Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Jul 30, 2016


Tom and Marco - After College Ch 7

Our next few weeks got real busy. First, we still had Kurt who was in training to be more of a servant after he had treated Robert so badly. I actually felt sorry for him but did enjoy when Marco and Adam made his suck both Robert and I. He still sported the painful weights on his balls. Adam and Marco were happy that he was now learning what it meant to suffer. After a few more days, Kurt and Robert returned to their home. I hadn't seen either for a few days but I already sensed from the phone calls, that Kurt had learned his lesson and was treating Robert much better. That made me happy. I wanted him to know as did Adam, that he had to treat his bitch, like I was, with at least some respect and to show love.

Marco had me start my new job with his soccer organization. I had been hired to assist the players. Basically, I had to make phone calls for them, handling appointments and keeping them on their schedules. I had no idea how much other stuff they did other than to play and practice. I worked in an office of mostly women but I had the responsibility to do whatever players needed me to do. Marco had me dress sexually to attract others to me. On my first day, he had me wear skinny jeans, a tight button up shirt that he insisted we leave open for the first few button.s I wore tie shoes but with no socks, which revealed some of my lower leg. The girls were all very nice to me but I knew they knew I was Marco's boy. When they practiced, zzi was in the locker room and sometimes they asked me to wash them down and scrub their backs in the shower. Of course, for that, I was naked and all could see my huge cock and balls and the shiny gold ring that went through my cock head. Some got a bit frisky and I did suck a few cocks.

The best part was that I was working and getting paid! Yeah! I finally did something that at least resembled a job and I got to use some of my college learned skills on the computer. I went to work with Marco most of the time. Of course, he was his usuall smiley self . I saw how the rest of the staff just reacted to him like flies on honey. He asked me if I was happy and I told him I was. He was very happy also that were about to be actually married. Most of his teammates already knew of our relationship. I had more than a few of their cocks up my pussy. I wore the butt plug most of the time to prevent leakage but it became a part of me now. I was only a bit worried that my hole never really closed tight anymore. I had effectively been destroyed. Marco liked that and said he liked my hairy cunt. I reminded him of girls and guys I'm sure, he had fucked in Columbia. He did decide though to shave my butt cheeks making them totally smooth. Only some hair stuck out. With my shaved crotch, legs, arms and butt, I felt kind of strange at first but he let me keep my pit hair, (trimmed a bit) and my cunt hair. I still could pass as a guy.

We worked most days and I had to work some days when Marco didn't but he always drove me to work and picked me up. He had a few buddies who did occasionally bring me home. They were the ones who knew our real relationship . I kind of enjoyed their strong hands rubbing my crotch as we drove home.

The biggest even was planning our wedding and selecting the guests we would invite. Marco and my dad planned most of it along with Adam's input. I had little to say I felt kind of left out as it was my wedding too but Marco said it was best that he revealed the final plan to me just shortly before the event. He told me that I was his and it was the man's job to make such big plans and I would be happy. He kissed me and made me feel so wanted and good that I went along with it.

Up until the wedding day that was chosen, we did our usual thing of me waking up early to service him and make Marco feel important. I ate his hairy ass and always made sure to get my tongue up his hole as far as I could. He liked that a lot. I then licked and sucked his whole body be foe when usually pulled me up for a deep and long kiss. He didn't seem to care that I tasted like his ass. After that, he pushed me down to suck on his engorged cock before letting off his moring piss in my mouth. I was so accustomed to this by now that I loved it and would eat or drink anything that came from his body. He would then fuck me , sometimes licking my gash, as he called it but to you, my boypussy. I looked at it sometimes in the mirror and wondered why I had ever allowed anyone to so destroy it. I had been double and evn a few times, triple penetrated, fisted and used in so many ways. It hung open almost like a big hole. When it closed as much as it did, it did look kind of pussy like although very puffy and pronounced. I still had hair around the hole and he savored that for some reason.. I did find that wearing the dildo or plug in me not only knept it ready for him but did prevent leakage.

I now found that I had to make sure I shit on a regular basis, not just once or so a day, as wetness would almost run from my hole which was very embarrassing as I wore no underwear- ever.

I did find that if ii washed my cunt often, and kept a lubricated plug or dildo in me, I was good and certainly ready whenever Marco or Adam or anyone else of their choosing was going to fuck me whenever and wherever. . I became comfortable just slippng it out before I sat on Marco's lap. As we were both naked most of the time at home or even when visiting some people, I naturally just placed his cock at my opening and let it slide in. He liked that a lot and showed my very submissive side. I usually just set the dildo down until I got up. Some days, I wore no lube as it wasn't really needed anymore. Even now, at my folks house, I am perfectly comfortable being naked and used. My mom just smiles. Wow, what a change from my early years. Also, now that I know what she and dad did as swingers, it seemed natural. How could I have been so naive??

The day before the wedding, Adam, Marco and Tim and I sat down to discuss the ceremony. Naturally I was nervous. The guests had been invited to the club my folks belonged to who welcomed an exotic or should I say, erotic wedding ceremony. A few of my high school and college friends were invited . I wasn't sure they or I was ready for the ceremony.

Adam and Tim had decided to join in and get married too. Tim's folks who basically shunned him now that he chose such an erotic and sexual life with my brother, were not attending. I was kind of glad and I'm not sure Tim even cared. A brother of his who he confided in, did plan to come although he chose to come alone without his girlfriend.

After the explaining, I was a bit shocked. I don't know why as nothing Adam and Marco planned should ever shock me but it did a bit. ( I'll tell you about the wedding next)

Marco and Robert were going to be our ushers. I was glad Kurt's punishment was over and now he and Robert seemed pretty much a couple. I was impressed how mellow they both were and I knew Robert was now happy. It now seemed however, that both Kurt and Robert were slaves to especially Adam, but also to Marco as they did whatever either asked without hesitation. For the wedding, they were the ushers you might say, seating guests and helping with the ceremony. Both were told they would be naked and wear only somewhat heavy weights on their balls. They never even protested!

The wedding, as it was a new experience for me, was making me a bit tense. Not that I cared what others thought, well, maybe I did but I was so happy knowing I was going to marry Marco officially, I guess I would role with whatever my man decided.

On ceremony day, Marco and Adam went out leaving Tim and me, the so called brides, to the attention of Kurt and Robert who spent the day washing us, cleaning out our holes firt with their tongues and then washing us all over. Then, they shaved us both I was as usual minus any crotch, leg or arm hair. They neatly trimmed my pit hair and even gave special attention to my cunt hair, making sure it was shaved in certain areas and only a ring of hair around my gash" as they called it remained. Tim got the same treatment but was totally hairless except for his pit trimming and of course the hair on his head. We we given special haircuts,, a stylist was sent in . Kurt even polished the rings in the heads on our cocks and the smaller ring in our perineum's . I had no nipples rings but Tim's were polished and shone also. For headwear, we were provided a ring of flowers. There was some thorny branches entwined also. Damn they hurt a bit if pushed down but after a few scratches, the boys got very careful.

We were driven to the "club" my parents had arranged. It was actually a swingers club with a large outside expanse where a white tent was put up. Flowers abounded everywhere. Kurt and Robert, totally, naked, walked guest to their seats. Only about fifty people were invited but some people from the club showed up and were not turned away. Our favorite waiter at the gay restaurant was hired to plan the food and he brought along some young guys who would serve drinks and the food. They wore small waiter aprons around their waists but their equipment was plainly visible. They also wore bow ties. Sean had picked those boys with very hot bodies, I think they were club dancers, but some other boys were brought along to clean up. They wore just cock coves which by the end of the evening turned up missing.

Adam had a friend who got a license to perform the ceremony as it was now legal for gays to marry in Florida. He wore just pants and a cross around his neck.

Kurt and Robert kept us away from everyone until the appointed moment when they attached shiny chains that were affixed to out cock rings and as the music played, some classical piece I had heard many times but didn't know the title, we began to walk behind our ushers, down the aisle. We had both been given a pill to firm us up and Kurt was allowed by Marco to use some to the stuff he had used before to make our balls even bigger and our cocks inflated. I felt a bit uncomfortable with that but was consulted.

I was a bit shocked to see my mother and father, sitting in the front row, he with just some shorts on, white of course, and my mother topless with just a small skirt that when her legs moved even slightly apart, showed off her cunt. My mouth was open to see this and I only took a brief glance. After all, I was naked!

The two usher boys led us down the aisle by the chains. I saw Marco and Adam smiling at us standing on either side of the man who would marry us. They obht looked at us proudly. They wore some kind of thin gauze white pants which hid nothing of their maleness.

When we got to the front, the man marrying us, as who gave us to our husbands. My dad stood between us and took our cocks in his hand and said his wife and he did. The pastor nodded and we, Tim and I , knelt down and kissed his cock through thhe thin shorts. It was said that this was to signify our respect for him and from where we came. Tim's bother then came forth and stood next to my dad and Tim knelt and kissed his cock too as his parents were not there. Tim and I both stood then and kissed both guys on the mouth. We then knelt and my mother spread her legs and Tim and I each licked her hairy cunt. I'm sure we were both beet red at that but pressed on.

We then turned and faced our husbands who took us by the hand, embraced us and kissed us. Marco and Adam nodded to us and towards our ushers, We both turned slightly toward our ushers and kissed the head of each ringed dick. The smiled and nodded and handed our lead chains to our husbands. The man doing the ceremony spoke a few words. Tim and I stayed knelt down on our knees. He said things about wives submitting to husbands and other things in a wedding. After that, he told us to exchange our vows. We both spoke boldly remembering what had been written for us. We each reached up and undid our husbands pants allowing them to open and expose their cocks. We also took hold of their cocks and spoke our vows to them holding their cocks in our hands and speaking to the cocks and occasionally looking toward their happy faces. We said things like we would be obedient and loving and willing to serve them as they expected us to and to submit to any wish they desired for as long as we lived. Staying on our knees, the two husbands sid their vows saying they would keep us, protect us and be there to lead us and show us true respect for their roles. It was definitely a one sided affair as to who was in charge. After, they both took us by the hand and pulled us up to kiss us passionately. I felt Marco's finger rub over my smooth ass and let his finger penetrate me. I knew Tim was doing the same.

The man presiding then pronounced us man and boy wife. Adam leaned in to kiss me and Marco and Tim did the same before turning to the audience and smiling as he all hugged one another. The music started, the wedding march I think, and we pulled our husbands pants up and kissed their crotches again before we left the ceremony.

Once out of the ten, the guests came up to us and kissed and hugged us all. Marco kept his right hand free to shake hands with the well wishers . His other hand went to my smooth ass and a finer went inside of me.

The food was served along with drinks . Marco and Adam kept their pants on with their bare chests exposed and bare feet as well. They looked like they could go for a walk on the beach. Tim and I stood close to them as they didn't let go of us. Our chains on the head of our cocks rings just hung loosely. Eventually they led us around from table to table to visit with the guests.

I was so happy that my few friends, Allen, Ricky and Jason all were there and hugged us. Naturally, we were felt up by many. Marco kissed his mother who wore a more covered look than my mother did but we eventually were allowed time to sit and eat the great food. Most of the guests congratulated Marco and Adam saying how happy they were that they hand found such willing boys to be their mates and slaves. I wasn''w a whore and was simply glad that we were actually married.

Toward the end of the party, Adam and Marco shared the spotlight and said they had given us rings as we had given them but ehy wanted all to see us have them put on. On a long table we were made to lay down as our men slid solid gold rings up our cocks that stayed on at the base. We had given them rings for their fingers. Marco joked that would wear the traditional wedding rings while not having rings on our fingers but our cocks instead, others seeing us might know that we belonged to them entirely and that others might feel free to use us.

I was a bit surprised when they both took off their pants, lifted our legs and exposed our boy pussies for all. Men were invited to come on us or in us as they chose. It was quite the thing as many men did both of us as we laid on the tables kissing one another passionately except when women came up to us, removed their panties if they had any on and allowed us to kiss their cunts.

By the time that was over, we both were dripping in cum and had a great amount leaking out of us. Even my own father fucked us both . Once done, the usher boys brought huge butt plugs they inserted to keep us from leaking.

The party went on and on A band was there providing music both Latin and American . Marco licked my face of the excess cum that was deposited there but left what dripped out of me on my legs and balls. Tim had the same experience.

Before we left, there was a toast to us. Marco and Tim had champagne but we had piss that was collected from our men. I didn't care at all and relished in the taste of the cum. If Marco wanted me to taste like piss, so be it!

We kissed many of the guests good night before we were shown to a waiting limousine. The almost naked driver helped us in. The four of us were off to the home where we would get dressed before being taken to the airport for a flight we had no idea where to. It would be the four of us. At the last minute, Marco felt bad for our two new slave boys, Kurt and Robert and he invited them along but they would stayed naked. I knew they were happy to be included and as Marco had chartered the plane, it didn't matter anyway. Of course they had no luggage and we had only small bags so luggage was not a concern.

I was truly happy. Marco treated me like a queen as did Adman treat Tim. We had a delightful time in a small villa in Mexico for five days before we had to return to our reality. We all stayed naked most of the week. Our tow slave boys were even happy and had no problem being totally exposed although they got some real looks. As it was the a honeymoon villa, we did see many other couples spending most to week naked. Some were gay couples, some lesbian and many others were straight couples.

We were ready begin our new lives as married people. Yeah!

Next: Chapter 25: After College 8

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