Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Mar 13, 2015


This is a fictional tale of high school boys. Please don't read if offended by this type of work, it is not legal where you are or if you are under 18. I welcome any constructive comments or story ideas or anything you want to share. The story is the property of the writer and cannot be reproduced without permission of the author. Thanks for reading. Send anything you like to rob roberts

Tom and Marco Chapter 1

Hi guys!. I'm Tom or Tommy as I seem to get called by friends. I'm a high school junior living in Florida with my family which consists of my mom and dad and one older (in college) and one younger(middle schhol grade 8) brother. Not to unusual a life. I got to school (big deal) and play a few sports. I am a runner (something I started probably when younger, to get away from tougher boys), and I swim or used to. I kind of put that on a back burner when I hit puberty. Noting too exciting really, but see, I guess I just developed faster than some of those my own age and my dick grew. Swimming in speedos was just more than I could handle as it was bigger soft than most guys my age were when hard! I hated it. I was made fun of , the usual names like donkey boy, horse boy and such. I am kind of shy. This hasn't helped my social life much either as my reputation preceded me and once word got out, a lot of girls although curious, want little to do with me. Yeah they'd like to play with it and all and see it, but the thought of sucking it or putting it inside of themselves with my help, well, that doesn't fly.

Now that I'm high school, I have a few friends, mostly just casual though. I think I look pretty good with some development of my pecs, (all smooth body though excepts for crotch, pits and some on my legs when I'm not swimming and therefore, shaved. I hear girls and some guys just snicker some though and I know they are talking about "little Tommy"

A new guy at our school I met in a few classes, doesn't seem to mind too much though. No, he doesn't fuck me or anything. As a matter of fact, he never even saw me naked. We play some games and he seems kind of shy too. I think he has some money in his family. I heard his family owns the biggest produce business in town. He is often busy though as he told me he has to work early shifts at the produce terminal, loading stuff that is sent to restaurants and grocery stores.

He was assigned to sit next to me in math and English. We also have gym together although his locker is away from mine, For some reason, he makes me smile whenever I see him. I don't know why but I like him. He is pretty quiet though. The other guys accept him and the girls have starting flocking around. He gets somewhat red in the face though if the girls are pushy as some are. He told me that he doesn't date right now because of his work schedule. He goes in about 4 in the morning every damn day, to lift the heavy boxes of produce around. I can see the results as his arms are already nicely developed. His chest is certainly better than mine and his legs, from seeing him in gym clothes, are nicely muscular. I never saw him without his shirt but I can tell he is one hot boy.

See, there I go again. I am talking about a guys body. I have concluded that as the girls don't seem to interest me all that much and I now look at guys, that I'm probably gay or at least bi. I haven't told anyone yet and I'm afraid to actually. I have no idea how my family would react. They seem liberal enough but?. I may tell my older brother when he comes home from college for a holiday. We have always been close, don't know why, and I could ask him anything. See, he has a huge cock too and when I went through puberty, it was him I asked about it. My parents didn't offer much. Robbie just seems to understand me and take me under his wing. I so hated to see him go off to college.

Oh, yeah, where was I. Yes. I was telling you about the new guy. He had gone to some catholic school I think and for whatever reason, had to leave so he is now in our good 'ol public school . I'm sure he didn't flunk out as he seems pretty smart. Anyway, he came over once and we played video games. I liked him and we have chatted some since. I sometimes even have lunch with him. He is very shy though fro being such a stud kind of guy and I can't really figure out why.

We will likely see more of one another though as we both joined track. I don't know if we will be in the same events but he said he would like to run together if we can find a time. I know it won't be too early though as I told you, he works from 4 am until he arrives at school just before the last bell. He said he could do track as it was after school and practices were too I think he had to do a real sell job on his folks though as from what little he has said, they keep him under their thumb. I never met his folks though and know nothing about his family. He says very little but he does come to sit with me. I just hope I get to see more of him, like his hot bod, if you get my drift.

Anyway, today is the start of track. We both dressed in our team shorts, running shoes and tank tops. It was the first time I saw him out of a tee shirt. Man, has he got some hot looking pits! I lately have really noticed the pits on young guys. Some guys have nothing, some have a little and some, of fuck, they are gorgeous!. I want to stick my face in there! See, you can tell I'm likely gay. What straight guy ever pays attention to a guys pits!!

We're in the licker room and changing. Marco, that's his name, came walking up to me. I was glad I had on my jock already as I didn't want him to see my junk. I don't need to be ridiculed by another guy. He may have already heard other guys call me horse! Anyway, if he did, he said nothing about it and it was nice that he came by to see if I was ready for practice. I put on my shorts and shoes and we went out. He said I looked like a real track star. I thought that was nice and we both smiled at one another. He was so good looking. Unlike my dark blond hair, his is jet blac with dark probably black eyes. His hair is real short. Not sure if I like it or not but on him,it is kind of sexy. Makes him look older and almost like a guy you might see in a gang. It is probably only an eighth of an inch long all over. His dark, well not dark, but well tanned skin makes him look good. Anyway we went out and practiced. I will be in running events. He is a high jumper which surprised me with his muscular legs. I saw him jump a few times and he seems really good.

Practice ran late and we changed but not together. Neither of us showered as we hadn't worked out that much, mostly listening to the coach. I almost wanted to but then, well, he'd see my donkey dick and I wasn't ready for that.

We went out and he offered to bring me home. Hell, I din't know he had a car or in his case, more like a truck- a nice looking pickup with the company name on it. I had a car but it wasn't running. Needed new tires and dad wouldn't let me drive right now. I naturally agreed to the ride and he took me hom. We didn't talk a lot but I did like his music on the radio. When we got to my house, he stopped, put it in park, and turned in the seat. Still wearing his track outfit, I got to admire that pit hair again. He smiled at me and shocked me when he told me he was glad to have met a friend. I agreed making small talk and said I was glad to have him as a friend. He smiled that beautiful smile. He was turned in his seat and I got to look up his leg opening in his shorts and saw a rather decent bulge up there. I think he caught me looking so I glanced away and thanked him for the ride and before I could get to embarrassed, started to get out. He stopped me and smiled again and asked if I wanted him to pick me up for school as my car wasn't running. I didn't think but just replied " hell yeah. Better than the bus!" He laughed and said he would be later than the bus but he would be there. I thanked him again and jumped out yelling back that I see him in the morning.

I felt myself get hard and dashed in to the house before anyone could see "little Tommy" get big. I yelled hi to those in the family who were there and told them I wanted to shower before dinner. I went up, stripped off and went naked to the shower where I pleasured myself jacking off thinking about Marco.

I don't know what it was, but I just found Marco to be the hottest guy. Finishing my shower, I joined the family for dinner and talked a bit about practice. I told them only slight details about Marco and mentioned he would be driving me to school as my car was not available. I said that with some sarcasm as I hoped it would prompt my parents to give in and lend me the money for the new tires. They just said they thought it was nice that a classmate would help me. Damn!

Marco was there as he promised and smiled at me as I grabbed my stuff and climbed in the truck. I didn't wear underwear that day as with my huge schlong, it was often more comfortable to go without. Marco looked over and seemed to check me out a bit as we drove. I did everything to conceal my goods. We talked a little and he again said that he was glad to find a friend, especially one that didn't pry into his business. I looked at him wondering what he meant and he quickly replied that some of the other guys wanted to know his life story and especially why he left private school. I did too but fortunately, my shyness paid off and I hadn't asked. I figured if he wanted to tell me, he would. I was just happy to have him and we talked about sports and school work and such. I did ask him about his job. He said he did it because he had too, family business and all but he shocked me and said maybe he could see if his parents might hire me too if I wanted a job. I told him I did so I could get my car fixed and he made no comment but shook his head.

School went well and it became a thing for Marco to take me home and pick me up for school. I told him he didn't have too as he lived a ways away but he said he liked the company and liked me. He smiled and I wanted to melt. We rarely talked about other guys or girls for that matter. He did ask me if I had a girlfriend and I told him I didn't anymore but chose not to say I was getting turned on to cock more than to pussy. I wasn't ready to come out just yet. He just nodded, made no comment and said that he didn't either.

I did invite him over to the house one Saturday but he told me he couldn't come until late. I said that was ok. He had to work and Saturdays were very busy. Over time, he told me some of the stuff he did and it sounded hard. No more mention was made about the job until the late Saturday afternoon when he came by. It was almost like he was more anxious than me for me to join him. He said he finally got his father to agree to hire me. We played video games and went out for food that evening and he seemed to relax more. I caught him a few times rubbing his junk as we sat in the restaurant. He seemed really happy to be with me. I almost felt like it was a date. When it came to paying, he paid for both of us and even asked if maybe I wanted to go to the movies. I agreed and we went with him paying for everything. It semed strange but he covered by saying he knew I had no job and he did so he would pay. In the movies, we sat slouched down in our chairs and his bare leg rubbed mine a few times. Damn it felt so good that I wanted to touch him but I kept my distance not knowing if the rubbing of legs was an accident or intentional. After, the show, we stopped for ice cream and I swear his hand touched mine as we argued about the check. His hand lingered on top of mine longer than was necessary.

I was so horny by the time, we got to my house for him to drop me off that I had all I could do to keep my huge trunk of a cock from popping out and I could see I had a small wet spot in my crotch. I know he saw it too as I got out of the truck. He just smiled and I think I caught him touching his crotch too. I wondered if I should say anything but decided not to.

I hurried in and stripped and jacked off in my room hoping my brother did not hear me. He did come in once I had shot and saw my naked body in bed. He just smirked and said he was gong to rub one out too. Whew. I escaped any notice and hoped he hadn't heard me mumble shit like 'fuck me Marco!' I knew I had to be queer as a $3 bill then. I wasn't sure if that was really me or if I was just getting more horny. I knew for sure that dating any girl I had dated, never left me like that even after a few bold ones had tried to give me a blow job or jack me off while I had a finger in her twat. No. This was something different and I had never been so hard.

I also noticed that he wore his tank tops more exposing his hot olive colored skin and his pits. He seemed to like to show them to me stretching a lot or putting his arm on the back of a chair. I knew he knew I was looking. Even seeing a twat up close to lick hadn't ever done that before. My cock was so rigid, I had to wear underwear and a jock to school and elsewhere.

Next: Chapter 2

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