Together with Tammi

Published on Jun 3, 2023


Together With Tammi Part 23  

    Together With Tammi Part 23    
by Bill Beaumonte (  

This work contains explicit material intended for adults over 18. If you are under 18 or are offended by non-traditional sex, do not continue.  

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Author’s note:
_An older man finds a gurlfriend to share in his retirement. I hope you enjoy this fantasy.


    I awoke the next morning, having turned in my sleep, but instinctively reached over and touched Tammi, satisfying myself that she was still there, and playfully patting her soft buns. As well as I thought I knew Tammi, I was still learning new things. For most of the time we've been together I treated her as my wife and did all I could to make her feel that way. It completely surprised me to hear that it was important to her that I explicitly declare her to be my wife. Even at my age I'm still learning about women! I will make a point of calling her my wife publicly as often as possible.

I lay there for a bit reflecting on how we have both grown in our relationship. We were very accustomed to each other, keenly aware of what we each liked, and always eager to provide it. Looking at Tammi laying there, her wig on a stand on the dresser, I recalled how at first she always wore a scarf on her head, self-conscious of her appearance without the wig. I convinced her that while the wig looked nice on her, she was just as desirable to me without it, and asked her not to wear the scarf, thus trusting me on this. Now she was convinced that I saw her only as Tammi, wig or not.

She was sleeping so soundly that I really didn't want to disturb her, so I slipped out of bed, letting her sleep for a bit. I quietly went into the bathroom to shave and shower. After dressing, I went down to the dining room and brought back a couple of coffees and an orange juice. Upon entering the room I found that Tammi was up and showering. I opened the door and said, "Orange juice for my princess."

"Thank you, my prince," Tammi replied, "If you want to stick around you can help me dry off."

That was an offer I simply could not refuse, so I picked a bath towel as Tammi shut the water off and opened the shower door wide. She was so beautiful I wanted to hold her close, but that would just get me all wet, so instead I held out the towel to her which she began to dry her hair. She began to grow her hair out since we moved in together, though it was still short. She would continue to wear the wig until her hair was long enough to style nicely. I looked forward to her hair being as long as Tammi wanted because I knew it was important to her.

Once she was done drying her hair she wiped her face and handed the towel back to me to finish. I gently wiped the water from her arms, back and front. She looked so incredibly desirable to me I just wanted to pick her up and take her to bed, but I held back. We had wonderful intimacy but I didn't want that to displace the other quality time we had together. So, being a "good boy", I dried her, perhaps pausing to be a little thorough with her clitty, which I left partly aroused, but let it be.

Tammi took the towel and dried her feet off, and then walked over to the bathroom sink and leaned over it, positioning her feet well apart. "See anything you like?" she asked.

"Sure do!" I replied, and knelt behind her, spreading her warm cheeks and kissing her deeply. Holding her hips, I continued for a few minutes, until she said, "That will do," and I withdrew.

Tammi turned around and I saw that her clitty was fully aroused, and prepared to attend to her needs, but she stopped me, saying, "I'm fine for now."

I was a bit confused, and aroused myself, fully prepared to do my husbandly duty. I had to remind myself that even now there were things I just didn't know about women. I enjoyed my coffee as Tammi dressed and did her makeup. She had become very proficient with her makeup, doing it in about half the time as when we'd met. She also used less, once she understood that I really didn't like the "painted lady look", and that I liked her natural beauty, simply accented with a bit of makeup.

We went to breakfast, where we went to the omelet station, where I asked for omelets for "my wife and I", making sure Tammi heard. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her smiling — in fact she was beaming with happiness at actually feeling my wife. I toasted bagels for both of us, retrieving them as the omelets were ready. It was a nice light breakfast, punctuated by conversation of the day’s plans.

After breakfast we stopped back at the room where Tammi removed her panties. While I certaily didn't mind that, I was surprised because I thought we would be leaving immediately.

When Tammi got on the bed on all fours, and lifted the back of her skirt up, I knew we wouldn't be departing right away. Soon I was on my knees, burying my face in her warm crack. That wasn't the sort of thing that you talked about with friends and family, but I sometimes wondered if I was alone in loving this very special kiss. I didn’t mind if I was the only guy to ever do it — I just loved it no matter how unusual it was!

After a few minutes Tammi stopped me with, "That's good for now, we'll continue later." As much as I loved kissing her pussy, it was difficult to do for long — my tongue tired of being extended so far, though I wished I had a really long tongue, like Gene Simmons' — that singer in the Kiss band.

I backed off and Tammi turned around, once again revealing an aroused clitty. Once again she declined my attention, so she had to wait for it to go down before positioning herself in her panties. We kissed and left the room. We drove to the Music House Museum, a little north of town, and took a tour that featured hundreds of music machines over a time period of several hundred years. It was unlike anything either of us had seen before. I watched for time that our tour guide was momentarily out of sight, to steal a kiss or two — something Tammi had grown accustomed to.

She didn't like me being too public in my affection, but hand holding had short kisses was fine — making out passionately was something I could only do in greater privacy. I respected Tammi completely and resisted my baser desires, but always wanted to be sure she was well pleasured when I got a chance.

After the tour we drove into town and had lunch at a Cuban restaurant. I tried to mix up our dining experiences, usually avoiding the big restaurant chains in favor of specialty or "mom and pop" restaurants, where we nearly always had great food.

After lunch we drove south of town to a trailhead for the Boardman River Trail, which was a really nice wilderness hike. None of the trails were paved, but there were a few boardwalks and balconies overlooking the river. I took two hiking staffs out of the car and handed one to Tammi. The ground was often uneven, and the staffs helped give us a little more stability.

We walked a couple of miles, enjoying the walk and the scenery. On the way back Tammi led me onto one of the balconies, slipped off her panties and leaned over the rail, lifting the back of her skirt.

"Here?" I asked, taken completely by surprise.

"You've never been timid before with me," she said. Soon I was on my knees kissing her deeply, still surprised that Tammi had become so adventurous. I continued until I thought I heard something and pulled back. To my horror I saw a young couple, probably in their mid-twenties. The girl was grinning and the guy looked like he'd never seen anything like this before.

"Sorry to intrude," she said, "We're as surprised as you are, but please carry on."

Tammi turned around, retrieving her panties and said, "We're done here." I was embarrassed and must have been beet red.

The girl said to her guy, "Don't worry — I won't make you do that here — just wait until we get back to our room."

Tammi and I left the balcony. As we passed the couple, the girl whispered something to Tammi.

After we were down the trail a bit, I asked, "What did she say to you?"

"She just said I should be sure to hang on to you," Tammi replied. I told her I agreed.

When we got back to the car and put our hiking staffs away, I asked said, "You know I love kissing your pussy, but this is the third time today, and you never let me finish. What gives?"

"Yes, I know you really like it, and I like it also," she replied, "I've just felt so special now that you are calling me your wife — and when you kiss me there, I feel even more special."

"But why won't you let me finish?" I asked.

"You know how you are more interested in my pleasure than yours?" she responded, and I nodded.

"I know you also like sucking my clitty," she continued, "And you do it so eagerly that I'd climax right away. But by waiting, I spend the entire day turned on by your love and we'll both be ready to make love tonight."

That was such a romantic way to put it, I could only agree whole-heartedly.

"We sure gave that young couple something to think about," I said, and we both enjoyed a nice laugh.

"You may have made a huge difference for them," Tammi said.

"How so?" I asked.

"Well she would probably never have asked him to do it, and it might never have occurred to him, so you opened up a whole new experience to them," she said.

"I hope they both like it," I said.

"I should have told her to make sure she was really clean," Tammi said.

"If she isn't, she sure will be after he licks her!" I said.

"Ooooh gross!" said Tammi, and we both laughed.

We had dinner at an Italian restaurant, and after a few glasses of wine, Tammi really began to open up.

"You know, I've been thinking about what you said about kissing my pussy," she began, "About it being the most intimate of all kisses."

I smiled and replied, "It is to me."

"No guy ever did that before to me," Tammi continued, "And I think it is the most intimate — it is a kiss I only get from my husband."

"That's a pretty nice way to put it," I said, "I hope I'm good enough at it."

"I think you're darned good at it," she affirmed, "By far the best I've ever experienced!"

"So you're gonna want more, are you?" I asked.

"Every time you do it, it makes me feel more like your wife," she said, "So yes, and you don't need me to ask for it!"

That was certainly not a dinner conversation I expected, but it was pretty nice — Tammi was indeed the girl of my dreams!

We arrived back in our room and Tammi promptly removed her panties and knelt on the bed, inviting me to lick her more. I eagerly did, looking forward to making love to her. I realized that the only chair in our room had arms, which wouldn't work for Tammi's favorite lovemaking position. I told Tammi I had to leave for a bit but I'd be back make this an evening to remember.

I went down to the lobby and spotted a chair that would work well, and asked the desk clerk if I could borrow it. They agreed, but insisted on having someone bring it to my room. I returned to the room and soon a man brought the chair to us. I thanked him and tipped him, and asked Tammi where she would like it placed. She immediately knew what I had in mind and suggested placing it in front of a full length mirror so she could watch everything. I placed it there, and Tammi returned to the bed and got into position. I got some lube out so it would be ready, and resumed licking Tammi's tender pussy. As I licked, I put lube on myself, and then slipped into her, gently holding her hips as I did. It felt so wonderful in her wet warmth. I could easily have finished there, but wanted to use Tammi's favorite position, so I pulled out and led Tammi to the chair. I sat down and she sat on my lap, lowering herself onto me.

"Since my nipples have grown so large and sensitive, I can climax without touching my clitty if you squeeze them as we make love," Tammi said.

As she rode me I gently squeezed her nipples. She really enjoyed watching the reflection in the mirror as we made love in such a special way. Soon she squirted her gurl juice on me, and then stopped, embracing me tightly. After catching her breath, she got up and brought a washcloth to clean me up.

Apparently keeping Tammi excited all day worked wonders because she said her climax was stronger than any before, but she felt really wiped out and needed to rest. We both brushed our teeth and got ready for bed. Climbing in, we spooned as usual, but instead of putting my hand on her breast, I put it on her soft clitty.

"I know you really like my clitty," she said, "I stopped you from enjoying it because I wanted to wait until now, but other times I want you to enjoy it as much as you like. That's something else that's special — just between you and I.

"Oh?" I asked.

"Every guy before you just wanted a blowjob," she said, "And never did anything for me."

"Truthfully, I kind of liked doing it because it made me feel special — needed," she continued.

"Do you ever want to be with other men?" I asked.

"Never!" she quickly replied, "You make me feel better than they ever did — you make me feel safe, wanted and loved. And you happen to be a pretty good lover as well — best I've ever known!"

"Well I sure don't want any other gurl," I proclaimed, "You are the only one for me!"

"But you've been with a lot of gurls before," she asked, "Haven't you? About how many?"

"Yes, I've been with a lot of gurls," I said, "It's not the kind of thing I counted — I'm not some sort of score keeper."

"Give me a range then," Tammi requested.

"More than 10 and less than 50," I said, "But you are my last and final gurl!"

"Some gurls would be jealous of your sleeping around like that," she said, "But as I see it, you've learned from all those others and now are using your skills on me! I'm delighted to be the last!"

I moved my hand to Tammi's breast and we drifted off to sleep.

  To be continued . . .

Feel free to contact me with your comments or requests.
–Bill Beaumonte (

Next: Chapter 24

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