for himself and me. I made no decisions so if Marco wanted to fuck Sean, I had no say in the matter but would feel hurt.

Marco took us to our table away from the other four tables. There was one other couple and the Hispanic busboy was serving them and being kind of a waiter as well as kneeling at the two guys feet and licking their now barefeet as they ate. It made me horny. Sean seated us and as usual took off my shorts before he placed a napkin on my lat being sure to get a good feel of my huge dick. I think he was envious of it. Some days, I wish I could give it to him as its super long length and width sometimes got to be a bit much for me. He introduced the new busboy as Colton Reeves. The boy was kind of cute and tall and thin. He did have a little definition but nothing like ours or Sean's. We learned later that he was kicked out of his home somewhere out of state and he hitched his way to Florida to find a better life. He apparently was suspected or maybe it was proven that he was gay and had no where to go. Somehow, he met Sean and had agreed to sell his body. I'm sure Sean sampled his wares and wanted to put him in the club as maybe a sexy dancer but he was kind of bad at dancing. Sean let him stay with him and put him to work as a busboy in this side of the restaurant. I think he was shocked when he learned he would work naked all the time except for a bow tie and some weights attached to his nads. He apparently did it as he no other offers or choices. Sean had cleaned him up a bit but let him retain his pubes and body hair. I guess Sean found his style cramped a little with the guy in his apartment so he wanted to find him someplace else to go. His earnings were mainly what the waiters shared with him from tips (usually big) but he got little and had no money for much and certainly not enough to house himself. So, whether he liked it or not, he was a naked busboy.

I eyed him and he certainly eyed me once Sean pulled off my shorts. He got us waters while we ordered and then was told by Sean to get under the table and suck us both off. That was just part of his job. He actually wasn't too bad as a cocksucker but whispered to me that he couldn't take all of my cock. I was content with just the licking of my nob and my huge balls. It was almost funny seeing his head bobbing up and down under my napkin. Once he got me off, he moved to Marco who he could better deep throat. Sean had taught him well. I noticed his hairy legs, pits and ass. Sean whispered to Marco that he didn't shave him all off as he knew Marco liked boys with hair. I liked his huge feet that were probably at least size 11 or 12 and thin and a bit boney. I know many guys would prefer smoother but I thought it helped his masculinity. He smelled clean and I wanted to taste his hole but I couldn't do that in a restaurant.

Sean did a fine job of waiting on us. The Hispanic boy came over after the table he was serving, left and did the work that our boy, Colton was supposed to do. Colton stayed on the floor licking happily even trying to get to my taint and maybe my hole. Later when he saw it and how distended I was, he was shocked as his hole was still pretty tight. He seemed fascinated with my body. I felt a little freakish but being with Marco who held my hand and stroked my leg as we ate, made me not worry what young Colton thought. After sucking and licking us both, Sean said we may have to urinate. He told Colton to wrap his lips around each of our cocks in turn and drink it. I doubted he liked it but did it without missing a drop.

As we finished. Marco and Sean went off to the side of the room and talked. Marco was reacting with a smile as Sean spoke to him . I had no idea what they hatted about but was soon to learn.

When they came back, Colton was licking my shoes and actually had one off and licked my feet and toes. Damn it felt so nice I was almost in dreamland. Marco came up and kissed me and said he had a surprise. I hoped it wasn't more piercings later but he asked me how I liked Colton's mouth on me? I said it was great and appreciated the lunch and entertainment. He said that was good as he made a deal with Sean. Apparently, Sean had more or less sold him to Marco as a toy for me. I looked shocked and said how could he buy a boy. He replied that Sean didn't want him around really and as the kid had no where to go, he agreed to take him home with us. He had little of any possessions and what he had didn't matter nor did it matter what he thought. He would be our boy and a gift for me. I asked what he was to do. Marco said it was entirely up to me and I could fuck him, make love to him, play with him or any damn thing I wanted. I looked shocked I guess as who would think in this day and age we could own a boy. Sean called him out from under the table and told him to remove his tie. Colton looked worried and said he was sorry for anything he did and would do better. He didn't want to be let go. Sean explained that he had a new role. He was going to go with us and stay with us. Colton got tears in his eyes and looked worried. He had nothing. Sean said that he would be our boy and we would feed him and give him a place to live at least for now. He needed his space back in his apartment and this seemed like a good solution.

Marco handed Sean a wad of bills and told Colton to put on some pants. Sean got a small very tight swimsuit and said that was all he had around. Colton protested a bit saying he had jeans and a tee he could wear. Sean just shook his head no and said he was to go with us with either the swimsuit or nothing. He took the swimsuit which barley fit, especially with the ball weights Sean didn't remove. I'm sure he was in a panic having to leave as he was with two strangers that all he knew was their cock and balls really. With that, we left for home. Damn, I didn't even get dessert. Sean bid us a good day and with Colton in tow, we headed for the car. I admired his skinny body and his huge feet. I put on my own shoes and we were off.

Marco explained to him on the way, that he would be staying with us for awhile. He was to report to me and do anything I asked of him. He nodded a kind of wide eyed yes. I saw tears in his eyes as he was being sent away with two strangers albeit handsome ones. He sat in the back. And answered our questions. We didn't have many but did establish that he wasn't even 18. He was seventeen but had lied to get a job.

When we got home, Marco told him to take off the swimsuit. "We are basically nudists around home", Marco said as he and I both took off our clothes. We all stood looking around at one another. Colton's long, nice cock gently swayed as I shoed him around. He said he had never been in such a nice home. He apparently came from very meager means. Feeling his anxiety, I hugged him making him feel a bit better. I suggested maybe he would like to take a nap. He agreed and followed us to our room where he was told he would sleep with us for now. He accepted that and said he had to sleep with Sean as he had only one bed in his little apartment. I told him he would be naked most of the time and he nodded. He didn't say much but saw over the next few hours, that he relaxed a bit.

When we awoke, Marco was making love to me and licking my pussy. Colton was startled but intrigued as he saw the large cunt I had. Marco suggested that as he was my boy, he should lick my pussy too. He informed him that he was to kiss it everyday. I don't know what Colton thought but he again said yes he would. That boy had a real nice tongue on him and I think he would have licked it al night if I let him. He was fearful but I knew he was into boy on boy sex

So began our days with me as a wife. Marco as my master and spouse and skinny Colton as our houseboy. The best thing was that Marco said he wanted me to focus my attention on making Colton a good houseboy and I wouldn't be doing any movie for now. How much better could life get?

Next: Chapter 27: After College 10

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