Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on Apr 24, 2013


Todd's Senior year Awakening

This is a ficitonal story of gay male sex among high school guys. Don't read if illegal where you are or if this type of story offends you. You must be 18 to read it. The story is fiction and the property of the author. If you have comments, suggestions or ideas, please let me know at

Thanks for reading! rob

Chapter 5

We got up and I kissed him again. I smiled at him and knew this wasn't the time to say it was time to get back to the homework! We laid together and just smiled at one another. Too spent and too confused to know what else to do. We must have laid together for at least a half hour. As we were coming down from our high, I heard something and looked up to see my brother looking at us from the bathroom door. Oh fuck, I thought and tried to jump up. Matt looked at us and smiled and said `it looks like you two are doing more than studying!" He laughed. I was deep red with embarrassment. I started to talk but Cole held me and simply said "Hi, Matt. Guess the truth is out about me. I am so in love with your brother and hope you don't mind too much."

"Fuck! I can't believe our school star is a fag and so is my brother!" Matt said quietly.

I was going to say something, who knows what. I mean to be caught by my brother doing shit like we were, but Cole put his hand to my lips and said if anyone was to blame it was him. "My life really has been shit. You may not approve but I fell hard for your brother. See, he is the first person in my life to really be my friend. I want him as my lover and will do anything for him. If you out us, it's ok, I think. I don't care anymore, I'm tired of being some jock hero and sick of the image. I just want a person to care about me more than what I can do for them. He doesn't ask anything of me other than to help me do what I need to do to be happy. If you want to tell anyone, tell `em. This is the first time I am truly happy and want to share it with your brother."

Matt looked at both of us. He then smiled his usual smile and said he didn't care. If it is what we both wanted, then it was ok with him. Cole got off the bed and went to him and hugged him He didn't seem to care that he was naked and had my cum on his ass! Matt was a little surprised at first with the hug but eventually hugged Cole back. I got up and pulled on some shorts and handed Cole's to him. Matt just smiled and said he wouldn't share our secret. "Todd is my brother and I hope a best friend. I wouldn't say or do anything to hurt him either." We all hugged and then Matt shrugged and said," you guys need to clean up a little. Mom will be home in an hour. Wanna go for a swim?"

We all laughed a little. Might as well swim naked as you guys don't seem to mind! Fuck, you guys make me horny. I may need to blow a load!"

We laughed and all of us went to the pool and jumped in. We swam for maybe a half hour before I reminded Cole he had work to do. "What kind of work is it?" Matt smirked and laughed. "School work, I said. I smiled and went up to my brother and kissed him! Even my action surprised me!

I had no idea if Matt would say or do anything. I didn't know if he would share this secret with our parents. I was scared and totally confused. In less than a month, I had gone some a struggling jock straight guy to some kind of gay, maybe perverted guy. I didn't know if it mattered or how I actually felt. I guess I would have to talk with my bro later and see what he said. I only hoped it wouldn't mess up my life or maybe, more importantly, Cole's. We went up to my room just as my Mom got home. She was as usual bright and cheerful and said hi to all of us. I told her Cole and I were going back to finish homework and she said that was fine. She even invited Cole for dinner. Matt hung back a little and said nothing. We all went up to our rooms and I knew I had to talk with Cole about what happened earlier.. Fuck the school work. This was my life we needed to talk about. Matt went to his room and shut the door. I had no idea if he would say anything but we all new my secret love life with Cole was now anything but secret and just between the two of us.

Cole stripped off his shorts getting naked again. I didn't. He looked at me now wearing just his glasses and asked me if anything was wrong. I said we needed to talk. "What about?" he asked appearing confused. I looked at his hot body staring at me and decided I couldn't just go up and kiss him. We did need to talk.

"I'm worried for both of us what Matt saw. I never told him that we did any of this gay, romantic stuff." I said.

"He is cool. I don't think he will say anything."

I wasn't so sure nor was I willing to have my life turned up side down. I mean, I had worked hard to try to escape the nerd image and become more of a socially acceptable high school guy. I was kind of becoming a jock. I had worked out to improve my skinny body. I was no god or anything like Cole had probably always been but still, I felt I was looking good. I also realized that much of my new peer acceptance had happened because of Cole letting me into his little inner circle and the whole "in crowd" often did what Cole said was cool. They didn't know about any of this gay stuff though and probably would reject him and definitely, me. I was so torn up but yet still loved being with Cole and having him take such good care of me sexually.

"Don't worry about it. Look, Todd. I have had these feeling for awhile. Finding out about my brother just kind of confirmed those funny feeling inside of telling me who I am. I guess I always had some gay in me and just repressed it. Finding you was the best thing in the world for me. I am so sorry your brother found out. I don't want to hurt you but gees man, I really believe I'm in love with you. You are the first guy I felt I could really trust and when you responded to my advances, I just let loose. I know we've only been friends for a few weeks but still, I love you. I want you to control me just like you have with the school stuff."

I nodded my head still not convinced but a little more at ease. Maybe I too was always gay. Maybe that's why I liked jerking off with my brother. Would we have done more if given the chance?

Todd slowly removed his shorts. Of course he had no underwear on. He was getting used to being commando and had liked it. Cole had asked him not to wear any underwear and he had complied to meet his god's request.

Cole pulled him over to his desk and embraced him and kissed him making his meat start to get hard. "Oh, fuck. I wish I could have you with me all the time. I would do anything you asked . I love you so much!" Cole remarked.

Todd enjoyed the attention he was getting but knew they had to finish the school work. Todd lightened up some and told his secret lover " Maybe I will fuck you later, but for now boy, you got to get your work done. If you're good, maybe you can have some of me."

"Yes, Sir." Cole replied. " I will do whatever my master says." They both chuckled but Cole went back to work on his school stuff and Todd did the same flopping down on his bed to read. He turned and looked at Cole sitting naked in his chair with only his hot glasses on. Cole had accepted Todd's demand that he wear them whenever he worked or read. It was a hot sight he decided and smiled at himself for getting the hot stud jock boy to do as he was told..

Todd had a tough time concentrating and was amazed that Cole was so compliant. Todd would always imagined that things would be the other way around with him doing whatever a hot stud boy would make him do but here he was, thin and lean, not as muscular or certainly as popular, making this stud do as he told him and realizing that Cole would suck his cock, a good sized one, or let Todd fuck him, at will! Truly amazing!

Cole would occasionally take a glance at Todd and if their eyes met, would smile. Otherwise, it was silent in the room. Todd's parents called up that they were going to the store. They told both of their sons to be responsible and they would be back in a few hours.

Todd heard Matt yell back from his room, they would be fine. Todd echoed that sentiment as well. Todd heard the car leave and shortly thereafter, he heard a quiet knock on his closed door from the baht he shared with his brother. Todd felt bold enough to tell his bro to come in without putting on his clothes. Cole made no effort to hide himself either.

"Come on in." Todd said casually.

The door opened and Matt, wearing just some shorts, came in and looked around. "Fuck, you guys can't get enough of this naked stuff can you!" Matt remarked.

"We're just comfortable. " Todd replied casually.

"You want to join us?" Todd laughed.

"Well, I don't want to interfere."

"You won't, plus I know you get naked in your own room and have been in mine as well."

Matt opened his pants and let them drop. He was a little boned. "I can't believe what I saw you guys doing before. I mean, gees, you guys gay or something?"

"Todd didn't know what to say but Cole just looked up from his book and kind of nodded and said I'm in love with your bro. You shocked?"

Matt kind of sighed and the muttered " I guess whatever works for you is fine." He looked at his brother and then at Cole. "I can't believe what I saw. It is just so unreal. I thought you were into chicks, Cole."

"Used to be but see, that, I decided isn't what I want. They just want to be seen by some guy they think is hot. I'm not that hot. But, they don't want to give it up all that much. And the guys I hung with, well, fuck `em. They just want to hang with somebody they think is a star athlete. I'm not really that good. I thought I was, but that doesn't really get me excited much anymore. And when I met your brother, he didn't care about any of that. He just kind of made me do stuff. He wanted to help me without getting anything in return. See, I always have been fascinated by guys. But, I never really found one that cared about me as a person. Just some guys who wanted to be seen with me I guess. I was just there to be a good jock and perform. They wanted me for what I could do for them. They didn't give a crap about me as a person. Then, I met your bro. He didn't ask for anything. I wanted to see what he might do which is my bad. I found out quickly that wasn't the case. He just came through for me. See, all I want really is someone who cares about me. My family doesn't. My dad doesn't. My mom left and never calls or checks on me. Everyone close to me didn't see that I need someone who just accepts me without judging me."

Both Matt and Todd looked at him as Cole teared up. Matt just stood there looking but Todd immediately went to Cole and put his arm around him and tried to console him.

Cole tried to wipe away his tears but Todd held him tighter and looked at him.

"I'm sorry if I messed up the impression you had of me. I just want someone for me .' Cole said tearfully.

Ignoring his brother's presence. Todd looked at Cole and then kissed him as he held him.

Matt walked over and put his hand on Cole's shoulder. He was uncomfortable with this but seeing how his brother had reacted, couldn't deny that what he saw was affection at least, maybe more. Cole sobbed and finally said "I need to go home. I fucked up. Now you guys both know and I appreciate everything you did for me but I can't dump all my shit on you." He looked at Todd. "I am fucked up and didn't mean to show my true side to you guys. You've been really nice to me but I can't mess up your lives too."

Todd held him and said quietly, " you didn't mess up anything for me. I just never thought I could care about someone so much. It all happened so fast. I want to care about you too. I love you, Cole and don't care what anyone thinks. If you're gay and based on what we both have done, maybe we both are, then I don't care. I will tell my folks and let things go from there."

Cole shook his head and said nobody has cared for me so much but I can't let it ruin you. It will probably ruin me and I won't let that happen to you too."

Matt finally piped up with, "Man, this is all so crazy. I didn't know anything about you except what we all saw at school. I had no idea. I promise, I won't say a word to anyone. Todd knows I keep my word. If you guys want to be lovers, then, well, that's the way it is. My bro my not be the best jock, but he is smart, smarter than me" he laughed "and fuck he is hung too." All three laughed when Matt said that.

"Yeah, he is both of those things, but that's not all of it. I know he is a good person as well. I see how he always takes care of Max and seems so nice to everyone. It's that that I really care about. Of course his brain has helped me too and damn his cock is so sexy but even if it wasn't for those things, I still know he cares about people." All three boys chuckled. Todd put his hand over his cock to hide it some. He felt embarrassed at all the praise he had received.

Todd finally ended the little meeting saying what had all happened was maybe a good thing. He really understood where Cole was coming from. He had never told a sole about knowing that Cole was regularly abused by his dad. Matt finally found the courage to hug his brother and then Cole.

"Todd will figure it out and we can all move on from there." Matt offered. I will help him too and your desire for him are all safe with me.. Cole hung his head and then looked up to Matt and said he was sorry for bringing this all on. Todd looked at him and just kissed him and said everything would be ok, although he wondered if it would be.

Cole got up from the bed and said he should go home. His dad would be pissed anyway and thiswouldn't help matters if he stayed. Todd nodded and they both got up and slipped on their clothes. Matt did the same. They all hugged and Cole said goodnight to both. He would see them at school the next day. Todd kissed on the cheek . They all made their way downstairs and Cole thanked Todd's parents for the great dinner and for letting him use Todd to get his work done.

The parents had no idea about anything but did notice Cole looked a little red in the face and seemed sad. He left and mom asked Todd if everything was ok. He said it was and he watched Cole drive out the driveway.

Back upstairs, Matt just looked at Todd and then smiled. "You are one cool fucker! Sorry I maybe messed things up and I promise I won't say anything. I can see why he loves you though `cause I love you too."

Todd got red in the face and simply nodded. He wondered how he would deal with all this but was kind of glad his brother knew what was going on now. He went to his room and go himself cleaned up and ready for bed. Both brothers said little as they brushed their teeth and headed to their rooms.'

"Ah, Todd, ya want any company tonight?" Todd smiled at his brother and said that might be nice. Matt smiled back and they went to Todd's bed that still smelled at little of his afternoon with Cole. Both boys got in bed and Matt took Todd's hand and looked him in the eye and said "you're cool, brother. I'm glad you are my brother."

They didn't jerk off or anything but Todd appreciated his brother's support and the feel of his hot body.

Cole's Point of View

As I drove home, I wondered what would happen next. I now had outed myself to Todd and his brother. I loved Todd for all he had done for me with both school and allowing me to be sexual with him. Although I said and really believed, I didn't care, I was worried. What would happen to me now at school? Maybe even more importantly, what would happen to my relationship with Todd?

I thought as I drove home about my home life. I was really alone and couldn't tell anyone. I hadn't even told Todd the whole story. I was afraid. What a pussy I was. I chuckled to myself a little about that as I was willingly, Todd's pussy. I wasn't worried about that but when dad found out, if he did, what would he do. See, the reality is in addition to my weekly ass beatings, Dad had also used me for sex since Mom left. Maybe that is why she left. Dad blamed me for everything and had started to molest me since I was twelve. At first, I was afraid. I am still afraid of dad. He started by touching me all over and eventually started to make me suck his cock and then he moved on to fucking me. He said it was a lesson to learn about him giving me his seed to make me a man like him. How fucked was that? Maybe he also fucked my older brother but he had never said anything about it. I was alone and eventually accepted it like I did everything else he did. He would fuck me, make me clean off his cock and then beat my ass. It still happened every week without fail. I hated him for it but learned that as his pussy, I started to accept it as fate and sometimes, he actually made me feel good. He never said I couldn't fuck girls but slowly, over time, I was less interested in girls and seemed to need another male to use me. The only thing was, I wanted it to be someone who both loved me and who I loved. I would gladly give myself to another guy for that. It made me feel wanted. I know that is fucked up, but that is how I am. Todd was the only guy who I admired and loved and wanted his big dick up my pussy as dad called it. I couldn't tell him tough and was afraid he would find out. I was actually pleased that I had become such a good cocksucker. What a whore I had become. Dad never made me do it with other men and it was always private. He demanded I never tell anyone or I would suffer big time. I was afraid of him and although I think I loved him, I wondered how my life got so messed up. He demanded that I excel in sports. He also demanded that I be a success in school. He wanted me to go on to a university and big a big star there too just like it had been since my days in Little League, then basketball and track. He made me work out and for that I was glad as it did give me a great body. Everyone seemed to want me and I felt good but had to hide my secret. I both loved and hated my father. I now had no one, except for Todd who never expected anything from me except that I prove my ability. I decided I had to tell Todd the rest of my story. He would listen, I think he would anyway. I knew I had to be 100% honest with him. I wanted him, I needed him and if I lied, I would probably regret it later. Maybe I would have to tell me dad about Todd too. Maybe then he would lay off me. But maybe he wouldn't either and I knew I didn't want anything to hurt Todd and my dad could be pretty mean. I guess that would wait for now and if Todd was accepting of my faggot ass and my story, we would work that part out together.

Cole went home and went to bed. He knew he would face Todd tomorrow.

End of Chapter 5

Next: Chapter 6

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