Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Jun 2, 2015


Tom and Marco- Summer Vacation

I was surprised when several people wrote to express regret that I ended Tom and Marco so soon. I didn't think it had many readers. Thanks to all who wrote. I decided to add another chapter and see what happens. Maybe more will come.

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When I last wrote, I was in college living with my lover, Marco and my brother and his lover/maybe slave, Tim. Actually I had come around after I had refused him and his wishes and found I really missed him. My big brother Adam had encouraged me to talk with him and to try to maybe be equals. Actually, he fawned all over me and seemed agreeable. Something had changed in me though and I was a true submissive. I wanted and apparently needed, his control. Although only a few months older than me, I looked up to him. He still looked boyish but once playing soccer again as he had as a youth in his native country, he filled out more than I did. Yes, I was still a swimmer and had a real nice upper body swimmers build but I still was more boyish looking all over except, as you know in my cock which continued to grow. It was now the size almost of my brothers, about 13 inches long and very thick. Unlike my brother, a true top who got his big cock inside of Tim, I didn't want to do that. I wanted a hot boy cock in me and I longed for Marco.

We got back together and it wasn't long until I was again submissive to him. He dressed me like he wanted, made me (like Tim) be naked at all times at home,, removed my body hair :(( ) and sometimes even made me submit to his buds on the soccer team, many hot Latino boys and a few white and some black guys.

He had decided that he wanted my hole stretched. It had been when he let two of our high school friends double fuck me. My brothers big cock did some more of that expansion and finally he insisted I wear a rather large butt plug when he wasn't with me. He said he wanted me to not be available to other guys ( what can you say, I think I'm a whore) but he wanted it open and large. He didn't want it destroyed like you see some guys, but he did practice fisting me. I screamed a lot when he first did it but he kissing and rubbing my body while he played helped me overcome the pain somewhat. He showed my brother what he was doing and his response was to ask me if it was ok, right in front of Marco, but also reminded me when I submitted to Marco, he actually kind of owned me like he owned Tim. He even began to fist Tim, which I didn't want to happen(nor did Tim) but he got used to it.

After graduation, Adam, my brother and Tim moved to Miami. My brother got a good job there and he let Tim get not so good a job but one that allowed him lots of down time for my brother. My brother gave up escorting but had Tim do it and he made money.

You may recall, that I had been to young to do any of that stuff as I was 16 when I graduated (smart but nieve) and now at 18, was entering my junior year in college. When my bro and Tim moved, we all decided to give up the apartment and move Marco decided that for the summer, we would move in with his mom and their very nice house. WE couldn't move to mine as my mother still didn't speak to me much and certainly didn't embrace our lifestyle. My dad did so we saw him sometimes and he just said I should do as I chose. He liked Marco and they talked about me and my future sometimes like I wasn't there. Marco was planning it all for me. Actually, I was in some ways, his wife or bitch. I did whatever he said and he didn't allow me to decide much. He did show me lots of love and affection but said he was in charge and I needed to learn to please him. I guess I did except when he went out on a date with a girl. He always made it clear to them that he was bisexual and I had a permanent place with him. Many girls lost interest but some came around to see and meet me. I was as always naked and submissive which some girls found "cute" and others didn't like.

While in the apartment, I was allowed to fuck Marco, once a month but I really never got to into it as I had to let him get stoned first so he could accommodate my dick. I knew I must have pushed into his colon but always tried to be gentle.

Once we were going to move, he informed me that I would no longer fuck him as it wasn't the way things should be. He also said as we were committed, I would no longer fuck anyone, He of course, due to his culture, not be restricted. To insure it, he had gotten matching rings. His he wore on his finger along with others. Mine was placed through the head of my dick. He said most of the time, others could still see it anyway. I knew he planned on few clothes for me.

I wasn't crazy about the move. I knew his mom and she was nice and all, but living in her home was something I thought good for me. After all, If I was to be naked, she would see me and I still had that slight streak of embarrassment.

Marco said I would get over it. We sold my car and he drove us to his home after leaving a soccer game. Just like he came to my meets, I went to his games everytime I could, dressed like a damn slut though . I was kind of used to it and it didn't matter to me if people who turned around could look up my wide open leg and see my cock and balls and the weight that went around the top of my balls to pull them even further down.

I always went to his locker after and waited for him. He was a key player but sometimes, if one of the other guys scored for them, he might let them fuck me in the locker room. It didn't happen the day we left but still, once in the car, he made me pull off my shorts and ride bare assed. As we drove out of the parking lot in his shiny BMW convertible, a gift from his mom on his school success, the coach called out. Marco stopped and as I tired to pull on my shorts, he grabbed them and tossed them in the area behind the seat. I looked at him in shock but his usual boyish smile came out, melting me, and he let the coach come up to the car and talk. The coach looked in and saw me and was a little surprised, (I don't know why as he certainly must have known about other things in the locker room) and Marco chatted. The coach watched me and Marco had his hand on my crotch. Marco noticed and said to him, "isn't he the most beautiful boy ever and he's mine" Marco introduced us and I leaned over exposing more of my body, to shake his hand, with a totally beet red face,. He invited us both to a party at his house for the team. He encouraged Marco to bring me along. Marco, smiling said he would and he waved and we zipped off. "might as well let the coach know the score," he smiled as we went. I didn't know what to say but decided Marco, as always, was going to decide anyway.! Marco just smiled and rubbed it.

We made the two hour trip to our hometown only stopping for a drink for Marco in a drive thru where the kid serving the beverage had such bugged out eyes when he saw me saying only "holy shit!! I never saw one that big!" and forgetting to thank Marco. I had my usual beverage of his piss. As we drove, he told me he had to piss and I knew he didn't want to stop again, so I just laid over the console and took his 9 incher into my mouth and let him go. I was pleased that I got it all and continued to lick his head clean. He leaned over to kiss me and smiled his broad happy face. He then gave me a mint to suck on.

We got to his house and he drove through the gates. The house was actually left to him and his mom but they hadn't sold it then. I got real nervous as I saw no effort on Marco's part to give me anything to wear. He got out in his hot basketball shorts, his cock visible through the silky fabric, and his tight tank top. He wore his flip flops that exposed his sexy feet. I was drooling and hard again. Like the gentleman he was, he came around and opened my door. I stepped out, naked hoping no one would see me, and we walked in , him calling for him mom. I stood in the kitchen and waited. I looked at my feet as I kind of shuffled back and forth, wishing I had asked Marco if I could cut my toenails. I thought they might be too long.

I still deferred to him on most everything with my body. He had allowed me though, once swim season was over, to again grow some hair. My pubes were coming in nicely along with pit leg and yes, even some butt hair. He said he liked me looking like a guy again. I told him he could trim his pit hair and pube hair some too as a compromise. We each kind of decided things about the others body hair. Kind of weird as that was about all I decided but he said that was good and he approved our decisions.

He came back with him mom in tow. She smiled at me and said I was a beautiful boy and she was pleased that Marco had me. I smiled and said hello, trying to cover my crotch. He came over and shocked me by taking my cock and pulling me over and then putting his arm around me and kissed me in front of his mom. She came over too and touched my chest and then her fingers moved down to my belly and then, my crotch. She looked me over real good. I felt so uncomfortable but a smiling Marco said that was the way I was going to be all the time. He stroked my dick and he said as she never saw it before, wasn't it the most beautiful thing. Instead of admiring the ring he gave me on his finger, she hefted my dick and examined mine. Her hand felt good but I got hard and she remarked again about the size.

I hoped she liked red naked white boys as I figured I would always be showing in beet red!

We went over and sat down. She made some lunch for us and Marco said he wanted to check mine to make sure there weren't too many calories. I was starving but he said it looked fine but giving me more fruit slices . We sat and ate. I got water while they drank sweetened tea. Marco slid his chair closer and played with my dick while we ate. I had all I could do not to cum but my rigid dick was leaking. He wiped it off and fed it to me smiling and again telling his mom how lucky he was to have me all to himself.

She then asked about their agreement. I knew nothing of this so I listened closely. Apparently, the agreement was I was to be the maid and do most of the cleaning and even help Manuel in the yard sometimes. My mouth fell open but Marco said that was fine. He also said before she asked, that yes, she could use me sometimes with his permission. I had no idea what that meant and was again, shocked.

We finished lunch and I was asked, actually told with a smile, by Marco to clean up. I did it as to not cause problems. When I was done, I quietly went to the living room where Marco was sprawled out on the couch, naked, and rubbing his balls. I smiled but then noticed his mom in the room too. I stopped by Marco called me over. I was getting used to being naked even with her there. Marco explained that we were both nudists and that she needed to get used to it. She said nothing but simply watched as I sat next to him. He reached up and pulled me close for a kiss. "Tommy is really beautiful isn't he?" Marco said . His mother nodded yes. He then pulled me down again this time to his dick and I naturally just put it in my mouth and sucked. I guess she might as well see us in action I figured.

He didn't cum in my mouth but he was rock hard. As he played with my ass revealing my butt plug to her. " I keep this in him for two reasons. One, so others can't use him and second, I would like his butt hole or pussy, to always be ready for me. I also sometimes put a sound in him, you know, like dad made Manuel wear, to keep his slit open and boy does it help to make him pour out his stuff when I finally let him cum. I keep him restrained, you might say. I truly love him and he is much more than my bitch, but that too. Say, when is Manuel coming over?'

She seemed to accept all Marco had said and replied that Manuel was just working outside. "I know," he said, you like him sweaty, huh?" He laughed at his joke and his mom shifted uncomfortably. She got up and I saw her rub her crotch. I knew she must be fucking with him. It made me realize how different this home was than ours. My mom still hadn't accepted me nor my older brother were gay and had boyfriends. She hated gays I assumed. Only my little brother who used me whenever Marco allowed, and my dad were ok with the whole thing. I realized I had a birthday coming up and wondered if my mom would acknowledge it. Oh, well, nothing I could do now.

Marco pulled me off his cock and kissed me again. God I was horny and wondered what Marco's mom would think of my engorged cock. I hoped she didn't want it in her pussy. I think Marco made it clear that wouldn't happen.

I heard a door open and wondered who came in. I then saw a handsome Latino guy, old than me and Marco, come in. He was shirtless and sweaty. Damn, he was hot looking with his low slung tight jeans. I think I spotted some pubes showing at the waist. And he had a treasure trail but otherwise, a fairly smooth chest other than a hairy patch in the middle. He smiled and went to Marcos mom. I thought the pose was more than a woman and her gardener. She stood up and stroked his chest.

"You remember Marco, don't you? This is his boyfriend and boy, Tommy." The guy came over and shook hands with Marco and smiled at me . I wanted to cover up but he simply looked me over and said, He sure knows how to pick him. Marco stood smiling and of course, I stood. I thought it silly to conceal my cock as he already saw it. "I thought you kept him shaved, Marco?"

I did before when he was swimming but decided I wanted him more manly. Oh he still takes it like a bitch, but I like the manly look. See, he got pubes and some hair all over. Kind of cool I think. We'll see. He may have to shave it off but I like the change. What do you think?"

I think it is real fine." He reached out and rubbed my nipple. He then looked to Marco's mom and said, I am done for the day. Do you want to, ah help me out?" She nodded and headed for her room. Marco smiled and told the gardener he might find me fun too. Maybe later you can check him out. I'll unlock his plug so you can sample him. He turned me around revealing the locked butt plug up my cunt.

"Oh , nice. That is so hot. I do want a sample if that's good."

"Yeah sure, anytime. Anything for my favorite gardener!" Marco laughed. You 'll be seeing us a lot like this. We decided to be nudists for the summer at least around here. Feel free to touch anytime you like."

Manuel nodded and touched my ass and commented on my cock. "Hung like a horse, man Bet that fills up a pussy."

"Never happens. That is for show only I do let him cum though and he shoots loads. Kind of fun. Only his brothers get to use him with my say so though. But I will certainly let you play all you like."

Of course I had no say in any of this. Marco was being the person he sometimes liked to be playing master. Strangely, I didn't care too much as I knew he loved me totally. Now if I could just get him to stop fucking chicks as he did sometimes, and just focus on me! Hmm. Wonder if that will happen but I knew I couldn't nor wouldn't even try too hard.

Manuel went to the bedroom and Marco pulled me tight and kissed me and said he had to go soon. He was applying for a summer job as a lfe guard. I started to say that I should apply too as I was an even better swimmer and had done it at the pool. I had experience. Marco looked at me though and said he had other ideas for me. He smiled his special smile letting me know he had already decided . " Plus, you have a lot to do around here and helping Manuel too. He hugged me and sent me off to clean his room and put away our stuff. I wouldn't ake long to do mine as he let me bring very little. His stuff was another story though.

"by the way, I invited your brothers here later. Manuel and mom will like go out. She likes to show him off and he likes being her kept boy. Probably after he eats he, they will shower and go. When I get back, we'll call your brothers and Tim to come over. And see where we are for the summer. Ok, babe?" Of course it was ok. It didn't matter anyway. Like I said, Marco had decided. He pulled on some shorts and flip flops and grabbed a tee shirt, discarding it for a tank top. I knew he figured it better showed his body off and he would be a sure bet to land the job showing his body. I kissed him again and asked if we could go out and get me some clothes later. He said there was no need. He led me by my cock making it hard again, to the laundry room and asked me to do a few loads. Of course I did after kissing him and licking his ass. He then pulled up his shorts and left for a bit.

Readers: Please let me know if you want this to continue. E mail me at

I have a few more things to add and may give you a chance to view what I think these boys look like from my tumblr account pictures. Let me know if interested.

Thanks rob

Next: Chapter 15: Summer Vacation 2

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