Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Jul 7, 2016


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Tom and Marco 6

When I awoke the next morning, I was surprised to find Marco already up and out of the room. I smelled the coffee brewing. I was kind of shocked actually as I always got up first, serviced my man before going outside to piss and then make coffee. Instead, he came in with a tray and two cups of strong Colombian coffee, smiling his big smile. "My babe is awake<" he said setting the coffee down "Happy Birthday." He exclaimed. He sat down next to me and handed me a cup. I sat up only then feeling my sore balls. He looked at them and stroked them saying they were still stretched from the saline but they were beautiful. He leaned over and licked them. "My beautiful baby, so sexy and so willing to give himself to me. I wanted to make your birthday special. After coffee, I am want to eat you and have you give me your sweet juices." Coffee is about the only strong flavored thing I drink as Marco feels that if I drink, juices and such, my cum is sweeter as is my pee. He does occassionaly drink mine as I do his all the time.

I smiled at my man and allowed him to massage my chest and body. He kissed me tenderly. I said I should get up and clean my mouth first as I wanted to taste good to him. He said no, not until he massaged me and ate me. He also said he was making my breakfast and he had more gifts for me. I set my coffee down and he proceeded to arouse me with his tongue. He then gently massaged my torso sand legs. I want you to see the new ring I got you. He showed me a thinner ring for my ball sack that was bright silver. "I want your balls to hang low as they do but maybe a lighter one now. I took the wrench he kept and undid my extra heavy ring immediately making my balls feel less painful and put new more elaborate ring on me. "My boy should always be banded. I truly love how it makes you look so submissive and you are submissive to my dreams. He made me feel so good that inspite of the weight, it did feel better. He set the old ring down and said he was giving it to Kurt for use on Robert. "Your brother is so into pain, he asked me for it when I told him I was getting you a new one. He truly wants Robert to have something of yours and to have to remember it each time he walks..

I wasn't so sure about that but said nothing. He carefully flipped me over and massaged my back and hips and then stuck his tongue in my destroyed hole. "It is so beautiful. Your hole is now like a cunt only stretched more. I know it is hungry and not sure my tongue will make it feel good. It did though and leaked some ass juice which he lapped up.

After the massage and such, we showered together. He washed me carefully and told me that when we went to my folks house for the family birthday, I would be naked all day. He had told my brothers about the experience with my mom and said she now accepted us. Your dad said he might have her naked too. Our big yard was walled off so no one would see us anyway but still I wondered just how the day would go. He said he might wear his bandana but Robert and Tim would be naked in front of my folks to show they belonged to her sons and Marco, the son-in-law. Still uneasy, I tried to put it out of my mind.

We had breakfast and shortly after finishing what Marco made for us , Lucas appeared at the door and Marco waved him in. I remembered promising him more salve for his abused hole, done. by me I felt bad as I knew I was a true whore but Lucas was just a kid. I wondered how his folks reacted and wondered if they saw him walking funny. I got him some coffee and we chatted .He immediately dropped his sorts at the door and was as naked as Marco and me. I asked and he showed me his hole saying it wasn't feeling as bad. I leaned over and kissed it before I applied the salve. He thanked me for opening him up. He admitted that he might still fuck girls but our lifestyle had opened his eyes to new possibilities. He said he and Sean had talked and although Sean too was a top, he might let Lucas fuck him as it felt so good to be full inside..

I wondered where that scene might go.. I thought both had hot bodies and were sexy as hell but I had my man and took plenty good care of my needs. I only hoped I hadn't totally messed them both up. Marco said Sean was a boy whore anyway and was used to doing stuff with guys, mostly for cash to supplement his waiter job.

After we all had our coffee., Marco got shorts for us both and lucas slipped on his. He even gave me my running shoes and we all set out for a run. I noticed that Lucas ran barefoot as I usually did. He said it was better to run that way. Marco said he thought maybe we should also and said we would on our next jog. I told him he was so used to shoes and as a soccer player, he didn't want to injure his feet. He said he had tough feet and added they weren't as pretty as mine.

We ran about three miles and came back sweating. W all went in for another shower, Lucas joining us. Marco said he just remembered that he hadn' trimmed or shaved me. Lucas asked him why I didn't do it myself. He told him He liked to do it and suggested that Lucas might want to help. I just stood and in the shower as Lucas applied the cream and Marco shaved me. He had Lucas hold my swollen balls and long cock as he shaved all around them, then trimmed a bit of excess hair in my pits. Lucas was studying it all carefully, his dick getting harder and now leaking . They also shaved my arms and legs as Marco said to keep me boyish. Lucas said one day he might try shaving his pubes too but for now was happy with them. I then trimmed a few hairs from Marco's strong chest but Lucas told him he should let it grow as he had so much other hair. I was disappointed that I had no say. Lucas spread my butt cheeks and asked about that but Marco said he liked his pussies with hair. He explained that he was used to seeing that in Colombia as women often didn't shave their pussies. Lucas was handed the skin softner which he applied to my crotch. Marco said he didn't like the little bumps shaving left there so he insisted I be as smooth as a child. Lucas just smiled . he did play with my huge nuts and dick a bit more than was needed.

Marco said he hoped to meet Lucas' parents one day. "Lucas smirked and laughed saying they would love to meet him but he shouldn't say what went on over at our house. Marco said we would invite them all to dinner looking at me for approval. I said of course. I put a bit more cream on Lucas' cunt before we got out.

He asked what Marco was having me wear. Notice I was not consulted and it made me think that he said we'd be naked at my folk's house. He said we would both dress in regular clothes for the trip over but then we would wear the bandanas again unless my mother was naked along with my brothers. He thought that was cute.

Lucas went home after we all showered and Marco gave me the clothes he wanted. A few new ones, sexy but definitely not the usual whore clothes I wore. I looked like a preppy high school or college kid. He dressed the same. Of course we had no underwear so I guess it wasn't just like college kids wear.

We drove over with a few wrapped presents in the back seat that I wasn't allowed to touch.

As we drove I thought about Lucas. Here was the kid , younger than me, who was treating me like some sex toy. He was the masculine dude. Yet, I had submitted to him treating me that way. I guess a true picture of myself now.

We arrived at my folk's house and went in. Marco carried the gifts. He said nothing about me getting naked. Guess he wanted to check the situation out first. My mom was in the kitchen. She was wearing the sluttiest thing I ever saw her in, a low top showing more of her tits tan I ever saw except when they were bare. My normal reaction about always being apprehensive about things kicked in but she grabbed me and hugged me wishing me a happy birthday. I smiled and thanked her getting a kiss on the cheek. She said Dad was on the patio getting drinks ready. She gave Marco a very nice kiss on the cheek also but rubbing his fine, firm ass a little. I guess mom had really let us all know her real self. She and Marco mad small talk and he asked where the presents should go. She pointed to the table in the dining room.

Marco went out and gave my dad a hug as he did to Marco. I followed and dad commented that we looked really good. I pointed out the outfit that Marco gave me for my birthday and they both complimented his good taste. "Now don't let yourself get dirty. Maybe you should take off the shirt in case you spill anything." Marco looked at me and nodded so I took it off to reveal my chest. We all sat down and Dad handed Marco a beer. Mom had some kind of cocktail. I was given a sweet juice but with no alcohol. As we chatted about things, nothing important except when Marco said he wanted to discuss our real wedding later when the boys got there, Adam appeared with Tim right behind him. As he came in the yard, Adam nodded to Tim and he stripped right there. Mom gave each boy a hug commenting on how beautiful Tim was. "You must be working out a lot." She said to Tim. Tim said he was not seeming to mind being naked in front of my folks. Kurt came in next with Robert. Robert was already wearing just a jock. "You look comfortable, Robert, my dad said. He looked embarrassed to me as it was clear, Kurt had given him something to erect him. His balls hung down and his nip rings sparkleed in the sun. Kurt wore board shorts an a tank top. It must have been awkward for Robert as he had known my folks well as Kurt's boyhood best bud and now he was his whore. Marco suggested we all get comfortable which was his way of saying to get naked. I stood, kissed my brothers who wished me a happy birthday and then I kissed their boys. Robert smiled at me a little knowing I would soon be naked as well. I had to say we all were some hot looking guys. Probably porn material! Marco said he wanted to show off my new band and they all took hold of me an examined the beautiful ring I sported on my balls. Marco said it was not as heavy.. Mom was a little shocked to see how big my balls were. I guess I had gotten comfortable as I simply thanked her for noticing. The other guys stripped then too and Kurt asked Marco if he had brought the stuff meaning the saline injection I had had yesterday. " I wanted Roberts balls like that but bigger. Robert winced a little and I whispered to him that it wasn't too bad and if Marco did it, he wouldn't stretch them too much. Robert whispered back that the weight on his balls was awful. He said it hurt to stand up as the pull of the weights on them was terrible. I smiled and said he would get used to it. I thought that maybe Kurt was not as much a whore as me and shouldn't be forced into anything he didn't want. He was subservient enough.

Marco took Robert and Kurt and they had Robert lay down. Marco told Kurt to never over do it as it might make them so flabby as to not be attractive.. Kurt nodded and Marco gave Robert the injection. I noted that Adam wasn't making Tim do that. Tim sat on Adam's lap. I knew his cock would soon be up Tim's pretty pussy. I sat, legs spread as Marco liked showing my long fat dick.

I noted Robert seemed to stay close to me and asked if he could sit with me. Kurt didn't seem to mind and I welcomed him in between my legs. He sat close enough for my cock to rubbing his stretched twat. I noted he had a butt plug in him like mine. I guess Kurt and Marco had shared ideas . Marco had let me go without a plug or dildo today. Both Robert and I had such stretched twats that I didn't really need one except to prevent my cunt from leaking as it often did. Marco was happy with that though. I sensed that Marco was much more loving to me than Kurt was to Robert.

We had our drinks and some went in the pool. Mom kept her very short bottoms on, thankfully. I didn't need to see my mother's twat. I took Robert by the hand and went into the pool . He had tears in his eyes for a moment and said he so loved being around me as I accepted my life so much better. He said that Kurt was mostly interested in humiliating him. He also told me that his parents did not like his life and more or less didn't talk to him anymore. "I think you're the only one who truly loves me . I so wish Kurt was like Marco. He really loves you."

I felt bad for him and wanted to go and yell at my brother but figured he only liked to fuck me and Marco would be better to talk to him.

We had a nice barbeque and chatted. Robert was mostly silent other than when Kurt ordered him to do things. Adam looked at Kurt a few times as if to say is that really necessary?, but other than some eye contact with Kurt showing displeasure, he said nothing. Adam treated Tim well and even got him a drink while he was up. I assumed they were a happy couple too, like Marco and me.

After the food, we did the gifts and I got some nice things. Marco gave me stuff like a new I Pad and complimented me on how nice the outfits I got looked. He even told them that he thought my education was being wasted just taking care of him and how he found me a job working as the players assistant on his team. I was proud and felt very good about myself.

Kurt said he wanted the old weights I had that Marco replaced, to add to Robert's balls. He said it in a kind of mean way I thought. Marco asked if he was going to replace the current one but Kurt said no he just wanted Robert to experience more pain. I was angry that he said that about his friend and mow lover. Without my parents hearing he added that Robert was just a whore anyway. I knew that hurt Robert's feelings. He had given himself to Kurt although who knows how he did that. Marco said that too much weight would hurt him and that he wasn't going to add anymore pain to Robert. Kurt became almost enraged. I had never seen him so hostile. Adam finally said he needed to talk to Kurt privately. He looked angry too.

Adam practically grabbed my little brother and they headed inside. I have no idea what was said. Robert just sat there quietly looking down not wanting to make any eye contact. Tim whispered to me that Adam was really mad at Kurt..

When they came back, Kurt looked as angry as before. Adam said he wanted to talk about our wedding and said that if we were agreeable, he and Tim wanted to make it a joint ceremony. He hugged Tim and Tim was all happy . Kurt said he had no intention of getting married to his whore. "Might even not have it around anymore by then." Robert was crying and tears came down his face.

Adam was again angry saying he couldn't stand how Kurt was treating the guy who gave him everything he had and basically gave up his life as a real jock and athlete to be with him. My parents even commented that they loved Robert now as another son as they did Tim and Marco. 'We may be a perverted family, but I think a happy family. You shouldn't treat Robert like that."

Mom got Robert some tissues and Dad said he was disappointed in Kurt. Adam said you are just jealous of Robert as he was a better athlete than Kurt. That did it. Kurt got up and was beet red as he said if you love that whore so much, why don't you keep him. I got others who will submit to me !"

Adam stood up and I thought he would punch Kurt in the face. My parents were agast with their mouths open. Adam grabbed Kurt around the neck. He was still stronger than Kurt and bigger too. He looked at Marco and told him to come along. Calmer now, Adam suggested that Tim and I take Robert with us and go to our house. He and Adam had some things they needed to say and do with Kurt.

The party, abruptly over, my folks put the gifts in Marco's car. Adam and Marco had Kurt tightly held and escorted him away to Adam's car. Tim and I looked at one another in disbelief. I kissed my folks goodbye as Tim did also and we escorted the naked Robert out to our car. Marco tossed me the keys saying he would be in touch soon.

We took Robert who was still sobbing. All the way home, he said he was afraid. "I have no one if I don't have him. Please make him stop. I do anything for him . I think he hates me!"

Tim tried to comfort him and I patted his leg as I drove back to our home.

Once there, Tim and I took Robert him and hugged him. It was kind of strange that he wanted our support. When Robert hung around Kurt as friends, I always felt that Robert didn't care for me and maybe made fun of me as I was the quiet reserved one. I think he figured I was gay way before I did and used to like saying and doing things to show his more masculine side. Now, he was so open to my comforting.

I held him trying to reassure him. What a change from days gone by! Ne nestled into my chest like a child. Where had the tough masculine kid gone!! Yes, Robert was in love with Kurt for a long time and resented Kurt's very brief marriage that he had with a real slut type girl who I thought was trash. But then Kurt and the girl got divorced practically before the cake was eaten, and he had gone back to Robert who took him back and I guess they became lovers. I thought although he never said it, he was gay. Maybe he was just some very dominating mean guy who figured he was Robert's master! Robert wanted a lover/partner, another jock boy who happened to prefer guys to girls so they could mutually worship one another's bodies. He had accepted that Kurt wanted to be dominant and therefore, gone along with whatever Kurt asked of him. Not ideal but it still let him be his true self or so he thought.

Slowly, things changed without Robert even realizing how low he had sunk. Unlike me, who wanted to give himself totally to his man, Robert got that way as a means to hang on the lover he had and wanted.

We eventually all drifted of to sleep in Marco's and my bed with Robert sandwiched between us. He stopped sobbing and seemed to sleep peacefully between Tim and me. We didn't take advantage of the situation or Robert's vulnerability at all. Tim rubbed his back gently, soothing him to sleep.

I was surprised in the morning. Tim was still asleep but Robert was moved down and was licking my nuts and cock. It felt real good and of course I was hard but we hadn't planned anything like that. I sat up and Robert smiled at me. " Just wanted to show you some love for all you did for me and well, actually, this is what I do every morning.' Robert whispered. I shook my head and said it wasn't necessary to do anything for or to me. I just waned him happy. He looked up smiling now and asked if he looked happy. I nodded yes and smiled back allowing him to then continue. I told him I was cumming which only made him suck faster and he was rewarded with a mouthful of my cum. He then slid over a bit, his warm body resting on my legs, and gave Tim the same treatment. After he finished Tim and smiled and showed both of us his mouth full of our combined cum before he swallowed it and then told us he liked sleeping with us. "Thank you guys. I loved it but it sure is tough to suck with them big rings in your dicks." Tim said our masters usually had to give us both permission to get sucked. Robert said he understood and probably would be beaten or denied food by Kurt for what he did. He then looked more sad as he realized why he was there. We both rolled Robert over and began to eat him and suck him taking turns. He protested that if Kurt knew anyone did that, he would surely be beaten. I finally said there were to be no more beatings and he was to be treated like we all wanted to be treated - with some love and respect. We both acknowledged that we were subserviant to our partners but they never beat us. Robert said we were lucky.

"I think Adam taught Marco while ago what it meant to have a kept boy and how to treat him. He may be kinky and do some strange stuff but basically he and Marco love us completely. Therefore, we give our men what they want and they give us what we need. Robert shook his head "So, you accept that you're not equal but also accept your roles?" Tim and I looked at one another and said that was in fact true. "I guess we both realized hat we were meant to be gay, servant boys not quite slaves but?. I don't know just willing to do as our men wanted." Tim added. Robert nodded seeming to understand us. I'm not sure Tim and I really understood us either but knew we wouldn't change a thing.

AS we went to shower, my phone range and I saw it was Marco. He told me how much he loved me and I told him too. I told him what we did and he shared that mostly Adam but him also, had kind of manhandled Kurt some and taught him how to treat his boy. I asked if he fucked him and he said he had along with Adam wo busted his cherry for him. He also said they were coming back home and bringing the key to the weights Robert wore on his sac. I said we were cleaning up and would make breakfast for all of us. He told me how much he loved me and couldn't wait to be home. His call was so similar to others when he was on the road for his soccer matches and he left me alone for a night.

I told the boys about the call as we washed down one another and then I applied salve to Robert's nut sac to relieve the pain and soreness of wearing a four pound weight for an extended period. We were a small group of silly boys as we all went naked, none of hardly wore clothes at all, and mad breakfast. We laughed and the guys gave me no mercy about my huge penis. We had fun sharing the jobs of making breakfast.

Before we were quite done, I heard Adam's car drive in. We continued prepping and Robert set the table. At first he didn't set a place for himself as he usually ae at Kurt's feet but I said no such thing was happening in my house (well, Marco's house but?) so he set a place for himself. Marco came in kissing all of us especially me and fondling my hole and telling how much he hated to sleep without me. It made me feel real good. Adam came in, slightly less happy but kissing us all and was followed by Kurt who wasn't smiling and didn't say hi or kiss anyone. Tim and I exchanged glances in wonder and Robert suddenly looked worried. Most importantly though, was Kurt was stark naked. His usual bravado filled self was gone. Instead, he stood legs spread and head down. Finally, Adam told him to greet his masters. Kurt dropped to his knees gong first to Adam, then Marco and then Tim and me and finally even Robert and kissed and licked our feet. Tim, Robert and I stood with our mouths open. I had never seen Kurt like that. Even as a kid, he was always the once cracking jokes and coming across like he was king of the hill. Once done, he crawled to Adam who told him he could again stand. "Our boys always defer to us but we show respect to them for their loyalty and love and give it back to them. You will thank them all for making us breakfast and giving your proper love and respect to each of them. Kurt actually said, yes, Sir and came to the three of us and knelt down and took our cocks in his mouth and kissed them and licked them. "That's enough for now. Let's eat, I'm starved. We three servants quickly finished putting the food on the table and Adam and Marco sat down, each of us sitting next to them. Kurt sat down and I motioned for Robert to sit next to him. As we began to eat, Kurt suddenly, bowed his head and began to cry. We all stopped as he looked to Robert and continued crying as he blurted out his apologies for how he had treated him. "I love you so much. I don't know where my bad behavior came from other than I've always been jealous of you. I wanted to destroy that and tried to destroy you. I am so, so sorry!" Robert turned closing his open mouth and took his arm and put it around Kurt and pulled him close to soothe him. Adam said that was enough for now. He could show his remorse later by his actions.

We ate almost silently. When finished, Adam brought out the key to Robert's ball weights and handed it to Kurt who quickly knelt down and removed it. He kissed his boys cock and nuts before he handed it to Robert and asked him to put it on him.

Robert was in shock but surely relieved. He looked to Marco and Adam who nodded and put he weight on a grimacing Kurt. After, Kurt said he hated the weight but knew he must wear it to honor Robert and feel his pain. Adam said it would be Robert's decision as to when it should be taken away but it must be for at least a week. I wondered how Kurt would work in the gym with that weight on him but decided he deserved it.

We spent the day, the six of us until Marco had to get ready for a match that night. Robert and Kurt stayed that night at the house, Kurt being made to accept each of us entering him. His once tight little pink hole was now pretty stretched. And he walked a little funny but never protested.

We all watched Marco's game on t.v. I thought he was a little off but they won anyway and we were relieved.

Kurt offered to clean up all the dishes and the kitchen after we ate dinner. I was so shocked but decided that Adam was truly our leader with Marco not far behind. They had worked magic on him I only hoped it would mean a new chapter for Robert and Kurt as he pledged his love to Robert.

Now, we could go on with our wedding plans. Maybe Kurt would even propose to his boy.

Next: Chapter 24: After College 7

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