Together with Tammi

Published on May 8, 2023


Together With Tammi Part 9  

    Together With Tammi Part 9    
by Bill Beaumonte (  

This work contains explicit material intended for adults over 18. If you are under 18 or are offended by non-traditional sex, do not continue.  

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Author’s note:
_An older man finds a gurlfriend to share in his retirement. I hope you enjoy this fantasy.


    T ammi and I continued to date, and after two weeks she gave me a key to her apartment. It wasn't so I could move in with her, but just to make it easier. Since I was keeping clothing and grooming items there, having a key would allow me to access them when she was away. We both worked during the day, so we were apart daytimes during the week.

I enjoyed taking Tammi out for dinner, but that got expensive quickly, so we cooked our own meals Sunday through Thursday, going out on Fridays and Saturdays. Since we both enjoyed cooking, sometimes I would take the lead on dinner and sometimes Tammi would. We nearly always worked together, with whoever was not taking the lead doing the mise en place.

Today was my lead, making a Low Country Carolina Boil, which is kind of an indoor clam bake. The weather had been chilly lately, so I thought this would give us a welcomed hint of warmer weather. There were a lot of details involved, so we would need to get started early. Tammi was usually home by 4pm, so I planned to do the same. At lunch Tammi called me and said she would have to work until 6pm, so I told her I'd take care of everything.

After work I stopped at the grocery store and picked up all the ingredients, along with a bottle of Zinfandel, which I put in the fridge as soon as I got to her apartment. I busily prepared the ingredients, so everything was ready to start.

I put some easy listening music on and sat down to await Tammi's arrival. Even though we usually got home from work at the same time, I didn't usually show up at her apartment until 4:30pm, giving Tammi time to change from boy mode, as Bob.

I supposed Tammi expected me to show up about 6:30pm, because she was surprised to see me when she arrived.

"You can't see me like this!" she said.

I quickly got up and took her into my arms, but she stiffened. "Now don't be like that," I said, "You may be dressed as Bob, but I know you are really Tammi — the gurl I love."

"I wish I could be Tammi full time," she said.

"Maybe someday," I agreed, "When you are in boy mode I just see you as Tammi, just under-cover. Bob is your protector when you aren't with me."

I held her close and kissed her, and she relaxed. "Now go get changed into something you like better."

I started dinner cooking as I waited, looking as beautiful as ever in a short skirt and a frilly blouse. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me, thanking me for not being put off by her boy attire.

"How about an appetizer?" she asked, lifting the front of her skirt, offering me her clitty. I responded by lifting Tammi and seating her on the counter, then lifting her skirt and taking her clitty into my mouth. I began to move my tongue and she said, "Slow down, I don't want to finish too fast." I slowed down, gently massaging her clitty with my tongue as Tammi moaned and ran her fingers through my hair. As she became fully aroused I just held her in my mouth, thoroughly enjoying this special coupling.

After a few minutes Tammi said, "You can finish later — I want to stay in the mood."

I pulled back and brought my lips to hers. Her tongue parted my lips and we kissed passionately. "I'm always happy to improve your mood," I said with a smile. I opened the wine and poured glasses for both of us. We sat and the couch, talking until dinner was ready.

"I really like you not wearing panties for me at home," I said.

"I'm glad you do," Tammi replied, "I plan to give you plenty of access to me. But it's really not quite fair."

"How so?" I asked, "It worked out well for both of us tonight."

"Agreed," she said, "But there is something I want you to do — just to be fair."

"Okay," I said, "Name it."

"When we are together here alone," Tammi said, "I want your trousers off — you can just be in your shorts."

"Sounds good to me," I agreed, "As long as I don't have to answer the door." Tammi agreed and I removed my trousers, draping them over a nearby chair in case I needed them later. Now in my shorts I sat next to Tammi and almost immediately her hand slipped into my shorts, taking hold of me in the most delightful manner.

I really liked what she was doing, but would never have asked her to do it, but I'd be glad if she did it all the time.

I'd been fondled by gurls before, but it usually lasted just a few minutes. Tammi seemed much more interested, and I loved every moment. As we kissed, Tammi remarked, "I just discovered how to turn up the passion of your kissing."

We both were having a great time, but all-too-soon the kitchen timer sounded, so we got up to attend to dinner. Everything was cooked to perfection, and I dished up our meals, as Tammi topped off our wine glasses.

As we enjoyed our dinner together, Tammi reminded me that there was a TV program on tonight that we both wanted to see. We cleared the dishes from the table and put the leftover food away. Rinsing the plates and cookware, we left them for later, returning to the couch with the remaining wine.

We turned the TV on and sat together on the couch. Soon Tammi's hand was in my shorts again, and soon we were kissing. I slipped my hand under her skirt and soon had Tammi aroused as well.

"Now here's the rules for tonight," Tammi said, "We keep each other in the mood, but no climaxing — we'll finish at bedtime — agreed?" I nodded and we watched our TV show, though not without some serious distractions.

After the show we decided to retire early and get ready for bed. Tammi said she wanted to go right to bed and see what happens. I had something more definite in mind but went along with her. Tammi wanted me to spoon with her, but as soon as we began, she took hold of me and I was soon fully aroused.

Handing me a tube of lube, she said, "I think you know where that goes." I lubed myself and slipped between her cheeks, gently entering her. She moaned and I put my arm around her. Our position didn't give us a lot of room for movement, but it was enough, and it felt wonderful to be joined in this manner. I normally like to make love facing each other, but this position allowed me to hold Tammi close — closer than any other position offered.

I pulled her to me, entering completely. I put lube on my hand and fondled her clitty, massaging the head with the lube as I stroked in and out. This new position felt wonderful, with her body so close to mine. I had to work at not climaxing, wanting Tammi to get there first. Soon she climaxed and I felt her tightening around me. That was the green light for me to finish, which I did in a few more strokes. It was incredible, and I kissed Tammi on her neck as I held her close.

I could have drifted off to sleep but knew it would make a mess in the bed when I softened and slipped out. I carefully got out of bed, careful not to spill any of Tammi's gurl juice from my hand. I went to the bathroom and cleaned up. I returned with a warm, wet soapy washcloth and lovingly cleaned Tammi.

"You are such a gentleman, Bill," she said, "No other guy ever cleaned me up before — they just made a mess and left!"

"That sounds like a good way to not get invited back," I said.

"Oh you're invited back, alright," she said, "I'd marry you if I could!"

"We can talk about that later," I said. I returned the washcloth to the bathroom and came back to bed. We drifted off to sleep as we spooned. I felt so drawn to Tammi — would I marry her? Could I? Until now I hadn't thought about that possibility.

  To be continued . . .

Feel free to contact me with your comments or requests.
–Bill Beaumonte (

Next: Chapter 10

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