Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on May 2, 2013


Todd's Senior year Awakening – Ch 8

This is an erotic fictional story. It isn't based on any real people but deal with struggles a teen guy has when he finds himself in a whole different yet exciting set of circumstances. Do not read if under 18 or where it isn't legal to do so.

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I have had some comments both pro and con with the developments in chapter 7. For those who stick with the story, we find Todd actually very uncomfortable with his current situation yet too inexperienced to know what to do about it. It will take some time, but Todd does come to his senses.

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At home, the family talked about the game Saturday and the unfortunate defeat. Todd for the first time in a long time, thought how kind and nice his family was. He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened with Cole and his dad and he was so glad his family was normal. He thought for a moment about saying something about maybe being gay but couldn't muster the courage to bring it up. His brother knew but Matt didn't let on anything. They had a nice evening and Todd said he needed to get some rest. Matt agreed and followed Todd up to his room. Once inside, Matt didn't say much at first but in the john pissing, he finally broke the ice and asked Todd what all happened.

"Well, there is some stuff I can tell you but you got to promise not to share it. Matt nodded and listened while Matt told him about the game, but Matt interrupted him and said he knew all that. "What about you and Cole?" he asked.

"I, ah don't know what to say. We did have some sex and I think Cole is in love with me."

"You mean he is gay? Is that what you want?"

"I think so." Replied Todd. " He is so into me it seems. I didn't know at first but he loves me and I love him. I can't explain it but , oh fuck I might as well admit it, I have been turned on lately by guys. Finding Cole and discovering his secrets, well, it just happened. Maybe I've been gay for some time. I don't know. I will tell you that sex with him was fantastic, better than with Sarah or any other girl. He does something for me that I can't explain." He looked at Matt for some reaction.

"Look, man. If that's what you want, I don't care. I just don't know if I could do it with another dude."

"AH, you and I did some shit together and it seemed ok for you."

"Yeah, I know. But it was just kind of like, well, buddy sex. I got to tell you though, I did like it and didn't mind at all. I'm no homophobe so doing it with you was, well , kind of fun. "

They smiled and laughed a little as Matt shook his dick at Todd. "You could blow me right now and I would love it actually. Didn't get much this weekend and I'm soooooo horny." They both laughed and Todd looked at his brother and said if it would make him happy, he just might do it.

They went into Todd's room and Matt sat on the bed. Looking at his brother, he saw his big dick and realized it was hard. Matt got hard too and finally offered. "Maybe a 69?" Todd nodded and they both lay down Matt laid there without moving until Todd took his brother's dick in hand and stroked it making Matt moan. "Oh, fuck that feels so good. Suck me, man."

Todd obliged and swallowed his brother's cock head. "Don't I get any in return?" Todd said.

Without a word, Matt gingerly touched his brother's cock and felt its hardness. He licked it a little making Todd moan. He looked up to Todd and asked if this is how Cole did it. Todd nodded . they both licked and sucked for a bit before Matt was moaning and finally said, "I'm going to cum." Todd just licked harder surprising his brother and when he shot, took it all.

"Holy, fuck, man, you just swallowed my stuff. You are into this gay stuff."

"Todd smiled revealing the jiz from his brother and said "I guess I am into it."

Matt continued licking his brother and when Todd announced he was coming, his brother pulled off to jerk him the rest of the way. Todd shot a huge load. When done, Matt looked at it pooled on his brother's stomach and then licked the head clean. "I guess it ain't so bad really. Thanks man. Our secret, right?"

Todd nodded and they both got up to clean off. "I guess if you're into guys, it's ok. Not sure I want it all the time but whatever floats your boat is cool with me."

"Sleep with me tonight Matt. I got more to tell you but got to figure out a good time to do it. I am thinking about coming out to Mom and Dad but don't know yet>'

"I'll back you. Yeah, I guess I can sleep with you. The rents won't know and who knows, maybe wouldn't care." They brushed their teeth and head for Todd's bed where they laid and didn't talk for awhile. Before shutting off the lights, Matt reached over and kissed his brother and said thanks. "You are so cool. I'm glad we are brothers.!

Todd had a restless night again wondering what had happened to him and thinking about Cole. He felt bad thinking of Cole as some kind of `kept boy' He really knew he didn't want that. He was just happy with having someone so close to him and who he loved. How could he ever abuse Cole. It just wasn't in him.

In the morning, they both showered and dressed and went to breakfast together. Mom smiled seeing her two boys hanging together. She was glad they were close now, better than before. Dad read his paper and they all talked about their days. Once breakfast was over, Both Todd and Matt slipped on flip flops. They both wore cargo shorts and tees and looked their cool selves. They picked up Max for school as always and discussed the weekend past. Todd didn't share any of the sex stuff with Cole nor did he tell about what Cole's father had done. Max wore a sleeveless tee shirt. He knew Todd liked to see his pits and he wanted to dress sexy for him.

At school, they went their separate ways except for Max who followed Todd to the cafeteria for a pre class coffee. They spotted Cole with some friends but Todd was surprised to see what Cole was wearing. He too had on just flip flops but he wore much tighter shorts and a big scoop necked muscles shirt that was kind of tight revealing his gorgeous curves and muscles. He was getting kidded by some of his friends and admired by some of the girls. Todd walked up and Cole smiled at him brightly. His gorgeous smile and white teeth showing off. Todd didn't know what to say but thought his boyfriend looked very hot. He even started to get a boner.

"Morning, Cole. You look pretty relaxed and cool this morning. He wanted to say he looked sexy as hell but couldn't in front of the friends.

"Yeah, he looks like some sex slut advertising for it." One of the friends said.

"Hey guys, give me a break. I hurt my ankle at the game and just didn't want to spend a lot of time on wardrobe." Cole replied.

There were some chuckles and a few girls were practically having orgasms in their shorts but everyone finally let up on Cole and said he looked cool. "Maybe you'll start a trend one of the guys offered.

Once alone, Todd asked Cole about the look. " My father said I had to dress this way. Ah, well, he said I had to do it to show you what I am."

"You don't have to do it but damn it sure is sexy. I hope you don't get into any trouble for it though. You got underwear on?"

"Yes, sir, I do but I will take it off if you want."

"what kind?"

"Well, it is a pretty skimpy pair. But I will get rid of it if you want. I need to do whatever you say so just tell me what you want.

Todd thought a minute and then feeling suddenly powerful, he told Cole to get rid of it. "Yes, Sir. Do you want to check it out?"

As Cole removed his underwear making Todd both horny yet feeling a bad. He felt uncomfortable making his boyfriend dress as he did. He knew he really didn't do it, Cole's father apparently did but still.

They went in a lavatory and Todd just shucked off his shorts and pulled the underwear off revealing his cock and balls. Anyone who walked in could have seen but no one did. "let me have it. I will give it back but , damn you look hot." Todd said and smiled. Cole nodded and then slipped his shorts back on." Todd leaned over and kissed his boy and agreed they would see one another at lunch. "Better keep this in your locker just in case of problems though. I will understand." Todd offered. Cole slipped the very brief almost thong underwear and stuck it in his pocket.

They went their own ways and didn't see one another until lunch.

"How did it go this morning?"

"Not too bad but I did gets lots of looks and one of the administrators said I needed to wear something different tomorrow. "

Let's grab some food and eat. I'm starved Todd replied.

They ate together with some of the other basketball players. Todd felt bad for Cole in some ways especially as he limped a little but refused to use the crutches.

Once lunch was almost done, they sat in the back of the cafeteria and talked. Todd went over Cole's work and made a few suggestions. They then went to the media center where Cole could reprint his paper with Todd's changes. As they sat there, Todd boldly although not too visible to others, slipped his hand down Coles shorts and played with his ass. This was pretty bold for Todd and Cole just let it happen. They smiled and Todd stuck a finger up Cole's ass. He couldn't even believe he did it. He would never have done that only a few weeks ago but he suddenly felt in power. He could tell Cole was getting hard and continued to play with him until Cole said quietly, "I'm going to cum."

Todd immediately stopped and made Cole get up with his boner sticking up. Cole looked at him almost pleading for relief. "Later." Was all Todd said and they went to class. Todd didn't know if there was a wet spot on Cole's shorts but he felt so in charge, he didn't care. He knew it wrong to do that and eventually felt like shit for acting this way.

Once back in class, Todd got a grip and realized he may have made Cole feel terrible and he didn't want that either. What a prick I am, he thought, and felt bad until he saw Cole again in gym in the locker room.

"I'm really sorry I did that to you. Please don't hate me."

Cole looked at him and admitted he had a tough time in class but didn't know if anyone had seen his boner."It doesn't matter. I have accepted that I am your boy and whatever you say, I will do. Plus, he smiled, I think the teacher was real impressed with the paper. Maybe I won't get a C this week and can avoid punishment. " He smiled at his master and they stripped off for gym and got ready. Todd said Cole could and should wear his jock for gym. Cole thanked him for that and they went out and worked out. Todd did make him go out bare chested but that wasn't unusual. They finished gym running the track getting ready for more track work now that the basketball season was done. They joined some other guys who still wanted to be around Cole as always but Cole made sure Todd was with them too.

It was the last class of the day. Max was surprised and probably disappointed that Cole and Todd didn't shower. Todd had told Cole not to as he wanted him to be sweaty for after school.

"We're just going natural was what Todd told them. We can shower later." Max thought that unusual but just shrugged it off. He sensed something different about his friend and Cole but wasn't sure just what.

Matt saw the guys and just smiled when Todd told his brother he was going home with Cole. " hell, you guys make a hot couple" he whispered to his brother.

They boys went back to Cole's house and they were hardly in the room when Cole stripped off his sweaty clothes and stood before Todd and asked if he wanted anything.

"Just your hot body. Love it all sweaty and stuff" Todd smiled

Cole removed Todd's shirt. "Do you want to punish me now or later." I know I deserve it for something Cole quietly said.

I just want you in bed for now. Later, we can do whatever it is were supposed to do. " He pushed the stud boy toward the bed and Cole fell back with Todd climbing on top of him and burying his face in Cole's hairy pits. "Dam, I love you all hot and sweaty," he mumbled as he licked.

"I should be clean for you. You don't have to show me love when I'm like this"

"Shut up and enjoy. I sure am." Todd murmured.

Todd licked the sweaty boy from pits to feet and told Cole he liked his taste. I like how you smell and sometimes wish I could have you like this all the time."

Cole enjoyed the hot tongue of his master all over him and soon was shooting off the hot load he had started at lunch. Todd licked most of it up before Cole lifted his legs and let Todd eat his ass in preparation for getting fucked. Todd savored the sweaty musk of his lover and was in heaven being able to do whatever he chose. He then fucked Cole hard and came inside him. "Put on the plug. I want to keep it up your hole." Cole obliged and smiled at his lover. They cuddled and Cole ate and licked Todd never complaining about the slight acrid taste of his hole. He so wanted to please Todd.

They finished and Todd ordered Cole to stay naked and do his homework. Todd did some of his too but most was done with the free time he had in school. He checked over the work. Cole asked if he should be on his knees for him.

"No but I have to tell you something. I , ah well, I kinda told my brother about us. Hope you don't care. I didn't tell him about what your father did or what he wants of me."

Cole nodded his head and said he was ok with that. "Do you want me to offer myself to Matt as well?" he asked meekly. "I will if it makes you happy. Even Max if you want. I have thought about us and if your father agrees, what life will be like next year in college. I have accepted that and have gotten over my initial fears and stuff. I am now pretty happy you will control me. I'm almost glad my father offered me to you. I will do whatever to make you happy. You make me happy."

"For right now, we are just lovers. I'm not going to humiliate you or hurt you. Maybe sometime in the future, I will let Matt join us but for now, well, you're mine."

Cole nodded and said whatever Todd wanted was ok with him.

Just then, Matt called on Todd's cell. They talked regular home stuff for a minute and then Matt asked if Cole and Todd were doing sex or anything. "Yeah, we just did. If you got to know. Don't tell a sole."

"Oh, just asking. I was kinda horny and laying around thinking about what you and I did last night and then started thinking about what I guessed you and Cole were up to." Todd looked over to see Cole working on a math problem naked with just his glasses on. "Maybe we can get together, all of us tomorrow and shoot hoops or something. I did tell him you know about us and he is ok with it."

"Cool. Let's plan on it then. Hey, if you don't mind me asking, does Cole fuck you?"

"Well that's pretty personal but if you really want to know, it is the other way around."

"Holy, shit! You mean you fuck him?"

"Yep. That's the way it is. Gotta go. See you at home in a bit."

They rang off and Todd put his arms around Cole and kissed his ears.

"Thank you, Master. We ought to shower though `cause I think you will be late getting home. Don't want you to smell or anything – especially like we had sex."

Todd didn't want to go home right away so they lay in Cole's bed with cum still dripping out of his , as they now called it "pussy". Todd held him and let Cole lick his nipples. They talked a little about track, school stuff and the upcoming prom.

"Are you going to the prom?" Todd asked

Between licks, Cole said he would go if Todd said he could.

"Of course you can go. Maybe we can go together. Who we going to take?'

Cole thought a minute and asked if they should go together. "Maybe too gay but it would be hot."

"I will do whatever you say. I know it would be weird but eventually, everyone will know we are a couple." Cole said.

"Yeah, it would be way cool to take you and have you dress real sexy like in a tux but no shirt. Just a tie."

They both laughed and agreed it would be a real coming out so to speak. Cole said he would do that if that's what Todd wanted. "Or then, we could take girls for show and then later, dump them and go someplace and fuck all night."

Cole actually felt more comfortable with that. So did Todd so they decided to find some girls they could take. Cole would have no trouble getting a hot girl and probably now, neither would Todd. They chatted as Cole licked and sucked on Todd's body. Finally, Todd knew he had to go and Cole said he should shower and he would drive him home. Todd stuck his huge cock up cole's ass while they showered. It was getting close to dinner time when they drove home. Cole offered to let Todd drive the car but Todd said he he wanted Todd to drive him. Todd said he would probably lose the car anyway. When asked why, Cole told him that his father would likely give it to Todd. Todd was shocked but in a way, excited.

Cole asked Todd if what he wore to school that day was ok with Todd. Todd said he loved seeing the hot stud. He thought a minute and asked Cole to wear sleeveless tee cut all the way down the sides so it was open to reveal his body. "Tight jeans and of course no underwear. Flip flops or bare feet would be hot too." Cole said he would do whatever and hoped he wouldn't get sent home. For some reason, Todd wanted to see his boy dressed that way and so Cole said he would do it.

Dinner was fine and Todd's family chatted as always. It was a shock when his dad said he had had a call from Cole's father. "Seems like he really likes you and is so happy about how well Cole is doing that he wants to help pay for college for you." Todd almost dropped his fork realizing that this whole thing with being a master for Cole was actually happening. He didn't know how to respond but his brother said he thought that was cool. "You mean, you get college paid for just to be a tutor all the time?"

Todd said he wasn't sure but it sounded interesting. His mother said she didn't know but it should would help the finances. "I may get a scholarship so that won't be necessary." Todd offered. He really didn't want this all to come out too soon.

"Hell, I'd do it in a minute!" Matt replied. "Wish I had your grades."

"We do too, honey" his mom said diplomatically.

"Helps to have a super brain." Todd kidded.

"Yeah but your supersized in other areas as well" his brother joked.

Todd turned red. He knew what his brother meant and he looked at him. Matt just smiled back smugly.

"Well, the other news is that Cole's dad said he was so interested in having Todd for his son's tutor that he might be able to help you too, Matt."

Todd almost dropped his jaw, mouth wide open."

Yeah, I guess he has some connections with several schools and can make things happen. I know the guy is loaded. Has Cole said anything about this?"

Todd murmured that he had said something but hadn't thought too seriously about it.

"Way cool! Would we all live together? Go to school and all?" Matt said finally regaining his composure a little.

"I guess so. We'll see. Anyway, he asked that we talk it over and get back to him."

Todd thought that he and Cole could go together but now his brother too? Holy shit. He would know all about his being Cole's' master.' He didn't know how that would work. He was very sure in his own mind that he loved Cole and had come around to seeing himself as gay. But how would his folks handle that. He knew his brother didn't care about him being gay but the whole master thing was another matter.

They finished dinner with the boys cleaning up and loading the dishwasher. The parents went outside for a cocktail.

Matt seemed in heaven as he talked about getting to go to some name school. He didn't care how he got there but was excited. He had been thinking about junior college as his grades were nothing like his brothers. Now ... Wow?

They talked a little as brothers do. Todd chastised his brother about his comments about his big cock that went almost undetected by the folks. His father had smiled at him though.

"I bet it is getting lots of attention. You got to tell me more." Matt whispered. "Is he hot in bed? I had no idea he let you fuck him. Wow, the biggest jock stud in school letting my brother fuck him."

"To shut you up, yes he is hot in bed and he likes my `little Todd" I think I love him though. Never would have said that a month ago." Todd confided. "Don't you say a word."

"My lips are sealed. Does Max know? Hell, I'd like to see him blow you!"

"You won't and stop talking about it. I think we love one another. Max is just my bud. Not sure how I can tell Mom and Dad though.

"You got to. It will get out eventually and they will be pissed you didn't tell them. I got your back, bro. whatever you tell anyone, I will support even if I have to beat the shit out of them!" Matt offered, his always macho side coming out. I appreciated my brother who was so buff and muscular from his wrestling. I always envied his sexy hot body.

He hugged me and said it would all work out. I thanked him for , well , just being him. He asked if I would tell him more about gay sex with Cole. I told him not right now but maybe later.

We went our separate ways that night and I went to my room to call Max. I really hadn't chatted with him in a few days. He told me he wanted to come over so I told him sure. He came as I sat at my computer almost naked.

He came in and looked at me and said it was so cool that I was dressed, or actually not dressed that way.

I laughed and told him to get comfortable if he wanted.

He stripped off his clothes wearing just some jockey shorts. I appreciated his little less than muscular body but admired his hairy pits and, legs and the hair he had on his chest between the nipples. He asked me if I would help him shave some. "I really want to look more like you do." I showed him the shaving equipment and he shaved off his chest hair. He was just about to shave off his pits when I made him stop saying I loved his pits. He blushed but asked if I would trim him. I gave him a good manscape evening pulling down his briefs to trim his pubes and his ass. I wouldn't do it all though as I told him I like his sexy body. "Nothing like you and Cole got but thanks." he said "Speaking of Cole, I see you and him together a lot. What's with that. ?" I decided to be honest and just told him that we were in a kind of relationship and that, I breathed heavily and spit it out, "I think I'm in love with him and he with me"

I shocked myself being so blunt but couldn't hide it. He came up and was quiet for a minute. "Does this mean, we won't be so close anymore?"

"Nope, I said confidently. We will be like always just that now, well, I got a boyfriend!" I think he was disappointed but nodded and said, since I think I'm gay too, I had hoped, well..."

"It isn't probably a good idea to have your closest friend as a boyfriend. What if things don't work? It could end it all and I would hate that."

He seemed to get it and I said he would find someone and maybe it would be at college. I briefly mentioned that Cole's dad wanted me to continue to tutor him and maybe we would go to college together. He seemed a little surprised but of course I could say nothing about the arrangement.

We talked awhile and he seemed comfortable almost naked with me but that wasn't unusual. We even played a video game before he went home. He promised not to say a word to anyone. I actually pulled him close and hugged him he seemed to be good with that.

At school, I saw Cole first thing and he was wearing exactly what I asked for. He even was barefoot. I told him he could wear his flip flops so he didn't hurt himself. He actually thanked me for permission! It was hot and I decided then and there that this master/slave shit had to stop. It was wrong and I knew it even if Cole didn't. I said he never needed to ask me for permission. I thought it made me look like something I didn't want to be and made him look bad. He looked at me strangely but nodded his agreement

It seems he got to be the talk of the school dressed again in such a sexy way. No staff made him change but the girls almost went crazy. A few guys did too making me realize there were probably more gay guys in our school than I thought. He continued to shower attention on me at every opportunity. I reminded him he still needed to be his old self some as some of his friends began to wonder what was going on with him.

As I stood around watching the early morning cafeteria gathering, one of the other basketball players who was kind of a buddy to Cole but never really connected with me, came up and asked what all was going on. " What's with Cole? He looks like he is really dressing like a fag. Does this have something to do with you?" he asked. I looked at him a little startled and he started in again. " I think you got some queer thing with him. I mean, he always with you. You a fag and got him suckered in with something.?" I began to respond but Cole had heard it apparently and came over with a hostile look on his face." Who you calling a fag, man? You got some problem with me or Todd? I don't expect you to ever talk about me or him that way! If I hear it again, I may need to rearrange your face!"

I could tell Cole was angry but he was defending me. He really didn't have to do that. "It's nothing, Cole, just some crap. Don't lose it over him." I said looking at both Cole and the other kid.

Todd continued. "Todd has been there for me and has helped me a lot. Don't accuse him of anything. He is more a man than you!" His other friends looked at him somewhat astonished. The other player just looked at me and then Cole and tried to say something but Cole just told him to get lost.

The little gathering broke up with just me and Cole standing there. "Don't let him or anyone else intimidate you. I got your back and know you got mine." I nodded almost too surprised to say anything.

We went to class and all was cool with Cole getting lots of praise from most of his friends and especially the other guys and girls who still thought him to be a god.

School went ok and at the end, I found Cole chatting with my brother as I made my way toward the doors. "I invited Matt to come over and join us for a little B ball this afternoon. Is that ok?" he asked me.

"Sure why not. Just got to get Max home and I can meet you guys. Your place?" I asked as Max came up."Sure. twenty minutes?" I said sure. He offered to take Matt with him and I agreed thinking maybe we shouldn't be seen so much together. I took Max home and he kidded me a little about my new love life. I took it in stride as I knew he meant no harm.

When I got to Cole's house, Matt and Cole were already shooting some baskets. Both had stripped off their shirts and looked pretty hot to me. I did the same and we played a little one on one taking turns. Cole could easily beat both of us but he was pretty considerate and I think let us get a few shots. I reminded him to watch his ankle and he smiled and yelled, "yes, sir." I just smiled and mumbled something about his ankle for track was all. "It's actually feeling pretty good. I think I'm ok." I should have corrected the `sir' thing but was too stupid to do it.

I nodded and watched both guys get sweaty and laugh and carry on. My brother seemed to watch me for reaction out of the corner of his eye. Eventually, we stopped and took time for a soda. Cole suggested we get in the pool to cool down a bit. Matt agreed but said he had no swim suit. "No problem, man, Todd and I go naked. It don't matter." I corrected his bad grammar and he smiled at me and said something like `always the tutor." We just laughed and went to his big pool area . He stripped off first with me right behind. Matt looked at us and shrugged and did the same. It felt really good to cool down in the warm but refreshing water.

We finally moved over to the hot tub and all got in. "Matt, you know there is something going on with us don't ya?"

"Ah, like what do you mean?" Matt replied.

"You caught us in bed last week at your house. I think you get the picture." Cole replied.

"AH, yeah, I guess. Todd kinda told me that you two were a, well, ah , couple I guess."

"Yep. Don't know how many people know. Actually, we are keeping it a secret but I just wanted you to know, well, you're cool and all and I wanted you to know we hope to go to college together. Maybe more."

I sat there a little red in the face with Cole's honesty. "You ok with it or you pissed?"

"No, not really. Todd said he, well, ah, he did admit you guys fucked around some. I'm ok with it. Just wondered how that happened. I mean, I didn't know Todd was gay or that you were either. Just kind of surprised."

"Well, actually, I didn't know anything about Todd. You know when he started to tutor me, and I saw what a good and caring guy he is, I just let my feelings out. I kept it a secret but have known I've been into guys for some time. Don't know why or what but I guess that's just who I am. I'm sorry if I hurt you or your brother. He seemed to like it and, well, it just went from there. I wanted you to know seeing as you kind of caught us, that I really respect your bro and well, I'm in love with him. he is just the right kind of guy I always dreamed about." Cole took my hand and held it and rubbed it a little. I couldn't help but begin to get hard with his touch. I felt kind of stupid sitting like a dork and not saying anything.

"We may go to the same school next year. My dad wants that to happen. Not for sex but because he is so kind and such a great teacher. I learn more from him that at school. The fact he is into sports now, I, well, never really knew him but damn I'm glad I do now. Just wished it happened sooner."

"If you guys go to college, are you going to come out, as they say? I mean be a couple and all."

"If Todd will let me, I will. I wouldn't do anything to hurt him or shit like that. For now, until school is out, we are just keeping it on the down low if you know what I mean.' Cole said honestly. My cock just got harder no matter how much I wanted it not to. Not now anyway..

"It's cool with me. As long as it's what my bro here wants. I know he is really caring and frankly, kind of sexy too." Matt laughed and smiled at both of us.

I finally said, I loved both of them. Where that came from, who knows but it was true.

"Looks like little Todd is showing how much he likes you." Matt laughed as he pointed out my boner. " And I can see you must feel that way too!" he pointed at Cole's cock. "You're a couple of sexy guys."

Cole got up and put his arms around my brother and thanked him. I then noticed that Matt too was getting a boner.

"I just wish I had someone who cared about me like you guys care about each other. It is so cool!" Matt replied. "The girls I date don't give it away too much, if you get my drift. Guess they don't know how much I need it!" "Or care." I joked. Matt looked at me kinda of miffed.

"You know, Todd and I have jerked off and stuff and lately, we did it again. I, well, I liked it and, shit, now you guys got me horny." Matt said as he realized his state. Todd hugged him again. Then he looked at Matt and said, we can do a three way if you want. That is, if Todd agrees. I really respect him and will do whatever he asks." I still felt embarrassed but kind of nodded approval. I loved my brother and at times, really kind of perved on him. He was a sexy dude.

"Oh, man. You mean like sucking one another?" Matt asked, wide eyed.

"Sure, why not. I think we jock boys can keep a secret and enjoy ourselves a little." Cole said.

"I, ah don't know. I mean we jerk and stuff but..." Matt stammered.

"Hey, I sucked you and you loved it." I replied. Matt had no come back.

Cole didn't waste anytime. He got down in front of my brother, the hot tub bubbling. "sit on the edge and let me do you. Think you will like it." Cole offered.

I don't think I ever saw Matt move so fast as he sat up on the edge of the hot tub and watched Cole begin to stroke his meat before slipping it in his mouth. Matt moaned with pleasure. I sat in the tub and watched my lover suck my brother. He didn't last long mumbling "I'm cumming." Cole just sucked harder and took all of Matt's boy juice in his mouth. I got up and went over to Cole and embraced him and kissed him tasting my brother's seed.

"Holy, shit, that was fantastic. Never had such a great blow job!" Matt was ecstatic. "No girl has been that good!"

Cole got back up out of the water, his body all wet and shimmering. He was so hot looking. He smiled a me and I smiled back. He came over and sat next to me as Matt rejoiced. "Master, Would you fuck me now?" Cole asked. I looked at him not sure if we should do it in front of my brother but I finally got the courage to do it. I was hard as a rock. He got up, bent over the edge of the tub exposing his hot ass. I stuck one finger in his hole and he gasped. I stood behind him not saying a word and using just some spit, put my cock to his hole and gently pushed in. He moaned again as I went balls deep in his wonderful pussy. He didn't look up nor did I but I knew Matt was watching us.

I fucked him harder and he moaned some more. It was so hot doing this in the bright daylight with my brother watching me take my slave boy. Yep, I finally got into the idea and just fucked him hard until I came. I pulled out slowly, put my finger in his dripping hole and then fed him some of my cum direct from his ass. It must have been mixed with some of his own ass juices but he didn't object and licked my finger clean.

I pulled him to me and kissed him deep , out tongues mixing the cum from my brother and me on our lips.

It tasted real good! Matt sat on the edge of the tub with his mouth open, but said nothing. Cole kissed me again a I asked him if he needed to cum.

"Oh, yes, I really want to cum if it's ok." He was so meek not at all the character everyone at school knew, but only I experienced. He got out of the tub and laid down on the deck and began to jerk himself off. I got out and went and leaned over and told him I wanted it and then swallowed his cock. He moaned and only slightly protested my work. He blew off a huge load and I savored every drop." Matt sat there still astounded at what we had done.

"Holy, fuck! You guys do this every day? And what's with this `master' stuff I heard you say.

I looked at Cole and he dropped his face down but nodded.

"Well, it's like this. Cole's father has essentially given me him. I know that is weird and nobody knows this now but you , us and his father. It is very complex but you know, some of it. See, Cole has been used by his father some and was well, sexually active for sometime. Hi s dad feels he needs someone now that can take charge with him all through school. He caught us making love in his room via video and once he knew it, he just kind of decided that Todd needs a tutor for school. He is paying me back by sending me to college with him and letting us be, well together. He calls me master because his father told him to and , well, he wants to. I love him though. I guess my real self has come out. I kinda wondered but found sex with him so great, it is what I want now too." I had kind of stammered out my reply to Matt and he looked astounded.

"You mean, you won him , like a, a , fucking slave from the 1800's?"

"Well, I guess you could say that but I don't like to think of it that way. I just know I love him and he seems to want me too."

"Wow, I never would have believed this in a million years. I mean, gawd, a star athlete, most popular guy at school and , well, shit, I had no idea he was a fag! I mean gay. Sorry. And you, my brother, gay too. I could accept that but , but , holy crap, I had no idea!" Matt sputtered out his comments.

Yet he was boned again, and I pointed that out to him.

"Yeah, I know, its just so, weird and all. I mean, I loved it and your fucking him was so hot but I never saw anything like this except in maybe porn videos. Yeah, I've looked at male gay videos. I guess I'm not quite as straight as you thought. And yeah, I loved being in bed with you, but, holy, shit, I never knew this stuff actually existed!" Matt was almost beside himself.

I took Cole's hand and held it. "I love him, Matt and we are a couple. Who knows where it will go but right now, I'm happier than I have ever been. Please respect him. This has been very hard on Cole too.

Matt nodded yes. He came over and hugged Cole and almost laughed when he said " welcome to the family, man!"

Cole smiled at him. "I know it is hard to believe the role I played to be just another dumb, cool jock." Oh, sorry man, I didn't mean...'

"It's ok. Todd's been calling me a dumb jock forever." Matt replied.

Cole went on. "I could never show this side of me. Maybe it's been there all along. See, my dad has some kind of weird ideas about discipline. I don't know if he "made me gay" or if I just came around to realizing I was anyway. But I could never tell. When I met your brother, it, well, it just all came out and he accepted me and I realized he didn't object to my advances with him. Sooooo, I just let things happen but now I'm glad. Once we are out of here and school, I will know I will be open and come out, as they say. But right now, I'm afraid it would hurt Todd. I don't care about me as I learned a long time ago, being a big jock wasn't really what I wanted anyway. It's all a myth."

Matt nodded. "Yeah, I guess you're right. It hasn't done that much for me either. But, I do like working out and stuff and the wrestling is fun. If I can tell a secret, I wondered if I went into wrestling so I could get a feel of other hot guys!"

We all laughed. I told Matt I never thought of that. I was missing out I guess.

"You guys are cool. I'm not sure about owning another person, but I think what you guys seem to have is real cool." Matt smiled at both of us. "And little Matt here, sure never enjoyed himself so much either. Would you ever consider doing something with all three of us?" Matt said eagerly.

"If Todd says it is ok, I'm good with it You got some nice stuff there."

We finished out little craziness and Matt and I said we had to go. Cole stayed naked and kissed both of us.

We drove home and Matt couldn't shut up about it. I had to quiet him down and make him again promise to keep it all a secret. "I won't tell. I won't risk not getting another sucking. I might even want to suck him if he will let me! Ya know, just to experiment and shit like that." Matt confided.

"That's a shock! My jock brother willing to suck another guy!"

"Yeah, well, I don't know for sure but sex with another guy is pretty neat shit I guess. Never would have thought that but I sometimes wondered a little." He chuckled at his own revelation.

We went home and had dinner as a family. My dad announced that he had talked again to Cole's father. I was nervous. Had he revealed anything? As it turned out, he and dad discussed me and Cole going to University of Florida! I was amazed and in shock, never thinking I would get to go there. "Can we afford that?" I asked.

"Well, it seems Mr. Rivers has connections and is prepared to pay for you two to go there." My mother was in shock and wondered allowed if this was a good idea. "Why not. I mean if Cole and Todd are close friends, and his dad will spring for costs, at least some of them, then we should consider it. I think it may be a good idea. Look at the opportunity for Todd."

Matt looked a little down. I knew he had always wanted to go there but lacked the grades and it was no question, the money was an issue. I was just hoping he wouldn't blow the secret.

I finally said it was too bad that Matt couldn't go too. "I'll miss my bro if I go. Yeah, Cole and I would love it I'm sure but I don't know if it fair to Matt."

"Well there may be some good news there as well. I told Mr. Rivers that h aving your schooling paid for would let us spend a bit more on Matt but he wouldn't be able to go there and he might feel slighted. Mr. rivers suggested that maybe he could pull some strings and get Matt in as well!"

I was shocked. Just how much influence did Mr. Rivers have and what would this all mean?

"He was saying something about maybe getting Cole an apartment off campus. I guess he can do that too, and let you guys stay there with Cole. Do you know Cole very well?" Dad questioned.

"AH, yeah, I know him some from school. And, since Todd and him are good buds now, I've talked with him more. Seems like a great guy." Matt looked a little sheepish as he looked to me and then our folks. I was glad he didn't blurt out that Cole just gave him a blowjob this afternoon!

We ended dinner pretty stoked. Wow, my brother and my lover living together and going to the same school! Holy shit. My life just got a whole lot better. As Matt and I smiled and laughed and were excited about the possibility, I still, I still hadn't really dealt with telling my folks about being gay probably, so hell, I knew I must be, but also, noting was said about the "arrangement" I had with Mr. Rivers to be much more than Cole's tutor! I wasn't sure I wanted to be more than his lover! I knew I would have trouble beating his ass no matter what he did. Shit, if he fucked up as some college freshmen do, then what? It would all come out and I would be left dumped out of school along with my brother and I would really have to face my parents wrath. They trusted me and I was always so responsible! Damn. Mr. goody two shoes for Christ's sake! I was so messed up and now maybe in too deep to drop the whole thing. I seriously considered calling Mr. Rivers and telling him I wouldn't do it but then he already had evidence of Cole and me fucking! Shit! My life might just be a mess and I had no ideas how to deal with it.

End of chapter 8

Next: Chapter 9

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