Together with Tammi

Published on May 25, 2023


Together With Tammi Part 11  

    Together With Tammi Part 11    
by Bill Beaumonte (  

This work contains explicit material intended for adults over 18. If you are under 18 or are offended by non-traditional sex, do not continue.  

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Author’s note:
_An older man finds a gurlfriend to share in his retirement. I hope you enjoy this fantasy.


    T he weekend arrived, so we spent Saturday morning packing up things for Tammi to bring to my place. It was lunch time when we finished so I took Tammi out to a Indian restaurant that featured a lunch buffet. Tammi wasn't sure she liked Indian food, so I thought the buffet would be a good choice, so she could try a little bit of many things, finding what she liked.

The many of names were in Hindi, so I ended up translating for Tammi (aloo=potato, bindi=okra, bharta=eggplant, gobee=cabbage, paneer=cheese, saag=spinach). The meats were all in English, so it wasn't too hard to figure out.

I guided her to the less spicy choices and she seemed to like it — or she at least pretended to in order to humor me. If she wants me to make it at home, I'll know for sure.

"I'm really glad we are moving in together," Tammi said, "Especially alternating locations, which will help us both understand how the other prefers to live — from that I think we'll come up with a blend that works for both of us."

"I can tell you that my preference is clearly YOU," I replied.

"Don't get to accustomed to me as I am," she said, "Because I intend to get even better!"

"I'm not sure how you'd do that," I responded, "You're already the BEST."

Tammi squeezed my hand and replied, "I want to be a woman full time, and want you to feminize me."

"That's an offer I simply cannot refuse!" I said, "Making a perfect woman even 'perfecter' will really be a labor of love. You realize that I will need to do frequent 'quality checks' along the way."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Tammi agreed, "How do we start?"

"We need to consider timing," I said, "But first I need to warn you of some possible downsides to you transitioning."

"Downsides?" she asked, "I can only think of upsides."

"This isn't true for everyone," I began, "But many gurls who transition end of losing some friends and family."

"I can see that could be a problem," Tammi agreed, "Some of my friends know about Tammi and are okay about it. I'll have to figure out how to come out to my family — some already suspect I'm a bit different."

"The other possible downside can be even worse," I continued, "You could lose your job — there are few if any legal protections — leaving companies free to fire anyone who they don't think fit in."

"That would have been a consideration ten years ago," Tammi agreed, "But I'm well past retirement age and am only working for something to do. Between my retirement and Social Security, I don't need to work. Besides, I think you can keep me busy, and that would be a lot more fun!"

"I'm in a similar situation," I agreed, "But I think I'd like to continue working part time, but I'll have plenty of time for you."

"Before we make some life-changing decisions," I objected, "What if we don't end up getting married?"

Tammi frowned and asked, "Having second thoughts?"

"Absolutely not!" I said, "But remember, we are just now wanting to figure out if we can stand to live together. I'm optimistic, but what if something happened to me?"

"Are you planning to take up skydiving or motorcycle jumping?" Tammi asked with a grin.

"No, but I could get run over by a bus or abducted by aliens," I said, also smiling.

"Then stay away from busses," Tammi said, "And if aliens take you, demand to see their green cards."

"Seriously, I said, "We don't really know what the future will bring — I don't want you transitioning just for me."

"I'm not," assured Tammi, "I'm doing it for me, but you get to benefit from it."

"So you would be okay living as a woman for the rest of your life, even if I wasn't in the picture?"

"I would be," she agreed, "But don't want it that way."

"Okay, let's not dwell on the negative," I said, "We can begin immediately. When would you plan to retire?"

"Let me discuss it with my boss at work, but I'm thinking within a couple of months," she answered.

"First we need to get you in to see a therapist who supports transgender patients," I explained, "They will refer you to a doctor who will prescribe hormones for you. I'll check online and find one that I think you'll like."

"Bill, you've been down this road before and I trust you completely," Tammi said, "Would you go to the therapist with me?"

"If you like," I agreed, "I'll even take you to the doctor and go in with you if you want."

"I want you to be with me every step of the way," Tammi insisted.

"You might not get the doctor recommendation from the therapist until after a couple of visits," I continued, "They like to be sure you're serious about changing."

"How do I convince them I'm serious?" Tammi asked.

"Just be consistent in telling them that you've felt like a woman for a long time and want to be the real you." I said, "If they ask you if that includes surgery, just say you haven't decided, but know it's more complicated with age — they will understand that."

"That sounds great," Tammi agreed, "But tell me more about the hormones.

"The doctor will likely run some blood tests," I explained, "and then prescribe a specific dosage of Estradiol. You probably won't need Spironolactone."

"What's that?" she asked.

"It's an androgen blocker, blocking the effects of testosterone," I replied, "That would have been important if you were a lot younger, but now it may not be needed."

"Okay, so what exactly will the Estradiol do?" she asked.

"It will soften your skin and cause your hips to slowly round," I replied, "But what you may like the best is the breasts." Tammi's eyes seemed to light up at this.

"How big and how soon?" she asked.

"It will take a while," I responded, "You probably won't notice anything for a month, and then only some nipple tenderness as your breast buds develop. It may take more than a year before you reach full size. Your ultimate size may be similar to the women in your family line."

"Bill, let's get started right away," Tammi declared, and I quickly agreed.

Our discussion continued long after we finished eating, so we hurried out to get out to my place, where we would move Tammi in.

I showed Tammi where everything was located and made room for her things in the bedroom and bathroom. Afterward we took some time for kissing, a nice reward for all we had accomplished today.

We made out for a while, and then realized that it was dinner time and we had nothing planned. So we ordered a pizza which we had with beer. After eating Tammi said, "Let's make love now."

"What position would you like?" I asked.

"You decide," she said.

"Cowgirl!" I said, and led her into the bedroom. We kissed and undressed each other. I got on the bed and lay on my back. I put a tube of lube next to me. Tammi fondled me for a bit and then sucked me to erection.

Once I was fully erect, she straddled me and lowered herself onto me. I liked this position because I got a really nice view of Tammi, while giving her a measure of control.

Tammi was truly beautiful as she "rode" up and down, with her clitty bouncing as she did. I reached up and gently squeezed her nipples, which increased her enthusiasm. After a while I put some lube on my hand and massaged her clitty as she rode. This further aroused Tammi and she began to ride faster. Soon she climaxed, shooting her gurl juice on my hand and belly, as she tighted around me.

I was close to climax but didn't quite make it. Tammi lifted off me, noticing I was still hard.

"You didn't finish?" she asked.

"No, but it was a wonderful ride!" I answered.

"Just stay there," Tammi said, "This time I do the cleanup."

She went to the bathroom and returned with a warm soapy washcloth, wiping her juice from my hand and belly, and wiping the rest of me off.

She took the washcloth back, and upon returning, said, "I don't intend to leave you like this."

She went down on me with great enthusiasm, and soon I climaxed. She lay next to me and we kissed, snowballing as was our custom. I held her for awhile, and then we went to the living room and watched a movie.

At bedtime we snuggled in our spooning position and drifted off to sleep.

  To be continued . . .

Feel free to contact me with your comments or requests.
–Bill Beaumonte (

Next: Chapter 12

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