Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Jun 23, 2015


Tom and Marco - Summer Vacation 3

This is a work of erotic gay male sex between high school age guys and older. Don't read further if under age or where illegal. The story is not to be used or reprinted without my permission.

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We went out to dinner. Marco treated me real well ordering us both nice prime rib dinners. With his fake ID, he ordered himself a beer and an empty glass. He produced a water bottle full of piss and asked the cute waiter for just a glass and some ice and then proceeded to fill the glass and handed it to me with a smile. I drank a sip and then just drank about half of it. The waiter returned and saw it and smiled at Marco and then at me. Marco suggested I finish the glass which I did as the young waiter watched. He smiled at me and then asked Marco if I needed a refill. He handed the bottle to the guy who said it would be just a few minutes. In the meantime, we ate We sat side by side in the booth so Marco could grope me. When the waiter returned with a new bottle of yellow liquid, he handed it to Marco but made sure he looked at me and said it was fresh. Marco had my fly open and my dick out. I was glad for the long tablecloths that concealed us. Marco moved the cloth just enough that he could now see my big horse dick hanging from my pants.. Marco looked at the kid who obviously b now, had a hardon. Marco whispered for the right price, he could either taste it or do something else. The kid absently stroked his meat and said he got off at 10. Marco nodded and said to come by and wrote his phone number on a card and handed it to him. We had wonderful service. I drank the waiter's (I assume) piss and did tell him it was real good. He asked Marco before we left, if I was of age. Little did he know that neither of us were. Marco simply whispered that I was close enough. The kid smiled . I don't know if he was of age either but assumed he must be close enough.

We left and drove a bit before returning a little after ten. The waiter was standing outside and smiled as we drove up. Marco told me to get in the back cramped area and the waiter followed me and had his hands all over me quickly. I got naked as I assumed I should . Actually, I was so used to it, that I was glad to shed the clothing. I sucked the decent sized waiter dick. It was little sweaty and I tasted piss. He played with my dick and chatted with Marco while I blew him. He shot off quick in my mouth and asked Marco if he could fuck me. Marco said if he was clean, he could. He said he was and stuck his cock up my hole. He was amazed that it was so stretched and thought the puffy outer ring was great. He suggested Marco have me shave my pussy though as it did have a little hair growing there. I was a bit miffed but of course, the pussy I am, said nothing and Marco said he kind of liked it there as it made it smell a bit and he liked that. I was surprised that Marco said that about me but the kid did lick it a few times tasting his own spunk and said it was real cool.

We dropped the kid off and I got back in the front wearing just my shirt leaving the rest of my stuff in the back. The kid thanked Marco for my ass and Marco thanked him for the free dinner. He said he should call us sometime or we should call him if we needed a free dinner.

Damn, I was whored out for food now. Oh well, I didn't care. The kid had a decent body and I love cock, so?.Marco and I went home and he made passionate love to me He said he never got to tell me his idea so I suggested he did. He stroked me and said he had met a guy who he showed my pictures on his phone to and the guy wanted me to be a call boy. No street walker shit but strictly when I was available , Marco was to call him and he would book me. The johns love young meat and he said with my young looks,I could pass for 16. I hated that as I wanted to look more like a man. I told Marco I really hated the idea but Marco looked at me with his sad puppy eyes and told me it was already decided. He just had to clear it with Adam. Fuck Adam, he should clear it with me. I said I doubted Adam would allow it but we would see.

He also told me his cousins were flying in from Columbia to visit and stay with us. They were 14 and 17 so the age was close . He said we would probably take them sightseeing and such. I asked if they were going to use me too. He said he wanted to be a generous host. I took that as a yes. Miffed but horny as always, I was fucked again by Marco and he fed his cum to me scooping it out of my pussy with his fingers and rubbing it on my tongue. Damn, it was like a trance. I couldn't refuse him anything!

He let the rest just run out of me and we slept. I did my morning ritual of eating his sweaty ass , drinking his piss and getting a quick fuck in my pussy before we got up and I made him and his mom breakfast.

Marco went to work wearing just his life guard shorts, not even shoes and I went to work cleaning and helping Manuel. I had a chance to view my pussy and was amazed at how different it looked. It was somewhat tight inside but outside, it was swelled and open. I had to douche as I felt shit might fall right out of me and cum certainly did. I was told by Marco's mom that I was to no longer sit on her couches as I might leave stains. I was hurt and wanted to say it was the constant raping I got that made that happen, but bit my tongue.

She said instead of being with her that afternoon, she had a few ladies coming over and I was to be the butler. I hope she would allow me some covering but that was out. She said she laid out my uniform in the kitchen. I found just a bow tie. As I looked at it, Manuel came in to say Marco had left a butt plug for me to wear and he volunteered to put it in. Damn, it was wider than the early ones and really stretched me good. It hurt some but I endured it.

Marco's mom showed me what was to be served along with instruction on how to make the beverages. She said six ladies were coming and I was to be around to offer drinks, serve the refreshments when she said so, and otherwise, just stand with my hands clasped round the back of my head. She suggested I shave my pubes but I did protest saying Marco allowed that and she backed off saying she would chat with him. As she was showing me what was to be done, the phone range. She answered it and it was apparently my dad who she talked with so cordially. She went on exclaiming how nice it was to have me as a house guest and how well all was going. She didn't point out I was essentially a sex slave for her and now maybe even her friends. They talked and apparently a date was mentioned and she said she was sure I would want to come. She pointed out that I was out somewhere now so couldn't talk. When she hung up, she said my mom and dad wanted to have a birthday celebration for me. I was kind of surprised as my mother rarely spoke to me anymore and I got my messages from her from either Kurt or Adam. I was thinking about this but she drew me out of my thoughts to point out what I was to do.

She snapped the fake boy tie around my neck and adjusted it to her satisfaction. The doorbell rang and she told me to answer it. I felt so weird , not being naked, but going to the door and allowing her friends in. They smiled at me as they came in one or two at a time. One even touched my dick and said something to her friend in Spanish. I think it had something to do with a horse.

I served drinks and as they had more, they got more bold and one fingered my big pussy when I bent to pick up a napkin. I just allowed it as she said I was to accept whatever they did. She then told me to get on my knees on the coffee table and jerk off for them. I was red with embarrassment but did as she said resting my butt on my heels. First they all admired my long dick. A few remarked about the widened piss slit. Marco had made me wear sounds, each week slightly bigger. The biggest which I wore when we went out, had what looked like a snake that wrapped around my cock. It definitely prevented leakage and I had to remove it to piss. Of course, I wasn't wearing it but my piss slit, like my cunt, was stretched and when I peed, it almost gushed out. The same with my abundant cum. Marco said it was beautiful to behold and had taken a movie of it on his phone which he shared with friends and had shown to Adam and Kurt. Adam had begun to have Tim sounded as well and bought the same snake like thing and sound which he had Tim wear when they went out. I hadn't seen Tim's yet but knew it was just like mine.

Anyway, I began to slide my hands around my pole and jerk my self. In about 10 minutes, I was ready and momma slipped a plate so I could catch it all. Some of the women got up and touched me all over which stimulated me. I actually got a little sweaty. I shot loads of cum as with the pills Marco gave me, my cums were huge. The plate was full of my thick cum> I looked to momma, as I now called her, for direction. She whispered for me to get up and srve drinks. I asked about cleaning up some and she shook her head no. I felt so foolish with a little cum still on my cock and the slime I produced. Have it her way though. She passed the plate around and the ladies sampled my boy cum with their fingers, several taking more than one scoop. I learned enough of the language to understand they were calling me a whore and how did Marco find me. They seemed to indicate they loved my cum which they said tasted better than many boys and certainly, their husbands. I had to stand quietly and not move if they touched me and a few wanted to explore my cunt. I just let them as it felt kind of nice but it made me horny. She told them apparently I could cum many times in a day. One said something about getting enough to mae it a dip or something. I was a little unhappy and hoped they would go home. I much rather eat her pussy then be touched like merchandise. They did suggest that she keep me. They would all give her money apparently to get me in bed. She pointed out that with my ring and the little chain on the end of it, I was not allowed to penetrate anyone and only came when allowed or fucked. They laughed about getting strapons to use on me. I was real glad I had been taught some of these words and such by Marco.

The afternoon progressed and I felt like I had been put through the mill, when the ladies left. I was of course, to clean up and then showered as I saw it nearing 5. My man and lover would be home!! Yeah!!.

When he got home, he smiled and kissed me and of course felt me. He smelled cum on me and asked about it. I told him about his mother's afternoon "tea" and he was kind of pissed. He went to tell her that wasn't to happen again. Manuel came in before leaving and told Marco I had not helped him at all. Marco said he was sorry but his mother had other duties for me. Manuel just smiled at me and said "tomorrow."

Marco took me and showered me along with himself. He washed me so gently . He said he had decided to implement his plan for me. I again said I didn't want to do that but he said I would earn lots of money. When asked how much, he said we would split it. Damn, my cunt getting used and he gets half. I knew I had no say in this as Marco decided most everything for me now. I didn't say anything other than yes to him. I told him about my birthday celebration and he immediately called my dad to confirm we would be there. He hoped the whole family would come. Dad assured him they would as well as a few friends that Adam and Kurt said I would like. I hoped I wasn't to be in an orgy with my mom watching. If she only knew the stuff I did, her religious ideas would be so ruined.

We went to bed after the call, Marco lay on his stomach so I knew he wanted he ass licked. I did what ever he asked until he fell asleep unless he told me otherwise. I knew I was doing well when he moaned softly. I wanted to lick him and fuck him as I hadn't gotten off for most of the day but eating Marco didn't usually include me fucking him. Only when he ate me did he always fuck me. I was content though as I couldn't get enough of his beautiful hairy hole. I almost wished it was dirty as I now felt undeserving of a clean hole to suck on. Still, I loved eating holes I wanted to eat, not ones that I was being paid like a cheap whore to do. I didn't want the job! Yet, I was Marco's whore. Who was I kidding? I had willingly given him total control of me as a stupid high school lust filled boy who wanted all the gay sex I could get. Even my little brother called me his pussy whore brother. I might as well accept my destiny. I just hope that Marco wouldn't someday tire of my body or what I did for him and get rid of me for a new, younger and prettier boy., or maybe even a girl to take as a legal wife. Oh shit! My fears ran away with me and made me want to degrade myself even more for him. I so hoped he would fart in my face or pass a loose turd that I could eat to show him my love and loyalty. Yes, I would be a whore for him if that's what he decided. I licked some precum from his dick as he snoozed and fell asleep with my face smelling his ass.

By morning, Marco had moved me and was on his back. I had his dick in my face and could smell the heat and slight manly smell from it. It was a little hard so I just moved a bit to take the tip in my mouth. He always pissed in it that way so I could taste "my man". I used to hate this activity but now relished it as I knew it was my duty to him. He let off a few dribbles and then grasped my head more firmly and let go. I savored it. He dumped a gallon in my I think. When finished. I licked him clean and then looked up to him and smiled. He pulled me up and hugged me before sticking his fingers around my ass filled dildo and played with it as he kissed me.

"I've had a dream and it made me think as I watched you sleep so contentedly with my dick in your face. You are truly beautiful. I could not imagine life without you. I know I have made you do things to humiliate you and caused discent in your family. I think your mom hates me for what we do. She barely tolerates your brother, Adam. I decided I can't make us money off of your hot body. I really don't want to anyway. I want it to be just you and me and well, maybe a few others. I even think we should leave here. I don't know what I was thinking! I have a ton of my father's money. We don't need to be here. We could live on our own and maybe even get our own place near enough to school, so that we could live there all the time. I could quite life guarding. It doesn't pay that much anyway and I could just fuck all day. What do you think babe?"

I didn't know what to say! It was like my prayer had been answered. Something made him see a new light or something. I was extatic! I kissed him with my pissy mouth and then apologized for it. I should have washed up. "Oh, you just me so happy, lover, I can't thank you enough!!"

He smiled and said he would work out some details later. I asked him if he wanted my pussy and he just kissed me again. " I always want your pussy but I think we should get up. Please make me breakfast while I shower, or better yet, let's shower and then you make me breakfast. Breakfast for both of us. I'm telling Manuel you off limits to him just like I am telling my mother. Only I get to love you and maybe share you with a few others, but no more whoring for my baby!"

He then said but for now, I got to shit before I shower. I cam with him and felt a need to hold his dick in my mouth as he shit. He smiled at me but said I didn't need to do that. I told him it was my pleasure. I sucked him gently as he sat one the toilet. He smiled at me and rubbed my face wit his fingers. When he was done, I said I wanted to clean him and he said he never asked that of me but I said I wanted him to know how devoted I was. He stood up and I immediately licked his balls as I went to his hole and began to lick. I tasted his shit before but never like this. He moaned in happiness as I just burrowed in to his hairy hole and licked each hair clean and then dove my tongue into him. It was degrading to me I knew, but I wanted to humble myself fully for him. When I finished. He pulled me up and kissed me desite my protests that I tasted like shit. He just shook his head and said he was honored by what I did. We got in the shower and I filled my mouth with water and tried to get rid of any residue. I then had him stand as I totally licked his body befoe gently washing it with body wash.

I didn't care how dirty I was but wanted my man to be clean. He pulled me up from licking his feet and washed me and actually got down and licked my hole too. "We are kind of disgusting, aren't we? But I love you so much!"

After washing me fully, we stepped out and I began to dry him off gently. He then did the same for me. We brushed our teeth and rinsed and went proudly to the kitchen whre I made coffee and he read the paper. I began to cook him a feast for breakfast. We both ate before his mom came in to greet us a good morning. "I'm taking Tommy to the pool with me. When I have a break, we have a lot to talk about. He won't be available to service you or clean the house. I am telling Manuel that his helper is gone too. We are going to find a place for us. I am too lucky to have him for him to be anybody's whore."

She looked at him and told him she wondered when he would realize that. I was surprised at her comment but happy too. We went and he put on his sexy red lifeguard trunks and had me wear some board shorts. I was shocked that I wasn't dressed like a whore.

We spent the day at the pool. When he had breaks, we talked about us together for ever. He paid no real attention to the many girls and guys who would have done anything to worship my lover's body.

Still talking on the way home, he said we had to dress nicely for my birthday. I had almost forgotten that I turned 19 that day. He said that other than family, his and mine, and a few friends, I was to no longer expect to be used by anybody. At the club, he even removed my plug as he said I was open enough for him and that unless, for a special occasion, I was to be left open so he could grope my pussy whenever he wanted. I was in agreement.

I was so happy!

Next: Chapter 17: Summer Vacation 4

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