Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Jun 4, 2016


Tom and Marco - After College 4

This is a gay fantasy. No characters are real. Don't read if illegal where you are now. Send comments to me at

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After the guys left, Marco held me and asked what was wrong. I tried to say nothing but he knew I was anxious about my parents visiting. He held me and kissed me passionately. He whispered that all would be ok. "She needs to know our lifestyle. There is nothing wrong with it. Your father even seems to embrace it and he knows the story on all your brothers too. Hell, he even has fucked you when he made you mine. You know I love you like no one else. You are my true love and sex partner. There is nothing you wouldn't do to make me happy and I would do the same for you. ." Marco was so calm as he stroked my body and played with my ass. He continued saying all this calming stuff but I was still so tense. I mean mom and I hadn't really talked much since I came out and lived with Marco. Marco said he would dress with the bandana on too. I will stay with you the whole time they are here. Your dad has seen me naked as well as you and doesn't mind our lifestyle. I think he wishes it was him. You know he rules at your old home and will simply have to convince her that we are in love and that what we do is our business. Damn, I'd lick her pussy if I had to! Hey, wonder if she'd let me!" He chuckled and it made me smile but still I was anxious.

He led me to the bedroom and began to make passionate love to me. He didn't let me do anything to him. He began kissing and licking my face. He proceeded to lick and kiss all of my body starting at my neck and licking my pits before he moved down and skipped my cock and went to my legs and down to each toe. He lifted my legs gently and licked my furry cunt and moaned with pleasure sticking his tongue in as far as he could tasting the cum left there by him and my brothers. He then sucked and licked my cock taking in as much as he could. He did it with ease considering the ring was there. I wanted to cum so bad but he said he wanted to be inside of me and for me cum when he did. It didn't take long and we both came with gusto, me more than him. He licked it and ate it saying how sweet it was. "Someday our combined cum will be put into a female cunt for her to make our baby. It will be a combination of both of us." I wanted to have his baby if only it was possible.

After it was done, we cuddled and I lay with my face buried in his pits sucking the soft hairs and taking in all his sweat. It was wonderful and helped me to be at ease at least a little.

We slept that way with him holding me tightly until we drifted off to sleep.

I was awakened as always, sooner than him and did my morning ritual of eating him and sucking his cock He told me he had to piss but I didn't let up until I had swallowed the acrid gold liquid. I now savored his piss and he knew it. He got up and fucked me again and then took my hand and led me to the shower where he washed each part of me not allowing me to reciprocate. He dried me carefully and kissed the ring in my cock . he said he would like me to have another sound in my piss slit to make it more open than it already was. I mumbled that was ok but not now. He nodded and kissed me before I went out make us both breakfast. Marco tried to be cheerful and I tried to be relaxed. We sipped our coffee after eating and Marco produced the two bandanas. They were sexy as hell and I had seen them worn by bartenders before and always wanted one. Mine was blue floral and his was a native looking animal print. He put his on carefully wrapping his fat cock against his leg. He came over and put mine on trying to do the same. His covered his cock better than mine. I had to kind of stretch it and hope I didn't get hard. He said I was beautiful in it just like some native boy. I said his was damn hot too.

As we admired ourselves in them, I still worried what my mother would say. She had not seen one of my ass cheeks bare since I was a little kid. How would she react? I was slightly red with embarrassment. As we chatted and I cleaned up, the doorbell rang. Panic set in and I knew it was time to greet them. He said he would come with me to the door. He was all smiley and positive. Damn, I wish I had his confidence!

Marco actually was the one to open the door. My dad stood there smiling at both of us. My mother was just behind him . He wore shorts and a nice gold shirt. My mother was dressed in capri pants and a somewhat tight blouse I thought. For her it was tight anyway.

Dad immediately hugged Marco and said how good it was to see us. Marco hugged my dad, a nice gesture but he really liked my dad. I think it made him wish his dad was like mine. My mother wasn't as smiley but Marco grabbed her hand and kissed it and welcomed them both in. I stood back a ways and tried to smile.

My dad complimented us on how nice the house looked. Marco said it was mostly my doing and he loved how well I had done things. My mother said hello to both of us. She looked at me and said I looked good. She hadn't seen me in a few months. I smiled at her, a somewhat fake smile but a smile, and welcomed them in.

She looked closer and said it appeared life was being good for me. "I see you still have the physique you acquired with swimming and it looks like you exercise a lot.."

I said I did and that Marco helped me with my gym routine. She looked us both up and down and started to say something when dad interrupted and said she had brought us some recipes she knew I liked. "She can help you make something if you like. I stumbled along trying to show appreciation for her gesture and told her I hope she brought the one for a coffeecake I especially liked. She smiled and said she did. "Your dad said you would like that one best." Marco responded that he loved that and he loved all my cooking. "Just have to watch it so I don't get too fat!"

She looked at him and said she doubted that would happen. I think she was almost horny viewing his almost naked body. Dad smiled and we went and sat down. Marco brought us all mamosas he made earlier. I was surprised that she drank it. Dad and Marco made most of the conversation for a bit until dad said to me "Cat got your tongue, son?"

I replied almost stuttering that I was fine. Mom said little. She started to say something about our lifestyle when dad again interrupted and said " look guys, I think we need to brake some ice here. It is no secret that your mom has frowned on your lives. She couldn't accept it but now that she knows your two brothers are living in a similar fashion, I guess she has finally accepted it is what it is. I told her, that you were all happy. I think your, ah, er , partners are happy too. I know that Adam and Tim are very happy. I told your mother she could either accept life as it was or simply not enjoy your company as I have come to ."

Marco and I sat listening not saying a word. Marco, you are very successful and thanks by the way, for the tickets you sent for your games. I love to watch soccer and I am proud of you. Tommy, you told us awhile ago, you were gay and I know that Marco is as well. I am totally prepared to accept what you want for yourselves.."

He never said a word about fucking me but I could accept that, at least for now.

Marco said he was glad to send the tickets and hoped both of them would go to games.

Mother finally spoke up. "I didn't approve of what you were doing. I didn't approve of the control you had of my son,' she said looking at Marco, " but I can't change that. My husband has given me an ultimatum. Either I accept and love you and your brothers and their partners, or I can live in a bubble and pretend it isn't happening. He threatened to leave me if I didn't change. So, I'm here to tell you, I will accept whatever your lives are. I know you live as nudists around here and I learned your brothers do to. I have even tried it but can't say I can accept it totally. But, it isn't my life. I see you wore some little coverings for, I guess, my sake, but if that's not what you normally do, I will just have to find a way to learn to see things differently."

Marco and I sat stunned. I didn't know what to say or how.

Marco stood up and went to her and hugged her. She was taken aback. He simply said thank you to her and sat back down.

I finally found courage enough to speak. " I really love you both. I am glad you are accepting us for who we are. I never wanted to disappoint you, either of you but I fell in love with Marco. We will try not to flaunt our lifestyle in front of you but I'm really happy you understand and will accept us a partners and well, lovers."

I think I surprised myself in finding words. Marco leaned over and kissed me on the cheek as he said he agreed. Mom just nodded. I see where I get that from! Marco slipped in the kitchen and brought back more drinks. Mine was straight orange juice this time. I think he added booze at first to relax me. I know he doesn't like me to drink at all.

Mom also downed hers in two swallows. I wondered if she was a bit tipsy but said nothing. Dad and Marco smiled at all of us. I suggested we go to the kitchen to make make one of mom's recipes. She agreed and kind of wobbled a bit as she went. Dad and Marco said while we little domestics made something, they would go to the pool. I knew they would get naked. I grabbed the stuff aftere looking over the recipe for the coffeecake I liked so well. She stood by and kind of helped as I mixed the ingredients telling me she was proud that I cooked. I smiled and said I enjoyed it. With just the two of us left in the kitchen, mom stood right behind me and occasionally touched my shoulder or arm. I just smiled but that was so unlike her. She was never a touchy person.

As I prepared to pur the dough in the bake pan and set the over, she put her arms around me. I was a bit shocked. She seemed to touch me more than ever before. I kind of liked it. Finally she broke the silence and said what a handsome and sexy man I was. I thanked her a bit shocked but kept on working.

She went to the window and looked out and saw dad and Marco standing naked by the pool. "OH, your father and Marco are both naked. " I simply said , yeah, we all swim naked in the pool. And then thought maybe I shouldn't have said that.

"Let's go join them!" I was shocked at her comment. We walked out to the pool area and she commented on the wonderful and beautiful garden area and the plants. She asked if I did that and I told her no, our gardener, Juan did. I noticed her walk seemed a little unsure. I knew she was a bit drunk.

Dad turned and asked if we were done inside and I said yes. "Gawd, it's hot out here. Maybe it's just me!" she said. I told her it was warm and that maybe should sit down. She didn't but walked staright up to Marco who was using the net to remove some leaves in the pool, and put her hand on his lower back and let it slide down his butt. I was shocked and so was Marco but she quickly said what a gorgeous body he had. " That soccer makes you so solid, so sexy." My mouth fell open as she stroked his bare butt. "I might want to go in the pool myself!" Marco, shocked at her comments thanked her and said she was welcome to go in saying she should put her swim suit on..

"Oh, I didn't bring one but seeing you two naked studs and well, Tommy says you swim naked anyway, maybe I should ?."

Marco looked at her a bit astonished, but said it was ok to do that. I said maybe she could go get a swimsuit but she kind of raised her hand if if to say, no need. I think my dad was astonished too.

I quietly asked him if she was loaded. " I did give her some tomato juice with vodka before we left as she was so anxious. I had given her an ultimatum that she was to accept you all as you are. I think she may have had too many mamosas, though." He laughed and I shook my head and simply said, "Daaad!" Marco helped her to the chair, his thick long cock swinging away. She almost grabbed it before he could move aside. With that, she opened her top and took it off. Then came her bra and then her pants and panties. I had never seen my mother drunk nor naked. I was shocked and felt I should do something. "When in Rome?" she said. There she was in all her glory. I went to grab her a towel but she didn't want it and laughed saying "last one in and she slipped off her chair. And jumped in the water. I looked astonished. I was the only one with anything on!

"Drop the cover, sexy and come on in." Marco said. I did and wondered what she would say about my cock ring, the ring in my perenium and the large banded ring that pulled my nuts down. I just shrugged and we all were in the pool. Dad thankfully stayed near her and kept her afloat as Marco and I did a short race the length of the pool. As we climbed out, I forgot about my adornments and wlked back to the chairs. She wanted to examine my "jewelry" I said she shouldn't do that and quickly put a towel around my waist. Marco only encourage her as did dad and I was obligated to show myself to her. He actually took my cock in her hands, stroking it and said you're just like your father. I said it runs in the family. She laughed and said it was quite nice but did it hurt. I assured her it didn't I made sure I didn't reveal my stretched out hole for fear of what that might bring.

Marco commented that he agreed that I was beautiful. " He should be a model." He bargged., "but I'm not sure I want the world to desire him . He might find a better husband."

Mom looked and said she thought now that marriage was legal as per the Supreme Court, we should get married and Marco said he wanted that if I would agree. " Look, Marco, I gave you my son and my blessing some time ago. If you want to get married, I know Tommy would agree.'

I smiled never really thinking about it. I know Marco said some day he might marry a girl but only really to have a child. It would have to be an open relationship. "I think we could find a surrogate mother for us though."

This was all happening so fast I didn't know what to say. I finally said I should check the baking. I get so rattled sometimes! Mom said that was a good idea as she lay there, drying and still a bit loaded. All the time she was eyeing my lover from top to bottom especially his cock and ass.

I suddenly had a thought. It was something I remembered from high school. When my brothers and I had a kind of sex party, I recalled learning before they left for the weekend, that Adam had said they were going to a nudist colony. I had completely forgotten. Maybe mom was as kinky as the rest of us! When dad came in to get some more drinks and help carry the food to the patio where Marco has generously offered to grill burgers for us all, I asked him why the change in mom. He chuckled and said her less than support for my lifestyle she had exbibited, was only partially real. She enjoyed sex a LOT and now they went to a swingers club as well as the nudist place. I was a bit surprised but smiled and nodded. "Damn, Tommy, she is eyeing your lover and I know if given the chance, she would ask him to fuck her. Does he do women? I kind of sputtered out an answer saying sometimes, but rarely anymore as far as I knew. I don't think he'd have the energy and I know he wouldn't do anything with mom! "don't be too surprised. She has eyed his body and his cock since we got here. I bet she put's the moves on him."

I again was shocked but stayed back inside while dad went out with the relishes and buns for Marco. Marco was so hot sanding and grilling, naked but with a cute chef's hat on. Mom was out of her chair standing close to him, supposedly giving him instructions which he didn't need as he was an excellent griller. I saw her hands on his butt as she leaned in. I saw him react and looking shocked. Dad just smiled and whispered something to him. He smiled and bent down to retrieve something exposing his butt more. Her hands never left his tight muscular ass.

I came out as Marco put the burgers on the buns and he whispered to me that her hands were all over his ass. I just smiled. He looked at me questioningly. I whispered "she is hot for you babes."

We ate with mom sitting directly and closely next to Marco. I think he could hardly eat. I sat next to dad and he found his hands going to my crotch. I got hard of course. I was glad the table hid me from view. I pretended to drop something and looked under the table to see mom had her hand resting on his crotch too. No longer shocked I just smiled s Marco, unaware of what I knew, could hardly eat. His thick uncut cock appeared to have grown.

After we ate, I stood up, knowing my whore cock was hard. My dad did that to me. Marco stayed seated not sure what to do. Dad told Marco to come over to the grill. Reluctantly he got up with his cock fully hard, and walked toward my dad about to say what his wife was doing. Dad said something, causing Marco to kind of smirk but went sat down on a chair, legs wide open. Mom got herself another drink and went and plopped herself right on his lap. I couldn't help but laugh. I saw her whisper something to him and he turned beet red. She stood up and took Marco's hand and led him to a lunge chair . I could hear her whisper she wanted him. Looking to dad for advice, dad just nodded and said to go for it. Mom spread her legs exposing her hairy twat again and Marco leaned in and kissed her.. She took hold of his hard cock and directed it to her pussy and moaned when he almost fell into her. I don't know what he was thinking but kind of shrugged and being the stud he was just pushed in to her. He began to slowly fuck her as Dad and I watched. I had seen my lover fuck other guys and girls before so it was no shock to me. He must have hit just the right spot and she moaned in happiness and pounded her a bit before he lot off with a almost a yell . I knew she got a full load of Marco juice in her. He got up slowly smiling at her and she said, that was the hottest thing ever. I came over to see his juice leaking out of her. He took me in his arms and kissed me passionately and I kissed him too. I dropped down and in front of both my parents, licked his still throbbing piece in my mouth and let mom see me honor my man. "Oh that is hot was all she said. " Marco then said he thought it would be nice for me to show respect to my mom and dad both as they had made me, something he was grateful for. Dad had leaked a lot and I leaned over and licked him clean. Maroc then directed my head to mom's pussy and said "lick and kiss where you came from." I wasn't so sure but hey, I'm a whore for my man so I did licking up the residue from Marco's deposit in her. I thought it was too much but dad and Marco smiled and mom, I was told later rubbed my head and moaned with happiness..

I only took a minute and actually like all women, found licking cunt wasn't my thing but I made a kind of family bond.

Before they went home, mom told me how wonderful I was. She apologized for her disapproval act and I forgave her saying I had no idea she was into sex so much. She simply mumbled "if you only knew"

Dad got her together and seeming to have recovered from her drunk, they kissed us both. Marco got some tongue even and me, a motherly kiss and a rub on my naked butt.

"Things will be different now," she said and they left. I knew my dad had turned her into a cock loving whore like me. Maybe that's where I got it form. Who knows!

Marco rubbed my twat as we waved and they left. "By the way, it's your birthday next week. I 've got something special for you babe. " He said.

Just then the doorbell rang again and I saw my neighbor stude and the restaurant server standing at the door, both shirtless and so hot looking. I kissed Marco passionately as he opened the door.

Next: Chapter 22: After College 5

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