Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Jun 25, 2015


Tom and Marco - Summer Four

This is the last part of the Tom and Marco series, a gay erotic fiction work. Please do not copy or reproduced in any way. If you have comments, please write me at

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Marco told me that for my birthday, after I ate him real good, he would allow me to fuck him. I got excited but then realized that I hardly fucked at all. I thanked him and did eat him good. He was kind of dirty but it was Marco and I loved it. I thanked him for the privilege of fucking him but said I really didn't deserve it. He had treated me so well buying me some real cool stuff to wear to the party. I wondered how often I would get to wear it. But after declining his offer. I said I should only get fucked. I called my dick worthless. He looked sad but sucked what he could of it saying it was beautiful. While he sucked me, I ate his toes and licked his hairy legs. He finished and told me he knew I wanted to cum . My huge horse dick was sticking out and dripping. He said I could maybe cum when we got back. He fucked me and filled my hole. I asked if I could clean out before going to my folks. He smiled, kissed me and said no. He thought it best if I got replugged with yet another stretching dildo. I moaned a little and he just shook his head and said I should know better.

I did dress in the new clothes and felt really good except for my ultra stretched hole. He said he thought Adam had got a similar dildo for Timmy. Maybe later we could show one another. I walked a little stiff but knew he had my best interests at heart so we went out. I was surprised when I began to remove my cool shorts in the car for him, that he said no. I think he thought I might still cum as I was pretty drippy.

We arrived at my folk's house. Adam's car was there and I was surprised that Ricky and Justin were there too. My dad and brothers and our friends greeted me warmly. I knew Adam knew about my dildo. He admired my clothes and gave me a smirk as he said not to get them dirty.

Even my mom was in good sprits and hugged me. My dad actually rubbed my ass. I think he knew about the dildo. Marco was a perfect gentleman helping mom in the kitchen. I saw Timmy walking like I was. Mom asked but we just said we hurt our backs exercising. No big deal. She accepted that. We had a super dinner. I was happy that other than putting his hands on my legs as I ate, He didn't embarrass me. Mom and Dad gave me a big check. Mom announced that in spite of her reactions, she had decided to accept Adam and me for out lifestyles as she called them

I was truly happy. Marco said we had bought a house, well, actually he had bought it as I had no money. It was large he said and hoped they would all visit. MY dad raised an eyebrow but said he would love to see it. He suggested maybe he could come over and give us some help with nay changes we wanted. He was quite enthusiastic. Mom said she too would help if we asked her.

It was a nice day and I enjoyed be fawned over. I had before always been the perfect child/son . I said I would soon be going back for my last year of school and needed to start swim practice. I did tell them that I did turn down a chance to try out for the Olympic swim team for the USA. I said I just didn't want to do it all that much. I also said that maybe I might give up swimming. I think the folks were hurt but I wanted to be up front. Marco said little other than he too was disappointed but that I had to decide for my self. I took the gifts and hugged my brothers and friends and parents . Adam said he would see us maybe later. That surprised me some. He whispered he had a special gift for me. My little brother just smirked.

On the way home I told Marco that I was happy that my mom finally came around. He agreed and then surprised me when he said my dad told him to take special care of me. He said that as we probably couldn't marry, he essentially had given his approval to Marco to take control of me like a good husband.

I asked about this and he shrugged and said that in his culture, when that happened, it meant that I know belonged to him. I was a little hurt that Dad had not talked to me about it but it is what I wanted anyway. Marco smiled at me and said I should take off all my clothes. I felt weird doing that in the car but he looked at me sternly and said I should do what he said.

We stopped at a gay club on the way home. He allowed me to put on some other real tight and short shorts. He also attached a leash to the hook in my ball stretcher weight and had me go in just like that. I didn't protest and walked barefoot over the stones in the lot feeling like a real slut. He smiled and we showed our fake ID's to get in. I don't think they looked too close

He got us drinks and said he wanted me to learn how to dance. I had never been a good dancer. Kind of two left feet. On the other hand, he was a very smooth Latino and kept me near him. I figured he had drugged me a little as I got real loose . He stripped off his shirt and we danced. When a few guys approached me, He showed them my leash and said to back off. We were one sexy couple and got lots of attention. I felt pretty sick wearing this leash but it didn't impede my efforts and his teaching me to dance. When we sat down in a corner with a few guys he knew, he unbuttoned my shorts and had his hand down playing with my plug . The other guys were horned up too but he didn't let them touch me. As he played with me, he knew I was ready to blast and he reminded me not to. If you do, I will take your pants from you and make you go home naked. It really didn't matter as how I was dressed. My pubes were quickly in view of most of the guys and a few did touch my thigh. Marco saw it and just smiled. I got pretty good, at least think I did as I lost all my inhibitions and was having a wonderful time. Marco did lead me to the john where I drank his piss while kneeling of the floor. He told me he was glad that my dad had finally given me to him. I felt like property. I guess I am.. I know I was a whore and would have sucked off any of Marco's Latino buds. But, no one was quite as handsome as my man and I felt totally in his power.

After a few hours, he said we were going home. I kind of stumbled my way out and we went to his house.

Our house was not ours yet. Marco had to sign the papers and pay the down payment. It all happened pretty fast. Marco took me along to the bank. When the loan officer, a kind of nice looking guy maybe around 30, asked if I was to be on the papers, Marco said no. I was his boy and lived with him and would do so forever. The guy smiled . He completed the papers and while Marco signed, I was told to suck the guy off. We were in a private office and I was dressed like the slut I had become. While the man played with my nipples, I opened his slacks and found the nicest cock. It wasn't huge but a nice 8 inches and thick as a can. I just sucked away while Marco did the papers. Once done, I was rewarded with a nice taste of the guys cum. Marco smiled and asked if he had any further use of me. He pointed out my huge cock and the man couldn't get over it. Marco pointed that I had chosen to not use it anymore other than to pee so it was now essentially a toy. The guy played with it until it was full hard. Marco told him he could jerk me off as I hadn't cum that day. He asked if he could eat it and Marco said he could. Iwas so glad he allowed that and shot a nice load in the guys mouth. It must have taken time as he swallowed about six times. He told Marco he should by more houses and would be happy to help him. Marco smiled and told him he would consider it. I was lying on the floor after he had sucked me. The man said my ass looked nice too and Marco said he should stop over to try it. It was like velvet. With that, he had me redress as the guy did. I kissed his cock one more time and he shot in my mouth again. There was some on my face but Marco suggested I just lick it off.

On the way to our new home with all our documents and the keys, I told Marco how much I loved him and was so thankful for how much he loved me. He was quiet for awhile but then told me ours was a different kind of relationship than most people had. He said although he had said he was sorry for treating me like a whore in the past, I had apparently come around to see him as my master and also his lover. He asked me if I really wanted it that way. I cried a little, taking the mood down, but finally admitted that I found him to be so special and myself basically worthless. He began to interrupt but I boldly said I needed to finish.

"I know you love me but I understand you now and how you are. I was originally upset that we were not equals in our relationship but over time, and with others guiding me, I came around to view myself mainly as a total submissive. I wanted to be like a possession for him. I still loved him but actually needed him to keep me in control. I needed to submit to whatever he needed. I discussed this with Adam and even a little with my dad. He seemed to get it as did Adam. I want to be your whore, your lover and whatever else you want me to be as long as you love me and care for me. I will agree to be your wife. If our friends want to use me as a whore and you are ok with, I'm ok with it. I just never want you to feel anything but love and power over me. My master"

He looked at me and took my weeping face in his hands and said if that's what I truly wanted and moreover, needed, he was happy to do that. I asked that he always be in control of me. "I don't know where that is coming from. I was never strong and always felt myself inferior. Adam and even Kurt seem to know what they want and plan on doing. They are total in control. I don't know why I never allowed that to come in to my life but I know it isn't there. I want to submit to you always even if it costs me my life and everything I have. I need that." He looked at me again and nodded. He said no more, nor did I.

When we got to the house, we went inside. I stripped immediately knowing this was what was expected and more important, what I wanted. He stood and looked at me and hugged me and kissed me. I dropped to my knees and began to suckle on his naked manhood. He was naked too now. I told him I needed to submit everything to him and lower and degrade myself so he understood.

He nodded and we went into the bathroom in our new house. We would make changes but he to me to lie down on the floor. I complied. He then said the ultimate of giving myself to him would be for him to rape me and then for me to allow him to shit on me. I agreed. He did rape me not using any lube, not that it mattered that much. Yes, it hurt a little. He cam in a huge amount in my twat. He said I might never work outside of his home again. It wasn't a suggestion, it was an order. I nodded and then laid down and pulled his anus to my face and began to eat him out. He asked if I was ready and I mumbled a yes. He then began to shit on my face. I opened wider that ever and just took it all. I couldn't get it all in my mouth but he understood. I told him I was his whore as best as I could with shit in my mouth. He had me wash off and wash out my mouth.

I'm going to put you to work here in the house. "Adam and Tim are coming over to help paint and such. You and Tim will do the work while Adam and I supervise. Can you agree to that?" I said yes and went to get the paints we had ordered. When they arrived, Marco and Adam had a long conversation. Tim and I worked and worked. They occasionally came in and pissed in our mouths . They both agreed that we were perfect slaves for them. I smiled and happily told my brother that I was never so happy.

My dad and Kurt came over and I told them also that I was now officially Marco's boy slave. Kurt was a little surprised but shouldn't have been. I kissed him and told him to fuck me anytime he wanted as long a Marco agreed. Marco told my dad what had happened. He looked down and said that he was giving me to Marco. I wanted to hear him say so. Marco took me by the and and led me to another room. He asked that as a blessing, would my dad fuck him and me . Dad said he saw no reason to fuck Marco, but he would fuck me to show he saw me as a slave. Marco watched while my dad stripped off and had me suck his huge cock. It was the biggest in the family. He then fucked me as the others watched and then took turns, all except Tim., fucking my ass and throat, leaving their jizz in me. Adam then asked Dad to fuck his boy too. He wanted the same blessing. Dad obliged and fucked Tim as a welcome. The others fucked Tim too. Although our cocks were hard as stone, Adam and Marco said we could not cum. Once the honor was done, we were made to eat out each others pussies and savor whatever came from them.

It was a strange but good thing. I knew my dad finally knew the extent of the relationship Marco and I had. I didn't care if he told my mother or not but it was agreed that we would be dressed the way we were, naked, from now on even in front of her I wondered if she would accept that. Dad said it would in time, maybe.

Tim and I finished the painting. We also did most of the work moving in the furniture and our things to make it a home. I was content with all of it knowing that is what slaves did. We celebrated and Marco did tell my brothers in front of me, that they were welcome to use us whenever.

Over the next few months, we returned to school. Marco was a task master with getting good grades. He also made me work extra hard for the swim team. He went back to soccer or fotbol as we now were required to call it. I did most of the work around the house and cooked my man's meals when we didn't go out. He did have me become a dancer at a club where almost nude was ok. He knew others wanted me but unlike the other dancers, I wasn't allowed to have private dates or dances. Marco kept all my money and supervised the dance gigs but surprisingly, he was more of a lover in the bedroom than ever before. Yes, I still got fucked by his teammates and my family and friends. He loved having me drip . I did eat him every morning and drank his piss but he never had me eat his shit again. He knew I would do it. He did leave his hole dirty sometimes and I ate that, but that was his limit.

We lived happily, graduating and him working successfully. He didn't let me work outside the home. My mother really never came around rarely attending anything at our house where she saw me naked and happy. She just said it wasn't for her. She told dad, a frequent visitor, that she felt I gave up my life.

Although Kurt did get married, it didn't last and eventually, he lived with Marco and me for awhile saying I had the best pussy around. I was pleased that I pleased him and sometimes slept with him when Marco wasn't home. I know I pleased him .

So, that's my life. Not a usual love story, but in some ways, maybe more of a love story than most. I was a happy boy!


Next: Chapter 18: After College 1

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