Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Sep 14, 2016


This is a fictional tale. No real people. Do not read if illegal where you are. Send comments to

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I was lying on the couch waiting for Marco to get home, looking at the hot pictures we had from our wedding. I especially liked the one of us where I am on my knees, against his muscular legs with my face only inches from his cock, being the obedient little wife and whore that I am. His face shows pride and mine shows humility and worshipping. My mouth is only an inch from his hanging cock and I am being totally obedient. Hot. I knew we would want to frame that picture for our wall along with a few others of Adam and Tim in similar poses. I wasn't sure I would want the one where I was kissing my dad's cock and kissing my mother's cunt to be framed. Or even displayed. I liked them all though and it showed my obedience to my man, my husband, my master. My huge long cock just hanging there with the worthless large ring in the tip very pronounced. It was bigger but ever so worthless as Marco said now that we were married, I would not likely ever fuck again. The only disturbing thing which Marco had commented on, was the large ring at the base of my cock slipped some. He said we were going to replace that for one that went around my balls. At the top or base. The weight I still wore was not as visibile but it still showed. It wasn't as heavy as the previous one but it still showed. I also liked the ring of flowers that we both wore on our heads.

As I was just lying there watching my cock get hard, ( I never was allowed to touch it nor my balls exept for shaving which I didn't usually do. Marco said it belonged to him only .

Due to the spray it made when I pissed, we had agreed that most of my peeing would now be outdoors where I also shit. I wasn't crazy about the idea but it made Marco happy to see it happening and it was demeaning for me. If it made Marco happy though, I was good with it.

I admired the small ring I wore now on my right hand. It was my wedding ring. Marco wore a much bigger ring on his left ring finger. It was his way of telling all we were married but he really wanted to get the ring around the top of my cock replaced and said he had found that the jeweler had a great Idea for one. He hadn't shown my the picture yet.

I watched my cock inflate wishing I was allowed to touch it but even with Marco away, I wouldn't betray his orders. The phone rang which kind of surprised me so I jumped up and went to answer. I was hoping it was Marco telling me he was coming home. I needed his cock in my wet pussy which I had cleaned out and put a small dab of lube in to make it wetter.

I answered the phone an it was the team doctor. He said Marco had puled a hamstring in his leg and he wanted me to get him. I was in a panic. I wondered if Marco would approve of me dressing to get him. I figured it would be ok. The doctor assured me that he would be okay with some therapy but he couldn't drive.

I quickly slipped on shorts and a tank top and flip flops , my only shoes other than those more routine but sexy brown lace up shoes I wore when I worked. They would look bad.

I grabbed the keys to his car as he had ridden in to the game with a teammate. Good for me as I got to drive his hot Mercedes convertible, and I rushed to the stadium to get him. I entered the complex at the players entrance and went to the locker room where I knocked and was admitted. There was my lover stretched out on a medical table. I knew he was in pain. The doctor and two of his teammates helped me get him to the car. I had been instructed to get him into bed and let him rest. He had meds in him and I could se he was groggy. The doctor said he would be by the next ay to asses and begin therapy.

They all knew we were a married gay couple. One of his teammates hugged me and promised Marco would be ok but not playing for a bit. He let his hands wander a bit and felt up my ass. He had fucked me a few times so I didn't mind. He smiled and I smiled back and took him home.

As we drove, I wondered how I would get him in the house so I called Lucas, my teen next door neighbor and Adam, my brother and asked if they could help me get him inside. They both agreed and I met the two of them at home. Lucas had played earlier that day and was so pleased that Marco, who helped him with his play, and I had attended. He was really proud that he had a pro player who helped to coach him and had been an excellent player. He had the highest regard for Marco and as Marco had hired him for some yard work, and he used our pool a lot and Marco let him fuck me sometimes, he was more than willing to come over.

As we drove up, the two guys met us and helped get Marco in the house and to our bed. The doctor had given me meds for him and some salve to rub in to ease him.

The two guys stayed a bit and we undressed Marco. I saw Lucas gt a hard on as he helped me remove Marco's jock strap. I think he would have sucked him off if he was given a chance.

They both stayed awhile and Lucas said he would let himself in the morning to help me with him. I kissed them both like a good wife should show gratitude, and they went their separate ways home.

Marco was in bed naked as he always was. I slipped out of my clothes and crawled n next to him . He was asleep so I let him rest cuddling close to him.

In the morning, I was awake early as usual and did my morning rituals of licking Marco's pits and his hole. It was difficult as I didn't want to move him but I think he awoke to the pleasure my mouth gave him. I doubted he would be able to fuck me. As I licked and sucked on his big cock he awoke smiling and called me his pinga boy. He often used that term affectionately with me saying I was so good to him. "does my babe need to be fucked?' he asked. I said I did but didn't want him to hurt. He pulled me into an embrace and suggested I ride him. I climbed on top of him ever so gently and said I would do all the work. He smiled appreciatively and allowed me to ride his nice cock until he came inside my abused hole. I gently got off of him and licked him clean and waited for his warm morning piss to fill my mouth. It was bitter as usual but I had long ago accepted that and my role as his cocksucker. As we were finishing, I heard Lucas come in. He no longer knocked as nothing we did would shock him and I had no pride to hide anything. He cam to our room, slipped of his shorts and I smiled at him wishing him a good moring. I had finished licking Marco and got off the bed and went to Lucas and kissed him on the cheek and knelt down to kiss his bare feet and then his cock. It was something we just did now. Lucs moaned in happiness. "Why not give him a reward?" Marco said and Lucas smiled at Marco as he ame in my mouth. Horny boy, always ready to shoot and then pissed in my mouth. His piss was sweeter than Marco's. He came over to the bed and asked how Marco was feeling. I said I would get breakfast and said I would bring some for Lucas too. How I spoiled that 17 year old boy. But, I was a whore and he knew it too.

As I returned with coffee, Lucas and Marco were chatting about what had happened to Marco and about Lucas's game that we had attended the day before. Lucas was so taken by Marco and the fact that we treated him so well and as an equal. I knew I would never be the equal to my men which included Lucas now, and he knew it too but he, like Marco was always so pleasant that I never minded.

I brought in breakfast and had Lucas take my spot in bed as I set down the trays. I went to clean my mouth and the droppings in my hole. I ate too after that.

The doctor called and said he would be by in a bit to see how Marco made out.

As we all chatted, Marco told me that he thought I should leave my job with the team. I was disappointed but knew Marco's will would prevail. He said he wanted me to take care of him rather than a nurse and if Lucas was willing, he could be a help too, helping to care for the house and grounds and his needs.

The doctor came and said that Marco was lucky and with some bed rest and exercise, he would be good as new in a week or so but still reminded us not to do anything to strenuous. He knew our relationship and wasn't bothered by our nakedness. I had sucked him off before even though he was married. I think we could get him to do more with us with little prompting.

Marco asked if he could go anywhere. The doctor said he could with our help and a cane, although he didn't encourage it. Marco told him that my new cock ring was ready and he wanted to go have it fitted on me. The doctor suggested we wait but Marco wouldn't have it and told him it was important for him to make my cock ring beautiful. The doctor just shook his head but gave in.

We spent the day doing Marco's bidding. Lucas went home eventually but promised to be by or on call for whatever we needed. School had started for him. So he had to run home and shower and dress for class. Alone, we chatted, I helped Marco to the bathroom and gave him his meds. I had done my usual ritual of eating Marco's beautiful hairy ass as I did everyday. I also drank his piss which tasted slightly different and not as good due to the meds but I didn't complain.

As the days went on, Marco got considerably better and I was now taking him to the gym for his speical workouts. I did mine there too if nothing more than to make Marco happy. As we left after a few hours, Marco had me drive to the tatoo piercing parlor. He said he had heard my new cock ring was ready. Inside, the guy who took care of us whenever we went had me lie on a table as he slipped of the old ring and reinstalled a new one which was secured behind my balls to prvent slipping, The band was a bit wider and stayed near the base of my huge cock. On it, hung several smaller chains that hung down along my cock. Each one had a small gold ball . When I moved, the little chains massaged my cock. It was expensive and quite beautiful. Now with my guiche, my prince albert ring through the head, and the weights, my cock was certainly well decorated. It made Marco smile and I couldn't protest it even if I hated it. I didn't though and felt that if this is what Marco wanted, I was all in. The guy added a small chain with a matching ball attached to the prince albert ring . I knew he would want my family and others to see it all. We then went to the wedding photograhpers and redid the submissive picture of me on my knees adoring looking up to Marco. My slips were just inches away from Marco's fat cock. My legs were spread so the adornments hanging from my balls were also visibile. I looked like a real whore! We even had artifical rings of garland around my head to show I was the bride. I knew Tim would get a similar thing done to his balls and around his cock as Marco and Adam loved to have us look similar. Tim was just more muscular than me. Marco wanted me to always look boyish and young.

We celebrated by going to the gay restaurant where Sean was the waiter in the private room. He came to bring us in and only one other couple of guys was seated. Sean wore just the briefest of lone cloths which really hi nothing. He also wore his usual formal bow tie. The other helpers in the room wore nothing but the tie.

Sean pulled out Marco's chair and mine. Once seated, Sean placed the napkins on our laps but on mine he also opened my pantsto allow my cock to hang loose. One of the youngwait staff helpers spent most of his time under the table licking our cock and balls. The lunch was wonderfuland very private. Marco was given his usual wine and I a glass of of Sean's piss over ice. I was used to it all and smiled and hled hands with my lover almost the whole time as the boy under the table sucked us and kissed our bare feet. Marco had left his shoes at the door and I came barefoot

When lunch was over the boy under the table reappeared, smilng his mouth full of Marco's cum. Damn, I wanted to eat that for dessert. As Sean helped us out of the chair, the helper boy licked both of our asses. Marco kissed him with lots of tongue tasting his own spunk. Thankfully, he saved some for me too . Damn he was a hot looking kid who couldn't have been more than 18. I wanted to fuck him and I knew Marco would fuck him. Me, My cock was just for show. His name we learned was Kane and he was new but had been trained by Sean. We promised to invite them both to our house where Marco promised I would be available to both. Kane helped me put on my pants and top before we left.

I was so happy and contented that I would have agreed to anything. As we drove home, Marco said that now that I wouldn't work for the team anymore, he had a better job for me. I asked him about that having assumed he wanted me just to stay home. He said that he had put alittle money into a porn film business. He explained that the next week, I would be the star of a film . He said most of the films were kind of underground and I would play the part of a college boy who was kisnapped and raped by several guys. I wasn't so sure of wanting that but what I thought no longer mattered so I didn't protest. He said I would make about $10,000 per film. I knew porn stars got more than straight porn film stars but I didn't know how much more. I was a bit shocked. He said if the film sold well, the per film rate would go up considerably. He also told me that Kurt and robert would be in the fillm but that Adam, would keep their money and manage it.

Since Kurt's all from grace, my brother had them both working in gym jobs like his but he controlled their lives. Robert had been good with it as he now had as much control in their relationship as Kurt had. I was shocked how docile Kurt had become. He was always the tough macho guy but whatever Adam had done( I really didn't want to know), had worked miracles . Kurt had to ask Robert for permission to fuck him and Robert had made demands on Kurt in their realtionship which Adam had approved. They now both sported prince albeert rings like me. Kurt no longer fucked me without Marco's permission. They also worked construction somedays for a friend of Adam's. I was still not allowed to fuck anyone as per Marco but I could request either of them to help me or even suck or eat me and they both complied.

I was a bit surprised about them both agreeing to be in the film but Marco said it was Adam's decision.

I shouldn't be surrpised as both Adam and Marco had had them both work as waiters for parties they had wearing only bow ties like Sean did. They were both hot stud boys and willingly gave up their boy cunts as I had witnessed.

Stll, I had never done porn. Yes, Many guys had fucked me including my own neighbor's kid Lucas, and some of Marco's team mates but that was different. It wasn't on film for posterity. Yet, if this is what Marco wanted, I was agreeable.

We got home to find Lucas washing the patio and pool area. He was wearing just basketball shorts. He greeted us warmly and hugged Marco and asked him how he was. Marco said he should be good to go back to playing in a week or so. As they talked, I stripped naked as was my usual thing to do. Marco always wanted me except if we went somewhere.

Lucas looked over at me and saw my new cock ring and adornments. Marco told him to check it out as he let Lucas use me . I immediately knelt down and kissed Lucas's bare feet, something that Marco expected me to do with all our guests. He moaned happily. I knew then that he would like to get sucked. Even though he worked for us as a yard boy and house boy, I still showed him respect as I had been taught. I gently slid his shorts down and saw he wore no underwear. That was usual around our place. I took his hardening cock in my hands and kissed it He got very hard., not unusual for a 17 year old. I slipped his cock in my mouth and sucked it making him moan more. I stroked his furry balls and admired his trimmed pubes wishing I still had mine. I only sucked a few minutes and he blew a load in my mouth. I looked up and smiled knowing he was happy. He pulled me up and kissed me tasting his own cum before he said I should swallow it. I did. More protein! We went inside and Marco and Lucas talked about school and his team. Marco had me sit on his lap I undid his pants letting them drop, as I sat down making sure his hard cock would go into my destroyed pussy. Damn it felt good! We talked a bit before Lucas went home for dinner and homework. I really liked that sexy boy, even if he was straight, or so he said. I figured the way he liked to use me he had to be at least bisexual and maybe even gay.

Over the next few days, I was taken by Marco to the place where my movie making debut would happen, meeting the guys who would produce the film, the guys who would appear in it with me and see the location. The plot was I was a young college student who was gay and got abducted by a group of mostly black and Latino guys who would try to sell me after they raped the shit out of me. It sounded like something I might watch but was almost afraid to appear in. The shooting started and the first few hours were nothing much, mostly me walking around near a college for establishing shots. I was eventually to be kidnapped after talking with one of the Latin guys, a real hot younger boy, who was the one who first fucked me. Damn he was hot. He spoke poor English but damn he was hung and he fucked real good. Marco told me later they found him working the streets and was very willing to appear but that he only topped. No problem for me as I only bottomed, or so it seemed now.

We continued making the movie. I was supposedly taken by the Latino guy who brought me to a warehouse where he discovered my weil used pussy and proceeded, with some buddies watching, to fuck me real good. His big pinga, uncut and very fat like Marco's felt good in me and I responded, I guess as they wanted me to for the film. That was followed by several other, slightly smaller and younger boys who also raped me. They took lots of what they called money shots of their cum erupting in my pussy and then running out. They all seemed to like seeing my cunt spread open and wide with the prolapse sticking out and massive loads of cum pouring out of me. A few black guys who were hung, also fucked me. I was made to drink their piss and they got lots of closeup shots of that happening. I didn't really do anything I didn't do with Marco or my brothers or Marco's buds but I felt kind of cheap having the camera taking high definition videos of the whole thing. I was kind of glad that Marco stayed with me and comforted me between shots. I did enjoy the Latino guy coming back towards the end and licking my hole.

All in all, we must have shot for several hours. They also shot scenes with me on my back so my huge cock was on full display. I was kind of proud that only the Latino and one of the blacks had as big a dick as me. After the shooting, I hung with my pretend captors and had a few drinks. Ine was sadly all fruit juice as Marco would not allow me to drink but they had beers and admired me saying what a good whore I had been. They all agreed they had never had a better piece of white boy ass than mine.

We stayed when Adam brought Kurt and Robert in for their parts in the film. I didn't have any scenes with them but got to watch as they were chained up, whipped and fucked. I was thankful that Marco had not allowed me to be beaten but only slightly manhandled. I sat on the floor naked right next to my man watching them get raped and beaten. Marco stroked my back and kissed me several times. He finally had me stand next to him so he could play with my leaking hole and kept saying what a good boy I had been. I felt good about that as I made my man happy. I wasn't so sure how I felt about it.

Before we left, one of the producers handed me a check for my $10,000. I was shocked to see that my pretend rapists got much less than I did. One kid who fucked me only got $200. Ifelt kind of sorry for him but of course, said nothing. He apparently was a kid they recruited from the streets and he had also sat with us between scenes an told me how sexy and beautiful I was. I bet he couldn't have been 18. He asked if he could suck me and said if I was willing, he would love to fuck me. I said I would think about it. I wondered if they would send him back to the streets after he was done.

Adam came up and told me how hot I had been and kissed me passionately. It sure wasn't a brotherly kiss! I asked him about Tim and he said he would be in a later shoot and maybe we could do one together if the producer agreed. He let me touch his cock through his shorts as we talked. Marco smiled approvingly.

As we drove home, Marco heaped the praise on me saying how proud he was of me. As I wore only shorts to the shoot, we had to go home before he could take me out to dinner. "I can't wait for your dad to see the film. I know he will be proud of you too." I wasn't so sure about that and said that. I said I really didn't want anyone I knew to see it. I was a bit embarrassed to say the least. He said for the film, they would list me as Tommy Hung. I was glad my real name wasn't going to be used. We drove with his one hand on the wheel and the other stroking my cock which he exposed. But, I was a whore and knew it so I guess stuff like that didn't matter anymore unless we stopped by the police!

Getting home, Marco offered to shower with me and wash my pussy clean. I knew I stil had somebody's cum up there. He was so kind and gentle that if he asked, I would have done anything for him.

We redressed and headed out for a nice classy dinner. I even got to wear real pants and a nice shirt. Of course, no underwear was allowed and no socks. I actually wondered what it would be like to wear those things again! We had a wonderful meal and lots of lovers chat. I so loved when Marco treated me like I was special.

Ah, well the moment was nice but I knew that if the movie was successful, I would be doing more. When we got home, Marco took my check for the film and said he would deposit it. I was so happy and felt so loved that I didn't care that it would probably go into his account. I also knew that I would get fucked by my lover again that night and would be eating him and drinking his piss in the morning!

Next: Chapter 26: After College 9

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