Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on Oct 4, 2013


This is the last chapter, at least for now, and I wanted to bring things to a close so that is what this chapter is all about. Please don't read if underage or where not legal to read. the story is fictional and is the property of the author. It can't be copied or used anywhere else without the permission of the author. Please, make a contribution to Nifty to help maintain this site. Comments? Send to

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Chapter 11

Well, several years have passed. I finished college with honor grades. Cole got by with a 3.0 point grade average. Matt wrestled and finished too becoming more buff than before. He was almost a muscle dude. Ricky stayed too and became our house boy. He actually loved what he did and when we moved off campus to Miami, he came along. He was almost like a possession and although Matt didn't ever abuse him too much, he just took on the role of working for us. Yeah, he stayed naked most of the time or wore very little. He was a hot Latino stud boy after lots of working out. Not to muscular but well defined and a six pack. He was proud of himself. He never did hear from his family so we became his family.

I took a job that proved to be quite good. My great organization skills led me to several rapid promotions. Matt got a job in physical training and eventually, took over management of a gym complex with several branches. Matt ran the day to day stuff but was highly paid. His bosses, kind of gave him a free hand. They were gay friendly and he had lots of guys who would practically beg him to train them. Of course, his training sometimes came with side benefits with both girls and guys.

Cole took a lower paying job in the same company as me. I kind of helped him get employed but he was well liked and popular with everyone. Of course, he had committed to me and we stayed together. As lovers and he always at my beck and call. He also worked with Matt sometimes as a trainer but although he had lots of opportunities, he would never stray. I was real proud of him.

We didn't see my folks that much as they stayed in the home they always had. Dustin, on the other hand, moved down with us and worked for Matt too, once he finished college. He enjoyed the fringe benefits of the sex it gave him like Matt. He was bisexual or so he said, but he certainly was more into guys than even he realized. Like Matt, he was buff and muscular and I think the two competed as to who was buffer.

Having the four of us in one house and then adding Dustin, we needed to find a bigger home. Fortunately, being successful, we didn't worry much about price. We found a home on Biscayne Bay that offered lots of seclusion. That was a selling point. Ricky, now Matt's `boy' and Cole being mine, each had large suites which we remodeled. Dustin had his own room and we had a couple of guest rooms as well. The home had the usual home gym, theatre room, pool, hot tub and even a steam room and a sauna . We got expensive cars as well ;mine being the most conservative, black Mercedes S. The other guys had convertibles and were various brands but all high end. Cole and Ricky asked us for permission to buy them.

We all got along pretty well. With my job, Cole became my personal assistant. I had it in my contract that my personal assistant would often travel with me. I loved Cole and he was always willing to do whatever I asked of him. Yes, many would say it was demeaning for him to do it but he said he loved his job and never let the sexy guys who hung around him, distract him. I know for a fact that several gay guys propositioned him but he never would consent to anything. The women loved him too and practically salivated when he came in contact with them. He dressed in a sexy but businesslike way often wearing a well fitted suit, as I did

In our sophomore year, Cole finally heard from his brother. It was awkward at first but eventually, they became somewhat reunited. His brother had a raging porn business, night clubs and such. We patronized them and enjoyed the sexy boys he had who worked for him. Of course, we got free everything when there. He tried to persuade Cole to work for him. I feared he would be whored out too much and actually forbid him from taking the job. We did make an investment in his business so we got lots of opportunities to amuse ourselves with sexy boys and for Dustin and Matt, some sexy girls. Cole's brother wanted him but agreed that he was my boy and didn't interfere. He wanted Cole to appear in porno movies but I also would not allow that. Maybe someday we would actually do more with the boys he had than ogle them and sometimes play with them.

As Cole was so obedient to me as was Ricky, we had all the sex and sometimes even a little bondage. Our friends Jim, Chip and Alex stayed in touch although they worked in elsewhere. Alex got married and moved to Atlanta where he was successful. Jim and Chip became a couple and lived in the Tampa area. We saw them quite a bit.

It inspired us to actually get married or as married as two guys can get in Florida. We had s small ceremony at my folks home with family and friends from there. They got a cake with two guys on top. Matt and Ricky were the best man and groomsman. Our friend from Tampa came as guests but we told them that we were having another private ceremony at our house later in the summer. We didn't want to tell our folks about that however as it was to be almost an orgy.

We had been together, Cole and me, now for several years. It was enough that we knew and practically anticipated each other's needs and thoughts. I had finally accepted and actually now liked the fact the Cole was not only my lover but also my bitch when I wanted that. It was the way he liked it and he felt actually more loved and secure. Who knows why that is but I finally wrapped my head around it and just accepted it saying what a lucky guy I was.

Matt eventually developed the same feeling about Ricky. We even sometimes used one another's boys for our pleasure. I think Matt was more demanding than I was but Ricky also never protested.

Ricky had become kind of our `houseboy' staying naked or wearing just a jock when he was at home. He cooked and cleaned and took care of all our needs. Like Cole, he felt he wanted to do this. We still let him work some as a freelance computer tech and allowed him to go to his calls. He still wore now a large band around his nut sack and his piercings as did Cole. His pay was contributed to our household expense account with him getting an allowance for whatever. He was good with that and always got on his knees to hand his pay over to Matt or me each week. Mostly, our boys felt love and were truly a part of our family.

My folks accepted without knowing all the facts of our lifestyle. They seemed ok with it and accepted Ricky and Cole as kind of `sons in law" they saw that our lifestyle didn't impede our lives. We were openly and admittedly gay men. I was most shocked when Matt, always the stud with lots of women, came out as bi. He still sometimes dated women but only those who were real liberal and who accepted us as we were. He decided never to marry as I had which only disappointed our parents as they saw no future grandchildren.

We did find a runaway kid named Graham who appeared one day outside of a club. He was much too young to get in. He was a real mess when we found him, living on the streets and selling his body for money. I felt real bad for him and offered to take him to a shelter and hopefully to reunite him with his family. Turns out that he had no idea who his father was and his mother was a drug addicted whore. Probably, she wasn't really aware he ran away. We took him in , got him off drugs (no easy feat) cleaned him up and let him stay with us. Yeah, he was gay and at least he admitted that. Matt wasn't so sure but after checking with some attorneys, they said if no one wanted him and he was willing, we could get court permission to keep him as a foster child. Let me tell you, once he found out our lifestyle, he was no child but with what he had done to survive, we were not surprised. We got court custody of him.

We did that and he came to stay with us. Over time, he became like a son to us. We got him a tutor and he did get a GED . He hated studying but he did it. He was very grateful. Graham was a nice looking boy once we cleaned him up. We had him tested for aids and such and found he was lucky. We might not have kept him if he wasn't at least in the opinion of Matt. I think I could have kept him anyway.

He had dark hair, a thin body, practically hairless except for some pit and pubes. He was tall for his age and weighed about 135 lbs. We enjoyed Ricky's good cooking, Matt's requirements to work out with us and some love, he developed into a hot boy. He really had no friends and so we became his family and friends. He liked our lifestyle and really got into it. I guess he was so thankful for having anyone care about him that he would agree to anything but we kept that minimal at first.

Eventually, we took him to meet my folks and they actually liked him and kind of became like grandparents to him. We always made sure when he was around them, that he looked like an average kid and wasn't naked or overly sexy. Of course, we didn't do that around them either.

Over time, he learned of Ricky's and Cole's roles as our kind of wives and bitches. He thought it was hot and said he wanted to be one too but we made him more of our son. We did let him eventually fuck both Cole and Ricky as he was our `son' so to speak and what was ours became his.

Our sex was open and Graham got into that wearing at most a jock strap when at home.

That leads me to our orgy type of wedding which we had some months after our more formal ceremony with the folks.

Matt and I planned it and we agreed to invite just those we knew well like Jim, Chip and even Alex. (Alex's wife chose not to attend maybe because she didn't know much about it or how it would go) We asked Ricky and Cole to select some guests too and Cole invited his brother and some of those from the club. We even had a few guys from Matt and my work who we knew were gay. The big surprise was that we had a few girls too. Cole also invited a few of his friends from our old high school days when he was quarterback for football and basketball captain. These guys, over time, had become admittedly gay too and still maintained friendships with my boy. All tolled, we had about 20 people!

I now had a gay lawyer. Our lawyer from the trial days and who eventually got Cole some money in a government settlement, had retired early. Cole had received about $200,000 that I helped him invest for later in life. He wanted me to take it as my own but I refused and said it would maybe someday be ours to use but in the meantime, it was all his.

Our gay lawyer friend said he would come and officiate our so called nuptials. Of course, in Florida, the backward state it is, we couldn't get legally married anyway. The four of us each wrote our own vows. Cole asked me as did Ricky, to help them with writing them and I saw early on that there was lots of words that implied slavery to us such as honoring, obeying and such. I was ok with that but reminded them they had to say what was in their hearts. They agreed but left the language the same as they planned.

On the day of the wedding, Matt and I selected white silky lounging pants. We all said we would go barefoot and shirtless. Our guest were informed that the wedding attire was very casual and that receptacles would be available for those who wished to remove some or all of their clothes.

As Dustin was now in college, he became our best man' and Graham became the waiter for refreshments. They each wore just a jock with gold trimmings. Our brides so to speak, were to appear naked except for a floral headband and some strings of flowers that were attached to butt plugs, encircling them and ending at some very elaborate cock cages that allowed them to be fully erect. I know Ricky at least felt a little strange being in front of others dressed like that but as we had lived in almost total nudity around the house, he accepted it. Our brides' were oiled some to reveal better, their great tans with no lines of course.

Some of our guests dressed wit h no shirts or tops and very revealing clothes.

We brought in some waiters who were to provide drinks and set up the catered food. All in all it was quite erotic looking. The waiters wore only jocks as well, plain white and oh so revealing but did wear bowties around their necks Most of them were either servers or dancers at the club and excited to do this for their bosses.

Matt and I stood at the font with the lawyer and Ricky and Cole went hand in hand down the aisle between the chairs. We were all smiling and happy. Even I was now pretty open and relaxed about all we did. Our lovers came down between the chairs to meet Matt and me. We did some of the usual stuff done in a wedding. I think all our guests loved to ogle the hot bodies of our `wives' Even skinny little Ricky had developed quite a nice body with well developed pecs and almost a six pac set of abs.

After the initial words about us being joined as one, we each said our personally written vows. Cole actually got down on his knees and looked up at me and pledged his servitude, love and willingness to obey me. I had tears in my eyes as I heard his sincere words. Ricky then did the same for Matt. We both then held our `brides' to our crotches . We didn't get naked but allowed them to submit to smelling our bodies. Once done with the ceremony, the lawyer pronounced us married.

The orgy part was next as we took our boys to low benches with padding done in white and gold. We then turned to our guest and told them we wanted them to be so much a part of our vows that they were invited to come up and to use our new submitting `wives' and to leave a token of their love and support for us, inside their brides. Their was a little gasp from the audience. Ricky and Cole took one another's hands and lay down spreading their legs and exposing their holes . Then they embraced as a couple and began to passionately kiss as most of the men came up dropped their pants and proceeded to enter them and leave their hot cum. I went over and took Cole's brother's hand and lead him to Cole and asked if he would be first. He looked a little surprised as I had forbid Cole from letting him fuck him since they reunited. Cole looked to his brother for a moment and smiled at him as he then returned to kissing Ricky. Matt and I stood next to our boys and shook hands as with the guys who were going to fuck them. I let Graham fuck Ricky and later Cole and Dustin did both of them too. It took almost an hour and it was somewhat quiet as guest looked on after they spread their cum into our guys. Both Cole and Ricky had been lubed, something I usually didn't do for them anymore but I wanted them to enjoy it as well. Even the women came and offered their pussies for either Cole or Ricky to lick. After each, they returned to passionately kissing one another. Once done and all the guest were satisfied sexually, Matt and I had them stand, allowing the cum to run out just a bit before we placed plugs in their holes for the rest of the night. The leaking cum was collected by a server, into two glasses which we all sipped and shared.

It was erotic and beautiful. No one I went to school with would ever have guessed what we did nor would any of them imagine Cole being so submissive.The extensive use of twinkle lights and candles made the whole patio area of our home seem magical. Matt and I weren't sure how well our lovers liked what happened to them but they never blinked and did everything we asked. Later, they thanked us.

Food and drinks were available as we lead our boys around to greet and thank the guests for coming or shall we say `cumming' There was some dancing and an erotic show put on by the servers. They were some hot boys there!

By the way, some have asked about Ricky. We never had him circumcised. Note, I said we didn't do it as the decision was now ours, not his. I think it was hot to see the ring peek out under his nice foreskin. When we skinned him back or he would when he got hard, it showed prominently. When in less hard state, it was hot to see it just peeking out from his foreskin. We made a rule that neither of our `boys' were allowed to touch themselves unless we gave permission. It kept them pretty randy and also eager to perform. I think Cole had to teach Ricky some about being so submissive but that was ok with us. We liked to make them cum just from one of us fucking them, which was the most common thing. Matt and I would sometimes change roles and take turns with the other boy. We had some pretty hot times when we were all home and had kind of group orgies with them. We liked to watch Dustin and eventually Graham do both boys as they were submitting to guys younger than themselves. They never raised objections though as they knew their true roles in life. Speaking of Ricky, he was the only one who was uncut. It was something we all liked for diversion. Matt thought it was hot aned often played with his foreskin as we watched a game on tv.

Our lives were pretty complete. The guests left after midnight and we took our brides to bed and took turn s using them . I'm sure they had very sore pussies by the end of the night. Dustin and Graham were allowed to watch and although they didn't get to participate, were invited to piss and cum on them when we were done. Cole and Ricky just thought that was the way life would now be and accepted it.

Cole and Ricky knew they had now lesser roles and would submit to Matt and I as well as their brother and now, son. Graham was to be Matt and my heir so they knew their place. Wives would always submit to the dominant males in the home. It was kind of kinky but we had all agreed that this was the best life for all of us.

As I said, our lives were very full and we moved on to loving and living well.

Who would have guessed going back to the beginning our senior year in high school, that life would take such strange and exciting turns. It had been truly an awakening for me and probably in some ways for Matt and the other guys too. But we loved one another like two brothers can sometimes only dream of. We also love our guys . We had it all and were happy. Cole and Ricky were now happy too being truly loved and yet knowing their place in our world and liking it. All I can say is WOW!

I will always miss my best bud Max. It was sad who he was such an integral part of my life and then, taken so suddenly. He remains in my heart. I still keep the picture of us in a prominent place and look at it often Now, it makes me smile not cry like I once did. Who knows how things would have turned out if he had lived. Life way truly good for us!

End of the story.

I hope most of you enjoyed reading this fantasy, fictional tale and were not overly turned off by some of the events. Remember, it is just a dream story of mine and it doesn't represent any reality at all. Thanks for reading it !! I decided to bring the story to a close for now. Who knows, maybe someday, I will add more but I think this seemed like a good way to conclude. Enjoy life. Who knows if someday you may experience an awakening just like Todd and the guys did!


Next: Chapter 31: Grahams Story 1

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