Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on May 25, 2016


Tom and Marco - After Graduation 3

This is a fictional story of gay erotica. Don't read any further if under age or where illegal. It is the property of the writer. Send comments to

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I was making Marco's breakfast after I had done my usual morning rituals with him, eating his hairy butt and tongue fucking him, sucking him and then drinking his morning piss before he fucked me full of his wonderful cum.

While I was soft boiling some eggs, he stood behind me and had almost his fist up my cunt enjoying the wetness of his cum still in me. He was kissing me and making me horny as he told me that I had had a phone call. It was from a former high school friend of mine who I had lost contact with. He was more bookish like I was before I got into swimming and running. As our lifestyles changed, me with Marco and him, well I don't know what he did, but I sometimes thought about him. We had never done much together sexually. I was willing but he didn't want to be labeled as gay. He was though, I knew it but to each his own. We drifted apart and I didn't see him much after high school. I still liked him though and thought he was cute in his skinny body and nerd glasses.

Anyway, Marco said " Babe, your old friend from school, Andy, called. He said he hadn't seen you in awhile and he was in the area and wanted to see you."

"Oh shit, he didn't know anything about how I was now happily, Marco's boy and lover. We had had a kind of sexual wedding so to speak with mostly his friends and my brothers and their bitches. I knew Andy knew none of this.

"So," continued Marco, I invited him by today to renew old acquaintances. I remember him from school too.. Didn't know him well though."

"Oh, Marco, I said almost dumbfounded, what will I wear to see him?"

Marco frowned and said I should wear what I always wore at home- nothing. He smiled and said he needs to know we are nudist around here and I'm sure he will just accept that. Marco even said he would stay naked until he had to go the league office for some publicity photos.

I wondered just how that would all work. I mean I never entertained my friends, the few I had, naked. What would he think?

We showered and Marco washed out my hole with the hose in our shower. After the other clean up activities, we went back so I could clean up the kitchen. Marco came in naked as I was. He smiled and said it would be nice to see Andy again. I wasn't so sure but kept my mouth shut..

Just about then, the doorbell rang. Marco looked at me as if to say aren't you going to answer it? I put down the dish cloth and went like the dutiful slut I am.

I opened the door and there stood Andy. He looked at me and his mouth fell open. I didn't try to cover up as I had nothing with me and knew Marco wouldn't approve anyway. I gave him a bro hug like nothing unusual was happening and welcomed him in. He had developed a lot since I saw him last. He was taller, more filled out and still wore his glasses, a kind of Harry Potter look. He wore shorts, sandals and a sleeveless tee shirt. He walked in and stared at me kind of smiling.

" I see what I was told was true. You are a nudist!

I shook my head and said Marco and I had adopted the life style a while back. I invited him to sit and I sat too making sure I did what Marco liked, keeping my legs apart to show my cock. He had seen it when we first went to high school and had gym together. My cock was big then but now it was huge, 11 inches or more and very thick.

He admired my improved physique and said I looked good naked but was surprised I guess that I wasn't bashful like I used to be always hiding when I changed to keep the other guys from making fun of my huge dick.

I could see Andy couldn't keep his eyes off of me and it made my feel a little self conscious. Marco walked in ,in all his naked glory too and smiled and shook hands with Andy. Andy couldn't take his eyes off either of us. Marco sat next to me and rested his hand on the upper part of my leg and simply chatted with Andy like it was nothing.

I could see Andy was keeping his hands on his crotch. I figured he must be getting hard. I wasn't really hard but with my dick, it always looked that way anyway. Marco wasn't hard and talked like nothing was any different.

Marco must have noticed Andy too and said " if you like, you can get naked too as we always are like this at home. Andy kept stuttering his answers. He talked about mostly just old times while keeping his eyes on my cock and looking at the ring in it and the wide heavy banc that encircled my ball sack.

He finally asked during a lull in the conversation, how long I had been pierced and if I wore the weighted band all the time.

Maroc answered for me saying and taking my cock in his hand, that the ring represented our marriage. He explained that as a soccer player, he couldn't wear one like it (bullshit) but he wore a matching ring, all but smaller, on his ring finger showing it off proudly.

"We re truly a couple. We are like, married but Tommyboy gets to show it off more.."

I smiled not knowing what else to do and nodded agreement.

After some more chatting and me getting drinks, an ice tea for Marco, and one for Andy, and a cup of Marco's piss over ice for me, Marco suggested we move outdoors and sit by or in the pool. I agreed and Andy seemed to like the idea too but saying he had no swim suit. Marco just laughed and said we never wore them. "Even when we go to the beach, we go naked, or well I get naked once there and Tommy goes that way."

Andy smiled and almost smirked as we went outdoor and I dove in the pool to cool down. Andy stripped with his back to us but I did see he had a nice ass. I wanted to recall his cock too and was rewarded when he turned around almost reaching to cove himself. "Just get comfortable being naked. We are." Marco remarked. Andy then turned and he had a nice cock maybe about 8 inches. Nothing as big as mine but close to Marco's size but minus the thickness.

We sat around going to the pool every little while. Marco finally, during a lull in the chat, remarked to Andy what a nice body he had. Andy thanked him but said he was nothing like me. "Yeah, Tommy boy has us all beat. Just like his brothers."

Andy remarked that I had no pubes and of course my balls were shaved. I told him Marco wanted that. "I wondered why you still had hair in your, er, ah crack and I guess around your hole. You also got pit hair."

Before I oculd answer, Marco said he liked me shaved off to contrast with his big bush. I like the hair around his crack and in his pussy. I always like that in my women."

Andy said it looked cool and Maroc had me bend over to show him my hairy cunt. "He is truly a beautiful boy and I so enjoy showing him off. Marco hugged me and kissed me and asked if we all wanted more to drink. I got up to get more beverages but Marco came over and said this time I should drink from the tap and put his softened dick to my lips. I didn't want to do that in font of Andy but Marco insisted and Andy watched in amazement as I drank his piss. I figured I might as well show him what a whore I was.

Andy's mouth opened and he watched intently. "Oh, wow, fucking amazing!" was his remark. I just smiled as Marco offered to get the drinks for him and Andy. When he went inside briefly, Andy asked if I did that all the time. "Yes," I admitted. I really savor it and I'd do anything Marco asks of me."

"Does he let you fuck him or do you get to cum. I noted the heavy weight on your balls and the big ring in the head. Are you his slave?"

I wasn't sure how to respond but said that I cum when Marco allows it mostly when we make love but I now find I cum more when getting fucked than any other way. "I'm not really a slave but he does kind of own me and I submit to anything he asks. He loves me so much though and I found that this is my best place. I mean I need to be controlled."

Andy nodded and said he always admired me and wished we had stayed close. I agreed and said we should just pick up where we left off. "I'm sure Marco would agree. He seems to really like you."

Marco returned and handed the drinks." I just brought you ice water", he said to me.

I accepted that and we chatted more always going back to sex. Andy admitted to Marco that he was in love with me. I was shocked that he said that. He admitted too that he was gay but hadn't found the right guy yet. I wish I had what you guys have" he stated.

Marco looked at him and asked if he wanted sex with me. He looked down and quietly said yes he would love that.

"I don't mind. Tommy will do anything I ask of him and if I agree, he will have sex with you. You are a top aren't you>"

Andy said he liked both and Marco said that I was a bottom boy so if he wanted me to suck him off or get fucked by him, that was fine with him. "See, in my culture, when you have a valuable possessions, you share them. I want all of my friends, family and best buds to share in my joy. Tommy likes to make me happy and when I'm happy, he's happy."

Marco added that as a only child, he learned the ways of the world and also was abused by his father, all masked in supposedly teaching him to take what he wanted and make it his own. He said he really never abused me but he like me to be slutty and everything I did made him happy.

Marco was sprawled on the luge chair and pulled me close to him. He hugged and kissed me passionately. Of course, I melted and moaned a sigh as he sat me on his cock and pushed it all the way in.

Andy smiled and uttered a wow seeing as I had no lube and took him all the way. "He never gets lubed much as I have him wear a wide plug to keep him open for me. His cunt if like pussy. It's wide and he can even take my fist. I'm so proud that he has a prolapse now and I love to see it winking at me and inviting me to invade his furry hole. I rode his cock a few times . My huge dick was now hard as nails and it stuck out dripping with pre cum.

Andy came closer and watched me ride my man. "I'm going to leave a load in him so its nice and wet for you. We can both fuck him together but I'll let you fuck him good first. I really didn't want to double fuck with Andy at least not yet. Although I'm a whore for cock in my cunt or my mouth, I really want to kind of have say.

Marco moaned and I felt his hot load enter me. I shot off a load as I hadn't done one yet today . I dutifully licked his chest of my dripping before I swallowed his cock deep in my mouth to clean him. I knew I was dripping his cum but lost all sense of pride and just went with the flow.

Andy took my hand and took me to another lounge. Marco was up and watching as Andy pushed my legs up and my toes were in the air as he entered me and fucked me really good . It didn't take him long and he shot his load in to join Marco's. Marco smiled at me and kissed me the whole time.

I knew he was proud of me. I was actually proud of myself taking both cocks up my cunt . I dripped a little as I squeezed my butt cheeks to keep anymore from leaking. Marco told me to push it all out and handed me a glass and I dumped the load of cum inside and then just drank it all.

Andy was beside himself and said he never enjoyed a fuck more. We got up and Marco suggested we swim some and then he was taking us to lunch. "Fuck the publicity pictures. They will wait."

After a bit more playing in the pool, we dried one another off and Marco said he was gong to get ready. He said he'd get me something to wear. I wondered just what slutty outfit he find.

Andy got dressed after a quick shower and I did the same. Marco gave me some very tight shorts and a tank top. That was it. My dick was very visible in the shorts. They both put on shoes and as Marco offered me none, I went barefoot.

We got in the Marco's car and left for a little beach side place, gay of course where we had salads. I enjoyed the waiter, a young kid, gay too who worked shirtless and seemed to enjoy waiting on me. He knew I was a whore I'm sure. When we left, he had his hands on my butt while he admired my feet. Marco pointed out I was a swimmer and that partially explained why they were big and I had long toes. I doubt that was the reason but the kid said he bet I had other big parts too. I was a little shocked at his boldness, but just smiled. Marco suggested the kid give him a call if he wanted to find out what other big parts I had. The kid was real impressed that he got to wait on a pro soccer player which made Marco smile. Marco actually gave the boy his phone number and said to call him. He gave the kid a huge tip and stroked his nice pecs and nipples. The kid really didn't mind but kept his hands off Marco and gave my nips a kiss before we left.

Andy said he wanted to move here!. He never had such a hot lunch in his life!

On the way back, Marco suggested he stick around as my brothers and their boys would be by tonight and he might enjoy that. Andy looked at me for approval and I nodded. I knew I would end of with a really sore hole after all that! Andy and I stripped off and lay naked by the pool in the sun. I put tanning lotion on him to prevent burning. I was pretty tan all over so I only used a little. We talked about old times mostly and what Andy was now doing. He had a research job at a university which kept him busy but he said he thought he might look into moving back here to renew our old friendship. I guessed he wanted to tap my pussy as Marco had allowed that.

As we swam and sunned, I head a car and knew my brothers were here. They came out and stripped naked. Andy was fascinated with Kurt's boy Robert who Kurt hd made play a dog for the day. He led him out on his knees naked of course but wearing a leash and tail butt plug. He looked a little depressed and Kurt said he was punishing him for some unkown reason. Adam came out with Tim. Both boys, Robert and Tim, now sported large through the head cock rings like mine. Robert also had his nips pierced. I was glad Marco never wanted that. Each wore the same heavy ring which weighed down their nuts like mine. They had been gifts from Marco after Adam and Kurt had admired mine and the effect they had.

Of course I introduced Andy to all of them. Andy knew my brothers sort of, never friends but had seen the two of us together back in our high school days. Kurt remembered Andy better than Adam did but Andy was very cordial. He nodded to Tim to kiss Andy's now very hard cock while Robert kissed his feet and licked his toes. I noticed that Robert wore some kind of mitts on his hands prohibiting him from grabbing anything.

Robert looked sad and I immediately rubbed his now pretty muscular back. How he had changed I thought. He used to be such a jock kind of kid. Now he was truly pussy whipped and so obedient to my younger brother.

Robert looked at me and I knew he appreciated my efforts but he didn't smile back at me . I wanted to hug him and tell him it would be all right. I wasn't sure Marco would approve of me saying something to Kurt like why are you being such an asshole to this boy who loves and adores you. I bit my tongue and stayed out of it until I could muster the courage to confront him. I wondered what Adam thought too.

After the greeting, I got the guys something to drink. Kurt said to get Robert just an empty bowl. I looked at him with not an approving glare but did as I was told. I put the bowl down and Kurt proceeded to piss in it. "Got to keep the pup hydrated, you know.' He said. Kurt was smiling. Robert kind of slumped a bit and I just turned my head.

After about an hour of pool play, Robert wasn't allowed in the water, but stayed tied to a chair, Adam finally told Kurt the fun with Robert should be over. "Come on, man, you've had your fun. Whatever he did or didn't do, well , it should be over now. Fuck, he adores you and does anything you tell him no matter how humiliating, let his get up and stop this stupid dog stuff. It ain't cool.'

I was proud of Adam for speaking up . Of course Tim and I didn't comment. "Oh, all right. Get up mutt and I'll take your pup paws off . But you better be on your best behavior or they go back on!"

Kurt had Robert stand dropping the leash but leaving it attached to the ring on his balls. He took off the paws and removed rather painfully, the tail plug in his ass. Robert quietly thanked him. He did bend down and kiss Kurt's big dick.

Around 6, Marco arrived. He was naked as the rest of us quickly and kissed me full mouth awith tongue. He rubbed my shoulders and said I was beautiful. Andy asked why I had my crotch shaved. Marco just said it was more beautiful that way and didn't hid my huge dick. "I may let him grow some hair there sometime, but for now, I like to keep him like a boy. I just leave his pits and crack hair so it looks more like a pussy" I was embarrassed but just smiled. Marco kissed me again and then kissed Tim and Robert. Kurt was about to say something when Adam gave him a look that said to leave Robert alone.

I went in and asked Adam and Kurt if Tim and Robert could help me with dinner. They agreed and the three of us went to make dinner. I had to ask and Robert did tell me that he had protested about eating Kurt's ass right after he shit. I guessed he was whiney about it but I told him Marco no longer expected that form me and if he wanted, I would ask Marco to speak to him about it. He said not to say anymore. Robert added that he didn't want to do it as they were just about to leave and he knew Kurt wouldn't let him clean his mouth after. " I didn't want to show up here smelling like shit but you can see what it got me." I told him that I would speak to Adam instead and he would set my little brother straight. Robert just gave a half hearted nod fearing what his master would od to him next. I couldn't fathom why Kurt was so nasty to him. I mean Tim and I gave our bodies willingly to our masters and they seemed to appreciate it all. I wondered if Kurt was trying to get rid of Robert or if he hadn't come to grips with the fact he was as gay as the rest of us and had to show his dominance by cruelty.

We served the dinner and all ate. I had made a Colombian dish that Marco really liked and everyone enjoyed it. I did tell Adam in private when he took me aside to allegedly fuck me, which he did but I managed to tell him or Kurt's actions. He said he would whip that boy in shape. He kissed me like only a brother can. He even sucked my cock.

Before they left, I heard Adam and Kurt having a rather heated discussion. I couldn't make out everything but did hear Adam say he would take Robert away from him if he didn't start treating him better. "He ain't no dog, he's your lover, and sex toy. Don't fuck with his mind!"

We all had some sex fun. Andy was w so drained from fucking and getting serviced that he almost passed out. I told him he could stay the night but he said his dick couldn't handle more. WE all laughed and all the guys left. Robert did lick me and thanked me for whatever I did. He hoped it would be ok when they got home. I said he should call me or Adam if it didn't .

Adam did tell me that my Dad and Mom were coming by the next day. I was shocked. I looked at Marco but got no reply. I brought you something if Marco says it is ok. It's a bandana that goes around your leg. You cover your cock and balls which stay close to your tied up leg. Just one cheek and a bit of your crotch shows. It might make her feel better. Marco took it and thought it looked sexy. He agreed I should wear it and maybe he would wear one too.

I was just a little bit fearful of what she would say but Adam assured me she was coming around . " I wear one and so does Tim when they come over. He offered to buy one for Robert and Kurt but Kurt wasn't sure.

I just knew I was going to be nervous.

Next: Chapter 21: After College 4

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