Together with Tammi

Published on Jun 2, 2023


Together With Tammi Part 20  

    Together With Tammi Part 20    
by Bill Beaumonte (  

This work contains explicit material intended for adults over 18. If you are under 18 or are offended by non-traditional sex, do not continue.  

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Author’s note:
_An older man finds a gurlfriend to share in his retirement. I hope you enjoy this fantasy.


    I awoke as it was just getting light out. Tammi was sleeping quietly next to me. There was no need to wake her, but I just remembered that we fell asleep without ever taking care of the dishes or cleaning up after dinner. I quietly slipped out of bed and went down to the kitchen and began clearing the table and cleaning up. It was quite a mess — we should have done it last night, but we had better things to do. I was happy to do the cleanup — Tammi was well worth it!

I rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. I went to the bathroom to shave and shower — then I'd run the dishwasher. After showering, Tammi was up and greeted me with a coffee.

"I'm so sorry I left all the cleanup for you," she said.

"Not a problem," I said, "There will be times when you'll cover for me."

"Bill," she said, "Aren't you mad at me?"

"No," I replied, "Why would I be mad at you over something like that?"

"Thank you dear," Tammi said, "I better get cleaned up."

"Go ahead my darling," I responded, "Once you're dressed, we'll go out for breakfast."

We went out to and had a great breakfast. As we drove home, I approached an intersection but found the brakes didn't respond. I quickly pulled up on the hand brake, which slowed the car a bit, but not very quickly. I pulled as hard as I could, and we came to a stop just before hitting the car ahead of us.

"Oh my gosh!" yelled Tammi, "What just happened?" She was visibly shaken.

"The brakes failed," I said, "I had to use the hand brake — I'll have to get it fixed."

"How can that happen?" she asked, "The car isn't all that old."

"That doesn't matter," I said, "Nearly everything about cars these days is so complicated, there are so many things that could go wrong — hydraulics, the anti-lock controller, the power brake booster — who knows?"

"Then how were you able to stop us?" she asked.

"The hand brake is a redundant system," I said, "Independent of the main brakes, but a lot harder to work — that's why we nearly didn't stop in time."

"Bill, we could have been killed!" she exclaimed, "How can you be so calm?"

"Getting excited doesn't help," I said, "Of course I was scared to death that you could be hurt, but getting upset wouldn't help."

I drove home slowly, allowing a lot of extra distance ahead of me. Arriving home I took Tammi inside and called a local repair shop, who agreed to tow the car to their shop and repair the brakes.

I sat with Tammi on the couch, holding her. She was frightened by the experience, which was indeed much too close for my comfort.

We used Tammi's car until mine got back. The next day I got home from work to find that Tammi had burned dinner. She was in tears, trying to explain, but I just held her and said we'd go out for dinner.

The next morning after I showered I discovered that I had no clean underwear. Tammi apologized and said she forgot to do the wash. I took a pair out of the wash basket and told her it would do for now. This was so unlike Tammi — I wondered if something was wrong. I told her we'd talk when I got home.

I called home a lunch and Tammi was upset, apologizing for messing up. I told her it was alright but we needed to talk. I asked her to make something easy for dinner.

When I arrived home, Tammi greeted me at the door and looked like she'd been crying.

"Tammi, what's going on?" I asked, "This isn't like you — is there something I can do to help?"

"Please forgive me, Bill," she said, "I really messed up."

"Tell me about it," I said, "I'll listen with love, don't worry about finding the right words." I held her and kissed her forehead.

"I read somewhere that before you marry someone, you should see them at their worst," she said, "But you always seem so calm. When the brakes broke, you didn't even seem upset."

"Please continue," I said, wanting to give her enough room to say what was on her mind.

"I realized that I have never seen you mad," she said, "So I tried to get you mad so I'd see how you were then."

"You mean?" I said.

"Yes, I burned the dinner on purpose, and didn't do the wash," she said, "But you didn't get mad. I'm so sorry I shouldn't have tested you."

"Well, it could be worse," I said, "I'm glad you aren't having some sort of problem."

"It's certainly a good idea to know if I'm likely to fly off the handle and smack you around," I continued, "But I assure you that I'm not at all like that at all — I just don't understand how anyone could hurt someone they love."

"It was a dumb idea," Tammi confessed.

"Not dumb," I countered, "But not necessary. I can tell you that I have never hit a woman, except for an occasional spanking."

"Spanking?" Tammi replied, "Hmmm. Maybe I deserve a spanking for what I did."

"Every spanking I've given was wanted by my lady," I said. "Are you asking for one?"

"Maybe it would make things right," she said.

"I think I still have a paddle somewhere here," I said, "Maybe you'll like it — I never understood that." I really enjoyed having a gurl lay across my lap, revealing her soft round buns. I never liked spanking them — I much preferred kissing them! Strangely enough, some gurls get turned on by being spanked — maybe Tammi will also. I searched and found a leather paddle that was a little smaller than a ping pong paddle. I set it on my nightstand for later.

Tammi and I worked together to make some jambalaya for dinner. It was quick and easy, and the spice level was easily adjusted. Tammi preferred mild while I liked spicy hot. A little tabasco sauce at the table made adjustment easy. It was ready soon, and used only one pot, so cleanup was easy too.

After clearing the table and cleaning up we adjourned to the bedroom, where I held Tammi closely, kissing her passionately. Tammi had me sit on the bed and then knelt before me and presented the paddle to me, saying, "I'm ready for my spanking, Sir." Clearly Tammi was in a very rare mood.

Now it was my turn for surprise, so I opened my nightstand drawer and took out a soft rope, which I tied into a "handcuff knot". I held the loops out to Tammi as her eyes opened wide. "Why the rope?" she asked.

"Can't have your hands getting in the way, can we?" I responded. Tammi put her wrists through the loops and I secured the knot, binding her wrists.

"Okay, lay across my lap," I directed and soon my precious Tammi was in position. I raised her skirt, revealing her lovely buns. She continued to go without panties when we were home alone, always giving me easy access to her charms.

It seemed such a shame to spank her buns, but I gave each cheek a two light slaps. "Please spank me like you mean it," she said, "I deserve it — I'll take whatever you dish out."

I guess the first swats were just practice — for aiming, I suppose. I took aim and gave Tammi three hard swats on each cheek. She jumped, so I knew they were felt. Then I felt bad, hoping I didn't hurt her. Her buns were cherry red — pretty, but I regretted spanking her — why some gurls like that I just don't understand.

I reached over to the nightstand and got a bottle of lotion that contained aloe. I put some on my hand and rubbed it on Tammi's red cheeks hoping it would be soothing after my assault on her pretty derierre.

"Are you alright?" I asked, helping Tammi up.

"Yes, now that I've been properly spanked!" she said. I couldn't help but notice that her skirt was tenting in the front. I lifted it to find her clitty fully aroused. I untied her wrists and she pushed me onto the bed and climbed on top, pressing her lips to mine.

"I hope I didn't hurt you," I said.

"You hurt me very nicely indeed," she said, "Now I know you'll give me a good spanking whenever I need it."

"I can see that it aroused you," I said, "I don't get it, but if it works for you, then I'll go with it."

"Just one thing," Tammi said, "Are you going to leave me like this?"

"I suppose not," I said, "But you shouldn't be sitting on your tender tush for a while, so bring your clitty up to me here."

Tammi straddled my face, slipping her clitty into my mouth, saying, "Are you sure its okay this way?"

"Of course," I said, "After enduring that spanking you deserve some special attention."

I loved feeling Tammi sitting there in such a wonderfully intimate position, her clitty aroused from spanking, of all things! I didn't understand, but thought I'd be spanking Tammi a lot more, if it turned her on so much!

Soon Tammi climaxed and I enjoyed the wonderful taste of her gurl juice. She got off me and lay next to me, kissing me to share her juice. We continued to kiss until Tammi broke away and asked, "Just where did you ever learn to tie that knot you used on me?"

"I can assure you it wasn't in Boy Scouts," I replied.

"You told me you didn't have much experience in bondage," she said.

"I don't," I said, "I've shown you all I know — except for nipple clamps."

"I don't think I want to try THAT!" she said.

"But I do have something you might like," I said, getting up and going to the closet. After opening a couple of boxes I returned with two small pink items. "These are nipple cups," I said.

"What are they for?" she asked.

"They enlarge your nipples," I said, "Slowly but surely."

"How do I use them?" she asked.

"Just put a little lotion on the flat surface and bring them to your nipples while squeezing," I explained, demonstrating for her, "Press to your nipple and release. They will remain in place like a suction cup. Do it once a day for 20 minutes, but never more than 30!"

"Why not more?" she asked.

"They will make your nipples really sore," I explained, "One gurl fell asleep with them on and ended up with blistered nipples. They healed, but it wasn't very nice at all."

"I'll keep that in mind," she said, "I like the way they feel. Maybe I'll wear them while making dinner tomorrow."

We went back to the living room and watched TV until bedtime, when we spooned in our usual manner.

I kissed the back of Tammi's neck as I gently rubbed one of her buns. "Feeling better here now?" I asked.

"I still feel the spanking," Tammi reported.

"I just don't get how you could get aroused by spanking," I said.

"Maybe it's not the spanking, but who does it," she said.

"I'm not very good at it," I said, "In fact I don't even enjoy doing it, though I do like to touch your tender bottom."

"Well, maybe you're a sexy spanker," said Tammi. Enough said — we drifted off to sleep.

  To be continued . . .

Feel free to contact me with your comments or requests.
–Bill Beaumonte (

Next: Chapter 21

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