Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on Apr 22, 2013


This is a gay, erotic, story about teen boys. Do not read if illegal, you are under 18 or if you are offended by this type of fiction.The story is the proerty of the writer. If you have comments, ideas or suggestons, please send to me at Please send donation to NIfty to help keep this site going. Thanksrob

Chapter 4

I woke up thinking about the same stuff and also about Max. I didn't want Max to think we were now boyfriends. Hell, I can have a boyfriend. That would make me gay and I would be a target at school. Yet, the more I thought about what I had done in the last two days with both Max and Cole, the more I realized I liked it and it wasn't phony like it was with Sarah. I thought about Max and started to get a boner. Then I thought about Cole and got a real boner. I jacked off thinking of his hot mouth all over my dick. I looked at the clock after shooting a load all over me and saw it was 8:25. I immediately thought about Cole and his weekly ordeal. I wondered how long it would take and if he would call me after. Just then, my cell buzzed and it was Max. He wanted to know if I could hang out and I told him I could for a bit. He was happy and said he would be over in a bit. I told him I had to dress and have some food. He whispered "don't get dressed. I liked you naked." I laughed and said he was sick. He just went "mmmmmm" and hung up. I had cum all over me so I got up without even wiping it off. I did smell the towel Cole had cum all over and I liked the smell of his cum and him on it. I was starting to get another boner. I put the towel away again and went to clean up.

I was just getting out of the shower when Max appeared in my room. Damn, I was still naked and had taken a little long as I stroked my boner in the shower thinking about Cole.

Max came in and said sorry about barging in. I grabbed my shorts and got in them . I still had no shirt or shoes on. He sat down on my bed and said he thought about the other night and decided that, as I gave him boners all the time, he must be gay but was worried that someone would find out. Besides me that is. I said I got it and we were friends forever no matter what . He nodded and smiled and then asked me if I thought I might be gay too. He was always pretty direct. He never covered up what he thought which kind of endeared him to me yet was a reason probably, that he was such a geek.

I coughed a little and looked at him and said maybe some. " I think all guys go through a period like this. It's hard because we don't know what to do and if we are gay, so many guys our age will fucking beat the shit out of you. They are so caught up in trying to prove something and show their masculinity. The never admit anything." I ended my little dissertation. Max nodded and said he got a boner thinking about me. I said I got a little carried away the other night. "No, it was fantastic. I can't stop thinking about how you licked my cock for me. It was like, super hot."

I smiled at him and said maybe we could do it again. "Like now, maybe?" He was always so direct.

"I think we should wait, Matt is in his room and I wouldn't want him to hear. Let's go eat instead."

He looked a little disappointed but agreed and I grabbed a shirt and we went downstairs. I fixed us each some juice and cereal. He complimented me on the great game and how well I performed. "You're a regular jock boy now. I bet that Cole was happy about the win.

"Yeah, he was." I said . He took me with him to a party and we had a pretty good time." I said lying. "Maybe we can all hang out sometime. He seems pretty cool and his car is great. He must have a lot of money." Max commented.

"Yep. He does but I don't think that is his coolest thing. Max looked questioningly.

"He really is nice and appreciates the help I gave him on schoolwork. We might become friends actually."

"With is hot bod, I could like being friends with him too. And his car." Man he is lucky and you are too to be hanging around with him.'

"Oh, it's nothing much. But I agree he is pretty cool."

We chatted a bit more and thankfully, the Cole topic was dropped. We decided to go to the mall and then maybe come back and use the pool. It had gotten warm again and the pool heater made it nice. I drove and we bummed around the mall. I got some shorts and we ran in to a few people who all remarked and glad handed me about the win. I thought that some of these people wouldn't have even noticed me a week ago I thought Cole might have something about people just wanting to use you for fame. I figured it was a fluke and wouldn't happen again so my fifteen minutes of fame would soon be over.

We went back to my house and I was worried that Cole had not called me. I wasn't sure if I should call him but with Max around, I decided to wait. We got in swimwear and were in the pool. Nothing real serious but I did get to admire Max' pits and leg hair some giving me a little stiffy. The phone rang and it was Cole. I grabbed it and went off in the corner to answer. Cole said hey and I replied the same. He seemed down and I asked if everything was ok. He said the demerit session went not too bad but he had a sore ass. I told him that I was worried. He asked if we could get together and I told him we could but that Max was over. I was surprised when he said ok. I told him to bring his homework. He whispered about maybe doing something else with me after to pay me. He lightened up a little. I said we would see what we could do. I told Cole to bring his swim stuff if he wanted. He said sure and showed up about twenty minutes later.

I told Max he was stopping over. He asked why and I told him he needed homework help. Max said ok but stayed. Cole greeted us both warmly and was nice to Max. Max was in his glory. It was like the Beiber had shown up. Matt came out for awhile and we all went in the pool. I was surprised that Cole wore his board shorts over and just a tank top. God he got me horny even dressed!

Thankfully, Max got a call from his folks saying they were going to some relative's house and he was supposed to go. He reluctantly packed his shit and left. Cole high fived him making Max feel good. Matt also had to get going.. Another wrestler was having a party and he wanted to go. I was so happy with my luck as my folks who came out and chatted with us a bit, went off to a movie.

Soon it was just Cole and me. We said we were going to do school work . After everyone left, I asked Cole about the morning. He took me aside and dropped his shorts. I could see the red marks on his pretty ass. It had just a slight bit of dark hair on it which gave him a more masculine look. I wondered about his hole too but didn't want to ask. I was still angry that his dad could do this to him. " I think I might have something for that. Come on."

He followed me in the house apologizing for being a little wet. His swim wear was damp but I told him he was fine and we went up to my room. "Gees. It is so nice in here." He said. "I looked at him like you're kidding I'm sure, and he said it is nice. Plus it's got you in here.

I told him to take off his shorts and lay on the bed face down. He did it while I found sound soothing cream in the medicine cabinet. Fuck, see this stud laying on my bed with his hot ass, even with red marks all over it, practically made me cum. I went over and told him to spread his legs some. He did as I told him and I wanted to just touch him so bad. I put some cream on my fingers and when I touched his skin, he flinched a little. I asked if I was hurting him and he whispered no. I began to gently rub his ass with my finger tips admiring the soft few black hairs on it. I told him I was spreading his ass cheeks a little and he just moaned but in a pleasurable way. Spreading his cheeks gave me a little view of his hole. I saw a few hairs around his nice pink little pucker. He whispered that his ass never felt so good. I tried using just my finger tips and got real close to his hole. He squirmed a little but I could see a smile on his face. He moaned again and said that my fingers were doing great but it was making him hard. I looked and could see he had lifted a bit and he was getting a boner. I leaned over and asked if that needed some attention too. He kind of laughed and said it always needed attention. I kind of laughed and I don't know what possessed me but I just put my face to his ass and with his cheeks separated. Licked his ass hole. "Oh, Gawd." He moaned. He stayed as I lapped a second time at his hole, before he sat up and smiled at me and said no one has ever done that before. He kissed me and then I rolled him over. His cock was now stiff as a pole. I reached down and touched it and then bent enough to put my mouth on it. "Oh, damn, Todd. You don't have to do that." He moaned

I didn't pay attention and sucked it and tried to swallow as much as I could.

"Oh, Oh, Oh, ah ." he moaned. Just then, he began to shoot his load in my mouth. I coughed a little but was determined and just kept sucking his boy juice into my mouth.

"Was I a good nurse for you?" I smiled.

"Awesome!" was all he said and he pulled me up for a long passionate kiss. I was still hard from all this and while we kissed he found my cock and stroked it.

"Wish mine as big as yours he whispered", before going down on it and swallowing about half and sucking like a motherfucker. I moaned and told him I couldn't last long and with that, shot my load in his mouth." "Gees, I love how you taste." He whispered.

We lay on the bed just touching one another all over. "No one has ever made me feel so good." He said. I asked about some of his dates and he just laughed and said they weren't even close.

We didn't say anything for a minute or too but he finally asked if I would fuck him for love. I looked a little surprised. "I'd like to know what it feels like to get fucked and I want you to be the first to shove that thing up my hole." I wasn't sure we were ready for that. I mean blowjobs and such were great. I think all guys want them whether they would admit it or not. But fucking. That was new and if we fucked, we were definitely over the edge into gaydom. Is that a word, I wondered? Oh hell, who cares. I said I needed to think about that some. I wondered if it would hurt if he fucked me. I had stuck a finger up there but that was all. It hurt a little.

I finally said I thought we should wait but that if we did, I wanted him to do me too. I said his ass was sore and we shouldn't hurt it. He got up and stood in front of me. I touched his ass and bent over and licked it again. He pulled me up and hugged me like never before. I'm sure my Grandma had done that some but, fuck, it wasn't like this!

We kept one another's cum in our mouths. I said I might never brush my teeth again. He laughed and kissed me. I finally said we needed to get his work done. Sitting naked in at my desk, I made him wear his "Harry Potter" glasses. I knew he didn't want to but did so obediently. Damn. How hot was that, this totally naked stud boy wearing nothing but his glasses and holding a book. He was so hot!. I told him I wanted him to wear the glasses now everytime he read.

"Yes, Master." He joked. We did his work and I showed him how to do the math he was assigned before doing some of my own. We stayed naked while we worked. I was so weird as I looked over to him laying on my bed doing homework. I mean, he was the hottest boy in school. No one would ever believe it. I didn't want this time to end. He had a few calls on his cell. He told his buds he had to do schoolwork. He didn't mention anything other than he had come over to my house to get some help. I heard him defend me when one of his buds must have said something about me. "Todd is awesome. He really knows his shit and has taught me a whole lot." He said. He looked over to me and smiled. He ended by telling his buddy that he doubted he would have time to go out with him. "I think I might see if Todd wants to get something. I mean he has given his whole day to helping me. I owe him big time."

When he hung up, I told Cole He didn't need to spend the whole day with me. "If you got stuff with your buds, you can go. I'll be fine."

"Todd, don't you know that was just bullshit to keep them away. I WANT to be here. Damn, I'd stay forever if I could. I do want us to go out. We have a lot to talk about. I don't know how you feel but I love you. I have never felt anything like this. Even doing homework, just knowing you were nearby made me smile. "

I felt a little better and smiled back to him.

"Just saying, that's all." I said meekly.

"I meant what AI said. I want you. I only worry that you may not feel the same and that's ok, I guess. I want you to be a big part of my life. You make me feel so much better. Dad can whip the shit out of me if I know you will be near me soon."

He came over and hugged me. Our dicks rubbed together.

"Do you think your folks would be pissed at me. I mean, I'm wanting you all the time. "

I think my folks would be ok once they got over the shock. It's your group that might have trouble with it."

"I know. We need to talk about that sometime. I mean if they know I'm gay, then all my cred with everyone will go away I guess. You know, right now I don't care though. I just don't want to hurt you or do anything to make your life hell." He said.

I kissed him and he held me. We looked over and realized it wouldn't be too long before my folks would likely come home. I suggested we both shower and then get dressed.

"Can I shower and wash you?" he asked.

I nodded yes and we went to the bathroom I shared with Matt and showered. He washed me so gently and sucked my cock until I came..'

"Hope you don't mind, but I want to taste you all night." He smiled

We dried off and got dressed I let him borrow some jeans from me. They fit a little tight on him but I could make out his package and the shirt was a little too tight also but revealed his well developed chest. We just wore our flip flops . I was glad because I could see his masculine feet and sexy toes. Fuck, I wanted to suck on them!

He told me it was cool to wear my stuff. He said he liked smelling my underwear from the other day. He said he kept it near him all night.

We went out and had a coke before my folks got home. I had made sure the cum was cleaned up from upstairs in my room. My folks greeted Cole warmly and we all chatted. Cole asked if they minded if we got some food. He smiled at me and said he thought buying me dinner was the least he could do to pay me for helping him with his work and giving up my afternoon. They of course, said yes and we went off. After we were out of the driveway, he had his hand on my leg and his fingers just slightly up under the fabric of my shorts rubbing my leg. Damn, I was in heaven!

At dinner, we talked about a lot of stuff. He asked me to explain how I had a brother almost the same age who obviously wasn't a twin. I explained the history and the adoption of my brother. He thought it was pretty cool. `You brother is almost as beautiful as you. Not quite, though." He smiled. "I think I could get to like him real well."

I told Cole that Matt liked him too but stressed it was in a different way. Cole asked me if we ever jerked off or anything. I said we did but rarely but that we had just done it not too long ago. "Wish I could have seen that. It must have been amazing!" he said.

"My brother is a hot guy. Yeah he is hung but not as well as me I joked.". Cole had his hand on my lap the whole time we sat there. I t was good that the place had long tablecloths! He actually kept massaging my groin the whole time. He laughed and told he wanted to get me hard so he could suck me again in the car. I said it was a long walk to the car and didn't need a boner leading us out. He laughed and we had a great time.

On Sunday, Cole called me early and we whispered sexy stuff over the phone. Glad it was my cell so no one could listen in. I couldn't believe the stuff we were saying to one another. He asked me to come over and chill at his place all day. He was proud that his homework was done. Mine was as well. I told him I had promised to hang with Max today. He was disappointed but understood and said he would just mope around his room and smell my cum stained underwear. I knew he was joking but figured he might just do that. I said he should probably call one of his buds and hang with him so as not to raise any suspicions. He said he could do that later but suggested I come over and bring Max.

"Are we going to mess around with and audience now" I joked.

"No, we can swim and chill. I think Max is cool. Maybe we can play a video game or something too." I said that was fine and I could call him back.

I talked to Max and told him about it and he was real excited. He almost shit thinking that the coolest guy in our school wanted to invite him over. Of course, he said yes. Max and I chatted about various stuff on the phone. He told me he was still thinking he was probably gay. He told me wouldn't it be cool to see Cole naked? I almost choked. "I bet he is really hung and stuff. " I wasn't going to comment. I told him to focus on what he really wanted. "You know I'd do you too he offered." That's not what I meant I told him. He needed to find a gay boy that wanted him and who he wanted as well.

"we're too close a friends to do any gay stuff. I mean, I like how we get along and have always been there to back one another up. I'm not sure we would make good boyfriends though."

Max seemed a little disappointed. I told him I did what we did because one, I loved him like a brother and second, to help him see if gay boy sex was what really what he wanted. If it got him off, then he probably was gay.

Max seemed to want to think about that so we ended the call and I said I would pick him up. Matt was a little unhappy that I wanted the car but promised I would be back in the later afternoon. When he found out where I was going, he smiled and said he was glad his little nerd bro was hanging with a cool guy for a change. He did grab me around the shoulders and said he could live. We were both smiling. I was glad that we didn't have an argument. I was kind of happy and glad that my brother and I could get along.

Max and I headed over to Cole's house. Max was so excited. We talked a little about his gayness and I, being so confused about my status, didn't offer anything other than to say I found some guys very attractive. Max said he was glad he told me and I was too. I felt a little bad though as Max and I had always been 100% open to one another. I guess he still was but me, not so much. I did suggest a few guys we both know who might be likely candidates for him to check out. See, not all nerd boys are gay. Probably most aren't. They just aren't very sexual at all. Maybe they will find themselves someday. Max listened and nodded at my suggestions.

As we drove through the gates to the River's home, Max was taking it all in with his mouth hanging open. He wasn't any wealthier than me and marveled at the place. It was impressive. He also was so anxious to see Cole who before, he avoided fearing he would be some kind of target for him. Now he was openly saying how he wanted to get a look at his body. Weird. Then, to think about it, I had kind of thought the same stuff.

Cole came out of the house wearing just shorts. I got an immediate boner which was tough to conceal. Cole was all smiles. Max jumped out of the car almost forgetting to undue his seatbelt. He fist bumped Cole's effort to greet him. I think Max was probably creaming his shorts to be greeted and acknowledged by this super star `god' in his mind. To keep it normal, I just gave Cole a fist bump too and tried to conceal my hardon. Damn. I forgot to wear underwear again. Cole let Max lead the way to the pool. That gave him a chance to whisper in my ear, that he thought my cock was glad to see him. I blushed and he gave me a quick kiss, laughing . He said he was glad I forgot my underwear.

Max asked where he could change. Cole shrugged and said he could use the cabana but he was changing right here. Max dropped his jaw as Cole just dropped his shorts and reached for a swimsuit. I showed them I had mine and did the same. Max just shrugged and dropped his pants and underwear. Thankfully, my boner had gone down a little. Max could have cared less about mine as he stared at Cole's naked body and swinging cock and balls. "There's nobody here but us so... what the heck." He smiled. He slipped on his swimsuit as I did and we both dove in. Max, hesitant and not a great swimmer, jumped in. We all swam a little and then Cole started a little horsing around. He grabbed me and pulled me under. I responded by pulling him down under and grabbing his cock. Max joined in a little. I knew he saw Cole and I grabbing each other. I was glad Cole saw him too and we both went after Max. he was having a great time until I pulled his suit down and off. We all were laughing but I knew Max was embarrassed. I told him to be a sport. Max looked a little hurt but Cole swam up to him and said it was fine. Max kind of sputtered about me embarrassing him. Cole looked at him and said he had nothing to be embarrassed about. He clearly looked at Max's junk and said "nice package!"

Max was overwhelmed. No one had ever commented on his dick before. Cole said if it bothered Max, he would take off his suit too. Now I was getting a hardon. Hearing no reply from Max, Cole did strip his suit off.. I did too and we all swam around and played naked. It felt really good.

Finally, Cole pulled himself out revealing his gorgeous ass. I laid in the water and floated a bit. Max couldn't take his eyes off Cole and his swinging dick and balls.

I think Max almost pissed himself but there was no way he could hide his boner. He got out at the ladder and tried to hide his erection. Cole sprawled out on his towel on a lounge. His entire manhood exposed. Max came over to sit on a chair. Cole just smiled at him and said it felt good to be naked in the pool. "We sometimes skinny dip when there aren't many people around." He said. Max nodded, still embarrassed but I'm sure not knowing what to do with the situation.

I got out too and walked to sit near Cole. Max stammered something about swimming naked got him boned up. Cole looked over and said smiling, not to worry. " Hell, you got a nice dick, nothing to be worried about. We're teen guys. All guys get boners." I'm sure Max couldn't process it all. But certainly didn't want to take his eyes off Cole. We sat around for awhile. Cole's naked body was so inviting. I wanted to run over and suck his cock. I tried to think of other stuff like my dried up old math teacher.

Cole was pretty open and Max relaxed a bit. "Does it bother you to be nude, Max?' he asked.

"No, no , not at all." He relied nervously. "If it does, we can all get dressed." Cole replied.

"Oh, no, I mean whatever you want." He stammered.

We talked al little about school and sports. And the games next week." Max mostly just listened as he had little interest in sports other than when he decided to join track with me. Cole finally said we should get something to drink. The sun was pretty warm. He got up and strolled off naked to the guest house to get some drinks. While he went, Max couldn't hold back and started to babble to me how hot Cole was and how relaxed he was being naked. He wondered if I had seen him like that before. "Only a couple of times. I mean we do take showers in gym and after basketball games." I told him. I didn't want to venture into any of the stuff we had done in his room.

When Cole came back, he gave us each a water and complimented Max on his hair. "Man, you make Todd and I look like boys. You are pretty masculine looking, Max."

"Oh, I got nothing on you guys. I mean you got muscles and stuff. I just got hair."

"Hey, Max, you look good with your body hair. I think it sexy." I said. Cole nodded and said he wished maybe he had more. "Oh, no, you're beautiful!" Max exclaimed. He immediately turned red realizing what he said.' Thanks, Max. I do work hard at the gym and it is nice that you think so." Cole replied and patted Max on his leg. Max was so startled.

"I think guys never really appreciate other guys much. I mean, lots of guys have nice things about their bodies. Look at Todd. Did you ever see such a nice cock on a guy." Cole admired.

Now I was embarrassed. What the fuck. Was he going to come grab it or something? I just smiled . I noticed Cole didn't pull his hand off Max's leg. I decided to join in and agree guys have nice bodies. I said how hot Cole's body was. "I mean he is perfection for a 17 year old guy. Probably nobody tells him that." I said.

"Gees, guys, I'm not that special but thanks for the compliments." Cole said smiling. Max now had a boner and I could see little clear droplets on the head. "go ahead and take care of that." Cole said to Max pointing out the boner.

Max was beet red. I said yeah, we could jerk off if you want." I offered. "Or, I could help you guys out. I don't mind. Maybe we should do one another." Cole offered. He didn't wait for a response and simply let his hand move to Max's cock which was rock hard. He took it and gently stroked it. " I think you are hot, Max", Cole smiled.

Max was in ecstasy. He never would have dreamed the hottest stud in school would even talk to him let alone jerk him off! Max laid back and moaned. I stood and watched. Cole looked up at me and saw my boner and motioned to come over. I didn't need another invitation. I moved over and stood next to where he was seated with Max. he took his right hand and put it on my ass pulling me closer. He leaned over and put my cock in his mouth. Max didn't see at first. He was enjoying the cock rub that Cole was giving me. I moaned as his lips surrounded my cock making Max look up. "Holy, shit! You're sucking Todd's cock. Holy shit!" Max said staring at us. Cole nodded his head that yes he was. I guess kind of obvious though.

I moaned some more. I no longer cared what Max might think. I was in heaven suddenly, I felt hot splatters on my leg and saw Max shooting a load. Cole took his stroking hand away and turned slightly to face me head on. His now cum drenched fingers went around and stroked my ass. That was all I needed and I shot a load into Cole's mouth. I could hardly stand I got so weak in the knees. He kept sucking and it drove me wild. By now, Max was up in his chair.

Cole's dick was hard and dripping and Max went for it . Cole didn't seem to mind and spread his legs a bit to make it easier for Max to reach him. Cole took his mouth off my cock and cum dripped from his lips. I bent over to kiss him as he shot his load. Max pulled off some but got a decent mouth full.

We all just kind of stared at one another for a few seconds before Max finally said. "Wow! I had no idea getting sucked was so hot. And I had no idea you sucked cocks, Cole"

"Ah, Max. This is something that no one else knows about. It is very private. You got to swear you won't tell a soul about it." I said. I knew Max could see the panic in my face. He read me like a book.

"No way I'm telling anyone about it but damn it was so hot." Max replied. I looked at Cole who didn't reveal anything in his expression. Just kind of blank. He finally mumbled `shit". Cole looked over to me for help. I thought you started this shit and now you got busted. What am I supposed to say?

"Ah, Cole just got lost in the moment. We have both jerked off some lately and I had dared him to suck me off to , ah , well, just to see how it feels." I offered.

"Yeah, the fucker won a bet an I just paid him off." Cole said as he joined the lie.

Max looked at both of us and I knew he knew we were covering something.

"Ah, Max, Cole and I messed around a little. Nobody knows but now you do so I hope you won't say anything about what happened.."

"No, I would never rat out my best friend or any friend of his." Max said.

"Thanks, man. Just to show my appreciation for keeping it a secret, I will be glad to buy you guys lunch." Cole suggested.

"Oh, you don't have too. I'll keep my word guys. But I got to tell you, I never had such a hot day in my life. Thanks, Cole for doing what you did for me!" Max said.

The subject got dropped, at least for now, and we all dove into the pool. After a little horseplay, we got out and got dressed to go.

Hey, Cole, don't forget to finish those math problems and the paper for history. " I offered. "We got to get going and I know you got plans for later." I didn't want Max to think we hung out all that much. If the truth be told, I wanted to kiss Cole and even make made passionate love to his hot body, but I knew we had to get out of there.

Cole seemed disappointed that we had to go. I was super horny still as I guess every 17 year old was most of the time.

Cole agreed to get his work done and that in fact he was supposed to meet some guys. Max and I thanked him for the 'hospitality' before going back home. We drove home and all was kind of quiet. Max wasn't his usual chatty self. He did finally look over to me and said he was cool with everything that happened and had a great time. "You know, I tried to tell you I had gay feelings and it is really a relief to see that maybe you do too." Max said not looking at me.

I looked over and smiled at him and told him I didn't know what to say. I really didn't know how I felt about being maybe gay. It was all too new for me to deal with. I dropped him off at home and he smiled and said I was his best friend and not to worry about anything. We would talk more.

We got through the weekend with me and my brother going out for dinner with my parents. Nothing was said about everything that had happened between Max, Cole and me. I wanted to keep it that way.

The weekend was uneventful but Cole did call me and to tell me he had done all his work like a "good boy". It made me laugh a little but he was sincere. He told me how much I meant to him. He also told me that on the first day, he wanted to see what I would do when he stripped. He didn't know me well then wanted to see what I would do. He had decided, he confided, that he wanted to make a move on me. He admitted that he never would have done that with his so called, friends but wondered if I might be open. He admitted it was a bold move on his part that he did and apologized for everything. He said I was a true friend to him, maybe the only true friend he could be honest with. I was a little pissed at first but then thought that I had followed his lead making me somewhat guilty as well. He called back before I fell asleep and apologized for doing everything he did. He just didn't know anymore where he was coming from and with his brother admitting being gay, he wondered about himself. I finally told him it was all ok and I wondered about myself as well. I did tell him that Max had admitted some interest in gay sex as well and maybe we were all just exploring our inner selves. He seemed relieved by all that and told me how much he appreciated me and admitted that maybe he was in love with me! I was shocked to say the least but told him that I felt a great deal of love for him too. There. It was out. I just hoped he wasn't playing me and would share this with his friends how I kind of perved on him and all. He said that was far from the truth and he would never betray anything I told him just like he knew I wouldn't do the same to him.

I went to sleep that night somewhat restlessly, just wondering just where it all would lead and if I was truly a gay kid. I had no one other than him to share this all with. I couldn't admit this to Max could I?

On Monday, we all went off to school. The playoffs were coming up. I knew we had to win if for no other reason than to make sure Cole was not abused by his dad for failing to live up to his expectations. Lunch came and Cole and a few of his buddies joined Max and me for lunch. I was still a little surprised by Cole's actions as he didn't need to do anything at school with me. We talked like normal friends might and I was still in shock and in awe that he would treat me like one of the cool guys. After lunch, I wanted some ice cream, don't know why, maybe just giddy about my new friendship. Cole followed me over and I bought him one too. He was surprised a little but he smiled and thanked me. He said he felt a little uncomfortable accepting it as with his usual crew, they would have thought he would buy. I told him quietly and privately, that I really liked him and wanted to do it. He smiled his special smile and thanked me for being so nice to him.

I thought later how lonely his life must be. At home, his father gave him little time. His so called friends just always seem to want to be with him for what he could do for them. He was a lonely `god' I decided and would do my best to always be his friend. Maybe more, I thought and chuckled a little.

After school, he met me and asked if I wanted some help with basketball. I asked him if he wanted help with school stuff. He smiled and suggested we do both. He knew I wanted help and it was like having an NBA star tutor me. His friends wanted him to go to the mall and hang after practice but he said he couldn't . they seemed a little irked and one even asked him if he was going to be with his "little nerd friends." Cole got angry and told him to fuck off. "I can hang with whoever and Todd helps me with school. Don't ever call him a nerd again. Maybe you ought to meet some new people too and stop trying to be just a stud." The guy looked a little embarrassed and Cole apologized. He was always the one to make sure things were cool. I caught just the tail end of the conversation and immediately told him it was ok if we didn't study that night. He looked at me and said that was what he needed and if I was ok with it, he would prefer to do that. I just said ok and off we went. We dropped off Max at home. He seemed to accept at I was going to help Cole. After a quick call home, we left. Once in the car, Cole put his hand on my leg and said he wanted more than study time. I smiled at him and put my hand in his crotch making him moan a little. "I wanted to get the hell out of school all day so I could touch you the way I wanted." He said.

We decided to go to my house as my folks would not be home and I new Matt was off to see his girlfriend. My Mom had told me on the phone she was going shopping. We got to my house and hardly got in the door before Cole grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. He started to apologize for the things he had done on the first day but I wouldn't let him. I just reached up and pulled his gorgeous face to mine and kissed him. We hardly got to my room before we were naked and I was on the floor kissing his sexy feet. He moaned with pleasure but said I should stop because they probably smelled. I told him if it was his smell, I just wanted more. I pushed him on my bed and climbed all over him licking and sucking like a damn fool whore. I tasted his chest, his pits, his feet, and even tongued his ass before he grabbed me and held me tight and his tongue was deep in my mouth. It was the fucking gayest thing any two high school jocks could do and I'm sure most wouldn't even imagine! We rolled around for a bit before he flipped me over and began to tongue my hole. I moaned with pleasure but told him it was probably smelly. I knew it was not full of shit or anything because I now washed it thoroughly every day both at home and in the school showers if I could. He smiled at me as he dug his tongue in and moaned that I tasted fantastic. He must have licked me for quite awhile before I told him I was cumming. He stopped immediately and asked if I would shoot it in his ass. We had fucked once. I was surprised as he had been the receiver of my spunk the last time. I actually wanted to feel what it was like to get fucked. He said no way and immediately raised his legs high to expose his beautiful hole. It was still a little wet from where I had tongued him earlier.

"You sure?" I asked and he nodded.

I took my cock and aimed for his hole. "Oh, god, fuck me hard. I need your stuff in me." He begged. I pushed my cockhead at his hole. He winced a little but said to just slam it in to him. I didn't want to hurt him but he kept insisting and I knew my balls were ready to explode. So, I just pushed in and he cried out in pain but held me tight, encouraging me on. I slammed in and hardly moved when I knew it was too late and I shot a load in him. "Oh, god, oh god it feels so good. Please baby, make me your bitch!" I was so excited I shot another two ropes of boy cum up his ass but at the same time, was a little surprised that he said what he said. I looked down at him. He had tears in his eyes. I pulled out slowly and put my arms around him and kissed his face licking up the tears. I didn't know how to respond but held him.

"I so needed that" he whispered as we both came down from our high. I noticed he had also shot a load, probably bigger than mine! I moved off his face and began to lick his cum off his rippled belly. I started to cry a little too. "You don't need to eat my cum, he said but I refused to stop. I then went down and licked my own cum off his rosebud hole as it was leaking out. He smiled at me amid his tears and pulled me close and kissed again. This time we exchanged some cum that was in my mouth.

Fuck, I thought. I was really a gay boy and so was he! He held me and the remaining cum on me got pressed in our skin. "I really love you, ya know. I am so glad we got to exchange our cum. You make me so happy. I've never had anyone love me the way you just did! I mean what I said. I want to be your bitch and will do anything to make that happen. I don't care if anyone else finds out. You just accept me as I am and I owe you so much." He said. I had no idea what to say to him but I was happier than ever. How could such a stud like him even need me to do what we just did? Yep. I guess I'm fucking gay! I had all kinds of feelings rolling around in my head but I knew I wanted him more!

End of Chapter 4

Next: Chapter 5

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