Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Mar 17, 2015


My parents agreed and I did take the job offered at Marco's family business. It was only weekends but it did give me some cash. The first Saturday, Marco picked me up around 3:30 in the morning. I had never been awake so early in my life. I actually drifted of for a minute as he drove. I awoke in about two minutes and found he had his nice hairy pit arm almost around me. He moved it quickly when I woke up startled and not knowing where I was. At first. I apologized for drifting off but he just laughed and said it was fine. He started to tell me why his arm was almost around me but said that he didn't want me to fall over. Hmmmmm!

He stopped at a drive thru and got us each a coffee. It really helped to wake me up. He just seemed so happy and I can't figure out why. Damn, it was a totally unrealistic hour to be awake. He said he was used to it though and I would get used to it too. I wasn't so sure.

We arrived at the warehouse and it was already a bustling place with lots of trucks arriving and leaving. He parked the truck and we both went into the office where a man, I presumed his father, was seated at a desk. He greeted him and told him who I was. The man, actually pretty good looking, maybe around 40, nodded to me but said little. He gave me some papers to fill out for social security and payroll. Once done, he told Marco that he was to do the usual. Marco said yes Pop and we went out. Marco led me to the locker room. He said we could keep our stuff, I didn't have any, in there. he opened a locker, checked it out and handed me the combination lock. He looked at me and kind of paused but told me I would likely get a little too hot in the jeans I had worn. He said he could give me some shorts and a tank top. He handed them to me and stood watching. I wasn't sure if I was to strip right there but he told me to change. I pulled off my tee and he smiled at me. I decided to give him a little show and let him see most of me. I was glad I wore underwear as I still didn't want him to see me naked and see my long dick. I liked this boy and think he liked me and I didn't want my horse cock to be a reason for him to think I was some kind of freak. I dropped my jeans and I know he looked at my package. He smiled and handed me the basketball shorts like the ones he wore. I pulled them on and then threw on the tank. It didn't fit like a glove as it did on him but he told me I had a nice body. He actually had reached out with a finger and touched me from my pit to my side. I began to think this boy may be hot for me too. I wondered if he had jerked off. I could see a hardness I didn't notice before, in his crotch.

We went out and he showed me how the boxes were tossed up to the back of a truck. He told me it was easier to catch them than to toss them so I got up inside the truck and made a real concentrated effort to catch the boxes he threw. I stacked them neatly and we proceeded to fill at least six trucks before he told me were taking a break. We sat on some boxes and he grabbed a bottle of water for each of us. We talked about the job and I learned that his dad put him to work when he was 13. Now, three years later, he had filled out. He felt my arms and said he knew I could do it and I too would develop strong shoulders, arms and even my legs would get stronger. I took the opportunity to feel his biceps and forearms. His skin was so smooth. He had a little hair on his arms but not as much as his legs which were damn sexy. I wondered if he had a lot on his dick and balls. I wanted to see them so badly. He didn't mind me touching him and I think he actually liked it. He was proud of his body and it showed.

After a few more hours of work, he said we could rest now and he had to piss. I did too so I followed him into the men's room. He just walked up to a urinal and wearing basketball shorts with no fly, just yanked them down below his knees exposing a really hot looking ass. There was a little hair on it and I wondered how much more there might be in his hole. Damn, I knew I had to be the gayest guy ever wondering this stuff about my friend. I got to view his cock which appeared to be about 8 inches. I decided I could not hide anymore. I knew he wanted me to check him out and so after a deep breath, just yanked the shorts I was wearing down too and began to pee. I wasn't hard , thank goodness, but after viewing him, I wanted to get done fast before I did. He looked over at me and smiled his beautiful smile and asked how I was doing. He told me he was glad I took the job and that he had someone. He quickly explained he meant to work with. There were other guys doing what we did but ?. He said he wasn't to close to them. He did look at my cock and whistled. He said I was going to make someone happy with that. If he only knew. It wasn't hard yet and as a grower, I knew it wasn't full length yet. I smiled and returned his compliment. I almost thought he might reach over and touch my dick but he didn't. He just smiled and said I was in great shape.

I had no idea what that meant. We worked awhile longer and were both now sweating as it had gotten warm since the sun came up. He looked at a clock and said it was lunch time. It was only around 9:30 but we had been working for five hours. He told me were would go check in with his dad then go and sit and eat something. We went in the office which was much busier now. Several young girls smiled and ogled us but spoke only with Marco. It was clear they were hot for him. He was nice as he was to all people. Our little conversation was cut short when his dad yelled at him to come in to the office. He left me there with the girls and he went in. I didn't hear much but figured his dad wanted a report on how I was doing and how much we accomplished. He came out and said we should go to lunch. It was hot outside and as we walked to a small area with grass and a picnic table, the cafeteria I assumed, he stripped off his shirt , making him look hotter than ever. His olive skin glistened in the sun from his sweat. He told me to get comfortable too so I joined him. I figured he wanted to either show off for the girls or to check me out. I didn't care as I wanted to check him out too. It was nice to see his hot pecs and a nice line of hair running from his navel to his crotch. He sat so I sat and we chatted about nothing meaningful. I thanked him again for getting me the job although truly, it was harder than I thought. I decided I needed the money and liked being with him and whatever it would do to build me up like he was, was worth it.

He suggested we get some sandwiches. Neither of us brought a lunch so we went, dressed as we were, to a canteen type truck where he bought us lunch. I felt bad with him paying again but he said it was fine. I promised, once paid, I wanted to buy him stuff like he had for me. He smiled a wiped some mustard from the hot dog I ate, off my face. Damn his touch was nice!

Our day went along fine. We talked about track and he reminded me that we had an out of town meet next weekend. He said his dad wasn't happy about him missing work but that he looked forward to it. He even suggested we room together. He was better at track and filed events than I was so I almost was surprised he wanted to room with me. He told me finally, I was kind of special to him as his first and best friend at school. He thought we would make good roommates.

I laughed and told him it was a great idea. I too looked forward to it. I then though as I jerked off thinking about him nightly, what I would do in a hotel. I guess I'd figure that out.

Next: Chapter 3

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