Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on Oct 15, 2013


Several readers of the story "Todd's Senior Year Awakening" parts I and 2 have asked me to add some more information about the character Graham, introduced in the last chapter. This is his story. it basically tells his story and how he got involved with the other guys. I hope you enjoy it.

This is a fictional work of gay eroticism. Please don't read if under age or where illegal to do so. The story is the property of the writer and cannot be used without permission.

Please make a contribution to Nifty to help keep the site going! Thanks! rob

Graham's Story

My name is Graham. Graham Stroker to be honest. Please don't laugh at my name. I have been ridiculed and made fun of by others since I was little and I hate it. So, just call me Graham. I was born kind of out of wedlock I guess. My parents were 15 when I was born. Pretty young, huh. Seems that my daddy , a kind of tough, street fight kid who was good in sports and considered a hot guy by girls in his school, got my momma pregnant when they were in the first year of high school. Momma was kind of a slut I guess, starting at an early age. She lived with her momma who was also a slut I guess. She got mad though when my momma got pregnant and tossed her out. My daddy, just a kid, didn't know what to do. His folks, some very straight farmers, let him bring her to their house and lived as a couple. It wasn't really a marriage but I guess they were so opposed to abortion and such, that they insisted momma should have the baby. I guess you could say that was good for me as I couldn't tell you nothing about me if she had one.

Momma dropped out of school, didn't matter anyway as she was no book learning kid. For some reason, took a lot of pride in having me. He showed me off I guess, to his buds. Daddy played with me whenever he was home. My grandma pretty much raised me and tried to teach momma how to care for a child. Daddy was not really into school that much except for sports but he did finish. He would come home to find his baby's momma gone and I think he felt bad. He tried to play with me and all and do the right thing. When I was about five, he finished high school and joined the army. He said my momma and me should stay with his family. Once done with basic training, he would marry momma and then take us to live with him somewhere on a base or something.

My grandparents didn't have much use for momma as they knew she was putting out for lots of guys. She worked as a waitress in town and was gone a lot. She came home late often.

When daddy finished basic, he came home for a month or so. He brought me toys and I really liked him a lot and followed him around like a puppy. He even worked some while on leave. From the pictures I have now and from what I remember, he was a good looking guy, now with very short military style hair but a taught and muscular smooth body. I followed him everywhere and really loved him. He would pick me up and toss me in the air and did all kinds of stuff. When he came home, he would be hot and sweaty. His momma told him to go shower and take me with him. "don't waste no more water than necessary." I can still remember that she was pretty tight with a dollar. He scooped me up and took me to the shower where we both got naked. He pulled me and with him and began to wash. I remember that was the first time I recall seeing his big dick. It was long and fat and had lots of hair around the base of it. I don't know why it fascinated me so but it did. He washed me and made sure my whole body was clean even sticking the tip of his finger in my butt to wash it out. He said boys needed to wash there too. What surprised me was his dick was a little different than mine. Mine had skin that covered the end. His didn't. I was amazed by the big head on it. He washed mine and slid the skin back to wash under there and told me I should always keep it clean. "You uncut boys, have to do extra cleaning to prevent disease. And, girls don't like no dirty dicks" Ha ha he laughed . What was so exciting was the feel of his big hands on my little dick. It got real hard too and when he stuck his finger in my ass, it surprised me but it felt good too. I asked him if I could wash his dick and he said sure. I took the soap and felt it in all of it's size. I asked my daddy if I would get a big dick too. He told me I would someday and if I was lucky, it might be as big as his. It was fun showering with daddy and I guess I learned something too. He told me the skin on my dick was called foreskin. He said all boys were born with it and most had it cut off. They didn't do it to me because it cost extra and they didn't have the money.

When we were done, he toweled me off as he did his body. I looked at him and admired his big arms and his whole body but couldn't take my eyes off of his cock as it swayed back and forth as he moved. Once done, he combed his hair and mine too and smiled at me and we went back to his room with my little hand in his. He yawned some and said he needed a nap and I cold sleep with him if I wanted. Of course I wanted. He lay down on the bed and I climbed up and got real chose. He pulled off our damp towels and said real me slept naked.

He laughed and pulled me close. We just laid there and I think he drifted off to sleep. I couldn't keep my eyes off his body which fascinated me. I admired his hairy arm pits that smelled so nice and clean. I admired his big legs and feet and all the hair that was on him. I wished I had hair. What fascinated me the most for some reason was his big dick as he called it. I wanted to touch it more. I was cuddled up to him with my little head in his arm pit. He stretched out and had his arms folded behind his head. He was such a nice looking man and he was my daddy. He took real good care and I felt lots of love for him. I wanted to touch his cock again and see it up close. It was different than mine. I moved down his body and put my little hands on it and touched the top that looked like a helmet. As I touched it, I heard him moan a little. I was afraid maybe I hurt him! I withdrew my hands and just looked as it seemed to get bigger. I was still fascinated. Before long, a little drop of something appeared on the top coming out of this big hole in the end of t=his dick. I pulled my skin back and saw that I had the same head and hold but nothing other than pee ever came out.

I touched it again and he opened his eyes. He looked at me and smiled and said it was ok for me to touch him. It felt good he said. I touched some more and he moaned again.

"Ain't getting any from your momma lately so I guess it is just what I need." He said.

I had no idea what that meant but I liked touching the velvety skin and the soft hairs down there.

I smiled at him because he liked what I was doing.

"Go ahead and explore. Someday, you will have one just like it and it will give you lots of pleasure." He kind of chuckled. He reached over and rubbed mine and again I got a real hard little dick. "See, you will react just like daddy."

I liked what I was doing as it made my daddy smile. I thought he was beautiful! The more I rubbed my little hands on his dick, the harder he got until I heard him breath deeply and moan. I stopped for a second until he said no and to keep rubbing. I did as I was told and then he grunted and some big sprays came out of his dick. It wasn't pee and I was fascinated!

"Thanks, little man. That was great. You just jerked me off." I had no idea what that meant but I knew he was happy and so was I. I did something that made my daddy happy! He told me when I got older, I would make this stuff he called cum, also. I couldn't wait. He got up then, gave me a hug and then I asked him if I could taste the white stuff. He looked at me and then said why not and scooped up a little and put it in my mouth. I didn't know if I liked the taste or not, as it was something so new. He said he sometimes ate his cum. "You, like it little dude>" I shook my head yes and he gave me more. It was something from daddy and I was proud sort of. He wiped the rest off and said we should get dressed now.

I got up and he gave me some clothes to wear. He stayed bare chested so I asked if I could too. He smiled and said sure. We went down stairs to eat dinner barefoot and wearing just shorts. I was dressed like him and felt so good about it. Things weren't too formal around the farmhouse.

We didn't do this anymore. I don't know if he didn't want to or not but I sure did.

He was home for a few weeks . I know momma and him would fight lots and I heard him called her a whore. I didn't know until later what that was but decided it wasn't good.

One day, he said he was going back to the army and he wouldn't see me for awhile. I saw tears in his eyes as he told me. Before he left, we moved out of the farm to a small apartment on an army base. He left after only two more days. I cried and I think he did too.

I was with momma though and it was better than hearing the fighting that went on back at the farm.

They had sex before he left and as my bed was in her room, I watched them as he and mommy rolled around on the bed and she moaned like him. When he got up, I saw some of the white stuff on his dick as he went to clean up. He thought I was asleep.

I never got to see him again. For a few weeks, he sent lots of letters and pictures. I remember one of him sitting on a jeep or something, shirtless, smoking a cigarette with his army hat on. Another guy was sitting with him dressed the same and dong the same.

Momma put the picture on her dresser. There were several other pictures of him too, some shirtless and some in his bathing suit. I thought he was hot and it made me remember the day in bed.

Momma didn't spend too much time playing with me. I went off to base school and was hassled some by my last name. It just made me tougher and I got into a few fights by the time I was eight.

We didn't see too much from daddy's parents. They sent me little things but momma always sad bad things about them. In the meantime, momma had men over to "visit" as she said but they often ended up in the bedroom and I had to sleep on the couch. I peaked in a few times and they were doing what I remember her and daddy doing.

I guess she really needed men to love her and I never could do things to make her happy.

I had gotten to be a little tough myself. I recalled what they said about daddy and I was proud that I could defend myself some. Yeah, I lost some fights but won some too. It was just life on the base.

One day about two years later, the mail from daddy had stopped. Then came the word that daddy had been killed in someplace called Iraq. I cried and cried. Momma didn't so much but had even more men over to comfort her. She also had begun to drink alcohol a lot and smoked some different smelling cigarettes.

I hated to be home as momma yelled so much or she was with some guys, young soldiers who reminded me of daddy. They sometimes touched my head and smiled at me while they were getting dressed. I saw their dicks sometimes but never got to touch any. They were usually big like daddys. She had a black guy over a few times and his dick was huge, bigger than daddies. I wondered what it would be like to touch that.

I hung out and some older boys did stuff to me. They laughed when they pulled my clothes off and tickled me and made me suck on their dicks. It was that or get beaten. I chose the easier way out. They said after they pissed on me, that I was a boy whore like my momma was . I didn't know what a whore was but I figured out it was someone who had sex with others. I was mad at them for saying that but they let me join their little gang. I was the runt of the group and in order to stay tight with them, they made me do stuff to show my loyalty and respect they said.

I got used some but these older boys. I hated it when they pissed on me and even worse when one of the guys stuck his dick in my ass one day. "Do it like a good whore.' They all said as two held me down and the third did what I learned later was to rape me. He shot his white stuff in me too. I know because it dripped out of me when they ran off leaving me naked. I had some in my mouth too. I had learned that if I didn't do this stuff with these boys, they would beat me up. If I did, they sometimes let me hang with them and played basketball with me. I guess that was my pay.

One day, I came home and Momma said we were moving. I had no idea why but I learned later that you couldn't live on the base after the soldier had died. I was sad again and missed my daddy.

We move to a kind of poor part of Tampa, Florida. Momma didn't have much money and got just a little check that was for my care and hers, from the army. Veteran benefits I later learned.

We moved into a rundown kind of apartment upstairs over a store that was run by some Arab guy. He charged by the week. I was now 11. I went to school and was smart enough, I guess I was smarter than some of the kids. I liked to read and had a very imaginative mind.

I noticed most of the guys and even the girls weren't much into school. As the new kid, I got my share of ridicule and taunting and had a few fights. I didn't want to be a bully or anything but it was kind of like survival of the fittest. I would always hurry home from school and found I didn't like most of the kids much . So, I went home and read my books that I had and even found a library that I could borrow some book from. Not a very popular place I guess but the lady there said she liked me and was glad I would come. She found me lots of books and let me take them home. I always brought them back and she smiled and would give me more.

The man who owned the building, the Arab guy had a handsome looking son who worked there. He was older than me by a few years . We didn't talk much but he always smiled at me.

One day when I came home, I heard the Arab man up in our apartment with momma. They had some heated words but the jist of it was she didn't have the money for the weeks rent. I guess she had not made enough or spent it on booze. I was afraid he would make us move. I didn't want to live there but knowing of no place else, figured we had to stay.

When I came in, momma was crying and angry. The man was telling her she would have to do better. She said she would try. He told her that maybe I should come help in the store to help pay the rent.

She looked at me and said yes I would do that. No one even asked me but I felt I had to help. That day, I went with him and in his broken English, he told me I would be his stockboy and bring up cases of stuff and put them on the shelf. Mostly, it was cases of soda or beer and they were heavy. It was hot working in the basement of the old building and I was usually sweating up a storm . I was to work for him everyday. Momma later said she thought it would be good for me. I hated the work as it was a hot and dirty place.

The man had his son working there too. I learned later he was 17 and I was now 12. Sometimes he would leave and make his son in charge of me. I had no idea where he went but discovered one afternoon, that he was up in our apartment, screwing my momma. I guess that was part of the rent too now.

I was shocked but shouldn't have been. Momma went to bed with all kinds of guys and maybe being in the store would be better. Some of the guys sometimes gave me a wicked look or a smirk never hiding what they did to momma. She continued her drinking and stuff and I was glad when the man's son would give me a candy bar or chips or a drink.

He came down one day and told me if I was too hot, I could take my shirt off. I did and then noticed he spent lots of time looking at me. I was a little nervous but always smiled at him . His father came in one day and found me downstairs taking a break and eating a candy bar his son had given me. I was shirtless as I now was most of the time. I didn't wait on customers so it made no difference even though I thought I could be naked and he wouldn't care.

I had sat down on some beer cases and found a dirty magazine hidden back there. I didn't know who it belonged to and didn't care. As I poured over the pictures of hot girls and guys, I found my self rubbing my dick. It had grown some by then and I was proud that it was now about 4.5 inches long. I also discovered I had some hair starting to grow down there and I felt like I might be becoming the man my daddy had said I would. When I touched it now and stroked it , it would get hard and I so liked that.

I was shocked when I discovered the man watching me. I quickly put it down and apologized for not working. He came over and saw what I was reading and told me to come over to him. I was real afraid.

He asked if I liked looking at naked people and I couldn't lie. I told him I did. He pulled me to him and asked if I liked boys or girls better. I didn't really know. After my experience at the base, when I got raped and had to suck guys, I found I had actually learned to like dicks. I certainly liked what mine did when I rubbed it.

He looked at me and said something in Arabic I didn't understand but he opened his zipper and pulled out a rather large cock and said if I sucked it, I would get $5.00. I was in heaven. No one gave me money and I had very little. Without saying more, he pushed me down on my knees and made me lick his cock. It smelled some and I didn't like it but it got harder and harder.

That began a new role for me. He made me stop going to school. Oddly, no one ever asked where I was. I even went to the library less as he made me work more in his store and always had me shirtless. He played with my body a lot and always made me suck him. I was getting money now so I didn't mind. He also gave me stuff from the store. I guess I was his candy whore!

One day, while I was sucking his dick, his son came in and watched us. "This infidel is my cock whore. You want to use him?' he said in broken English. The son came over and looked at my naked body. I was always naked as he made me take off all my clothes and sometimes wouldn't let me get dressed again until I went upstairs. I never told momma but by now I suspect she would have just said `whatever works' and not have been offended or mad at him or me. I had noticed that momma ran around in real slutty clothes now as she entertained men in her room. When she went out, she often came back with a man, sometimes even a teenager. I saw money on her bedside table and knew what she did.

Anyway, the young guy, I learned later his name was Amad, came over to me and smiled. He touched my naked chest and just pointed go over to some beer cases. He had me lie down on them and then, he dropped his pants and briefs revealing a big cock tha was surrounded by lots of black hair. He was a younger version of his dad. He got over me and pointed his dick to my mouth and stuck it in. I had done this enough now that I knew what I was supposed to do. I began to lick on him and he said noting other than take the action of pushing father in. His dick was like mine, uncut. It tasted a little funny kind of like piss and behind his skin he had white stuff that had dried. "Clean me off, infidel.' Was all he said. He then fucked my mouth and spilt his Arab juice in my mouth. He pulled out and the told me to roll over. I did and he parted my ass cheeks and pushed his wet dick into me. I screamed out in pain but he just kept pushing until he was fully in me. He fucked me until he came again in my ass. He pulled out and told me I was now their bitch. "White boys should always submit their bodies to us." Was all he said.

I laid there and looked at him. He had a kind of smirk on his face. I admired his more masculine yet thin body. I noticed he had lots of hair in his pits, on his legs and even a little on his chest. He told his dad he would watch me as the dad left to go back to the store. Amad made me stay naked and do some more work lifting and moving stock but remaining naked. He told me I was to always work naked for him now and he would keep my clothes until I went upstairs. True to his word, either he or his dad would give me a few dollars each day.

This went on for weeks. I realized that like my momma, I was now a whore too. Maybe more like a slave but I didn't lack for having sex. Amad even brought his younger brother who I had never met and a few other boys, all Arabs around to the store and I was made to submit to them too. His younger brother was about my age but with more hair on his body and even the start of a little mustache. I was humiliated to have to submit to a young kid like myself but Amad said I now had to do whatever he asked of me. "We own you and your momma." I didn't know what to say other than to nod.

Some of the things they did were kind of cruel. They took turns pissing on me out back one day and made me lick their holes,, some of which were dirty. They never asked me they just did it. They would never allow me to jerk off or would they do it for me. I had to go home, sometimes quite horny and go in the bathroom and do it on my own.

I realized that I was now pretty much their toy to do with as they wanted. What choice did I have?

By the time I was 13, I had little contact with my mom anymore. She was usually busy, we never ate meals together as she was often drunk or high on drugs. I had learned from the street that it was just that kind of neighborhood. I never felt safe except when I was in the store where the Arab boys, in spite of their abuse of me, protected me. I sometimes now found that I actually enjoyed being their naked toy and now when I went to `work' just immediately got naked when I went downstairs. Sometimes they made me work naked and carry stuff upstairs. I had to be real careful so customers wouldn't see me. Amad and his brother an friends just laughed at me.

I came home one day and found my momm a in bed. That wasn't unusal, but finding her alone was. I went in and she was naked. I had a chance to view her now overused body. Her legs were spread wide giving me a full view of her cunt. I had learned cunt as that is what Amad now called my ass.

I looked at her and her eyes were partly opened, her mouth open and salvia and maybe vomit was running out. She had a needle in her arm. I went up to her to try to arouse her as she looked awful. I soon realized she had overdosed and was likely dead. I was in a panic. What to do?

I sat there staring at her and thought of options. I had no idea what would become of me if I stayed but had no where to go. I was kind of afraid of what Amad and his dad would do to me. I was always like a prisoner in the store.

I finally decided I had to run. I found money left by some john on her night table. It was about $50. I grabbed my now unused back pack and stuffed as many clothes into it as I could. I took my toothbrush and the money. I looked around and found nothing of value except for the pictures of my dad. I grabbed those too.

I ran out into the night and began my flight from the awful neighborhood taking a bus a few miles. I had to be on my own now and I would fight to save myself. I cried some realizing I no longer had anyone to look out for me.

I got off the bus in a somewhat safer neighborhood although I knew I should stay out of high class areas as I would be found.

I walked a lot and slept that night in the doorway of a store. I had enough to get me some fast food. Over the next few days, I walked around looking for something but not knowing what. I was glad I was free of Amad , his dad and his friends. I was tired of being used by them. I kept walking noting even my old tennis shoes falling apart. I didn't have money to buy any and was to afraid of to steal some from WalMart or someplace like that.

After walking and thinking about the need to get some money, I happened down a street and saw in the evening light, a place with some bright neon lights. Lots of guys were going in there. I went to see and found that it looked like some kind of club. I wondered why so few women went in but thought no more about it. A really buff guy, wearing no shirt, stood there and supervised anyone who went in. I knew I couldn't go inside so I just kept walking. I stopped on a corner nearby and just watched. I then saw a guy across from me. He was barefoot, wore tight jeans that left little to the imagination, had on no shirt but s small tight vest. He was bare chested . I watched him as he sometimes talked to men who drove up and asked him things. Sometimes he got in the car and other times, they just went on. When he went, he was usually back in about 20 minutes. As I had no place to go, I just stood there gald there were others around . Then, a car pulled up in front of me and the windowwent down. A guy inside called to me and simply said "how much" I had no idea what he was talking about so I went over and he then asked me how much for a blow job. I was so surprised, I didn't know what to say. I looked at him and he finally said, `fuck it man" , and drove off.

I looked up and saw the long haired kid back across the street. He was looking at me. I just stared at him. Finally, he waved me over to his side of the street. I went over somewhat in fear, and he smiled at me . "Didn't get that john, huh?" was all he said. I looked at him with a puzzled look. "You working the streets like me? What he want `ya to do." He asked.

"I , I don't know what you mean." I said.

"Look, kid. If you're going to be a street hustler, `ya got to take what you can get. He probably wanted a blow job. You do those?"

"Ah, I , ah don't know. Yeah I guess so. Is that what he wanted?" I replied timidly.

"Hell, yeah, He'd maybe pay you 20 for one. You must be real new at this."

I nodded.

He laughed a little at me. "You made ANY money yet?"

I shook my head no.

"I bet it's your first night out here ain't it?"

"I never did it for money." I confided.

"Oh, man, a newbee. I guess if you're going to do this, I need to tell you some shit."

I didn't reply.

"You hungry?" he asked.

I hadn't eaten all day so I nodded. My fifty bucks was now gone.

"Come on kid. I get you some chow."

With that, he turned and looked to see if I was following. I turned and followed him to an old apartment building where he went in, up the stairs and opened a door.

I followed not know what else to do. It was the first person who talked nice to me in several days. We went inside and he shocked me more as he peeled off his vest and then opened the few buttons left on his jeans and slipped them off being now naked.

"Welcome to my humble abode" he said.

I didn't know what to say but just stared at him.

"Name's Ethan. You are?" he said

"Ah, I'm Graham." I said still not knowing what to do or what was gong on. He folopped on a bed and said to make myself at home. Apparently when he was home and had a guest, he got very comfortable.

I looked at him more and he had a big bush around his kind of long thin cock. I was quite in awe of it. He had other hair too in his pits, his legs and arms He had a bit of a beard growth but not too much. Maybe like he hadn't shaved in a few days.

"Sit down, Graham." I sat on the edge of the bed and looked at his bare feet which were dirty.

"Oh, yeah, you wanted some food." He got up off the bed and went over to a messy kitchen and grabbed a can of stew and threw the contents into a bowl and then the microwave.

"Not too fancy but it will give you something. You want something to drink?"

I nodded. "You don't say much do you?"

I finally found my voice and said thanks for getting me some food." I haven't eaten all day. This your place?" I asked.

"Yep, just me and the roaches. You need a place to sleep? You can stay the night if you want.' Have to sleep with me though or on the floor. No other spaces. The johns over there." He said pointing to a small bathroom.

I said thanks and went to pee. No door on it so I was in the open. He heard me piss and when I was done, stuck his head around the corner and said the food was done.

I came out and felt silly with him naked and me still in clothes.

"Get comfy", he again implored. I kicked off my shoes and socks. I looked at him and then pulled my shirt over my head. I left my pants on.

"Nice little body you got there. Guys will love you. You may make some cash."

I didn't know what to say. I sat and ate all the food and drank some rather flat soda. When done, we taked a little and I told him what happened to me and where I came from. He seemed sympathetic and then told me he had run away a few years back and found he made them most money letting guys suck his dick. Sometimes, he let them fuck him but only with a rubber and he wouldn't swallow. I nodded thinking how I had done it bare back and swallowed lots of Arab cum and even a little piss.

We talked a bit and I felt a yawn come on. He said he was tired too. "didn't make as much tonight but hell, it's all good." He said.

We went over to the bed and he askd me if I wanted to sleep there with him or on the floor. I hated the floor so I said I would sleep with him if it was ok. I mean, he was so nice to me taking me in and feeding me. How could I object.

He said to strip off and I did. He told me he was now kind of a nudist. Never wore shoes unless absolutely essential and liked having people pay to touch his body. He was stroking his nice dick. He apparently didn't care who knew or what they saw. "My landlord sees me naked every day. He gets some of his rent money in trade too. He laughed. Yeah he fucks me sometime but it's cool. Just got to keep expenses down and I found selling me made better money than flipping burgers.

We lay in his bed talking and I got more comfortable. We went to sleep and in the morning, I found myself cuddled up to him. I guess I just needed a warm person to love me.

He woke up first and made us some food. He cooked surprisingly well. Maybe it was just the first time I had real food in awhile. He stayed naked all day. He had no problem taking a shit with me just a few feet away. I felt comfortable enough to do it too late.

I stayed naked like him and it felt good. He lay in his bed watching a porn on his dvd player and I joined him He beat off and I began to do the same. He told me he could shout about 5 times per day. I wasn't sure if I could keep up but was more than willing to try. My dick had grown nicely and was now about 5.5 inches long but thick like my daddy's and it made me proud although sometimes, it brought a tear to my eyes as I thought about him.

We just messed around and I glot to snuggle close to him. I really liked Ethan and he was the first guy who I felt liked me for me. I nestled in his hairy armpits and actually licked them. They were a little funky but I got used to the taste and liked it. He smiled at me a lot and tussled my hair and just made me feel good. I think he liked having someone around.

We talked some about his life, which wasn't much better than mine and how he happened to go into being a street kid whore had to sell his body to survive. He didn't seem to mind much while I feared it and wondered what life would be like.

He asked me what my plans were and of course, I had none other than from day to day. He said if I was going to be like him, I should know how to fuck. He was the first guy who let me actually fuck him. I was afraid to at first but I liked sticking my dick in his hairy hole. It actually turned me on a lot.

We went to the store and got some food. I had never gone into a store to shop in barefeet and no shirt but he said he did it all the time. I followed his lead and although we got some weird looks, no one said anything. He made some food for us and as it got to be night time, he said we needed to shower. His customers paid more if he was clean. He showed me how to make sure my ass was free of shit and he actually washed me. I did the same for him

That night, I had my first of many nights, hanging around the corner barefoot, just an open shirt to reveal my young body, and of course, we wore jeans with the top button open to reveal that we were ready for action.

I had my first car drive up. It was an older guy who had me get in his car. As we drove to an abandoned parking lot, my heart was beating fiercely afraid of what would happen to me. He pulled my pants down and played with my dick. He then had me open his pants and take out his dick and suck him. I had become a pretty good sucker and with Ethan's training, had gotten better. It was all over in twenty minutes and I left his car with $20.00 in my hand. I was so glad to see Ethan getting out of a car too. That night, we each made some money. Ethan made more than me and told me how he got to fuck a guy in the back of his car for which he got $50.00. He always wore condoms he said and insisted I do the same from now on. He took me to a drugstore and bought some for me. I was liking how Ethan was like a guardian angel looking out for me and even a few times, telling me not to go with a guy. He knew some of them. I didn't want to take away his business but he just said it was ok. He had to watch out for `his little dude buddy' as he called me.

This went on every night unless it was raining or something . He made an envelope for me to keep my money in and I contributed to buying food sometimes. He always counted each of our envelopes so I could see that he never took any of my money unless I gave it to him.

I trusted Ethan so much and appreciated how he let me stay with him. I was beginning to fall in love with him I think. He fucked me some days and let me fuck him. He thought I had a nice dick. He told me he would shave his body hair or anything as he was proud of it. I loved burying my face in his warm pits at night. I think he liked it too.

We did let the landlord fuck us. At first it was just Ethan but I said I wanted to contribute too so Ethan just laid on the bed when the guy fucked me. We still paid him but much less. I didn't mind it and felt that I wanted to help Ethan and we should share everything.

We were together for several months. One day, he said he might need to move on as the cops were now watching the area more. He said I could go with him if I wanted but I didn't know what I should do.

I stood nearer to the club he told me about. I was fascinated watching the guys mostly but some women too who would go in. I asked Ethan about ti and he said a guy took him there on night. He was the guys `date' for the evening. At first they weren't going to let him in as most of the customers, dressed pretty well. Ethan was just wearing a loose shirt, open all the way, his partially unbuttoned jeans and bare feet. Finally the guy let them in and even talked to Ethan about working there as a dancer. Ethan said most of the guys, danced on little pedistals stripping down to maybe just a jock. Some more wild things happened in the back. He wasn't too sure as most dancers and staff were seen using drugs or lots of booze. He had seen a few over his time who ended up on the street like him only now addicted or dependant on chemicals.

He did tell me in recent months, someone had cleaned up the place a lot and there was much less drug use. He didn't know why but speculated maybe new owners.

He was still afraid of the place though. I was fascinated and hung near enough to watch the comings and going and to sometimes, even snag a customer for my self. Ethan just told me to watch out and be careful. He had given me a few tricks he used if a guy got to overbearing and wanted to hurt him. I was grateful for that.

One night, I stood fairly close to the club just watching and hoping some guy would `hire' me when a nice looking black Mercedes pulled up. The young shirtless, parking lot attendant ran right to it skipping another car that had actually arrived first. I figured it must be someone important.

More to come

Next: Chapter 32: Grahams Story 2

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