Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on May 6, 2013


The usual things apply about the story being the property of its owner and writer and that it shouldn't be read if you don't like gay erotic sex stories or where illegal. Please remeber a donation to Nifty to help keep this site going. ThanksSend comments or ideas to me at Thanks!rob

Chapter 9

After a little t.v., still not mustering up the courage to tell my folks about the predicament, I headed up to my room to finish some school work. Mom came by and asked about the upcoming prom. I said I had thought about it and probably would go but hadn't asked anyone yet. She was ok with that and said I shouldn't wait too long though. Matt was already committed to taking one of his pretty hot girlfriends from school. I knew she was also putting out for him as he told me this. Maybe we were both frauds about being gay. I knew I was being honest with myself.

I worked on school stuff and got things done when my bro, came in. he knocked on the door frame and asked if I was busy. I looked up and saw him in just his boxer briefs. Damn he looked hot! What the hell was with me. Seemed like I was checking out every guy I saw anymore!

"Hey, little bro, you ok? I mean with everything that happened. Holy crap it would be so cool to go to school there. Never thought it would happen but man I'm glad you hooked up with Cole!"

I just nodded and said I was pretty up on it all but worried a little about the sex stuff and all. He came over and said it would all work out. I wasn't sure. I was amazed when he hugged me from behind. I was in my regular jockey shorts and it didn't take much to get me boned anymore. Damn if he didn't notice. I mean with my ever growing dick, it was embarrassing.

"Uh, you want to hang out some? I mean, I know you're stressed and maybe you could teach me some stuff." He wiggled his eyebrows and broke out in a smile. I t felt so good as he got closer and his skin touched mine. I never would have thought my brother would do that with me. He took my hand and kind of pulled me up and led me to my bed. "I just want you to relax. I see the stress. I also wanted to thank you for today."

I smiled at him, if somewhat weakly but I felt his hand go to my boner. Maybe I can make you feel good tonight." He smiled at me again and kept his hand on my dick. "Fuck, you're lucky to have this. I mean, I wish I was as hung as you." I told him I really liked his touch and was glad he finally admitted I was bigger. "Yeah, I guess you are and you seem to sure know how to use it too!" he confided.

I laughed a little and he pulled me briefs done to reveal it in all its glory. "Ah, yeah, I see it might need some attention. I never really did stuff like this but might be fun. Will you teach me how to give a blowjob?"

I pulled him close and said I might want give him one. "My pleasure was his reply but I guess I need to know how to do it right. Ya never know, Maybe I might be good at it! Plus I never ate out a girl's pussy. So maybe learning some oral stuff might be good.

"You calling me a girl, big boy?" I asked looking shocked.

"Nope. I guess you are a bigger stud than me. Can you teach me stuff?"

I laughed and pulled his boxers down revealing his nice thick cock and seeing his blond bush.

"Mmmmm. I see why the girls might get fascinated with this!"

"Yeah, fucker. I got more bush than you do though."

"It's not the bush that pleases, there boy. Go ahead, touch my meat. I think that's hot."

He smiled at me and took my now hard boner in his hand. It feels just like mine- only a little bigger. How'd you teach Cole to do it for you?"

"No teaching involved. He's a natural cocksucker!" I exclaimed. I felt bad for calling him that. He was my lover and I would have done it for him but...

Matt took my meat and stroked it somemore.

"Now, just put your mouth on it. Lick it some and then take the head in your mouth." I told Matt

He put his lips to my dick. I almost wanted to take a picture of my muscle stud brother with my dick in his mouth. I felt a feeling of some power here.

He licked around murmuring it didn't taste to bad" A little salty maybe and maybe a little like piss."

"sorry I didn't shower for you. I make Cole clean up unless I want to taste his sweat and stuff. I also make him clean out his butt before I fuck him." I offered.

Matt was now getting lost in the sensation and taste. He swallowed my whole head and began to go down. He looked up to me for approval and I nodded yes.

"Swirl your tongue around it."

He did and it felt amazing. He continued to lick and began sucking harder. I knew I couldn't last. This was all so surreal. I looked down and he was now hard too with a drop of cum on the tip of his dick.

" Turn around. I want to lick you too." He looked up questioningly but made a move and got over me. His great pecs just inches from me.

I took his dick and licked the pre cum and he moaned." Follow my lead and do what I do." He nodded a little and we began to suck. He did everything I did and did pretty good. I could swallow more of him for some reason. I guess practice made my throat a little more open. He struggled and tried to keep up as we licked and sucked. Soft moan came from both of us. He finally started to pull out but I kept him there. "I'm gonna cum, man!" I didn't respond but just held him and sucked him harder. I flet him tense up a little and then he moaned loudly and began to shoot. I just took it all and swallowed some. He looked down at me and I told him he was good. I followed that with" I'm going to cum too."

I shot my wad and he got a good taste as he tried to pull away. He choked some and I let him loose to shoot over his body.

"Holy, fuck. That was so amazing! Not sure I was ready for your load. How much you shoot anyway?" he knew I blew big loads as he had seen it. His was about as big but he admitted it was bigger than usual. He moved around and laid next to me. We were both spent and panting a little. In a minute or so, I leaned over and kissed his mouth making sure he got to taste his own cum .

"Like it?" I asked. He grimaced some and said he wasn't sure. Never even tasted my own, well, maybe once, but getting a mouthful was different."

I laughed and told him I now loved cum. "You'll get used to it. I love it when Cole swallows it all and then eats me." I knew I was giving away some secrets.

"You mean he eats you ass!"

"Yep. Just about everyday. He says it tastes good and he loves to do it form as he knows it makes me feel great.

"don't know if I'm up for that but, well maybe sometime."

"Tastes better than pussy, anytime." I said confidently

Matt looked at me as I stroked his big nipples and kissed one lightly. "He moaned with pleasure but I soon stopped and told him we needed to clean up. " too much cum in the sheets and Mom will get suspicious." I joked.

He laughed . After wiping down and me licking some cum off the sheets, he told me was I something else. "Kinda amazing though." He said with a laugh.

We pulled on some jockey shorts. "I hope you feel better. I sure do! Better get some sleep. Thanks man, that was amazing!" he said as he left for his own room stopping to piss. I joined him and we both brushed our teeth. He thanked me again and we went our own ways.

In the morning, I texted Cole and asked what he was wearing. He was so obedient. He asked me what he should wear to please me. I replied ,'something sexy' with an lol. He replied `yes, master.'

He didn't disappoint. He was again in a tank top and shorts. He asked me when we pulled up in the parking lot, if he was to wear shoes or not. To be slightly cocky and a little mean ( I was feeling powerful) I said no go barefoot. He did! Our school was casual but I didn't think that casual. It was warm though. I had on flip flops as did my brother and Max. it was so hot seeing him be so sexy with the tight A shirt that fit him like a glove. I loved seeing his hairy pits, legs and butt in those shorts. I think the girls almost had orgasms seeing him. We had our usual coffee, Cole getting mine for me. I think he would have knelt on the floor in front of me if I asked. MMMMM. Maybe I should then decided I couldn't do that to him.

Max noticed how attentive he was. I think some of his friends did too and asked him about the lack of shoes. "Just forgot them.' He replied. I told Cole to wear some flip flops which I gave him and said I was kidding about his clothes. "That's just what I wanted to see. I don't want you humiliating yourself for me. We can do all the sexy stuff when we are alone."

Max finally asked if I told him to do that. I finally admitted I had. Holy, shit, man! You own him!" Max still had no idea about the arrangement with Cole's dad so I dropped it and just said he loved me. I told him it was wrong to abuse another person and that he only did things for me out of love. I hoped I was right.

"You are so damn lucky! I so want a guy to have sex with me!" he whispered.

"It will happen soon enough." I replied. "If not, you can always have me!" I told him with a smirk and some raising of my eyebrows. "Damn, would you , I mean , wow, would you let me have sex with you?" he whispered excitedly."

I paused for a minute thinking what a stupid thing I said, but finally said, well, yeah, I guess so. But only if Cole knows about it."

"AH well, I guess so," he stammered.

"We'll discuss it later. Got to go." I found Cole again being chastised by a teacher for lack of shoes. He was apologizing and said he just forgot. He had a way of making the staff just about orgasm around him so the woman said," well don't do it again. You need to dress more like you did before."

His killer smile won them over every time! Damn he was hot. I gave him a poke and laughed as we said our goodbyes and headed to class. He did reach over and gave me a kiss which surprised me.

My day went well. It seemed since being with Cole, my confidence level improved. I didn't fear everyone as much and worried less about my image. I was accepted by most everyone and even sensed I was looked up to as I was pretty smart, just lacking in self confidence. That was changing. I was asked by my counselor to see him and it turns out I was being considered for valedictorian! I was amazed. My grades were great. I had always wondered how that would feel! I was also kind of a jock now and my ego was growing. I even had girls come up to me more and they showed signs of interest in more than my brains! Wow! I doubted anyone knew much about my gay life and hoped that would remain a secret. Several girls hinted at an interest in the prom. I still had not decided and wanted to discuss it with my boy Cole first.

After school, Cole came up to me and secretly kissed me. He said he longed for me all day. At lunch, I made him horny by rubbing his leg under the table where no one could see. Beforehe left earlier, I even touched and quickly stroked his dick. Pretty bold. I did notice that he wore no underwear as per our agreement. I didn't either. Now I discovered that my brother went commando too!

As we left, Max came up to us and smiled broadly, Cole saw him first and gave him a little hug and fist bump and said he was really glad to see him. It made Max feel really pumped. He chatted briefly and asked if I could get together with him at his house later. I looked at Cole and he didn't respond. I knew he wouldn't ever tell me yes or no to that. That was strictly my choice. I told Max yes and we agreed to meet later in the evening.

I left with Cole and Matt took Max home. We were not out of the parking lot before Cole had his hands on me. I told him he should wait. He looked a little hurt and I said I didn't want to get a boner yet. Feeling really gutsy, I said I wanted to see his boner though. He pulled over and opened his shorts to let it pop out. "Is this ok or more?" he asked meekly. I laughed and said take ` em off for me !" I was joking (well kind of anyway) and he stopped the car and slipped his shorts off revealing his hot body. I was almost in shock and immediately got a raging hardon. "I told you I would do anything you asked." He said meekly. I looked at him and said cool and then told him to strip off his shirt as well. He did! Now he was naked nex to me in his car. Thankfully, the top was up still. "I hope I don't get arrested like this but whatever makes you happy, makes me happy." He said smiling his gorgeous smile at me.

I took his cock in my hand and said I loved seeing him naked. "Please don't make me go naked to school. I will get kicked out and probably arrested but, ..." I interrupted him and said of course I would never do that. He looked relieved as he drove us naked to his house> It was now a daily thing.

I told him I was thirsty and he immediately pulled in to a McDonalds to get me a drink. I asked how he felt being naked going through the drive through. He looked at me almost pleading for permission to cover up. I grabbed his shirt and put it over his crotch.. "Better now?" I asked. I had such a high from being in power and making this stud boy do as I wanted but still, I didn't want him to totally hate me either. He ordered our drinks and drove to the pick up window where a nerdy guy I knew from school was taking the cash and handing out product. He looked at Cole strangely and then to me and just smiled. I said hi leaning over and putting my hand on Coles bare leg to see the kid. He said nothing more but kind of gave me a wink.

We drove to cole's and I slipped the shirt back off his crotch. Revealing his hot manhood and dense pubes. He sure had more than me!

At his house, only the houseman was home. I did ask Cole if he wanted his shorts to go in. he said it was my choice. I shrugged and said just leave em then and he dutifully got out and we went in with his dong swinging . I asked if the houseman knew and he nodded that his father had told him some about the arrangement'. We didn't see him though and went up to Cole's room, me still carrying my beverage. In his room, Cole dropped to his knees in front of me. "what's this?" I asked

You are in charge and I am just showing you the respect you now deserve. I bent down and kissed him and told him to get up and we went over to the bed. He asked if I was going to take off my clothes and I said he could do it if he wanted. He did. He stood in front of me waiting for me to say or do something.

I just stood there admiring his hot body. He seemed to just want to respond in any way I wanted. I stroked his chest and touched his nipples before moving down to his erect cock nestled in the pube hair. I bent over and kissed him. "thank you for caring for and loving me" he whispered. "How may I please you now?" He was almost scaring me as he was in this almost slave trance. I slipped off my shorts and my boner popped up and almost smacked his face. He just leaned in and took it in my mouth. "He moaned with pleasure and it wasn't long before I was too!

"May I have your cum, or piss or whatever you want to give me?" he asked. I told him he didn't need to do this. "He replied that he did as his father said he must honor me and I suspected the cameras were rolling taking videos of us. I didn't care though and felt he shouldn't be so demeaned. But his hot mouth on my cock betrayed me and soon I told him I was cumming. He didn't flinch and just took the load and swallowed it. After, I took his arm and gently pulled him up to me and kissed him. He stood erect although our tongues met and battled with one another.

We stood there like that and he said his father had told him, he must honor me and pleasure me. I said it wasn't necessary but he said that I must always be kept happy or if I wouldn't his father would beat him. I was shocked. We went and I pulled him next to me on his bed where we talked mostly in whispers about his situation. He said he could tell me more but wasn't sure I wanted to know it all about his history sand such. I said I did and he told me he his father was always severe with both him and his brother. He was always paddled if he did wrong. He came upon his brother being raped by his father when he was just ten and when discovered that he knew, he too was made to submit to both his father, and his brother. He was beaten but then raped in his mouth and ass. He was always too afraid to tell anyone and his father prohibited them to have close friends. They went to a private school where his father was well known and respected so he knew he could get no help there. He just accepted his fate and learned to live with it. He got lots of material things which for some time, made up for his life. But eventually, submitting to his brother while dad watched, became so ordinary that he was a willing sex slave to him as well as dad. They humiliated him and made him do things he said he wanted to forget. His mother became aware too, but divorced his father leaving her two abused children with him. I guess money was a prime factor. It certainly was over family love or loyalty. The were taught that this was normal.

Eventually, he found he loved his brother and father and willingly did anything his father asked. He accepted the weekly beatings as a part of his life.

His brother finished high school and went on to college. Cole and his brother were only close sexually as his brother was older and only had been given permission to fuck his young jock brother and make him do things like suck him, piss on him and take part in the beatings after he got his beating. Cole was alone and even though the sex was hot he found, his brother couldn't care less about him. Cole turned to sports where he excelled and made friends or so he thought. He learned over time that they really only cared about his spots prowess and what he could do for them. It was like buying friends. He resented them mostly but hung with the jocks as they all accepted him. He would never divulge his home life or tell anyone about it.

When they moved to Sarasota, he begged his dad to let him go to public school. He thought the guys at the prep school to be snotty and mainly users. He was accepted mainly because he was so good at sports. He did find it not so hard academically which was him main weakness so he was able to get by. The kids kind of looked up to him maybe because of his wealth and the material things he had but he longed for someone who just accepted him for who he was and who might be some he could even have a sexual relationship with.

He meet Todd at school and admired how well he did academically and when he got involved in sports, Cole wanted to know him better but didn't find a way as he hung with different kids. He had enough gaydar to think that maybe, just maybe, Todd might also be gay. He didn't know why he thought so but seeing him around school, he was so respected and seemed to come from a different kind of family than Cole. Cole had watched Todd and was really happy he joined basketball. No he wasn't the same kind of player, hell not in the same league at all as Cole but Cole watched him a lot and envied him and how well he did in school.

When Cole's grades got the best of him his counselor had suggested to the coach that maybe he could match him up with another player who might be willing to tutor him on the side. Actually, when the coach met with him to tell him he was at risk of being benched for grades, he was thrilled when Coach said he would ask someone on the team to tutor. When he heard it was Todd Richardson, he almost came in his pants. He thought Todd to be what he wanted to be. He was pretty good looking and was so smart. He longed to be like Todd. Even with his cool image at school, Cole always felt inferior and thought that Todd might tell him to fuck off or worse. He didn't want to get put down by someone he admired so much but lacked the skill necessary to really get to know Todd. He said hi to him and all but stuck with the tried and true, his jock friends but he secretly couldn't stand most of them.

All this came pouring out of Cole as Todd now flabbergasted by this revelation ,lay next to his lover and gently played with his nipples and body. Todd saw the damp eyes and knew Cole was secretly crying inside as he told his story to the only person he trusted. He would do anything for him now.

Finished with the story, Todd looked at the handsome stud boy and felt so bad he almost cried too. How could they have been so close yet neither knowing the crush each had for the other! Todd leaned over and put his arm around Cole and kissed him passionately. Cole was so grateful, he began to cry a little. Not the image of the school stud or not what he wanted to do. It just happened.

Todd hugged and held him. He had no idea what to do but to offer comfort and his assurance he wouldn't abandon him. Yet he felt powerful too.! It was a weird feeling. Nobody would ever believe this scene if he told them and he didn't want to tell anyone.

Todd slowly let go and moved his body down and took Todd's manhood in his mouth and licked and sucked. It was weird but Todd didn't know what else to do. Cole grew hard and yet Todd heard him sniffling at little.

Cole tried a smile as he looked at his lover servicing his dick. It felt so good and so right yet he knew that he was supposed to be the one sucking Todd. His father had told him he must submit to Todd. Todd was supposed to get any blowjobs. Not him!

It was too late as Cole's balls unloaded and Todd just sucked his cum down his throat and then smiled at him

"You shouldn't do that for me. It's my job. You control me not the other way around!" Cole said quietly. "I didn't mean for you to hear all that, it just came out. I am so sorry. Please let me do you. I'll do anything you want!"

Todd just shook his head no and continued to lick Coles soaked balls and cock. After a bit, he sat up and pulled a few pubes from his mouth. Cole looked at him and Todd wanted to break the ice so he joked. "You got one hairy set of balls and such a thick bush. I think I ate some when I swallowed you!" He laughed a little but Cole felt bad. "You shouldn't suck me. I'm a fucking hairy mess."

Wanting to joke but seeing as Todd knew it wasn't taken that way, he told Cole it was fine. "Just more of you for me to eat up! Yummm!"

Cole still feeling bad about his revelations told Todd he would do anything for him. He had said that before and Todd actually believed he would but didn't want him to. To be light, Todd said, "Ok, my slave boy lover, let's shave them clean!" He wasn't serious but Todd felt he needed to do this.

Breaking into his smile, He replied "Yes, Sir!" Todd didn't know what to make of it but went along thinking he knew it was a joke. Todd actually envied Cole some of his pube hair and thought how he coveted Max thick arm pit hair. Fuck, hair in certain places on a guy were so damn sexy, Todd thought.

"Will you help me shave down there?" Cole asked.

"You don't need to. I love it" Todd replied.

"No, I want to show you that anything you want, I should do. I want to shave it smooth. Make me look younger and maybe my cock will look as big as yours.!" He smiled and laughed a little making Todd fell somewhat better.

Todd shrugged and said ok. They went to Cole's bathroom where they got out some clippers and shaving cream and a razor. "You sure about this?" Todd asked.

"Yes. I want to make you pleased."

Todd started to protest but Cole just plugged in the clipper and mowed off his pubes. It did look kind of cool. "Babe, you didn't need to do that. Maybe a trim, but man, shaved totally!" Cole saw that only a few short hairs remained.

"I wanted to do that for you. I want my master to be more man like than me. I don't deserve to have hair. I will shave off my pits and legs too and my ass if you will help me with it." Cole replied.

"NO! Not your pits. I love to suck and bury my face in them. I will, hsave off the rest of the pubes. What will the guys in the locker room say though?"

"Don't care anymore. I just want you happy with my body." Cole replied.

Todd got some shaving cream and applied to Cole pube area and shaved it smooth. "Looks really hot. I've seem boys in pictures and thought it made them look way cool. But I worry about what others will say." Todd commented .

Cole just smiled and said if you are happy, I'm happy. Fuck the other guys. Who knows. Maybe I'll start a trend!"

"We're not touching anything else. Well, maybe your butt cheeks but I want the hair by your hole. It turns me on!" Todd replied. They shaved his butt making it hairless, leaving the little accumulation of hairs near his pink hole.

Admiring his work, Todd led Cole back to his bed by his cock. He liked that and so did Cole. They laid there awhile and talked about their bodies. Todd said he wished he had gotten more hair. He looked at his muscled, tan but yet hairless arms. "You know we need to do something about the prom. It's coming up soon." Cole nodded and they discussed getting dates but Cole said he wanted to think he and Todd could go together and use it as a kind of coming out. "We got to do this sooner or later." Todd nodded in agreement but yet feared telling his parents or anyone else at school other than Max and Matt.

"Matt is taking this Sheila girl. Don't really know her but she is pretty hot. Maybe we could all go together. " Todd said.

"Yeah, we could but what about Max. Is he going?"

"Haven't any idea. We didn't talk about it."

Cole suggested it would be cool to go in tuxs but minus shirts. Just the bow tie and their hot tanned chest showing. Todd thought that cool but wasn't sure how anyone else would take it especially the school authorities."

Cole said he was going to discuss it with some of the other jocks and see what they thought.

"If you're sure, maybe we can. It would be cool. He still hadn't resolved if they would take girls or go together.

They exercised some in Cole's home gym. Naturally, he had most of the equipment found in a pro gym. They worked up a pretty good sweat in only their jocks. Todd thought this was way cooler than working out in school or at the public gym where he and his brother went. Todd amazed himself with the progress he was making in lifting , running on the treadmill or just plain gaining more stamina. He felt he could get a much bigger and better body than he already had. Cole praised him at every step. Of course Cole's body continued to get better every day.

After the workout, still sweaty and male smelling, Cole asked if there was anything else they should do. Todd just went up and starting licking the sweat off his lover's chest and nipples, moving in to savor his smelly pits. Cole moaned with enthusiasm getting harder by the second. He pulled Todd close and went down to eat his ass. Cole's tongue licked and finally went in Todd's hole savoring the funky taste of teen boy and maybe even his ass juice. Todd could take it no more and announced he was cumming. Cole moved around in front of him and savored every drop of Todd's male juices. And then asked if he could drink some of his piss. Todd was again amazed at how kinky this hot boy could get and let him savor his man piss. Cole drank every drop. "I need your stuff in me to make you mine. I want everything your body has to be in me." Cole murmured.

Todd smiled at him and kissed him tasting his own piss. Not bad he thought. I may want to try drinking some of Cole's too.

They showered, with workout done and homework complete, they headed to Todd's house talking about them both coming out and prom and a variety of things including Max and Matt. Todd said he would talk with them about what he and cole might wear and if they thought it too crazy. Cole was good with it.

At home, Matt greeted his brother, fortunately without his parents seeing or hearing as my stud boy brother and smiled. He actually took Todd's meat in his hands, feeling it through his shorts and asked how his pussy boy was? "He's good but please don't call him that. I really love him and he loves me." Matt actually apologized for his comment . They talked about prom and Todd told of the sexy dressing plan. Matt wasn't sure they could get away with it but thought it might be cool. When asked who Todd was taking, Todd said he wondered about going with Cole instead of a girl. Matt kind of frowned and said he thought they were going with two girls. He hadn't thought of Cole being part of it. "Thought maybe, we might even get some pussy after, ya know one of us up front and the other in back." He chuckled his sly laugh and Todd kind of just frowned. "Maybe it won't be too bad if we triple dated though. I mean I never thought I'd go with the biggest stud in school, of course I also didn't know that he would be my brother's pussy boy!" Matt remarked.

Matt soon apologized for calling Cole my pussy boy but I was thrilled inside realizing that I was now the stud and Cole was my boy. I also noticed that Matt seemed a lot more comfortable being just naked when we were together. He often would just give my junk a little squeeze and ay how lucky Cole was to have this to keep him happy. We continued to have some jerk off sessions and he no longer was grossed out about touching me or me touching him. I loved his jock boy smell. He often let his junk get a little funky which made me want to suck him. He didn't mind and said he loved it. He also said that other than Cole and me, he wouldn't mind having a `boy' of his own to suck him when he wasn't getting any pussy. Always full of bravado was my brother!

Max came over that night and we closed my door to have some privacy. I finally confided in him that I realized we were both gay boys. As I said before, I was pretty excited to have him suck my cock and loved playing with his. We tried some kind of kinky stuff and I told him I would teach him how to make love to another guy, something he could also use with a girl if he so decided. If he laughed and said he didn't think that would happen. I licked his little nude body from head to toe. He was embarrassed that he hadn't showered and his feet probably smelled but I just said I loved it. He did the same for me after even asking if he could finger and play with my ass. I said if it turned him on, he should go ahead and he did. I loved having my ass licked and although he said it wasn't his favorite part, he did it a little anyway. I also taught him how to kiss and tongue his partner. He got a raging boner. Even though it was about half my size, it looked good and I tongued off the pre cum on his dick. He finally agreed to swallow my load again and he did. We were in the midst of that when Matt slid the bathroom door open and saw what was going on. Matt almost stopped and turned red but I just held him and said he shouldn't worry about what Matt saw. Matt was boned up too and I asked Max to go and show his love to Matt as well. He got a little nervous about that but with my encouragement, he did it. Matt was again in awe and told me I had taught him well. After, he even pulled Max up and kissed him. Max was never real close to my brother and they just kind of tolerated one another form y sake but that night, I think things changed. Matt asked Max to lick his ass and Max went right to it. I watched, boned of course (gawd, just how much cum could I make in a day!) After that night, Max almost became my brother's shadow enjoying being with him. I told Max he should consider Matt someone he could practice on when I wasn't around. My bro and I smiled at one another. I think I had created another pussy boy!

I wasn't in love with Max like I was with Cole. Was it just the physical attraction of having the hottest guy in our school as my cocksucker and whore. I felt bad for thinking that as I knew it was more. I told Max that we were too close a friends for him for me to ever want him as my boyfriend but told him I would help him find a good lover. I had no idea who that might be but I knew it had to be someone who would appreciate him and not just use him and betray him later.

Max thanked me for loving him as I did. I was honest and said Cole was my true lover. I also told him about the prom and how we might go to college together. I still couldn't betray Cole and tell Max about Cole's secret life at home. I rationalized it just wasn't anything he needed to know.

I promised Max that I would try to find him a guy to love and that I would also find him a date for the prom. He was thrilled and said he would suck my cock every day until I died if I did. Matt and I laughed about that but I think Max was serious!

At school the next day, I talked with Cole and told him of my plan. He agreed and said it would be fun for the four guys to go with dates but he really wanted to be my date. I suggested we could go to the prom and be seen. Take the dates to a meal afterward and then take them home. He could dress for the prom at my house and then return there after to spend the night. I knew the girls would be disappointed if they didn't get laid that night but I really waned to save my stuff to put in my lover boy!

Cole being the coolest, approached two girls we both thought were hot and who had hinted to us an interest. I was with him and the girls just about melted thinking they would be Cole's date. I'm not sure if I counted all that much but the girl, Angela Higgins, readily agreed so I guess I wasn't really just leftovers!

Finding a date for Max wasn't quite as easy but once the girls realized that Mat tand his girl Sheila, may and Cole's date were all involved, and realizing not all girls would get asked and the date was approaching, the girl I found accepted.

We rented the same style tuxedos and planned on the date, flowers, tickets to the prom and a little meal afterwards. I mentioned to Cole that this was costing a bundle and I needed to think about my summer job. Last summer, Matt and I worked as life guards at a community pool. I thought it might be fin if all of us could do that but Cole kind of stammered that he had a job with his father's company. I was surprised that he even worked but then accepted that and asked what he did.

"Well, ah, my father owns lots of stuff. One of the companies was a male modeling agency and he worked there with the models. I was shocked but shouldn't have been. Cole could easily be a model with his sexy good looks. I asked if he had any of the ads showing him in pictures but he stammered, which surprised me and said he didn't. I would want the pics of me modeling I thought. It would be great for my ego. He smiled and said he would tell me more later. I looked at him and wondered what else he was hiding from me, but being so in love with him, I tried to put that aside.

He didn't bring it up except to tell me he would rather life guard but he knew his father would be insistent. He never challenged his father so I disappointedly accepted that we couldn't mess around all summer having guys and girls both get turned on by our looks. I think my ego was finally full on and I loved my life with the sex and all and just being kind of `in'.

Cole and I continued to run track and we did well for our team and we felt great. It was one sport where I was equal to Cole in performance. Max did his best and I was surprised when he won a few events too. In the showers at school, he was less uncomfortable and actually didn't mind getting seen. He even got praise for his efforts! I was proud of how he was coming out of his shell. Cole kidded him about his thick bush and he even kidded Cole about being shaved off. It was a surprised for the team to see him shaved but he actually started a bit of a trend and several other guys, wannabees I guess, did it too. I even asked Cole to shave my pubes off too and he did with a little reluctance. Matt wouldn't do it but I wondered if he might someday as he didn't give me any grief about it.

Max's mom even called me one day to thank me for helping Max be more than a couch potato and for getting him hooked up with a girl for prom. I was really proud but of course never shared our little sex secrets. Max continued to give me head when he was over and even asked Matt if he could suck him! Of course, he let him do it and I was glad our little trio got along so well. I still enjoyed Cole and fucked him almost every day.

His father was complimentary too saying I was making Cole a pretty good `boy'. I wasn't sure how to take that but thanked him and assured him I was disciplining Cole too although that was mostly play. Cole never objected to a little paddling from me and I loved every minute of it. I did make him wear his butt plug many days and of course kept his underwear drawer full by not letting him wear any. Sometimes, it showed a little and he took a little rasing about it but said he liked to hang loose.

When we together, Cole just obediently stripped off his clothes for me even if I didn't. He said he would do as I asked and he now expected this from me. It was on cloud 9 for sure!

The prom night came and Cole arrived early enough to shower with me and we would help one another getting dressed. We decided to not go shirtless at least at first. My parents were thrilled how close we had become (if they only knew) Yeah, I still hadn't told them the true nature of our relationship but sensed that at least my dad was wondering. He said a few things about how I rarely dated anymore (actually not at all) but he was so stoked about Cole's dad funding our college programs and where we would live, that I think if he had any suspicions, he kept them to himself. We were going to look at apartments soon and attend an orientation in summer. Matt was so high on it I think he would have let Cole fuck him but I had said no. Cole didn't fuck anyone but occasionally me and I wanted it that way. He got most of his release by blowjobs and my big dick which now seemed even larger. I would occasionally, just in fun but maybe in truth too, call him my pussy. He just let it roll and said he was delighted to get my cock buried deep in him and that I let him have all my cum.

We got dressed and I told him as usual, no underwear. He accepted it and I said I would go that way too. Matt came in and he said he thought it might be hot and he took him to walking around my room naked. Nice sight! Max came over and even showered there with us. Matt threw on some underwear and got us some drinks but then stripped off again. Even Max, so excited about going to prom, stayed naked. He was boned up and his little cock stuck out nicely from his hairy bush. We sat around and joked and I was glad my little posse got along so well. Matt kidded Max about his hairy body and Max didn't get offended at all. He even kidded my brother and me about our extra large junk and we all laughed.

Finally it was time to get dressed and we went out for some pictures with my folks. They asked that we bring our dates back for pictures so we agreed. They were so happy that it made me happy. We left with me and Cole and Matt taking my dad's car(a newer Cadillac) with Max. "Come on buddy", he said to Max, "we'll show `em how it's done!"

WE picked up our dates who looked fabulous. If I wasn't now confirmed gay, I might have wanted to try some of that! More pictures and then back to my house for more pictures. I was a little surprised that Cole didn't want to show off his date to his father but he sighed and said he wasn't into proms but had given him some extra cash for it.

The prom went ok but it was a steamy south Florida night wand we were all sweating a lot from dancing with our girls. We all danced with our dates, even Max did a little as awkward as he sometimes was, but it was kind of cute. Cole was by far the best dancer knowing many more hot moves and dances than Matt or me even though I showed him up a little. Cole eventually stripped off his shirt and a bunch of guys including Matt and I did too wearing just our ties and the jackets but eventually losing them too. The girls went crazy. I wondered how the chaperones would react but they just shook their heads and laughed. I think a few moms and teachers even got a little aroused!

We went to the dinner afterward wearing no shirts but our jackets but being prom night, the waiters let us in anyway. I found a cute little busboy who I knew from school. He was gay I was almost certain. He loved to look but dropped his glance whenever I returned it. I knew he was shy like Max. At one point, I saw him go in the john and I excused my self and followed. I recalled his name was Ricky and was a nice kid. I had to regretfully admit, I had talked to him some in the old days but not much recently. I saw him go in a stall and I just pissed but waited. I knew he was probably jerking off in there. I only hoped he was at least bi or maybe gay. I felt bad cornering him there and even worse that I hadn't talked to him much since maybe a year ago. I think we even used to have lunch together in sophomore year. He was either Cuban or Puerto Rican. I didn't remember which but I had always sensed he liked me and maybe Max too. I was sad he hadn't gone to prom but figured maybe he didn't have the money or just had to work. He finally came out and saw me and saw with a red face, "hi." We made a little conversation and I asked why he hadn't gone to prom. At first it was because he had to work but then he kind of said he wasn't into girls too much. My opening and I asked if he was maybe into guys. He kind of stammered, turned real red and I took him by the shoulder and said it was ok. I liked gay guys and wondered if he dated anyone. I think he was thinking of me but I quickly mentioned Max. He stammered and stuttered but finally came out with he knew Max and liked him. I asked, boldly, if he might want to date him. "You think he might like to go to a movie or something with me?" he timidly asked. I told him I was sure he would and that he should call him. I gave him Max's cell number. I said Max was coming over after the prom to hang out with me but he could come over too if he wanted once he was done with work. I added that I was sorry we hadn't seen much of one another lately. He smiled at me and said he thought he might. "Just some drinks and stuff and we're all staying the night at my place," I boldly said.

I kind of put my arm around him telling him I was sorry he didn't go to prom but he shouldn't miss all the fun. I winked at him and wasn't sure he got my drift but was hopeful. I wanted Max to have someone other than me. Ricky was almost surprised that Max and I didn't get it on.

We went back and finished our food and stuff. Before leaving, I asked Ricky if he was coming over. He said he was really glad I asked him and thanked me. I gave him the address and said come around midnight.

We took our dates and we kissed and fooled around in Cole's car. I think they were hoping for more but we had our own plans. I had no idea what Matt and his date and Max and his would do but hoped they wouldn't get home to late. I was pretty sure Matt would nail his girl Sheila, but knew Max wasn't going to do his date who was I assumed, not too much into premarital sex based on what she had said.

After our little foreplay, we promised the girls we would hook up soon for maybe a day at the beach. They took that and although I'm sure were disappointed and probably had little orgasms, we took them home and headed to my house.

Matt was already home with Max! I was shocked. He later told me Sheila just wasn't about to put out even after she played with his dick and he licked her cunt. Gross!! He said he was fucking horny and very disappointed after he spent all that money!

"Maybe I'll let my boyfriend take care of you." I chuckled and he actually looked at me hopefully.

We were no sooner inside, stripped to the waist and now minus our ties. The rents had gone out but came back early enough to hear some of the details we shared. We all said we were beat and headed up stairs. I was really glad my folks bedroom was on the lower floor at the other side of the house.

We got upstairs and Cole immediately stripped off his clothes. Seeing that, Matt and I did too. Just then we heard a gentle knock on the door. I looked out to see Ricky standing there. I was thrilled. I grabbed some shorts and went down to let him in so as not to wake my folks.

He smiled and came in. I grabbed him a beer, something we didn't do much, and we went upstairs. He was shocked seeing the famous Cole Rivers sprawled out naked on my bed and my brother looked a little shocked too. I made introduction and most importantly, reintroduced him to Max, who still had his pants on but had removed his rented shoes and socks. Max later told me he thought Ricky was cute and he wished he knew him better and I had told him he should just go up and talk to him. I reminded him we used to get lunch together and had been in some of the same classes. Max of course remembered but was too shy to do much and never then would have considered Ricky as a love interest. He was too busy dong nerd things!

I introduced Ricky to the others who began to relax some. I told him to go and make himself comfortable. He seemed a little reluctant at first, but finally stripped off his tee shirt revealing not a bad little body. He wasn't toned or anything but had a nice smooth chest and belly. I told the guys that I knew Ricky from school and they knew who he was, and that I felt bad seeing him work on prom night so I invited him over to get to know us all better and maybe we could have some fun together.

They all looked at me questioningly but Max had a smile on his face. He apparently liked what he saw.

I stripped off my shorts getting naked and climbing on my bed next to Cole. Cole knew what he was to do as I asked and reached over to kiss me. I watched Ricky watch us out of the corner of my eye. "We're just having some guy fun so get comfortable and join in." I told him. Matt got on my bed too and lay back exposing his great body. He seemed pretty relaxed and I guess he knew what might be coming and didn't care. Matt produced a bottle of booze he had somehow obtained and offered a little to all of us. After a few sips, Ricky got next to Max and seeing Max pull of his pants, he shrugged and did so too. "I didn't know you guys all hung out. This is pretty cool. He seemed quite taken as I gave Max the eye to make some moves. He seemed a little uncomfortable but got close to Max and they talked never taking their eyes off Cole who began to play with my nipples and with Matt.

Cole finally said that we should circle jerk. It might be fun and relieve us from the things that didn't happen that night with the girls. He began to stroke Matt and I and I took his dick in my hand. Finally Max kind of got into it and he asked Ricky if he wanted to also. Ricky seemed a little uncomfortable at first but shrugged and he and Max both slid their boxers off. I wanted to see Ricky and was shocked to see how big he was. He must have had had at least eight maybe nine inches! His dick was not cut like the rest of us and I was fascinated to see the long foreskin that pushed back when he finally got hard. All was nestled in some hair like Max. Max even licked his lips and made me smile. It was hot to see all these naked guys in my room jerking and playing. I almost wanted to go take Ricky in my hand and suck him off but knew he was there for Max. It wasn't long before we all blew a load and the smell of boy sex was all over the room. I went and turned up the air conditioning and opened the windows. I was amazed by the load Ricky shot off and I think Max was too. Maybe a long time since he last came. I suspected he had a big family and doubted they knew he was gay so all his satisfaction had to come jerking off and in private.

I decided to let things roll. I didn't care what Ricky might say later and gradually began to have sex with Cole and Matt. Matt got into it right away forgetting our visitor . I think things progressed well with Max and Ricky as well. They kind of watched for awhile but gradually, got into it. I finally mounted Cole and fucked him while he sucked on my brother. I had to remind the guys to keep it quiet as to not awake my folks.

The last thing I remembered before I fell asleep was Max tonguing Ricky's big meat. He seemed to have a smile on his face the whole time. So did Ricky. I thought my little buddy was really into the hot little Latino guy I found for him and it made me happy that I played matchmaker.

I awoke with my usual boner and felt Cole's hot mouth all over me. He even sucked out my hole. I could see he was boned too. I looked around and found Matt had gone to his own bed but on the floor, lay Max and Ricky all entwined. It made me smile. I noticed Ricky had a boner as did Max but they were still asleep. I looked around as Cole pleasured me and saw Ricky had nice big feet for such a small guy and a nice body. He wasn't as hairy as Max but had some hair I could see in his pits and a lot on his legs. He looked hot to me but then at this point, didn't all guys? I turned back to my lover and he was sucking my cock now. It felt so good waking up with Cole and his hot looks. His hairless crotch was so nice making his cock look bigger. I pulled him up and kissed him tasting my ass, my cock pre cum and his morning breath but it didn't matter. I just tongued his mouth. I hoped my breath wasn't too terrible but he didn't seem to mind. I held him and then he whispered I should fuck him. I smiled and he laid on his back, legs extended wide open above his face and his hole now totally winking at me in anticipation.

I spit a little in his hole and watched my spit mix with is little hairs. I knew he needed to shave again and I would love to do it. I knew over time, his gorgeous face would also sprout hair and I didn't know how I felt about it but knew he would still look so handsome.

I pushed my big dick into him opening him up fully and then just pushed in. He gave only a slight gasp and then nodded to do more. I didn't want him hurt but fuck, it was nice to enter his smooth velvet like hole which on him we now called his pussy. I think our sex act awakened Max and Ricky as I noticed them looking sleepily at us fucking. I didn't know if they fucked over night but was pretty confident it was only oral stuff. I could hardly keep my sounds muffled as I blasted my load in Cole. As I pulled out, cum came running out and I grabbed his butt plug that he had brought and slipped it in.

Max and Ricky looked shocked . "that was so hot, Max was saying as I slipped it in. he wears that for you? I just nodded yes and Cole smiled at me and then them.

"Holy shit, I never would have guessed what happened to me this past night." Ricky exclaimed. "I had no ideas you guys, well those guys, did gay stuff. I was always afraid if anyone knew I was gay, they would beat the shit out of me!"

"No we wouldn't. don't tell anyone, but Cole and I have been secret lovers for a few months now."

"I only hope you guys can, if you want to, I mean, have a love for each other like Todd and I do." Cole whispered. Ricky dripping his pre cum came over to look at Cole's plugged pussy. "Oh man, I only have seen this kind of stuff in the porn I watch." He looked a little surprised with himself that he said that. Can, can I touch it." He asked . I told him he could. Cole just let the kid touch his ass. Max came up and slipped an arm around Ricky. He looked at me and whispered thank you! I smiled at Max and said we would talk later. He nodded.

Ricky took Max's dick in his hand and played with it still looking at the school stud, with a plug in his ass. I touched him and said I thought Max might need some attention. He looked at Max and smiled. "AH, I don't know if I can do this with you guys watching and all." Cole looked at him and said he saw us and it shouldn't matter. We won't tell anyone." He took Ricky by the hand and shocked me by kissing him. Ricky was so boned he couldn't believe what he just saw or that the hottest stud in school just kissed him on the lips and gave him some tongue. "Max has a tasty cock. Enjoy it. He will make you a great lover."

Cole and I got up to go piss and shower as Ricky dropped to his knees and swallowed Max whole. Matt had awakened and came in and the three of us showered together. Cole didn't mind getting down on his knees and kissing both our cocks. "This is so hot", mumbled Matt. "Can't wait until we all room together!"

We finally washed up and Matt and I exited the shower throwing on some basketball shorts and nothing more. Cole was still finishing up cleaning his hole and about to put in the butt plug. "I'll check and see if the folks are home and check on breakfast." I said as I saw Ricky and Max finishing up. I smiled thinking how cool it was that Max finally had someone to make love to him and vice versa. He looked so cute as did Ricky. I still noticed Ricky's big dick and thought damn, this kid had all his growth go to his dick. He wasn't big but kind of cute, thin and enough hair to turn me on.

I got downstairs with Matt not far behind me. "Hi guys!" I greeted my parents. They both said a happy good morning. "Uh, I got the guys over and thought we might eat something. There is Cole and Max and another guy friend of Max's. could we have some pancakes or something?"

"Already got them going. I didn't know about Max's friend but sure, that's ok." Mom smiled as I grabbed some glasses of orange juice and Matt got the glasses. "Tell us about last night! We are so happy you seemed to have a great time, I bet."

Matt and I both told some of what happened leaving the part about the no shirts, meeting Ricky and our sex in my room, out of the story. Max and Ricky came in looking a little sheepish but with happy grins on their faces. Max wore what he had on and was dressed. Ricky was too. I made introductions and we chatted happily. I looked for Cole and he wasn't down yet so I yelled up to him. He came down the stairs saying he had thrown on some of m y shorts and a tank top. He asked if that was ok.

Grabbing some plates and a mug of coffee, I happily replied "Sure babe, wear whatever." No sooner had I said it when I realized I had just called Cole `babe'. He came in smiling of course. My heart sank and I got very red in the face. Matt was looking at me strangely and my folks were looking at me somewhat shocked. "I ah, was just being agreeable." I tried to cover my embarrassment. Cole thought nothing of it and came in and greeted my folks warmly. "Hi. Good to see you guys. Hope we didn't wake you when we came in." he said smiling and happy.

What would happen now. My secret was out I guessed.

End of chapter 9

Next: Chapter 10

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