Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on Oct 18, 2013


Graham's Story part 2

This is a fictional tale. No characters are actually real nor based on anyone who is real. Don't read if underage or where illegal. The story is the property of the writer and cannot be used elsewhere. Comments? Send to

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The attendant opened the door of the car for the driver and then ran around and opened the back door. Five really hot guys got out. One in the back, was muscular and dressed very sharp. The driver got out next and he too was good looking although not as well built. Out of the front, stepped a really hot looking guy. He looked like a model or something but was shirtless and had the top button of his skinny jeans open. He was goregeous. I was now quite an admired of hot guys bodies. Out of the back, a hot looking Latino guy also shirtless and dressed like the previous shirtless guy got out. Both shirtless guys wore thin leather collars and it was clear they were the other two guys `boys' The driver, a handsome younger guy who looked like he had money led the way. He saw me and I wanted to run away afraid of what he might say. He looked at me though, smiled and motioned for me to come over.

I went, somewhat reluctantly. He would be the best looking customer I ever had if he hired me. When I got closer, I looked across the street to see Ethan. He gave me a nod that indicated it was ok.

The good looking guy came up to me and asked me if I was homeless. I told him as politely as I could, that I wasn't really, but in a way I was. He asked me why I was there and I kind of hemmed and hawed a little not wanting to admit I was a street whore. He smiled at me and asked if I had eaten anything recently. I had to admit that I hadn't. He put his hand on my shoulder and then looked at the attendant and asked if he knew me. He really didn't and said something like I was just a whore street kid. He had a rather smug look on his face. I felt so inferior to any of them.

The nice guy then told the attendant to park his car and then asked me if I wanted some food. I nodded that I did. I looked toward Ethan again and he kind of nodded something that said to go for it. I couldn't leave Ethan though and finally got the words out that I was working with my friend and nodded toward Ethan. The nice guy looked over and then waved Ethan over. He came and the guy asked our names. I was shocked. No one who used us ever asked anything about us. They just wanted their cocks sucked or to get in our `boy pussies' as they called them. We told the man our first names. He didn't ask for more and actually shook our hands. He invited us to come in for some food. I was shocked and think Ethan was too. Ethan told the guy he didn't know if were appropriate. The muscular guy then said we didn't look much different than the other boys. We all smiled. I noticed the two shirtless guys said nothing. It was clear that they deferred to the other two who were maybe, their masters. Ethan had told me a lot about that and I had observed it in action.

Ethan then told the guys that I was only 15. He said he was 21 which he really wasn't. He was 19. The man looked us over and said " I'm an owner of this joint. I guess I will risk having a minor in here." So, in we went. I was amazed with all the loud thumping music, dancing boys on little stages and many people drinking at table or the bar. I was fascinated as men and women went up to the dancers and slipped money in their jocks, many reaching in for a feel as well. Some guys had lots of cash sticking out. Those giving them bigger bills also got kisses and were allowed a better feel. I had never seen such a place.

We went to a large booth that was marked `reserved'. We all sat down with me next to the nice guy and Ethan at the end. No one asked us for ID. A couple of almost naked waiters came over and practically fell over themselves taking care of us. The man looked at Ethan and me and motioned for the waiters to bring us steaks. I had never eaten steak before. My diet was mostly what came out of a can.

The food arrived and we ate like starving animals. The man smiled at us and asked us things about ourselves. I was kind of afraid to say much but Ethan came right out with his story.

I was waiting for the two well dressed guys to start molesting us. They didn't. The muscular guy put his hand on Ethan's and then my leg moving his fingers up toward our dicks but he wasn't overly aggressive nor mean. I felt after the great meal, I would have dropped down and sucked any of their dicks. The nice guy and his boyfriend danced some and eventually, so did the muscular guy and his Latino boy. They were very sexy and the half naked `boys' got felt up a few times. They never responded and just let the guys feel their hot asses their pecs or wherever their hands went.

Ethan and I just sat there. He did say to me that I had done us both a favor. He even thanked me for bringing him along.

The evening went along real good. We weren't making any money but it was fun just watching. I was getting tired and I think Ethan was nervous that we hadn't made much money.

Being well fed, I got a little sleepy. The guys gave us cokes and never tried to make us use any drugs or anything. They were real nice to us. The nice guy finally looked at his expensive watch and said they needed to go home. He looked at me and asked if I had family. "I don't think you should be on the streets at 15. Where are you sleeping?" I told him I stayed with Ethan. Ethan was proud of the fact that he took me in and watched over me. The man nodded and then said I should be ging to school and playing sports and stuff. He asked if I had family. It told him my folks were both dead and I had run away to keep from being made a whore by some Arab guys.

I don't know if he believed me or not but just said ok. Finally, he called Ethan over and talked quietly to him. Ethan didn't seem disturbed by the conversation but just nodded. He then came over to me and said I should go home with the men. They were ok guys and I shouldn't worry. I asked what about him?

He said they offered but he was good and that he always knew I should be in a better place. I began to protest and he finally just stopped me and told me I was going with them. It was the bst thing for me to do. "EVerything is good." I didn't want to leave him. He was my life now. I had no idea who these guys were and I was afraid.

Ethan said he understood but he already decided I should stay with them. "I got to move on anyway. You know I told you about the police and if they catch you, a minor doing this shit, they will lock you up."

I nodded agreeing I didn't want that to happen. We got up and the man who told me his name was Todd, signed the bill and we went out to the black car. The shirtless attendant was waiting for us. Todd gave him a twenty and we all got in. I sat in the back with the two shirtless guys. In the car, the man introduced all of them telling me the guy up front with him was his brother Matt. The two in the back were Ricky and cole. Seeing how nervous I was after shaking their hands and doing a fist bump with the two in back, we drove off. Cole put his arm around me and whispered that Todd was a real good guy an he would protect me. I was still afraid but it felt so good and hot too having this model looking guy hold me to him and try to make me feel good.

We drove to a part of town that I didn't know existed. We went to a nice condo they had rented I guess telling me they actually lived near Miami Beach. I had never been there. It seems that they may have been involved in several other clubs as well.

When we arrived, Todd drove the car into the garage. We all got out and Cole kept his arm around me. It felt so good. As soon as we went in, I was amazed at how nice it was. It looked like a picture from a magazine. What surprised me though was that immediately inside, both Cole and Ricky took down their pants and hung them up. They were buck naked as my daddy said. They seemed to make nothing of it. The other guys pulled off their shirts. "We are pretty informal around the house. You can get naked or stay dressed. I know you might be a little nervous around us.

Seeing their hot bodies, I had no pride so I pulled off all my clothes too. I assumed I would suck cock or get fucked but I did that anyway so I didn't worry. My biggest concern was that I didn't have nearly the body they did. Yeah, I was kind of thin but had a decent chest for 15 and my cock was working it's way to 6 inches.

they said I was hot. I smiled for probably the first time. I asked who I should suck first. They laughed and said no one. They laughed and said I wasn't going to be anyone's whore anymore. I should begin to think like a regular 15 year old. I didn't even know what 15 year olds thought about.

Matt and Ricky went off someplace. Todd asked Cole to get me something to drink. I sat on the couch. Todd asked me if I minded if he got naked. "I don't want Cole to feel alone.' He laughed. I nodded and he stripped off his pants revealing the biggest dick I had ever seen on a white man. He didn't do anything other than a quick adjustment. We sat in chairs and Cole sat on the floor at his feet.

I thought it strange until later when they explained their lives and how Cole was kind of like Matt's wife. I really didn't get it at first. Todd asked me lots of questions. He told me his lawyers would work on the situation the next day. He clarified that I had no living relatives and asked if I would like to stay to them with Todd becoming my guardian. I didn't know what to say. I just nodded. He explained htat no kid should be on the streets at 15. He asked if I was gay or straight. I said I was probably gay but had no real experience with girls. They laughed and said I would find out soon enough. It was late when we went to bed. They asked if I minded sleeping in the guest room. I said sure it was ok. I swathe room and it was great with a huge flat screen tv and its own bathroom. I felt kind of alone though and asked where they slept. They showed me an even more fabulous room. I t had a king sized bed which I knew they shared. I asked if it would be ok to stay maybe on the floor in their room. Todd said I could sleep with them. I needed a warm body to sleep close to as I had every night recently, with Ethan. Todd said I would sleep in their bed with them. It made me happy to be with two such hot guys. They kissed passionately before getting in the bed with me in the middle. I felt real weird but oh so comfortable. I had never been in a bed like that and Ethan's bed was kind of thin yet lumpy. Yet, it was a bed and I had been grateful to share it with him. Plus, he was so good to me. I felt guilty in this bed knowing Ethan would go back to the apartment and be alone again. I hated that thought. We had been like best buds lately in spite of our age difference. I think he saw me as his little bro.

I had a tough time sleeping next to these two handsome guys. I figured that were in their early to mid twenties and wondered how they got so rich. I eventually fell asleep but didn't sleep sound.

I awoke early as I felt Cole move around. I was shocked to see him crawl down the bed, slip the covers off and bury his handsome face in Todd's ass. I had eaten ass a few times but it was kind of gross I thought and the guys who I did it for smelled some. He was going to town when he looked up and saw me watching him. I tried to close my eyes so he'd think I was asleep but he had caught me and grabbed my toe and took it in his mouth. I giggled a little. He looked up, smiled and then back to Todd's ass. I was fascinated. Did he do that a lot? I didn't know but thought he looked hot doing it. Then, he slid up and took Todd's huge horse dick in his mouth and began to suck. I heard Todd moan in pleasure . Todd then whispered that he had to pee. Cole just sucked harder and then Todd smiled and I saw his throat move a lot as I knew he was drinking Todd's piss. Oh wow! He was being Todd's toilet now and he seemed to love it. I had such a boner by now that I knew I would blow soon. Todd looked over at me and sawing me rubbing one out. He smiled and said good morning to me. I replied in same. "Cole does this for me every day. I usually don't piss but I guess he didn't want you to wake up too soon. Does it bother you?"

"Heck no!", I exclaimed. " It is so hot to watch. Oh man!" I knew I was cumming soon and had to get up and dump it in the toilet. "Cole will suck you off if you want." Todd nodded to Cole and then Cole crawled over a bit and took my cock in his mouth. Oh, man what a hot mouth. It felt so good and all I could do was moan. I shot off a few ropes of stuff in his sucking mouth.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. You didn't need to suck me off, but man it felt good!" I was beside myself in pleasure.

Cole licked me clean and then crawled up between Todd and me and kissed him. Todd didn't seem to mind tasting piss and cum on this hot guy.

"I usually fuck him now." Todd said. If it bothers you, I will do it later.

"OH, no, man this is so hot. Go ahead. Don't let me interfere. I will go out if it bothers Cole or you."

Cole just stayed doggie style, the position Ethan usually used on me. And Todd just shrugged and got up behind him, no lube or nothing and began to fuck his stud. He came kind of quick and dropped it all in Cole's ass. I was ready to blow again.

WE all got up and went to the bathroom . I thought I should leave them alone but Todd said to come along. I pissed in the toilet as Cole got the shower ready. Todd brushed his teeth and then got in motioning me to join them. It was such a hot thing. Cole carefully washed Todd and then Cole did the same to him sticking something up his ass to wash it out I guess. Cole knelt in front of me and looked up seeking permission to clean me. I just stared and he took that as a yes and began washing my whole body. He stuck the think Todd use on Cole's ass, up my ass and I was embarrassed how dirty the water came out. I guess you could say I was full of shit.

When we were done, still wet himself, he dried off Todd and then me before doing himself. I had never had anyone do that since my daddy did it when I was maybe five. This whole experience just seemed so unreal to me. I thought about Ethan very often that day and wondered what he was up to. I didn't have the heart to tell anyone here my thoughts. I figured I would seem ungrateful.

We had a great breakfast that Ricky and Cole prepared. They got Matt and Todd's and my food first before joining us. I wondred what their thoughts might be but they were just nice to me.

Todd told me we needed to talk before the return to Miami. I said I would and we sat in the living room. It was so strange sitting naked with these guys. I was used to being with just Ethan and we were naked most of the time. There must be a lot of nudists around Florida I thought.

He asked me all about myself. I told him honestly what I knew. He asked if I had any ID but I didn't. No one ever got me a social security card that he asked about nor did I have a driver's license. He called his attorney asking first if I wanted to stay with them. I wasn't sure but I sure did like the life they led and had never experienced. I finally told them about Ethan and my worries about what would happen to him. I didn't want to not be thankful for what they had done for me just since last night but still, I had been with Ethan for awhile and liked him so much. He was the nicest person to me since my daddy had died.

Todd seemed to understand and treated me so nicely. After we talked to the lawyer, he said I could become a ward of the court but that he would look after me at least until I turned 18. He emphasized that it would be my decision but he knew it was only a matter of time if I didn't, that I would be found and probably put in a youth home. He doubted that any family would take me as I was too old. I had so much to think about. Then he said we should go and talk to Ethan. I was so glad. Only todd and I went there with me showing the way.

When we arrived, I went up to his apartment. He was there and smiled broadly when we came in. I told him about what Todd had proposed and he listened. Then, he and todd went outside and made me wait for them > I saw them talking down in front of the building and wondered what they said. I knew it was about me.

When they came back, Ethan was the first to speak. He told me I should stay with Todd and his guys and that it was best for me. He told me how much he cared for me but that this wasn't a good life for me. I asked what he would do. He smiled and then said that Todd offered to hire him as his houseboy. He said he would consider that but wasn't sure he could give up his independence. He knew he should do something as the life he was leading would take him nowhere and eventually, he would be just an old street walking bum. He knew Todd was right but in the meantime, until he thought it through, he wanted me to go and stay with him. He thought it would be a better life and he didn't want me hurt. I knew he was right but wanted him to be with me too. I couldn't very well insist that Todd take him. He was 19 and all and a legal adult.

I finally told him I really liked Todd and the guys and would do as he said. With tears in his eyes, he hugged me and gave me a gentle kiss and said he might miss me but he would decide what he should do. He was just glad I would be safe. He and Todd shook hands. Before going, Todd did give him his cell number and a reminder that he was welcome to come. Ethan nodded and then hugged Todd and said his thanks to him for saving me.

We left and went back to the house. The lawyer called back and said that Family Services had no record of me but if he wanted to get custody of me, he could and they would support it. He was considered a single man and nothing was said about his upcoming "marriage" to Cole. The less they knew, the better I guess.

We packed up the stuff. I had nothing other than the pictures of my dad and one of my mom. Todd looked at them and said my dad was a cool looking stud. It made me smile. He promised to have new copies made of the old and wrinkled pictures and he would frame them so I could see them every day.

We went to Miami and to the house that he and Matt owned. I guess Cole and Ricky were owners too but their names were not on the deed. Todd told me that we needed to see the lawyer soon and get the paperwork done or I could be considered a runaway and taken from him if we didn't do something fast. I agreed and we went to see the lawyer and then a court worker. She reviewed the files, asked some questions of me. Before we went, Todd got me some new clothes and I looked way cool.

We went to the court and they looked over everything, asked if I had questions or any objections. I had none. How could I object. This really hot guy was willing to take me in and let me live with him. WE never discussed the living arrangements which was ok with me.

After a long day, we went to a nice restaurant and had dinner. Todd told me that as his son, he had control of me and I would need to see the court worker once a month. He asked me how I felt. I was still in a daze I guess, with all that happened but I said I was good. We went home, wow what a strange thought of having a home again, and he gave me a room of my own. I wondered how I would like that. I never had a room for myself. He bought me lots of really cool clothes and x-box , a smart phone and even and I-pod. I was delirious with all my new stuff and had no idea how I was ever going to repay him. He laughed when I hinted at trying to get a job to pay him and help with expenses. I just expected that I should . He told me, that even as a foster child, he wanted me to think of him as a parent and whatever he chose to give me was mine with no strings. "I know you have seen us all naked but that doesn't mena you have to do it too. You do what is comfortable for you and just do some stuff around the house to help out and study hard. You know you have to go to school. That really scared me. I hadn't been in a school for some time. I told him my fears and how I was often picked on and such for my name. He smiled and said that I could use his name if I wanted. I couldn't believe someone cared so much about me. After a day or two of discussing it, Todd and Matt suggested home schooling. AS they both worked, they said they would hire a tutor. I'm not sure how much Matt supported the idea as taking me in was Todd's idea I guess but he went along with it.

Todd came home early a few times and met with tutors to interview. He and I finally came on one we both thought was nice. I think he was gay but wasn't sure. He was a nice looking young guy, thin, but nice looking with a good haircut. I had no idea what he was packing under his neat slacks and shirt but figured it was probably nice. I was surprised when we were almost done interviewing him, that todd brought up the fact that they were nudists. "You'll find when you come over, that our boy Ricky, who is the housekeeper and with Matt most of the time, is usually naked. I don't know what Graham will choose to wear, but he is free to dress pretty casually too."

The guy swallowed a bit but then smiled and said it wasn't his place to judge others and if that's what we did, he didn't care. I was kind of relieved. He offered the guy a pretty good salary for tutoring me each morning for three hours. He had arranged with the courts to do home schooling as I had not been in school for a long time. He just wanted me to be able to pass the tests and get either a GED or high school equivilency certificate so I might go to college if I wanted. I knew after hearing this that I was gong to be with them awhile.

I didn't mind as I felt really good around the guys. The tutor, Adam was his name, said he might dress less formally too if that was ok. I had no idea what he had in mind.

Arrangements made, I guess I was ready. Over the weekend, Todd said he had talked to Ethan. He again had offered Ethan a place to stay and he finally agreed to come. I was ecstatic and went with Todd to pick him up. He came looking like his usual self. He had some shoes but kept them in his little bag of clothes and other stuff. He left behind much of what he had in the apartment. Todd said that for now, he would have Ethan stay with me in my room but eventually, he would give him some other place to sleep. I was really happy.

When Ethan arrived, Todd said that he would be our gardener and help with some stuff inside as well. Seeing the place and knowing of the nudist lifestyle, made Ethan happy. Within hours, he had washed himself reall good, even his hairy hole and appeared naked and ready to work. Todd said he was happy with all this and could care less what Ethan wore or didn't wear.

I was so happy that I could again sleep with him and he didn't disappoint me fucking me and letting me eat him out. I was thinking that I was a bottom slut anyway and didn't mind.

Monday rolled around and Todd dressed looking like a fashion magazine and Cole dressed equally as hot, went to work. Matt dressed like a gym rat, went also leaving Ricky and I home. I asked how he felt about being naked and submissive and he told me as he cleaned up, that he had decided to give himself to Todd and eventually now, Matt and he liked his life. He said he worked sometimes doing technology stuff but he was equally happy making his men happy. I sat there in my bikini briefs eating a great breakfast he had made.

I was surprised to learn that he considered me now, like Todd and Matt, someone he would have to please. I told him I didn't deserve that knowing what I saw Cole do and assumed what he did for Matt.

He insisted I shower before the tutor came and said he should help. Help he did as he washed me and kissed my dick. Damn. No one had ever done this for me and I felt kind of weird having this older hot guy suck me off. But it was so nice. I knew I had to ask Todd if that was ok.

Once clean and satisfied, I went out in just some shorts and awaited the tutor who shoed up this time in shorts, a tee and flip flops. I was surprised but got a chance to see more of his body. He saw Ethan outside trimming shrubs in all his glory and waived as he came in. He asked me who that was and I explained Ethan's role.

He smiled and we sat by the pool and did some work. He gave me some tests to see where I was . I almost had a hard time concentrating admiring his nice hairy legs, big feet, like Todd's and wondered fi someday I would get to see more.

Ethan came by and chatted . The two seemed to hit it off. Ethan didn't seem at all bothered by being naked with his nice dick swinging a little as they talked. The tutor, Adam, didn't seem bothered either.

It was hot outside and we were both sweating in spite of the lemonade that Ricky brought out for us to drink.

Adam seemed to like the hot looking Ricky with his ring sticking out slightly under his foreskin. I finally suggested we jump in the pool. I wasn't that good a swimmer but it would give me a chance to see my tutor more. He finally agreed and simply pulled off is clothes and we jumped in. He did have a nice cock, about 7 maybe, not terribly thick like mine but longer. He had very manscaped pubes like Matt and Cole had. Todd of course was shaved and it only made his horse cock look bigger.

I invited Ricky to join us as well as Ethan. Neither thought they should but I encouraged them so they eventually jumped in. when I got out, Ricky was right there to dry me off like a child and he gave Adam a towel. He and Ethan just dripped off.. It was so fun and something I could never have dreamed would happen. Ricky got us more drinks and we sat around longer than the three hours Adam was supposed to be there but he didn't seem to mind taking in all our naked bodies as we did his.

Over time, with Adam's daily visits to tutor me, we all became kind of friendly. Adam was always professional but asked me some about Ethan. I began to realize he thought he was hot. I didn't like it at first, but realized that Ethan was older than me, maybe close in age to Adam. He eventually invited Ethan on a date. I knew I couldn't compete or at least I didn't think I could. Ricky became aware of it too and told me it was ok and that if I needed relief, I could use him to either fuck or he would suck me as he had before. I loved Ricky but knew he too was older. He said that it didn't matter. As master's Todd and Matt had decided I should live there, and maybe someday, become like a son to them, something Ricky told me they had discussed long before I got there, he and also Cole would submit to me anytime as they were more or less like slaves for the two macho studs. Ricky and I became close. As Cole was often gone to work with Todd and Matt was at his job too, I only got to see them when they were home or on weekends. Ricky and I chatted a lot and I guess, I thought he was hot. I liked being around the darker skinned Latino who had such a great smile.

He was working on cleaning one day when I asked him to stop and sit with me. He said he was supposed to work. I told him neither Matt nor Todd would mind. I let Ethan work hard outside on gardening and as I was a bit ticked with him for going with Adam on a date, I decided to ask Ricky more about his life. I had to actually tell him, as I was his apparent master, that he must sit. He looked at me wondering as I had never done anything like that. He finally looked down and said yes, Master. I was shocked as no one ever called me anything like that. My life had always been on the receiving end of others demands. He came over and sat on the floor. I told him I didn't want that but that I just wanted him to tell me about himself and Cole and how this all happened. He sat and looked up to me, me just a fifteen year old kid and him into his mid twenties. I reached down and told him to sit with me as I lay on a chaise lounge by the pool. He looked at me and said he would do as I asked.

We talked for awhile with him telling me about his life as a teen. Always hot for other guys, how he submitted to his father and the elders and how Todd had finally brought him into his life and introduced him to his first boyfriend, Max. I had heard some about Max. He admitted, that like Cole turned out to be, he was submissive. He got pleasure from doing for others and being gay, especially doing things for men he felt were superior to him. He admitted he was shocked to find out that Cole and he were much alike. Not in looks or physically, but some deep inner voice made them want to serve what they perceived as masculine men. By masculine, he meant men with direction, men who got power who were leaders. He had a respect for that and felt that he and Cole did not.

He told me that both he and Cole wanted the life they had. It was just strange that they found one another and they both found what they needed in the two brothers. He said the brothers kind of wrestled with all that, Todd especially. He just wanted a male lover once he discovered he was gay. Cole had to almost force the issue by being submissive to Todd.

Now, with a potential son, they would probably pass on everyting they had someday, to this son. By everything, it meant passing Ricky and Cole on too as they now saw themselves as possessions rather than true men or equal partners. I was in shock but intrigued. I guess in some ways I was like Todd, a reluctant master. I tried some things with Ricky to see if he meant it and he did. He sucked my cock and when I told him I had to pee, he came over and took my shorts down, placed his mouth over my dick and said to do it. He actually wanted it! Man, what a feeling of power! Yet, I loved all these guys so much and just wanted to be loved back. He massaged me and let me play with his whole body never complaining or telling me to fuck off like most twenty something's would do to a fifteen year old. I asked Ricky to jack off for me. He looked down and then said he couldn't. I asked him why and he said that he was no longer allowed to pleasure himself by doing that. He and Cole both had agreed to never touch their dicks. He said he got his relief when Matt would fuck him and always did it enough that he would cum from that. I was shocked and just nodded ok. I thought it would be cool to make an older guy cum when I told him to. He said he would suck me off if I wanted him too. At fifteen, a guy wants to jerk off a lot and needed lots of release. He told me more of how they both had agreed to refrain and that it just eventually became something they did.

I had so much to think about. I finally let Ricky get back to his work and told Ethan about it. He laughed but said that he thought it was cool but he wouldn't do that. He was a master of his own domain, whatever that meant.

Later, I told Todd about my discussion and he confirmed what Ricky had said. He said that he never wanted to push me into his lifestyle and that I could even eventually, date girls and maybe get married. He took such care of me I was amazed. I wasn't sure I wanted sex with women anymore. Ethan said it was often a hassle and he was pretty happy just doing what he did.

I thought about it a lot and eventually, when the time was right, I did ask Todd if he would maybe make me his son. I truly loved him like a dad I never had. He didn't think we should have sex as he now thought that might not be appropriate and as a minor, he didn't want to `corrupt me" I told him I would love to give myself to him and he said he would think about it.

I was disappointed as I really wanted him to fuck me with that horse cock but I had to respect him and simply said ok.

Ethan and Adam became a couple. I felt so deprived. Eventually, they moved in together but Adam came and tutored me . He was good and got me to a point that I could pass tests and eventually got my high school equivalency certificate. Ethan continued to do chores for us when Adam would bring him over. I was still amazed that he was always barefoot and wore little, stripping naked when he worked. I wondered if Adam bottomed for Ethan but he wouldn't say. Ethan just smirked when I asked him.

Todd knew if was a little down. I was with all these hot sexy guys, started to go naked all the time like them at home, and made myself available to them. Todd noticed and asked me if I wanted to be his son. The court seemed to like all the progress I made. We were always careful to dress like normal guys whenever a court worker, came to visit and check on me.

My biggest scare came when I met Matt and Todd's parents. They were real nice to me and showed me love like a grandson. I think they may has suspected our lifestyle but never said a word. When todd told them he was adopting me, his mom seemed happy to have a grandson. I think she would have preferred a baby but knowing Todd had no plans to marry a girl, they just let it roll.

After going to court, and having my say, I was formally adopted by Todd who was listed as s single man. I guess even I was surprised that in backward Florida, I could get adopted by him!

That night, we had a big dinner. All of us including Todd's parents and a few friends, went We all celebrated my adoption making me feel so good and loved. That night, we returned home and Todd pulled me aside and said that now that he was my legal dad, and in effect, Cole would be my mom or second dad, he wanted to bring just his family to bed with him. I was so thrilled! I knew I was gay and wanted to have sex with real men. I was also thrilled that my last name became Todd's but he insisted that my middle name be still kept as Stroker. He said it was my heritage and shouldn't change. I agreed. Cole kidded me after catching me jacking off a few times and said it seemed real appropriate. This time, I just chuckled as I knew he was right.

That night, Todd invited me to sleep with him and Cole. They both kissed and caressed me making me so damn horny, I could have blown at any time. Cole took me in his mouth and let me cum in him. He then told me, that as Todd's property, he would invite me to do or have him do anything I wanted with him. Todd looked on as I first ate his ass and then fucked him. Afterwards, a totally satisfied boy, I asked Todd if he would fuck me. I told him I wanted his seed in me as it was the closest way to have his seed, the seed I wish had made me. He asked if I was sure. I nodded and then Cole helped me to sit on Todd's big dick and let it enter me. He ate me first and then applied lots of lube. He licked and sucked my young body to make me feel good. It was still painful the first time but I knew I wanted it. It was so good once I got used to it and smiled as he lay under me.

In the morning, he said that as I was almost 16, he was going to teach me how to drive and more importantly, he was going to call Cole's brother and arrange to have the youngest dancer stripper come over and submit to me all weekend. You need someone your age and I think we can find a boy who would love to make love to you. Yes, it would be like having a whore rather than a lover but the young guy he got, a blond twink of about 18, slight in build but oh so sexy, came over. They left us alone all day and night and I learned to become a top lover like my dad. We had a great time and he taught me some things about pleasing a man. I fucked him several times and he ate my now, hairy hole. I even asked him to fuck me. We did all kinds of kinky stuff. I don't know how much Todd paid him but it was fun.

We also spent some time learning to drive. Matt said I could drive Ricky's car which surprisingly, he didn't object to. I guess it was just another way of him showing his submission to Todd and Matt.

I felt I was kind of skinny, at least compared to Todd, Cole and Matt, and maybe even Ricky. Uncle Matt took me to the gym he managed and fixed me up with a trainer when he was too busy to do it himself. In a few weeks, although sore and tired, I could see my body was reacting nicely. I wanted to be like the others and to have a great body.

Ricky would always attend to my shower. One day, he suggested he trim my pubes and other unsightly hair. I guess he cleared it with Todd and I was glad he did it. As I was starting to grow some facial hair, he also taught me how to shave. The guys were all so good to me and Ricky let me do stuff with him to "practice" being a good sex partner.

My new life was really headed into high gear and I loved all the guys so much but Todd was special to me. He told me about the wedding with his folks back in his home town and that I would be a second best man He also told me about the upcoming orgy wedding that would be held here. He knew I had fucked both Cole and Ricky but said I would join in the celebration as the youngest groomsman there. He let me invite the twink guy I had done a few weeks earlier, as my guest. He would be there to take care of my every need. He attended and dressed like me with a black jock and we each wore a bowtie. I helped him serve the guests some as I wanted to do it and to show off my body. Ethan and Adam were to be invited also and I wanted to let Ethan see what he was missing in me. It was such a wild and sexy event that I hated to see it end.

Dad tells me he thinks I should get involved in some sports or any other activity to my liking. He wants me to meet others. I have never really had a close friend and maybe I can meet some people. Who knows. I just know that I have come a long way and for the first time in my life, I feel safe, secure and most importantly, loved. I know I will never abuse anyone like I was. I find it difficult to be considered a master over Cole and Ricky although they don't seem to mind.

Although I have my own room and private space, sometimes dad will let me sleep with him and Cole. Cole sometimes treats me like a son but when were in bed, he likes to be treated like a slave. Wow! Maybe I won't need any other friends!

I love to go to sports events like pro football games, and basketball too. When we go, we all dress pretty much like regular guys. Yeah Cole and Ricky always wear tight jeans and tees, but we never humiliate them. Cole, a former high school basketball star loves sports. I guess sports were his only way to show his prowess back then and he has made me a fan. We often talk sports over breakfast. WE have really connected that way. It is so cool seeing him sit naked at breakfast, the way dad likes him, to talk like just normal guys. Ricky has helped me with using a computer and teaching me lots of stuff. I may think about a career in computers rather than college. Who knows.

Well, that's my life so far. My dad tells me I will go to college and I'm not sure I want to. I love my home, my dad my Uncle Matt and their two lovers Cole and Ricky. I even like my adopted grandparents. I guess all I need is a boyfriend. Maybe someone like Cole but the twink comes over a lot and I understand that now, Dad doesn't even pay him. I guess he likes me! I am a happy boy!


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