Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on May 12, 2015


Tom and Marco Ch 13

This is a gay, erotic fiction story. No characters are real or based on real people. Please don't read if not legal where you are or if underage. The story is the property of the author and can't be used without permission. Comments? Send to Thanks for reading!. Enjoy. Rob

Our little orgy party lasted until late at night. I made Robert call home and tell his parents that he was spending the night. I guess some folks just don't worry much as they never asked questions. Robert was pretty cool and popular so I guess he kind of ruled his own life. Not a nerd like I was! Before I bedded him and Kurt down after cutting off their beer. Robert actually kissed me, with tongue.! He said he loved me. Damn. Either he was real drunk or I was cooler than I thought. I put them in bed together. I did hear some fucking around later which told me one of them was getting some. Cool.

I spent most of the rest of the night in a hammock with Marco. It was real nice. He played with my big cock and said I should fuck him again. I decided he had enough of my horse dick for one night and I wanted him to be able to walk the next day. He was already walking a bit stiff when he went to get us a beer.

We were a little tipsy. I wasn't a drinker of beer or booze like some guys my age. At one point, I told him I wanted to kiss his ass. He protested at first but somehow, we got turned so we could rim one another. I missed his hairy hole so much. He did enjoy it and I liked that I made him happy. He asked me if I wanted his cock and of course, I said yes. He fucked me good and then licked his cum, some of it anyway, out of my hole . He constantly said I was the hottest boy there and he was so privileged to allow him to use me.

I wanted to get fucked more and let Joe and Adam do me. I wanted Timmy to. He was a cockwhore like me, I decided, and I had to convince Adam that he should fuck as he only sucked and rimmed and drank piss all evening. He seemed happy to do it though. After he came in my ass, I did talk with him while Marco took a piss which by now I had allowed Marco to do in my mouth. I actually came to enjoy it and savored honoring my man.. I asked Tim if he was always a bottom or at least mostly. He said he was. He explained that he and Adam had hit it off well and then played around some before Adam only wanted to fuck him. He was good with that and said although hard at first, (he could have anyone, boy or girl he wanted I felt) he decided to be totally submissive to Adam. He said some things he did he didn't like, like keeping a plug or dildo in his ass and his cock in a cage, at first but he got used to them. He felt Adam really cared abut him and wouldn't really hurt him. He said Adam got him to drink his piss one drunk night and he had been doing it ever since. He now really liked it and sometimes carried a water bottle full of it with him at school. I was slightly shocked you might say, but it sounded so hot. He told me that he looked forward to having another bottom boy slut living with them in fall. I knew I was becoming that boy.

I told him I liked being submissive to Marco too. I first thought he just wanted to use me and whore me out but in the last few days, I felt he showed me love and submitted to me making us equals. I didn't know if it would work. I explained his culture as I knew it but I said I was happiest buried in Marco's pits or ass. I loved to suck his toes and feet too.

Tim said I appeared to be a natural submissive, whatever the hell that is but I agreed. He said it wasn't wrong as long as the alpha male, truly loved me and wouldn't allow things to go too far. I had to agree. It gave me much to think about.

Marco came back and Tim actually said to him he would give his boy (me) back to him. Marco smiled and we cuddled and kissed for awhile. Tim was right with Adam and I saw him let Adam piss in his mouth. I wanted to do that too, I thought., but with Adam and wanted my brother to know what I slut I was. He quickly found out.

Eventually, the party wound down as the beer was running out and we were all too tired to swim anymore. Joe kissed me and Adam said he should come by more and maybe even fuck me or Kurt. They hugged . I didn't spend too much time with Jason or Ricky but I saw them each fucking one another as well as Tim and Joe. I knew they were happy. They stayed the night too and we all slept on the loungers. I did check on Robert and Kurt and found them with Kurt's dick very close to Robert's hole and cum dripping out of Robert. I guess they experimented. Good for them. I'm sure Kurt would worry that his reputation might get ruined as a ladies man. But, maybe that was ok at least between them. Plus, I always figured Robert to be straight too. What the hell,. If they wanted a little boy on boy experimentation, that was good with me. It was for them to figure it out just like I apparently had.

We all pitched in and got rid of all evidence of a party. I figured mom and dad probably had one of their own and wondered if we would get a new baby brother. Thankfully that didn't happen!

Over the summer, we all hung out more. I finally gave Marco all the sex he wanted. I fucked him a few times but mostly he did me. He always was a gentleman though and said I should only be submissive to him. He wouldn't allow anyone else to use me like that. He seemed very protective and spent lots of money on me. I did at times feel like a whore but then, well??

We spent a lot of time in one another's bedrooms. Marco's mom knew what was going on and just let it happen. She was just happy for Marco as he seemed so happy. We worked together all summer. He even kept me naked in hois house and his mother saw it. She asked a few questions but eventually let him be . I was always wondering about the young guys who worked at the place with us. We began to hang out more and more about sexy stuff was revealed. I finally asked Marco about it. He looked at me very seriously and made me promise never to tell. I did as he asked and was wide eyed.

It appears the produce business, while legitimate, was kind of a front for other businesses that Marco's father and some others ran. They found it easier and fewer immigration questions were asked with boys involved. I don't know why. The boys, some from their native country and some from elsewhere, were brought over on work visas . Their real work was prostitution. They were used and made the company a lot of money. They apparently got little in return other than tired jaws and well used assholes. "They're whores, baby, Pure and simple. Now though, they get most of them from here in the states. Runaways, mostly or poor boys who will do just about anything to survive and to get to live in the United States. They all dreamed of a better life. Ha! Once in, they never get away . Some just eventually disappear but others get like sold and go all over. I don't ask many questions. My pop uses them too, ah , well, just like he uses my mom and me both." He said I was never to submit to the boys and he would never make me do the things they did. He kept his promise and mostly, (hehe) I did too. There were a few I couldn't resist. Marco, with my approval, let a few others use me. He said it was so hot to see me fucked by his friends.

I was shocked to find out the true nature of the business. What a fool I had been. He told me he had been used by his father for a good long time. His mother knew and it was just a family secret. Perhaps, that is why he felt in his teen years that it was time to find his own boy to use and abuse. I guess that was the kid he was accused of raping and me. I asked about the other boy. Marco said his dad quietly got it all worked out but that he hadn't raped the kid, they were just having sex when the kid's parents found out. Because it turned out to be consensual and Marco's dad paid the parents a big sum of money, it never went anywhere. He just had to leave the catholic school as they wanted no part of it.

This whole revelation put lots of things into perspective for me. Marco got tears in his eyes when he told me the things he had done with his own father. I felt terrible. He also told me that his father had thought I might be a good replacement for the kid as a kind of sex toy that he might eventually take over and make one of his boys. Marco made it clear that was not going to happen. It caused him lots of grief at home and even now, his father berated him about bringing me into the fold. As he refused, his father either beat him, (I had noticed some marks that he never said where they originated,) or he raped him.

I asked what I could do. He told me nothing but in fall we would both be away so he couldn't rape him anymore. He had also threatened to expose his dad for what he was doing. That didn't work as he apparently threatened even more harm to Marco if he did. The cartel would take over.

I asked Marco what his father wanted of me to stop the beatings. He wouldn't say at first but I finally got from him that he wanted to have sex with me- while Marco looked on. After that, I would be made available for the business to use me too. Thankfully, that never happened.

I didn't know what to say. He said I should do nothing but to make sure I was never alone with his dad. He wouldn't do anything if I was with him. He said had chose not to have any close friends as he feared for them. It was only because I had been so nice to him and accepting, that he finally let his guard down with me and eventually a few guys at school. By then, he already figured he could betray me to his dad but later, came to reality and knew how wrong he had been. He only wanted to protect and love me.

I felt it was so caring on his part that after a few days, I told Marco, I would submit to his dad but then refuse to do anymore. He could say he had his chance with me but that I wouldn't go along. I didn't need him or his money like the other boys. Marco would be off the hook as he tried but it didn't work. Seemed like a good plan to me. I had to keep trying to convince Marco who said it wouldn't work. He also still had to face his father on weekends even though we went off to live at school in fall.

I decided it was worth the risk to try and just told Marco I was gong to do it. Without telling him when, I went to the office one day to supposedly check on an order. His father was there and I made sure that I was dressed as sexually pleasing as I could. I even stripped off my shirt saying I would just be a few minutes. I went in and his dad looked at me. Without betraying what I knew, I acted all sexy around him even rubbing my dick supposedly unconsciously. He took the bait and came up and put his hand on my shoulder. I made no move to resist and let his hands wander done my body. He closed his office door and made sure no one was nearby and finally told me Marco had picked out a good whore for himself until he got married or maybe even more. I cringed at the idea of being his whore. I smiled seductively and stood very close. I finally turned and in my best Spanish I could muster, said to him that It was easy to be Marco's whore as he was so good looking, just like his dad. With that I brushed my hand on his crotch. I then whispered and said I liked his big cock and his body. He said he heard I had a big cock. I didn't want to ask the source but turned and let his hands touch me. I hated it but worked to get my dick hard. Even soft, I was big so it didn't matter. His hands went down my pants and he played with my ass. I moaned and let him go. He then opened my shorts and pulled them down. He was real happy to see me without underwear. I just stepped out of the shorts and faced him wearing only my work shoes which he made me take off. He touched my cock and naturally, it grew hard. He said it was a nice cock, better than most boys. He looked me in the ye and began to push me down on my knees . Once down, I just went for it and began to lick his crotch until he opened his pants and his cock fell out of his shorts. I took it in my mouth and began to lick. Like Marco, it was nice size and uncut. It smelled a little but I could now tolerate almost any cock. Yeah, I'm pretty much as whore or cocksucker. Take your choice. I wasn't hard to get him hard and he loved my attention. He pushed me around so I could suck and lick his balls. They were hairy unlike Marco's smooth, shaved ones.

He finally pulled me up and bent me over his desk and came up behind. I so hoped he would use some lube but then I considered after Adam had been fucking me, the dad's cock wasn't that big! He spit in my hole and then just rammed in. I groaned and shouted out. He stick something in my mouth, his underwear I think. The fuck was fast and he blew his load up my ass saying stuff in Spanish. I think he was calling me his whore.

He stood up and kissed me. He was a good looking man and I saw where Marco got his body hair from. It made me melt but then I thought better. I had to get out. I also had to devise a plan . He said we should get together again. He had a proposition for me .I asked , trying to sound interested, what it was. Of course when he told me about whoring myself for him for money, I said I had a different one. He looked at me as I grabbed my shorts and put my shoes on forgetting my socks. I said he was a wonderful man. What bull shit! He asked me what it was. I told him, as long as I worked there, he could fuck me but he had to take away Marco's beating and raping's. He looked at me incredulously. I knew he was pisssed and wondered how I knew it. "I see the marks on his back and butt sometimes. He admitted to me that you fuck him and have done it for a long time. I want it to stop. I'm a bottom and maybe a whore, but I don't mind some hot daddy cock up me. That's my deal and oh, if you don't agree, My dad has friends and the police and media would love to know what you do here. Just try it, daddy. Last chance for the offer or I blab."

I was so scared and yet felt emboldened. He said he had a few others who tried that. I told him his boys were mostly runaway kids afraid to say anything to anyone or they were kidnapped or had some other issue. "They didn't have a clue how the system worked. They had no one other than him. I have lots of contacts. And, I'm not 18 so you have just fucked a minor. Do you know what that means in the site of the law?"

He looked at me in anger. He didn't say anything at first then finally said, you could make money with that horse cock of yours. You must be stupid though to challenge me and not take my deal.

I looked at him and said it was him using my pussy and nothing happens to Marco as I will check daily, or I scream to anybody and everybody.

He looked at me and nodded. "Your cunt every week by me and anyone I want." I looked at him and replied " no, just you or Marco. Deal?"

He nodded his head and called me something in Spanish I couldn't understand. Probably not something in my textbook either!

I hurried from his office and went back to work with Marco and the guys. They smiled at me as word probably spread that I was in with the boss. I didn't know how they knew, but it didn't matter. Only Marco was not really aware and looked at me strangely as if to say where have you been. The whole thing took less than 20 minutes.. I told him I had to shit. He nodded. Later that day, once Marco saw my hurting feet and wet hole when we went to have sex at his house, did I admit I had been with his father. I told Marco that I had rejected his offer for more, but got a raise . I said nothing about my deal with his dad. Marco accepted that logic. Damn, now what had I done? I couldn't tell Marco or anyone. He laughed and said that was how it started with all of them. I began to wonder how they made any money on the produce but figured he didn't care.

Marco was upset with me. He told me I wasn't to do that. He didn't relax until I he figured that maybe he would be off the hook some as I did what his father asked but didn't agree to more. He could say he sent me in for it but his father didn't recruit me.

He had to think about it. In the meantime, he game me such a nice tongue bath on my sweaty feet not caring if they smelled. He also at me out to get rid of his father's spunk. He did tell me he loved me so much for trying though.

The summer continued with me working and getting more money, none of which I really needed but figured it would be good for college. I also did get fucked by his dad every damn day. I did notice that Marco wasn't coming in bruised or showing any marks which made me smile. I let Marco fuck me everyday and sometimes, got to do him but always licked his beautiful hole and pits. I was something I just wanted to do. I told Adam very few details but said I was in love with Marco and would do anything for him now.

He raised his eyebrows like in question but said as long as I was happy. I sounded like Timmy.

Marco got accepted at USF too. We made plans for our first year in college. It would be Adam with Tim and me with Marco. I told Adam I decided what I wanted and he accepted that. He made me submit to Kurt too as well as himself. Damn my hole got stretched but no bleeding . Adam eventually fucked Marco and I was glad that he accepted that. Our roommate situation was two alphas and two submissives. Eventually, Adam and Marco used us both. We didn't mind. I was just glad to be together.

Adam and Tim went back to "escorting" in fall and even some nights at a club. I was too young but Marco sometimes asked me if I wanted a new cock in me. As he had joined soccer in college, a sport he knew much better than swimming and many others. He made a few hookups of which I was agreeable and I made a few bucks selling my youthful ass. Some senior guys really got into fucking a minor. His teammates, damn were they hot boys, also liked to fuck me. I was always glad to come back to my man or men. I loved my brother. We even let Kurt come and stay with us occasionally. It was fun. One weekend , he brought Robert along for sibling weekend and we all fucked. Kurt let me fuck Robert. I guess as cool as he was, he let Kurt rule him some. Nothing like we had though with Marco and Tim. We just got rid of the extra beds and slept tightly together.

Adam came out to my folks. They took it pretty good. I told them my story over Christmas break. They just assumed that Marco and I were lovers, which we were, but in some respects, he totally owned me. I didn't see the need to expose the real relationship. They were not too happy at first but before we went back to school, just said things were to be as they were. They held out hope for Kurt and it was a few years before he too came out but with a different boy than Robert I guess the rents won't be getting any grandkids very soon!

Marco continued to drive home weekends for the first few months, me in tow. We worked at his father's produce company . We did have some sexy times. Marco let a few of the hot guys, mainly Hispanic and black, fuck me as long as they were gentle. I loved sex with minority guys. Some had some huge dicks too. I doubted that other than Adam and Tim who I loved dearly, that I would ever marry a white boy. Time will tell. I still got fucked by Marco's dad. He seemed to eventually accept it. He sometimes just like to play with my cock. It grew a bit in college as Adam suspected. I was now about 13 inches. My cock and balls were quite heavy. but the side benefits made it ok. Marco even found that as a students at the university, I could pose for art students regardless of my age. He made sure I did that as he wanted anyone who was interested, to know that I was his boy.

I was truly into giving myself to Marco as long as he also allowed Adam, Kurt and Tim to use me. He was agreeable and sometimes watched. I knew I was a cock hound and loved to suck them or have one up we all now called my boy pussy.

I did join the swim team at college along with Tim and Adam. The coach met me early on and Adam made me come into his office naked. He got to see both us in all our glory. The coach had been an Olympic swimmer in his days but now being around 29, had given up the competition and took the coach job. He didn't seem gay at first but Adam said we all got fucked by the coach and team. The coach laughed and said it was true. I willingly took my turn and met some of the other gay swimmers on the team. There were more than I thought! I told Marco of some of their rituals, like top performer in a meet got to fuck those who didn't place and other crazy shit. It was an incentive, especially for the straight boys to work hard at practice. We did have a good season! He seemed good with it. Of course I worshipped him at home or the dorm. Sometimes for punishment, he made me do stupid shit like getting out of the car on the highway, stripping naked and pissing on the road. He said he didn't like public restrooms! I did but was always afraid I'd get caught. Almost did twice! O f course

We slept together and I was usually nestled in his pit. I told him if he owned me, I should own him. He agreed and I wouldn't let him shave any of his hair except for his chest. He wanted me hairless, which I had to be for swim team, so I did. He inspected me weekly. He also encouraged me to begin to drink his piss. I was a little not so sure but knew Tim did it for Adam and so I did too. I began to take my water bottle filled with his sweet nectar on my runs. Many of the swim guys lived in the same dorm so we had lots of sexy times. I wished Marco was a swimmer but he stuck to soccer. His soccer boys, some bi loved to get with us. Like Marco, some wee Latino and sported big cocks, hot bodies, white, black or Latino, and enjoyed that I would put out for them. Marco liked to watch as my pussy was stretched. After numerous times of having him and a buddy fuck me at the same time, my pussy was pretty open. He kept a butt plug in me to assure that it would stay that way.

College was a great time for all of us and we did pretty well academically too. Even after Adam and Tim graduated, they stayed nearby and we eventually got an apartment together. I was sad when Marco's dad was killed. It was supposed to be an accident but I wasn't sure about that. Although the business was supposed to go to Marco, he wanted nothing to do with it. I knew my sucking his cock days were done. Yeah! Marco insisted that his mom sell the business. I'm sure the cartel bought it as a front. I just felt so bad for all the boys who stupidly wandered in there and kind of got enslaved. I couldn't do anything about it though. Eventually, we did see something about a raid on the place some two years after it was sold. They exposed lots of stuff that was going on. I looked at Marco who held me tight against his naked body, and he just smiled. I smiled too. I was a happy gay guy. Marco was very protective of me insisting on frequent blood tests, checking those who fucked me to make sure they had no std's and such. He inspected my body at least weekly and made sure I took only the best drugs and vitamins. He also made sure I only drank his or Adam's piss. He loved to have me suck him dry each morning. He also watched my diet prohibiting me from some foods and making sure I had proper amounts of others. I would be sucking his feet or his ass as he often read stuff on line that he felt would be best for both of us. He made sure that nothing was ever out of line when we visited my rents. He was the most caring boyfriend I could ever find My hole was pretty stretched but yet tight. I had to exercise it often, but it sure accepted the right cocks with no problem. I was so used to drinking piss, that it almost became a diet staple! Even when my younger brother visited, he quickly learned that I was his urinal too and just would come up to me and stick his dick in my mouth. Actually, I loved it. I willingly ate his ass as well as Marco's and my brother, Adams as well Tim and I spent so much time naked, that putting on clothes was almost a bother. It almost got us in trouble but fortunately, some gay guys moved in next door and we sometimes fucked with them too. They didn't mind as did the UPS man who delivered stuff, making us a regular part of his daily chores. I sometimes had to put a stop to it though as I needed time for swim practice and studies.

Marco and I are still happy together. I worship him and he loves that but he also worships me and cuddling me and buying me stuff. We hope someday to go somewhere where we can marry. His mother accepts me like another son and as Marco insists on my nudity, even when we are at her house, I am naked. His mom just accepts it and is almost surprised when I am clothed. Marco did ask me to get a piercing. Which I did for him. He asked that I submit to getting my dick pierced and he chose a ring to put in it. He said he would buy a matching finger ring which he wears proudly. It hurt some, but as he rarely allows me to fuck him or anyone else, (he prefers to fuck the cum out of me) it didn't matter other than now I usually have to sit to piss as it sprays a little. He finds that adorable! Oh well, we all have our burdens don't we? I am his happy gay and willing to do anything he asks or me. I guess I keep him pretty happy!


Next: Chapter 14: Summer Vacation 1

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