
Published on Dec 8, 2011



Jason left his bedroom quietly. It wasn't the first time he had snuck out of the house, even years ago as a teenager. He tiptoed reacting to each creak in the floor that would most certainly awaken his step father and the man's own boys. But that never happened.

He wasn't a teen anymore. The daytime kept him busy finishing his two years. The plans had been discussed and he stuck to them. The Navy awaited him after graduation.

The floor creaked as usual. Even though he could come and go as he pleased, he still tip toed, not wanting to awaken anyone.

His weekend job awaited him. It was long hours and a job he couldn't tell anyone about, but the money was good and there were other benefits.

"He's Wilma's boy. I guess my ward." the man introduced him to the others after graduation. The man he called step father wasn't really. Wilma, his mother had lived with the man and his own boys. They never got married. When his mother died, the man said he could stay.

The night he stood at the toilet relieving himself, the man had come into the bathroom and stood beside him. "When you're through come with me" the man said.

There was no question. He did what he was told. And was soon learning how to suck a man's cock. Jason presumed that the man's sons had revealed his earlier activities sharing masturbation and giving them oral sex over the recent years.

"Now that you're 18 you have to leave them alone. You keep me happy and that's ok, understand? You're an adult now and have obligations. Do them and you'll have a good life, agreed?" the man asked.

Jason couldn't answer with the man's cock down his throat but he understood. He would service the man gladly not only because he loved to suck cock but because he was grateful. He also knew his mouth would engulf Danny and Morris again but in secret.

He walked the ten blocks in the cool night air. It invigorated him especially after his nap. Classes on Friday ended at 3pm. The routine had been established. He swam for an hour, went home, prepared dinner for everyone and then went to bed.

Nobody bothered him. They all knew he had work ahead and needed to rest. And on Sunday would return to the house tired but available as the man he called step father required and the secret encounters would occur.

The air was cool and quiet. An occasional dog barked and a siren was heard far away. The alley he turned onto led him to the empty lot and crossing that, he approached the back of the building. It was a house really but looked like a small warehouse.

There were some cars parked along side and Jason knew it would be an active weekend. Music could be heard as he approached the door.

Bruno was a friend of the man he lived with. He had been introduced to him the week after graduation and when told that Jason needed a job, nodded. "If what Carl says is true, you might do"

The interview hadn't been what he expected. Jason stood in front of Bruno and two other men answering questions he hadn't expected to be asked. And to his own surprise he answered each of them honestly and casually.

When he was told to, he revealed everything and they nodded. "So which of you want to see if he'll do a good job?" Bruno asked. An older man, whose name Jason never learned nor had to stood and waved his finger to Jason to follow him.

It had been about a year. The work was good, the money deposited in his savings account mounted up. Even after he paid living expenses, the balance increased very well. He even deposited the cash tips he received in the account. By the time he would stand with his right hand up swearing allegiance to the Navy, there would be a total sum there for him if he ever needed it.

Jason considered a career in the military. "They'll like you, all you have to do is what you're told and learn how to do it well" Bruno had advised him.

In almost another year he would discover if the advice was true.

The door unlocked with the key he wore around his neck. The room was dark. He was the first to arrive. Coworkers would arrive soon too. One or two were like him, similar in age. Another one was much older and seemed to have worked there far longer then the others. There could possibly be newer workers there too, those new to this kind of work, some that would only work a short time.

Jason as used to all that by now. He removed his clothing and put it in the wooden locker. The air flowed across his body. He stepped into the shower and let the water heat his body.

The towel was rough and made his skin red. By then another worker, Daniel was undressing. They nodded in greeting. Daniel's haircut looked like military. Jason never knew if he was in or just had his haircut to look like it.

He moved past the naked boy and let his hand slide over the round buttocks. He had experienced Daniels' sex drive before. It wasn't his decision but it was nice.

The larger room's lights were on now, bluish in tint with red bulbs accenting various places. The stack of cages for example or the still closed doors what would reveal the stock displayed inside that would stimulate minds and imaginations for what would occur.

Jason moved to where he would be to start his weekend shift. The workers wore what their boss had instructed. Jason fit the wide leather collar on and snapped the lock. Only Bruno had the key and when he unlocked it, Jason's shift was done.

He got on his hands and knees and crawled into the wire mesh box. The cameras would reveal his arrival and availability to those upstairs.

Jason, as he did that first day on the job and every first day of each shift, inhaled as if to decide whether to stay or quit. Of course he would do as he agreed. "Learn to be good at your job and you'll be that way for the rest of your life" Bruno advised.

He reached for the door and pulled it shut, hearing the clasp lock into place. At that point Jason had committed, he had no choice but do what he as there for, what he was paid to do and what he was told.

He had a job to do and he would do it well. He liked his job too. So Jason waited to be chosen to do his job he loved.

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