Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on May 13, 2016


Tom and Marco - After College 2

This is a purely fiction story of gay sex and submission. You must be of legal age to read it. If you have comments Please make a contribution to Nifty.

Thanks Rob

Yes, I have finally come around, no surprise, that I am truly a whore for my lover Marco. He is the real man in our relationship. Although an athlete in college, swimmer and diver, I have left that behind only working out to maintain my body to please Marco.

When my dad agreed to more or less, give me to Marco, I was a bit taken aback. I mean, who gives their son away but it has developed into a truly loving yet controlled life for me.

As a part of our becoming couple, Marco had my dick pierced and a rather large, silver ring installed as our weeding ring. Had got one too but his was on his finger. He also had a large , about 3 lb. weight put around the top of my ball sack to stretch the length of the balls as they hang down. Thankfully, Marco does keep the little wrench handy so the weight can be removed. When I swim or exercise, but it is always his choice to take it off. Yes, he makes love to me very passionately and truly shows his love for me as his life long partner. He says we will get really married some day. I keep waiting for that to happen.

I am also his sex object and while we are both nudists, he usually wears clothes when he has company. I usually am never clothed as he says he wants to share my male beauty with all. I have gotten used to it so that I even answer the door naked wearing only my body jewelry. I get some looks but I don't care. I love him and would do anything he asks of me

He does let my two brothers and father use me and is proud that I make them happy. Both of them have their own male body slaves too and sometimes the three slaves are made to perform for them in exotic ways . I am proud when I make them all happy.

I don't use my degree from college. I am his stay at home wife, slave and body servant.

He has me shave my pubes and what little hair grows on my legs and arms. He does like a furry pussy though and makes sure I don't shave or remove any hair in my crack or around my hole. He also allows me to keep my pit hair as a sign that I am a guy. He of course, is hairy except for his chest and back. I still enjoy sleeping with my face buried in his pits or wherever he asks me and I still service his cock and ass every morning before drinking in his piss before he gets up for the coffee and breakfast that I prepare for him, usually with his cum still leaking out of my hole. He just says it looks hot.

For fucking, he rarely needs to use lube on me anymore as I am pretty well stretched open ad with the dildo he asks me to wear most of the time, my hole rarely closes tight I have developed a prolapse so my hole is open for view and some of my internal organs are visible. He think it makes me look hot. With all the fucking I get, I don't mind anymore. He just insists that I douche myself regularly after shitting so I am clean for him. He on the other hand prefer my tongue to clean out his hole.. I have gotten used to it and no savor his manly taste. Of course afterwards, I brush and clean my mouth before going out with him . I'm glad to do that as I don't want offensive breath .

My two brothers and their whores are frequent visitors to our home. They often trade us off to have sex when they visit so we get to have different cocks up our pussies. Yes, that's what I call it too now that I am so accustomed to my life.

A new family moved in next door to us recently . They have one teen aged son, about 16 or 17 I guess. Marco struck up a friendship with the son as Marco is only 23 himself. The kid was so impressed to live next door to a pro soccer player and they often kick the ball around. I watch as my man tutors this stud and like watching him wash his car in the driveway.

I had met him until one day, he came to the door looking for Marco. I don't think he knows our real relationship although he has seen me sunbathe naked by our pool.

I answered the door as Marco was in the kitchen drinking his coffee. He always just assumed I would do that as I guess it was my role to answer the door. I did and the young guy stared at me in all my naked glory wearing only the ring in the head of my cock, the weight thing on my balls and a small leather band around the base of my cock. He smiled at me as I told him to come in. The guys name was Lucas and he was dressed only in his basketball shorts. His bare torso was a turn on form me as even though he was still younger than me, he had a six pack and a nice hairless body and nicely developed pecs. Like me, he was also barefoot and he had great feet with nice long toes. He spent a few seconds checking me out and simply said nice with no mention of my nakedness. Marco came strolling in and smiled and said hi. He introduced us . His name was Lucas and Marco told him I was his partner, thankfully he didn't just say his bitch, and we shook hands. Marco was wearing just very short runner shorts with no underwear either as we never wore it.

Marco asked if Lucas wanted something to drink. He did say a water would be good and I dutifully went to get it. When I came back, both were relaxing in chairs. I knew my nudity was discussed and Marco had no problem just saying that I was always naked. "I keep my boy the way I like him. "Don't you think he's beautiful." Marco asked. Lucas agreed and when Marco said he could touch me he did stroke my pecs and said I was great. I thanked him for the compliment and said he was hot too.

Marco proceeded to tell him how we met in high school and that my father eventually agreed to give me to him. I was embarrassed by that but Lucas thought it was cool. We chatted or I should say they did mostly about soccer and finally Lucas said he wanted to borrow a hedge trimmer. Apparently, his parents wanted him to do some trimming. Marco agreed but before he left to get them, he told Lucas I was his and that he would allow me to use me. Lucas smiled and said he had seen me by the pool and thought our naked life style was great. Marco looked at me and then said I should give Lucas the proper welcome to our home. I knew what that meant but knew Lucas didn't. I quietly moved next to Lucas and knelt down and kissed his feet before burying my face in his crotch and giving him a kiss on his cock.

"Oh, man, never had a guy kiss my feet and cock before. It is so cool!"

Marco told him if he wanted, I would suck his cock.

In a flash, his shorts came down revealing a nice 7 or 8 inch cock with a big head. It tasted a bit sweaty and smelled like a hot guy. I took the cock in my mouth and began to lick and suck. Lucas leaned back in the chair, spread his legs and moaned softly as I did my work to please him. Marco whispered, "isn't he the best cocksucker ever?"

Lucas moaned and said oh shit he's going to make me cum!"

"Just enjoy it. There's al ot more you can do with him also. His pussy is like velvet and when he eats you, you think you've died and gone to heaven!"

Seeing him getting ready to cum, I backed off a bit wanting to taste his hole. He slid forward a bit which I took as his invitation and licked his balls, which were a bit hairy and went for his crack. It too was a bit hairy but I savored it and actually got my tongue inside once I licked his hairs. He tasted sweaty there too but basically clean. I had eaten out enough guys to know he wiped pretty good, leaving only a slight taste of what he had shit out earlier. He moaned and kept saying, "oh, fuck, oh fuck" before he took my head and directed it back to his cock where I felt his cock expand and he shot maybe five or six shots of boy cum in my throat, moaning but smiling the whole time.

Once he came, I licked him clean and backed away still on my knees. He praised me as one great cock sucker and had the best mouth in the world. I was proud of my work with him.

Marco had suggested he might want to fuck me also. I was proud of myself as I had made him smile at me and Lucas. His facial expression told me he was proud to show me off.

"I got to piss first before I can do that!" he exclaimed. "Go ahead. Tommy boy drinks mine every day as a matter of fact he drinks most of my piss and now savors it . It is his main drink!"

'You mean you piss in his mouth?" Lucas asked astonished. I felt a little weird having this secret of mine divulged. Lucas looked at me and Marco again encouraged him "I don't know. Never pissed in a guys mouth or even thought of it." Lucas exclaimed.

"Let me show you. Tommy wakes me gently everyday with sucking my feet and toes, my hole and then my cock. His warm mouth makes me need to go so after he swallows my cum, he waits for me and puts his mouth back on my cock to wait for it." Marco climbed on the bed and put his semi hard cock to my lips. Then he nodded and I took in a bit more and he let loose. Lucas could see my throat swallowing Marco's piss. "He licks it clean when I'm done."

"Do you drink his piss too?" Lucas asked watching me do my duty .

"Hell, no. The master head of the household would never do that. As a matter of fact, he now does most of his business outside in a area near some bushes. I really don't like him to mess up the toilets he cleans so well. After, I usually let him douche himself for later fucking. When I crap, he usually comes with me and holds my dick in his mouth while I shit. I praise him for his good work or tell him what he needs to do that day. When I'm done, he moves in and licks me clean. So much nicer than a bidet or toilet paper. His warm mouth just makes me feel so good and clean. I let him rinse out his mouth as I may want to kiss him and don't want to taste my shit.'

"Do you ever shit in his mouth?"

"I did a few times to get him used to being my boy and whore and lover." The biggest time was right after we were united and I did it as his brothers and father watched. They joined in too. It kind of made him sick though so I don't do it often. Maybe on a special occasion now. It was part of his total submission to me and it needed to be witnessed by his family. Only his mother didn't watch. His brothers bitches also did were used that way. Now they just lick out one another when they meet, kind of like dogs smell one another's butts. Real hot to watch though."

They chatted a bit and it was almost like I wasn't there, never asking me how I felt about it. I was horrified the first time but now, well I am a slut whore, I just go along with it.

"wonder if I could try that someday.' Lucas asked.

"For now, just the pissing. Piss is general clean if it comes form a healthy guy. So no harm. It just fills him up and he needs to piss more often. Kind of cool at clubs and other hot gay places we sometimes go. If you were a bit older, I'd take you with me but ?.

Lucas asked if he could piss in my mouth. Marco nodded and said, "Looks, he waiting for you. Lucas almost smirked as he aimed his fat cock head to my mouth and let loose. I swallowed dutifully as Marco expected I would.

"Holy shit, that is sooooo cool. I wish I had someone who let me rape them and piss on them and all this shit you guys do." Lucas was beaming.

"You can use him when you come over. Or, just ask me. Tommy boy likes to please me and my guests.

After the piss and before I could clean my mouth, He pushed my legs up and wide and plowed into my well used pussy. I was thankfully still moist form earlier. He didn't last long and I squeezed my butt to make him feel more of me and he shot another big liad up my well used cunt.

I let some run out for his benefit. He examined my cunt closely and was amazed at how much like a well used cunt it was although puffy and the hole really didn't close. Some of my prolapse showed and Marco said he would have me show it off more for him later.

I got up to rinse my mouth . Lucas and Marco slipped on shorts and we went back to the living room . Lucas wanted to touch me all over and I allowed it. He was a hot boy. I got the guys some iced tea and Marco handed the hedge shears to Lucas. He asked if he could com back later. I knew why. Marco said he had practice to go to but he could come back in the evening and maybe spend the night. "I might invite Adam and Kurt and their boys over. Those are Tommy's brothers. We might just have some fun. Or maybe, I'll introduce you to a few of my team mates. They like to play with us too."

Lucas was so grateful. Before he left, I knelt down and kissed his cock as I had been trained to do and licked each of his bare feet. He assured Marco he would join us tonight for whatever fun he might plan. He did tell Lucas he could come over and sun bathe or use the pool ( his family didn't have one) in the afternoon. Tommy will be here and take good care of you. I think he likes you.

We all smiled and Lucas left to trim the bushes.

Later that night, After Marco came home from soccer practice, I made dinner. I was becoming quite good, if I do say so myself, at preparing all kinds of food. I even got good at making Colombian dishes that Marco loved and his mother had taught me to make. We had a great dinner with Marco praising me for the sex earlier with Lucas and for the great dinner. He told me we should go to the private club which we both had joined. I was a gay club with sex areas.

Marco dressed in very skinny jeans and a tight sleeveless tee and me in some majorly short shorts that were almost transparent. I wore a very short tank top that didn't reach the top of the shorts. He insisted I leave the top button open and the button fly partially opened. Yah, I looked like a male whore but was proud to be go with my man. I knew the clothes on me wouldn't last too long and Marco would become shirtless on our arrival. He wore expensive sandals and of course I was barefoot. I rarely wore any kind of footware and I noticed my feet had become wider. He loved my long toes and somewhat boney feet. Like all of me, they were well exercised. I rally didn't care anymore and just accepted my role as his whore.

We got to the club and a half naked young man with just shorts and flip flops, parked our car. Marco got lots of attention due his celebrity status. He secured a short chain to the weight on my balls and led me around to greet other guys. When he sat, I dutifully knelt at his feet with my head down unless addressed by him or others and smiled at all the guys.

We both lost our tops. Marco checked them for us . My shorts were soon off once we entered the private sex area and he loved to let my leash hang and rubbed my ass inserting his fingers up my hole making me horny as fuck.

One guy asked if I ever fucked anyone. I think he wanted me to fuck him, but Marco said no. He pointed out that my dick was purely for viewing and peeing. I got to fuck twice a year when he hired a hustler for me to use while he watched. The days were my birthday and at Christmas time. Other than that, I came as I was taught to do, when Marco or one of his friends or my brothers, fucked me. He liked to watch me cum as I made what looked like gallons,

He liked to show me off like his priced pet and I no longer minded that. I was proud that he thought I was so sexy and buff. I did the usual and drank his piss at the table while others were allowed to watch and he let me go outside in back where the whore boys were told to take care of their business. I wondered how many guys actually used the rest room. I know they often had some drugged up whore tied to the urinals for guys to piss in and on. I was a hot scene but I didn't get to do it there.

Before the night was up, I was fucked a few times and sucked a few cocks to completion. Marco always was right there to make sure only guys he wanted to share me with, got to use me. I was a bit taken aback when I saw a guy who I went to school with who had some boy with him and was allowed by Marco to have me suck him dry.

I no longer got much lube but it wasn't necessary as my hole was so stretched and open and my prolapse sometimes stuck out. Marco just smiled and said I should eat before we go to the club as he feared I might leak. He had already told me that is one reason why he kept a huge plug or dildo in me. It embarrassed me to think of losing perhaps shit on the floor but thankfully that didn't happen.

We stayed until about 1 am when he decided we should go home. "Your brothers and their bitches will be over tomorrow for a pool party. You'll need to get up early to fix the food for them." I just nodded and smiled. Tomorrow would be a big day. He put a towel on my seat as he knew I would leak cum and he didn't want that on his seats. I was ok with that as I knew he was right. Tomorrow would be another big day.

Next: Chapter 20: After College 3

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