Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Apr 18, 2015


This is a gay erotic story. Don't read if you are not of legal age or if it is illegal to read such material where you are. It belongs to the author and may not be used in any way without permission. If you have comments, please send them to

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T and M Ch 11

My alarm went off at that crazy hour. Adam moaned. I knew he hated to have himself out of me. I quickly turned off the radio and kissed Adam and Kurt who had his face in my balls. Damn. I didn't want to get up.

I quickly dress. I didn't really think about it but left off my underwear (not unusal) I threw on some basketball shorts and grabbed a tank top. It was cool but I knew it would be hot at work. I grabbed my tennis shoes and went to the kitchen to make some coffee. I started to make some coffee. I wasn't hungry but tossed a banana on top of my shoes to take along to eat in the car. I quickly brushed my teeth and threw some cold water on my face making sure the cum was off. I knew I still had some in my hole too but decided it wouldn't drip out too much. I did shove a piece of toilet paper up there to keep my bro's cum in me. I quickly smelled my pits and decided they were ok. It made me wonder what kind of deodorant Marco wore. A roll on or stick type probably would get caught in his hair. Hmmm. I went back to the kitchen and got my coffee lacing it up with cream and sugar and making sure my travel mug was not too full. It was hot though . I started to walk quietly to my shoes and banana getting ready to leave when there was a slight knock on my door. I was startled as I expected no one. I had told Marco I would drive my self there. I looked through the window and there stood Marco dressed similar to me but with a shirt on. I went and opened the door and began to say I was driving myself when he blurted out "I know what you said but I just wanted to save you gas money and more, I wanted to ride with you or you with me. I just wanted to see you and do something nice for you." I was surprised but said ok. I knew it was hard for me not to be with Marco. I began to pull my shirt on but he said not to I could do it there. He grabbed my shoes and banana as I grabbed the coffee but thinking at the last second, would he want some too. I didn't ask but poured him some and fixed it like mine and ran out bare foot and shirtless and jumped into his truck. He smiled at me as I gave him the coffee. Unlike the last time, I didn't move close to him but sat with my feet on the s eat and snapped on my seat belt. He drove off and said nothing but thanks for the coffee.

We exchanged pleasantries but noting important. He did reach over and rubbed my foot a little making me smile. He said I had pretty feet. I just replied thanks and let it go.

We got to the place and he put my shirt on me. It's cool now but you'll probably want to take it off later. So will I." I nodded and began to slip on my tennis shoes. He said no. He had something better so we went to his locker where he pulled out some work socks and heavy duty work shoes. "I don't want you to injusre yourself. He had me sit down and took out the socks. Before he put them on me, he kissed each foot and licked my toes. He then slid the sock on and then the shoes. I will clean them if you want before you go home. I was beginning to let this make me hard but said I was fine. I reminded him that I wasn't his property to do stuff to. He looked at me almost sadly and nodded. I got dressed and he said I looked real hot in htose work shoes. I thought they made me look dumb but they were comfortable and he was right about offering protection.

We began work after we punch in. His father was there and I heard him ask Marco something in Spanish. I had taken the class but was still in just the beginning of knowing it so I couldn't understand. Marco looked pissed when he replied to his father but his dad just smirked back at him. I asked what was said as we headed away and he said it was nothing.

We worked with several guys. I knew I was a whore when I checked out each one and tried to imagine what was behind those shorts which filled out nicely. There was two white guys, two black guys and three of four Latino guys. All sported clothes similar to ours and I did get to check out their pits.

At our break, they hung with us and we talked a little. Finally one of the Latinos said in broken English, something to Marco about me being his cono. Marco jumped up and was about to smash his face when I, looking surprised with the whole scene and one of the white guys, held Marco back. He let the Latino hear a blast from his mouth, calling him every derogatory thing he could think of.

Marco freed himself from the others and called for me to go back to work. I asked him what happened and he sighed heavily and looked at me. He said the guy asked if I was his cunt. He means whore. I got mad as I don't want anyone to think of you that way. My father must have put him up to it. I confided in him that we were having sex. He knew something was up. He was mad as he expects me to love and marry a woman. I just said it was side sex and he figured it was much like what he does. He has quick fucks with some of those guys. They agree because it keeps them working and getting paid, sometimes even a little extra if they put out for him. It is just our way in our culture. But, you taught me I had to respect you and when I thought about things I had done and said to you, I was thinking of you as a cunt. I didn't want that. I want you for a friend. I, I , oh shit, ok, I really want you as my boyfriend but I can't tell my dad that. He'd beat me. It was just like the last boy I was with, you know, the one you saw who I said accused me of raping him. I really didn't He wanted it and I gave in. It was only after his parents found out, that he said I raped him. I didn't I had wanted to but actually thought of him as a boyfriend. He lied about me to save his ass. Now, he sneaks a text to me saying he was sorry, but really, he ruined everything for me. I found you and fell in love, more than with him. I just acted stupid and did stupid things no man should do. I've learned that now. He had tears in his eyes and they ran down his handsome boyish face. I looked at him and then, whatever possessed me, I put my arms around him and said it would be ok. We went back to work and he was quieter than usual as we worked. At our lunch break, we chatted a little and I finally brought up what had happened earlier. He got tears in his eyes and said he probably would get fired by his father for what he did. I said I thought he was pretty brave and thanked him for standing up for me. I was still the smallest guy on the team and if they all thought of me as a pussy, they might want to take advantage and fuck me too. I got the courage to say that I did love him. I wasn't real sure but went on to tell him that the only reason I got mad at him was because he had begun to treat me like a whore, selling me to our friends, humiliating me in public and such. I did say it was somewhat my own fault as I didn't stop him as I was too wrapped up in his physical being and wanted him to love me. He listened and nodded a few times but eventually when I was done he said, "You are no whore. You let me do things and I should have known better. I'm not in South America anymore. I need to respect you. It is you who should now humiliate me. I would be willing to be your slave for sex, or abuse or ridicule. I am agreeable to any of that. I should kiss the ground you walk on. You are so good."

I told him that wouldn't happen but he said it must. It was his only way to truly show his sorrow and bad feeling about himself.

We agreed to work more now and talk more later.

The day finished and he took me home. Before he put his shoes away, he said he was a pussy. He begged me to let him worship my feet. I said no as they probably smelled bad He said it didn't matter that he wouldn't rest until I let him worship me. I nodded and he sucked each toe and licked my soles and tops of my feet. I told him finally to stop as it was giving me a boner. He laughed and put on shoes back on me and kissed them. He then lifted my shirt and kissed each of my nipples. I was now so aroused I wanted to cum. He said we should wait until later. I said we probably couldn't have sex then as my family would be home.

"I want to meet your brothers again. I want them to see my humiliate myself in front of them. I want to have you do anything to me you want. I also want to be made to suck them off. I need to show them that I am just your plaything now. I would expose myself to anyone you asked and tell them I now only want to worship you If you asked, I would strip naked in front of your parents and tell them I wish to be your slave. " I laughed and said that that wouldn't be a good idea. At least not now I thought.

He asked if he could kiss me. I nodded yes not really sure I bought all this sacrificing he was talking about. I also worried that we could maybe both lose our jobs. I needed the money for college and keeping up my car. We would have to deal with that later.

He drove me home never once asking me to do anything for him. I knew he must be horny though. I almost invited him in but decided things would be better if we left them. I gave him a quick kiss but left his truck and went into my house. I saw that the rents were home and so were my brothers.

We all chatted a bit about my folks visit and hotel stay. My dad had a big smile so I knew he got some and wondered if his cock was a big as Adam's or maybe bigger. I really wanted to check it out but how do you ask your dad if you could see and maybe taste his cock/ Oh shit. Maybe someday. All us boys including dad, went out to do yard work. I followed my brothers' lead and went shirtless. I was beginning to appreciate my body and the workouts I had done, (painfully at first) but now getting buff working with Marco. I slipped on some old running shoes as did Adam and Kurt and Dad and we went out. Kurt mowed, I edged and Adam and Dad trimmed. We got it done in about 45 minutes and it looked great. I stood back to admire our work and Dad came up and put his hand on my shoulder. I was all sweaty as was he in the hot Florida morning. He looked at me and said he was proud of me for getting a job to pay for my own tires. I thanked him and said other than the early time to start, it was an okay job. He asked me a little about Marco and his family. I didn't offer much but said they were all pretty passionate Latino people. He must have thought about his trist with mom as he said it sounded like a hot family. I just let it roll.

Adam and Kurt had put away the tools and came up to use equally sweaty and a little smelly. I suggested we all jump in the pool. Dad said he had no swim trunks on but Adam said coyly, why not just go commando. Dad began to say no but Kurt and I said it might be racy and fun. I think Dad may still have been horny so he just smiled and said ok. We could do it once. I thought if you only knew but just smiled. I noticed Dad must have gotten a little relaxed as Mom had left for the store. We stripped off our clothes and all jumped naked in the pool. I felt so good to rid ourselves of the sweat and stink. We paddled around . Dad stood in the shallow end with just enough water to cover his crotch but I could see he had a pretty well endowed cock just under water. As I admired and tried to see more, Kurt swam under me and went through my sped legs. He came up and I felt his hands on my dick. I just looked at his smiling face and smiled back making a gesture that I would get him too. We all played around having a great time with just us boys. I saw Kurt try to swim under my dad and almost knocking him over. As he fell backward, I caught him and got to feel his body and see for the first time in a long time, how big he was. I thin we were all smaller in the cool water but he left no doubt that what he told me a few years ago. We were all hung like horses. I let my hand fall away and brushed his cock. He looked at me and I just smiled at him before attacking Adam and going behind him and rubbing my now growing dick in his ass crack. We played a lot of grab ass that morning. I finally ran into the house and got a camera and took a pic of the three of them sitting on the pool edge. Dad said to be careful not to get too much in the picture. I did but made sure on one to get his cock. I told him we could delete any he didn't want. He nodded. But I sent the pic with his dick to my computer for closer examination later before deleting it from the camera.

We all got a good chance to view one another and I just thought my brothers and dad were so hot. Dad was still pretty fit considering he was around 40. We did a few pictures with the timer so I could be in them too. WE had a great time. Dad commented that it had been a long time since we all had fun playing in the pool. Adam said it was cool that we got to swim naked. We finally admitted that we had done it before when the rents were away. Dad just laughed and said we were all perverts. If only he knew what we did. Maybe he figured it out. He finally said we should get out and dress. WE did reluctantly. Dad didn't see it but we went in and Adam had a finger up my pussy. It felt so good, I didn't protest but made a quick move inside to my room as I was getting hard. We all got a look at Dad as he filled out more once out of the water. Later, we agreed that we would like to suck him off and eat his baby batter.

We enjoyed lunch together and during that time, Mom said she and Ad were going away for a few days. I think she was liking his big cock. We said we would be fine at home and Adam promised not to kill us . I said I would even be ncie to Kurt. WE all laughed and said they shouldn't worry. They were leaving Sunday and would be back Wednesday. I didn't learn until much later that they were gong to a nudist resort. My parents never cease to amaze me. (I wished later we all could have gone!)

Saying good bye and taking our lst minute admonishments not to kill one another, Dad handed Adam $200 for food. He figured we wouldn't cook much. I thought we might be too busy fucking to cook but of course kept that to myself.

After they were gone, I suggested we have a few friends over. Kurt wanted to invite his girlfriend but Adam and I killed that idea saying it would be a boys only thing. He got the message and said he wouldn't mind if I let him fuck the shit out of me. I just bent over and waved my ass at him. He agreed.

Adam said he was inviting his roomie over. He figured he could convince him to drive over from Orlando. Kurt didn't have any guy friends he fucked with so I said he could fuck me or me him and maybe I could convince a few guys I knew to come over. I called Marco wondering if I should and if he could get away. He did remind me we had to work each morning but promised he would come. I suggested he stay over. I even invited Jason and Ricky . I told Kurt they were new to boy sex but probably would like to at least let him to suck their dicks. He was cool with it but insisted he get to call some shots with me and Adam too. We agreed.

It was going to be a fun time for us. We agreed it was a total clothing optional few days. I just worried that Marco might forget his promise and abuse me. I wasn't sure but it was too late to take back the invite. We had said we would stay naked even if our guests wore clothes but the excitement of the idea thrilled me. I couldn't wait.

I couldn't even imagine how in just such a few weeks, I had gone from a kind of nerd, well not actually a nerd but a rather shy quiet guy to one who now craved boy sex like a fool. I guess I didn't know I had it in me. Now I love to have it in me! hehe

Next: Chapter 12

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