Together with Tammi

Published on May 7, 2023


Together With Tammi Part 5  

    Together With Tammi Part 5    
by Bill Beaumonte (  

This work contains explicit material intended for adults over 18. If you are under 18 or are offended by non-traditional sex, do not continue.  

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Author’s note:
_An older man finds a gurlfriend to share in his retirement. I hope you enjoy this fantasy.


    I awoke the next morning, next to my darling Tammi. We weren't spooning any more, having rolled around in our sleep. I remember waking several times and reaching over to touch her, reassured that she was still next to me.

I opened my eyes and saw that Tammi's wig was on the pillow next to her — she dozed off before she could remove it. Her natural hair was short. I wasn't sure how she would feel about my seeing her like this, but she still looked lovely to me. I snuggled closer to her and kissed the back of her neck, then her earlobe. "Good morning princess," I said.

She giggled as she awoke and realized that her wig was off. "Oh my gosh! Don't look!" she exclaimed, bolting out of bed, and running into her closet. She returned with a scarf over her head. "Is this alright?" she continued.

"It's just fine," I assured her, "The wig is not you, it just looks nice on you. To me, you are completely a gurl with or without the wig." I got up and took her into my arms and held her close, then kissed her. I gazed into her eyes and smiled, saying, "Of course you want your wig on out in public, but when you are alone with me, consider it optional, okay?"

"But I want to look my best," she said, "Especially for you!" she protested.

"Of course you do," I agreed, "But I see the beautiful gurl in you with or without your wig. Now please trust me in this."

She held my gaze as I reached up and removed the scarf. Even with a boy's haircut she looked beautiful. I smiled and said, "I sure like what I see."

"You do?" she asked, and I nodded, once again kissing her, "I suppose it's okay for you to shower with me then."

It wouldn’t be my first time showering with a gurl, and every time it led to something really nice. Tammi had a large walk-in shower that gave us plenty of room to move around, though we were close most of the time. We each shampooed our hair and then took turns washing each other. As I washed her breasts, I gently squeezed her nipples, making her sigh.

"I'm sorry my breasts are so small," she apologized.

"Don't be!" I returned, "You have such pretty titties — petite but very sensitive nipples — that's the best part anyway."

"I'd feel better if they were larger," she said.

"Like Dolly Parton?" I replied, "She has a really pretty face, but those big bazookas just don't look natural. In public you can wear breast forms, but in private I prefer you all natural."

"I think I believe you," Tammi said, "But only because I know you are an ass man.'

"Tammi, I love you for who you are," I said, "But your ass is a real bonus — I can't get enough of it!"

By now I had washed her back and was working on her buns. I slipped a soapy finger between her cheeks and gently pressed into her. "We'll have time to play later — stay focused."

"I am," I insisted, "I'm just making sure you are nice and clean."

"Since you like kissing me there I'll make a point of always being 'kissing clean' for you," she assured me.

Tammi rinsed off and proceeded to wash me, spending extra time on my genitals. I was quickly aroused and she stroked me with her soapy hands, driving me wild. "Playtime later, remember?" I cautioned her.

"You continue to surprise me," Tammi said, "No other guy would wait when they could have it now."

"But there is something more important that I want," I said, "YOU!"

"Bill, I'm really sure now that I'm seeing the real you," she said.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"Any guy can put on an act for a while, but you've kept being Mr. Wonderful for longer than any guy could act."

"You're right," I agreed, "I couldn't possibly remember my 'lines' this long if it were an act — I'm just being me."

"And I love it!" she replied.

"Better rinse off then," Tammi said, releasing me.

I rinsed off and then we dried each other and got dressed. Tammi admonished me not to arouse her or she wouldn't be able to tuck. I would have been glad to go down on her again but knew it would be better wait until later.

We adjourned to the kitchen where I helped Tammi make a nice breakfast of bacon, eggs and hashbrowns. As we sat down to eat Tammi said, "I'm sorry if I put you on the spot last night when I asked why you liked gurls like me. I'm sorry, but I wondered if you were gay."

"Would it matter?" I asked.

"No," she responded, "I was just curious, since you obviously liked going down on me."

"Fair enough," I said, "Words sometimes aren't precise enough. If you want to think of me as gay, that's won't bother me — or maybe bi. The truth is that I see our relationship as completely straight."

"Really?" Tammi asked, "I never thought of it quite like that, but I really like it!'

The world would simply see a man and his lady very much in love — in private it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks!

We finished our breakfast, each had another cup of coffee and went to my car. I was taking Tammi to a major shopping mall, where we'd catch a movie and do some mall walking. On the way Tammi surprised me with, "We have to go back — sorry."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I shouldn't have had that second cup of coffee," she explained, "I have to pee."

"I'll find a place where you can go," I assured her.

"Please Bill," she pleaded, "I've never used a woman's restroom before."

"Don't you want to?" I asked.

"Sure, but I'm terrified to try it," Tammi admitted.

"If you are truly terrified to use a woman's restroom I'll take you home, but if you're just nervous about it," I replied, "I think you should let me take you to a safe place to try it."

"I really want to get past this silly fear," she said, "But what if someone makes trouble for me?"

"Trust me Tammi," I said, "I know of a safe place for you to go the first time."

"I trust you, Bill," she responded, "But I'm still nervous."

We drove a few miles and I stopped at a public library. There were only a few cars, so I knew there would be few people around. I got out and opened the door for Tammi, helping her out, pulling her close and kissing her.

I gave her the following instructions, "Tammi, I'll walk with you to the entrance of the woman's restroom. Just go in without acting timid. If you see anyone there, don't make eye contact — go right to a stall. Make sure you sit down to pee. Afterwards just wash your hands and leave — it will be just fine."

I waited on a nearby bench, and a few minutes Tammi returned with a big smile on her face. "I did it!" she declared proudly.

"Of course you did!" I agreed, "Was anyone in there?" She shook her head, indicating "no".

"You are off to a good start, but I need to help you find the confidence to fearlessly go into a woman's room any time you need to," I said.

"That would be great!" she agreed, "But how?"

"Practice," I said, kissing her once again.

We got back into the car and drove to the mall. We entered and held hands as we walked by many stores. It may sound silly but holding Tammi's hand was a real thrill. I don't think I'll ever tire of it. In the bright lights and crowd, Tammi became nervous and said, "Do I look passable enough? What if I get read?"

"You look wonderful," I assured her, "And more femme that half the women here. Just look at those women over there — don't they look pretty manly?"

Tammi looked and giggled, squeezing my hand, thankful for my support. She stumbled a bit as we walked so, I said, "Shorten your stride — women take smaller steps than men."

"Oh thank you, Bill," she returned, "Please correct anything I do wrong — I want to the perfect gurl for you."

"You already are," I said, squeezing her hand.

We approached a Macy's store, which was one of the four "anchor" stores in the mall. As I led Tammi in, she asked if we were looking for anything in particular.

"The lady's room," I said.

"But I don't have to go just yet," she said.

"This is just for practice," I said. "There will be fewer people in the store restroom than in the one in the common area of the mall. Just go in and pretend."

We found the restroom and Tammi went in. She took longer than at the library and I became concerned, but there was nothing I could do about it, so I just waited.

Tammi returned with another big smile and announced, "I talked with another woman and brushed my hair. She accepted me without question."

"Of course!" I said, "I hope you can accept that you look as femme as any gurl here, so you have nothing to worry about."

We left Macy's and continued walking in the mall common area. As we approached the public restroom, Tammi said, "I better go touch up my makeup."

I waited for her even longer this time, and then say her coming out the door while laughing with another woman. "It looks like you've overcome your fear," I pointed out.

"And it's all because of you!" she said, "The other night when you took me dancing I had to hold it until we got home — now I feel safe going in any time!"

We stopped at the food court and had a brief lunch and went to the movie theater. I bought tickets and we went in, taking seats near the back. Once the lights dimmed we began to kiss. I hadn't made out in a movie theater since I was a teen, and it was wonderful. Tammi made me feel young again and I was intent on showing my appreciation. As we kissed, I slipped my hand under her skirt and felt the soft warmth of her legs. Tammi spread her knees, giving me the green light to proceed, and I moved up to her panties, where I rubbed her clitty, already responding to our kissing.

As I continued to rub her clitty, it suddenly popped out from inside her panties. "Now you've done it!" she said, "I'll never get it tucked back in."

I just kissed her and took her clitty into my hand. As I squeezed it, her kissing got even hotter, as if I was turning up the volume on her passion. "You better back off," she said, "I don't want to make a mess in my skirt."

I respectfully removed my hand for now, but soon returned. I kept her aroused for most of the movie, kissing most of the time. As the movie finished, she said, "See what you've done to me!" Her clitty was showing through her skirt, so I told her to hold her purse in front of her and we would take the first exit and return to the car.

I opened her car door and held her closely, kissing her and squeezing her clitty through her skirt.

"Haven't you done enough already?" she admonished me, and I backed off.

I got in the car and as we drove away I said, "Sorry, I just can't resist your charms."

"Don't be," she said with a big smile, "I'm ready to take care of some unfinished business once we get home."

  To be continued . . .

Feel free to contact me with your comments or requests.
–Bill Beaumonte (

Next: Chapter 6

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