Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Jun 6, 2015


Tom and Marco Summer Vacation 2

Thanks for the replies and support (mostly support anyway) Here is another chapter of my fitctional tale. Please don't read if underage or where illegal. Please no reuse of the material without permission.

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Marco left for his interview and I decided I might as well begin organizing our room. I really didn't care as I am a neat freak anyway. The only thing that bothered me was that Marco just had assumed I would be a kind of cleaning person for him and his mom without asking me. I still wished he didn't do that but, considering how well he took care of me and how well he treated me sexually, well, a slut like me should consider himself lucky. I went about putting away my meager possessions and his great wardrobe. I sometimes wished he would let me wear more stuff like he had but I knew he wanted me a certain way (slutty) and I just wanted to make him happy. I realized I loved him like nobody else and would do anything, really anything he asked or told me to do. My cock got hard thinking about it.

As I cleaned the mirrors in the bathroom, I looked at myself and decided I wasn't half bad looking really. Decent pecs, a nice set of abs, decent legs and a hot butt. If only my cock was normal size or maybe like 9 inches but I had at least four more very thick inches and now with the large ring pulling my balls lower and a ring through the head of my cock, well, I knew it made Marco happy but dammit, they were heavy. I should be used to it all now but I guess I wasn't . Still, Marco always said how beautiful I was.

I finished there and surveyed the room making sure it was clean. I went down the hall and Marco's mom was napping so I didn't want to run a vacuum or anything, so I went out to see what the gardener was up to. I knew I would have to help Manuel with some outside chores and he certainly was easy to look at. He was on his knees pulling some weeds. Damn he was hot looking. He had a sweat sheen all over. He was wearing some shorts now and tennis shoes. Guess he lost the jeans he had on before. I came up to him and must have surprised him as he was starteled to see me. "Thought I would see what I was to do out here when I helped you." I said. He looked up at me smiling and said I had surprised him. He stood and I again saw his ripped abs, so much better than mine, and his nice big nipples, so brown and pretty. He pulled me close and kissed me, as he fondled my horse cock and balls. "This will be nice having a helper", he whispered. I knew Marco had said he could use me but right now? Shit.

"I will take good care of Marco's special boy. I will not make you work too hard and I will not damage this pretty pussy you have. No worries."

I smiled at him and let him fondle me. "I am pretty much done for today. I have to take the Seniorita our tonight so I need to wash up but you make me real horny for boy pussy. You know, when you are with me I may work naked too. I understand you are a nudist and I wish to make Marco and his momma happy. I think she likes it that you naked for her to look at. I hope you don't replace me as her favorite."

"Oh, no. I wouldn't want to do that. I just try to make Marco happy. I had no idea until to day that I would be, ah, well, with her too. I'll just try to stay out of your way with her." I said meekly.

He smiled at me and told me that might not work as I had such a big cock, she may like that better than mine. I could tell he was hard and I said I was sure nothing would replace his meat for her. I reached down and gently rubbed it through his shorts. He moaned and led me to a small building. The garden shack I assumed. Inside, he dropped his shorts and kicked off his shoes. "Show me your talents as a gardener." He whispered, pushing me down to his sweaty uncut cock. I knew what I was to do and so I just knelt down and put it in my mouth. It tasted of cunt and sweat and maybe some piss. I liked Marco's meat better but I began to suck and lick and clean the head covering like I did for Marco and he moaned happily. He pushed me down and I licked his sweaty legs and finally feet. He tasted goo in a weird way. He then turned around and leaned forward a bit. I knew that meant to eat his ass and I just pushed my way in among the hairs savoring them as best as I could. He moaned even more and said that Marco said I was real good as worshiping a man. I must have licked and eaten his manpussy for about five minutes before he pulled me up to lick his nipples and then his sweaty pits. I was really into it now and moaned how I wanted his cock in my pussy. He was fingering me good. He turned me around and Let out a gasp. "You aren't tight anymore. Your hole is wide open, like a cunt Fuck I want to fist you!" he exclaimed. "Then do it," I whispered and felt his big hand pushing a lot more than fingers into me. He pushed in hard startling me and making me moan a bit in pain. "Oh fuck it is so hot in here." I was gladthat Marco lubed my hole everyday. It was like getting dressed for some people. I knew before he went anywhere or even if we stayed home, dirty or clean, I would get filled with lube. Sometimes I hated it but today, I was real glad he had done it.

He pulled out his hand and replaced it with his dripping cock. He just shoved it in and fucked me hard for a minute or so before he yelled out and blew his load in me calling me a whore and other things in Spanish. Once done, He smiled at me and I smiled back. "Marco is so lucky to have you to himself. I must kiss him to thank him for saying you were my toy too." He kissed me and told me we should go wait for him. I said I was thirsty and wanted some water.. I asked if he wanted some too. He said I should get him one but he had enough water for me. Pushing me down, he put his slimy cock in my mouth and pissed. I drank it all. He then scooped up some of his cum from my dripping cunt and put it in my mouth. I want you to taste it and look forward to tomorrow." He smiled and we went to get him a water.

As we waited for Marco, he in a lounge chair and me on a boulder dripping his cum out, he chatted and he played with my cock. He admired my ring and never let his rough hands off of me. Marco came and they talked a bit about my garden work and Manuel said he had fisted me before fucking me. He was very upfront about it as he kept nothing from him. He also said he had sex with his momma and that she told him I would eat her out whenever. He said she has a hairy cunt but he would leave some cum in that bush for me to enjoy. They both laughed and I just smiled. I hated when Marco played that master role but he was good at it even though he had the innocent face of a schoolboy.

Marco pulled me onto his lap and fingered me as they chatted. Finally, Manuel said he needed to shower and Marco said we did also. He told Manuel that some friends and my brothers were coming and I would get lots of attention.

I loved it when Adam fucked me and didn't care that my little brother did too. I was or had become such a pussy that I would let Tim fuck me too if he wanted. He probably would only get to eat me out after the others were done but his tongue was magic in my hole.

Marco bid his farewell and I promised to see Manuel the next day. He reminded Marco of his idea and Marco nodded and said we would discuss it. We went in and showered. I washed my pussy real good and made sure the water ran clear. I felt hollow inside and wished Marco would fuck me but he promised it for late

We ordered pizzas for our dinner. Manuel came in and dressed so sexy in his skin tight jeans and a tight black muscle shirt and flip flops, picked up Marco's mom and they headed out saying they would be back by one . The dlevery boy came and I was asked to suck his cock. He was a kid I had know from school so it was embarrassing but Marco stood by and supervised. He then handed the kid twenty dollars and even asked him if he wanted to fuck. I was surprised by his boldness. The kid said if it wasn't that he was late already, he would but they agreed another night was good.

We both sat naked at the kitchen bar and munched on pizza. I was damn hungry. Marco told me he got the job. It was o big deal. I didn't ask what he did to get it but wondered if he had to be naked. My bet, - yes!

He told me Manuel had suggested that I could be and underground call boy and make lots of cash. It was illegal but he had some contacts and a lot of Latino men loved to watch a white boy strip and offer his pussy to them. He asked how I would feel about it. He said it paid around $500 for an hour or two. I said I didn't like the idea as I didn't want to get fucked by strangers. He smiled and hugged me and said I probably wouldn't do it- at least for now. He again told me of his love for me and kissed me deeply..

Our passion for one another was replaced with the doorbell. "Your bros are here. Go let them in." Marco says directly.

I approach the door apprehensively but see it is Adam and Kurt with Jason and ricky behind as well as Robert They all dressed casually Tim not even with a shirt and his very short nylon shorts cut up the sides and his dick hanging out of the fly. They all pile in with Kurt leading tim by his dick. This damn kid brother of mine sure does take advantage I thought. Adam doesn't seem to mind nor for that matter, does Tim. Marco appears and welcomes them all and we go to the patio. Tim already is naked as it isn't long before the others are almost or entirely nude too, making me feel more at home. Adam pulls me into a big hug and kisses me while he gropes me. Tim is next and kisses me too while Kurt has a finger up Tim's butt. All the others are hugging or kissing Marco and me as some beer is set down along with some other things in a bag.

Kurt bursts out that Adam has allowed him to own Tim for the night. Robert, I was surprised to see him there as he wasn't the last time, blurts out that they both are in charge of Tim. I look to Tim who rolls his eyes but smiles so I know it is ok. Adam pulls me close to him and I bury my face in his pit. I see he hadn't showered just before coming over. He and Marco talk about their new jobs as lifeguards and exchange plans for when they will work together. Kurt now shows his boldness by pushing Tim down to suck him while he sticks his fingers up my ass. "This pussy is going to get fisted tonight, big bro. Maybe Robbie and I will both do it. Damn it is hot to fist my big bro!" he says to his best bud. Robert is smiling and his cock which has grown some, is sticking straight out.

I pull away saying he has to ask Marco. Damn, I hate to think I just said that, telling my little brother he has to ask for permission to abuse me, but that has become me now I guess. I offer drinks and pull Tim off of Kurt's much bigger dick and have him help me with beers and snacks. I don't take one as Marco said I shouldn't "don't want my babes drunk tonight. Maybe some recycled stuff later." I just nod and do it like the pussy I am

Jason and Ricky put arms around me and tell me how much they miss me. I ask if they are a couple now and they admit, for all practical purposes, they are. I smile and congratulate them both and ask if they date girls. They tell me when they get a burning desire for pussy, they sometimes do but mostly they just get guy who can complete their needs sometimes as a threesome and sometimes alone. Kurt pipes up that he and Robert date too but they get frustrated as most girls won't take on Kurt's now 10 inch cock. He must be quite the hero in high school I figured. Kurt proudly says that he and Robert are together but they often get fags who will do whatever they say and use them often. I just kind of look in awe and appreciate how nicely their bodies look. They know it too and seem to really like showing themselves off. I wish I had 10% of their ego.

Tim is back to sucking both of them before Kurt says he wants to play with my pussy. I know it means fisting - I just hope, not at the same time. Marco heard the request and nods for me to make them happy as he kisses me. "Just make sure you lube the shit out of my babe before you do. Don't want any ruined pussy. He points out to Adam how stretched I am and says he is so proud of me. Just look at that thing, stretched, puffy and open like an O most of the time. I keep him well fitted with plugs or dildos whenever. I only take it out for him to shit and , well of course, doing his wifely duties."

They all chuckle and I am pissed that he calls me his wife. At least call me your husband, dammit! But he kisses me and melts me as my little brother and his bud lead me to a lounge chair where they begin to finger me. Marco and Adam sit right next to me and light cigarettes and begin to smoke. Marco pulls me just so , so that I can take his cock in my mouth and nurse. I am focused on my hole getting destroyed and hoping for no pain (ha) when I taste Marco's piss in my mouth so now I have another duty to perform. (anything for my husband, the wife says! Shit)

My little brother and his bud continued to fist me for maybe twenty minutes. I lost track of time. I did kind of enjoy it as the warm of his hands exploring my insides did feel kind of nice and they were having fun (I guess). Finally, Adam told them to stop. He said he wanted to fuck me if Marco didn't mind. He didn't and Adam did fuck me and fuck me hard. But he showed a lot of love too as he kissed my neck and back as he did it and when he finally shot, He played with my dick. He didn't ask Marco if it was ok but let me cum and I came hard. I had really got to to point that I didn't cum without someone, usually Marco, saying it was ok to cum. My buds from school, Jason and Rick took a turn too and I could feel cum running out of my hole. Marco came up and kissed me passionately. He held out a plate and had me stand allowing all the cum to run free. He then asked me lick the plate clean. It was humiliating but I knew Marco wanted that and who was I to refuse?

I kissed my brothers and allowed Robert to grope me and also kissed my buds before they went home. From he pot I smoked before getting fisted, I still felt wasted but somehow quite satisfied.

Marco didn't have me flush my cunt or anything but took me to be and allowed me to fuck him, something he hadn't done in awhile and I came loads in him. His only request was that I then eat it out of his hole and I did. I ate his hole daily anyway so why not. He held me tight then and we went to sleep. He said he had an early day to life guard and I had to be up early to help my new gardener friend. He told me to clean up the patio also to get rid of the party reminders. I hugged him and we kissed for a bit before we both fell asleep.

I awoke to feel Marco shoving his big dick in me in the morning. He said he had such sweet dreams of me that he had to have my cunt before he went to work. He dumped a load. He asked me to make him breakfast before he went . I was about to join him in the shower and he told me to wait as I might get more dirty helping Manuel later. So, dripping cunt and all, I padded out to the kitchen and made him coffee and breakfast. His mom saw me and only wished me a good morning. She had coffee that I made and asked me to make her breakfast too. I did of course and we chatted. She reminded me that Manuel would be there by 8:30 and I should make him something too. I hardly had time to think and I wasn't sure if I should joine her for breakfast or not. When Marco came, he told me I should join them as he kissed me and reminded me to clean up the floor where my cunt dripped. I was so embarrassed. I did it though and he played with my cock as he ate, smiling at me and saying how beautiful I was. I felt like a kept whore. I had to stop this but yet I kind of enjoyed it. Before she left the kitchen, Marco's mom reminded me I was to see her in her bedroom at 2pm. She was lunching with friends and went to get dressed.

Marco kissed me and said he would be home around 5. I had all day to clean and help. (great, ugh) I did my duty and cleaned the kitchen. Being the obedient bitch I was, I didn't go to clean up and left cume and whatever else on my legs and hole. I cleaned the kitchen and even vacuumed before Manuel showed up. He immediately kissed me hello and pulled off his shirt. He told me I should wear sun block and he wanted me to apply it to him as he would for me. We went outdoor and he did it. He said I might as well do his feet because we would soon clean the pool deck and he always went barefoot. He actually asked me to suck his toes for him before as he figured I might like that. Apparently I was his whore too.. His feet tasted nice after I got over the slight foot odor. He pulled down his shorts and fed me his cock too. I sucked him to completion and then asked him about breakfast. He say he had eaten but a water would be good. I went in and got him one. I wasn't sure if I should or not. I realized he had something else in mind as as soon as he chugged his water down, he pissed in my mouth saying how good it was for me to be hydrated too and having me saved him from having to go to the gas station or pissing in the bushes. Apparently, he wasn't allowed to come in to use the bathroom. I was so used to piss now, that it didn't matter to me and in fact, it was rapidly becoming my beverage of choice. I had been taught well by Marco and Adam and watching Tim guzzle it from his water bottle when we went to classes. I even drank from his bottle a few times, savoring my big brother's warm juices.

We worked in the yard, me digging. Manuel did give me some boots to wear to protect my feet. I helped with the pool and got pretty wet. To cool off, we went in the pool twice and Manuel didn't let me swim to much as he was constantly all over me groping and playing. He said he liked it when I bent over as he got to see my open hole. It was then I realized Marco hadn't plugged me. I knew that even now, I would begin to close up if I wasn't plugged. My sore hole needed something in it. Manuel took care of that filling me as he hugged me and played with my nipples. He said he though Marco should have then ringed too. I hoped not

It was after twelve when I realized I had to do lunch before Marco's mom got home. I offered to make something for Manuel too but he said we should just get fast food. I said I had no mone, and he offered to buy. He gave me the smallest pair of shorts and we went with both of use topless. As we drove, he open my shorts and pulled out my dick which he insisted I leave out while we went through the drive thru. I felt so humiliated and recognized one of my former high school class mates, a year or two younger than me. He stared at me and my big dick. All he said was "Damn!!" Manuel smiled and I realized it must be a Latin thing for these guys to show off their whores in public.

We drove back and ate, me naked again and him in his shorts. He asked me for more water and I got it. He gave me his piss for my drink. I told him I had to be ready for Marco's mom. He said ok and allowed me to finally shower and douche. I did both and dried off and cleaned up our bathroom. I greased my hole as was expected everyday and inserted a dildo as I couldn't locate the plug . It stuck out just a bit but I figured it would make Marco happy. .She came home and smiled and said to come to her room. I was surprised that Manuel was there. He had showered in her bath. He smiled at me and told me to stand next to him as he mounted her and fucked her real good. She moaned with happiness. I knew when he blew a load in her but was surprised a bit that he almost pulled out first. He limbed off of her and put his dick in my mouth to be cleaned. I licked it like a lollipop but she then told me to lie on her and lick her pussy. I hated that but I knew I was to lick up his cum. I did as expected. She then told me to lick out his hole. I was surprised by that but did it. It was similar to Marco's but much sweatier. I also sensed some pieces of shit in there but did my job. He eventually stood and I knew I was done. "Not so fast Tommy, she said using my name for what seemed like the first time. I looked at her and she had strapped on a dildo while I had been munching on Manuel's hole. She pointed and I laid on the bed on my back and she pulled out the dildo and had me lick it. It was full of lube but I had eaten lube before. She then fucked me like she was a guy. I had never been fucked by a woman. Manuel sat on the bed and rubbed my chest during the whole thing. After about 10 minutes of pretty intense fucking, she pulled out and nodded for us both to go.

Outside, Manuel told me I was real good. She obviously liked me he said. I had no idea but went to clean up and reinsert my dildo. I relubed first and it made it go in some much better.

About 5;15, Marco came in in just his swimsuit. His smiling face made me almost shoot off. I didn't when his mom fucked me but was more than ready. He came over and kissed me tenderly asking about my day. I told him everything. "I may have to take you with me as I don't Manuel slacking off and just using you." He said.

I nodded and apologized for being so easy but told him I thought I was to do as he said. He said it was fine and kissed me again. He said he liked the dildo in me with just the head of the dual sided dildo sticking out. He showered and told me to dress. I wasn't sure what to put on. I knew no underwear but he decided on some shorts, a tight tee and my flip flops. He dressed similarly and he took me to dinner where he showed me two fake IDs. One had his name and picture on it and the other mine. He said it would make it easier to go to clubs now. He said he had a proposition for me to consider although I knew when he suggested something, he would be upset if I didn't agree. I wondered what it was as we drove out of his driveway and headed towards downtown.

More to cum eventually.

Next: Chapter 16: Summer Vacation 3

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